Bilocation (A Worm CYOA v.5 SI Fic)

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This is... uh... a thing. It's a CYOA fic based on the Worm CYOA #5. I don't know if this'll...
Synchronization 1.1
Saint John, New Brunswick
This is... uh... a thing. It's a CYOA fic based on the Worm CYOA #5. I don't know if this'll just be a one-shot or a series or... something.

Worm CYOA: Synchro
Path: No Path taken (Starts as Vigilante)
Averages: Human: 10, Peak Human: 15.
Str 10 (11) |HP
Dex 11 (22)
Con 14 (21)
Int 12
Wis 9
Cha 8
Luk ?
Powers [10]
Breaker: Shroedinger
Current # co-current action: 10
Time Limit: 1 minute
Breaker: Supernatural Agility
Str Multiplier x1.1
Dex Multiplier x2
Current Top Speed: 33.5 mph
Jump Height: 8 feet
Blaster: Phantom Limbs
Unarmed Str Multiplier: x1.0
Precision: x1.15
Speed: Inst.
Range: Unlimited
Thinker: Glimpse
Time Limit: 5 seconds
Brute: Vampiric Regeneration
Current Charge: 0/0
Con Multiplier: x1.5
HP Multiplier x1.5
Heal %: 25% of damage given
Master: Mirror Images
Total Duplicates: 5
Time Limit: 10 minutes
Power Description: Multilocation
Your power allows you to alter reality around yourself to a certain degree, letting you do multiple actions at the same time, project physical attacks farther than your reach and bend time slightly to emulate inhuman feats of agility. Due to the mental processing of seeing all actions around you, you've got an extremely short-range precognition power as well. Secondary effects of the power are phantom copies of yourself that you can project, and redirecting damage from yourself onto foes.
Shard Type: Abaddon [-2]
Future Growth:
Glimpse sees farther into the future, at a rate of 0.1 seconds per week.
Vampiric regeneration allows for full body restoration after 3 months, and gains a storage of spare regeneration energy after 6 months. at a year, it allows you to redirect the stored regeneration power onto others. It also passively boosts how much damage you can take, and how much staying power you have in combat, x1.5 it every year.
Mirror Image slowly increases it's length of time the phantoms stick around, at about a minute per week. The amount of Mirror images able to be out at the same time increases by one per month.
Phantom Limbs slowly gain a brute rating, doubling your kinetic strength by a multiple of 2 every 3 months. The precision of the phantom limbs increase at a rate of 5% per month.
Supernatural Agility slowly affects your physical state, increasing muscle flexibility and altering you slowly to make you more dexterous. At around a year in, it'll bring you to peak human condition physically. every year past that, it'll double your dexterity and top speed, and partially boost your strength.
Shroedinger slowly increases it's time limit by 10 seconds per month, and adds an extra action every 3 months.

All power growth doubles every year, save supernatural Agility.
Followers: Taylor Hebert
You met Taylor on the first night she was out, while she was fighting Lung. The Undersiders and Arms master were there as well, but since you actually helped her out during the fight, she got a little starry-eyed towards you. You probably shouldn't have blurted out that you were a huge fan and wanted an autograph...

Perks and Flaws
Wanted: Coil (Your power causes a huge gap in both his realities, causing his power to break down. this is not good for you.) [+2]
Wanted: Merchants (You mistook Skid Mark for a thug while escaping a rave party the Merchants were hosting, and accidentally knocked him out. He's out for your blood.) [+2]
We Know (After killing off Jack Slash, Doctor Mother took an interest in you, and Contessa kidnaps you, interrogating the info out of you... then promptly erases your memory of the events.) [+2]
S9 Recruit (Jack watches you while you fight off the other S9-er's, and wants a new challenge, he's more than a little cautious about your off-color powers.)[+7]
Kidnapping (Cauldron kidnaps you after you kill Jack Slash)[+3]
Trouble Magnet (Or, Being you is Suffering) [+4]
Godslayer (The Phantom Limbs have a sting-like property once they get stronger, but only towards projections or parahumans with altered states.) [-5]
Equipment and Costume (see below) [-1]

Costume description: The Protos Suit is made of tinker materials called Living Metal and Smart Bio-plastic. The suit's primary function is durability, then damage reduction and repair. The layering of materials allow for nearly 100% movement, while keeping it extremely light. the Bio-plastic in the suit eats most radiation directed at it, and consumes perspiration to regenerate, while filtering air pulled into it for the you to breathe. The Living Metal can absorb metal to repair itself, while being strong enough to withstand most types of firearms and lasers. Inside the suit is a thin set of bio-mechanical muscles, capable of negating most of the suits weight and increasing your strength threefold. At the end of the day, the full suit weighs 140 pounds, but feels like 20.

While the suit itself is good for combat, it's secondary features are just as useful. The suit pulls in enough energy, either kinetic or radioactive, to power a series of ultra tech micro computers, connected to the helmet's HUD, biomedical scanner, Omni-scanner, Inertial Compass and a wrist mounted holographic interface. The suit also has a series of hollowed arteries for micro and nano bot repair swarms. The filtration system sucks up water and air, and is capable of recycling waste as well into reusable water. The suit itself is completely sealed, and has a series of audio, video and olfactory sensors to relay smell and sound and sights, with a audio dampener blocking out louder sounds. The boots of the suit have reactive magnetic plates, capable of attaching itself to anything metallic, and a series of high tech expanding floaters allow the suit to float in water without weighing it down.

As for equipment, a bio-plastic duffel bag contains a set of bio-plastic under suits and masks, a Quarterstaff of Living Metal that can fold out into a riot shield, a handheld mini ultra tech computer modified to work on Micro-fusion Breeder Cells, a Heavy Rainbow Laser Pistol modified to fit Micro-fusion Breeder cells, and a dozen Micro-Fusion Breeder Cells.

Gift: The Coin
Because you never know when you might need a rewrite...

-Synchronization 1.1-
I wake up-get up-look around- yelp- freak out- oh god what- powers? how - what? - no sense - WHY- worm CYOA- WON'T- how did this - IT - just a game-


I sit up. Something's... wrong, like i'm seeing now and then and now again and what is happening? my hands and my hands and my hands move up, as I push up with my hands to get up, to pull myself up, to stand fully, to turn to the side. God, this is weird.

I'm in some kind of warehouse, it's dark, and whatever light streaming through the broken windows doesn't even illuminate the area. boxes and shelves line the area, and I'm standing in the middle of it, completely alone. My head moves as I look left and right and up and down at the same time, scanning the room as part of me pulls the duffel bag besides me that I know has my super suit in it to me. It's exactly as a thought it would be, like a technological version of Venom and the Iron Man suit mashed together. I put pieces of the suit on as I walk around, the pieces flowing on me as I walk towards the only exit that I can see. The duffel bag slips over my shoulder, still holding the cells, the handheld computer, the gun and the folded shield.

A few seconds before I get to the door I stop and try to actively use [Impulse]. The door opens- I go through- Stairway going up- down - no one nearby. I push open the door, and decide to take the stairs down. The walls are crumbling as well as the stairs, and what little power going through the building lights up a series of broken lights on the ceiling of the stairs. The jaunt downwards lets me hear the booming of loud rave music. As I reach the bottom of the flight of stairs, the suit's been fully placed on my body, as - the door opens- guards see me- "SHIT! CAPE..."- Guns cock -... I raise a fist as I raise my fist and I raise my foot and another foot and another foot and kick punch kick punch kick at the door as it opens, bashing into the two guards as they past through the frame with ethereal kinetic force. I feel... healthier as the punches land, removing the little amounts of fatigue I had from my freak out earlier.

They drop to the floor, and I pass over them, reaching a huge-ass rave party. The crowd looks crazed and full of energy as I try to push past a few dazed people. I try out [Mirror Images], and I'm more than a little surprised when they can push the party-goers out of the way, I guess it's not technically damage. The raving people hide me as I try to find an exit, the clones dispersing as I let them flicker out. I get as far as the warehouse' garage-style doors, where a bunch of thugs see me and start yelling. It takes only a few seconds before I'm running at full speed away, dodging between crates at high speeds. the city I find myself in is... worn, is the only word that comes to mind. I lose whatever few druggies that were chasing me after a few dozens seconds of full-tilt running, turning down an alley to regain some stamina.

A few minutes pass as I head south-west, heading down the road, trying to see where I am. It doesn't take long until I come across a random guy. "Hey bud, " I start, and he startles somewhat. "Could you spot me a solid and tell me where I am?" He seems to hesitate for a second or two before answering. "You're in Brockton bay man, uh... you a cape or something?" I can't help but let out a strained laugh. "Or something." I reply, before starting to feel the weight of reality crash down on me.

I was actually in the god damned Worm universe, where everything that could go wrong, went wrong.

Fuck. This couldn't get much wors- shit. Tempting fate...

A large crash and explosion echoes out a block or two away. I can't help but see the spouts of flame coming out of an alley, as a literal half-dragon thing jumps half a flight up a building, and begins to scale it.


It's a quick run down the streets as I watch Lung climb the roof. As I start running, I start scaling to the rooftops, climbing and swinging upwards as fast as I was sprinting down the road. Once I reach the top, I'm literally across from the scene of Taylor pepper-spraying a freaking dragon in the face. A series of double-jumps across poles lands me across the street, where I -Lung turns snarls-Shit fast fuck- Dodge left- right- forward- side- clones- duck- immediately dodge left as Lung lunges towards me, half blind still from the pepper spray. Three clones split off and go in each direction as I throw a set set set set set set set set of ghost shoves. Lung goes for the clone on the left, and gets punched a few hundred times, lifting him off the roof by a few feet and near the edge. He's at least a good twelve feet tall at this point, and -FLAMES OH GOD- ...suit's fireproof- dodge right, slip under lunge- do a full somersault to the right, barely miss being roasted. Another lunge gets me right under Lung, and I proceed to Kick Punch head butt set set set him a few times. He lets out an "Omph!" as his entire scaly stomach gets punched in by a set of kinetic jabs, breaking a rib or two as he stumbles back some more. It's at this point that he's swarmed again, seems like Taylor's going all out right now. I watch as lung tries to burn off the bugs as I set up another set of ghostly shoves. This time, he gets pushed straight off the roof.

A colossal -SMACK- echoes out below the building as lung lands, already healing up all the damage we've both done to him. He's already on his feet again when I reach the edge, and now has wings. Just as he goes to jump back up, an ugly... thing barrels into him, catching Lung and I a little off guard. Just like script, two other monster things jump onto the roof from the apartment just to the side, passing right by me. It'd be a little dramatic for a single person to be confronted by Bitch's dogs alone, but it seems having another person would change that.

I've got a decision to make here. Here's the entire cadre of the Undersiders in front of me, scrapped up and bruised from that confrontation with Oni Lee, halfway grateful they didn't have to fight Lung. Grue's actually the least damaged, and walks confidently up to the middle of roof, first looking at me, then Taylor. -"You really..."- jeez suave voice- interrupt- dictate- intimidate- attack- "You two really saved us a lot of trouble", he starts. "No," I cut in immediately, "I was saving this rookie from killing herself off on her first night out." this attracts Tattletale's attention to me -Anger- low voice- No go- Sweet talk- Blame - Blackmail- "If it meant a bunch of idiot thieves didn't get roasted, well, there's my good deed for the day." Grue makes a placating gesture as Taylor blurts out 'thieves?' like the kid she is, "Well, even still, thanks. We were going to wing it, but I guess this is just as good." I tilt my head, my voice spilling out of the speakers on my helmet. "Y'know what, I'm feeling like a good Samaritan, today, So here's a heads up, Halbeard's on the prowl round here tonight, and he definitely heard this racket. So..." I can see Tattletale's eyes widen as she turns to Grue. "He's right. Let's get going." Grue nods along, and starts walking towards the monster dogs. "Oh, hey what's your names?" he asks. Taylor mumbles once before speaking up a little louder "Uh... I don't have one yet...", I just nod, and don't say anything. Soon, the Undersiders had left, and I was alone with a 15 year old girl on a roof. I turn to taylor, getting a good look at her. She's pretty much scratch free, intact as much as possible, and not burnt at all.

"So, you staying for the fireworks, or you leaving?"
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It never did really give any limitations to it other than it having to be a wearable suit (so no mechs) and a being able to fit into a bag. The spare equipement also doesn't have any limitation then fitting in the bag along with the suit... so... yeah.
I would have had the title be CYOA v5 so people don't dimiss it as another masturbatory exercise where you get to self-insert yourself as an OP as fuck character.
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got it. good idea actually. I've been struggling on writing Armsmaster... mostly because I don't know how to portray him properly. He's either repressed or just disconnected from everyone else... and... that's a little hard to pick up.
Power Interactions
Synchro's Power interactions
Version 1.2​
Shroedinger + Phantom Limbs (Floating Strikes): Generate hundreds of phantom attacks at your regular strength level. The amount is limited by some factors: Shroedinger can currently only make 10 full body "copies" on top of Synchro's own attack, throwing a punch requires roughly a third of a second, and a kick takes maybe a full second. this means, per second, Synchro can fire off 80 phantom limbs. each phantom punch or kick can be directed in any direction due to shroedinger's unlimited personal range. Due to having no indicator to speed of impact, and assuming a phantom limb is equal to a regular punch's kinetic force, this makes it pretty effective attack against everything up to mid-tier brutes, and the transference of kinetic force repeating so many times will knock most people quite far. It'd be like having a ranged jackhammer as well, capable of manifesting just enough force in that second to dent steel and shatter wood or plastic. Manifesting the phantom limbs differently also affects the attack. A shove could impart greater push, a jab could have precise hits, Phantom kicks would be slightly stronger, but would carry less kinetic force, a one-inch punch could increase the amount of phantom limbs, an index-finger punch could jab out eyes at range, and so on.

Shroedinger + Supernatural Agility (Hover Jumping): Using the "double jump" aspect of the Supernatural Agility with Shroedinger, these two powers can provide extra mid-air leaps, giving somewhat effective flight. It's somewhat odd to look at, mostly due to the constant bobbing Synchro experiences by gravity forcing him downwards. The unnatural Agility allows Synchro to fly without problems, with a top flight speed equal to his running speed. A limiting factor of this is that Synchro loses precision if he uses Phantom Limb as well.

Shroedinger + Vampiric Regeneration (Quantum Drain): By using Shroedinger with Vampiric Regeneration, Synchro can cause a power mulitplier, increasing the speed that he heals from damaging foes by striking them hundreds of times in seconds. This attack method will heal most of his wounds in seconds, and will later on fully restore him.

Shroedinger + Mirror Images (Stock Shop): No true effect. Could spam extra mirror images faster, but doesn't really mesh well.

Shroedinger + Glimpse (Quantum Highway): Synchro can combine Shroedinger and Glimpse to create a scouting type power. it's effects are somewhat limited, but allows Synchro to have a 5 second version of Coil's power. Once Glimpse gets stronger, Synchro will be able to see much farther down.
Supernatural Agility + Phantom Limbs: No true effect. Lets Synchro throw phantom attacks at odd angles with somewhat supernatural aim.

Supernatural Agility + Glimpse (Walk of Victory) : makes a cheap Path to Victory style attack set, with the limitation being that Glimpse's ability can't predict more than 5 seconds ahead of itself, making it dangerous to use against AOE attacks and overwhelming forces. A side benefit to this is that it acts as a social aid for Synchro.

Supernatural Agility + Vampiric Regeneration: No True Effect.

Supernatural Agility + Mirror Images: No True Effect. Mirror images are more dexterous and nimble.
Phantom Limbs + Glimpse: No True Effect. Lets you place a phantom limb exactly where you want it to cause maximum effect.

Phantom Limbs + Vampiric Regeneration (Floating Drain): Since Phantom Limbs is an extension of synchro's unarmed attacks, Vampiric Regeneration can take advantage of this to heal damage.

Phantom Limbs + Mirror Images (Floating Push): No True Effect. Mirror Images can't cause physical damage, but can still be used in conjunction to push others or objects around.
Glimpse + Vampiric Regeneration: No True Effect.

Glimpse + Mirror Images: No True Effect.

Vampiric Regeneration + Mirror Images: No True Effect.
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Each copy can use Phantom limbs.
Coil - Better than Coil.
Basically the same as where you use the phantom limb, but fed through all of your clones as well.

Yeah, each copy can use the Phantom limbs, but the each action only takes up that half a second to set off up to four phantom limb attacks - five if you count a head butt. This action can be repeated ten times simultaneously, so just stacking that together gives you 4/5 limbs x 10 actions x 2/3 sets per second which equates to 80 to 150 phantom limbs per second.

Glimpse + Shroedinger, let's call it Selective Reactive Actions (or S.R.A.), gives something like coil's alternate reality ability, but has a few differences: The S.R.A. has the limit of 10 simultaneous actions over five seconds, limited to anything that Synchro can react to in those five seconds. This lets him set up 10 actions in different directions at the same time, allowing Synchro to pick out one set of actions he chose to go through, while retaining the knowledge of what happened in those other action set to near perfection. Really, these two powers feed into each other very well.

The Vampiric Regeneration + Shroedinger just does the same as Phantom Limbs + Vampiric Regeneration at short range.
I like how you combined the powers to make a proper power-set. I'm interested to see where you take this.
Synchronization 1.2
PRT Threat Assessment

Name: Adam Sark
Cape Name: Synchro
Disposition: Hero (Protectorate Member)
PRT Join Date: April 12th, 2011
Classification: Breaker 8 (Sub rating Brute 3, Blaster 5, Thinker 8 and Mover 2)
Appearance: 6'3", 240 lbs, estimated age of early 20's. Brown hair styled into a short pompadour, blue-green eyes and somewhat pale skin. Endomorphic body type. Cape costume is a high end tinker-tech suit that requires little to no maintenance.
Personality: Synchro is amicable and confident while in and out of costume, but has problems interacting with others, having difficulties picking up lies or deceit. Diagnosed with A.S.D., know to use powers to aid in social interactions.
Multilocation: Synchro has shown the ability to shift reality with his powers, enabling him to work multiple actions at the same time, on a quantum level. Secondary effects of this is a personal precognition, long-range unarmed attacks, the ability to project clones of himself, low power flight and unnatural feats of dexterity. The Manton effect of Synchro's powers are a limit on the amount of co-current actions he can take, the length of precognitive insight and the inability to physically harm organic matter via his mirror copies. A side effect of his Multilocation ability is that Synchro seems to recover from damage much faster than normal, and shows amazing staying power in combat.
Synchro has stated that he originates from an alternate earth, but has no proof other than our lack of prior knowledge of him. Potentially delusional from trigger event.

-Synchronization 1.2-

Armsmaster's bike stops just besides Lung, now more or less down for the count with all those toxins in him. I bellow out a "Hey!" just before he stabs the tip of his halberd into Lung's neck. Armsmaster's head swivels so fast towards me that I can feel the crick in my neck. "Lizard-boy's got enough toxin to keep 'im down for now buddy!" He just stands there for a few seconds, mumbling to himself.

When he finally starts moving, he immediately aims the top of his halberd towards the roof, and I watch as it flies up and sticks directly to the tip of the roof. It's a little awkward as I watch Armsmaster hookshot his way up, mostly because the dude looks like he practiced this move and is trying just a little too hard to look cool. Taylor's just in shock behind me, like she didn't expect a big shot like Armsmaster to show up.

Now standing vertically besides us, Armsmaster is just that scripted to ask "You two gonna fight me?", probably because we both didn't show up on his built in computer database or something.

I turn to Taylor first as I put a hand on the chin of my helmet, feigning deep thought. "Think we can take him?" I ask.
she splutters out a "No!". Armsmaster is just... he's just lost there, like he doesn't even know what's happening.

"I guess not then." I answer his question while gesturing in a placating manner.

After a few awkward seconds, Armsmaster turns to stare at Taylor, putting her on edge now because he's gotten a good grip on his halberd. "You don't look like the standard style for the gangs around town. Who do you stand for?" And, here's the kicker, I can hear the swarms around us get agitated as he asks, the bugs getting slightly closer to us from their recluses.
"None of them!" She growls out "I'm a hero!" posing defiantly in response. Armsmaster doesn't reply immediately, turning to me, and does a sweep of my armor.

he stops at my helmet, and says in a clipped voice "Your suit doesn't register in my systems either, either you're a new tinker, or you bought it. Got a name?"

I... had one that I thought of while I was building my character. "Synchro." My hand extends out towards him, and he takes it, the tension draining from him and the area.
"Welp, what's your name kid?" I ask Taylor, she's visibly grating her teeth now.
"I Didn't think of one yet... It's my first night out." I can literally see Armsmaster perk up, as he reads out the lines given to him.

"Yes, and events like this are why we have the wards, so you don't run into monsters like Lung. And having backup is why the Protectorate exists." I raise an eyebrow under my helmet, wondering how developed his socialization program was. it sounded a little generic. There's a bit of scraping as Lung starts stirring a bit, but is still clearly out of it. Halbeard just up and jumps down the building and pokes the half dragon with his drugged weapon. Lung stops moving, but is still visibly breathing and shrinking down now.

"Want a ride down?" I ask Taylor as I step onto the ledge. She hesitates, then nods. I grab hold of her round the waist, and jump down. a few double-jumps drops me and Taylor smoothly onto the asphalted alleyway. Lung's been tied up by Armsmaster and he's contacting a PRT van for pickup. Taylor fidgets before blurting out something about continuing her patrol, and skitters away.

As the PRT van appears, Armsmaster walks over to me. Agents burst of the vehicle and lug a regular sized Lung into the back of the van's floor, cuffing him down to restraints. "You're still here." he remarks when he confronts me again. I nod, and choose my next few words carefully.

"Yeah, I need to get in touch with someone about inter-dimensional travel." I can feel the confusion radiating from Armsmaster. "Ah, I didn't give my full title earlier..." I stand tall and strike a pose, hoping he buys this.

"... My name is Synchro, I'm a Hero of Earth Abaddon."
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Good chapter, needs a threadmark though.

Also, only one person can speak in a paragraph. If you want someone else to talk, you have to start a new paragraph. Crunching up dialogue from multiple people into one paragraph gets confusing.
That's a pretty fast turn around. Almost got whiplash.

Yeah, the CYOA's disposition is more for what type of character you're going as. Synchro signs up as a protectorate member, but due to the his personality, he's constantly clashing with the more pragmatic heroes and PRT superiors.

The companion bit is kind of being ignored, instead being used as "allies" that you can trust. Taylor's already got some changes from canon: She doesn't have a rapport with the Undersiders, Armsmaster pretty much ignored her because Synchro was 'easier' to talk to, and she (probably) considers tonight a good example of vigilantism in Brockton Bay.

Good chapter, needs a threadmark though.

Also, only one person can speak in a paragraph. If you want someone else to talk, you have to start a new paragraph. Crunching up dialogue from multiple people into one paragraph gets confusing.

Ah. That... makes more sense.

You can tell this is my first full-on piece of fiction huh? I remember writing a couple of paragraphs in high school, and I run some quests, but neither of those are highly dependent on dialog.

I edited the chapter a bit to split up the dialog.
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Interesting power combo, hadn't seen this CYOA before.

Gotta say though that I thought Glimpse 'pauses time' and let's you run an unlimited/unspecified number of simulations up to five seconds in the future. This sounds better than your combo, if I understand correctly.

Bold move at the end there. Looking forward to more.
Interesting power combo, hadn't seen this CYOA before.

Gotta say though that I thought Glimpse 'pauses time' and let's you run an unlimited/unspecified number of simulations up to five seconds in the future. This sounds better than your combo, if I understand correctly.

Bold move at the end there. Looking forward to more.

Glimpse does pause time, and it's used mostly in the first chapter. it's those parts that were split up by the -'s. I was going to add a bunch of Glimpse-text... but it felt really tedious.

The boldness comes more from how a SI would realistically act... or at least how I'd act. I mean, You start with little to no resources other than what you have on hand, and the way this CYOA is built makes it somewhat harder to be a S-Class monster. What I'm saying is that without resources and allies, you wouldn't get far. The Protectorate is a very sensible route for getting rid of most of those limitations.

I hope this CYOA won't get abandon after a few chapters, there are very few CYOA story that make it to the end.

It... probably won't be abandoned.

See, my problem is that I burn out easily, so there might be a week in between each blurb I put up...
I truly cannot understand why you would limit yourself by joining the protectorate, especially if you have knowledge of Worm canon.
getting rid of most of those limitations
Sure, you might get some minimal resources(according to the CYOA) and some allies, but you can basically give up actually accomplishing anything. Or having any sort of personal freedom.

I might be misremembering something, but I'm fairly sure the protectorate, and by extension the parahumans that make it up, is in a constant state of getting shafted by the PRT.

If you want allies and resources, The Guild exists!
And it comes with the added bonuses of maybe helping Dragon, and not being under the dominion of people who consider parahumans to be sub-human.

I'm sure the Guild wouldn't mind having an operative in Brockton Bay.
EDIT: Holy shit I just realised he can/ already has/ phantom Kenshiro people!
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I truly cannot understand why you would limit yourself by joining the protectorate, especially if you have knowledge of Worm canon.

Sure, you might get some minimal resources(according to the CYOA) and some allies, but you can basically give up actually accomplishing anything. Or having any sort of personal freedom.

I might be misremembering something, but I'm fairly sure the protectorate, and by extension the parahumans that make it up, is in a constant state of getting shafted by the PRT.

If you want allies and resources, The Guild exists!
And it comes with the added bonuses of maybe helping Dragon, and not being under the dominion of people who consider parahumans to be sub-human.

I'm sure the Guild wouldn't mind having an operative in Brockton Bay.

Joining the Guild has it's own set of limitations and hardships. To start, There's the problem of Dragon, her restrictions, the dragonslayers overlooking her every action, the dragonslayers themselves and the necessary quality/power needed to join the Guild (They're A to S class members). There's also the story plot to consider, as well as world building (something I'm not even remotely good at). And this is only the stuff that I know happened in the story.

Also, from what I can tell, The Guild is only a sub-section of the PRT, based in Canada. The PRT also exists in Canada, but it's the difference between the regular parahumans, and the strongest of the world. In fact, the Worm Wiki's description of the Guild leads me to believe that it doesn't give many benefits other than getting strong parahumans to the places they're needed.

The resources I'm thinking of are short-term at best, mostly due to the "drop-in" nature of the protagonist. Setting up an ID, gaining some funds, having acccess to certain parahumans, that kind of thing.
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To that I counter: Cauldron.
The PRT and by extension the Protectorate are puppets to the extreme.

Though I'll admit that I didn't the consider the restrictions on joining the Guild.

Honestly in this situation I'd recommend looking up faultline's crew.
Even if you don't join them, they'd probably be somewhat sympathetic to the situation you've found yourself in.
Well, minus the monstrous form and lack of memories.
Hmmm. yeah that works.

Until you remember that they're a mercenary company. Mainly hired outside of the city, usually by villains or other unsavory types. They also have limited resources, have members who can be outright dangerous to themselves, and don't have a big reach, politically, financially or power-based.

Of those three options and joining a gang, the PRT still seems like the better choice, even if they have ties to Cauldron and the PRT itself is riddled in corruption.
I guess we simply have different priorities.
Just remember, entering the Protectorate shackles you for life.
I'm fairly sure you'd have to go villain and force your way out to leave.
And even if you do leave, they have information on all your capabilities and you will probably very quickly be birdcaged, if not outright get a kill order for being privy to the PRT's secrets.

Even if it is not necessary to force your way out, you'll still lose pretty much all credibility for the masses.

EDIT: And it's less that they have ties to Cauldron, it's more like they have Cauldron's hand so far up their collective arse their brains have fingers.
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While Haywire created the portal that lets Aleph and Bet communicate/transmit info, is Professor Haywire still around/alive? Because proof of another civilized earth seems like a thing he'd home in on.

Also, is Synchro telling people he is from an Alternate Earth designated Abbadon, or a parallel/mirror version of Aleph where it is instead called Abbadon? Because a parallel earth could easily explain how he could know things about the earth he is in while giving plausible room for error in his knowledge.

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While Haywire created the portal that lets Aleph and Bet communicate/transmit info, is Professor Haywire still around/alive? Because proof of another civilized earth seems like a thing he'd home in on.

Also, is Synchro telling people he is from an Alternate Earth designated Abbadon, or a parallel/mirror version of Aleph where it is instead called Abbadon? Because a parallel earth could easily explain how he could know things about the earth he is in while giving plausible room for error in his knowledge.

I have no clue. Google it.

Earth Abaddon is the Boring old earth (BOE). Except Synchro's "lying" about his origins... Well. not really lying, just disguising it as something else.

Earth Aleph is also NOT BOE, it's been said to be a splinter of Earth Bet with different people being born starting at the arrival of Scion, so yeah.

If an Earth Abbadon does pop up, it'll be one of those "Well, crap." moments, mostly because I'm writing it up as an earth with access to interdimensional spying tech/thinkers.

Edit: I didn't answer the question. BOE is a parallel earth, technically. Earth Abandon is a parallel of BOE (since there's an "infinite" number of earths due to the multiverse theory, there's gonna be one where a hero named Synchro just up and disappeared, and has a precog that's named Wildbow.)
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Synchronization 1.3
- Synchronization 1.3-

"Earth Abaddon." Director Piggot deadpanned. She was... well... Skeptic would be a good descriptor. I'd gotten a drive with Armsmaster back to PRT's HQ, the building was on the other side of the bay from the fight with Lung. The building itself stuck out like a sore thumb, all glass and steel. It'd look good in a bigger city, jutting out a good forty or fifty feet higher than the rest of the buildings downtown. I'd been brought straight to a mostly empty room, with only a table and a few chairs in it. It hadn't been a long wait before the Director of the PRT ENE, the Protectorate leader and his second in command were facing me.

"Yup", I nod my helmeted head, "See, we're a bit different back home. We've got a lot of psychics, telepaths, precogs, those kinds of supers, only a handful of reality benders and combat-applicable heroes." I don't mention those so called supers are everyday media producers and fiction writers. Nor do i admit that those powerful heroes are ROB's. don't want to scare them too much.

Armsmaster coughs, bringing everyone's attention to him. "How exactly did you come to Brockton Bay, Synchro?"


"I don't know." It's the straightest answer I can give them for now really, I mean, these people disregard magic completely just because Parahumans exist, they would call me delusional if I said I gained powers by filling a form. For all I know, Harry Potter and his fellow wizards are living it up somewhere in Britain blasting curses and charms out the wazoo because "capes" exist. "Mind answering some questions though? I'm still kind of lost here. Heck, where is here? and When?"

"Brockton Bay, Massachusetts, United States of America, 4:37 A.M. on the 12 of april, 2011." I have to raise a mental eyebrow at that. From the bits I remember of the canonical story, Brockton Bay was like Springfield in The Simpsons. It was meant to be a interchangeable city within Massachusetts, and close to Boston...

I feign reluctance and a little bit of worry as I prep the next sentence. "Uh, just to clarify, Your earth doesn't call itself Earth Bet, right?" Adding just that slight amount of stress needed to work this angle. Having to fake emotions over the years help with this, but having [Glimpse] to review just how to act really helps.

The room goes a little silent, and Piggot answers with a bit of a frown. "Yes, We've currently had access to only a single other dimension, specifically Earth Aleph. Is this important?"

"Oh. Shit." A raise of the shoulders, some tension in my actions. "Okay, that's... not great. Does the name Triumvirate mean anything to you?"

"Leaders of the Protectorate." just a little more tension, stress the voice.

"Dragon? The Guild? Birdcage?" Armsmaster's seems to be reacting a little now.

It's doesn't even take him a second to think over the answer. "A Canadian tinker, a group of high power protectorate members, the highest security prison worldwide for parahumans."

It's easy to falsify dawning horror when you actually feel it. Earth Bet is a pretty fucked up place, a death world lite, really. "W̸̶͝͞i̶̛͡l҉̛̛͞d́͢͠b͠҉̴ǫ̷̨w̵̧͘͜!̵̵͝" I blurt out. "Oh, weird..."

That gets them to pause and blink, Miss Militia asks the question on their minds. "Pardon?"

"A guy who posted evidence of his powers on the World-Wide-Web back home. He was dismissed from being a precog because the events never happened... Then he went and edited it into a book and sold it for a pretty mint..." I relax my posture a bit. "It was a good novel, but that's not the point... The point is that his story starred a group of supers who ended up killing t̴̛́́͞h͏͏e̡͞ ̢̡̀͟è̛́͘ņ̧ţ̷̧̧͞i̷͏҉͘͢t̶̵̛̕͠y̵̴̕͞ ͏̡ņ͟a͘͝͡҉m̢̀͞e̛͘͡d̵͘͏̨̀ ̵̴͏҉s҉͜c̵̀i̶̡͟͜ǫ̷̀͟͞n͜͝... er, a god."

The rest of the morning was spent trying to tell the PRT leader info about the Worm series, with little to no success. I couldn't give hard facts, and anything that had a name or nickname mentioned in the serial novel I couldn't say unless I stayed off the topic. I tried just spewing out a bunch of lines of fact, but ended up causing the PRT Director to forget what she was doing, and having Miss Militia shove a gun in my face when she didn't remember who I was.

I spent the better part of the day in an observation room, inside of it was a single bed and a partitioned off section that kept the amenities of a bathroom. I kept the suit on, the built-in system's ability to keep me mostly clean helped, and kept any chance for the PRT to get a sample of my DNA away too. They'd brought a MRE style meal for me sometime around noontime, which promptly got shoved in the helmet's open face plate. My gun and datapad were taken away, but I'd been able to keep the duffel bag and spare uniforms. A classic mask sat on my face while the helmet's face plate was off.

Around 4 pm, I was escorted back to another conference/interrogation room. The difference this time was the bundle of forms in front of director Piggot and a single pen.

"This," She pushed the forms forwards "is a contractual membership to the protectorate." I grabbed the pile, but she began to talk before I started going through them. "Simply put, we need heroes more than anything in Brockton Bay, badly." Piggot looks thoughtful, as is preparing herself. " While permanent employment with us would be what the PRT and Protectorate would want, you are a resource that has the potential to be lost. Therefore, the PRT is offering you a six month contract with you."

That sounded... too good to be true, a way out? A side benefit of [Glimpse] and [Shroedinger] came into effect, as I read and leafed through the entire stack of documents by the time the director finished. There wasn't anything overt, no loopholes I could find that would cripple me if I left the organization, no strange bits about owning my soul or anything along those lines. "I... don't have anything against this." I pick up the pen, and start filling out the forms. The pen writes on several dotted lines at the same time, filling the two dozen pages in less than a minute.

"Good." She takes back the documents once I drop the pen, a little put off about my casual use of powers. "Now, You'll be going through testing to rate your power and it's rating. We also need get you signed up for standard PRT officer courses, and have you memorize the Protectorate guideline and rulings." There's a hint of malice in her voice as she tells me this.

It takes a few hours, but I'm officially a citizen of the United States of America under a new name, 'Adam Sark', and a sponsored hero with the alias of 'Synchro'. I try not to goggle at the fact that it's my S.V. username.​
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