Bleach Get me out of here

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Kazuma somehow finds himself in another world and because something happened a group of strange people are after him.

Don't take this story seriously


If you want peace, then you must prepare for war.
Kazuma ran as fast as he could, he had no idea how he had gotten here or who the people chasing after him were, he was about to hide when his luck ran out.

He had just turned to the corner when he found himself running into a group of people wearing what looked like white robes over the ninja or were they samurai clothes that everyone wore here?

He didn't have time to worry about this because the people in front of him all looked stronger than him.

"Kazuma can you hear me?" Aqua's voice said to him and Kazuma didn't dare say anything instead he mentally answered her.

"I'm about to die here, get me out of here." he desperately answered her as he stared at the group who just looked at him with amused smirks.

We're working on it, just don't do anything that will get you in trouble."Eris answered him but she paused before she started talking again.

"Kazuma, we are giving you some of your power, it's different from the magic that you are used to because it's the Holy energy of Heaven so don't do anything crazy." Eris said to him before she stopped talking.

In heaven Aqua was desperately looking at the situation, Kazuma had unwillingly fallen into a failed universe, it was a universe where the souls had been cut off from heaven and so they only went to the spirit world before being reborn.

"Eris it's Kazuma, just look at him he's already doing something crazy!" Aqua said to Eris who just looked away from her.

'So you're the one that's causing problems.' A giant man that had bells on his spiky hair said to him.

Kazuma closed his eyes and accepted that he couldn't run away, so he might as well try something new.

When he first arrived here and started being chased by the people wearing black clothes he had tried to use his skills but for whatever reason, he wasn't able to, but if he had both Aquas and Eris's energies then maybe he could escape or do something else.

"Okay I can't run away anymore, so how about this, I challenge one of you, and if I win you let me go." he said to the four of them.

The four people wearing the white robes didn't have a reason to listen to his request after all he was the intruder, so if they wanted to kill him they could.

Kazuma watched as their smiles widened and the people chasing him finally found him.

"Deal, so which one of us are you gonna fight." the man with the bells said to him.

Kazuma looked at the four people in front of him and he already knew that he was dead if he fought the man with the bells on his head.

Both the man wearing the pink clothes over the white robe and the man with long white hair looked like weak and joke characters, so he ignored them.

He finally saw the woman that was with them, she looked like the nices one of them, he knew better than to think that women were weaker than him, after all, Darkness was easily stronger than him.

Unfortunately for him, he knew that people that looked weak, strong, or was the guy that was meant to make everyone laugh was usually the strongest people he could find.

So all that was left for him to fight was the woman with the friendly smile.

"You, I choose you, but if I win you have to be mine." he said to the woman with long black hair who just smirked as the men around her laughed.

"Looks like you have an admirer." one of the men said to her and Kazuma felt his body move on its own.

He would have screamed in pain had Aqua's energies not healed him and relieved his pain.

His skills flared one after another, as the woman used a spell with one hand and swung her sword with the other, it was Eris that had enhanced his luck that saved him because he hid behind a corner.

He tried to catch his breath and think of something but the woman used some kind of flying knife that flew at him from every side.

He was left with little choice so he began to chant, every time he was going to complete one spell he stopped and began to chanty another, he did this over and over again until he was completely out of breath.

He didn't know when the woman had caught him only that he was on the floor.

"You lost." the woman said to him

Kazuma smiled and began to finish his chants, the woman found herself fighting against chains, lightning flashes of light, small fired, poodles of ice and water.

She either avoided them all or completely ignored them, but she was occupied with them.

'Lightning Saber, Explosion, Vanir Death Beam" Kazuma said as he threw his strongest spells at her.

He watched as the woman managed to block the first two, but the third one hit her in the stomach causing the lightning saber to pierce her, and the explosion that she somehow placed in a bubble exploded on top of her.

There was silence all around him and no one tried to stop him from escaping, because no one could believe what they had just seen when the first group tried to follow him Kenpachi stopped them.

"If he won then he would be left free, that was the deal, besides we have bigger problems.' Kenpachi said to them.

A captain had just been defeated in battle in front of not just three other captains but multiple witnesses, not only that, the man that had beaten her also wanted her.

That same man had just left her behind after he won his freedom, this was going to be a headache to deal with.

As Kazuma ran he tried to use his teleportation skill and found that he could use it, but unfortunately, he ended up somewhere that had a weird hole in it.

There was a town close to the place where he arrived, but he didn't feel like running into the tear in reality just yet, so with little else to do he began to look for a place to hide and he found an abandoned house.
2A peaceful afterlife?
Sometime later
"Yes!" the kids said to him before they all left, Kazuma smiled as he watched them leave, he didn't know what they did with their free time nor did he want to know.

As far as he was concerned they were free to do what they wanted with their lives as long as they didn't hurt anyone.

This world or afterlife was strange which was strange in its own way but he decided that it was better for him not to think about it.

A week passed after he had managed to escape from the people chasing him and after he had figured out that he had been living on the edge of some district that both Eris and Aqua finally contacted him again.

"Kazuma." both Aqua and Eris said to him as they tried to get his attention.

Kazuma for his part didn't answer, for one the two goddesses had left him alone for an entire week and so he had been forced to try and figure things out on his own.

It was only after the two had called him a third time that he finally answered.

So the two of you didn't forget about me." Kazuma said to them as he peeled an orange.

"Hey, do you know how hard it is to call you while you're in there, we even had to ask someone for help!" Aqua snapped at him.

"Really who?" Kazuma asked Aqua as he caught a glimpse of a woman that looked familiar for some reason.

'It's good to see you again Kazuma." Wolbach said to Kazuma before she became quiet.

"Kazuma we have a couple of things to tell you before we get distracted." Eris said to him before the three goddesses began to explain to him the situation.

Aqua and Eris told him, that the world around him was broken because the souls of the people around him weren't doing what they were supposed to.

According to the two goddesses, Human souls aren't supposed to be able to get pregnant and have children and souls shouldn't be able to get other souls or still-living humans pregnant.

Yet some of them did, these same souls or people were the ones that had all kinds of powers, powers that weren't ever meant to be theirs in the first place.

From what the mysterious woman told him, the powers that the people had, were the powers that the gods would grant people when the world was in danger or when someone entered or was sent to another world.

According to Aqua who just gave away objects or powers to people, Heaven had a lot of rules that even she didn't dare break, and the people from this universe he was in broke nearly all of them.

This was why none of the people in this universe ever leave it, and it was for this reason that the souls that had these powers would never be allowed to enter Heaven when the gods decided that it was time to fix the universe.

When he asked them what the people here did, both goddesses explained that every universe has a time when things are just crazy and all sorts of incredible things happen.

Then as time passes those things start to go away naturally.

One of these things is known as Soul Kings or Queens, they are the ones that control the flow of souls of the people in the universe.

"It's better that we don't tell you what they did to him, just remember that it's better that you die far away from anyone with powers." Wolbach said to him.

"Okay avoid the people with the powers, any other advice or anything that can help you get me out of here?" Kazuma asked them

"As a matter of fact, there is." Aqua said to him and Kazuma could almost swear that he could see her standing in a proud pose for some reason.

"Okay listen Kazuma you're going to have to get your hand's on a couple of things, they will help you survive while you're in there."

"We will handle getting you out, but you're going to have to get your hands on Spirit Weapons, they are the things that the people from that universe use to control their powers." Eris said to him.

'Okay so how do I do that?" he asked them.

"You are going to need to find something that belongs and is being used by a person that's still alive that has spiritual powers." Wolbach answered him but ignored his question.

"Last, well it's not the last thing but we think that you have your plate full already, but you're going to need help." Aqua said to him and Kazuma like a hand was placed on each of his shoulders and on his head.

"Kazuma, don't lock yourself away, we will always be with you even if we can't talk to you." Aqua said to him before her presence along with the presence of the other two goddesses vanished.

And just like that he was left alone inside a house that no one lived in on the outside of a town that no one cared about.

Kazuma walked towards a nearby tree and sat down on the side that had shade on it, who knew that it would be so easy for him to be surrounded by people?

Every now and then a strange creature that has a white mask shows up and he kills it.

Okay, he doesn't kill it.

Most of the time he just uses his bind skill along with some old rope and wire that was left inside of the house and when the monster is unable to move he uses his drain touch until it's gone.

And the only reason that he's even able to do any of this is that his enemy detection skill, evasion skill, and dodge skills all force his body to move on its own.

So that he can put some distance between the monsters and himself so he can use his other skills to deal with them.

Kazuma smirked. "I guess I was a lot louder than I thought." he said to himself as he remembered how the people from the nearby town started to investigate what was going on.

Every once in a while the adults came to check up on him, but the ones that stayed were kids who didn't have anywhere else to go.

Kazuma closed his eyes and felt the energies of the goddesses moving inside of him, they felt warm, they felt familiar, like family.
The peaceful quiet of the world seemed to break as the sound of sandals getting closer reached his ears, but Kazuma didn't bother to open his eyes after all it wasn't the first time that someone walked past his little house and did not bother to look or even speak to him.

"Excuse me." a boy said to him.

'What?" He answered the boy but he didn't bother to open his eyes.

"Are you the man that lives in that house over there?" the boy asked him, but Kazuma didn't answer the kid instead he just opened his eyes and looked at him.

The boy had short black hair, and he wore what looked like a white shirt that had blue highlights on its sleeves that blended nicely with the hakama that he wore.

The entire thing screamed uniform for some reason.

"If you're not, then could you tell me when he comes back, I'm from the shinigami academy and I was told that I could train here under him." the boy said to Kazuma as he reached into the bag that he was carrying and took out a letter before he tried to hand it to him.

Kazuma didn't bother to take the letter from the kid's hand instead he allowed himself to smirk.

"I got nothing to teach you, kid I'm not a shinigami, whoever told you to come here was either playing a prank on you or didn't bother to do their homework."

"The house over there was abandoned when I found it." he said to the boy who seemed to shrink when he heard him.

The only thing that the boy said was "Oh." before he put the letter away and started to walk away.

As Kazuma watched the kid leave, he couldn't help but see himself back on earth, it wasn't the version of himself that had been forced to learn and move on from his trauma.

No, what he saw in front of him, was his original self, the one that just needed someone to help him, someone that would reach out to him even when he locked himself away in his room.

So while knowing that if he did anything to get closer to the kid, then he would undoubtedly end up making the shinigami turn his way Kazuma stood up and began to chase after him.

When he reached the boy's side, he quickly used a trick to get the shoulder bag that the boy was carrying away from him.

The boy looked at him with a shocked expression. "Hey give that back!" he yelled at Kazuma.

"Come get it." Kazuma said to the boy as he began to run away from him.

The boy chased after him, and Kazuma made sure to stay just out of arms reach, and every time the boy seemed as if he was going to reach him or the bag Kazuma would increase his speed just a little bit.

In his time in the other world, he had learned that adventurers were always faster and stronger than ordinary people and even some well-trained people.

The reason was that, unlike knights that only trained with each other or sometimes fought monsters and the ordinary person who maybe killed a monster but still had to travel long distances on foot.

Adventurers had to do these things regularly because this was the way that they survived and he had been no different.

In the end, the boy fell to his knees exhausted, and could only glare at him as he gasped for breath.

"You're done already, aren't you supposed to be one of those students that have all sorts of powers?" He asked the boy.

"Look around you, we didn't go anywhere, you didn't try to do anything to stop me from running, no tricks, no speeches nothing.' Kazuma said to the boy who began to cry.

He walked towards the kid before he opened the bag and took out the letter, Kazuma just smiled.

The kid had failed the entrance exam and whoever had sent him here must have been trying to get rid of him or they really didn't investigate where they had sent him and not known that no one was there.

He hoped that it was the first one because that just meant that someone had sent this kid to die without knowing it.

"Alright, I'll make you a deal, we will teach each other."

"What I mean is that you know how to read and write as well as everything else that you have to learn to get into that school."

" So teach those things to me and the kids that live here with me and in exchange I'll show you some tricks or help you make some new tricks from the things that those books of yours have."

The boy sniffed as Kazuma dropped his bag next to him.

"Okay your first lesson, you aren't any better than anyone else."

"You saw the district, town or whatever the hell this place is, everyone is just trying to survive, any idiot can see that."

"The houses are falling apart, and the clothes that everyone wears are either rags or handmade from the skins of animals because no one here can afford or even get their hands on anything better."

"Hell, no one here even wears sandals." Kazuma stops talking as he lets his words set in and makes sure that the boy is listening to what he's saying.

"There wasn't anyone here when I moved in and monsters just kept on coming and eating the people here, I've been stopping them since then and in exchange for my help the people here give me whatever food they can spare."

The boy stands up and as he puts his bag over his shoulder he glares at Kazuma before he turns toward the wooden house and starts to walk toward it.

"Just like I need their help to get food and they need my help to stop the monsters, you came here looking for someone to teach you, and I need help to learn about this world." Kazuma said to the boy who just lowered his head and kept on walking towards the house.
{ Else where }
Tap- tap- tap, blush-blush-brush, the sounds irritated her more than they should have and it was only her self-control that stopped her from killing everyone.

The tapping sounds that the pens made reminded her of the sounds that sandals made when someone was running away and the sounds that the blushes made forced her to remember the noise that he made whenever he evaded one of her attacks.

Her eyes began to let out a faint glow, as the sound of the Fourth Divisions' shinigami going about their day as they tended to the sick and injured reached her.

She had to control her anger, that man had beaten her, he had beaten her current self but not her past self.

She closed her eyes and let out a small breath, he had beaten Unohana, and as frustrating as that was, it had been her fault.

She could have easily killed him or rendered him unconscious if she wanted to, but no she had to hold back so that she didn't accidentally turn him into a paste that was smeared on the wall and street.

She smirked, that would have been frustrating in its own way.

She began to giggle as her anger finally calmed itself, had she killed him in their first encounter then she would have been disappointed and frustrated because the first person to challenge her in years would have died with a single swing of her sword.

And yet that man lived.

She stopped writing for a moment and placed the tip of her fingers on her lips and imagined the taste of his blood on them.

As she remembered their encounter and replayed the scene in her head she remembered how she could see the terror on his face, and how every time she managed to corner him, how he voided her attacks in the last second.

She let out a hot breath as she remembers the joy she felt as she chased after him like a cat that was playing with a mouse, how she increased her strength and speed every time she missed.

She smiled as she remembers how she had him under her foot and how she could have gutted him with her sword or crushed him with her spiritual pressure or simply by increasing the strength on her leg when she brought it down on him.

And yet the mouse proved itself to be a rat, a rat that attacked the cat when it had nowhere to run.

She began to giggle and finally laugh, there was no madness or anger in her laughter only the realization of why she had been so angered.

He ran, he ran.

A man that challenged her for not just his freedom but dominion over her ran.

A man that fought a weaker version of herself [a woman that held back], ran when he beat her, rather than staying behind and fight her other self, her true self.

He chose to run.

He should have stayed behind and fought with the other captains if, no when they tried to force him to stand trial, he should have fought the soul reapers that were chasing him.

But he ran.

Unohana let out a breath and Kenpachi smiled again, she would have to teach her husband that he couldn't run away from anything if they were to be wed.

She would not be a concubine or another woman, so if he already had a wife or lover then they didn't need to live.

She smirked, she would find him ad kill him, she would kill his friends and relatives if he had them and if there was anyone left that knew of him she would kill them.

This was the only punishment suited for someone that wanted her but was a coward.

"Well, there's still the chance that he beats us." Unohana said to herself.

Kenpachi smiled at her kinder self, how could a coward ever beat her in a real fight, the only reason he even managed to live through their first encounter was that she had held back more than she had to.

Kenpachi stopped smiling and smirked, there was still a chance that -that man had some tricks up his sleeve or developed some new ones after their encounter no matter how brief it had been.

"Then I guess I should start training." she said to herself as she finally moved on from her anger.

As got up from her seat and walked towards her door she could hear everyone running away, and frustrated her to realize that despite all of these years she still hadn't been able to control her temper.

Granted she hadn't yelled or struck anyone and much less killed anyone, but she still had what everyone around her claimed was a look that could kill.

It was just something that she would have to learn to master during her new training.

As she opened the door and began to walk down the hall she began to hear the latest news from those that hadn't realized she was passing threw.

One of the soul reapers that had gone to the world of the living hadn't come back, but her presence was still in the Human world meaning that she had either been captured or had abandoned her position and turned traitor.

Everything else was normal, just the usual gossip that she had gotten used to listening to, someone had started dating someone, or a noble had forcefully taken someone as his or her concubine.

She was about to stop listening when something new caught her attention, a group of nobles that were currently in the academy were about to be punished.

They were known for bullying students from the lower classes, but that wasn't the reason for their punishment.

What had gotten them in trouble was that they had sent several of the students to the least protected areas of the Soul Society and as a result, most of them had ended up being killed by Hollows.

There were only two survivors of the six victims, a girl that had returned to the academy and told one of the teachers that the place that she had been sent to was abandoned.

The instructor immediately started an investigation and discovered what happened, leading to the capture of the nobles responsible for the students' deaths.

Because none of the students could even remember where they had sent their victims, there was no way of knowing where the only other survivor was.

Unfortunately, the student's families forced any further investigations to stop, by using their combined authority and so the girl who was the boy's relative\ childhood friend was given a map of potential locations and went to look for him on her own.
The sun was starting to go down and so the kids began to come back, they all had different ages, the oldest of them couldn't have been more than twelve and maybe thirteen.

These were the ones that would glare at him from time to time or look at him as if they were expecting him to do something.

Kazuma didn't give them much thought, after all, they were usually doing something that helped them bring back food so the rest of the kids could eat.

Kazuma didn't bother to think about it, the Soul Society was a giant and from what he had seen people did what they had to do to survive.

The rest f the kids that lived in the house with him, made him worry sometimes.

Some kids couldn't have been older than three years old and some were still babies that hadn't learned how to crawl yet and had to be carried by the older kids.

When they first arrived, he tried to convince the older kids to leave the babies behind when they went to town, but he didn't know how long he would be in this world and if the kids left the infants behind, then one day he would vanish and there would be no one to take care of them.

So he could only watch them leave and go into town every day.

The last one to enter the house was the kid that had been sent here by his teachers and when he finally entered the house Kazuma walked in.

As Kazuma closed the door he could see the tear, in reality, open itself again, there was nothing there, just a black empty void that led to nowhere.

Kazuma watched as the kids began to take out whatever they had bought, found, or stolen during the day and began to put it in the center of the house, next to the fireplace.

As usual, Kazuma walked to the middle of the room and used his Create Wood Skill, along with his Tinder Skill and Wind Breath Skill to make the fire that would keep them all warm for the night.

After he was done he went back towards the door and sat down before he closed his eyes and allowed himself to fall asleep.

He didn't know it but the soul reaper boy that he had allowed into his house was quietly looking at the fire that he created, the boy stared at it as if he couldn't believe what he had seen.

Even as the kids around him began to grab the food that they had brought with them and began to eat, he just kept looking at the fire, and without knowing it, when the boy began to concentrate his spirit energy.

"Tinder, wind breath, create wood." the boy repeated Kazumas words but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get the skills he had seen Kazuma use to work for him.

Regardless of how hard he tried he couldn't get any of the skills to work, so in the end he had no choice but to follow everyone's lead and go to sleep.

A loud howl woke the boy and as he looked around to see if anyone else was awake, he found that he couldn't see anything anymore, someone had put out the fire or had allowed it to die during the night.

When he was about to stand up and try to wake everyone up so that they could run away he felt a tiny hand grab him.

"Don't." a little boy said to him as flashes of light were immediately followed by the angry howls of a Hollow.

For a long moment, there was nothing but silence, and then he heard the sounds of footsteps followed by the sound of someone dragging something.

The boy watched as the front door opened before the man that walked in closed it, he watched as Kazuma dropped the rope he was carrying before he sat down and went back to sleep.

When Kazuma began to snore, the little boy beside him began to talk.

"The monsters come from the hole and fights them at night, so don't worry." the little boy said to him before he began to snore.
Yuki opened his eyes as the light of the sunlight that entered the house through the cracks in the walls and ceiling forced him to wake up.

It took him a moment to realize that he was completely alone and it took him slightly longer to remember that the house should have been full of people.

As he looked around he noticed that his bag was gone and with it, everything that he owned, granted it wasn't much but the things inside the bag were the only things that he could truly call his own.

He quickly got off the floor and ran outside only to see the man he had met yesterday reading his notebook before closing it and putting it back in the bag.

"So that's how it works." the man said to himself as he lifted his hand and created a small sphere of spiritual energy.

Yuki couldn't do anything else but stared in amazement as the blue glowing sphere floated over the man's hand.

He was about to call out to the man when he saw him do something that neither he nor his fellow students ever considered doing.

The orb lowered itself towards the man's hand before it started growing and changing its form until it had taken the shape of a sword.

"This stuff is a lot easier to use than magick, but it's a lot weaker." he heard the man say to himself as the sword turned into a spear and then into a bow and arrow.

Yuki tried to move or at the very least say something to the man that had stolen and was now using the notebook that the academy had given him.

The notebook didn't have anything that anyone didn't know, it was just the basics of spirit control, exercises as well as simple kido spells that were meant to help the students focus.

Yuki could only watch as the man took the only thing that separated him from everyone that had slept in the house with him.

His Asauchi, granted it wasn't a true Zanpakuto yet because it didn't have a name and because it hadn't changed its form yet.

Yuki knew that this would change as time passed and as he became stronger so would his sword.

Despite knowing this Yuki couldn't help but watch as the stranger drew his Asauchi from its sheath before looking at it, he tried to move but for whatever reason, his feet refused to answer him.

He could only watch helplessly as the man walked towards what looked like a pile of trash and begin to look through it before he found what he was looking for.

Yuki could only stare as the man held what looked like the bottom half of an Asauchi.

he tried to call out to the man, to yell at him to leave his sword alone and not do whatever he was planning to do to it, but try as he might he couldn't get any sound to come out of his mouth.

So, in the end, Yuki couldn't help but watch helplessly as the man walked back to where he had left his sword sheath and put his sword back into it.

Yuki let out a breath filled with relief as he watched the man place his sword back into his bag.

"What is he planning?" Yuki asked himself as he watched the man stare at the hilt that still had part of a rusted blade on it.

He watched as the man created another spirit orb and his eyes widened as he watched the man place the orb into the ruined sword.

Had he been able to, Yuki would have screamed for when the orb made contact with the ruined sword three different colored lights seemed to come out of the man and entered the ruined sword.

He could only watch in amazement and horror as the three strange energies broke and recreated the Asauchi.

He was forced to close his eyes as a strong gust of cool wind blew past him, it was immediately followed by a wave of hot air, and finally, a calm sensation set in.

Yet Yuki couldn't help but feel uneased by the sudden calmness, it was as if everything around him had stopped because everything could sense that something was about to happen, but it never did.

"Would you look at that it worked." Yuki heard the man say to himself and his eyes widened with disbelief.

The man had somehow restored Asauchi to its original state and the sword looked as if it had never been rusted or broken, but the surprises didn't end there.

As the sword suddenly broke into three separate parts that attached themselves to the man's neck, wrist, and ankle.

He watched as the man began to laugh as looked at the three pieces.

"Either this was the best idea that I had or it's going to be the worst Idea that I had." the man said to himself before he finally noticed that Yuki was looking at him.

"Take off the rope." the man said to him as he signaled to Yuki that look down, Yuki couldnt help but feel his face heat up when he noticed that he had been standing on some rope.

He immediately tried to remove the rope from his feet but the moment that his hands made contact with it, they became paralyzed and wouldn't answer him no matter what he did.

Unfortunately, he had already held onto the rope so he was stuck to it and while he could still bend his body up and down he couldn't do anything else.

Yuki turned to look at the man but found that he wasn't where he was before and neither was the bag that had his things, he turned his head to see where he could have gone but he found that the man was somehow already next to him.

"This thing doesn't hold onto the person or monster it holds their energy in place, it's not strong or perfect."

"God knows that those things get out of it." Kazuma said to the kid, as he grabbed the rope and pulled it away from him.

He could see the disbelief in the boy's eyes as he kept those same eyes on the rope that he was holding onto easily.

"I already learned everything that I could from the stuff that you brought with you, so I'll teach you the same stuff but in my way." Kazuma said to the kid as he handed the rope back to him.

"So your first job is to let go of the rope." he said to the kid and he watched as the boy hesitantly reached out and grab the rope again.
Yuki tried over and over again to let go of the rope to be able to make a sound come out of his mouth but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't do either of them.

He was glad that he could at the least walk and had a free hand so that he could drink water when he was thirsty.

He was so concentrated on trying to get his hand to let go of the rope that he didn't realize that the kids had started to come back.

"Okay, that's enough for today." Kazuma\ the man said to him, as he took pulled his hand free from the rope.

Yuki could only look at the man as he held onto the rope and throw it into the house, he hated the fact that the man made it look so easy.

The events from last night repeated themselves, the kids took out all of the food that they had managed to get their hands on, and the man made a fire again.

"I'm Yuki." Yuki finally introduced himself to the man, who just smirked at him.

"Great, I'm glad that I know one of your names." the man said to Yuki but his words were directed toward everyone else.

"I'm Kazuma Sato and before you ask I don't know any of their names." Kazuma said to him, as he waved at the kids that were inside the house.

"Kazuma who?" he hesitated to ask this question, it was an unwritten rule that no one asks about anyone else's past, but he had to know.

"Kazuma, who are you? I mean how did you? how did you know that you could get a Zanpakutō like that?" He asked Kazuma who just smirked.

"I'm an adventurer, and I didn't know that I could get this thing." Kazuma answered him as the three pieces of jewelry let out a faint grey-like glow before they turned back to a sword.

As Kazuma held his Zanpakutō he began to smile before he put the sword on the ground and leaned back on the wall behind him and then he put the back of his head on the wall.

It looked as if he was remembering something.

"I guess I needed help back then." Yuki heard Kazuma say to himself before he chuckled faintly.

"Guess I haven't changed." Yuki heard Kazuma say to himself before he felt Kazumas eyes focus on him and then turn to everyone else.

"Everyone close your eyes and imagine a ball of light, the light is any color that you want and it changes color because it's a ball of light."

"It's as big and as small as you want it, now raise your hands and touch it."

Yuki looks around confused and as he searches the room for anyone that's doing what Kazuma is telling them to do he finds that most of the kids are just ignoring him.

He hesitates but he closes his eyes and starts to imagine a red ball of light floating in front of him, it's small so small that it's almost nonexistent, but it's bright enough that he can see it in the darkroom that he imagines himself in.

As he reaches for the tiny ball of light he hears Kazuma talking again.

"The closer that you get to the light, the more that you feel it pulling something out of you."

"It's the same thing that makes you feel hungry or gives you that strange feeling that you sometimes get for some reason even when you turn around and find that nothing is there."

Yuki tried to imagine the ball of light pulling his spiritual energy out of him but he couldn't feel it doing anything and that made him feel angry so angry that he cursed the fact that he was even doing this.

"Why did the academy send him here?" "Why was he listening to some nobody that didn't know what he was doing?" 'why did he keep on failing to"

Yuki forced himself to stop thinking when he realized that the tiny ball of red light had grown by itself and was now the same size as his head.

"Whatever your feeling, whatever the ball of light is pulling out of you, don't try to stop it, let the light grow until you're sure that it can't grow anymore."

Yuki raised his hands again, he didn't know when he had put them down, but he put them back up again only that this time he felt something else growing inside of him.

He began to cry, but he didn't know why he only knew that he was crying and someone was holding him and comforting him.

He looked up and he found that a woman was standing in front of him, holding him, the same way a mother should hold her children.

He tried to see her face, but for some reason he couldn't, and yet he felt like he knew who she was.

The woman lowered her head and Yuki heard her say. "Open your eyes."

Yuki couldn't believe what he was looking at, he was somehow holding his Asauchi, but it was glowing he could see grey and red light flowing through it before it changed form.

He couldn't help but gasp, his Asauchi had turned into a Zanpakutō, he lifted it high above his head, to show everyone and he felt his eyes widen when the other kids that tried to do what Kazuma told them had somehow gotten their hands on their own Zanpakutō.

The house was filled with cheers and small gasps as everyone showed each other their swords, and talked to each other as they told the ones that didn't bother to listen to Kazuma how to do what they just did.

And yet all of the noise inside of the house stopped when the sound of Kazuma clapping began.

"Good job." was the only thing that Kazuma said to them and for some reason Yuki couldn't help but feel his chest swell with pride.
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Yukki walked out of the house holding his sword tightly, he had failed his first lesson yesterday, granted he didn't know what lesson Kazuma was trying to teach him but he couldn't let go of the rope, while Kazuma could do it effortlessly.

Once again he was the last one to wake up and step out of the house, but the moment he stepped out of the house he found himself looking at an entirely different scene from yesterday.

None of the children had left and he could see that Kazuma was pulling the rope away from a group of them before handing it to another group and telling them to let go of it.

He watched as the children tried to grab the rope with both hands but Kazuma stopped them before telling them that if they held it with both hands then they wouldn't be able to feed themselves as they wouldn't have any free hands left.

He watched as the children grabbed the rope with their left hands and looked at each other with confusion until one of them tried to speak and found that he couldn't.

The rest of the group then tried to say something to each other and then the entire group was made up of panicking children that realized that they couldn't let go of a rope and were now desperately trying to get themselves free.

"Okay, let's try something else." Yuki heard Kazuma say to the group of children in front of him.

He watched as the man struggled to come up with the words that made it easy for the children to understand him until he either stooped trying to come up with something or he found the words that he was looking for.

"Okay there are three kinds of things, you can call them what you want but it always comes down to this."

"There are things that you can do without thinking, like breathing no one taught you to breathe, but everyone starts breathing the moment that they are born."

"And if you don't believe me, no one forced any of you to walk you just started doing it out of instinct."

"Then we have things like the stuff that you have to learn, like starting a fire, you need to know what stuff that you need to gather and how to get something to burn and how to keep the fire burning."

"The same thing goes for learning how to use a sword, building a house, learning to write, and hunting an animal."

'All of these are examples of things that you need to learn before you can do them without needing to think about what you are doing anymore."

Yuki tried to understand what Kazuma was trying to explain to everyone but what he just said was common knowledge and even if the ones he was speaking to were children this was something that even they knew.

"Last night you created a ball of light without thinking, now try to make a ball of light appear in front of you."

"Just like last night, imagine a ball of light floating in front of you, only that it's out here and everyone can see it."

Yuki nearly let out a gasp, as the realization hit him, Kazuma had just said what spiritual control was in simpler words, he was trying to get the children to manifest their reiatsu.

"Watch." Kazuma said to the children as he created a ball of red before he created a blue orb that looked as if it had water inside of it and finally he created what looked like a silver sphere that reflected the light of the sun.

"Just like before, it can be any color and it can change colors, just let it happen." Kazuma instructed the children before h looked up and finally noticed that Yuki was watching him.

Yuki watched as Kazuma signaled to him, to follow the children's example and so Yukki eagerly tried to do what Kazuma had said and recreate the same ball of light that he had created last night.

Except he couldn't, no matter how hard he tried he couldn't see it anymore, he couldn't see the tiny red ball of light or its bigger version.

Yuki could feel his frustration growing as the minutes passed and he soon began to hear the sounds of children gasping followed by the excited voices of some of the children who had succeeded.

He was about to give up when he felt a warm hand on his shoulder and the hot breath as someone breathed onto the side of his face.

Yuki opened his eyes and turned around as fast as he could only to find that the only thing there was the wooden house and nothing else.

"Would you look at that you did it." Kazuma said to someone and as Yuki turn to see who Kazuma was talking to he found that he was standing in front of him and between the two of them was a small ball of red light.

Yuki couldn't help but stare at the small ball of light with confusion and amazement, but he could feel himself starting to smile, but before he could say anything he felt something hit the side of his face,

'You idiot!" the voice of someone he knew yelled at him, but Yuki couldn't remember who the voice belonged t because of the pain he was in.
"Do you realize how long I've been looking for you!" the girl screamed at him and Yuki had to stare at her for a long moment before he recognized who she was.

"Shino look." he said to his attacker as he pointed at his admittedly small creation.

He watched as Shino turned towards the small ball or red light before pointing at it and looking at him with a confused expression, but before Shino could ask him anything Yuki lifted his Zanpakutō and drew it from its sheath.

Yuki couldn't help but fill his chest grow with pride as he remembered what Kazuma had taught him yesterday, don't hold back and allow the sword to take what it needs.

His Zanpakutō began to let out a bright red and silver glow before it changed its form, rather than a Katana his sword now looked like an oversized butcher's knife.

Yuki wanted to say something to Shino, he wanted to hear her say something about his Zanpakutō, but the glow of the red light that floated next to her caught both of their attentions.

It was easy for everyone present to understand what had happened, somehow by releasing his sword's form, the amount of power that the ball of light had grown.

Both Yuki and Shino knew that this was impossible because he had already released the amount of power that the ball of light now contained and as such it shouldn't have been able to grow stronger but for some reason it did.

"How did you?" Shino asked him as Kazuma placed his hand on her head.

"I won't do anything to you, but please don't attack anyone here, you're scaring the kids." Kazuma said to Shino as he pointed at the children around them who all looked at her with frightened expressions.

"Sorry." Shino said to Kazuma and then to the kids as she realizes what she has done.

'Excuse men but are you the one that has been training Yuki." Shino asked Kazuma.

"No, the only thing that I did was tell him everything that notebook of his had in it, but in simpler words, he did whatever he did on his own." Kazuma answered her.

Yuki began to walk towards the two when he saw Kazuma lift his hand and grab onto a blast of pure reiatsu.

The swirling energy should have destroyed everything around it, and Yuki that whatever Kazuma was doing was the only thing keeping him and everyone around him alive.

The massive blast of blue and green energy turned upon itself as if it was attempting but failing to detonate and it got smaller and smaller by the second.

Everyone including Shino, who had fallen because of the impact, could only stare at Kazuma with wide eyes.

"What is with today?" Kazuma asked himself as he shook his hand and acted as if he was removing some dirt that had gotten on it.

Yuki watched as the man pulled the rope away from the other students who were all shaking but none of them dared to move, yet Kazuma didn't leave instead he walked towards the house and grabbed a small ball of wire before walking in the direction that the blast had come from.

Yuki didn't say anything even as Shino stood back up, ran up to him, and started pulling him in the direction that Kazuma had gone.

The two of them soon found themselves at the edge of a large field with several bushes that made it hard to see if anything was hiding nearby.

They stopped when they found the man standing next to a snake hollow, which was the size of a mansion, the hollow was being held down by the same rope that the children were training with.

They silently watched as the man held the wire in the palm of his hand and said "Bind" they both let out a gasp as the wire wrapped itself around the snake.

The wire began to tighten itself around the snake and the creature screamed in pain as the wire cut into it, but no matter how much the creature screamed neither Yuki nor Shino could hear it, as the rope prevented it from making any noise.

The two of them widened their eyes when they saw their new teacher, place his hand on the hollow and begin to absorb its power into himself.

Yuki couldn't help but think that whatever this technique was, it was the same technique that Kazuma had used to stop and absorb the blast that he had caught earlier.

He didn't know why but for some reason Shino had pushed him into one of the nearby bushes, as he turned to look at Shino he found her covering herd her mouth and pointing at Kazuma as she turned to look at him, with terror-filled eyes.

Yuki turned to look at the man he had decided to accept as his teacher and he noticed that in the time that it took him to turn to look at Shino Kazuma had released his zanpakutō and was now wearing the pieces of jewelry again.

"Why do they keep coming here?" Yuki heard Kazuma as he began to pick up both the rope and wire off the ground.

He was about to stand up and call to Kazuma when Shino grabbed his arm and pulled him back down before covering his mouth with her hands, Yuki wanted to ask her what was going on but he could see the fear in her eyes.

He turned to look at Kazuma but he could only see the man walking in the direction of the house, but as he looked past Kazuma he noticed that several figures were watching him.

Yuki could feel his blood run cold as he saw four hollows glaring at Kazuma.

He wanted to push Shino away, to call to Kazuma that there were more hollows, he wanted to yell to the man that he needed to turn around, but he couldn't as the fear he felt forced him to stay silent.

He turned to look at Shino and he found that she was silently crying and she was biting her lips to keep herself from making a sound, but she was doing it with such force that blood was running down her mouth.

Yuki could feel Shino's hands trembling even as she pressed them onto his mouth, and he could barely understand that this was the same girl he had known for so long.

Shino was always the one that would jump into a fight when it happened, she was the one that would beat up anyone that bullied him and she was the one who supported him when he decided to become a Soul Reaper so that they could finally stop living the way that they did.

Yuki closed his eyes and realized that he was holding onto something warm.

As he opened his eyes he found that he was somehow holding Shino in his arms, he didn't know when his hands had moved or how he had even had the power for them to move, but he was hugging her tightly even as she covered his mouth with her hands.
The hollows let out their roar that somehow sounded like the voices of people screaming inside an empty building.

You knew that the place was once filled with people but because you were the only one there it made your voice sound wrong.

At the same time, it felt as if you could hear the voices of people calling to you from the other room, but no matter how much you looked there was never anyone there.

Yuki held Shino tightly ad they both forced themselves not to scream when they felt the ground shake beneath them, which was followed by a cool wet blast, that he felt soak his clothes.

The hollows roared all at once and both Yuki and Shino let out a small scream when they felt the hot flames past them, they were forced to open their eyes when the air around them became eerily still and silent.

"Wow." Yuki heard Shino say even as she gasped at the sight that they were greeted with.

Next to his teacher were three women each of them was dressed differently, but they were all unnaturally beautiful.

One of the women had long silver hair, while the one next to her had long blue hair and the last one had short pink hard that bordered on red.

Yuki forced himself to look past the three women and he found that each of the hollows had been captured and three were being held inside different colored spheres.

A massive gorilla hollow was slamming his fist on a silver sphere and its roars could barely be heard coming from it.

A tiger-like hollow was drowning inside a blue sphere, it tried to claw and bite its way out of it, but it was running out of air.

A hollow that looked like a giant bird, that didn't have feathers had its mouth forced shut by a ring of fire, while a flaming red sphere surrounded it and was cooking it alive.

The last of the hollows was tied up by his teacher's rope and wire.

Yuki felt Shino remove her hands from his mouth and forced him to stop hugging her before she held his hand with her own.

The two of them watched as his teacher and the three women began to absorb the hollows.

They watched as a stream of silver, red and blue colors along with the natural white that appears when a hollow dies flew into the three women and his teacher.

Yuki once again felt his eyes widen when the three women vanished into the colors that he now knew belonged to them and reattached themselves to his teacher.

He watched as Kazuma let out a breath and turned to look at the bush that he and Shino were hiding in.

"You know that if you're going to spy on someone you aren't supposed to scream," Kazuma said to them.

Yuki felt Shino let go of his hand and run towards Kazuma before she knelt and placed her head on the ground.

"Please take me as your student, I promise that you won't regret it!" Shino begged Kazuma even as Yuki hesitantly walked towards the two he felt Kazuma turn to look at him.

"What do you say, Yuki, you showed up before her?" Kazuma asked him.

"Yeah Shino is way better than I am, I mean she's a better student than I could ever be." Yuki answered his teacher.

"Greate, because you are going to teach her everything I told you." Kazuma said to him before he turned to look at Shino.

"Get up, I'm not whatever you think I am. I'm just winging it just like everyone else. Now come on everyone is waiting for us." Kazuma said to Shino before he began to walk past her and soon past him.

Yuki turned and saw that Shino was already starting to stand up before she walked past him and began to chase after Kazuma.

There was no reason for him to stand where he was anymore so he began to chase after them.

"So how did you get three Zanpakutō, spirits or?" he could hear Shino ask Kazuma as he caught up to them but Shino stopped talking as noticed that Kazumas sword had turned into different pieces of jewelry.

"They're friends of mine, but this isn't a Zanpakutō." Kazuma answered Shino as he pointed at the bracelet that was on his right wrist.

Shino turned to look at him but Yuki could only shrug and shake his head as he didn't know what Kazuma was talking about, after all, he had seen Kazuma repair his sword and then awaken it.

"So I saw that your friends used different elements, I mean the one with the blue hair used water and the one with red hair used fire but I don't know what the one with silver hair uses." Shino eagerly asks Kazuma.

"Wind, you know how they say lady luck is like the wind how she can be on your side one day and on someone else side the next." Kazuma answers Shino before he starts to wave at everyone who was waiting for him.

"Yuki, I need to be alone for a bit, can you make sure that everyone learns how to make the ball of light," Kazuma asks him and Yuki nods at him but Kazuma doesn't bother to turn and look at him.

Kazuma just walks into the house and closes the door.

"So tell me how did you awaken your Zanpakutō." Shino asks him and Yuki turns to look at her.

Shinos expression is filled with curiosity and excitement the terror that filled her eyes was nowhere to be seen, in its place Yuki could only see joy and excitement, as well as curiosity.

'Okay I just got it yesterday so I'll tell you how we did it." he says to her as he signals to the rest of the children that had managed to summon a Zanpakutō to show them to Shino.
Kazuma looked around the house before walking towards a large bowl and using his create water skill to fill it with water, he immediately shoved his head into the bowl.

He felt the cold water cover his head, he allowed himself to enjoy the sensation of his senses being covered by the water.

In the past, Aqua would have made a mess of things and stopped him from worrying about anything and now he finds himself doing this to imagine that she is with him.

He can't breathe because the water is stopping him, he can barely hear the sounds of the children playing, training, and talking because the water is covering his ears, hell he can't even talk right now.

As he pulls his head out of the bowl he gasps for air and feels the water run down his back and chest.

The memory of what just happened forces itself back into his mind and he can't believe that he managed to do what he did, more than once he should have died, but he forced himself to be what he already knew he wasn't.

This wasn't normal, there were five of them today, not to mention that it was daytime, the monsters didn't attack during the day but they just did.

Had his enemy detection skill not alerted him that the ball of energy was coming he wouldn't have been able to raise his hand in time.

Then there was his hand, his evasion, and doge skill both tried to teleport him out of harm, but if he escaped then the kids would have died, so he forced both skills to not do what they were meant to do.

So, in the end, he just lifted his hand with inhuman speed, the impact of the energy ball didn't kill anyone because both skills did something else completely different, they went for plan B.

They automatically activated his drain touch skill and bubble skill.

The bubble skill was nothing more than a party trick that makes bubbles, it was a dumb skill that Aqua had taught him so that he would help her when he helped her make a show for the town's orphans.

It all happened so fast and he didn't even understand how it happened but all of his skills acted on their own, in ways that he hadn't been able to use them.

His drain touch absorbed everything that it wasn't supposed to, the heat, wind, and every ounce of energy that should have been made by the ball of energy didn't hit anyone around him.

All of that power was transferred to the bubble that was created and placed around the ball of energy.

Then there was the thing that should have killed everyone including him.

All of the energy ball's power was drained and used to make the bubble stronger, so when the energy ball detonated, the bubble was strong enough to keep the blast from killing anyone.

He shoved his head into the bowl of water again but the memories didn't stop.

He should have died when he turned his back on the monsters, after all, they somehow had managed to hide from his detection skill, and it had been the goddesses that saved him.

Only that they weren't his friends, they weren't the same goddesses that he knew, they looked just like them, but there was something wrong about them.

It was as if the part that made them, well just wasn't there, it was as if they were missing the most important part of who they were.

He lifted his head and gasped for air only that this time he felt someone pulling on his pants, he looked down and found that one of the children a little boy was pointing at the door.

He turned to look at what the boy was pointing and he found that several large dogs were standing outside but none of them were attacking anyone.

Kazuma only exhaled, the animals weren't attacking anyone, and if there were trees, plants, and people in this world of the dead why wouldn't there be animals too?

He would worry about why they came here later, he just hoped that no one with powers, he stopped thinking for a moment and reorganized his thoughts.

He hoped that no one that had powers and belonged to the samurais or whatever those people that wore the black clothes noticed what happened and found where he was.

The boy kept pulling on his leg so he followed him to see what he wanted to show him as they walked out of the house Kazuma found himself looking at a group of people from the city or was it town glaring at him.

'What's going on?" he asked them as several of the kids that had gone into town and didn't want to stay with the others were shoved toward him.

"They were caught stealing, discipline your kids before we do it for you." A woman said to him as she showed him a bag filled with food.

Kazuma didn't say anything, he just looked at the kids, then the bag of food, and finally at the group of people.

"Okay." was the only thing that he said.
11A glimpse of an uncertain future
"Go join the others." Kazuma says to the kids who did as he said but it was obvious by their expressions that they didn't like that he told them what to do.

"Aqua, Eris, can the two of you do something or help me find a way to feed them?" he asked the goddesses.

The group of townspeople let out a mall cry of shock when his bracelet and necklace vanished in a combination of blue and silver light.

The two goddesses floated next to him, as they looked at the kids before they turned to look at the crowd, both women gave him a thumbs up before they reached into their sleeves and began to pull out loaves of bread.

"If you have those two then why did your kids steal from us?" the woman asks him

"Sorry, I just learned how to call them so I'm still learning a lot of things, don't worry it won't happen again." he answers her, he could see that the woman wanted to say something else but for whatever reason, she stopped herself from doing so.

He watched the angry townspeople leave before he turned his attention back to the kids who had surrounded the two goddesses, as he looked at the two women giving the kids the bread, he remembered how the Eris church would do the same thing.

He stopped himself from remembering the past, that church and its members along with all of those people were in another world, one that he couldn't go back to just yet.

He took a deep breath and exhaled before closing his eyes and walking back to the house, but he didn't go inside this time, instead, he sat down on the ground and closed his eyes.

He could feel the hardwood wall behind him and allowed himself to enjoy this somewhat peaceful atmosphere.

"You look like your having fun." Eris says to him, but her voice was coming from the inside of his head.

Kazuma opened his eyes and he saw that the Eris that he had called earlier was still handing bread to the kids.

"So what's going on how are you here, but I can hear you inside my head?" Kazuma asks the goddess.

"It's simple, the one that's feeding everyone is a tiny piece of my power, it's something that I sent to you so that you didn't have to do things on your own."

"Eris cut that out tell him the truth, we all knew that you would die if you were left on your own so we made doubles and gave them to you when we gave you some of our power." Aqua interrupted Eris.

"Anyway, what's the deal with you grabbing that useless thing, that sword is barely holding itself together."

"It's a good thing that you used a broken one because we would have destroyed a new one or one that wasn't broken for even coming close to us." Aqua says to him.

Kazuma can't help but genuinely smile Aqua was always like this, she was loud, rude, and overall she made him forget about everything.

"I missed this," Kazuma says to himself, but he failed to notice that both Yuki and Shino had heard him say it.

For a brief moment he swore that he could see Aqua standing in front of him again, but she had a sad smile on her face, and next to her were the rest of his party.

"We're glad that you aren't alone in there." Eris says to him and Kazuma can feel a warm hand on his head.

"That sword is useless for you and us, find something that we can use properly so that it's easier for them to help you while you are in there," Wolbach says to him, but her voice sounds further away than the others.

"Our time has run out.' Eris says to him before both her and Aqua's presence vanishes again.

"And where the hell am I supposed to find one of those?' Kazuma asks himself, as he looks at the kids.

Meanwhile, the people that had one to see Kazuma and tell him what the kids he was taking care of had done, had started talking to their neighbors.

The women gossiped with each other while the men didn't say anything until they needed something to talk about.

It didn't matter how they told the story as it was changed every time someone told someone else about what they had been told.

As word spread Kazuma turned from someone that had randomly shown up to an exiled Soul Reaper that had opened an orphanage and had two beautiful women living with him.

Others claimed that he had opened his version of the Soul Reaper Academy and had started to teach the children of the Rukonga how to use their powers if they had any.

Some immediately questioned the reality of the stories that they were hearing, but those that were telling them just said that all that they had to do was look at the fact that no one had gone missing since he arrived.

Others pointed out the fact that sometimes at night, a person could hear the hollows roar or they could see the flashes of light when Kazuma was fighting with them.

And so the stories began to grow, some said that the man was a captain that had retired others just said that Kazuma was just a man and nothing else.

Regardless of what the stories said about him, they soon reached the ears of the Seireitei.

"Captain." Isane said to Unohana as she walked into her office.

Unohana for her part was busy learning the duties of a bride or what they were supposed to do.

After her temper had calmed she had decided to ask the few people that she knew that had someone that was married or were married themselves what exactly was expected of her.

No one dared to try and teach her anything, most just told her that she would figure it out as time passed and a few of the women that she asked were kind and foolish enough to give her a copy of the things that they were forced to learn.

So Unohana decided to do what she had planned even if no one would help her, she began to train herself to prepare herself for the day that, that man showed his face again.

"Yes." she answers Isane, as she reads the last page of her third book.

"It's about the man that fought with you, some of our recruits decided to break curfew and heard that someone was living at the edge of the Rukongai."

"We would normally not care about the gossip that goes on in there, except that the man was reported to have two of our missing students as well as several children that have managed to gain a Zanpakutō of their own."

Unohana placed her book on the table next to her before standing up and walking toward her lieutenant.

"You wouldn't have come to me for this, so is there something that I should know," Unohana asks Isane.

Isane begins to sweat as she feels her captain's spiritual pressure but she remains firm after all her captain wouldn't just kill her for something so small.

"No one that has met him has ever seen him holding or carrying a Zanpakutō." Unohana closes her eyes as she hears her lieutenant's words and for a brief moment, Kenpachi makes her presence known.

"Anything else?" Unohana asks her lieutenant.

"A team has been sent to investigate if the rumors are true and if they are, they were ordered to apprehend the deserter if he is a soul reaper."

"If he's just someone that has awakened his powers they were ordered to offer them to attend the academy." Isane answers her.

"What were they told to do if it is that man?" Unohana asks Isane and Isane immediately feels her body being overwhelmed by fear as her captain's eyes shine with cold uncaring power.

"They were ordered to capture or kill him." Isane answers her captain but she opens her eyes and is shocked to find that she hasn't been yelled at or killed.

Unohana gently places her hand on Isanes cheek and warmly smiles at her.

"Then there's nothing to worry about, if its that man then they will fail in capturing him not to mention kill him and if he is a traitor, then he will be dealt with," Unohana says to her as she turns around and walks back to where she had been sitting.

She picks up the last book that she was given and begins to read it.
Okay to explain Kazumas powers think of the Quincy's, mainly their king, and how he was able to pass his power to other people, and in exchange, he gained their memories and all of their experiences with those powers.

Kazuma isn't using magic and right now, he is only using spiritual energy because he doesn't have a proper weapon yet and because he doesn't know how to use holy energy yet.

Despite those setbacks the energies that the goddesses gave him, they are still doing what they were supposed to do.

They are keeping him alive.

It's heaven's power that's allowing his skills to act in ways that they normally wouldn't be able to.

To put it simply, Kazuma is evolving without knowing it.

Everytime he absorbs a hollow or someone gains a weapon or skill by using his methods, he gains access to their memories and adds their experience to his own.

Despite any of this, he has no idea that he's even doing any of it, because he's not hurting anyone.

As to the goddess's appearance both Eris and Aqua, mainly Aqua said it.

They were given to Kazuma so that they could help him, because of his track record.

The guy dies constantly, so they created doubles of themselves that can help him fight and do everyday things so that he isn't so lonely while he's in the Bleach universe.
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"Okay close your eyes and imagine a ball of light and yes it can change colors because it's a ball of light." Shino closed her eyes as she listened to Yuki.

She imagined herself doing the same thing she had done the day before, only that this time she found herself inside the academy, and unfortunately, she was sitting on her old seat.

Normally the room would be filled with students and unfortunately for her, the chair she had been assigned to was surrounded by chairs that belonged to nobles.

Still, she did what Yuki told her to do, she created the ball of light, it was strange normally something so simple came easy to her, and yet no matter how hard she tried she couldn't even make a tiny spark appear.

Tunk, tunk, tunk, tunk, the sound of chalk being used to write on the blackboard made her look up but no one was writing anything on the board, and the blackboard was empty.

Still the sounds continued and she began to look around searching for where the sound was coming from.

It took her more than a minute, but she realized that the sound was coming from the desk she had assigned to her, she didn't call it her desk because it was never truly hers.

She found the piece f chalk, that was making the sound and it was being held by a hand that was wearing a white glove, as she looked up she found herself looking at a clown who was happily smiling at her.

"Oh keep going, don't let e interrupt." the clown says to her but every time he said a word he made his mouth widen twist, and turn exaggeratedly.

"Who are you?" Shino asks the clown who just smiles at her, with his unnaturally large red-painted lips unnaturally large.

'I'm##!#@" the clown introduced himself as he began to hit the piece of chalk on the desk again.

"What?" Shino asks the clown who immediately stopped tapping the piece of chalk on the table.

"Let's not worry about that for now." the clown says to her as he stands up straight and immediately shrinks before appearing behind her.

'So what are we doing?" the clown asks her as he sits down on the chair behind her and places his feet on the desk.

"I'm trying to make a ball of light appear, but nothing is happening," Shino answers the clown as she tries to make another orb of light manifest in front of her.

"Oh, do you mean like those?" The clown says o her, and even though the clown is sitting behind her, Shino knows that he's pointing at the entrance to the room.

She turns and sees several orbs that are changing color with every passing second.

The walls of the room begin to fall one after another and Shino finds herself standing inside a white empty void, she would have said that she was floating, but for her to be able to float over anything, there had to be something for her to float over.

She was going to say something to the clown but she stopped as the man grabbed the orbs of light and began to hit them with the tips of his fingers, each time he hit them they made a different sound.

"Do you know how horrible this place is when something that doesn't belongs here, is here?" the clown says to her.

"This place was pure white, not because your pure but because it's meant to be white, that classroom, these orbs, and yes even our voices don't belong here." he says to her, as the orbs begin to lose their color before then they vanish.

"Our time is up, Shino, you'll understand as time passes." the clown says to her.

Shino tries to open her mouth to ask the only question that matters to her at the moment, even if she already knows the answer, but she's not able to as the moment she blinks she finds herself sitting on the ground holding her sword.

Shino blinks she can't believe it, her sword is letting out small sparks of electricity her eyes widen as blue butterflies begin to fly off her sword and it changes to something that while still looking like a sword, feels somehow empty.
'Shino you did it!" Yuki says to her as he hugs her tightly.

Shino can't help but return Yuki's hug, but she was unable to share his enthusiasm, this wasn't right she no they had gone to the academy for months but it only took a day for her sword to change its form here.

She begins to look for Kazuma to show him that she has managed to gain a Zanpakutō, that the sword is now truly hers, and not the thing that is handed to everyone that enters the academy.

At least not anymore.

Her sword, just like herself, isn't like everyone else, it's different, and it's hers.

She continues to search for the man but she can't find him anywhere and the only thing that she sees are his three spirits feeding and watching over the children.

"let's go show the teacher." she says to Yuki, but Yuki's expression changes.

"He's not here, I mean he's." Yuki stops talking as the sound of footsteps reaches their ears and the two of them turn to see several Soul Reapers walking toward them.

Out of habit the two of them stand aside and let their seniors pass, the four men walk past them and despite glaring at them none of the men say anything to her or Yuki.

"You woman, where's the guy that lives here?' one of the soul reapers asks the spirit with short red hair as she gently hands the infant she's carrying to one of the older kids.
"He went to do something, as you can see there are a lot of kids here so were need to get out of." Wolbach answers the rude man.

"Shut up I didn't ask for an explanation, I only asked where he was." the man says to her, but for whatever reason, the man seems to not even want to be in front of her.

Shino watches as the other three men begin to walk around and judging by the expressions of disgust and arrogant smirks she can tell that they didn't grow up on this side of the soul society.

"He's out, do you want to leave a message or would you like to wait for him?" Wolbach says to the man her voice is calm, but Shino can see that Wolbach's right eye is beginning to twitch.

Because the man has his back turned to her Shino isn't able to see his expression, but if it's anything like the one on the other three's faces she can tell that he sent planning anything good.

The other three men act as if they're reaching for their swords and as a result, all of the kids start to run, some run towards Aqua and Eris others to Wolbach.

More than half of them run into the city \ town or towards the bushes where Kazuma had fought the hollows a day ago.

The men begin to laugh as the three women glare at them, Shino isn't able to take any more and so takes the stance that she learned in the academy.

One of the soul reapers notices her and begins to smirk before signaling to his friends to turn and look at her.

The rest of the men just grin, they don't even consider her a threat.

"You know this place is off limits to civilians, lots of hollows appear here, and here you are three defenseless women raising children." the soul reaper says to Wolbach as he walks closer to her.

Yuki draws his sword and is about to run towards the man that has his back turned to them but before he's able to the soul reaper's body is thrown to the side by something that exploded next to his leg.

"What!?" the other three men scream in confusion, as a pillar of water erupts from the ground throwing one man into the air.

While the man next t him grabs his neck when a bubble made of gray light surrounds his head and the air is pulled out of his lungs and he's stopped from being able to breathe.

The last of the men is grabbed by different colored chains and held in the air, as the three spirits gently free themselves from the children's trembling hands and stand before their captured enemy.

All three women place a finger on the man's head and Shino is forced to look away as the man begins to scream when the man stopped screaming Shino opens her eyes and finds that he's now laying on the ground.

The three women repeat the same action on the other three men who in turn screamed as the three spirits did whatever they are doing to them.

"And with that." Aqua says to everyone the spirit's long blue hair is briefly moved by the wind.

As Shino watches the spirit's long blue hair make contact with Wolbach's short pink hair, she feels herself begin to relax, she knows that there isn't a reason for her to worry anymore.

She turns to look at Yuki, who has already lowered his sword, unfortunately, their relief is short-lived as the air is pulled from their lungs.

Shino can feel her body begin to break under the spiritual pressure of someone something that she can't even see, she can hear the children around her screaming in agony as the monster that hasn't even made itself known to them is killing them with its very existence.

She doesn't know what's happening anymore, as she isn't able to see or hear anything anymore, she doesn't even know if she closed her eyes or if she's even on the ground.

The pain is gone now and the sounds of children crying reaches her ears, Shino doesn't even know when Yuki, yes Yuki that was his name right?

It has to be, she doesn't even know when Yuki grabbed her and began to shake her out of desperation.

She knows that he's desperately saying something to her, but she can't understand anything that's coming out of his mouth, it's as if her very sense of understanding had been taken from her.

Yuki has stopped shaking her and her head falls uselessly onto her shoulder, she can see a blue light covering the entire area, and she can feel her body beginning to cry out in pain as it's being repaired from the inside out.

In one moment everything rushes back to her and she can't help but let out a pain-filled cry that comes out of her very core and carries all of the horrors that she just experienced.

She desperately begins to look around for any signs of the monster that rendered her helpless and took her to the edge of death, but she is unable to find it.

Her eyes are wide and filled with madness as she gasps for air and searches for any signs of the threat, but it isn't anywhere to be seen and neither are the three spirits that were left behind to watch over the children.

As she slowly realizes that she isn't in danger, she turns her attention towards Yuki who is staring at something that's not too far from them.

Shino feels her chest lighten and the weight of the madness that she felt just seconds ago vanish as she sees Kazuma standing between her and a man that's wearing a white suit.

Kazuma's three Zanpakutō spirits are floating behind him and from the looks of it, they are ready to attack the man with the long blond hair.

Shino watches as the man hands Kazuma something before he turns and walks away.

She watches the monster walk away, the same creature that nearly killed her was forced to leave by her teacher.

Even as Kazuma and his tree Zanpakutō spirits walk back to them, no one makes a sound, the reality of the situation is so ridiculous that no one can believe it.

Slowly the sounds of infants and children sniffing and then crying are heard and Shino doesn't even realize that she is crying along with them, she turns to Yuki and sees him crying.

She yells at him to stop crying even as she cries out of desperation, relief, and helplessness today was supposed to be one of the best days of her life.

Today was the day that she had made her sword bond with her and gained her Zanpakutō, but rather than hear her teachers praise she had been forced to realize just how weak she truly was, not once but twice.

She feels a warm hand on her head and as she looks up to see who it is she sees Kazuma smiling at her, his kind expression helps her to relax and as she wipes away the tears from her eyes she notices that his other hand is on Yuki's head.

Her childhood friend, the very person that kept her from throwing herself in the river and ending the constant pain that was her life was right next to her, just as he always had been, just like he always would be.

It was because of him that she had managed to live through her childhood, it was because of him that she had entered the academy, and it was because of him that she left it with the excuse of bringing him back.

And it was because of him that they both had found a teacher that could keep such a monster away.

She began to reach for Yuki's hand and grabbed it, she held his hand tightly as she made sure that Yuki wouldn't leave her again.

"hey look at that so you made it change, good job.' Kazuma says to her, as the air around her and Yuki begins to change.

The air around them around her feels warm, it feels kind.
authors note
I know what most if not all of you are asking why hasn't Kazuma acted like Kazuma and why haven't you written anything from his point of view or what he has been doing all of this time?

The truth is there wasn't anything for me to write.

Let's be honest here, Kazuma is loud, arrogant, and gets himself into trouble because he can't stop himself from doing stupid things just like anyone else.

But the guy is smart and knows when to stay hidden when he's in a bad situation.

From the time he escaped from the captains to the moment that Yuki and Shino found him, he has been doing nothing but hiding, granted he has been killing the hollows that show up but that was it.

At most he allowed the orphans to live with him, but neither he nor the orphans cared about each other as he didn't even know any of the kids' names by the time Yuki showed up.
As he looks at everything in front of him Kazuma can't help but feels like this was bound to happen, maybe if he had tried harder to stay hidden, then maybe no one would have ever found him and he would have left this world without anyone knowing he had ever been here.

As he lets go of the two samurais' heads, he can't help but feel as if he found a small piece of home here.

Sure it's not a mansion, but the house is big enough that everyone can live inside it, even if it doesn't have running water and electricity, because of his skills, he can keep himself and everyone warm when it's cold or cool when the nights are hot.

He smiles truly smiles as he starts to realize why the girls left their three colones with him and why they told him not to lock himself away while he was here.

He was going to be here for a while and it was possible that they either didn't want to tell him how long he was going to be here, or they didn't know either.

Today was the first day that he had ever been to town and he was both surprised and unsurprised by what he found.

There were people everywhere he turned......but the state that everything was in, it wasn't bad but it wasn't good either.

He starts to walk towards the bag of clothes that he bought from the people in town, granted he didn't have any money, but anyone is willing to trade clothes for something they need.

So he had spent some time repairing the roofs and walls of the houses in exchange for clothes.

Then there were the clothes that he was paid with, he couldn't argue about them because he had seen how the people in the city or whatever this place was dressed so he knew that they had given him what they could.

In all honesty, he would have spent the entire day in town but the feeling coming from here made him teleport as fast as he could.

"I have a surprise for everyone, I don't know if they will fit you kids but I have some clothes for all of you." he says to everyone as he opens the bag.

"Take one and if it doesn't fit you I have more inside." he says to everyone.

He knows that the kids are scared and that getting something so small like handed-down clothes won't help them feel any better but he hopes that they might help them a little.

He exhales as the three clones start to gather the kids and he can't help but laugh, as he sees something so simple that he can't believe that he forgot about it.

The three women begin to pick up the Haori that catches their eye before putting it on the kid that's close to them, if the haori doesn't fit the kid, the goddesses just shove the haori into their sleeves and pull it back out.

This is what made him laugh, he had completely forgotten that they could do this.

When all of the kids including the two samurai that wanted him to be their teacher had a haori resized for them the three women began to pull black hadajuban from their sleeves and handed them to the kids.

Then everyone except for him went into the house before they all came back out again, he couldn't help but smile, in front of him were three roles that ht had either separated themselves by instinct or because the goddesses had told them to do so.

Either way, he was now looking at three lines of children dressed in their new clothes, one role had kids that were now wearing a red haori that had what looked like orange fire from the bottom and the sleeves.

The second role was wearing a light gray, with what looked like white clothes drawn on their front and back while on the edge of their sleeves, they had a light gold color painted on them.

The last group was wearing a bright blue color that reminded him of Aqua, but what separated them from the others was the small green leaf that was painted on the top of their right shoulder.

'You all look great, we will look for everyone that's missing later, let's just wait for them to come back on their own for now." he says to everyone.

he walks towards the part of the wall that he usually leans on and as he starts to sit down he can't help but let out a faint laugh.

The kids are starting to notice that they're wearing new clothes, apparently, the girls exchanged the clothes that he brought with new ones.

Maybe there's a reason why they had to trade the ones he brought for the new ones, or maybe they just didn't see the need to give the kids new clothes, still, he can't waste any more time thinking about it he has to think about what he's going to do.

There are two options, three but that last one isn't something that he's willing to do, not anymore, not after seeing the shocked expressions that the kids had when he showed up.

So leaving and telling the kids to leave isn't an option anymore, even if that would keep them safe from the people that have powers.

So that just leaves staying or leaving this place.

If they leave they will manage to put some distance between them and whoever might show up, not to mention they will be farther away from the monsters that show up from time to time.

Unfortunately, the monsters and the samurais or ninjas here have super speed so leaving isn't an option anymore because they would see the roles of brightly clothed children.

That just leaves staying here and letting the pieces fall.

He can feel the wood wall on the back of his head, if Meguming was here, she would say that they should just march to where ever the people in charge live and blow it up.

Darkness would say that they should try to negotiate before she would begin to fantasize bout being captured by the people in charge and ..... it's better not to think about what she would hope they did to her.

Aqua would either say let them come and then start to say something about herself like what a great goddess she is.

The sound of barking makes him look to his left and he sees that the dogs are coming back and they're carrying half of the kids that ran away on their backs.

The older kids the ones that the dogs either can't or won't allow the older kids to ride them like miniature horses are walking back to the house and he can already see how they already noticed everyone is wearing new clothes.

Again he can't help but smile, as both groups run towards each other, even as the three clones start to pick up the clothes that are left and begin to do what they did earlier again.

'Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?" he asks himself.
1 I'm going to have to be the hero aren't I
Kazuma hit his head on the wall over and over again while at the same time cursing his luck.

Heaven had sent him here after he and his friends had defeated the demon king, according to them it was his punishment for breaking the reincarnation cycle.

Not because Aqua kept on bringing him back to life, or because he had successfully stolen Aqua from Heaven when he chose her as his cheat item, no it was because he had figured out how to enter Eris's throne room while he was still alive.

Luckily for him, the King of Heaven interfered and forced every other god and goddess to give him what they called a slap on the wrist because he had managed to kill what was once believed to be an unbeatable opponent.

And as a result, he was dropped into another version of earth, unfortunately for him as he was falling to the ground a portal opened beneath him and he fell into it just a giant monster wearing a white mask walked out of it.

And now he finds himself here, trapped inside a giant labyrinth with no way of knowing how to get out.

A cold and deep howl that echoes through the tunnel forces him to stop hitting his head on the wall and so he's forced to start walking again.

If it wasn't for the sphere of light that his flare skill creates he would be completely blind here, even if he used his enemy detection skill and dark vision skill along with his snipe skill.

Hell, he was still using those three skills to avoid the monsters that lived in the tunnels, and if it wasn't for his dodge skill that forced him to turn and walk in another direction than the one that he had wanted to go in he would have been eaten along time ago.

"Where am I?" he asks himself as none of his skills activate anymore, so he knows that he's not in danger at the moment.

As he sits down to get some rest and catch his breath, he lowers his head but forces himself to raise his head and look for something, anything that he can use.

It doesn't matter if its a stick or a ball of dirt, he doesn't know what he will use it for or why he's looking for it, he just wants to find something anything that isn't a monster or white sand and white rocks like the ones that he has been seeing ever since he fell into this place.

He can't help but smile when he sees what looks like a white pillar that has blue light coming out of it, as he stands up and walks closer to it he notices that there are several burn marks covering the pillar and the walls beyond it.

Because none of his skills have activated he knows that it's safe for him to walk down the tunnel even if it's pitch black and there's a faint blue light at the end of it.

As he walks into the dark tunnel his flare skill begins to flicker as if something was draining the magic from it, but he manages to make it to the end of the tunnel just as the light from his skill dies.

The blue light from the end of the tunnel begins to glow brightly as the wall in front of him starts to move away from him revealing what looks like a giant white room, that has what looks like tables that are made of blue light.

Normally he would know better than to walk into what looks like an abandoned laboratory but considering that his only other option is the tunnels that are filled with monsters he decides to go in.

As he walks closer to the tables made of blue light he hears the wall behind him cover the only exit.

"Greate." he says to himself as he starts to look at the things that are on the table.

Normally he would either be excited by what he just found or worried that if he touches any of them then an alarm or a defense system will activate, but he's too tired and hungry to care.

The first thing that he picks up is a pair of disks that don't seem to do anything, so he puts them into his pocket.

Next to them is a bow, but there aren't any arrows for it, so he moves on and he finds what looks like an instruction manual, unfortunately, the moment that he touches it turns into dust.

The blue light that made the tables begins to fade until the tables are completely gone, now there's nothing in the room but him.

The ceiling begins to open and he doesn't question the fact that stairs start to come down, he just starts to walk and as he leaves the room he finds that he is walking into a desert.

"Well at least I'm not surrounded by monsters anymore." he says to himself as he looks at the starless sky and smiles at the full moon.

He starts to walk again but considering that he hasn't had anything to eat or drink he begins to run out of energy and collapses on the desert floor.

"Drain touch." says to himself as he hopes to gain some power from the ground beneath him.

His skill begins to flare and pull the desert sands towards him as it turns them into power for him to use, as more and more of the white sand is crushed and turned into energy for him to use he begins to feel his hunger and thirst vanish.
Kazuma is punished by Heaven for breaking the rules and so he's sent to another version of earth, unfortunately, it's not as safe as his version of earth.

Kazuma can't help but smile as his exhaustion finally catches up to him, but he doesn't care anymore as he falls into a deep sleep.

Kazuma begins to wake up, he doesn't know how long he has been asleep but considering that the moon is still up and there are no signs of the sun yet, he knows that he couldn't have been asleep for too long.

With nothing else to do, he begins to walk again but after what felt like hours he finally stops walking and looks at the full moon, he knows now that there isn't a sun in this world, because the moon hasn't moved.

"So this is my life now." Kazuma says to himself as he sits down and looks at the bow that he found in that room.

He pulls on the strings and pretends to fire an arrow, but he is surprised to see that the strings on the bow begin to glow green and when he lets go of them a green arrow is fired into the distance.

He doesn't bother to wait and see what happens when the arrow he just fired land, instead he quickly gets back up and starts to run away and it's out of pure luck that he runs into another portal that a monster is using to leave the desert.

He blinks as he realizes that he's standing in what looks like a town, but he doesn't know if this is the earth or another world, but he decides that it doesn't matter as it's better than where he just escaped from.
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2 I'm going to have to be the hero aren't I
As he walks deeper into the town he can't help but stop and look at his reflection, he lets out a small laugh as he sees that he was somehow de-aged.

He's back to the same age that he had died and that can only mean one thing, it's going to be hell for him to find a job because he sure all hell isn't going back to the nightmare that was school.

Granted school isn't considered a hell or nightmare by most people but it was for him and he has no intention of going back there again.

His enemy detection skill warns him that something that can and will hurt him is nearby and as he looks up he sees a woman wearing something that samurais would wear.

The strange thing is that she's floating in the sky and they would have mistaken her for a guy, if he hadn't spent so much time with Chris he wouldn't be able to tell that she was a girl because of how flat-chested she is and how short her hair is.

He watches as the flying woman draws her sword and flies towards what looks like a giant spider that has a white mask for a head.

"Not my problem.' he says to himself as he ignores the sound of battle and continues with his life, he has better things to do, like finding a place to live and figuring out how he's going to live.

As the day passes he's forced to find an alley that he can hide in and closes his eyes, he can't help but smile as he listens to the dogs barking in the distance and the sounds of crickets.

"Yeah this is better." he says to himself as he remembers the howls that he would hear in that other world.

"You shouldn't sleep here." he hears someone say to him, and by the sound of her voice, he knows that it's a woman.

"Why not? I'm not blocking the entrance and I'm not bothering anyone." he answers her but he doesn't bother to open his eyes to look at her.

He begins to feel himself falling asleep when he hears someone else start to talk.

"So any idea how we are even here?" another woman asks the first one.

"No, but it has something to do with him, otherwise why would we have woken next to him?" the first woman answers the second one.

Kazuma opens his eyes he found himself looking at a pair of women both of them had light skin but one of them had long black hair, and the other one had long way by light brown hair.

"Whatever this is can it wait until tomorrow, I've had a lot to deal with?" he asks the two women who just nod at him.

The next day he finds himself doing the same thing as the day before, which is looking for a job or a place that will let him stay for a day or two, unfortunately, he now has a pair of women following him where ever he goes and worst of all no one else can see either of them.

"So how long are the two of you going to be following me?" he asks the two women.

"Don't know, maybe until we know why we're here." the brown-haired woman answers him.

"Perhaps we should stop walking and introduce ourselves, considering that we will be following you for a while." the black-haired woman says to him.

Kazuma stops walking and turns to look at the two women.

"I'm Sato Kazuma and I'm or was an Adventurer." he introduces himself to the two women.

"I am Kanae Katagiri." the black-haired woman introduces herself to him, as she bows her head to him.

"My name is Masaki Kurosaki." the brown-haired woman introduces himself to him as she waves at him, her white dress is an exact copy of the black dress that the woman next to her is wearing.

"So do either of you know anyone or a place that I can stay in, I mean I don't mind sleeping outside again but it gets boring after a while," he asks the two women.

Masaki and Kanae look at each other and they both immediately dismiss the first person that they think about, then they both nod as they decide to on the only person that can help the three of them at the moment.

"Yes, there is a person that can help you and maybe us." Kanae says to Kazuma as she points in the direction that he needs to go

The three of them soon find themselves standing in front of a large building and the sign in front of it reads Karakura Hospital.

"Okay, so why am I here, I mean I'm not hurt and I don have any money on me right now?" Kazuma asks them and both women start to giggle.

"Yeah, they're going to get along just fine." Masaki says to Kanae who just smiles and nods.

"Go inside and tell the receptionist to call Ryūken Ishida, tell her to tell him that if he hasn't eaten the celery then he will be in trouble." Kanae says to Kazuma.

Kazuma just turns and looks at the black-haired woman, but what options does he have, after all, he hasn't eaten anything and he would honestly be happy just to have a place to sit down that isn't made of concrete.

As he walks in he feels the cool air of the air conditioner and as he walks toward the receptionist he notices that the woman's attention is completely on him.

'Hie, I'm here to see Ryūken Ishida, can you please tell him that if he hasn't eaten the celery then he will be in trouble."

"He will know what that means." Kazuma says to the receptionist who stares at him for a moment before she picks up her phone and repeats what he just said to her.

After a few minutes, a man wearing a white doctor's coat, who has white almost silver hair and glasses steps out of an elevator and walks towards him.

"Yeah so I'm guessing you're Ryūken Ishida?' he asks the white\ grey-haired man who just nods.

"Come on you can tell me everything while we go to my office." Ryūken says to Kazuma as he leads Kazuma to the elevator that for some reason hasn't closed yet.

The moment that the elevator closes Kazuma immediately says the only thing that makes sense to him.

"Kanae Katagiri is standing next to me, she's the one that told me to come to look for you."

"And considering that she's friends or at the very least act's friendly with Masaki Kurosaki I think you should know that Masaki is standing next to me too." Kazuma says to Ryūken who doesn't react to his words.

The elevator stops and as the door opens Kazuma notices that he's now standing in front of an office, there wasn't anything like a hallway or another door that led to said hallway, meaning that the elevator was the only way in and out of the room.

Even before Ryūken steps into the office, he starts to take off his coat before he turns and glares at Kazuma.

'Tell me everything." he demands.

Kazuma just looks at the man before telling him everything that has happened to him ever since he arrived in this universe, everything except for the fact that he didn't exist before and that the reason he was falling was that the gods had literally dropped him into the world.

Ryūken rubbed his eyes before he signaled to Kazuma to place the things that he found on his desk.

Kazuma did what the man asked him to do and he watched as the man picked up the bow before putting it back on the desk but it was when the man picked up one of the disks that he noticed the man's eyes widen.

The man then picked up the other disk and he began to laugh but there were teas falling from his eyes at the same time.

"Can you still see them?" Ryūken asks Kazuma who just points at the two women.

"I'll need some time to study the disks, just leave this one with me and keep the other one with you maybe you can find a way to use it while I'm studying the other one." Ryūken says to Kazuma as he begins to write something down.

"This is the address of an apartment building that I use when I'm doing something that I normally wouldn't do, use it."

" I'll pay for everything, but you need to go back to school, I'll figure out how to forge your papers but I won't allow anyone that has any connection to me to be on the streets and have no future because they didn't go to school." Ryūken says to Kazuma as the sound of Kazuma's stomach growing fills the room.

He reaches into his pocket and takes out his wallet before handing Kazuma a handful of money.

"Buy yourself something to eat." he says to Kazuma.

As Ryūken watches Kazuma leave he closes his eyes and squeezes the disk that he's holding.

'So do you think he has a connection to the king?" he asks Kanae.

'I don't know, but he can see me and Masaki without the disks, so maybe we were imprinted on him because of them." Kanae answers her husband.

"Can you take me to Uryū I want to see just how big he's gotten," Kanae says to Uryū who hesitantly reaches to wards her hand, and they both gasp when they realize that they can feel each other's hands.

Neither of them says anything and they just embrace neither caring that Kanae had died years ago and Ryūken is still alive.
3 I'm going to have to be the hero aren't I
Kazuma looked at the apartment it wasn't big but it wasn't exactly small either, as he looked at the door that had the number that Ryūken had written on the piece of paper he began to put in the security code to unlock the front door.

The inside of the apartment was bigger than he had expected, but there was too much white, sure there were some blue colors here and there but that was it.

The couch was a bone white, while the curtains and rug were blue with what looked like white crosses on them.

The sound of the phone ringing reached his ear and while he was hesitant to answer it, he knew that only one person knew that he was using the apartment.

"Hellow." he says as he answers the phone.

'I finished the paperwork and you're entering Karakura High School tomorrow, I've already taken care of the paperwork as for your uniform the school will handle taking care of your measurements." Ryūken says to him before he hangs up.

With nothing else to do Kazuma walks towards the couch and sits down, he stares at his hand and begins to activate his skill one after another, he's careful not to put her into them so that he doesn't end up accidentally burning or ruining something.

He smiles his skills haven't gone away in this version of earth, and while it's a little bit harder for him to use them for some reason, he's still able to use them.

"So who was that guy?" Kazuma asks Masaki who was silently watching use his skills.

"He's my adopted brother and ex-fiance," Masaki answers him but considering how things were done in the other world Kazuma doesn't react to her attempt to mess with him.

'So I'm guessing that he's her uncle and brother?' he asks Masaki who stares at him for a moment before she starts to laugh.

'That would be the case after what I just said, but no he is or washer husband before she died." Masaki answers Kazuma, however, she notices that he suddenly became tense.

"What's wrong?" she asks him.

'Nothing I just figured out why I was dropped into this world."

"Hey just out of curiosity are there people that come in and out of the place where people are supposed to go when they die?" he asks her.

'Yeah, they're called Soul Reapers, and it's their job to send the souls of the dead to the Soul Society, and they're the ones that are supposed to deal with the Hollows the monsters that wear the white masks." Masaki answers him.

'Yeah that makes sense and I'm guessing the guy you and Kanae sent me to, is either one of them or someone that has powers similar to theirs?" he says to her but Masaki doesn't answer him this time.

"I'll take your silence as a yes, oh well it's better not to think about it, if I have to run away I will." Kazuma says to himself as he lays down and closes his eyes.

"Hey, Masaki before you and Kanae found me what was the last thing that you remember?" Kazuma asks Masaki not knowing that at the same time, Ryūken was asking Kanae the same question.

"I was being pulled by a blue light, but something pushed me somewhere and then I found myself standing next to you" Masaki answers Kazuma.

"The next thing I knew I was standing next to a sleeping Kazuma." Kanae answers Ryūken.

As both Kazuma and Ryūken listen to both women's answers they begin to come to the same conclusions, either both women were somehow still in the world of the living and for some reason, no one could see them.

Something had grabbed their sous and laced them into the disks.

Or for whatever reason no matter how far-fetched it was Kazuma bringing the disks to the world of the living must have pulled their souls away from wherever they were being taken.

Kazuma reached into his pocket and squeezed the disk as he tried to make it do something.

While he was doing this, Masaki watched him give up before he chose to bite the disk and then put some of his power into it, which was odd because she could feel his energy flowing into her very being and she didn't know if she liked it.

She could feel his energy flowing from the tips of her hair to the ends of her toe and it felt as if Kazuma had touched every part of her, including her clothes, and she didn't even know how she could feel her clothes being touched.

"Well, this is new." Kazuma says to himself as he holds what looks like a sword that's made of green light.

"You are going to need his help, you know that right?" Masaki says to him and Kazuma doesn't answer her, as he begins to feel a sense of dread growing inside of him.

In his office, Ryūken holds a similar sword to the one that Kazuma is holding while his wife sits on his lap.

He notices that the elevator opens but he doesn't care if someone sees him after all normal people can't see the sword and much less.

'Mom?" he hears his son say to Kanae before she jumps off his lap and runs towards their son.

" I missed you so much" Kanae says to Uryū while completely ignoring the fact that their son can see her when Ryūken didn't know she was there until he held onto the disk.

As Ryūken looks at his wife who is crying while hugging their son he turns to look at the sword that's made of blue light, somehow activating it made Kanae's spirit visible to people that have spiritual awareness.

He doesn't know if giving it more power will allow his wife to be seen by normal people but he knows that the answers he's looking for are in the laboratory that Kazuma found in Hueco Mundo.
Unohana takes a drink from her cup of tea as she waits for Byakuya Kuchiki the captain of the sixth division.

In front of her are some of the books that she borrowed from the Kuchiki house while she was looking for someone that would help train her in the art of marriage and teach her how to be a wife.

Her mind returns to the memory of when the four soul reapers that had been sent to investigate the place where the man that had beaten her supposedly lived, she remembers how the four of them barely crawled into the Seireitei.

She had to stop herself from breaking the cup that she was holding, after all, it didn't belong to her, from what they had told her, they did find that man and he had created his own school.

It wasn't anything significant, after all, she had destroyed several just like it in the past and when she killed him she would destroy it along with the three women that lived with him.

She took another drink and enjoyed the hot flavored water as it went down her throat, tea was nothing more than that water with some flavor.

Maybe the leaves or herbs had some medicinal or poisonous properties to them, but the fact remained that it was still water that one drank, even if people wanted to put some deeper meaning into drinking the stuff.

She smiled, but her smile wasn't kind, no it carried all of her blood lust.

That man had allowed four men to enter his home, it didn't matter that they hadn't entered the house itself but they had entered his territory and had spoken to his subjects ruefully.

Yet he allowed them to escape, and worst of all he allowed them to live.

No, she couldn't allow that, not the fact that the four lived, but the fact that he allowed them to.

So now she finds herself here, in the home of a boy that's pretending to be a man.

"Captain Unohana." Byakuya Kuchiki says to her as he walks into the room.

"Captain Kuchiki." she greets him as she laces her cup on the table next to the books that she borrowed from his house.

'What do I owe the honor?" he asks her as his eyes briefly glance toward the books.

'As you know I have been studying how to behave properly for when that man is brought before us and forced to take responsibility for what he did, but I find myself troubled." she says to him and for a brief moment she enjoys watching the boy glared at her.

It's subtle and had she been less skilled she would have never noticed it, but she knows that Byakuya already knows what she's planning to say to him.

'I find myself troubled because from what I have seen and according to the books that your relatives have been so generous in lending to me, I am the one that's supposed to find my husband a second woman for him to have." she says to him

"Yet I find that no matter who I think about there are only a handful of women amongst us that even fit the criteria, so I was wondering if your adopted." she internally smiles as Byakuya quickly tries to control his emotions.

'I'm afraid that I will have to refuse as Rukia is currently missing and it seems that I will be forced to punish her for breaking the law." he answers her.

"Then that makes my proposal perfect for this occasion, if you were to accept based on your family's laws, as well as our own then if you were to find Rukia, if she were to become his second woman then there would be no reason to kill her."

'She would just be exiled and have to dedicate her life to." she stops talking and smirks when she sees his eyes start to twitch.

He knows that she's right and it kills him to admit it, not to mention that his adopted sister inlaw would still be punished for breaking the law.

'I need time to think about this, it doesn't just involve me, but the entire Kuchiki house because she is my wife's sister." he says to her.

"I understand." she answers him as she stands up and walks out of the room, she only allows her predatory smile to show itself when she is certain that no one is near.

"Oh husband, it seems that you need to be disciplined, how can you be so weak, you should have killed them and sent their heads as a message to us, but no you had to let them live."

"And now you are going to be the target of a family that thinks too highly of itself." she says to Kazuma despite not knowing anything about him.

he begins to imagine the events that her actions will set in motion, how they will find his little school and his kids who are all dressed in different colors along with his mistresses who have taken them under their care.

She knows that the Kuchiki family won't just allow the existence of such a school to exist out of their control they will move quickly to destroy it and everyone that has any connection to it.

That man will be forced to kill by the time they are done with him.

She begins to hum to herself as her smile begins to lighten until it becomes a truly kind one, she nearly begins to skip as she remembers how so many houses were destroyed because of events similar to this one.

She stops humming to herself as several questions enter her mind "What if he survives the first attack?"

"What if he somehow manages to not only push back the Kuchiki houses assassins but somehow manages to force them to retreat or at the very least send them back injured but alive?"

She reached into her coat and pulled out one of the books and began to look for a page that explained what she was supposed to do next.

'Strange and where am I supposed to find a woman from a clan or group that we nearly destroyed by us." she asks herself.

She smiles, it seems that a wife's duty isn't ever done, especially because she is the only one that has any importance between them.