Benevolence and Profiteering (Worm CYOA 1 Endbringer SI) + (Mysterious Shopkeeper CYOA)

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After a night of questionable choices, the SI takes on the form of an Endbringer. An Endbringer who runs a shop. A shop that sells items that may or may not change the very definition on an S-Class Threat.
Prologue - A Shopkeeper's Woes and Machinations
After a night of questionable choices, the SI takes on the form of an Endbringer. An Endbringer who runs a shop. A shop that sells items that may or may not change the very definition on an S-Class Threat.

Disclaimer: Worm is owned by Wildbow. This fanfiction is a creative outlet and is completely non-profit.

Notes: For any of you that have read my previous work, Can Enbringers Be Dummy Thicc?, I would like to say thank you. I would also like to apologize for not finishing the story as I had lost inspiration along the way. I found the feeling of an unfinished story to be unacceptable to so I will my best for this story. Finally, please feel free to point out any grammatical errors!

Confusion often means a lack of understanding. It is a state of uncertainty from which one can only guess. On the other hand, confusion can also describe a state of bewilderment. Something perplexing and unclear in the sanctity of one's own mind. Other definitions of the word confusion include an event in which panic has set in or a jumbled mess. As for my own personal confusion, well that is due to a strange dream I had.

It was a dream, like no other, a fantasy in which I became an Endbringer in the world Wildbow had created. The details were hazy, though I remember ancient halls, a tiny dog, and dummy thicc thighs. Needless to say, I spent the whole day racking my brain in an attempt to remember what had transpired. Perhaps it would make for a good story. Alas, not only was I unsuccessful, but I was also left with the desire to write. It was a want to create a story that was both similar and unique. It was a hunger, a gnawing feeling in the back of my mind that would stick in moments of reverie.

Thus, as I watched the sunset over the warm horizon, I steeled myself for what I was about to do. Writing stories was a commitment. A tale could be simple or complicated, and yet with either definition, it would have meaning and substance. As a writer of fiction, I would not want my story to be meaningless, thus I would have to finish what I was going to start. It was a trivial issue in the span of things, but it was my issue. I sought no acclaim, nor did I wish for monetary substance. Instead, I wished to share a retelling of Wildbow's webnovel, Worm.

"Sigh…" I say this with a longing look on my Eurasian features as I turn away from the windowsill. My view taking in the table that held my desktop computer. It was a modest setup created a year before the pandemic had arrived, one that I had built and paid for. The specs were something that I did not care to think about as I approached the aforementioned table.

Taking a seat on the leather office chair, my hands began to type and click away. First, I opened Chrome and googled for the classical choice, Worm CYOA 1, then I selected the Spacebattles forum page that listed all Worm Choose-Your-Own-Adventures ever created. After scrolling down, I clicked the prompt box that said, 'spoiler: version 1'. Immediately the familiar and nostalgic list greeted my view as I readied a piece of paper and a pencil to list down my choices.

To start things off, I began with the nature of my Entry. I chose to become an Endbringer, a being of immense power and durability who would systematically attack cities around the globe. They were symbols of terror and destruction, and yet I wanted to be different. Not an Endbringer, not a Friendbringer, but something else entirely. I was to write myself into a Shopbringer!

Eager as I was to break the mold, it left me wondering, How was I going to accomplish such a feat? I thought this to myself as I took my first step by picking a companion. Endbringers were normally solitary, enormous, and inhuman, and thus, they were not allowed to pick companions. I, on the other hand, wanted to bend the rules, and as such, I chose a group that intrigued me greatly.

I wrote each choice down, making sure to keep track of each point I spent as I did so. I skipped the powers section in its entirety because most if not all of the options have already been used extensively. None of the listed abilities interested me, even though every single one of them would allow me to win any encounter I was faced with. They were powers for others, but not for me.

My gaze then arrived upon the Perks and Complications section of the CYOA. It listed down a multitude of options ranging from thinker protection to Endbringer shapeshifting. A lot of them were tempting, especially the ones that allowed me to keep control of how my social interactions panned out. However, I then began to think against taking them.

Invictus was amazing for one's psyche, but it also removed something I saw as a strength. I would never bat an eyelash in the face of tragedy, I would never break. That level of emotional control would leave me a shell of my former self. Standing tall and resolute, yes, but it all sounded so...detached.

Inspiration felt more like a Master power to me, something like Invictus. However, instead of my will being indomitable, those around me would gain something akin to Invictus. My words, actions, and general self would be so amazing, that everyone would fight with the resolution of a war god. In a sense, it sounded like brainwashing, but with more glamour added to it.

First Impressions was a fine perk for me. It allowed my first meeting with everyone to be pleasant and/or respectful. Factions would be willing to help me out, and it would be trivial to ask for help. At least for the first time. First Impressions was temporary, with only the first meeting going well. This means that my actions would decide whether or not those around me were friends or foes.

Cloak and Dagger was tempting, but the ability to plan perfect assassination and infiltration with no percentage of failure seemed ludicrous. It was truly tempting, however, I thought against it. There were better options for what I had in mind, and I did not want to instantly become a diabolical genius.

Man Power was similar to inspiration, but instead of empowering those you inspired, it was instead a mass recruitment ability. It gave someone the ability to always have backup regardless of what happened. Needless to say, it was not for me.

After much deliberation, I decided with 5 perks, each one adding something without adding too much. It was a perfect little list and yet I had reached the end of the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure without any powers.

Staring down at the beige notebook in front of me I began to realize that I still had 6 points left to spend. An irritated look makes its way to my features as I lift my right hand to press the eraser of my pencil into my cheek, forming a contemplative pose.

It was an amusing quandary that I had gotten myself into. What was an Endbringer without any powers if not a glorified punching bag? So, an idea hatched within me, an idea that I had tried before and failed miserably due to a lack of inspiration and experience.

I would use a different CYOA as my 'power set', but this time I would not take a penalty for veering off the intended course. Why? Because creativity should not be punished. Also, nowhere in the post did it state that I was not allowed to use a second CYOA. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?

Anyways, I began to type, and soon enough I made my way to r/MakeYourChoice, my most frequented subreddit besides r/nosleep. It was a comforting sight to see the familiar postings of CYOA's and a pinned thread leading to the mega-thread.

I began scrolling down seeing, things like a map for the JRPG Traitor CYOA, Holoscape, and even Artifacts of Arcanum(Final). A holographic Endbringer sounded trippy, but it didn't work for what I had intended. An Endbringer using magical artifacts sounded quite epic, but again, not for me. I came across a few honorable mentions such as the Delusion of Worlds and The Summoner CYOA, both intriguing and yet personally uninspiring. Not at CYOAs are for everyone after all.

Then I began searching for things like music, food, eldritch, etc. All of which had some amazing entries however...nothing that truly sang to me. It was then that I was broken away from my tab-opening fugue by an email notification detailing that my online shopping order was being delivered.

I smiled at the notification, packages were always nice, especially ones specifically for me. Then, my eyes widened as I began to nurse an idea. I returned my hands to my keyboard and began to type the word shop in the search tab of Reddit. Then I narrowed down my results to only show entries from the makeyourchoice Reddit.

A pleased smile was what my lips formed as a mischievous look beset my eyes. What if I was not an Endbringer that played as much of an active role as the others? What if my Endbringer ability was a shop that sold items and powers that could level the buyer with an S-Class threat? For the right price of course...

I then began to peruse the many options. So many wonderful choices, so many possibilities. From the Magic Item Shop CYOA to the Interdimensional Alchemy Shop. From the Witch's Cake Shop to the Alien Shop - Sale! So many wonderful choices and yet the one that truly sang to me was the CYOA entitled: A Mysterious Shopkeeper.

I quickly began jotting down the details I wanted. First I chose the size of my store, which in turn gave me points and complications based on the size. Then I chose my theme, something fun like Mystical sounded neat. Then I chose the Exterior Perks, they would benefit the outside of my store and how it would interact with the world.

Whilst perusing the choices my eyes landed on the Supplier Contacts option. It would cut down the time needed to restock my special items in half and it would allow me to choose another theme! I could also select multiple times! I had a bit of an internal debate after that. Each Exterior Perk sounded amazing, and yet I could only choose as many as my perk points allowed me. On the other hand, having multiple themes sounded so fun! I could combine so many aspects and create something truly grand. In the end, I chose Supplier Contacts thrice, allowing me to add three additional themes to my shop.

After selecting the rest of the Exterior Perks, I then scrolled down to check on the Interior Perks. Effects and constants that would affect the inner areas of my shop and anything contained within. Selecting the perks for the interior went by much faster than having to choose for the exterior. I already had a good idea of what I wanted. Though I did select an extra set of rules because having three was a tad bit limiting.

Soon after selecting the Interior perks, I was then tasked with choosing the inventory of my store. Each inventory category would adhere to the different themes I had going for me, which made the four themes I chose seem all the more ludicrous. Most items would be ordinary, however, mixed in with said items were special pieces with 'mysterious' effects. Picking between the many choices took me the longest time as I had to internally debate with myself along the way. All the choices were good, however, I could only choose as many as my points would let me.

The first option was Furniture. Couches, chairs, tables, drawers, cabinets, lamps, etc. You name it, the perk had it. However, the sheer amount is not what intrigued me. Rather, it was the effects each item had. Basic items could have mattresses that kept pillows cool or even tables that transported dishes to the sink with the press of a button. Rare items included luxury and high-class furniture, effects can include hover chairs and dressers that clean, mend, and alter your clothes. Finally, the capstone items were rare and powerful items, such as a pantry cabinet that could replicate endless amounts of fresh food. There was also the possibility of a bed that transported people to and from the dream realm.

The options following Furniture had a similar array for possible inventory. All of it would depend on the one using the CYOA. Though possibilities included but were not limited to basic items such as color-changing doilies to energy drinks with no negative side effects, rare items such as a build-your-own-flying-carpet kit and instruments that tutored those who tried to play them, finally there were capstones such as a cereal box that contained a ticket that could grant any wish or a fancy grandfather clock that could mess with time.

The internal debate that ensued was extensive because there we so many categories to choose from. Should I pick vehicles? Perhaps the garden? Maybe I could go with medicine? It was all very tedious as I wanted them all, but there were not enough points to accommodate all of my choices.

At the end of my mental tête-à-tête, I emerged victorious with my inventory chosen. All that was left for me was to select the Knick-Knacks and the Complications of my shop.

Knicks-Knacks were inventory categories that did not quite fit in for a whole area. Instead of having mysterious items generated on the spot, you could choose from a selection of mysterious goods that would be mixed in with the regular knick-knacks. As such I chose a couple of custom candy options, three drinks, one magazine, one novelty item, and gift cards. This would give me a veritable stock of consumable items with useful effects. Many of them were already amusing from the get-go, and some of them sounded fantastic when used properly.

Last but not least came the complications, and I enjoyed none of them. They all sounded tedious and/or boring, at least on a personal level. So I thought to bend the rules some more. Taking the points I had set aside in Worm CYOA 1 and using them to negate the complications I had gained from the Mysterious Shopkeeper CYOA.

I would prefer to gain my problems rather than have a preset dilemma to force my story into needless details about sales quotas and rat infestations.

After jotting down the final details, I let out a breath of satisfaction as I stood up to go smoke. I had my own vices, and I had no excuse for what I was about to do. However, the quarantine-induced cabin fever had gotten to me, and I needed more outlets aside from exercise and video games.

I opened my balcony door and took the pack of smokes from my pockets. I then lit the cigarette with a click lighter and took a drag, the mentholated smoke leaving a minty burn in my throat as I did so. After exhaling the smoke, I noticed that the clouds lingered, probably due to the lack of wind and the cold weather. I paid the sight no mind and instead looked on into the distance as I continued to finish my little smoke break.

I imagined what it would be like to finally post something again. It took a lot of courage to lay one's work bare before a judging crowd, however, I moved past those thoughts earlier in the day.

It took longer than I would like to admit for me to notice that the smoke was not going anywhere. Instead, I was piling up into a swirling cloud just below my waist. I nearly singed my lips, not realizing that I was still dragging the cigarette in my mouth whilst staring at the smoke. The burning heat made me stumble a bit, the smoke now rising into a slow vortex that had enveloped my surroundings.

"W-What the-?!" I say this with panic in my eyes as it becomes too hard to see. The air was difficult to breathe, my eyes stung with tears from the menthol smoke. Gasping for air, I began to lose consciousness as I fell backward.

I was not sure what happened next but although I was certain that my back didn't crash into the wall. All I could feel was the sensation of falling as the darkness took me.

[Earth Bet - Somewhere in Between]

I opened my, that...was not right. It was more like an awareness, rather than a human view. I 'saw' towering bookshelves filled to the brim in a maze-like library, a veritable encyclopedia's worth of animals in sizable habitats, an expanse of vehicles ranging from motorcycles to alien ships. It was similar to a bird's eye view, except I could understand every minute detail and goings-on happening in this place. No that's not right, it's my place…

I had a primal connection to this place. It was as if this place, or rather my place, was a part of my soul now. Every inch, nook, and cranny was accounted for. The layout in its entirety was laid bare before my awareness.

I could count every item in stock instantly. I could tell which objects have otherworldly properties to them. I could describe each product with an encyclopedic level of knowledge. I could even describe the nude woman standing still in the middle of all of this. Wait...what?

The undressed lady looked so much like a Vampire. Tall, pale gray skin, sharp ears, and gleaming golden eyes. Her hair was long and came down to her shoulder in a slight wave before extending into a braid that trailed all the way down to her bare waist. She had a curious look on her beautifully regal features. She seemed familiar, almost like the tall vampire woman that broke the internet not too long ago. Still, her exquisite beauty was not what further caught my attention.

To balance such an alluring face, the body of a goddess had been brought forth. Her figure was the epitome of the words balanced, bodacious, buxom, and thicc. A perfect hourglass figure straight out of some Japanese businessman's perverted fantasy. Her real set of honkers defied gravity as they seemed to follow a special law known as jiggle physics. I believe the term is called Gainaxing. A law of physics generally attributed to Anime, in which breasts move independent of gravity and jiggle absurdly with even the smallest motion. Anyways, her waist was packing some serious badonkadonk. So much junk in the trunk that the claps of her ass cheeks might even awaken the dormant Endbringers. Do not even get me started on her thighs! They were so thicc that they could save the lives of thousands. They could crush a thousand watermelons and emerge unscathed!

"Pfft~!" I had to cover my mouth as I giggled in amusement. She just looked so hilariously delightful, even though I was not interested in women.

She moved to do the same and that made me pause. Her posture, facial expression, and voice mimicked my own. It was odd and too precise to be a coincidence.

A sort of sinking feeling took over my core as dread filled my face. Wait, I had a core now?

"Oh no…" I say this in a voice that is enchanting and worried. It did not sound like my own voice. Still, I had more pressing issues to attend to, like the alien core inside of me.

It was my core, the center of my being. The thing that allowed me to take form. It was my soul, given shape. To say that I was confused would be an understatement of my current duress. One thing came to mind as I racked my brain(core) for any semblance of a clue. I was in my bedroom before this all happened I remember writing down details for a CYOA...

I almost did not want to believe it! That damn Choose-Your-Own-Adventure did this to me! I was an Endbringer now, and not a combat-oriented one at that! How was I supposed to survive what was coming?! I tried to calm down but to no avail as all these new sensations distracted me. I needed to focus.

I took a deep breath even though I had no need for oxygen anymore. Then, focused my vision and awareness solely on myself, lifting my hand away from my face as I did so. What I saw shocked me. My hands and fingers were perfectly balanced, albeit shaking due to my current situation. Supple gray skin covered my hand and arms. If the pigmentation of my limbs was any indicator, then my whole body was now an alluring shade of pale vampiric grey.

I motioned my hands to palm my face. The features feel nothing like my own. I slid my hands downwards only for them to bump into my chest. I gulped as I dared look down, the final nail being hammered on my proverbial coffin as I saw the same pair of double bubble whoppers I had been ogling, bouncing about from the stimulus of my palms.

"Fuck!" I say this with my new voice as my legs give out. I wanted to cry and as I thought more on it, the more my core gave in to the changes I desired. Soon enough, tears trailed down my cheeks and my eyes watered up.

What would happen to my family, my parents, my brothers, and my friends? Who was going to teach my nephew and niece how to cook? Who was going to take care of my brothers if something happened to my parents while I was gone?

So many memories and possibilities raced through my mind as I lay there for an inordinate amount of time. I mourned and wailed, the stream of tears pooling at my fingertips as I let it all out. How was I supposed to get home? I do not even remember what the ending for an Endbringer was.

It was painful for me to think about my family now, I was literally a universe apart from them! Even if I did get home, none of them would recognize me. I was now a kinky vampire milf with a soul connected to a supernatural superstore. I felt so homesick and I have not even started my adventure…

I sniffled as I wiped away my tears after realizing that no amount of crying was going to get me home. I needed to play the CYOA and I needed to win. I wanted to taste mom's cooking again. I wanted to play golf with dad again. I wanted to hug my brothers again. I wanted to walk my dog again. All the things I thought would last were taken from me, and I was going to get them back.

I got up as I steeled myself further. I needed to give this world a taste of what I had to offer, and oh boy did I have something for everyone. A pout-smile formed on my lips as I took one step and found myself in the clothing section of my 'shop'. My desire to procure a garment led me straight here, to this veritable wonderland of fashion. Racks on racks of clothing, as far as the eye could see. With my will upon this place, the clothes could be arranged by color, fabric, era, etc. There were shoes, socks, stockings, undergarments, pants, skirts, shorts, shirts, dresses, lingerie, and more. This section also contained a veritable selection of costumes and accessories such as jewelry and bags. No doubt this place also contained clothing I had not even heard of.

Mingling within the normalcy of such items were articles of clothing with mysterious capabilities. Many of them had faint traces of power, some contained a great amount of mystery, while a select few held mysteries that would leave the world in wonder. Still, I did not come here to snag a functional piece, as I had hoped to find something more along the lines of haute couture.

I need only swing the racks to produce a swirl of textiles and soon enough the room shifted into a mannequin gallery. Rotating dresses and designs appeared. Perhaps the surrealistic designs of Elsa Schiaparelli. I think this as the mannequins shift into odd poses, producing newly made renditions of the couturier's classic pieces as well as those made by her predecessors. Schiaparelli's witty accessories and Salvador Dali-inspired designs were fantastic to look at. Each piece holds a surprise within the surrealistic shapes and patterns.

However, as much as I enjoyed looking at her pieces, such as the skeleton dress and the lobster dinner dress, I thought against wearing them for now. Instead, the mannequins whirled once more, producing regal poses as they produced form-fitting and embroidered designs of Zuhair Murad. The man was a Lebanese fashion designer who produced Prêt-à-porter, haute couture, and bridal designs. His designs have been showcased by many a celebrity on the red carpet.

From the Egyptian two-piece that Kerry Washington wore to the Vanity Fair Oscar Party to Sofia Vergara's Wedding Dress. Many if not all of Zuhair's looks were now in front of me. Still, Muhad's works didn't feel like they would be the right fit for this body. So I moved on to the impalpable dreams of Michael Cinco.

The Filipino fashion designer was well known for producing gowns that Miss Universe contestants would wear. His most recent collection, the Impalpable Dream of Faith, was a gorgeous depiction of the prelude to hope. It celebrated positivity through vibrant colors, his testimony to the unwavering belief in life and its purpose.

His designs were meant to express, and yet each piece was stunningly gorgeous. I did have a few favorites among the mannequins posed in freeing positions, such as the short-sleeved grey gown and the sleeveless dress with paintings of purple and pink. Still, a designer from my mother's home country did not feel like the correct choice for a debut. So I saved some of his looks into my memory to use them for another day. I had yet to settle on a designer, though I did wonder about a certain couturier.

Thinking idly, I once again made the mannequins spin, with each one posing with the poise of a ballerina. I had chosen Iris van Herpen, who used 3d printed materials to craft some of the most eye-catching Avante-Garde designs I had ever seen. There was math and engineering behind each of her designs, yet there was a connection between nature and the dresses.

My eyes then landed on one of my favorite collections, the rest of the dresses disappearing from view as the gallery expanded to capitalize on IvH's Spring Summer collection for 2021, Roots of Rebirth. The designer used technology and artisanal work to give life to each piece, bringing forth notes of nature, entangled life, and fungi.

My picky eye then singled out Look 5 of the collection. The 'Luminous Lichen' gown, a regal dress that made one look like a fae queen emerging from the underbrush. Metallic leaf patterns swerve symmetrically over the extremely sheer fabric whilst trails of soft flowing fabric trail past the ends of the dress. It was both enticing, enchanting, and enrapturing. Though I was prone to hyperbole and alliteration, this dress made my heart sing! This was the dress for me, and luckily it also came with a lovely pair of custom stiletto heels.

As I motioned for the dress and shoes to appear on my side, I then thought of Schiaparelli once again. She was one to always accessorize appropriately, so I would be damned if I was caught in a frock without an accessory to compliment it. I thought about her Pagan collection and the iconic hat she released in the Autumn of 1938. It was woven from seagrass and had metallic insects scattered about them. It would be a perfect addiction for what I had planned.

After selecting the main pieces, I then began to look for jewelry. I did not have Antiques as one of my inventory areas so I could not produce the age-old priceless jewelry. However, I knew that with my power I could produce a copy that was made from the same materials, with no history and price. A rather pleased look graced my new femme features as I did just that.

Three dramatic displays appeared before me, the rest of the scenery changing to accommodate stage lights that focused on the three pieces of jewelry that I desired.

The first imitated item was the Panthère de Cartier, a 7 million dollar bracelet in the form of an emerald, onyx, and diamond-studded panther that wrapped around a wrist. The first one was created for the Duchess of Windsor. The real piece also had a long and very romantic history that would take too long for me to reminisce.

The second parlor piece was the L'Incomparable, a 55 million dollar necklace containing rough, heart-shaped, and pear-shaped diamonds with a yellow diamond centerpiece. The real L'Incomparable has a mysterious history as the first record of it came after it was found by a young girl in the Democratic Republic of Congo. She found it in a pile of rubble while playing outside her uncle's house, a lucky find indeed.

The third and final forged jewels were the earrings of Empress Eugénie. Costing around 3.3 million dollars, these grey pearl earrings were held together by yellow gold and accented with large diamonds. The original pair was originally owned by the last empress of France, Eugénie de Montijo, who had a fine jewelry collection to go with her royal standing.

With my bling collecting complete, I then took a step backward and found myself in the crossroads of my unnamed shop. Taking a step forward I then strode into the workshop of my new 'home'. There were four sections to this place, each one was made for a specific theme. Said themes being Whimsical, Technical, Mystical, and Eldritch. Space seemed to bend around this place, accommodating appliances and items of all shapes and sizes in a disorganized array. There were also classic tools and unknown devices scattered about, however, I paid them no mind as I moved to the alchemical station of the Mystical station. I am not sure what BS my powers were pulling but the exact formulae for transmuting the jewels to match each other came instantly. So, I got to work.

The pieces of jewelry I had selected were large in worn by the average human. Oddly enough the jewelry was small for an Endbringer of my stature. Following the basic rules of accessorizing, I alchemically transmuted the three pieces of jewelry so that they would match. With a swift inscription of transmutation circles and ingredients, the experiment had begun. Each piece of jewelry morphed aside from the panther. The process took a short amount of time as I tapped my foot in anticipation. Soon enough the L'Incomparable and Empress Eugénie earrings were now held in silver, bedazzled with diamonds and onyxes, and centered by emerald and gray pearl.

I breathed in and exhaled a sigh of relief. The experiments were a success!

'Hurray for BS Endbringer powers.' I thought this to myself with a satisfied expression and I walked to the technical section of my workshop.

Many high-tech devices had been prebuilt by whatever force or deity that created this place. I had everything that could suit my various needs, one of them being a robotic seamstress that would resize the dress and shoes I had selected. With the press of a button, it whirred to life.

First, it began by scanning my body measurements with an optical ray. Once the exact numbers were given, the seamstress then took the items that needed resizing and went to town with them. It was an impressive combination of 3d printing, sewing, and weaving.

Perhaps the display would be too fast for the human eye but it was no detriment to me as I watched her recreate the Luminous Lichen dress to fit me. It took no less than five minutes to resize and edit a masterpiece that took original designer hours if not days of work. It then did the same with the hat and the shoes. Quickly and daintily finishing off its work.

The machine seamstress then began to help me into the dress, directing me to form poses she desired. Once she was satisfied she gave me a thumbs up and shouted the word "FABULOUS!" in a voice that could only be described as an excited Siri.

To finish my look I put on jewelry, my hat, and my shoes. Then I shifted the shop around me until a mirror was in front of me. The mirror was similar to those you would see in dance studios. A wall of pure mirror, reflecting a vampiric fae goddess decked in jewelry and a hat that cast a shadow over her entire form. I wondered how tall I was and neon measuring lines appeared to reveal that I was 12 feet tall. I looked good, better than good actually. I was drop-dead gorgeous, and I had a body that could drive many to lust.

Still, it felt like something was missing. I thought this to myself as I touched my face. There was no stimulus, but my core knew and my domain knew that my hand was pressed on my cheek. It seems that aside from sight, I lacked the five senses. That was something I wanted to remedy immediately.

Remembering that I had taken the Unbound Form perk from Worm Cyoa 1, so I then began to focus towards my center, down to my core. I felt myself enter a state of dormancy as my core began to modify my form drastically. I used this special time to give my body some functionality such as the five senses. I removed the weaknesses of each sense such as light sensitivity, pain, and the like. Once that had finished I modified my mega dobonhonkeros to contain a pocket dimension that only I could access. It would be hilarious in the long run. All the booby trap possibilities came to mind! Death by motorboat would be a hell of a way to go. Finally, I gave myself a singing voice on the level of a siren queen. It was nowhere near as good as my new sister, the Simurgh, but it was a start.

Once the change was done, I opened my eyes to see that I was somehow back in the center crossroad of my shop. I had no idea how long it took to finish the metamorphosis, but something in the back of my mind, or rather core, told me that I should probably open up shop soon. However, this place was in serious disarray, it looked like a mess of hallways, corridors, and too many products. As a newly dubbed business owner, this unorganized mess was unacceptable, so I had to do something about it.

Focusing on my core again, I used the Distorted Space perk that I had taken from the Mysterious Shopkeeper CYOA. The floor changed to cobblestone, brick walls of different colors rose from the ground, windows vitrified into reality, and decorations formed in tasteful places, and floating lanterns began to take to the air.

It was a fast-paced construction that looked more like one of those construction montage videos you saw on youtube. Floorboards and tiles were set in an instant, stairs and ramps were laid down with incredible haste, and the product displays formed to fit the theme of each building. It was a glorious motion that shook the very core of my store as I concentrated more and more.

Colors painted each building to give a unique feel, chimneys rose to complement the hearth fires, and space bent to my will as the in-betweens of each alleyway would lead to the other side.

Each building then gained a title and signage: Fantastic Furniture, Humble Home Goods, Baffling Books, Fresh Food, Grand Games & Entertainment, Captivating Clothing, Worthy Weapons, Marvelous Music & Shows, Clever Crafts, Prized Pets & Animal Care, Greathearted Garden, Topnotch Travel and Vehicles, and Marvelous Medicine.

Every type of inventory area now had its own unique name and build, and as for the knick-knacks, well, they each had sizeable stands scattered about. Creative Candy, Delightful Drinks, Meaningful Magazines, and Nostalgic Novelty items were the names of each of the stands. Each one spaced between the buildings to create a life-like market street.

Then I liquified the area surrounding the market, creating a portside feel as the area mimicked an ocean. Waves and currents swirling on my whim. It was easy and instantaneous. Everything happening so fast, and since I had refused to check the time, I had no way of knowing how long this all took...

Still, this sandbox-esque remaking of reality excited me. I breathed in the satisfaction as the mass distortions and shifts slowed down, it all came to an end.

I then opened my eyes to take in the view even though my extended awareness already showed me what I wanted to see. My store now resembled a gothic Victorian street with shops and stands on either side. Uneven heights, chimneys on some, different paints, significant signs, multiple materials, and a multitude of decorations were what I would use to describe the buildings. The street, the shops, and the surrounding water were now lit up by floating lanterns, held aloft by alien devices. The roof mimicked a stormy night sky with complete rain, however, it was designed so that the rain and water would never touch and outright avoid the customers.

A soft gothic orchestra filled the place with a dark and mysterious feel. False birds and illusory cats also flitted about the street as fins and fish occasionally broke the surface of the water.

'The place is starting to feel alive!' I thought this to myself as I let mist fill the streets slightly, giving my store a more Victorian feel.

To finish everything off, I focused once more. Space and reality distorted as a hilltop castle emerged from the oceanic depths, it was my homage to Castle Dimitrescu from Resident Evil Village. It would be unreachable for those that did not have my permission. The interior replicating the original castle, however, it lacked undead corpses and rococo paintings.

Sadly, as I did not acquire the Luxury Living perk from the Mysterious Shopkeeper CYOA so the gourmet food and luxury furniture were not automatically included. I had to pull from the available stock within the furniture section to gain furniture fit for royalty. Basic food and lifestyle items restocked infinitely within the castle, but the quality would not compare to the queen-worthy quality a noble like Lady Dimitrescu would have partaken of. It was simply remedied though as I had an infinite stock of amazing items within my store. Plus, I was an accomplished college student and home cook who owned a food business in my...former life.

It was still emotionally painful to remind myself that my life had changed in an instant. Family, friends, and lovers, all gone because of something as simple as filling out two Choose-Your-Own-Adventure prompts. I cursed my fate at the thought of it all.

What grave sin did I commit to deserve this? Sure, I was a sexy vampire milf who owned a pocket dimension where reality bent to my will. Sure, I had magic and technology galore because the store was my oyster. Sure, I fulfilled my childhood dream of getting superpowers... all seemed so paltry in comparison to my family, my friends, my loved ones, and my dog. How long has it been since I left? Did time flow differently in Earth Bet? Worm CYOA 1 mentioned that I could win and go home but...what if there was no home for me to return to.

It was a very rough existential crisis. One that misted my eyes slightly. I took some time to myself, standing there with no sign of discomfort. I promised myself that I would make it back home. At least I had it better than a masochistic eldritch dog begging to be sat on.

I wiped away the tears and breathed a slow breath as I continued my work. I still had two things to do before opening. The first task was to set the rules of my shop. Taking the Shop Rules perk from the Mysterious Shopkeeper CYOA allowed me to create a set of three simple rules that the customers were compelled to obey. They had to be simple and not something ridiculous like 'Become the store owner's slave'. So I once again focused and extended my will to the very fabric that held this place together. I was the extension of my core and yet I felt that this place also contained another core. Not a spare, but a twin. This place was a part of me as I to it. I remembered taking the Additional Cores perk...

"So that's where it went." I said this to myself as I moved on from my surprised reverie to dictate the rules that would govern this dimension.

"No Stealing of any kind," I say this with a calm voice, my eyes closed in concentration as I felt the thrum of power in my words.

"No violence of any kind."
I once again spoke with a mysterious thrum to my voice as it now began to echo slightly.

"No haggling of any kind." I proclaim this with a louder voice, the thrum and echo gaining.

"No lying of any kind." I declare this with an even louder voice, the thrum and echo gaining even more than before.

"No usage of parahuman powers and technology without permission." I am unsure as to how I was calmly shouting at the top of my nonexistent lungs, but my words did resound like thunder.

"You break it, you buy it." I speak the last rule with the finality and tone of an angered god as reality within my store bends to accommodate these rules, forming them into universal laws.

I then focused on the final touch as I spoke once more. My voice was calm, with no thrum of power and no echo. Serenity gracing my features, as I continued with what I had to say. I was simply stating a fact after all.

"The Midnight Zone is now open for business."

[Earth Bet - Three Unknown Locations]

Beneath the earth, a hulking titan made of obsidian and cooled magma rumbled in curiosity.

Below the depths, a monstrous serpent decked in green scales swam in excitement.

Beyond the sky, a tall angel beset with manifold wings floated in anticipation, a smirk forming on her lips.

Author's Note:

Thank you to everyone that read and supported Can Endbringers Be Dummy Thicc?. I would once again like to apologize for mess that my previous work caused and for not finishing the story. I hope you spotted all the little references and nods that I added to the story.

To those of you that are new to my brand of story telling, welcome! I would like to sincerely thank you for taking the time to read my story, I hope you all enjoyed the Prologue!

Finally, please feel free to ask me any questions. Also, if there are any grammatical errors, please point them out!
Interesting premise, haven't seen any fic with si shopkeeper. So you got my attention, will eagerly wait for the next one. How's the update schedule gona be like?
Interesting premise, haven't seen any fic with si shopkeeper. So you got my attention, will eagerly wait for the next one. How's the update schedule gona be like?

Shopkeeper SI's are a rarity in Worm, I only saw one before and the rest of the shopkeeper fics weren't SI's. As for my schedule, I recently finished my midterms so I have more free time. The prologue took 3 days to write and edit so I hope to get a satisfying update every few days or so!
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G: Very interested to see how this goes.

G: Come to think of it, would they even classify you as an Endbringer? You don't go around blowing shit up, you just pop up here and there and sell stuff. You don't match the EB pattern at all.
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G: Very interested to see how this goes.

G: Come to think of it, would they even classify you as an Endbringer? You don't go around blowing shit up, you just pop up here and there and sell stuff. You don't match the EB pattern at all.

I'm flattered. I'll try to keep up with everyone's expectations. I'm just going with the flow for now.

As for your questions, physically the SI is an Endbringer, but they don't fall in line like the others. Classification would be difficult as her full capabilities have yet to be revealed.
Omake - Baba Yaga by SmolPasta
every three months, one endbringer shows up. that's the cycle, right?

Then, all of the sudden, *she* arrived.
Instead of the usual attack, something weird happened. It was notihng really: a man bought some clothes in a shop.

Behemoth is the most predictable of the Endbringers: Wherever he goes is preceeded by earthquakes.
Leviathan is a bit trickier, since he's underwater, but it can be somewhat tracked by abnormal tides, not to mention his attacks almost always are on coastlines so there are less places he can attack.
Simurgh is a pain in the ass, because of the Ziz-bombs, but are least we can detect where she attack and quarantine it. There is no winning against the Simurgh, but we can reduce our losses.
But, this new endbringer? It can appear and disappear as it wants, and we can't track it. No big explosions, no giant waves, no giant winged woman coming down from orbit.

Just someone, somewhere, buying somewhat. Like the supervillain Marker, which managed to buy some special cloth that made him invisible when wearing clothes made out of it, which made his capture impossible. We couldn't prevent him from creating a replica of the clothing, and now? Now each supervillain in this city is at least a Stranger 6.

We can detect Behemoth, Leviathan and Simurgh, but no-one truly knows the damage caused by...Baba Yaga.
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every three months, one endbringer shows up. that's the cycle, right?

Then, all of the sudden, *she* arrived.
Instead of the usual attack, something weird happened. It was notihng really: a man bought some clothes in a shop.

Behemoth is the most predictable of the Endbringers: Wherever he goes is preceeded by earthquakes.
Leviathan is a bit trickier, since he's underwater, but it can be somewhat tracked by abnormal tides, not to mention his attacks almost always are on coastlines so there are less places he can attack.
Simurgh is a pain in the ass, because of the Ziz-bombs, but are least we can detect where she attack and quarantine it. There is no winning against the Simurgh, but we can reduce our losses.
But, this new endbringer? It can appear and disappear as it wants, and we can't track it. No big explosions, no giant waves, no giant winged woman coming down from orbit.

Just someone, somewhere, buying somewhat. Like the supervillain Marker, which managed to buy some special cloth that made him invisible when wearing clothes made out of it, which made his capture impossible. We couldn't prevent him from creating a replica of the clothing, and now? Now each supervillain in this city is at least a Stranger 6.

We can detect Behemoth, Leviathan and Simurgh, but no-one truly knows the damage caused by...Baba Yaga.

Not gonna lie, this made my night. Thank you for such a wonderful omake! I'm debating on whether or not to make this canon once the story progresses. ♡♡♡♡
nuuuu, it's bad >.< at least let me make a good one when i have more material to draw from before you humiliate me!
C: Also another complicating factor is that there's probably going to be a lot of unambiguous Good Things done with products from the shop. To the degree that it could be argued that it outweighs all the problems caused by supervillains making purchases.
nuuuu, it's bad >.< at least let me make a good one when i have more material to draw from before you humiliate me!

Okay. I don't think it's bad, it's quite cute actually. I won't threadmark it if you're embarrassed, no need to fear.

C: Also another complicating factor is that there's probably going to be a lot of unambiguous Good Things done with products from the shop. To the degree that it could be argued that it outweighs all the problems caused by supervillains making purchases.

Only time will tell whether the actions of the SI produce more good than bad. There are certain perks that will attract shoppers, however the alignment of each buyer is out of the SI's control.

Thank you. Thank you very much.
Seems like a fun fic so far.
Looking forward to more chapters.

Sadly though, I had to basically skim and skip damn near the whole section dealing with her getting dressed. Mainly because I have no freaking clue what any of those names and words even were. A failing on my part I guess on not being at all well read on fashion of any kind.
Seems like a fun fic so far.
Looking forward to more chapters.

Sadly though, I had to basically skim and skip damn near the whole section dealing with her getting dressed. Mainly because I have no freaking clue what any of those names and words even were. A failing on my part I guess on not being at all well read on fashion of any kind.

Thank you for the compliment!

I understand why you skipped the fashion talk, it's not for everyone. I do apologize for any confusion it may it caused you.
Seems interesting. Looking forward to some shop, and "normal", shenanigans of the sexy vampire milf, who is dummy thicc, on Earth Bet.