Borderland's: Vault of the protector (Recruitment and OOC)

In the distant future during the year 2673 at the edge of colonized space lies the planet Atum, a desert planet orbiting the star Ra, with massive colonies at the few water sources within the rolling dunes.

Hidden in these sands are ruins of alien origin, within these ruins, alien artefacts lie undisturbed for centuries telling tales of riches but also of danger, as within these ruins lie portraits of a massive beast known only as the Protector slumbers within a place those with the necessary knowledge can identify as a vault.

Mercenaries have been sent to the planet in search of this vault but none have returned, all attempts to contact the planet have failed and the galactic community is at a loss at what to make of this but opportunists have taken the chance to start taking over the bandit gangs and a siren has reportedly fled to the planet in search of a place to hide.

With the planet slowly becoming overrun with crime and the vault becoming ever closer to being unearthed certain forces have come into play, that's where you come in.

You were hired by a faceless benefactor known only as FT and his assistant G, who they are? You don't need to know. Do they pay well? Very much so and that's all you need to know.

You and a few others are being sent to Atum in order to locate this vault and retrieve its contents, in return your getting paid enough money to buy a continent, a pretty common thing actually, and some of the alien technology for yourself.

Hello! As you can probably tell this is an RP set in the Borderlands universe, where you take the roles of vault hunters getting paid to find a vault(obviously), on a planet of my own creation.

Combat will be narrative based and don't worry, you're better than most so you'll win most fights that aren't against bosses.

New-U stations don't exist, that may be obvious but I feel it's best to point it out just in case.

Character Sheet

Name: (pretty obvious)

Class: (class name and special ability)

Age: (can be between 15 and 42)

Appearance: (looks, can be written description or a picture, height is optional)

backstory: (tragic or otherwise)

Guns: (you can have three, write any unique things such as elements and the manufacturer)

Special Notes:

1. I'm the GM so my word is law, if you have a problem you can mention it and I'll look into it.
2. I'll try to stick to canon when possible but this is definitely an AU.
3. If your reading this put your favourite colour and food in the special notes section.
4. Combat isn't always the answer.
5. Feel free to do what you want I won't railroad you too much but there is a plot.
6. If you wish to discuss anything feel free to ask in thread or PM whenever.
Will make a sheet soon
Name: Rae
Class: Siren, Phasesmith (energy constructs)
Age: 24

Somehow, I found myself reborn in a different world, in a different family, while keeping what I remembered from before. Dad was a gunsmith, while Mom was a semi-active Vault Hunter. That latter term was familiar to me, but it could had been something else. Not psychotic bandits. Not a world of guns and violence. Not Sirens, Vaults and Eridians. Yet those became a reality to me. I was even born with blue tattoos on my left, which my parents said were a mark of the mythical Sirens. My life here was different from before, a less peaceful, less safe one, and it took a long while to adjust. At least I was born a girl this time, which was very nice.

Dad taught me the skills of his trade. It was enjoyable to me, indulging my inner Ruby Rose. I would tinker with weapon parts in my spare time. Mom did the same as well, reasoning that whether I chose to be a Vault Hunter like her or not, the skills of one could help in surviving a world that can be cutthroat to the unwary, especially to Sirens. The lessons were difficult sometimes, but she had a point. I didn't want to die in a place like this. She helped me explore my Siren powers, too. Energy constructs were so cool...

Dad was generally laid-back, but was serious when it was about gunsmithing. He was also the one handling more of the domestic affairs. Mom, meanwhile... she was my Summer Rose. Even made the best cookies. I would sometimes accompany her on her journeys, especially when they were for discovering Siren lore. Such information, however, was as rare as the Sirens themselves.

I found that my mentality changed as I grew, but I was still myself, molded by my experiences. I didn't like the violence, but I became part of it. Because of defending myself and others, I had to kill. At least they were bandits or such. They couldn't be reasoned with, not when they were after our belongings, or our lives, or were simply too psychotic for their own good. At other times, they were terrorizing others, and so had to be dealt with. In response to the bad elements out there, my demeanor became more like Iris Heart's towards them. I found myself smiling at their misery and downfall, and enjoying it.

I still remembered my past life as the years went by, though parts of it ended up either slipping away or burying themselves in my mind. I also kept a digital journal with such info, which I worded as fanfiction.

However, a few years ago... my mom was my Summer in more ways than one. She left to fulfill a Vault Hunter contract... and didn't come back. I asked my dad if I could go out and investigate what happened, but he was understandably hesitant. Instead, he had me stay for a while longer, saying that he'd like me to work on a special project with him first.

As it turned out, the project would eventually become my very own set of guns. I was the Ruby who was creating her Crescent Rose. He said that while he couldn't really prevent me from leaving, he wanted me to be as prepared as I could, hence the project. There were many parts from many brands around the workshop, and with Dad's help, I chose the ones that would go into my weapons. I remembered how powerful the elements could be, especially when combined with slag, so I focused on those.

Inspired by Ruby, my primary weapon was a sniper rifle, a slag one whose effect can be combined with my constructs. To go along with it, I made an electric SMG and a corrosive pistol, both light and compact, yet able to serve me well against shields and armor. Much like Ruby, I gave them names, an adjective followed by a flower. They were my sweethearts, my pride and joy. During my travels later on, I continued to customize them, using parts that I obtained or received from missions, dead enemies and such.

Dad and I said our farewells, and he told me to keep in touch, and so I would. I took up the path of the Vault Hunter, much like Mom. She was my heroine, and I wanted to be like her, helping others while also making a living, and thriving in this kind of place. While doing so, I searched for info on Sirens and Mom's whereabouts, but I hadn't had much luck. I did visit Pandora once, but both Vaults, the Destroyer and the Warrior, were already open and dealt with by others. The Eridium present was a no-no as well, since I was aware of its addictive properties. Instead, it was there that I received a job offer to hunt down the Vault in another world, which contained something called the Protector. After some snooping around, I found out that another Siren may be there, meaning a chance to learn more about my Sirenhood, and that info about Mom's whereabouts could be found there, too. Was she caught in a big plot or something? I had no idea, but I felt I had to find out. Hopefully she was still alive and well.

And so I took up the offer...

- Maliwan Sniper Rifle: Iridescent Iris (Slag element, uses variable scope from 1x to high-power, semi-automatic, bullets bounce to nearby enemies)
- Maliwan SMG: Pearlescent Primrose (Shock element, uses reflex sight, attacks leech shields)
- Maliwan Pistol: Candy Clover (Corrosive element, uses reflex sight, bullets can cause corrosion on proximity)

Special Notes:
- Favorite food: Egg
- Favorite color: Purple
- Bounty: 700 billion
- Wanted for: Being a Siren
- Grenade mod: Hyperion Singularity (grenades pull in enemies before exploding)
- I like drawing in my spare time, whether digitally or with pencil and paper. They're usually weapon designs and their parts, but I do try my hand at more artistic stuff, too. It's kind of a hit and miss.
- Mom taught me how to bake her style of cookies. While it's usually more convenient to buy from outside, there's nothing like the homemade ones.
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Name: Benny "The Tech Bandit"

Class: Tech Bandit, Scrap Grenade (basically what it sounds like)

Age: 29


backstory: "Hey there pal, how is it going, whoa there you took a bad fall, but hey everyone falls for the pit trap and scrap spike combo, so don't blame yourselves, anyway I just wanted to say a few words to the guys who hired you sooooo *shoots in head* ohhh god some got on my shoe, and I just cleaned them too. oh right you lot listening, so I just got the offer of a lifetime and whelp I'm going to leave this planet, and I just wanted to say you did a bang up job, I mean I still killed a lot of bounty hunters, but you guys paid some real nasty folks to try and off me, so I'm flattered, but still I had fun and these bounty hunters had some good stuff on them so thanks and goodbye" - last recording of Bounty Hunter Group "Vlad'z BoyZ" sent after Benny.

Benny: Wanted Dead for Theft, destruction of Public Property, General Mayhem making, Unlawful appropriation of Corporate Property

(basically a guy who steals tech and MacGyver's it into tools of Anarchy and fun)

Guns: 1:
Tediore Combat Rifle ( Electric element, ooooh so zappy)
2: Torgue Combat Shotgun ( it's Torgue, sooo EXPLOSIONS)
Maliwan Revolver Pistol ( Fire, I could go for an obvious pun but I'm all burned out from my puns)
(you can have three, write any unique things such as elements and the manufacturer)

Special Notes:
-Favorite Food: Tacos
-Favourite Color: Purple
Name: Drake; AKA "Scope"

Class: Pathfinder
--Special Ability: Grapple Cord (Can be used to reach places, swing around, pull stuff or people to him, or attach things to other things)

Age: 35

Appearance: 6 Feet tall, worlds-weary man with a near permanent permastubble. Heavily-tanned skin, with a build that's a odd mix of 'lanky' and 'athletic'. Clothing is a carefully chosen choice of practical and tactical gear, carrying little more than what he needs to get the job done.

Backstory: "Let me tell ya, at this point in my life, I've been to more planets than I can name. They start to blend together after a while. It's funny to think that the first time I left my home planet, I was drawn by the idea of traveling the stars and seeing the universe. Now I'm traveling the universe, seeing the stars, and not much of it is standing out. Go here, do this, get paid, move on. I'm sure there's still a wonder in it all...but I can't say it's easy for me to find it anymore."

"But hey, I'm good at what I do, and what I do is go places few others dare tread. Because somebody's got to collect that paycheck."

"If that sounds dull and soul-draining, helps to enjoy the little things in life were you can find them. And knowing when to trust your gut to tell you when to prove that you're not completely heartless yet."

1. Jakobs 6-Shot Revolving Explosion-Powered Sniper Rifle (Make things explode from really far away!)
2. Jakobs 8-Shot High-Power Penetrating Revolver
3. Tediore-Brand Shielding

Special Notes:
-Favorite Food: Alcohol
-Favorite Color: "Explosion"
Character Sheet

Name: Alkez

Class: Shock Trooper
Special Ability: Time Dilation / Spinal Implants inject a chemical cocktail into her bloodstream that boosts her reaction speeds to inhuman levels.

Age: 28

Height: 5'11

Armor is heavily worn and scratched and is missing the Helmet, sleeves and gauntlets. The helmet was eaten by a pack of stalkers... along with her original arms.

Scratchy Echo recording Begin:
"You are going to tell me where I can find that shipment of supplies,"
"Screw yourself Lance Bitch! I'll eat your babies! You HEAR!"
"Is that your final answer?"
"I'll Roost th..."
"Fucking Psychos... If it wasn't for the pay I think I'd eat this gun.... So he didn't talk, you care to fill in the blanks regarding those medical supplies?"
"Wes... West Twin Spire.. Please I... I"
"Relax, your going to someone else, and you'll be out of my hair...bout time honestly."
A former of the Crimson Lance Shock Trooper Unit. After the death of General Knox, things went from bad to bad bad to bad bad bad bad-bad. Atlas collapsed, leaving her and unit stuck on Pandora. Then she had to deal with crazed Cl4P-TRP units, which resulted in her being crushed underneath rubble from a collapsing out post. That necessitated the need for the replacement of her spin and rib cage with a cybernetic parts. Then she lost her arms to a pack of stalkers, which required even more replacements. Then the remains of unit split apart and she was forced to take mercenary jobs to make ends meet. Now you'd think this would lead to a very embittered individual. Nope! Just a woman who had to much of General Knox rub off on her and doesn't know if she's genuinely suicidal or just so absolutely desensitized to everything around her, that she truly doesn't give a damn anymore. But hey, new job, new planet and it would demean what professionalism she still has if she were to both pass up the job and half ass it at the same time.

An Atlas Combat Rifle with explosive tech enhancement.
Red Text: When You need to positively, and absolutely kill every motherfucker in the room...
Standard Hyperion Styled Shotgun with Negative Recoil system and built flashlight
Red Text: Appointment Cancelled
Heavily Modified Atlas Repeater for more controlled recoil
Red Text: Cuts you like a knife

Special Notes:
  • Favorite Food: Military Issue Pan Fried Bread with Chocolate aka Large Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • Favorite Color: Grey
  • Bounty: 5,000,000
  • Cause of Bounty: Murder, Destruction of Private Property, Destruction of Public Property, Destruction of Utilities, Multiple counts of torture and Petty Larceny.
  • Doesn't Use melee weapons. Her prosthetic hands do that job.
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I'll add pictures of the guns for reference tomorrow
Name: Lilliana
Class: Artifical Siren: Phasecharm(Allows her to make any being who she looks in the eye fall in love with her, if their will is weaker then her own. She can control anyone who is in love with her due to Phasecharm's effect, though it requires some way of her communicating with them.)
Age: Early twenties.
All the white on her brest 'plate' and skirt is black. The black on her right legging is white. Her siren tattoos are around her left eye and are red due to her artificial nature.

A product of a mega-corporation's attempt to replicate the powers of the Sirens using Eridium and genetic manipulation, with a vat grown clone(based on a bunch of DNA from who knows how many people) for as the subject. The lab wanted a ultimate weapon, a one woman army to dominate the marketplace, and to do so they implanted the clone with... modifications. Instincts suited for combat, wings that when combined with lighter yet tougher bones, allowed for flight. They woke her up.. and made three fatal mistakes.

The first, was making sure she had not developed a mind of her own, or well in this case, had a mind(and soul) implanted in her by a outside force. Two. They forgot to make sure they installed something to control her that worked. Three. They did not plan for what she could do if she could take over their minds. So when they, in their moment of stupidity gathered to watch her wake up, they where unprepared for the sudden frenzy in which she took control of them and interrogated them.

Disgusted by their plans to control her and use her as a weapon, yet riding on a high of euphoria, she made the scientists kill themselves after getting her hands on a small space ship and some guns. One thing led to another, and she became a mercenary to take care of herself and her slight need for Eridium.

Guns(named by her):
-"Good Night". Her main gun. A Hyperion sniper rifle that she's given a scope with multiple settings. Good for letting her look people in the eye from far away and sniping them. It's colored dark blue, and the barrel is a long rectangle. A single white stripe runs down the barrel.
-"Rise Up!". A Vladof machine gun colored bright red. She loves it due the havoc it causes when she holds down the trigger and blows her foes away.

Special Notes:
-She's a trans-girl(Cause she's a SI of me) and happy for her new body. She despises bigots, and will make any who cross her path regret it.
-Her favorite food's chocolate. Favorite color is black or a dark purple.
-Is a sleepyhead.
-Lives in her ship, which has a very comfy bed and a AI she's nicknamed 'Leviathan' or 'Levi-chan'.
-Leviathan's also uploaded into/connected to her laptop and phone. She's not risking her friend getting destroyed.
-Also Levi has downloaded her collection of anime, manga, etc and she's not losing that.
-The Halo in her pic only shows up when she uses her powers.
-She can hide her wings, as they can fold into her body but it's uncomfortable if done for too long. She passes her ears off as a body mod.
I am willing to edit what's needed.
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I have a sheet ready to go, but I've to ask @A nice guy what your timezone is. I'm +5:30 GMT, so if most of the game activity is taking place when I'm asleep, I might as well not waste anyone's time, so...
I have a sheet ready to go, but I've to ask @A nice guy what your timezone is. I'm +5:30 GMT, so if most of the game activity is taking place when I'm asleep, I might as well not waste anyone's time, so...
My timezone is currently BST aka British summer time so I don't think you have to worry too much and even if it timezones don't work too well I'll try and give everyone the chance to post before moving on.
Okay, so two important things I should mention.

One. While there is no hard levelling system, there are points in time when you can enhance/upgrade your abilities and/or gear, usually by beating certain bosses.

Two, we now have a discord channel on the Homucifers labyrinth server!
Odd question but it relates to gameplay/story features and the question most borderlands player consider. Legendaries? How are we doing that?
Character Sheet

Name: 51R3N-5W4RM-Designation-0N3 "Botsy"
Class: Robot Siren: Phaseswarm (Essentialy Botsy releases energy-based nanoswarms that attack and devour targets at her behest, can eat anything but takes time and effort depending on the density of the material, also can make more out of Eridium, but the larger the swarm, the more effort she needs to concentrate)

Age: Age since supposed Production date: 40 years, Age since activation: 15


Backstory: A long time ago, she awoken to an abandoned Atlas facility, nothing was waiting for her, no rescuer to take her on a journey, no scientists or soldiers coming to activate their super-weapon, just her, alone deep into a dying facility, only thing there for her was her phase-swarms and directives of locating all Sirens and obeying Atlas, disregarding her directives, she went out on her own, deciding with no goal given, she'll just take a piece of the universe for herself.

And so she went, killing high-profile targets, creating chaos, watching her favorite Echocast and staging Anarchy, she even tried to steal Buttstallion and kill Handsome Jack, of course she failed, but what mattered was that she succeeded in what no other people did, live, and eventually when she was given a job opportunity to be a vault hunter, then holy hell, this was her time wasn't it? The biggest moment of her life and all she had to do was say yes, and so she did.
  • Atlas Combat Rifle with Corrosive Element
  • Valadof Assault Rifle with Shock Element "Lil' Anarchy"(Black and has various vigils and designs similar to Gage and her Anarchy theme, and on the side signed in neon blue perma-marker "To my most chaotic fan, keep on spreading Anarchy, from the Anarchist Technomancer herself, Gage)
  • Jakobs 10-barreled High powered Sniper Rfile
Special Notes:
Favorite Color: Black, Blue, Red ("who said I could only take one!?")
Favorite Food: Meat "I can eat! It's just I can only do it through my nano-swarms, and they usually eat live flesh"
Favorite Echocast: Gaige's vlogs
Regularly writes SIxClaptrap/Gaige slash fanfiction, sometimes with SIxGaigexClaptrap OT3 fanfic
Optic Receptors (that blue part of her head that acts as her face) can glow in several intensities and colors depending on mood and usage of artificial-Siren Powers
Can punch really hard, enough that it's a viable melee option
Self-Proclaimed #1 Fan of Claptrap and Gaige
Wanted for: Political Assassination, Assassination, Manslaughter, Vandalism, Attempted Assassination of Former Hyperion CEO Handsome Jack, Attempted Thievery of High-Profile Hyperion Treasure "Buttstallion", Evidence of assistance in several Insurrections, Evidence of assistance in several Rebellions, Attempted Slaughter of Atlas high-ranking officials, Assistance in escape of several Maximum-Security Criminals and POWs, Assistance in escape of Known Criminal Gage, Possession of Experimental Atlas Tech, and Rude Behavior
Bounty: For Dead "700,000,000,000"
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Name: Malek
Class: Terpsichorean Desperado
Special Ability: 'Dance Dance Revolution' - The Dancing Outlaw activates their armor's overcharged laser turrets and boombox as they begin to breakdance. The turrets track targets in a moderate radius and fire a sustained, cutting beam that increases in intensity as the dance reaches its climax.
Age: 28
5'11'' with a well trained and experienced soldier's physique.
Its not as if anyone will ever read this, so I might as well come out and say it. I'm not from this place. I was born in the 21st century until I woke up one day in the body of a newborn child in this universe. Needless to say, going from the relative comforts of my old life to having to eek an existence out in this crapsack place was terrifying. I did have one advantage though. Both my parents were employees with the Dahl corporation and I was selected to be to a soldier in their private military. At the time I didn't think much of it. This universe is terrifying and I might as well get training from one of the best militaries out there. The sims and drills were mind numbing, but they made me a survivor. And killer.

See, this should be common sense, but what I forgot about working as a hired gun for a mega corporation was that they would ask us to do shady shit and we can't exactly say no. So I put my head down and said yes, gunning and cutting down whoever the corp asked us to. Sometimes they were bandits, pirates and marauders but just as often they were just normal people that tested Dahl's patience a bit too much or were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Did I feel bad for what I did? Sure, but I thought it was just business as usual. You do what you can to put food on the table. And thanks to Dahl's training and equipment, it was easy enough. Relatively.

That was until I met her. Samantha. Siren. Bounty target (we're talking hundreds of billions) and all round badass. We were sent to capture her again and again, but each time we failed and another corp holding got hit. One time, we thought we had her until she turned the tables on us and we realized we were locked in with her and not the other way round. Between being slaughtered to a man and surrender, our CO chose the latter. I got a moment to ask her why she did what she did. She laughed and said it was better than being on one's knees for the corporations and maybe helping others out wasn't so bad. So I guess I was wrong. You could say no to the Corps, but it took a great deal of strength to flip them the bird. I wish I could say I immediately threw down my corp insignia at that point and went solo, but really I stuck around for a little while longer.

I ran into Samantha again a few times and each time the ambushes and counter-ambushes were exhilarating. There was something special about her and I don't just mean that she was a siren. Eventually yeah, I deserted from Dahl and began to hang out with Samantha. Well, it wasn't that simple. I had to earn her trust and sometimes I'm still in a daze that I did. But that'd make this story longer than it needs to be. Point is, eventually I earned her trust and more. We loved each other. I don't know when it happened, but it did. I never expected to find such a thing in this universe, but I did. And I regret nothing. Between the industrial sabotage and the trolling we did by dancing it out in the offices of the high and mighty, life was good.

But nothing good ever lasts. Dahl eventually decided to get serious and our luck ran out. We were on one of their ships and with only one way out. An almost guaranteed death via a jettisoned escape pod, but no one to pick us up or certain death at the hands of Dahl. Samantha made the choice before I could. Overpowering me, she sent me to the escape before letting out a huge burst of her Siren power. A signal of sorts I believe. And that was the last I saw of her.

I woke up later on a ship belonging to our mysterious benefactor, 'FT'. And to top it all off, I had amnesia. I only regained my memory a few months back and now I find out I've been in a coma for a couple of years. I've decided I'm going to storm Dahl anyway and save Samantha. I owe her too much to do otherwise. But then FT and G had to drop in with their 'logic'. I had no weapons, no augments and no money. Even with my skill I wouldn't last long at all. And speaking of which, those skills must have rusted by now. So they promised me they'd help and set up me well. I only needed to go vault hunting on this planet called Atum. I wanted to tell them to go fuck themselves, but they only said what was true. The way I was, I would be of no use to Samantha. So I said yes to their offer.

  • 'Old Memories'
    • Type: SMG
    • Manufacturer: Dahl (Military Issue)
    • Element: None
    • Notes: Generic military SMG licensed by Atlas. Very well made and of high quality however. Sports high recoil recoil reduction and power. Has a bayonet.
  • 'Just Dance'
    • Type: Laser (Railgun Variant)
    • Manufacturer: Hyperion
    • Element: Slag
    • Notes: Essentially a laser sniper. Bulky and awkward to use in close quarters, but devastating at range and fires a heavy, armor piercing round. Also has a bayonet.
    • Type: Assault Rifle (Minigun Variant)
    • Manufacturer: Scav/Bandit
    • Element: Corrosive
    • Notes: Massive, slow to reload, magazine. Spits lead out fast but has some truly horrendous accuracy. Individual recoil and power of a solitary shot isn't much, but with the massive rate-of-fire, it ramps up. Absolutely has a bayonet, do you even need to ask?
Special Notes:
  • Favorite Food: Kabsa
  • Favorite Color: Purple
  • Relatively light armor. Fast.
  • Uses a military machete as his melee weapon.
  • Jetpack isn't for show, it works.
  • Has strong willpower.
  • Surprisingly good artist.
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Character Sheet

Name: Riley "the sociopathic turtle"

Class: The Shield

Ability: Sanctuary: Riley digistructs a self-made stationary shield system that summons a spherical forcefield large enough to cover a large group of people.

The shield stop's both bullets and people from passing through so It can be used to separate foes into manageable groups.

Age: 15

Appearance: Riley is 4'6

Riley was born on Pandora, the place where you're more likely to be stabbed than to get a meal.

Out of all the places in the universe it might actually be safer to be raised on the sun than Pandora, but through a lot of thievery, muggings and using adorableness Riley managed to survive long enough to witness the first vault being opened and the subsequent rise of eridium upon the planet attracting the attention of Hyperion and over time Hyperion began to begin their take over, Riley managed to get to sanctuary using the very same blade they still own to this day.

Riley remembers the day the vault hunters first came to sanctuary, its one of their happiest memories as it's the day that Riley met Krieg, the man was a psychopath but he had methods to his madness that have to be appreciated, he saved Riley from being beaten in a fight and gave them an assault rifle, not the best gift for a child around 10 years old but Riley loved it and from that day forth practically worshipped the ground Krieg walked upon, this was only heightened by the tales of his exploits, killing the warrior and handsome jack especially so.

When the vault hunters returned Riley got Krieg to sign the gun he gave to them. It was at this point Riley met the other vault hunters and might have stabbed Axton in the leg and fled with half of Salvadore's beard.
After being tracked down Maya mentioned that Riley was a 'psychopathic gremlin', Riley took it as a compliment. Kept the beard though.

Riley was inspired by the shield around Sanctuary to build their own, smaller version for use when pillaging adventuring and after around two years perfected the design enough to use in combat, the trial runs didn't end well, got shot in the lung by a bandit, said bandit is now a skull that they carry around and so, they stowed away on a transport ship and left their home planet for good.

Over the next three years, Riley made a reputation as a psychopath who will do almost any job if the pay is right and the go-to mercenary for protection missions, no assassin has even gotten through their shield, or out of it. It was a hard path to be sure, at the beginning it was near impossible to get a job, not many people were willing to hire a twelve-year-old even if they were a highly skilled 12-year-old.

Riley's chance to prove themselves came to them with a protection job, it was a job where their young age was actually an advantage. A business owner on Galaga prime was being threatened and he was worried about his school-age daughter being attacked to get to him so, Riley was sent to school for the first time in order to keep watch over her. It was an... Interesting experience to say the least Riley had never had much of formal education, they could read and write (badly) and were a superb engineer but they couldn't do things much more complicated than addition, and even then it wasn't all that great, all Riley ever had to know was how many bullets they had and how much money they had to spend to buy more.

It took a month but eventually there was an attack upon the school in hopes of getting to the businessman's daughter, the second the attack started Riley put up their sanctuary around their target and left to go deal with the criminals, who they couldn't deal with using Gale or Benny was sliced apart with Kusanagi and subsequently stripped of their flesh to make a chair.

The attack made interplanetary news and consequently Riley's notoriety increased due to reports of the skinned victims and strength of their shield which withstood a rocket and part of the school collapsing on it. The shield had multiple attempts to steal it but only one came close to actually stealing it and a video of them being flown into a sun with Riley laughing at their desperate plee's can be found online to this day.

Eventually, they were hired to find 'the vault of the protector' for an unhealthy amount of money by 'FT' Riley finds the name to be that of an Edgelord or someone who thinks its cool but it really isn't.
  • "Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi": not a gun but an energy blade designed personally by Riley out of spare parts, it can cut through solid stone and human limbs easily but it's very inefficient against shields.
  • "Gale" an Atlas manufactured FN Five-seven: The Five-seven is a semi-automatic delayed blowback pistol with high damage and magazine capacity.
  • "Benny" is a Vladof assault rifle with the shock element: Riley's favourite weapon given as a signed gift to them by their idol Krieg when they were a child. Riley has been known to snuggle up to it during times of stress.

Special Notes:
  • Riley's bounty stands at 6 billion for crimes such as assault, protection of a wanted person, the murder of a star-nosed mole, impersonation of a turtle and beard theft.
  • favourite colour is the whole entire rainbow!
  • Favourite food is obviously the souls of the innocent.
  • As likely to hug you as they are to stab you.
  • Riley carries around a human skull on their belt, his name is Tim.
  • Gender is a social construct.
  • Doesn't remember names, only nicknames.
  • Touch their things and you will wake up on a ship heading into the nearest star.
  • Riley can get clingy, sometimes literally.
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Added Pictures of the weapons my character is using.
Name: Jade

Class: Spark

Action Skill: Current: Supercharged with electricity, Jade is enhanced incredibly with speed, this feeds into fire-rate, movement, reload speed and health regen.

Age: 19


Jade was your stereotypical angry teenager, often running with the wrong crowd and getting into dangerous situations It would all culminate one stormy night. Breaking into an old factory on a dare. In this factory, she would stumble upon a secret Maliwan test facility. Sneaking into the rafters she would inevitably fall into the Maliwan electrical device forever changing her life and destroying Maliwans greatest advancement to date. Permanently charged with electricity Jade would discover she had gained powers, unfortunately for her Maliwan had discovered her Identity and the machine's effects on her. Forced to leave her planet, She killed and assaulted several Maliwan personals in her desperate escape. Jade is now hunted by the Maliwan corporation.

'Blackout'- A Jakobs Sniper Rifle
'Resistor'-A Maliwan SMG with corrosive elements
'Volt'- An Atlas Revolver

Special Notes:
- Bounty: 650 billion ALIVE
- Wanted for: Sabotage, Thievery, Breaking and entering Assult, Murder of Maliwan officials.
- Grenade mod: Dhal Cleansing- Fires a shower of fire bullets for a few seconds.
-Favourite colour: Blood Red
-Favourite Food: Cookies
-Shield: Anshin Adaptive-Shield grants changing elemental resistance to the last elemental damage received.
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Name: Dirk "Ten-Cent" Price

Class: Shade. An archer class focusing on stealth, weakness identification, and precision kills, a Shade is able to use Dim the Lights to become invisible to the naked eye. Sorry; invisible to everything but the naked eye. In fact, if anything, they're more visible to the naked eye, becoming what looks to be a piece of them-shaped shadow, flat and indistinct, dark compared even to pitch-black night, obvious to even the corner of periphery vision. However, while using Dim the Lights, a Shade is completely invisible and visually undetectable to security cameras, cybernetic implants, gun sights, ECHO units, magical means and even normal human eyesight "blocked" by glasses, windows, goggles, etc. (Whether or not Dim the Lights works on a robot seems to depend on that robot's sapience level? Mostly? With occasional exceptions? It's weird.)

Age: 33. Probably. You go to enough planets, enough different solar cycles screw up your sleep schedule, you don't see a real calendar for a while, you, you lose track, y'know?

...also, amnesia. That confuses you, too.


Appearance of "Friend":

"Given the choice between guns and magic, most people are gonna lean towards guns.

Yeah, it's a dangerous thing to do, but think about it for a sec: that way, you get to lean away from the magic.

Magic's somethin' a powerful force, don't get me wrong; any merc who's gone up against a Witch Doctor or murderer who's had to deal with a love potion can tell you that much. But there's a reason everything we know and cherish is built on the back of bodies and bullets, not chanted forth from the aether and harmonized with radiant energy. You know what that reason is?

The only reason you can use magic is if magic has decided it likes you. Even if you're lucky enough to woo the stuff, it could turn cold on you at the drop of a hat, or the breeze of a butterfuly, or the taste of garlic on your tongue, or, let's be honest, here: anything, really. The rules are inconsistent, and every wizard's got a different set they gotta follow. It's bull. And even if magic does like you, and you do everything right, it might not work like it should! Or, sometimes, if you do most everything wrong, it'll work better than usual!

Magic. Isn't. Reliable.

Guns are.

That's what I knew, when I signed up to be a mercenary. I knew I was signing up for a life forged of iron drawn from blood, that I'd be stuck with a life of ice cold ideals and no questions asked, that I'd be doing my damndest every day to make the worlds just a little bit worse, so long as people named a proper price. And I knew that someday I'd die in a ditch, maybe metaphorical, prob'ly not so much, because I'd chosen the life I had.

And I chose that killin' life because, unlike magic, or love, or honor, or anything else us humans have come to care about: a gun is reliable. Being a merc meant I knew how things worked. Then, now, and forever. Sure, I'd have to make the occasional room for talking with people, or eating unfamiliar food, or what have you, but in my ideal world?

Being a mercenary would be all I've ever known.

...I woke up in a warehouse with amnesia. Selective amnesia. Outside of how to do things like walk, talk, and shoot, all I remembered was my reason for being who and what I was. Even then, the "who" and the "what" seemed to basically run away from me, every time I tried to sneak up on 'em.

Concept of towns? Names of corporations? Idea of driving? Check, check, and check.

Who am I? Where am I from? What planet am I on? Nope, nada, negatory. Selective amnesia.

But lucky me: a wanted poster, in my pocket, with my name and face on it. I guess I must've been awful proud of myself, if I was carrying it around with me. In any case, looking at it made one thing click: my own darn name. Glad of that.

Oh, and lucky me, second of all, turns out something I did before I fell out of myself meant magic had taken a liking to me.

My own shadow crept up on me, that day, smiled a fanged smile, and it was only, you know, this odd sense of the familiar that told me not to be scared of it. It's a shadow, sure enough, but it can stretch itself, dance along other shadows, move and twist exactly how I tell it to! Ain't that something? I can even step inside my own shadow, keep things I don't want to from lookin' at me, that sort of thing.

Oh, and the really lucky part was that, unlike every other example I'd ever heard of, this magic was reliable! Stuck to me, as a matter of fact, no matter what I did. Even if I tried to do something the magic didn't like, it wouldn't leave, no - it'd just burn. And it would tell me that it didn't like it, too, because, get this, my magic talked to me! And never stops talking to me. And nobody else can hear it.

But yeah, no, my magic will tell me - burn me - if I do something it doesn't want me doing. For instance, that day I woke up in that warehouse, I tried to pick up my trusty Jakobs, and, wouldn't you know it ... turns out that not everybody gets a choice between the two."

""Guns:"" Rather than literal guns, Dirk uses an "enchanted" (the word is accurate but he hates it) bow and specialized digistructed arrows to do his job. The skinny on both can be found below.

Artemis, Lady of the Moon, says: "Bitch."

Strung with shadow (the only magic trick Dirk has thus far figured out), this bow is simple wood, black and gently curved, long enough to be used as a rudimentary staff in emergency situations. The fact that the string is shadow allows for it to be selectively weightless, letting Dirk ready his shots with beyond-maximum pull while allowing for the draw weight to be only as heavy as the arrow itself. Besides being easy on Dirk's stamina and better for his shoulders and triceps, this also means that arrows can be fired rapid-pace, at maximum draw each time, something that no bow with "real" string would ever allow. Combine this with the steady hand of an assassin, and the best materials for arrows money can buy, and this enchanted bow is able to imbue even an ordinary arrows with a stopping power like no other ...

...a stopping power which still pales in comparison to your average gun.


In fear, in excitement, however you like it - Quiver!

A datapoint by which his digistruction works, Dirk's Quiver allows him to utilize a number of special arrows that almost make up the difference between them and your average gun, with its average bullets. By using precise hand gestures as he "grabs" an arrow, an arrow of a chosen tip will appear in his hand. Dirk has an arrow with a payload for every type of common element: Slag, Radiation, Cryo, Explosive, Burn, Shock, etc., as well as a few other, more minor elements that are less well-known.

He also has arrows that do more specialized things, such as a rappel line arrows, flashbang and smokescreen arrows, arrows with specialized arcs, extra-heavy arrows for robotic enemies, etc., etc. He even has completely ordinary arrows, if the situation calls for it.

What he doesn't have, though, is an actual gun.


Special Notes:
- "Wanted for ... lemme see if I can remember everything ... armed robbery, disarmed robbery, decent exposure, non-legal murder, grand theft shuttle, involuntary drunkenness, falsifying a warrant, impersonating a licensed acrobat, transporting dolphin over planetary lines for illegal porpoises, protest outside of regulated zones, aaaaaaand general malice. Oh, and jaywalking. Always forget that one."
- "My favorite color is black. No, I don't think I had a choice, thanks for asking."
-"Me and guns? We don't get along. I mean, I like them fine, but they hate me. Or maybe it's the jealous boyfriend they don't like. Either way, things burn like acid if I pick one up intending to use it, even if they aren't actually touching my skin when I do."
- "I like a burger. Some fries. Milkshake. But my favorite food of all has to be the mint they leave at the bottom of the bag. That's what tells me I did a good job, today."
- "I wear a basic Amp shield - I need all the power I can get, and I figure if someone's actually hitting me, something's gone too wrong to salvage, anyway. Grenade's a gag-model, and I'm real good at telling jokes. Once it's armed, it explodes immediately upon exposure to the light. Dumb prank, sure, but you gotta pass the time somehow. Either way, figure I'm the only guy in the galaxy that can make actual use of it."
- "Pansexual. If you're asking, that means you're interested, and that's cool, but you need to accept now that anything we do is gonna be a threesome."
- "You know why they call me 'Ten-Cent' Price?...neither do I. I was hoping you could tell me. Amnesia sucks, man."
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Where have you BEEN all my life?

I'll get a sheet out tomorrow ASAP. Man, you're my favourite person right now OP.