Bitches Hate Canon(SI)(RWBY/So You Want to be a Vampire CYOA)

Man I came here for badass vamp what i got was an emotional train wreck like who cares if these ppl died you don't even know them their just Happy meals to you that's what I thought I was gonna get not this sad face panda bear
Man I came here for badass vamp what i got was an emotional train wreck like who cares if these ppl died you don't even know them their just Happy meals to you that's what I thought I was gonna get not this sad face panda bear
Hey, just because I'm not doing badass vampire things doesn't mean I'm not a badass vampire! Gotta be in situations where you actually can badass vampire.

Besides that, my choices aren't specifically tuned towards out-and-out brawling. As to what they are tuned for...

Baskerville. :V
In my mind there exist one template of vampire and that's Alucard that's why I'm so arggg when i find vamp si,s who don't go all badass kill everything
I like this a lot! Is he gonna use his aging power to join them at Huntsman school when there old enough?
Funny you should use your vamp like this. I was also thinking of using mine in a fanfic or something, seeing as i'd gone through the trouble of making them.
Chapter 5:I ran out of food/blood jokes, m'kay?
I like this a lot! Is he gonna use his aging power to join them at Huntsman school when there old enough?
Oh, you have no idea...


I have a plan. ;)

We're relaxing in a section of a train car, with Rusty staring out the window while I sit by the door next to Ren, who is next to Nora. Char sits across from me, and next to her is Marigold.

When we go through a tunnel, Rusty does a double take, looking from me to the window.

"Uh. D-Drake?" He ventures. "Why the heck don't you have a reflection?"

Oh. Oh, shit.

"I, uh.... I'm magic?"

...Nailed it. Not.

Char and Marigold give me unimpressed looks, and Rusty just looks at me passively.

"It was worth a shot. I'm magic alright, but I'm not a magical human. Or a magical faunus. I'm actually what's known as a vampire."

"...You drink blood?" Char inquired. "Because I'm pretty sure I'd have noticed weird bite marks or cuts on anyone."

I shake my head. "Not a vampire as you would know it. Basically, vampire is a catch-all for a wide variety of beings with a few similarities, firstly, generally they negatively react to sun--"

Marigold snaps. "I knew you were looking a little shiny! I just didn't want to say anything because it seemed rude."

"And they have unusual dietary needs, most frequently blood. However, different varieties of vampire can survive on different forms of sustenance. That said, blood is a universal form among vampires--but not all vampires can drink it, and not all can consume it from anyone. Some vampires must feed on the young and some must feed on...a certain KIND of blood. That said, some vampires needn't feed on people at all, and others can consume lipids instead of blood. I myself actually consume blood via contact, but it is...rather nasty, and has a similar effect to really, REALLY crappy alcohol to me."

Rusty appears to be fascinated, leaning in. "Then what DO you have to eat?"

I glance to the others, finding that they appear to be mostly unphased, if mildly unsettled. Char, like Rusty, however, has leaned in too, albeit with a entirely different kind of fascination.

"Bugs, mostly. Unfortunately, I became a vampire...recently, and I'm the first of my particular subspecies. While being the progenitor has some advantages, it also has the particularly nasty disadvantage of being without a power structure. If I can't land a supply of insects within the next year, then I'll start to decay, without dying."

Char chokes slightly. "A YEAR?! You--YOU DON'T HAVE TO EAT FOR A YEAR?!"

"Nope. Like I said. Magic."

Char pauses, then crosses her arms. "Prove it."



I let out a sigh and transform into a girl for the first time. It's...mildly painful, but when I finish...

I look down at myself, then poke myself in the chest once or twice.

"HEY! STOP THAT!" Marigold yells without thinking, and I immediately drop my hand, blushing. I transform back.

"Does that satisfy curiosity, Char?" She nods. "It should go without saying that it's kiiiiiiinda important to keep all this secret." I state flatly. "Medically speaking I'm kinda not alive, so I have no idea what that would mean for my Aura."

The kids nod their heads.

I hesitate, then I sigh, deciding to address the elephant. Wait, is that phrase racist here?

"Alright, so up until now I've been operating under the assumption that you guys were going to want to stick together, right?" There's a little bit of muttering, but what my sharp ears pick up is basically an affirmative. "How do you guys feel about staying with me knowing that I'm not human now?" Their faces shift and I almost flinch before I realize that they're not glaring at me because I'm not human, but because they think I'm being a dumbass.

"It doesn't matter what you are. What matters is WHO you are." Char states flatly.

...Heh. Fair enough.

"Though, you'll forgive us if we don't want to watch you eating, Drake."

"Hah, fair enough. But I've read that mealworms actually taste kinda like nuts when you roast 'em."

"...Just drop it Drake." Rusty says with a grin, though Nora doesn't seem bothered by the idea too much. probably mildly concerning, really. Mental notebook! Put a check in that. Make sure Nora doesn't fall into the same trap I did regarding food. Starving when you're young is a surefire path towards unmoderated eating habits when food IS available. I'll have to make sure she maintains an active lifestyle or moderates her diet.

"I'm not sure how much time I'll be able to spend with you guys. You might have to spend some time looking after yourselves, but I'll do my best to make sure that never happens. That said, I'm going to need a job that keeps me in the general area. I have one in mind, but with where I was thinking of...settling'd be an hour's commute or so."

...Okay, I lost everyone but Char with that. Overexplaining has always been a weakpoint of mine, hasn't it.

"Basically, I'm going to take on a part time job. Char, if you think you can handle it, I'll put you in charge. Otherwise, I'll hire someone to look after the rest of you."

Char nods. "I'll give it a try." She says noncommittally.

As happens from time to time when it comes to me, something clicks in my mind and I frown thoughtfully.

"Hey guys, don't be alarmed. I'm just going to change myself to look a little older from now on. I think there'll be a few less questions if I don't seem to be just a year or two older than you, Char." I give them time to mentally process that before cranking my age closer to 35.

Ah that stings.

As luck would have it, the real estate office in Vale has for rent some Atlesian ex-millionaire's summer home in Patch. 3000L a month(ouch my wallet) and a 4500L deposit that would wipe out around 90% of what I had left, but it's the only single home with enough room for all six of us to settle down comfortably. We even have a few guest rooms to spare.

Reluctantly, I fork it over and go with the kids to Patch to make sure they're settled in. The moment I'm sure of that, I begin sprinting across the ocean back to Vale.

Fun fact:In order to run on water, you need to run at 30 meters per second.

Meanwhile, my running power, Woosh, allows running at 'speeds faster than the human eye can see'. While I'd ballparked this to be 300 MPH, it would appear that with the progenitor power boost factored in my running speed was more like 400 miles per hour.

Running on water was interesting because I could barely tell I was doing it, besides the water splashing up on me from time to time. My feet struck the water hard enough that it acted like a solid surface, meaning I could basically treat it like dry land.

Eventually I reach Vale, and a few minutes later, I find my destination.

I walk into The Club, and up to the bartender.

"Good evening." I state. "I'm looking to speak to a… Mr. Xiong, was it?" I offer a polite smile. That is to say, one with teeth...
Running small packages cross country when you can sprint faster than an aircraft would make good money without leaving the morally grey zone.
Running small packages cross country when you can sprint faster than an aircraft would make good money without leaving the morally grey zone.
Yeah, but if you want to make money FAST, then the morally grey zone it is.

The way i see it, as a rule, most of what I would deliver by hand would have to be small and expensive to really be worth doing. And with a roughly 5000 lien monthly expense, I can't afford to not be able to.

Plus, the morally grey zone allows me to make shady contacts, which, well...they're kinda useful.

And of course, you can always betray them later. ;)
Yeah, but if you want to make money FAST, then the morally grey zone it is.

The way i see it, as a rule, most of what I would deliver by hand would have to be small and expensive to really be worth doing. And with a roughly 5000 lien monthly expense, I can't afford to not be able to.

Plus, the morally grey zone allows me to make shady contacts, which, well...they're kinda useful.

And of course, you can always betray them later. ;)
or turn them into your thralls or vamplings
You should ditch the habit of using capitals to convey loudness. It makes the story quite uncomfortable to read and is unnecessary, since exclamation marks alongside general tone of writing can replace it.

The events that have occurred so far are quite interesting, i especially look forward to the reveal of your nature. The CYOA choices do well to set up a question of how you'll be received, as it's neither perfectly good or completely evil.

It'll be interesting to see if RWBY in general will learn to accept the drawbacks in exchange for more fighters, or if they'll let fear win out.
You should ditch the habit of using capitals to convey loudness. It makes the story quite uncomfortable to read and is unnecessary, since exclamation marks alongside general tone of writing can replace it.

The events that have occurred so far are quite interesting, i especially look forward to the reveal of your nature. The CYOA choices do well to set up a question of how you'll be received, as it's neither perfectly good or completely evil.

It'll be interesting to see if RWBY in general will learn to accept the drawbacks in exchange for more fighters, or if they'll let fear win out.
I mean, it's been revealed to the refugees, but not to general populace or anyone in authority, which will indeed be interesting to write.

And, uh...I'll try to ditch all caps, sorry. :p Maybe use bold, underline or italics instead.

Study my choices a little, and I think you'll notice something that has the potential to wreck my chances with Ozpin... XD
I mean, it's been revealed to the refugees, but not to general populace or anyone in authority, which will indeed be interesting to write.

And, uh...I'll try to ditch all caps, sorry. :p Maybe use bold, underline or italics instead.

Study my choices a little, and I think you'll notice something that has the potential to wreck my chances with Ozpin... XD

Italics would probably work best for your purposes, though make sure not to overuse them.

Underline and bold are both unusual in writing.
The question I have is what happens to what he is carrying when going that fast. Do his clothes rip from wind resistance, what about the ridiculous amount of damage he just put his shoes through? He's gonna need a monthly shoe expense in his budget if he does that regularly.
The question I have is what happens to what he is carrying when going that fast. Do his clothes rip from wind resistance, what about the ridiculous amount of damage he just put his shoes through? He's gonna need a monthly shoe expense in his budget if he does that regularly.
Really? It's the lack of damage to his clothes and shoes that breaks your immersion? Not that he can run at over half the speed of sound?
Really? It's the lack of damage to his clothes and shoes that breaks your immersion? Not that he can run at over half the speed of sound?

The story is set in a Fantasy/Sci-fi world. We are willing to accept many explanations for supernatural/superhuman things, there just needs to be an explanation. Vampire suffices for an explanation for superspeed, but doesn't seem to explain how that speed would or would not affect his clothes or shoes.
could be tactile telekinetic's keeping his cloths and foot ware from shredding that only effects thing on his person
The story is set in a Fantasy/Sci-fi world. We are willing to accept many explanations for supernatural/superhuman things, there just needs to be an explanation. Vampire suffices for an explanation for superspeed, but doesn't seem to explain how that speed would or would not affect his clothes or shoes.
Okay. It's magic.
Awesome, can you maybe tell us that in the story? Like, maybe have a character ask the same question, even if the exchange only lasts three lines, it'll be appreciated by those who pick out stuff like this.


"So when you're running around really fast," said Nora, "why don't you wear out your shoes really fast?"

"It's magic." I bluntly reply.

"Oh..." mumbled Nora, clearly hoping for more.