Battlestar Building Simulator

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The Battlestar Prometheus, although one of a kind, was still increasingly vital to the remnants...


(Verified Pilot)(In the pipe, 5 x 5)
Self-Requested Ban
New York
The Battlestar Prometheus, although one of a kind, was still increasingly vital to the remnants of the colonial fleet. Being one of the three only Battlestars within the new colonial military, based on Earth, and the only one of said three that traveled to Earth alone, it was unique solely in character. But what made it truly special was the fact it was no simple battlestar. While the average battlestar being about 1,500 meters in length, the prometheus was a whopping 5,000 meters long, effectively making an interstellar mobile fortress. Yet that wasnt the charm that came with her. No, the charm was the three inset ship production facility that took up a large portion of the interior, allowing for the construction of small Battlestars.

And today, new high command would be testing designs for patrol craft submitted by brave new engineers from Galactica, Pegasus, and the Prometheus itself. The sheet sent to all the eager and willing participants read as follows.

Colonial 5th generation Gunstar must have:

A Hull less than 500 meters in length, 200 meters in width, and 100 in height

At least 2 main batteries, spinal or turreted

A turn rate of 20 degrees per second

No more than three gyroscopes

At least 6 RCS nodes

No more than 1 hyperlight discharge engine

At least 20 turrets of any weight class

Must use LESS than 250 cubed meters within hull, to allow for crew systems.

And high command also only allowed certain materials to be used.

Light KEW Turrets: take up 3 square meters on the hull each, and 5 meters cubed below it. Fires at a rate of 180 shots per minute.

Medium KEW Turrets: take up 5 square meters on the hull each, and 7 meters cubed below it. Fires at a rate of 60 shots per minute.

Heavy KEW Turrets: take up 7 square meters on the hull each, and 9 meters cubed below it. Fires at a rate 10 shots per minute.

Small Missile Silo: Fires swarm missiles at a rate of 10 salvos per minute. 5 missiles per salvo. Takes up 7 meters cubed within the hull.

Medium Missile Silo: Fires guided missiles at a rate of 6 salvos per minute. 3 missiles per salvo. Takes up 9 meters cubed within the hull.

Large Missile Silo: Fires Nuclear Missiles at a rate of 1 salvo per minute. 1 missile per salvo. Takes up 11 meters cubed within the hull.

Small Fuel Tanks: Takes up 5 cubed meters within the hull. Holds enough fuel for 10 days with a constantly powered FTL, 50 without constant FTL.

Medium Fuel Tanks: takes up 10 cubed meters within the hull. Holds enough fuel for 20 days with constant FTL, 100 without constant FTL.

Large Fuel Tanks: Takes up to 15 cubed meters within the hull. Holds enough fuel for 30 days with constant FTL, 150 without constant FTL.

Spinal Cannon: gun that runs the length of the ship. Fires at a rate of 10 shots per minute. Takes up 100 meters cubed within the hull.

RCS Node: Takes up 3 meters squared on the hull, increases turn rate by 2 degrees.

Gyroscope: Takes up 3 meters cubed within the hull, increases turn rate by 5 degrees.

Hyperlight Discharge Engine: Allows for FTL of up to 5 lightyears per jump per engine. If ship is docked to another ship, both ranges are added with no penalty for weight. 5 meters cubed within hull.

Good luck, engineers.
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New Colonial Ship Design Bureau Archive
Minotaur class Gunstar

dimensions: 500 meters in length, 200 meters in width, and 100 in height

shape: composed of 3 distinct sections, a narrow rectangular engine section taking up about a 4th of the ship, a gundeck section that swells out the full 200 meters as an elongated oval, and a narrower head that tapers to a sloped triangular hull section. the vessel is covered by a dense forest of turrets. vaguely similar to a miniaturized wingless Battlestar.

Light KEW Turret x20 100CM 60 SM
Medium KEW Turrets x16 112 CM 80 SM
Gyroscope x3 15CM
Large Fuel tank 15 CM
RCS Node x20 60 SM
Hyperlight Discharge Engine 5CM
operational time: 30 days constant FTL/ 150 without constant FTL

247 cubic meters internal space used, 200 square meters external space used.
turn rate 57 degrees per second.

A more traditional turret armed version of the patrol ship. it's designed to be able to deal with craft of similar size and fend off strike craft patrols. while it's less vulnerable to being rendered toothless by heavy point defense, it lacks the nuclear punch to threaten large vessels. Hence it's designation as a medium patrol ship. As is typical the light mounts are designed to fend off fighters and enable it to survive long enough to disengage if it encounters base star. The medium turrets are intended to let it engage and destroy ships of equivalent tonnage, or other vessels of similar armor thickness. however the ship is little threat against vessels with armor heavy enough to shrug off medium KEWs.


Hydra class Defender

dimensions: 300 meters in length, 200 meters in width, and 50 in height

shape: a squat blocky ship, clearly designed for a broad flat surface to mount turrets on.

Light KEW Turret x43 215CM 120 SM
Gyroscope x3 15CM
Large Fuel tank 15 CM
RCS Node x20 60 SM
Hyperlight Discharge Engine 5CM
operational time: 30 days constant FTL/ 150 without constant FTL

250 cubic meters internal space used, 180 square meters external space used.
turn rate 57 degrees per second.

A cross between a patrol ship and a dedicated point defense vessel the Hydra class is designed with the assumption that the Cylons will continue to maintain a missile focused offensive doctrine. Entierly eschewing the ability to engage targets larger than strike craft the Hydra instead focuses on maximizing its ability to engage strike craft and survive missile attacks. It's viability as a patrol craft hinges on the lack of variation observed in Cylon fleet makeup, Raiders pose little threat to the Hydra and no patrol craft should be expected to engage a basestar. Should the Cylons begin fielding Gunstar analogs the Hydra would likely have to be related to a pure point defense craft, a role it is well suited for.

While the craft is perhaps somewhat over specialized to counter present Cylon doctrine unless the cylons completely abandon their heavily strike craft focused doctrine it will remain an extremely useful screening vessel. Additionally, it requires a supply ship to make up for the small crew.

Charon class Armed Merchantman "Babystar"
dimensions: 750 by 300 by 150 meters
shape: a flying brick with flight pods sprouting off from the "top". thick belly armor indicates that the intention is to keep the belly towards the enemy as much as possible. The frontal section is wedge-shaped more like a traditional Battlestar, and is unobscured by the dorsal flight pod(s).

large fuel tank x4 60 CM
Hyperlight Discharge Engine x4 20 CM
Magnetic docking ring X6 150 SM
RCS node x30 90 SM

30 Mini Flight Pods; 500 meters x 60 meters x 20 meters; max 30 landers, max 150 fighters, suggested load 10 landers, 100 fighters

1 Small Sensor 3cm
1 Large sensor 7cm
2 Heavy Missile Silo = 22 cm
8 Small Missile Silo = 7x8=56 cm
10 Medium KEW Turrets = 50 sm, 56 cm
10 Light KEW Turrets = 30 sm, 50 cm
= 274 CM, 320 SM

Cargo Bay x10000 500,000 CU 250,000 SM

turning rate: 60 degrees a second

volume calculations
500,274 cubic meters internal space used.
33,249,726 cubic meters internal space free.
250,320 square meters surface area used.
514,680 square meters surface area free.

The Charon Armed Merchantman is designed to ferry precious cargos through even the most contested warzone. It might also be an attempt to sneak a light Battlestar design through the 'transport' construction contract. The aggressive wedge of the Charon's nose is a warning to those who think the transport to be easy prey, and it also provides a greater arc of fire for the forward-covering KEW turrets.

The series of dorsal hangers shared by all of this generation of Colonial transports are greatly expanded, while the flight pod is still completely concealed by the bulk of the vessel and its armored belly. In addition to its thick defensive armament of light and medium guns and swarm missiles, two nuclear missile launchers allow the Charon to dispatch an unwary opponent overwhelmed by her Viper cover. The precise mix of landers to fighters is being hotly debated, but 10 landers overperforms the design board's requirements while allowing as many as a hundred fighter craft to base out of the Charon's flight pod. The Charon's design team is taking great care to make her flight pods as versatile as possible, with the limitations of the 'mini' hanger...

Stymphalian assault craft dimensions: 750 by 300 by 150 meters
shape: a flying brick with flight pods sprouting off from the "top". thick belly armor indicates that the intention is to keep the belly towards the enemy as much as possible. the nose has 3 clusters of 3 barrels sticking out, and the belly is dotted with turrets and a smattering of missile tubes.

Spinal Canon: x9 900CM
Heavy KEW turret: x15 135 CM 105 SM
Medium Missile silo: x5 45 cu
1 large missile silo: 11 CU
large fuel tank x50 75 CM
small Fuel tanks: 5 CM
Hyperlight Discharge Engine x4 20 CM
Mini Flight Pod: x 10
Cargo Bay x337476 16873800 CU 8436900 SU
Magnetic docking ring X20 500 SM
RCS node x30 90 SM
Large sensor: 7 CU

turning rate: 60 degrees a second

volume calculations
33749998cubic meters internal space used.
free internal volume:2 cubic meters free.
surface area: my calculator is using exponents, if you manage to use all of the surface area with a sane design I will be shocked.

A less horrifying planetary assault vessel. While the cargo hold is somewhat smaller than the Fires class, it is a ship clearly meant to provide fire support for an invasion. each of its 4 weapons systems are intended to provide a distinct form of fire support. The turret batteries are intended for saturation bombardment and the destruction of enemy ground formations, the guided missile batteries are meant for pin point strikes to eliminate specific targets or in a pinch saturation bombardment that would be danger close for unguided projectiles, the 3 triple mount spinal cannon blisters are meant for eliminating bunkers and other super hard targets and finally the single large silo is meant for large scale strategic strikes. as it lacks native point defense it is quite clearly intended to be supported by Hydra Defenders.

If caught in space it would be able to contribute significant fire power, both from its spinal cannons and turrets. however, it's missile load out is not heavy enough to be of use against any significant point defense.

Fires of Libris

dimensions: 750 by 300 by 150 meters
shape: a flying brick with a forest of flight pods sprouting off from the "top". thick belly armor dotted with silos indicates that the intention is to keep the belly towards the enemy as much as possible.

Large missile silo x30 330 CM
large fuel tank x5 75 CM
small Fuel tank: 5 CM
Hyperlight Discharge Engine x6 30CM
Mini Flight Pod: x 10
Cargo Bay x674991 33749550 CU 16874775 SU
Magnetic docking ring X20 500 SM
RCS node x30 90 SM
Large sensor x1 7CU
small sensor x1 3 cu
turning rate: 60 degrees a second

volume calculations
33750000 cubic meters internal space used.
free internal volume: 0 cubic meters free.
surface area: sufficent.

One of two designs handed in by a troubled member of the design department, a member now undergoing counseling. Put simply this ship is an atrocity waiting for to happen. It is clearly intended to approach a hostile world under escort and reduce it to molten glass, landing large numbers of troops on anything worth capturing rather than destroying. Close support of troops would have to be provided by strike craft as this vessel caries no armaments capable of safely providing close fire support. While an able troop ship and a decent cargo vessel this vessel is clearly a destroyer of worlds, and gods forgive us but it may have a place in our fleet.

Should it be caught in space, it is not entirely incapable of contributing to a fleet battle. Aside from any strike craft it may be carrying, The sheer volume of nuclear warheads it is capable of volleying make it a lethal threat to anything with compromised point defense, and would if nothing else tie up a large number of raiders intercepting its missile volleys.
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Parts List
Light KEW Turrets: take up 3 square meters on the hull each, and 5 meters cubed below it. Fires at a rate of 180 shots per minute.

Medium KEW Turrets: take up 5 square meters on the hull each, and 7 meters cubed below it. Fires at a rate of 60 shots per minute.

Heavy KEW Turrets: take up 7 square meters on the hull each, and 9 meters cubed below it. Fires at a rate 10 shots per minute.

Small Missile Silo: Fires swarm missiles at a rate of 10 salvos per minute. 5 missiles per salvo. Takes up 7 meters cubed within the hull.

Medium Missile Silo: Fires guided missiles at a rate of 6 salvos per minute. 3 missiles per salvo. Takes up 9 meters cubed within the hull.

Large Missile Silo: Fires Nuclear Missiles at a rate of 1 salvo per minute. 1 missile per salvo. Takes up 11 meters cubed within the hull.

Small Fuel Tanks: Takes up 5 cubed meters within the hull. Holds enough fuel for 10 days with a constantly powered FTL, 50 without constant FTL.

Medium Fuel Tanks: takes up 10 cubed meters within the hull. Holds enough fuel for 20 days with constant FTL, 100 without constant FTL.

Large Fuel Tanks: Takes up to 15 cubed meters within the hull. Holds enough fuel for 30 days with constant FTL, 150 without constant FTL.

Spinal Cannon: gun that runs the length of the ship. Fires at a rate of 10 shots per minute. Takes up 100 meters cubed within the hull.

RCS Node: Takes up 3 meters squared on the hull, increases turn rate by 2 degrees.

Gyroscope: Takes up 3 meters cubed within the hull, increases turn rate by 5 degrees.

Hyperlight Discharge Engine: Allows for FTL of up to 5 light-years per jump per engine. If ship is docked to another ship, both ranges are added with no penalty for weight. 5 meters cubed within hull.

Small Sensor: takes up 3 meters cubed, has a range of 1000 kilometers

Medium Sensor: takes up 5 meters cubed, has a range of 3000 kilometers

Large Sensor: takes up 7 meters cubed, has a range of 5000 kilometers

Magnetic Docking Ring: takes up 25 meters squared on the hull, allows for docking between ships.

Cargo Bay: Takes up 25 meters squared on the hull, and 50 meters cubed. Allows for storage of all items.

Mini Flight Pod: 50 meter long, 20 meter wide, 20 meter high attachment to a hull, allowing for the launch of 5 small fighters or 1 transport.

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New Colonial Fleet

* = construction sites.

2 Minotaur class Gunstar

3 Hydra class Defender


Jupiter class Battlestar, Galactica

Mercury class Battlestar, Pegasus

Prometheus class Forgestar, Prometheus (*)

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Hmm, ok, talking point one the Spinal Cannon worth the heavy cost to install. We use that and we'll be able to fuck up our targets, but that's like 40% of our free space right there.

If we DO get it, we'll also need some fast-turning upgrades so we can aim it fast. Thoughts?
Hmm, ok, talking point one the Spinal Cannon worth the heavy cost to install. We use that and we'll be able to fuck up our targets, but that's like 40% of our free space right there.

If we DO get it, we'll also need some fast-turning upgrades so we can aim it fast. Thoughts?
This is supposed to be a patrol craft, a Spinal Cannon is probably going to be overkill for the intended mission, and if Command wanted a raider they should have asked for one. A decent armament is necessary, yes, but it will be pointless if it compromises the ships intent mission, which will require sensors and endurance in addition to raw fire power.

Speaking of, @Kazuma-San does Command have any sort of requirements they want under sensors, or is that covered under crew systems?

Also, out of curiosity, what is the state of Earth currently? Primitive, near future?
No idea if we do get it will most likely act as a piece of artillery, which is not a patrol craft.
I think we want something fast and manoeuvrable, if we want firepower use turrets.
No idea if we do get it will most likely act as a piece of artillery, which is not a patrol craft.
I think we want something fast and manoeuvrable, if we want firepower use turrets.
Good point, we're not here to blow up orbital facilities or kinetic strike dreadnoughts from a hundred kilometers away, we're here to patrol and be tough enough to handle whatever comes our way.

So, for that job I recommend we spring for a Large Fuel Tank. A patrol craft would want to be able to have extended time without refuling, and likely will want to be sure it always has enough to spare if it needs to dash off anywhere in a hurry.

As for weapons, I'm thinking around a 2-1 ratio for KEW Turrets and missiles. Missles are something we will burn through real fast if we use them too often, but we still want them for a 'fuck you' moment and really need to blow something up.
This is supposed to be a patrol craft, a Spinal Cannon is probably going to be overkill for the intended mission, and if Command wanted a raider they should have asked for one. A decent armament is necessary, yes, but it will be pointless if it compromises the ships intent mission, which will require sensors and endurance in addition to raw fire power.

Speaking of, @Kazuma-San does Command have any sort of requirements they want under sensors, or is that covered under crew systems?

Also, out of curiosity, what is the state of Earth currently? Primitive, near future?
Covered under crew... for now.

Primitive natives, 1 colonial city.
Preliminary Design: PCS-I "Moskito"

Hull Format: 87 Square Meters, 250 Cubic Meters
Turn Rate: 20 Degrees

10 RCS Nodes - +20 Degrees Turn Rate, 30 Square Meters
1 Hyperlight Discharge Engine - ???
1 Spinal Cannon - 100 Cubic Meters

19 Light KEW Turrets - 95 Cubic Meters, 57 Square Meters
3 Large Fuel Tanks - 45 Cubic Meters
1 Medium Fuel tank - 10 Cubic Meters

there lacking massive amounts of Info on all Equipment Parts and gods know what else, but thats what i came up with with the info given.
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Preliminary Design: PCS-I "Moskito"

Hull Format: 87 Square Meters, 250 Cubic Meters
Turn Rate: 20 Degrees

10 RCS Nodes - +20 Degrees Turn Rate, 30 Square Meters
1 Hyperlight Discharge Engine - ???
1 Spinal Cannon - 100 Cubic Meters

19 Light KEW Turrets - 95 Cubic Meters, 57 Square Meters
3 Large Fuel Tanks - 45 Cubic Meters
1 Medium Fuel tank - 10 Cubic Meters

there lacking massive amounts of Info on all Equipment Parts and gods know what else, but thats what i came up with with the info given.
Hyperlight engine is 5 meters cubed.
Preliminary Design: PCS-IA "Moskito"

Hull Format: 87 Square Meters, 250 Cubic Meters
Turn Rate: 20 Degrees
Operation Range: 100/500 Days Fuel, 5 Light Year Range

10 RCS Nodes - +20 Degrees Turn Rate, 30 Square Meters
1 Hyperlight Discharge Engine - 5 Light Years Jump Capacity, 5 Cubic Meters
1 Spinal Cannon - 100 Cubic Meters

19 Light KEW Turrets - 95 Cubic Meters, 57 Square Meters
3 Large Fuel Tanks - 45 Cubic Meters
1 Small Fuel Tank- 5 Cubic Meters

I think if we are going to have a strike option for this ship, a nuclear missile silo, backed up by a medium silo to assist in getting through any point defences, is a far more cost and space efficient choice than a spinal gun.
something else to consider, a patrol boat needs to be able to bring warning of heavier forces rather than fight them. we might want to go for speed and point defense over firepower.
Preliminary Design: PCS-IA "Moskito"

Hull Format: 87 Square Meters, 250 Cubic Meters
Turn Rate: 20 Degrees
Operation Range: 100/500 Days Fuel, 5 Light Year Range

10 RCS Nodes - +20 Degrees Turn Rate, 30 Square Meters
1 Hyperlight Discharge Engine - 5 Light Years Jump Capacity, 5 Cubic Meters
1 Spinal Cannon - 100 Cubic Meters

19 Light KEW Turrets - 95 Cubic Meters, 57 Square Meters
3 Large Fuel Tanks - 45 Cubic Meters
1 Small Fuel Tank- 5 Cubic Meters

This seems like WAY too many fuel tanks. Also, if you wanted a boosted turn radius you really should get a few gyrospheres., I really think the spinal cannon is a bad call, as explained above.
preliminary design: budget scout

dimensions:500 meters in length, 200 meters in width, and 100 in height

shape: a featureless cube, the words rough draft are written hastily across the blueprints.

Light KEW Turret x20 100CM 60 SM
Gyroscope x3 15CM
Large Fuel tank 15 CM
RCS Node x6 18 SM
Hyperlight Discharge Engine 4CM
operational time: 30 days constant FTL/ 150 without constant FTL

134 cubic meters internal space used, 78 square meters external space used.
turn rate 27 degrees per second.

a basic scout design, that can either be made cheaply or used as a starting point for something more ambitious. It is one extra Gyroscope away from being the cheapest possible design to meet requirements.

Edit: speaking of using this as a base.
preliminary design: fast scout

dimensions:500 meters in length, 200 meters in width, and 100 in height

shape: a featureless cube, the words a good starting point are written across the blueprint.

Light KEW Turret x20 100CM 60 SM
Gyroscope x3 15CM
Large Fuel tank 15 CM
RCS Node x20 60 SM
Hyperlight Discharge Engine 4CM
operational time: 30 days constant FTL/ 150 without constant FTL

134 cubic meters internal space used, 120 square meters external space used.
turn rate 57 degrees per second.

A variant design with a bunch more RCS, trades a higher cost for being able to do a 180 away from someone who doesn't want there presence reported in about 3 seconds rather than 6.6 seconds. this is intended as a scout or light patrol ship, capable of dealing with light opposition and intended to run away from anything heavier to call in more powerful warships.
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quick question, are there any parts we can use to increase either scanner range, speed, or how quickly it can calculate a jump?
corrected, also just double checking, light KEW are used to shot down missiles and fighters but are of little use against larger targets right?
preliminary design: Medusa class Gunstar, Heavy Patrol Ship

dimensions:500 meters in length, 150 meters in width, and 100 in height

shape: a segmented cone, composed of a series of decks of decreasing width and height, on each sloped panels between them missile tubes can be seen. With a line of turrets running down both sides, a pair of large single tubes near the center.

Light KEW Turret x20 100CM 60 SM
Gyroscope x3 15CM
Large Fuel tank 15 CM
RCS Node x20 60 SM
Medium Missile Silo x10 90 CM
Large Missile Silo x2 22 CM
Hyperlight Discharge Engine 4CM
operational time: 30 days constant FTL/ 150 without constant FTL

246 cubic meters internal space used, 120 square meters external space used.
turn rate 57 degrees per second.

maximum missile volley size: 60 guided missiles, 2 nuclear missiles.
typical missile volley size: 60 guided missiles.

a variant of the fast patrol ship. the idea is to be able to engage ships in it's weight class reliably, and ships out of it's weight class in some situations. it's designed to deal with cylon doctrine of relying on fighters* for point defense. it uses it's light turrets to clear out enemy fighters then uses a missile volley to attack and destroy heavier targets. the intention is to open with medium missiles to degrade enemy point defense until a nuke can get through, then use the large silos as a knock out punch.

*I'm assuming that's what they did, given their base stars had nothing but fighter bays and missile tubes. Though givne how bad they seemed to be at warship design I would be unsurprised if base stars simply didn't have any.
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preliminary design: Heavy Patrol Ship

Light KEW Turret x20 100CM 60 SM
Gyroscope x3 15CM
Large Fuel tank 15 CM
RCS Node x20 60 SM
Medium Missile Silo x10 90 CM
Large Missile Silo x2 22 CM
Hyperlight Discharge Engine 4CM
operational time: 30 days constant FTL/ 150 without constant FTL

246 cubic meters internal space used, 120 square meters external space used.
turn rate 57 degrees per second.

a variant of the fast patrol ship. the idea is to be able to engage ships in it's weight class reliably, and ships out of it's weight class in some situations. it's designed to deal with cylon doctrine of relying on fighters* for point defense. it uses it's light turrets to clear out enemy fighters then uses a missile volley to attack and destroy heavier targets. the intention is to open with medium missiles to degrade enemy point defense until a nuke can get through, then use the large silos as a knock out punch.

*I'm assuming that's what they did, given their base stars had nothing but fighter bays and missile tubes. Though givne how bad they seemed to be at warship design I would be unsurprised if base stars simply didn't have any.
Remember, anything with intellect can learn. But it is a good strategy for taking them by surprise, and it'd take a while for cylons to refit their ships to counter. Good job for a mainstay light vessel.