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A crossover of The Sting of Death and Naruto, where Villain explores the Ninja World to see if he can take over as he's done at home.
The Genesis of The Black Sun
Fifth Dimension
"The Black Sun shone, but was forced to atone and enter supernova early, to take over his home."

The masked man takes in his surroundings, a new world, a new place for him to conquer and to rule. He was successful back at home albeit with unforeseen consequences of losing his brothers in combat, and being forced to accelerate his strategies. The streets were the initial goal, one he had to give up, as The Powers That Be conspired against him. Already he was in the midst of a war, a war between Death and the Killer Bees, the GCD, and the KBG, and he wasn't exactly triumphant in that either. Once The Man got involved, he and his brother, his blood brother, were forced to form a new team, and take out their shared opposition.

From there it was elementary, striking ruthlessly, brutally, rapidly, to take over more than the streets, but the Powers themselves. And now he was here, in a foreign land, one with lesser technology and weak dimensional barriers, one he had jumped at the chance to explore. But he had to be careful, as he is now alone, his brother staying home to make sure things remain stable, armed with only as much as he could take with him on short notice: his gauntlet, his mask, his guns.

It was a split second decision to take advantage of the wavering dimensional barriers, and as such, there was little time for preparation. However fate still played a role. As it is, where he landed is quite appropriate, ironic almost, but he would only learn that at a later time, once he learned more about this new world, a world of ninjas.

He landed in...

[] The Forest of Death, in the Land of the Fire appropriate as the leader of the Gang Called Death
[] The Lightning Village, in the Land of the Cloud, appropriate for one who tempers and controls electricity as he does
[] The Sand Village, known for it's Magnetism Release, similar to one of the abilities of his gauntlet
[] The Sound Village, encompassing the power of his nemesis Crane

This is an official crossover of The Sting of Death and Naruto.
The Black Sun Rises in the Desert
Sand Village wins!

He stands in a desert, surrounded by sand and heat, much like he was at the beginning of his journey in his past life. With fondness he remembers taking over the west coast of the country, city by city, state by state, as he fought side by side...or rather commanded his brothers in arms, known to most as monsters: Zilla, Kong, Red, Mech, and Nuke. His blood brother never really got involved until necessary and that was only the case once the Killerbees attacked...or rather survived their attack, fending off Nuke the Bombardier. Nuke was the only one of his brothers to not be labeled a monster, and yet he was the greatest monster of them all. Red, Mech, Zilla, Kong, even Super, are all superhumanly strong, durable, unable to be harmed by most weapons in any sort of permanent manner, but it was Nuke who could incinerate thousands of people in a blink of an eye. Nuke who kept the military at bay, Nuke who...though even without Nuke, the GCD took out the military, just him and his blood brother Super. Even the White House fell to the fangs of the dragon and the heat generated by the Black Sun.

But enough about the old world, already conquered, destroyed and ruled by monsters. This is a new world, a new opportunity, and the same strategy might not work as well as it did. He stands over what appears to be a man-made village, hidden beneath surrounding cliffs, and looks, observes the new world he is in, looking and searching for a way, a repository of information that he can use to gain at least a foothold. He watches as people walk by, normal people, pawns, the 85%, and realizes that they are much like the pawns from his world. Were they a universal constant? Or was he simply in a world that resembled his own in that regard? The question would go unanswered for now, until he conquered more worlds and forced his peace.

And while the pawns, the people are the same, albeit with less technology, the warriors are not. Unlike in his world, these warriors appear to be the military, uniformed with a clear hierarchy, and also unlike his world, there are...significantly more killers. He can tell by their movements that while they may not be natural born (and some are), they are trained killers. And instantly that makes his bid for control that much harder...and yet it opens up a path for him that is otherwise closed. One lucky thing he notices is the type of garb: people walking around with cloth wrapped around their face and their mouths, protecting themselves from the desert winds, from airborne sand. This makes him slightly less conspicuous with his mask, though his cape and his gauntlet are still sure to turn heads. And he'd yet to see any kind of firearm, so those would likely blow minds.

Villain, as he calls himself, stands about five feet eleven inches tall, making him somewhat tall in this new world, with a full, black obsidian mask that covers his face. He wears an onyx necklace and seven onyx rings (four on his left hand, three on his right), an obsidian bracelet, a black panther pelt that covers his head and back, and a black dress shirt with black pants. He also wears black obsidian gloves and black obsidian boots. A normal man would die of heat exhaustion in this all black garb, in the desert sun, but the Black Sun is no normal man.

After observing for an hour or so, Villain finally locates the first of his goals: an area of learning, of knowledge, of books, a library. Careful to move unseen, Villain slips his way in and picks up his first book. Immediately he sees a problem, his first major hurdle: the book is not written in english, but a language that is entirely foreign to him. As he focuses on the strange writing, Villain comes to a conclusion that the language is a modified form of Japanese, a language he's only seen and heard, but never learned. Suppressing a sigh of discontent, he begins the necessary process, one that takes hours for one like him, and he starts to learn the language as he flips through book after book.

Three hours later, he has the modified Japanese memorized fairly well, and he begins re-reading the books he used for practice. Another three hours later, after looking over event after event, from wars to village establishments, to Tailed Demons, to Village Leaders called Kages being established, being killed, and going missing, Villain has what he needs: a broad but complete history of this world, and more importantly of this village. He keeps in mind to later read about chakra, a word that frequently came up, no doubt some form of energy they utilized, and decides based on what he read, what his next move should be. He should use what he learned to make his next move, his first move in achieving his new goal of...

[] Recruiting some of the younger ninja with potential, to replicate what he did in his own world
[] Gathering the 'monsters' of the world, the Jinchuuriki, to control all the power this world has to offer
[] Conquering this village as a base, so he could place the others under his flag and force his peace
[] Joining a Village and becoming one of these ninjas, to better master his personal power. From then he can take on a new goal.
The Black Sun Shines Light On The Demon
Recruiting Younger Ninja wins!

Knowing about the history of the Sand and the world in general, Villain cannot help but to see his next and first target as an obvious one: Gaara of the Sand, the jinchuuriki of the village and son of the Kazekage. Of course to recruit anyone, a mini psyche evaluation needs to take place, as Villain figures out what makes Gaara tick. What makes him angry, what makes him happy, what motivates him, how to communicate with him and so on.

And that takes time. And so, Villain watches from the shadows, observing his prey for but a day as he draws conclusions, makes inferences, and connects dots, as he watches Gaara interact with his siblings, with other shinobi, with the civilians.

Everyone is scared of him it seems, except for the absolute higher ups. Good. And Gaara has no love for them either, opting to simply kill and crush any who got in his way. Not So Good, but workable. It appears that Gaara is a bit unstable, but his power is there, and his mind is able to be molded. He is the perfect candidate.

With the fear of Gaara comes mutterings, murmurs, conversations about avoiding him, and more, and all of it is a bit of a learning experience for Villain. Apparently Gaara has been ostracized since birth, by his own father, and has had multiple attempts on his life, the worst of which is by his beloved Uncle, Yashamaru. Gaara is also an exceptional ninja, a 'monster' who has yet to be harmed even once in his life. Only his father doesn't seem to regard him as a threat, and only his siblings seem to be able to say anything to him that holds any sort of substance in his mind. And even then, he often will dismiss them.

Another thing he learns, both through the eavesdropping and the observation is that Gaara doesn't sleep. Good. This will make it easier to confront him. With this knowledge, Villain waits until it is the dead of the night before he approaches, dropping down behind Gaara without him knowing. Villain stands there in all of his glory, waiting for Gaara's battle senses to kick in. It takes him about five seconds, an atrocious amount of time. It seems he's a bit soft, Villain will have to fix that.

When he does notice him, Gaara appears unafraid, though somewhat on guard. Clearly he does not believe he can be harmed, but he's also not used to being snuck up on. Immediately he demands answers.

"Who are you? And what do you want? How did you sneak up on me?" Villain stares down the young boy, no older than twelve, before answering in his usual, cryptic way.

"Black Sun Apollo, stepping to the stage like it's show time. Here to cultivate the diamond in the rough, from a coal mine. Turn a pocket full of sand to a gold mine. The goal's mine, to form with the sandman, one team of dreams, unseen before in this world, on the shinobi scene." Villain speaks...actually more cryptic than usual, as if testing the young man. Gaara is visibly confused.

"What?" Villain decides to dumb it back down for him, as he usually does.

"Gaara of the Sand, I come from foreign lands. Known as the Sun, I see you as one, to recruit so I can improve and mold you, past your own limits, you won't recognize the old you." He explains, still in rhyme but in more laymen terms. Gaara understands this time but doesn't appear to be impressed.

"Mother says not to trust you, and to feed you to my sand." He speaks as the substance from his gourd begins rising around him, gathering for an attack.

"The demon inside you is far from your mother, you must learn control it, engulf and smother. We have no real reason to fight one another. Rather than your enemy, I'd prefer to be your brother." Villain tries his version of reasoning.

"I already have a brother. And one day, if Mother tells me to, I will feed him to my sand too!" He exclaims as he sends a wave of sand to grab his masked foe. Instantly Villain is behind him, having dodged the attack, thinking on how to respond.


[] Pulls out his guns and forces Gaara to submit
[] Continues dodging and trying to reason with Gaara
[] Uses his gauntlets to take out Gaara with Fire and Lightning
[] Ends it quickly with his EMP Gun
[] Shows Gaara he can harm him, but chooses not to
[] Runs and tries for another day (might be abandoning the recruitment)
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The Black Sun Shines Light On The Demon Pt. 2
Shows Gaara he can harm him, but chooses not to, wins!

Villain pulls out his choice of weapon: two Desert Eagles, and waits for an opening. Gaara does something similar as his sand continues to gather around him, as he waits for an oncoming attack. For a good while, it's a standoff, with neither side moving, as Villain stands like a statue, analyzing his soon-to-be recruit and brother. Because of this, it is Gaara who is first to attack, sending arms, claws of sand towards Villain, hoping to ensnare him.

Villain has to restrain himself from shooting the sand appendages out of the air, not having the usual access to ammo that he had in his world. Not yet anyways. And so he moves, swiftly, to the side, as he continues to look for an opening. Again and again Gaara attempts to grab him, and each time, Villain simply moves away. Finally, they both come to a conclusion, Gaara to try a more widespread, area encompassing attack, and Villain to create his own opening.

Instantly Villain fires BANGBANGBANGBANG! The Desert Eagles seem to roar loudly, as .50 caliber rounds fly through the air. Gaara lazily puts up his sand, looking to try an area attack to trap his foe, but his eyes widen when the bullets not only fly too fast for the sand's first attempt, but they penetrate his sand shield. Almost in a scramble, the sand that was gathered for an attack, and for a multi-faceted defense, hurriedly rushes to defend Gaara and stop the strange projectiles. It takes three separate layers of sand to finally stop the bullets, and by the time Gaara focuses away from them, Villain is there, inches away from him, with one of the Desert Eagles held under Gaara's chin.

Time seems to slow down and his breathing seems to stop as Gaara sees his miserable life flash before his eyes. Villain stares him in the eye as he slowly pulls the trigger, and Gaara cannot help but to flinch and close his eyes. BANG! The gun fires loudly, causing Gaara to clutch his right ear in pain, as Villain clearly moves the weapon at the last second.

Gaara looks up, surprised, in wonderment for many different reasons. How did this masked man get past his unbreakable defense? Not once, but twice, with his strange weapons? And why didn't he prove his existence, by consuming Gaara's own? He doesn't understand? What is this? How can anyone bypass Mother?

As Gaara's mind wanders, he hears the telltale BANG! Of his opponent's weapon, just barely being able to look up as his sand repeats its performance of blocking the strange projectiles with multiple layers. Immediately Gaara's eye is trained, sharp, looking for his foe to once again penetrate his defenses, and...he doesn't seem to be able to find him. Quickly his eyes dart around the battlefield, only to also come up empty. Where is he? Did he flee? No. He didn't seem to be the type. He's not the usual prey, the weak, sputtering prey that often beg for their life. He's...different. So then where is-

Gaara's eyes widen as he figures it out. In a burst of speed he turns around and is immediately met with a Desert Eagle placed right on his forehead. Gaara's breath is caught in his throat as he again fears death, and again the gun is moved at the last second, this time, the roar causing pain in his left ear.

Now out of range, Villain looks at his would-be recruit and sees that he is learning, thinking, and soon will be converted. The boy sees that he can kill him, at almost any time, and he's slowly realizing that he, the Black Sun, means the boy no harm. That he means what he says, that they truly will be...brothers.

But, with the firing of his guns, sounding like explosions, there will soon So he has to either flee or wrap this up quickly.

Ultimately he decides to...

[] Ask Gaara to join him again
[] Swap out for his EMP Gun and KO Gaara, to continue this discussion
[] Flee, this could continue later. He may have already done enough.
[] Do nothing. Wait for the company along with Gaara and continue showing he can win, but chooses not to
The Demon Joins The Sun
Ask Gaara to join him again, wins!

Villain places his weapons away and stares down his young charge. Gaara stares back, trying to calm himself, trying hard to quell his fear, his confusion. What exactly did this mysterious person want? He soon gets his answer.

"Gaara of the Sand, overstand my demands, I wish not to fight, but instead to join hands. For you to join my clan, and grow not into a demon, but into a man." Villain speaks, holding his hand out. Gaara looks at him in confusion as his mind races through the events of the fight, their clash, his showing of being able to hurt Gaara, unlike anyone else in Gaara's life, and his words, the first words that he spoke. The masked man seems...legit. And Gaara will accept his offer for now, mostly to understand why he spared Gaara and chose not to prove his existence.

If he can bypass Mother, perhaps he has more answers...

Slowly Gaara walks forward, not taking his eyes off of Villain's obsidian gauntlets. Hesitantly, almost timidly he places his hand in Villain's as the two embrace in a firm handshake. It's silent for awhile as Gaara takes everything in, breathing in and out slowly as he accepts his new decision. After a moment, he looks up at his new...the masked man he agreed to join, and remembers exactly where they were and what has transpired.

"We need to leave. Your...weapons are...loud. They will be here soon to investigate. I don't wish to see them." Gaara states. Villain only nods as he looks at his newest recruit.

"As much as my weapons do gleam, when used as individuals or as a team, they do scream. Alerting all to our presence. I can move on my own, but I rely on you, to make our exit." He explains. Gaara's brow furrows in confusion. Surely the man had a way to escape? Could he...just not take Gaara with him? Shaking his head, Gaara shelves the question for later and uses his shunshin to leave the area, taking Villain with him.

The demon host turns to the man and opens his mouth to ask...what now? What's next for them? But he seems to have foreseen such a question.

"We've joined forces, and cleared the first level of the game, the next step is to give you your name." Gaara tilts his head. His name? His name is Gaara, given to him by his mother. Why would he? Who would dare to change it? Villain seems to sense the tension. "Not your birth name, but more of a title. Something to be called by your new brothers, but it won't ever replace the name given by your mother." Gaara visibly relaxes at the information.

"I see...then what am I to be called?" He inquires.

[] Bandit
[] Sandman
[] Morpheus
[] A combination (think, Bandit the Sandman, Morpheus the Bandit, etc. with the first name being the most used one)
[] Write-In (kinda, needs to have something to do with Sand and/or the Desert)

"And what's next?" Gaara asks, after being given his new name.

[] Recruit another young ninja
[] Train Gaara
[] Train Villain (learn about chakra)
[] Lay low and establish a base
[] Look into replenishing his weapons/ammo
The Demon Basks in the Light of the Sun
Kham (Khamsin) wins (was a three way tie, tiebreaker chose Khamsin)!
Train Gaara wins!

"You'll be called Kham, Khamsin for long, a more sophisticated name than Zilla or Kong. Growth must continue to reach heights beyond Death. for the next fifteen days, Refinement's what's next." Villain explains in his cryptic manner. Gaara tilts his head, taking his time to understand his new...friend? Leader? B...rother?

"So my new title is Kham or Khamsin, and now we're going to train."

"Correct, you have a new name, and now is time for the Desert Wind to train."


Once it's understood, there's a small period of Gaara explaining and showing his limited, but powerful moveset. Villain watches as Gaara molds his sand into shapes, mostly claws to grab the training dummies Villain fashioned quickly, spikes to erupt from the ground for a quick moment, shuriken to throw, and...Gaara's own shape to form a sand clone.

He also shows off a partial dome of sand that he uses to block attacks, and an eye that he can form and somehow see through. Though it did require him to touch and cover one of his own eyes to do so. And finally, he has on Sand Armor that protects his body, his skin from harm.

A lot of things to be improved. For one, Gaara standing completely still and being slow and unable to move is not ideal, unless he is a powerhouse, a tank of durability. So one of those two issues have to be resolved.

Second, there are...almost endless possibilities when it come to improving his 'jutsu' selection. From using the sand in possible illusions, or cultivating more uses, more shapes for Gaara to utilize for his sand, for his 'ninjutsu' as they call it.

There's also a weakness of Gaara lacking any type of close combat training, but that's not much different than Villain himself, who is trained only in evasion, or Nuke who was also a long range, impactful fighter. So that's not necessarily something that needs to be taught.

But first thing is first, Villain has Gaara work on...

[] Evasion/Speed
[] Increasing his durability and strength to make going close range a bad idea
[] Illusions/Genjutsu
[] Close Combat (Taijutsu)
[] Ninjutsu
- [] Quick Sand Trap Jutsu
- [] the Desert Arm Jutsu
- [] Improve upon the Third Eye Technique
- [] Improve the Sand Clone Jutsu
- [] Improve the Sand Shuriken Jutsu
- [] Make the (canon) Sand Tidal Wave Jutsu
- [] the Desert Bird Jutsu
- [] The Sand Sphere Jutsu
- [] Improve the Sand Armor Jutsu

And then they should...
[] Continue training Gaara
[] Recruit another young ninja
[] Train Villain (learn about chakra)
[] Lay low and establish a base
[] Look into replenishing his weapons/ammo
[] Meet with the Kazekage
The Base of the Sun and the Desert
Ninjutsu: Desert Bird and Establishing a Base wins!

Khamsin needs mobility first and foremost, so if he isn't going to work on speed...then he will work on a way to move around the battlefield. To do that, Villain will guide Kham to create the Desert Bird Jutsu: a technique that creates birds made of sand that can be used as an attack and to establish air superiority. Perhaps in time, after upgrading it once or twice, he would be able to make birds large enough to ride on, and then his mobility problems would be no more.

That is what Villain planned...however Khamsin managed to exceed expectations. With all of the potential that Villain saw in him, and the expertise with sand that he's accumulated over the years, Kham quickly mastered the Desert Bird Jutsu, and managed to keep increasing the size from that of a raven, to something closer to the size of a condor, if not larger.

The larger bird has enough strength to carry not just a normal human, but Kham with all of his sand (his gourd), on its back, and fly at close to maximum speeds. If combined with his Third Eye, it could be used as a scouting measure. And used alone, it is a...decent form of ranged, aerial attack, whether it's via dropping attacks from high up, or via divebombing.

In just two short weeks, Khamsin has already proven his worth and his potential.

At the same time, Villain looked for suitable places to establish a base. He knows he has the materials, as the sand from Khamsin's gourd will provide not only the base, but glass as well when heated, but does he have the location? Does he want the location to be here? In this struggling village? Or perhaps somewhere outside the village? Better yet, did he only want one base or many?

Each choice had its advantages and disadvantages based on location and amount (flexibility and sturdiness), but for now he had to make a decision.

[] Make a base here in the Sand Village/Suna
[] Establish a base just outside the Sand Village, in the Desert
[] Travel (with Kham) elsewhere to create a base
- [] In the Leaf Village/Konoha
- [] In the Cloud Village/Kumo
- [] In the Mist Village/Kiri
- [] In the Rock Village/Iwa
- [] In a Minor Village
- [] In the Land of Iron/Iron Country
[] Create a separate base in or just outside of every village they go to
[] (Experimental) Try to innovate and have a flying base
Allies Databook
Name: Khamsin AKA Kham
Born Name: Gaara of the Sand

Ninjutsu: 7.5
Taijutsu: 2 (5)
Genjutsu: 5
Intelligence: 5
Strength: 2 (5)
Speed: 4 (5.5)
Stamina: 8
Hand Seals: 7
Total: 40/80

Desert Bird Jutsu: Creates a bird of sand with full flight capabilities, as a long range aerial attack. At the moment the bird can reach the size of a large condor and can carry a person fully.

Sand Coffin: Surrounds the opponent in a cocoon of sand and leaves them floating in the air, helpless and unable to move unless they possess the amazing strength needed to break the hold.

Sand Burial: Crushes the opponent who is already trapped in the Sand Coffin technique, exerting enough force to turn a normal person into nothing but a blood smear. Can be used at weaker levels to break and shatter bones.

Third Eye: Connecting with the user's optic nerve, this jutsu can allow an eye to be formed separate of the user's body. It is useful for scouting and reconnaissance.

Sand Armor: Thick, hardened sand infused with Kham's chakra that he uses to cover his skin and protect himself from harm. A second layer to his Ultimate Defense.

Sand Shuriken: A flurry of shuriken are launched at the opponent that are made entirely of sand.

Sand Clone: A humanoid person made of sand that is meant to take Kham's place in battle.

Villain: 3/10
Temari: 2/10
Kankuro: 1/10
The Kazekage: -8/10

Age: 12
Height: 4ft. 7 Inches
Weight: 85lbs
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The Demon Flies Through The Snow
Deciding that it'll be good for Kham to get out of Suna and experience and learn new things, and wanting to establish a base outside of the purview of the very shinobi he will eventually bring to peace, Villain makes the choice to travel to the Land of Iron, Iron Country. The Land of Iron is a land of samurai rather than ninja, a land of neutrality, and from what he could gather, a land with more technology than the others. Normally, it would be a long, arduous journey that requires a lot of rest and copious amounts of running or walking, but with Khamsin's Desert Bird jutsu, it is a much more leisure experience, akin to a personal airplane.

With his deadpan, raspy voice, Khamsin follows direction and uses the jutsu twice, once for himself, and once for Villain. It still takes hours even with the aerial shortcut, and Villain has to wonder how Kham feels given the change in atmosphere. The Land of Iron is cold and filled with snow, and Villain had neglected to bring anything to warm his newest soon-to-be brother up. He has his cape and his mask, but Khamsin...maybe his Sand Armor, being skin tight, will resolve the issue.

As they arrive, Villain addresses Kham, signaling him to land the two birds.

"Land the birds, we've arrived in the Land of the Iron. From here we can walk, as your powers are tiring." Villain speaks clearly, pointing out the obvious. Khamsin is clearly tired from holding his jutsu for so long, but his status as a Demon Host should allow him to recover quickly.

Being careful, Villain has Kham stay put and stay hidden, as he goes off on his own to collect some materials needed to build a base. He realizes that it's a bit premature...but he has a plan. Using the magnetism of his gauntlet, Villain collects a good amount of metal, while remaining hidden and out of sight of the samurai, and makes his way back. He then guides Khamsin to use his sand to manipulate the metal into what they need.

First, he has Kham harden and strengthen the sand from his gourd, to set the foundation of the base. He then has him use the remainder of his sand to bend and break the metal in the way that it needs to be, to form the rest of their base. He personally welds the metal to force it to hold, using the flamethrower on his gauntlets, and then has Kham completely exhaust his sand, forming the windows of the base, as he uses his fire again to crystalize the sand into glass.

The base is now complete and completely without sand, besides his sand armor. And thus Villain has left him with a choice if he wishes to take advantage of the situation, and survive later ones. He can either learn to make more sand, focus on his physical attributes, or even...learn how to fight in close range. And given where they are, he could enlist the samurais' help to do so. Ultimately it's decided that he...

[] Learns how to make more sand (using what's left of his sand armor)
[] Attempts to practice Wind Ninjutsu instead
[] Focuses on his physical attributes
- [] Speed
- [] Strength
- [] Durability
[] Practices his Taijutsu
[] Trains Genjutsu
[] Becomes...a samurai