@munchkinomatic ? Rolls

1 Info gathering[ Police channels ], policegirl
2 Infogathering [ Social networking/contacts] , Genius, Charisma
3 PARTY, Charisma
4 Attunement via dreams , Genius?Magic talent?
5 Being a reliable officer on duty, Policegirl, Unfazeable?
Sailor Midgard threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 13
2 2 5 5 6 6
Sailor Midgard threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: 2 Total: 10
1 1 4 4 5 5
Sailor Midgard threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: 3 Total: 10
6 6 1 1 3 3
Sailor Midgard threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: 4 Total: 9
4 4 3 3 2 2
Sailor Midgard threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: 5 Total: 10
4 4 2 2 4 4
And I thought I was happy with all the crits, this means SV dice REALLY love him or his luck is going to be leading him to something bad later, probably failures when he really needs successes.

Also munchkin, if a person gets double crit for 1 action which they x2, what happens?
I mean, the odd of that happening is extremly low, so I've haven't put much thought into it. Guess we'll wait for Slayer to open that Pandora Box before anything else.

I swear, the guy probably shagged Lady Luck at somepoint, and the girl couldn't let go.

@munchkinomatic ? Rolls

1 Info gathering[ Police channels ], policegirl
2 Infogathering [ Social networking/contacts] , Genius, Charisma
3 PARTY, Charisma
4 Attunement via dreams , Genius?Magic talent?
5 Being a reliable officer on duty, Policegirl, Unfazeable?
Very good. Just put this in your IC posts so I won't have to dig as much.
Time for the rollz!

Action 1: Look through the available jobs, the high paying ones especially. A Courier's work is never over, who knows? Maybe some sweet loot will make itself known on the way. But seriously, what could go wrong from the youngest Courier taking the highest paying job?
Action 2: With today's paycheck, maybe some of the stuff for sale around Vegas will finally be affordable. Check the shops for anything of intrest.

Action 3-5: Now that we're not in an active combat zone, let's continue getting to know our fellow.. Courier? It seems?

EDIT: Besides that last one-

Holy fuck.
Sablonus threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Action 1 Total: 13
5 5 4 4 4 4
Sablonus threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Action 2 Total: 15
6 6 5 5 4 4
Sablonus threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Action 3-5 Total: 11
4 4 6 6 1 1
Last edited:
Can you include this in the IC so I don't have to go digging later?
Christ on a bike, those rolls.
Yeah, I know they're pretty below average. I guess I'll just have to be happy I passed my checks...:p

More seriously, I'm nearing the point of crippling overspecialization with this character. He's really good at everything about the military and fighting and almost nothing else.

Unlike my character in Toxinvictory's RP who is a social-fu goddess and able to fight on-par with low-tier gods. Besides, I think toxinvictory's RP also showcases my fairly absurd luck with dice... (4D6 = 24 WTF!?)

Munchkin - I added in a link on the IC post for my dice rolls and I'm sorry I didn't write more this time around. Between not having much time and the school I'm teaching at starting standardized testing, I'm super-stressed and can't really get in the right headspace for writting much right now.
More seriously, I'm nearing the point of crippling overspecialization with this character. He's really good at everything about the military and fighting and almost nothing else.
My character has the opposite, non problem. All rolls to do with intelligence get +3, going to +4 if it involves money.

I'd have to write tasks explicitly to avoid using my bonus. :D
Sorry if my latest post isn't the best, but I was having trouble writing it for some reason. Anyways, rolls @munchkinomatic.
Theaxofwar threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Action 1 Total: 9
2 2 3 3 4 4
Theaxofwar threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Action 2 Total: 11
5 5 4 4 2 2
Theaxofwar threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Action 3 Total: 11
3 3 2 2 6 6
Theaxofwar threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Action 4 Total: 8
2 2 5 5 1 1
Theaxofwar threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Action 5 Total: 13
4 4 5 5 4 4
Sorry for the long absence. Hopefully, I can finish another batch before weekend and final.

Also, all these crits are getting out of hand. I think I need to add a new rule where crits only apply to base roll
Sorry for the long absence. Hopefully, I can finish another batch before weekend and final.

Also, all these crits are getting out of hand. I think I need to add a new rule where crits only apply to base roll
I was thinking that at the start (like D&D), but I was wrong.

it brings better balance to the game having it on base role and also you could then implement traits that bring the chance of a crit from 16 down to something like 15 or 14 for those who are abnormally lucky or abnormally skilled in certain fields.

So, yeah, I jumped over your response. That is because I wanted to give you a mean to go Kamen Rider, but I don't actually know how it works, and the wiki isn't really helpful.

Also, there's also the mix up on location. Do you want to stay on Mars and see what happens when someone watch too much Nacrosis and Outlast, or do you want to go back to the moon and play Borderlands?

So, yeah, I jumped over your response. That is because I wanted to give you a mean to go Kamen Rider, but I don't actually know how it works, and the wiki isn't really helpful.

Also, there's also the mix up on location. Do you want to stay on Mars and see what happens when someone watch too much Nacrosis and Outlast, or do you want to go back to the moon and play Borderlands?
Just say I built the belt most easy thing to do. Even in the shows how belts were made were never said how they were made unless it was the Showa era and that was because of cybernetics. I let's go back to the moon.
Also look up the kamen rider spirits manga if you want to see a better showing of a kamen rider fighting
Hmm...this is getting a bit quiet *Stares at a certain GM*, I think I might do a Omake if my body doesn't shut down on me tonight.
Yeah, I just stumbled through my final and was just celebarating the fact that I actually didn't do that bad.

You guys still want to continue?