Bilocation (A Worm CYOA v.5 SI Fic)

Interlude: Thomas Calvert
Interlude: Thomas Calvert

Thomas Calvert awoke at his house, showered, went through a set of exercises, dressed, ate a healthy breakfast, and headed for work.

Coil awoke in his safe house, showered, checked on his state of affairs, suited up, and went through a series of secret tunnels to his main base's main room.

Thomas Calvert parked his car in his designated spot, and walked straight towards the-

Coil straightened up as his alternate timeline closed. He split the timeline, noticing nothing wrong. The first Coil went and sat at his desk, reviewed the hacked PRT security system to find out what killed him. The second Coil went back to his safe house, undressed into a set of identical clothing that Thomas Calvert would have worn, and headed for the exit.

Coil Checked the first camera, feeling a twinge of pain as the camera panned around the parking lot he was in during the closed timeline. The lot continued up until a... blank area appeared. Coil could feel a headache coming on as he stared at the blank spot. It encompassed a good portion of the parking lot, and seemed to be emanating from somewhere inside the PRT Headquarters.

Thomas Calvert headed back to his house, got in his car, and drove to the PRT HQ. He got as far as a block away before the blank spot seemed to appear around the building. He stopped the car a good hundred feet away from the spot, watching it warily. As he focused on the area, he noticed it slowly moving back and forth, slightly expanding and contracting around the building. The upper floors of the headquarters was visible, as well as the outer corners, but the entryways surrounding the building were all blocked by the blanked spots. Calvert slowly got closer and closer, noticing a twinge in both versions of his head as he got within 30 feet of the entrance. A few more steps and-

Suddenly, the cameras on Coil's monitors cleared up, leaving behind the regular parking spot, the lobby reappeared and the street entrance popped up again. Power nullification? He thought to himself. Coil went through the logs of the responding console, checking what happened last night. The search went quick, highlights of the night included a rave downtown sponsored by The Merchants, a break-in at a few stores, and Two new capes fighting Lung and winning!? What? He split the timeline, and immediately contacted his various moles and spies, getting them to pass on any information they had. Several of them caused his timeline to crash, static emanating from the phone line before the alternate realities crashed. The few answers given to him didn't clear up the picture very well, The new capes were interviewed by Armsmaster, one of them had left before even saying their cape alias, most likely a rookie. The other... had been detained... for admission into the Protectorate.

Coil sat there for several minutes, pondering the future.

A phone rang out in a seemingly abandoned warehouse.

"Yes boss?" A blonde teen mumbled sleepily into the device.

"Tell me, everything, regarding the cape named Synchro."
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Resonation 2.1
-Resonation 2.1-
April 13th, The Rig

First, there was a light. A simple thing really, it traveled down a single path, and ended after it hit something physical. Then something amazing happened. The light didn't stop at the object, it bounced off of it, redirecting itself onto another surface, and another, and continued on and on and on and on... The light bounced, it waved, it shuttered and split, changed colors as it shifted into a multitude of spectrums. Then the view pulls back, and I can see the path of the light all at once, never ending.
The dream ends as the suit's system sets off an alarm. It's about 6:00 A.M., and I'd just spent the night at my new base of operation, the Protectorate headquarters, or "The Rig". It's... weird, to say the least of the location. The oil rig that used to be the base of the HQ still existed in some ways, the openness of it in the middle of the ocean, with Brockton Bay just over the horizon.

I hadn't met the other heroes of Brockton Bay yet, and the Wards were stationed at the PRT headquarters, so it was a lonely morning for me. I prepped myself for a long day, still keeping the suit on. It was a short while later that I took a helicopter across the bay.​

So, the first crappy thing about joining the PRT came up.​

"And... go!"

Power Testing, to see where I sat on the rating system.

Oh sure, I can give a run down for what my powers can do, but the PRT requires all parahumans to go through testing, regardless of how knowledgeable I was into the nature of my powers.

I felt my hands hands hands hands blur and try to catch the incoming ping-pong balls. They'd started at around 80 balls a minute, and slowly cranked the speed of the launcher up. It was around five minutes in when I felt the first ball get through the wall of [Shroedinger] deflects, and they stopped the machine.

"Alright... so, you got up to... three thousand, three hundred and twenty seven shots per minute." One of the tester states. "That's... quite high." We'd already "determined" that my powerset worked on something called quantum bilocation, a fancy way of saying that I could be in two spots at the same time, whether I occupied that space or not already. I snap back to reality as the scientists addressed me. "That'll be all for today, feel free to leave anytime."

"Uh, yeah. Thanks." is the weak reply given as I head to the elevator. The PRT Headquarters itself is split into several parts, with about two dozen floors. There's everything in the building from an armory to a clinic, to a floor entirely dedicated to on-site officers. Frankly, it's literally a modern fortress. It'd take a few high-power Parahumans to destroy it, but against regular gang members and thugs? This part of the city was nearly 100% safe from gang related incidents.

The elevator stopped at the second highest floor, where a set of rooms were built into the headquarters. designed like dorm rooms, there was a good hundred or so rooms for on-site officers or visiting members of the PRT. Naturally, the Protectorate members had a set of side rooms for sponsored heroes to stay in the city instead of at the Rig. The layers of my suit come off, and a set of regular clothes go on. It's a simple white shirt and black dress pants, with a pair of running shoes on my feet. Simple, and without fuss.

It's a quick jaunt back to the elevators after I stash the suit in an assigned locker, as I head out of the building. I'd spent the yesterday night running around Brockton Bay's northern area, but didn't really get a feel for the town. Unlike the area around the docks, this part of the city looks newer and cleaner, with an abundance of people walking to and fro, doing whatever they'd usually do. I find a bus, using a pass in my new wallet to use the service. It takes a good hour to go through the entire town, and the sights I see aren't.. good.

Gangs in the streets everywhere, about a good five or six muggings I spotted using my powers, a car heist literally besides the bus during a intersection's stop sign went up. a few hundred buildings in town look abandoned, shops ransacked in poorer parts of town. The bus actually passed Winslow high around noon, and a good dozen teens in gang colors got on. Simply put, if the surface of brockon bay was so bad, I wondered how back it was once you got deeper than the top layer of crime and criminal activity?

I got off the bus at the boardwalk. As the name suggested, it was a near-kilometer long strip of beach that had a boardwalk built besides it, walled in on both ends. Hundreds of stores were sitting around the bay, everything from restaurants to tourist traps. Every so often, an armored guard would patrol the area.

I spent a good portion of the day just browsing the stores, seeing the wares and trinkets for sale. Teenagers came out onto the beach itself around mid-afternoon, I guess the added security made it friendlier to swim here.

Around mid-afternoon, I decide to walk back. Walking from the Boardwalk to the PRT headquarters would have been pretty short, being only about a half hour's ways away by foot, even when you consider the incline. See, Brockton Bay is, obviously, built around it's bay. The surrounding areas of the bay itself all slowly go upwards from the beaches, and ramps up at it's peak at around half a kilometer from the shore. Not a really steep incline, but it'd be hell on anyone not used to walking up a hill.

I was about halfway to the PRT Headquarters when I decided to take a shortcut through an alleyway. It was a smart decision, until - Time froze, like it always did while [Glimpse] activated, but something... odd... happened.

-I blink/ I close my eyes/ I stare at the wall, A portal suddenly opened a few feet in the air, as a mass of multicolor goo fell out of it. The mass of color splattered against the walls of the alleyway, with the portal closing once the spray ended. I caught a quick glimpse of a fed-

-I twitch my right hand, A portal suddenly opened a few feet in the air, as what appeared to be a cloth sack fell into the alleyway, with a -whump- of air escaping a bag. I caught a quick glimpse of a fed-

-My foot kicks a can/ A bottle/ A scrap of paper, A portal suddenly opened a few feet in the air, as... nothing fell out, but a quick gust of wind enveloped the alleyway, spilling detritus everywhere. I caught a quick glimpse of a fed-

-I trip/Skip/Jump, A portal suddenly opened a few feet in the air, and a deformed man fell through, malformed or twisted to insane degrees. He seemed to be unconscious. I caught a quick glimpse of a fed-

-I sneeze/Cough/Snort, A portal suddenly opened a few feet in the air, as a caricature of a woman gets tossed into the alleyway. She's... flat, really. Like, I can't see any definition of her except a shadow of herself on the ground., I caught a quick glimpse of a fed-

Well, this is weird. I guess this is what being a [Trouble Magnet] Means... "Damn it..."

A/N: This chapter was a little hard to write, mostly because there was little to no action, other than what the SI does. Which, comes out a little boring, really.
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I... What just happened?
Did any of that actually happen?
Did all of it?
Or is it that all of those things could have just happened?
I... What just happened?
Did any of that actually happen?
Did all of it?
Or is it that all of those things could have just happened?

Hmm. This chapter piece was mostly exposition to showcase some of Brockton Bay and it's everyday crime, with the bit near the end to set up the next chapter.

What happened is that Cauldron is tossing a case-53 into the alleyway the SI was crossing thru. The thing is, I wanted to play with [Glimpse] a bit at the end, while demonstration what the power looks like while in use. In that instance, the action of the SI butterflies the situation due to his immunity to the Path to Victory. What action he does changes which Case-53 Contessa pushes through the portal.
Hmm. This chapter piece was mostly exposition to showcase some of Brockton Bay and it's everyday crime, with the bit near the end to set up the next chapter.

What happened is that Cauldron is tossing a case-53 into the alleyway the SI was crossing thru. The thing is, I wanted to play with [Glimpse] a bit at the end, while demonstration what the power looks like while in use. In that instance, the action of the SI butterflies the situation due to his immunity to the Path to Victory. What action he does changes which Case-53 Contessa pushes through the portal.
I see.
I'm not entirely sure why his actions would affect who would appear, but I guess that's PtV bullshit for you.
Though I would recommend putting something to that effect in the next chapter, just to clear things up in the story itself.
So he's seeing multiple simultaneous results from PtV based on how things change in multiple possible realities?
Potential Case-53s

Blurb: Female, Aspiring Hero. Calm personality.
Power Rating: Changer 8 (Breaker 6, Brute 6/8/10, Striker 6, Master 4, Thinker 1/2/3, Mover 3)
Power: Regeneration Empowerment (Doesn't Ramp down, Slow empowerment)
Case 53: Slime Physiology

Blurb: Male, Reluctant Rogue. Quiet Personality
Power Rating: Master 8 (Thinker 3), Brute 0/2 (Changer 1, Mover 1)
Power: Bird Control (8 Block range, no submissable limit)
Case 53: Armor Physiology

Blurb: "Male", Aspiring Villain. Fiery and temperamental personality.
Power rating: Breaker 6, Brute 0/12
Power: Telekinesis (20 meter range, Molecular precision.)
Case 53: Air Mimicry (Encompasses an 2x2 meter area, wind is... violent in it.)

Blurb: Male, Reluctant Rogue/Villain. Anxious Personality.
Power Rating: Stranger 5, Brute 3
Power: Situational Invisibility (Invisible to people with hostile intent towards him)
Case 53: Humanoid, Elongated limbs/small torso.

Blurb: Female, Aspiring ???. Perky and Quirky Personality.
Power Rating: Breaker 7 (Brute 4, Mover 4)
Power: Cartoon Physics, personal.
Case 53: "Flat" humanoid.

A/N: Still haven't picked which one pops up in Brockton bay. The other Case 53's will be deposited on other parts of the world, mostly NA...
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Though Omni is horrifically, gloriously broken. If I'm reading that correctly.

Having just re-read the story, I'd just like to say something.
Never underestimate the abillity to spew literally mind-breaking gibberish at people.
Seriously, even the person with literally perfect memory forgot about you after just a little exposure.
Anyway, still hoping for more of this.
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