Birth of a New Order

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Three years have passed after the first war between worlds and now a new story begins, what would have been can no longer be so a new story takes form


If you want peace, then you must prepare for war.
Kazuma looked at the map in front of him, everything came down to this one move if it worked then it would end the war, if it didn't then nothing changed and the fighting would only drag on.

He didn't want to enter the war, no he was more than happy to lie in the mansion and pass his time drinking with his friends.

But then it happened.

A group of ninjas that had superpowers tried to assassinate Princess Iris and the royal family, but they weren't the only ones several of the towns and villages were attacked.

If he and his party hadn't been visiting Darkness that day then she and her father along with all of their servants would have been dead.

Normally he wouldn't have been the one, to lead an army, normally he wouldn't have been the one that wanted to kill another person, normally he would just say that Aqua could just bring everyone back.

This was not normal and he wanted blood.

The people from Earth, the ones that Aqua had sent to this world were now protecting the capital along with the royal knights, which meant that the royal family will be safe for now.

He closed his eyes and all of the adventurers capable of making long-range communications or could use teleport went to give the green light for the attack to begin.

His first move was to repair both the Destroyer and its miniature version by using the machines that were left in the ruins where both machines had first been created.

-Both war machines would march from the south, draining the ninja's power along with whatever else was in the area and using it to power themselves.

-Wiz, who normally didn't want to fight, had seen what the ninjas were willing to do to civilians and was filled with rage and so she and Vanir were now marching by the east with an army of undead and demons.

-From the west, an army made of the Eris Church, Axis Cult, and Crimson Demon clan would bombard the area while powering each other up and canceling whatever attacks were sent their way.

That just left the North, because the attacks had targeted everyone, the daughter of the Demon King, had reached out to the Adventurers and offered an alliance.

No one liked it but this war had to end before it could get any worse, so almost all of the adventurers along with an army made up of almost every monster in the world now marched crushing anyone that even tried to fight back.
The reports were coming in from everywhere and the Third Hokage could only stare at the map in front of him.

He could see the growing armies of the other worlders marching, everything was going fine, everything showed so much promise and then someone from his own village had to ruin everything before t could take form.

When the portal to the other world was formed neither side knew what to think of the other and in the end, a deal was made, you don't cross unless we allow it and we will do the same.

Every Hidden Village and even the Feudal Lords agreed to this.

There was peace, the nobles from the other world were more than willing to make trade deals, ad let the people from this side of the portal sell everything here, the same applied to the people on the other side.

Everyone except for those that wanted to control everything was happy with this.

A loud explosion fell onto the village, luckily the barrier stopped it before the attack could do any harm.

If only the attack stopped there, lightning bolts, followed by one explosion after another were quickly draining the barrier and soon the Hidden Village of the Leaf will be destroyed.

The Hidden Village of the Mist was fighting a mechanical army while their tailed beast fought against a pair of giant war machines that were using the tail beasts' chakra as a fuel source.

The Hidden Sand Village had already surrendered, to its new master's a woman that everyone called the Ice Witch who raised every corps she passed and added them to her army so that they would fight for her.

With her was a man, that could only be some sort of demon in Human form, as the man commanded armies of powerful demons that laughed whenever they were killed and immediately returned to the battlefield by tearing portal through reality itself.

The Hidden Stone Village was already evacuating its citizens, it wouldn't be long before the village fell, so with a heavy heart the third Hokage surrendered.

He knew that by doing this he was handing himself and the village's future to the other world'ers, but at least it and its people would have a future.

The attacks stopped almost immediately and the people from the other world along with their monsters crossed through what remained of the gate.

The third didn't say anything he simply removed kneel and waited to be killed.

'hand over everyone responsible for attacking us and we will repair everything that we destroyed." Kazuma says to him.

"This same demand is being given to everyone else!"

'We are two different worlds, we have no idea how that portal was made! and you people attack us!"

"For all, we know it could close at any second! So we don't want to stay on this side!"

"So for everyone's good, just hand them over."

"And by that I mean everyone that carried out the attack, knew about it and planned it and gave the orders." Kazuma says to the Third who just blinked, those weren't hard demands if anything the Leaf and the other Villages weren't losing anything.

'These are the demands of the nobles and the Royal Families that your people attacked, the same thing is being given to the other villages." Kazuma says to the Third as a gargoyle whispers something to him.

'What no, how would that even work?" Kazuma says to the gargoyle who shrugs.

"You know what tell them to do what they want, at this point, I'm not willing to fight it." Kazuma says to the gargoyle who gives him a toothy grin.

The Third looked at the demands and frowned, they would put the village through a hard time, but compared to what he was expecting they weren't anything at all.

One thing was an issue now, the portal would only be guarded by the people from the other world from noon and no ninja was allowed anywhere near it.

As for the people of the other world, while they would hold a base on this side of the portal, they would be cutting most if not all contact with his world.
Naruto walked by himself towards the school's training ground, it was hard to believe just how much changed in a single day.

As he walked some of the older villages as well as a couple of the not-so-old ones glared at him but compared to before the war, this was nothing.

"Naruto!" Sakura greeted him and Sasuke for his part just stared at him.

Everyone that had been outside of the village or in it had silently come to an understanding and most if not all feuds were put aside for now, the same went for his rivalry with Sasuke.

He and his team had just come back from the land of Waves when they saw the explosions begin, above the Leaf a swirling vortex of power had formed and from it one blast after another fell, if it wasn't pure energy, it was fire- ice, something that seemed to eat reality itself, even bubbles made of water that seemed to slice the world around them.

They could only stare helplessly and then they heard the Third Hokage's voice and how he surrendered.

"Good, you're here," Kakashi says to him before he starts another one of his lectures.

After the war ended and everyone went back to where they belonged, everything seemed to go backward instead of moving on.

All of the new teams were ordered to start from the beginning and that meant doing basic chores around the village, if they saw or heard something suspicious they were ordered to inform their teacher before they investigated it.

He later found out why, a group within the Leaf Village had attacked the other world and tried to pose as if they were from the other villages, or maybe it had been a group made from all of the villages, he couldn't remember.

Still, the results were the same, all of the Five Greate Ninja Villages were attacked when the people from the otherworld retaliated.

The attack had been so fast that no one could react fast enough and in the end the people from the other world won.

"I have good news for everyone, we were just ordered to take a letter to the portal, sorry did I say a letter four letters to the portal and come back." Kakashi says to them causing the three of them to look at him with shock.

"What!?" they all responded at once, Sakura sounded more afraid than angry while both he and Sasuke were angry that someone even suggested it.

"Calm down." Kakashi says to them with a cold voice that sends chills down their spine.

"let me tell you three something, what do you think happens when someone conquers a village or a country?"

'Let me rephrase that for you, what do you think happens to the people living there?" Kakashi waited for them to answer, but when none of them do he starts to talk again.

"Nothing good, most if not all of the older men are killed and you three can guess what happens to the women both young and old, but that didn't happen this time."

"They could have easily crushed us and kept us down, but they just wanted the ones responsible for the attack."

Kakashi looks at the letters in his hand, he's tempted to tear them or burn them, but he knows better, this was their fault and the people from the other world showed a lot more mercy than the Leaf would have, in their position.

He closes his eyes and looks at Sakura, the girl doesn't know how fortunate she truly is, if one of the other villages had been the ones to defeat the leaf, her fate wouldn't have been a good one.

"These letters are our attempt to make peace, there's no telling when the portal will close if it ever does, so we should start to get along before something else happen," Kakashi says to them before a heavy silence sets in.
[Kazuma ]
Kazuma stood up and popped his neck, it was hot, hell it was always hot here but the king had ordered him and his party to keep an eye on the Sand Village.

Ah hell, he wasn't going to sugarcoat it, the man sent him here to make sure that he stayed as far away from Iris as possible.

There were a lot of holes in his plan and one of those was what they were going to do with the places that had surrendered, and as odd as it may have been, the people themselves demanded that they did their job as rulers.

Both the Hidden Village of the Mist and the Hidden Sand Village had been defeated but neither of them accepted the retreat of the conquering army.

the Hidden Sand Village had found itself filled with all kinds of resources that they didn't have, the main reason for this was that no matter how far one went there was nothing but sand.

Sure there were some rocks and mountains here and there but the fact remained the entire land of Wind or whatever this country called itself, it was nothing but a desert.

When Wiz conquered the Sand Village she had filled it with all sorts of things.

Unfortunately, neither Wiz nor Vanir had any interest in ruling anyone.

Wiz just wanted revenge and when she heard that everyone responsible had been caught she packed up her things and left, as for Vanir he just enjoyed eating the people's emotions when they realized that Wiz had left.

Kazuma had later asked Aqua why Vanir of all people had left the sand Villag and Aqua explained that if Vanir stayed then this world would be allowed to summon a hero or heroes to save it from him.

Still, his time as a watchdog will soon come to an end and after he meets with Dust to secure the teleportation stations, they will both go back to Axel and forget about their time in this world in go back to doing what they did best, drinking and sleeping.

Kazuma couldn't help but smirk as he remembers how Dust complained about being put in charge of the Mist Village, hell Kazuma couldn't understand why he had been sent there, with a little girl that had long silver hair.

Kazuma had heard that the reason had to do with a princess from another kingdom and that Dust had been sent to the Hidden Mist Village as both a punishment and a reward.

Hell in the end the fact that they were both on this side of the portal and in these two villages ended up helping them.

The Hidden Mist Village had food and a lot of fresh water, but other than that, they were far behind everyone else in everything.

The Hidden Sand Village has a lot of technology not to mention access to a few trade routes.

So He and Dust made a deal, the Hidden Mist Village would give the Hidden Sand Village food and water and in exchange, the Hidden Sand Village would give them technology and would open their markets to the merchants of the Mist Village.

Hell, some of the merchants from the Hidden Sand Village had started traveling to the Hidden Mist Village to sell their stuff there.

As to what they were selling Kazuma didn't know nor did he care, as the merchants gave a part of their earnings to the Sand Village.

Still, no matter what deals they made, none of them mattered unless they had a way to get from one village to the other and that was the four teleporting gates.

Two gates would be controlled by the Mist Village and two would be under the control of the Sand Village.

Aqua had created them, and just to be safe Kazuma had her put a lock on them.

The seal or lock made sure that unless one of the gates was destroyed no matter what anyone did the other would never work, thereby making sure that both villages did everything in their power to keep the gates under constant watch.

All of that was the easy part, as what followed was an endless stream of nobles, merchants, ninjas, and so on demanding to be the ones responsible for the gates.

How much money needed to be taken from the merchants so that the village could benefit from it, how they would punish criminals from the other village, and what to do if they killed someone from said village.

If it wasn't one thing it was another, and it had only been because both Darkness and Meguming were helping him with the work that he wasn't overwhelmed by it.

Kazuma couldn't help but take in a breath o that ht dessert air and exhaled this was the last meeting that he would be a part of, and after today he would hand over whatever power he had taken from the Kazekage back to him.

"Would you listen!" Mei says to Dust as she tries to get him to sit down.

'No you listen my job here is done, the rest is us to you, I did everything I could now someone from this" Dust says to Mei as he presses his finger on the desk in front of him.

"Someone from this Village has to take over and you are the person for the job." Dust says to Mei before he stands up and feels the woman's hands on his shoulders.

'Sit down we are not done talking!" Mei says to Dust as she holds him down.

Faitfore looks at Dust and Mei as they argued about Dust stepping down and handing his advisor control of everything, they had been at it for a while now, and from what she could hear outside of the room the hallway was filled with people waiting for one of them to give up.

"Look, Dust, I understand that you don't want to be charged, but both the main families and the lower classes won't just accept that."

"The amount of things that have changed since you have been in charge are too many to count, and the village is still unstable."

"If you leave now everything that you have done could fall apart." Mei says to Dust, as she tries to get him to understand that he can't leave, at least not yet.

Dust stops resisting and looks at the two pictures on his desk, one of them has him and his party drinking and smiling together.

The other one has all of the towns adventurers drinking it was a picture that one of the waitresses took without anyone knowing, the guild later gave all of the adventurers a copy.

"I'll only stay if Kazuma stays in the Sand Village, he is the one that I have been making deals with." Dust says to Mei before he looks at her with hard yet kind eyes.

"You are the one that has been dealing with the people here mei." Dust says to her.

Mei can't help but smirk. "If only it was that easy.' she thinks to herself as the sounds of people talking behind the door reaches her ears.
She wordlessly walked away from the desk and opened the door before immediately frowning at the number of people that she found standing in the hallway.

'What?" she asks them before someone hands her a small scroll.

She opens it and whatever relief she had from Dust's answer was immediately crushed by what she read, the Leaf was moving and it wasn't alone the other Greate Hidden Villages were doing the same thing.

This wasn't a coincidence, this just proved that there were spies in both in her village and the Hidden Sand Village.

"tell whoever is out there to not interfere and just watch for anything that catches their attention, no matter how small it is." she orders the man before she closes the door again and ignores everyone else.

She walks toward the bookshelf that now has several different kinds of alcohol on top of it and grabs one of the bottles, she needs to get whatever information she can before Dust leaves.

Unfortunately, as long as the girl stays close to Dust then the man will never get drunk.

This was the problem that both the assassins and everyone else ran into when they tried to poison, hypnotize or get Dust drunk, it would work for a moment but then it wouldn't.

They soon found out why, Faitfore would notice that something was wrong with Dust and simply undo it, with one exception, whenever the person that was with Dust was drunk.

It wasn't much but it was the only information that Mei could use and so she handed Dust a glass filled with something from the other world and poured herself a glass.

The two of them were soon drunk and the only reason Mei could even remember her questions was that she had someone put a jutsu on her, which would only activate when she was drunk.

"So come on, tell me why did they send a nobody like you here?" Mi struggled to say the words.

Dust smiles and starts to laugh. " A nobody if only I had been born this way."

"Ever heard of a Holy Beast, well I'm the partner of one and I was a princess's royal guard." He takes another drink and swallows hard.

"Not to mention that I was once called the country's greatest Dragon Knight."

"God, I wish I was born an Adventurer, that way I wouldn't have gone through all of that.' Dust says as he looks at his empty glass and pours himself another drink.

"Come on." she slurps her words and had anyone else been able to see her, Mei wouldn't ever be able to live with the knowledge that someone knows how she looked with drool running down her mouth.

"So how did all of you attack all at once?" she asks him.

"That was your fault, we wouldn't have gotten our acts together had you not attacked Axel and The Capital."

Dust takes another drink sees that his glass is empty, stands up, and opens another bottle.

"Imagine, that you find out that your god is real and has come down with a hero from the world he rules."

'That same person finds the worst of the bunch and leads from to beat the strongest monsters in the world." Dust lifts the bottle and drinks from it.

"That same Goddes is a part of the team that defeated the demon king and you tried to kill her when she was visiting a friend of hers, with her was the future leader of one of the craziest clans in the world"

"To make it simple, you never stood a chance, because you got greedy, hell you even attacked the demons." Dust says to her before he tries to take another drink and falls on the floor before passing out.

Mei tried to make sense of Dust's words, but her head wasn't in the right position, and seeing how peacefully Dust was sleeping she decided to join him and so she closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Faitfore stood up and walked towards a nearby wall before she let out a small but powerful grow, her gold eyes lost their human form and took the form of something that wasn't completely Human but didn't belong to a dragon either.

Her hand moved at an inhuman speed before she vanishes ad stood over Dusta d spat out a small amount of aid.

She turns around and starts to walk towards Mei who is still sleeping, as she reaches Mei, the bodies of several ninjas fall dead.

Some are missing their hearts, while others are missing their heads, Faitfore chews as she stands over Mei her eyes searching for any signs of betrayal and then she sees the scroll that Mei had received earlier.

She begins to read it and puts it back between the woman's chest.

The smell of blood makes her turn to look at the corpses of the assassins, when Dust wakes up and sees that she let them stain the floor he will get mad at her, so she opens her mouth and starts to eat.

To quickly get rid of the blood she makes it come to life and enter her mouth before she looks for any signs that she might have missed something.

She smiles and returns to her Humans form before she sits back down on her spot, she knows that there's a bug hiding, but the bug didn't do anything, so she wasn't going to do anything either.
[ Neji ]
Neji could hear the screams coming from the other room, and he didn't try to cover his ears despite desperately wanting to.

He looked at the papers in his hands, each one was a copy of what the nobles of the other world demanded after the war was over, who was he kidding there wasn't a war, his world was completely crushed in a single day.

He wanted to say that if everyone from his world united then they could do the same thing to the other worlders, but he knew that it was impossible.

He had seen with his own eyes how the blue-haired woman revive all of the people from the other world that died during their attack, there were people in his world that could do the same thing, but they would die after doing it.

The limit that the nobles gave them was three years.

If the portal didn't close by that time, then all of the strongest\ ruling families were to give up a main daughter to the representatives that were assigned to manage the three areas that the people from the other world had taken.

Hinata's screams had finally stopped, and Neji quickly began to hate how quiet it had become.

He didn't know if he wished that she died or if he wanted her to live, there was no telling what her fate would be after she was handed over.

His thoughts returned to the representatives of the other world, the truth was there were only two of them, one is a blond man that now ruled over the Land of Water, and the other is a man with brown hair that rules over the Land of Wind.

The last place the people of the otherworld had taken over was the Land of Whirlpools and with them the islands near it, it was there that the people that were left homeless by the attack were taken.

A combination of almost everything that attacked them was keeping an eye on them.

The islands trade with the Hidden Mist Village and the Hidden Sand Village, so it's hard to get any information from there, but what little information does make it out, gives everyone mixed feelings.

The islands are said to be comfortable and everyone that lives in them has something to do, as everyone is busy rebuilding the ruins in them.

Neji wondered if the Fifth Hokage was looking through the same papers and he wondered if she was planning to do something or if she was considering the girls as no longer her problem.

Was Lady Tsunade now focusing on rebuilding the people's trust, both in the ninjas and in her position as Hokage?

The door opens and Hanabi helps Hinata walk into the room, and Neji can see the curse bird seal on her forehead, in the past he would have smirked and made a rude comment, but now he could only stare.

He had been ordered by the elders to avoid meeting Hinata, as she was no longer a part of the clan and as such didn't deserve any help, so he was breaking the rules and would soon be punished for it.

'Neji." Hinata says to him.

"yeah.' he answers her.

"Please take care of Hanabi, I know that you never liked me but please take good care of my sister." Hinata says to him.

"I will." he says to her and he tries to step closer to her, but he's unable to, as an invisible barrier stops him from doing so.

Neji turns and finds the elders glaring at him, and he is surprised to find that- that's the only thing that they are doing.

In the past they would have hurt him for disobeying them, now they are just glaring at him.

"Goobie Hinata, I'm sorry for everything." he says to her.

'Neji." Hinata says to him.

'Let me finish."

"I blamed you for things they did and took my anger out on you."

"I'm sorry, I don't know what else to do, I want to make it better but I can't, I want to give you back your eyes, or give you my eyes."

'You can't." Hinata says to him, before a smile forms on her face.

'Take care of her, in my place." Hinata says to him as Hanabi reluctantly lets go of her hand and an Ambu takes Hinata's hand and leads her out of the main house.
[tsunade ]

Tsunade listens to the bell ring three times, before the main gates of the Village open, the Leaf has been under lockdown since the attack and that lockdown ended on the same day that the girls were being sent away.

She could see the demands from the people of the other world and she had to admit that the ones that came up with them were smart.

They left a small group behind to act as an early warning system and then made those areas dependent on each other, so they would have to help one another if anything ever happened.

Even the number of girls that were their prisoners was nothing when compared to the amount that they would have gained had they wanted to conquer instead of just wanting justice.

Tsunade didn't like it, but she couldn't try to hide the girls or try to rescue them, hell the other Kages had said the same thing, these demands were ridiculous.

the other world had won and they were taking nothing, except securing prisoners and mining for some useless rocks.

Tsunade looked at the strange gem on her desk, all sorts of tests were performed on it, and others like it, but the results were always the same.

They were just rocks, crystals may be considered something else, but to her, they were different than ordinary rocks.

This rock or crystal was what the other world wanted, this was one of their demands and she was happy to give it to them but slowly.

Just because no one knew why the other people from the other world wanted them, didn't mean that they wouldn't find out later.

The last demand was the oddest one, to simply allow the areas that now belonged to the other world to do, what they did before any of this happened.
[Temari ]
"Do you understand your role in this." her father says to her and Temari only nods.

"Father, what if we can't convince the other world'ers to share their spells with us?" Temari asks her father, it wasn't that she didn't believe that they could steal or at the very least manage to get some of the Adventurers to teach them some of their skills, but.

"Don't doubt yourself, even as we speak, the other villages are sending the daughters of the main families to the Land of Whirlpools, it's there where it will be decided where you and the others will go." her father says to her.

Temari wants to say that she isn't afraid or that she isn't worried, but the truth is that she doesn't feel anything, no relief, no fear, no anger nothing.

The shadows of the setting sun envelop her father in darkness and give him the appearance of a beast, that is looking for any signs of weakness so that he can attack.

"There are a lot of things that don't make sense, think about it."

'The Leaf has always been obsessed with putting everyone else under their thumb, they pretend to be open to treaties and act as if they want peace."

"They were the reason that the Second Shinobi Great War began, but why did they attack the other world it doesn't make any sense."

"Even if they saw the magic or skills of the people of that world as a threat, the people from that world stayed in that world."

"So why did they attack, even if it was a separate group within the leaf they should have known better than to attack everyone at once." Her father says to her and Temari begins to understand what her father is trying to tell her.

"Then this whole thing was a setup." Temari says as the shock of what she has just been told is now in full display.

"Yes, I don't know what they were planning but we gained several pieces of information."

"The people from that world can travel freely from that world to ours if they want."

"They have spells and machines that are capable of fighting a tailed beast on equal ground and there are people similar t the clans from our world in theirs."

'And finally, the army that crushed all of us, did so because they were afraid, now ask yourself what exists in that world that can scare them." her father says to her as his form vanishes completely with the last light of the sun.

"So Temari, I know that I'm asking a lot of you but do everything that you can to learn how to use their magic and if you can't then at the very least find a way of getting that information to us." her father orders her.
[ Kazuma! }
"What!?" Kazuma yelled as he listened to what Mitsurugi said to him.

"They can't be serious." Kazuma repeats but the look of regret on Mitsurugi's face tells him that there was no changing any of the kingdom's minds.

"Be glad that we didn't end up having another war because of the resources in this world, but yeah both you and Dust are ordered to stay behind along with your Party's."

"Is there any way of getting someone else to replace us, I mean neither Dust nor I want to stay in power?" Kazuma asks Mitsurugi who immediately shakes his head.

"What you can do I transfer to the islands and become their new leader, but you would need to put someone else in charge here, and let's be honest there aren't a lot of candidates for it."

Kazuma smiles but Mitsurugi lifts his hand and stops him from saying anything.

"I know that you're planning on handing the Kazekage his post and everything that comes with it, I won't stop you but do you honestly believe that the man won't betray us?" Mitsurugi asks him.

Kazuma stays quiet for a long moment before he leans his head back and thinks, he wished Darkness or Meguming were here hell even Aqua would help him think even if she was noisy.

"The man is loyal to the village and maybe its people." Kazuma says to Mitsurugi.

"But can we trust him not to betray us?" Mitsurugi asks Kazuma.

"No." Rasa says as he walks into his old office, but he isn't alone with him are the Sand Villages Elders.

Kazuma and Mitsurugi look at the Kazekage for a moment before they turn their attention back to each other.

"Well at least he is honest about it." Kazuma says to Mitsurugi before he stands up and moves his head to the side, signaling to Rasa that he should take back his old seat.

Kazuma waits for the man to take back his seat but neither Rasa nor the elders move.

"So what's going on?" Kazuma asks them, he doesn't bother saying anything else because there is no point in doing so.

"We would like to discuss the fate of the islands, the Land of Whirlpools, the islands near them, and the Land of Waves were all taken by the Adventurers, so that everyone that had their villages destroyed because of the war, had somewhere to live." One of the elders says to him.

"Yeah, what about it?" Kazuma asks the man.

"Sato Kazuma do you not understand what your people have done?" another elders asks him.

"You mean besides having to spend a lot of those people here and to the land of Water because there were a lot more people than we expected?" Kazuma says to the man who silently nods.

"So what's the problem?" Mitsurugi asks the group before Rasa answers him.

"We want to know what your plan for the islands and the people in them are." Rasa asks the two young men who turn and look at each other.

'Nothing really, those places depend on what the Sand and Mist Village send them to maintain themselves for now."

"As for the people, to be honest, we haven't thought about it, but it seems like we have no choice but to do so now." Kazuma answers Rasa who glares at him.

"Were our lives nothing more than playthings to you people?" Rasa asks Kazuma, but he is looking at Mitsurugi while he says it.

"No, to be honest, we were hoping that by the time we left, we had fixed everything that we broke, or at least made things a little better." Kazuma answers Rasa.

"And you have helped us and the Hidden Mist Village." one of the elders says to him.

Rasa closes his eyes and begins to tell Kazuma everything that he knows.

"Kazuma, those islands are now home to ninjas who defected because their love ones were taken there, not to mention that several of the hidden villages want to reclaim them."

'Everyone was expecting famine and crime to run rampant, but under the rule of the Adventurers that hasn't happened."

"The people on those islands despite having both Adventurers and Ninjas constantly watching them live peaceful lives, do you have any idea what an insult that is to everyone else?"

"Not to mention what our talks will secure today."

"Word about the teleporters has already spread, while boats are still used everywhere, the fact that if one has enough money they can teleport between the three lands is something that puts a target on us all."

"So you should think about what you are going to do with those islands soon." Rasa says to Kazuma before he starts to walk out of Kazumas office.

"Waite, your not going anywhere," Kazuma says to Rasa.

"A deal is a deal and three years are three years, so sit down and do your job while I just sit around and make myself a pain to have around." Kazuma says to Rasa as he pulls the chair back and waits for the man to sit down.
Darkness ignored her surroundings, normally she would be the first to admit that someone like her shouldn't be here, not just because the adventurers and knights were occupying this kingdom but because the ninjas of this place were allowed to keep their weapons with them.

"While I make myself a pain to have around." she can hear Kaumas voice from behind the door and she can't help but smile, he hasn't changed and after everything that's happened, she is sure that he will ever change.

She turns to her escorts, one of them is a knight that serves her family while the other is one of the sand ninjas, to think that the man would allow her to order him around so easily.

She ignored that thought she was here on the king's orders and she would do what was asked of her.

Both men open the doors and she finds Kazuma laying on a sofa while the ruler of this kingdom looks at him with a confused expression that is quickly turning into one made of anger.

"Darkness here to take me back, what a shame I was hoping to lay around and not do anything for a while" Kazuma says to her as he stands up.

She wants to smile before running to his side and hugging him like she normally does, but she cant she has a job to do and so she must do it.

"Kazuma by order of the king you are to stay on this side of the portal and help restore relations with the people of this world so that we can avoid another war." she says to him.

Darkness can't help but lower her head, she knows what she has to tell him but she just wishes that the others were here to help her, she can already see the shocked and confused expression on Kazumas face.

She knows that he doesn't want to be here, she knows him, and she knows that he would rather be home sleeping or as odd as it may seem arguing with Aqua while they annoyed one another.

She knows that he would rather be sexually harassing her, Meguming, and even Aqua, just for laughs, but those happy days are over.

'As of this moment, Meguming, of the Crimson Demon Clan, Lady Aqa of the Axis Church, and I Lady Raratīna of the Dasutinesu family are recognized as your wives and as such now hold authority over Axel, the Axis ult, and the land that holds your mansion.

"You have been awarded the Land of Waves and the Land of Whirlpools which you will share rulership with Dust who has been given complete control of the Land of Noodles."

"As for the island in the north peace talks are taking place with the Land of Lightning so that you and Dust can do with them what you want. " A heavy silence fills the room and no one can say anything.

The news had been so sudden that even if she had been the one to deliver it Darkness herself didn't know what to say.

'What do you mean I have to stay!?"

"My place is at home laying around doing nothing!" Kazuma loudly protested and somewhere between Kazuma insulting the king and claiming that he was only doing this because he wanted to keep Kzuma away from Iris Darkness realized that she had started to laugh.

This was Kazuma, this was the man that defeated the Demon King, he hadn't changed and he never would, even if the weight placed on his shoulders became heavier than what most people could ever imagine.

"Kazuma!" Rasa says to Kazuma causing both him and Darkness to look at him.

"Why don't you let her explain." Rasa says to Kazuma who doesn't say anything and lets her explain the reason that the king did this.

'It's clear to everyone that if anything happens you can deal with t and if you can't, we all know that when you retaliate and get your revenge it's going to be ten times worse." Darkness turns to Rasa who simply nods in agreement.

"Dust has proven himself on more than one occasion, that if he has to he can fight in the front lines and set up defenses that can keep beings stronger than him from breaking through."

"Not to mention that if he has to he has more than enough power to become a real threat to anyone." Darkness says to him and again Kazuma becomes quiet.

"Okay now tell me why you think he is doing this." Kazuma asks her with a serious but relaxed voice.

'We don't know when the portal will close if it ever does, if we leave these lands the people in them will be targeted by everyone else."

"And when they are done with them, we will be attacked by a world that has a reason to hate us." Darkness explains to him before she walks up to him and hugs her husband.

'Those girls are for you and Dust there are no ifs or buts, you know what both sides expect you to do." she whispers into his ear and feels his arms wrap around her waist.

'I don't want t do this, I never wanted this." he whispers into her ear.

'I know." she answers him. "Come home and visit me, the others will visit you" she says to him before she and her knight teleport out of the room.

"So what will you do?" Rasa asks Kazuma as he walks back to the sofa and sits down.

Once again the office is filled with silence that is only broken when Kazuma stands up again.

"Something is going on, there are too many pieces that aren't fitting in, if he was going to give me land then it would have been one that made t easier for me to get to where Dust is."

Rasa sees a smile form on Kazumas lips.

"That's it, isn't it?" Kazuma says to him before h turns and looks at Rasa.

"Rasa grab your things you are coming with me, so tell the elders that they are in charge until you come back." he says to Rasa who begins to count to ten before h stands up and begins to walk out of the room.