Best Boxmore Boss (Cartoon Network Villains Victorious Quest)

Yeehaw; Alien Mummy!
You stare at the ornate resting box in front of you.

"....What in TARNATION is this?!"

"I am Jethro." Jethro informed as he wheeled past.

"Oh, THIS is what a sarcophagus is. Thanks little buddy!" You nod.

"I am Jethro." The blue wheeled bot happily replied.

"LESSER DARRELLS!" You holler.

"Yes Lord Cowboy Darrell?" Your underlings appear.

"Open this thing up. There might be shinies!" You order eagerly.

The sarcophagus is opened. To your disappointment, all you see is Mummy and a note.

'Here. I thought you'd find this intriguing. He should obey you for freeing him. Oh, and fair warning, he's actually an Alien that merely has the visage of a mummy, if that puts you off. Best of luck and much thanks, Katz'.

"Huh... Wait, that implies this thing is ali-" You begin. Mummy's eyes open and he lunges forward, making you screech in terror and close your eye. After a bit, you open it to see... The alien kneeling?

"Oh, uh, you don't gotta kneel. You not destroying me is enough." You awkwardly cough. Mummy gets up with a nod as Shannon and Raymond burst in.

"We heard you heard you scream Coach Bro! Everything alright?!" Raymond asked.

"I hope not. My favorite boy band broke up and I need some stress relief." Shannon huffed.

"I was just startled you goofs. Meet our new employee.... Uh... Dude, what's your name?" You whisper to Mummy. He just stands silently after a shrug you almost didn't notice. After about a minute, you just finish with an awkward ".....Mummy."

"Neat." Raymond nodded.


Gained Mummy as a Hero Unit!


The next day, you decide to:

[] Personally show Mummy around Boxmore

[] Listen to some voicemails

[] Very reluctantly go to the plaza to see what that K.O. brat wants (he's been signalling you to come over for awhile, and you're fed up with it)

[] go to a meeting with Cosma to discuss bussiness
[X] Personally show Mummy around Boxmore

Wow, not who I was expecting. Goodbye Ramses, hello Anur Phaetos! Poor guy must have been abandoned by Zs'skayr
[X] Very reluctantly go to the plaza to see what that K.O. brat wants (he's been signalling you to come over for awhile, and you're fed up with it)
[X] Very reluctantly go to the plaza to see what that K.O. brat wants (he's been signalling you to come over for awhile, and you're fed up with it)
-[X] with Mummy
[X] Personally show Mummy around Boxmore
- [X] Then very reluctantly go to the plaza to see what that K.O. brat wants (he's been signalling you to come over for awhile, and you're fed up with it)
-[X] Bring Mummy as your +1. That ought to throw the pip-squeak off his game.
-[X] Ask Mummy if he wants better clothes. Wearing used toliet paper seems unhygienic, at least if you're a meatsack.
[X] Personally show Mummy around Boxmore
- [X] Then very reluctantly go to the plaza to see what that K.O. brat wants (he's been signalling you to come over for awhile, and you're fed up with it)
-[X] Bring Mummy as your +1. That ought to throw the pip-squeak off his game.
-[X] Ask Mummy if he wants better clothes. Wearing used toliet paper seems unhygienic, at least if you're a meatsack.
Winning vote is

[X] Personally show Mummy around Boxmore
- [X] Then very reluctantly go to the plaza to see what that K.O. brat wants (he's been signalling you to come over for awhile, and you're fed up with it)
-[X] Bring Mummy as your +1. That ought to throw the pip-squeak off his game.
-[X] Ask Mummy if he wants better clothes. Wearing used toliet paper seems unhygienic, at least if you're a meatsack.

Something will be up soon hopefully!
My Mummy and Me
You show your new minion around your humble domain, occasionally stopping for him to ask questions (though that quickly stops as he remains eerily silent).

"That's the bathroom... The kitchen... The basement... And we're having a room built for you. I was going to have you bunk with Ernesto, but he's been working all-nighters lately and I don't want that to bother ya." You nod and walk around. Mummy nods back, absorbing all the info you give him it seems.

Eventually, you get into your fancy Darrellmobile (it was actually an old Prius panted red and green, but whatever) and drive with Mummy to the plaza.

"What do you want kid?" You demand to the sweeping K.O.

"Oh hey Darrel! Hey... Ms. Mummy? You look different." The young lad blinked.

"....No, you imbecile, this is my new employee, Mummy." You facepalm.

"Oh. Makes sense. Anyways, uh, this is awkward, but I was actually trying to call Jethro. After your dad got fired into the sun, me and him struck up a real friendship." K.O. shrugged.

"....Eh, not surprising." You muse, somewhat emberrassed as you turn to go.

"Wait, aren't you gonna attack the plaza while you're here? For old time's sake?" K.O. asked.

"....No." you bluntly state as you and Mummy drive off.

Later, you decide to:

[] Plan a company picnic

[] Sell some of your dad's old stuff

[] Watch some PG-13 movies with your siblings and Mummy

[] Threaten to blow up the moon for some quick ransom cash
[X] Sell some of your dad's old stuff
-[X] pull a boxmore and make your own daughter and call it project P.E.N.N.Y. (this is going to take a while)
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[X] Sell some of your dad's old stuff
-[X] pull a boxmore and make your own daughter and call it project P.E.N.N.Y. (this is going to take a while

Since no one seems to be voting and it's been a decent amount of time, going with the option that seems the most fun.


With your siblings and Mummy's assistance, you clear out The attic of Boxmore for whatever junk you no longer wanted that could go for a decent amount. You ultimately make a good amount of cash to go with your already high income from running Boxmore.

A thought then comes to you. You called yourself daddy sometimes but.... You really weren't. Your employees were siblings or unrelated completely.

....Wellp, nothing a bit of tinkering can't fix! How hard could it be?

11 months later....

Almost a year. ALMOST A YEAR. That's how long it took you to perfect your perfect kid. Not that you hadn't had.... Less successful variants so far.

The Quark were your first attempt. They were manical, but super slow and overall had a hard time moving. They also seemed to have traitorous intent. You weren't certain though.

The blatantly insane and fanatical Inferno (BW) - Transformers Wiki came next. He was loyal, sure, but to a quite frankly uncomfortable degree. And his ant talk was annoying.

Gortys was probably the closest you got before your current model, but she overally perky, naive and could only fight under the very situational situation of treasure being nearby.

B4R-BOT was just irritating and lazy. And he somehow seemed able to get drunk?! HOW?! He didn't even have a visible mouth!

Comrade Greeting Card was ok, actually, but she was pretty useless in most situations where charismatic Talking wasn't helpful.

JJ was a bit too giggly for your liking and had no issue teasing you, to your irritation.

And Finally was Giru , an annoying coward through and through.

But finally, after all those annoyances, hard work and failiures, you had your new daughter!

"Greetings father!" Penny Polendina cheerfully stated.

"Yes! I'M THE DADDY NOW!" You laugh.

"My Queen-" Inferno begins.

"Not now, I'm celebrating!" You cut him off.

You decide to:

[] Bond with Penny by hanging out with her a bit

[] Test her out by sending her to attack the Plaza

[] Both
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Penny and Father (THE Father, Not YOUR Father)
Penny did fantastically against Those brats over at the plaza. Rad and Enid had to put everything they had into defeating her, and K.O. was knocked out altogether!

All in all, a successful mission by your standards.

You took Penny (and her siblings after she vouched for them) out to get premium oil. They seemed pretty happy about it.

When you returned, you got to work marketing the Other 'bots. Some were harder to get off the shelf than others (B4R-BOT getting drunk at that bar mitzvah REALLY didn't make him look good), but you did it eventually, making even more cash.

....At least until Father slapped you with a lawsuit.

"Wha- What for?!" You sputtered.

"One of your Gortys robots accidentally burned my precious children! I demand justice!" He glared. You gulp.

You decide to:

[] Settle things out of court, losing a ton of profit

[] Fight the lawsuit

[] Hire someone to assassinate Father. Lawsuits can't be given if one party is dead!