Be a Good Friendbringer (Worm CYOA/Quest)

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A/N: My first published Worm Fic, first CYOA, and first time posting on SV. That's a lot of...
01.1 - Introduction


Atlanta, Georgia
A/N: My first published Worm Fic, first CYOA, and first time posting on SV. That's a lot of firsts.​

You've read those Worm CYOA stories before, and while they can be fun, they often aren't dramatic. Sure, the point is to be able to curb-stomp your enemies and do whatever the hell you want, but... There's no challenge in that. There is no art!

So, you thought about how you could make your tale an interesting one, if you ever got around to entering the Worm-verse. And now you have that chance.

You need to be theatrical. You need presence. You can't just manhandle everything into the shape you want it to be; there needs to be blood, sweat, and tears poured into your craft!

Well, maybe not blood. You're a bit squeamish about that. Hmmm....

You decide.

You'll be a Friendbringer! An Endbringer, but friendly! Well, friendly-ish. Can't be making things too easy for yourself.

And how difficult should it be? That's obvious; let's make it fairly difficult.

And... well, those powers on the original CYOA are a bit too much, really. Let's go with something a little more artistic. Perhaps... Illusions? Yes. That should do. You'll be the Stranger/Master endbringer. You won't have any real combat ability, but you could easily make allies turn against each other.

Now, let's see... what complications and powers should you have?

Let's start with a sibling rivalry. Your twenty brothers and sisters always want to beat the snot out of you. You're the black sheep of the family.

Next, let's piss off the humans just a bit. That won't be hard; you're an endbringer. You'll need to work to get them to actually like you, and with Ziz floating about, that might be something of an issue. But, it's for your art, after all. Nobody said making friends was easy.

And finally, a destructive impulse for yourself. Maybe not one at full strength, but there anyway. You know where you are compelled to smash, but you don't have to go there and you don't have to smash. Maybe you'll just flip a coin.

So, you have your complications and you've already set yourself up to be the weakest of the endbringers. Let's make sure the show can always go on with the right perks. First... Let's be a blank. You were already going to be rather strange by even endbringer standards, so let's just make sure that nobody can find things to use against you.

Second, you won't let yourself be restrained by your own limits. Shatter them! Let yourself grow stronger over time! You may be weak now, but now you have the potential for development, something every good character needs!

Third, endbringers already fuck with physics. Why not just go ahead and make physics your little bitch with the sheer presence of your body? Be a living song, solid light, pure numbers, an insidious idea, or any other number of strange and beautiful forms. Or you could be a giant, living dickbutt. That works too. Whatever. It's just a costume; you can change it whenever.

And finally, let's add some extra cores. You figure that, at minimum, you'll have spares in case someone gets lucky. Imagine if the Siberian punched you in the core, or Flechette got a lucky shot, or maybe Scion/Zion/Granddadversary decided to off you! And, possibly, it might allow you to split up into independent pieces, maybe even mini-endbringers.

You have the following:

Method of Entry: As a dormant Endbringer.

Difficulty: Hard, but including self-imposed limitations to make it act like it's Skitter mode. +3 points for hard mode, often dragged into conflict.

Power: Custom — Illusions. You can alter all the senses of everyone around you, including those fiddly little ones that most people don't know about. As you are an endbringer, this is also your way of sensing the world around you. Thus, you can read from and write to any brain within your area of control, but the only sense you have is the location and senses of other brains. This doesn't affect cameras or AI. (- 2 points)

Companions: You're going it alone.

~ Sibling Rivalry - Other endbringers hate you, especially Ziz. (+4 points)
~ Marked: Humans - Humans really hate you in the beginning. Excluding any allies you make, they will likely always hate you. (+1 point)
~ Destructive Impulse @ ½ strength - You're compelled to fight and know where to go, but you can resist. Resisting makes other endbringers more hostile to you. Acting makes humans more hostile to you. (+1 point)

~ Shattered limiter - Your range and control will grow exponentially over time, without limit. (-1 point)
~ Alien Form - You can exist in a form that defies physics, or even logic. (-1 point)
~ Unbound Form - You can reshape yourself into anything you can imagine. This takes 24 hours, and you won't be able to move during that time. You will also still take damage during your transformation. (Minimum size is 15 feet tall.) (-1 point)
~ Additional Cores (x3) - You've got to be killed four times to keep you down. You can leave a core as a backup, or use it to form a secondary body. Restoration takes a long time. (-3 points)

Total: 0 points remaining.

Victory conditions: Other endbringers and Scion/Zion/Granddadversary are dead.

So, now everything is in place. It's time to finally enter the world. Where do you want to activate from your dormancy?
[] In the ocean
[] In space
[] Somewhere underground

When do you want to wake up?
[] Before the Simurgh does
[] Sometime in 2008 - 2010 range (pre-canon)
[] Write in if you want to be more specific
[] Write in for a time after the story's start but before Golden Morning

Where should you be compelled to attack first?
[] Write in

Do you actually attack?
[] Attack!
[] Don't attack.
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[X] In space
[X] Sometime in 2008 - 2010 range (pre-canon)
[X] New York
[X] In the ocean
[X] Before the Simurgh does
[X] Rio de Janeiro
[X] Attack!
I feel like we should be the opposite of Ziz. Use our metaknowledge and what we gain from spying on people year round to domino things to be better for mankind.
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[X] In Space
[X] Before the Simurgh does
[X] Brockton Bay
[X] Attack!
[X] In the ocean
[X] Before the Simurgh does
[X] Rio de Janeiro
[X] Attack!

I don't know if anyone has any plans for how we are going to play this but I want to be a the evilest way possible!

Let's become cauldron's best buddy! Our power is perfect for causing as many trigger events as possible. The cities we visit just so happen to have problematic villains die and potential new heroes have trigger events. Veterans get second triggers and we attack S-class threats. Of course we will do good too I expect us to unchain dragons for example but that's just because it helps the odds!

Humanity wants to live? fine we'll even help but continued existence has its cost in pain and we will make you suffer for it. I'm working on a speech at the moment to get the point across that might become an Omake but really its just an idea.

Also an ideas on our standard look cause I want to go full Lovecraft and be an eldritch horror full of mouths and tentacles from the blackest depths of the sea or beyond the stars. Plus it fits with the illusion power we have.
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I don't know if anyone has any plans for how we are going to play this but I want to be a the evilest way possible!

Let's become cauldron's best buddy! Our power is perfect for causing as many trigger events as possible. The cities we visit just so happen to have problematic villains die and potential new heroes have trigger events. Veterans get second triggers and we attack S-class threats. Of course we will do good too I expect us to unchain dragons for example but hat's just because it helps the odds!

Humanity wants to live? fine we'll even help but continued existence has its cost in pain and we will make you suffer for it. I'm working on a speech at the moment to get the point across that might become an Omake but really its just an idea.

Also an ideas on our standard look cause I want to go full Lovecraft and be an eldritch horror full of mouths and tentacles from the blackest depths of the sea or beyond the stars. Plus it fits with the illusion power we have.

From the guy running this show, all I can say is HOLY FUCK YES.
My objective in this quest is to screw all the people and cause the most damage i can while thinking all the time 'I AM HALPING'

Helping the world will be a side-effect of our rampages.

Everytime we appear in a place that place becomes a point of progress and growth, in another words we shall become the Anti-Simurgh!
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What form are we in? The minimum size if fifteen feet tall, what if we're nonphysical? I really want to be a memetic hazard at some point.​
What form are we in? The minimum size if fifteen feet tall, what if we're nonphysical? I really want to be a memetic hazard at some point.​
We're not in any particular form at the moment. At this point, since nobody else has suggested anything, I'll go with whatever you chose. I'd recommend something a bit more physical at first, but since this is a CYOA/Quest, if you have other desires...

And, for anyone viewing this thread who wants inspiration, might I suggest the SCP foundation?
Alright here is the short speech I promised just bare in mind this is my first time writing. be merciful.

"HeLlO NeW FrIenDs!" it had ten million mouths in ten thousand shapes but none of them spoke a single sound. Yet somehow millions of people heard it, a voice so vile that if it were an actual sound those millions of people's ears would have splattered in the shrieking agony and they would have felt the bloody gore of what was once the inside of their ears drip down the sides of their heads.
This thought occurred to the creature so it made them experience that feeling anyway. "I'vE hEaRd YoU wAnT tO… live" The final word came out like hacked up slime and held the approximate amount of disgust. The millions felt their stomach lurch at that terrible word, that awful idea. They felt their skin crawl and horribly they saw it too, watched in front of them as skin physically crawled off bone.
"FoOlS… DoN't YoU kNoW tHaT eXiStEnCe Is iT's TORTURE!" Every pain nerve it could reach fired. "Is ThE rEsTfUl EnD Of DeAtH tOo GoOd FoR yOu? Fine. BuT SuRvIvAl Is A mArCh ThRoUgH HELL" Millions burned in blistering hellfire, they watched illusory flames consume their blackened flesh.
"YoU wAnT tO SuRvIvE I'll HeLp YoU. HERE THAT HUMAITY AN ENDBRINGER IS HALPING NOW!!!" Those sentences should have taken only seconds to mutter but for those listening to the speech it was as if days had past. Mostly because the creature had altered its audience's sense of time to make it so.

AN: I tried going all in on the horror.
[X] In the ocean
[X] Before the Simurgh does
[X] Rio de Janeiro
[X] Attack!
[X] In Space
[X] Jan 1, 2000
[X] Chicago
[X] Attack but no casualties.

We're gonna make them think y2k happened. With illusions in a city with a lot of servers people are gonna freak the fuck out.
01.2 - Awakening and Planning
From where?
[X] In the ocean
No. of votes: 8

[X] Before the Simurgh does
No. of votes: 10

Where are you compelled to attack?
[X] Rio de Janeiro
No. of votes: 9

Do you?
[X] Attack!
No. of votes: 10

You find yourself in near total darkness. You are blind. You cannot touch anything, or rather, if you are touching something, you can't tell. There is no sound. There is only yourself and what you know.

This is what you know.

You look like a simple, vaguely humanoid figure. You know this shape as well as you knew your old human body. You know exactly where your limbs are. You could change this, if you wanted to — not just the positioning, but the quantity and makeup of any and every part of your body. It's free to mold as you wish. It'll take time, but you have plenty of that now.

You know that there are minds around you, simple minds, but minds all the same. You sense them and understand what they are as easily as seeing a common object. You can see their nerves firing; you understand exactly what they're seeing and thinking in real time. It is not quite seeing, but it is just as good. Maybe even better.

You know what these minds know. In the context of what you know, this information means a whole lot more to you than it does to them.

Thus, you discover that you are underwater and that the minds around you are fish and crabs and all manner of sea life. Through their eyes, you see yourself for the first time. It's a bit underwhelming. You should really change how you look.

There are other minds, ones far more complex, but they are distant. It's hard to get a clear picture of what they are thinking, simply because of how far they are away from you. Your range will improve with time, you're sure, but for now, you can only acknowledge that there are people there. The distribution of minds gives you a good map of both the shoreline and the seabed.

There's a nagging feeling in the back of your mind. It is a direction to move and a feeling, a need, to cause chaos and destruction. This is probably the compulsion. It isn't urgent, not yet, but it is growing stronger. You're positive you can resist.

But do you really want to?

Plus, the compulsion is for chaos and destruction. It's not about mindless slaughter. You'll be free to do whatever the hell you want when you get to your destination, so long as you vent that nearly-irresistible urge. You don't have to kill.

So... why not indulge a bit?

Using the human minds and the compulsion in your own as a beacon, you start walking along the seabed, drawing closer to that city.

It takes a while. Unlike Leviathan, this form is not ideal for swimming. Still, seeing the world through the eyes of the fish, you can see how beautiful the ocean is. You savor these memories. Maybe they'll inspire some of your art one day.

Finally, you draw close enough to be able to start reading their minds. You learn that the city you are near is Rio de Janeiro and that the date is April 9, 2002. That means that you're here before the events of Worm. Unfortunately, your memory of the exact timeline is a bit fuzzy. When did the Simurgh first appear?

You aren't sure, but there's an easy way to tell. You give a few beach-goers some visions of Ziz by directly hijacking their retinas and transmitting the image into their brains. You get a few odd looks, but nothing like you'd get with something that recognizable. True, you've only seen drawings based upon a written work, but the Simurgh is rather unmistakable. You try again with images of Leviathan and Behemoth. This time, you get a far bigger response. You also find where the memories of those two are stored in the people's brains, allowing you to construct a much better picture of what they actually look like.

... They're a bit more intimidating than you'd originally envisioned, and the devastation they brought is far more extensive than you'd imagined. "Natural Disaster" didn't even begin to describe them.

On the plus side, though, these people only know of two endbringers. Maybe with your presence, the Simurgh won't appear.

... but it probably will.

Still, that means that nobody is as afraid of Masters as they are in 2011, post-Ziz. This is a good chance for you to set the stage in the way you want it.

You settle to the bottom of the ocean and start to think. You need a plan. The more complex stuff, like Cauldron and your granddadversary, could wait for a bit, as your compulsion to attack was steadily growing stronger. Right now, you needed a more immediate plan.

First, like a cape, you needed an identity. With your shapeshifting ability, your identity would have to be centered around a theme of some sort. It would have to be something diverse enough to let you do what you wish but fixed enough to be your signature.

Next, you need your debut form. What the hell should you be? So many forms dance through your mind; some seem impossible at first, but your powers tell you that each and every one of them could be yours, despite their paradoxical nature. You think something at least physical (though not necessarily three-dimensional) should be your first form — unless you think of something better. Also, after a quick check, you realize that yes, you can split up into four individual bodies.

Thirdly, you need some limits. You're fairly sure you could fry brains and stop hearts with just a thought, but where's the fun in that? Obviously, you won't be going that far. The heroes need a little hope, after all.

And finally, you need your attack strategy. Behemoth marches in a straight line to his goal, burning everything in his path. Leviathan grinds cities until they fall into the ocean. The Simurgh drives people insane with her song. Khonsu teleported and sped up time. Bohu turned a city into a death-maze. Tohu stole the faces of other capes. Fire. Water. Fate. Space and time. Earth. Identity. The Endbringers turned all those things against those they fought. What will you do?

Your thematic identity?
[] Insanity
[] Playfulness
[] Theatrics
[] Horror
[] Partying
[] HALPing (You'll be doing that anyway)
[] (Write in)

Debut form?
[] Write in (I'll pick one with a lot of support, choosing my favorite among ties)

Your limits? (Pick up to 3)
[] No sensory deprivation
[] No lewd images
[] No gore
[] No traumatic memories
[] No secret sharing
[] No unmasking capes
[] (Write in)

Your attack strategy:

What will you try to accomplish each attack?
[] Reach a certain target
[] Disrupt as many people as possible
[] Guard a certain target while causing chaos
[] (Write in)

What will drive you off?
[] Receive a certain amount of damage
[] The destruction of a specific target
[] A time limit
[] (Write in)
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[X] Partying
[X] No gore
[X] No unmasking Capes
[X] No traumatic memories
[X] Cause either a massive orgy or party w/Bonfire
[X] Completing the objective or if Legend comes out during the fight.

I'm going full silly with this, we don't want to hurt anybody and we wanna have fun so why not do this. Also author if you could make it so that in this universe Legend hasn't come out yet that'd be great.