Vote tally - Austrvegr - A Varangian Guard Quest

Adhoc vote count started by Shapeless Phobos on Sep 12, 2020 at 3:14 PM, finished with 27 posts and 21 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Shapeless Phobos
Austrvegr - A Varangian Guard Quest
Post #88
Post #114


  • [X] Plan: True Norseman
    -[X] Respectfully: You lower your head, straighten your shoulders, and bow as you enter. Best to make good impressions, after all. (May affect Imperial Court reputation and your reputation with the Varangian Guard)
    -[X] Spoils: You will be paid through the spoils of war, taking first pick of the lucre from every successful battle, raid, or captured encampment. This can be very lucrative, but it carries the risk of poverty in times of long peace.
    -[X] Swear the Oath (II): Yes. (debatable - willing to switch to other, if you feel this question is to reflect our intelligence/recollection, rather than matching Norse stereotype)
    -[X] Blue: Constantinople is a big city, to put it lightly. A single quarter is the equal of any city in the west, and the city has dozens of quarters. Policing it all and keeping the peace is a tall order, which is why the Emperor often tasks regiments of the Varangian Guard to do so. The Guard are the best warriors in the imperial service, and so they are often deployed to the places and quarters most ill at ease -- the slums, the bars, the prostitute quarters, the fighting pits. Unsurprisingly, many among Varangians often leap at this assignment. (chose this, because chance for loot, and fighting. Also its only for one month, and any cred we establish here, as a competent and effective enforcer would be good should we go to the more political options)
    [X] Plan:High class Job
    -[X] Respectfully: You lower your head, straighten your shoulders, and bow as you enter. Best to make good impressions, after all. (May affect Imperial Court reputation and your reputation with the Varangian Guard)
    -[X] Stipend: You elect for a monthly wage, which, while not obscene, is safely and solidly enough to equip yourself and your men and to pay to keep them in good spirits. You will still get battle-spoils, of course -- just after everyone else.
    -[X] Swear the Oath (I): You swear by the omnipotent god, by his only Son our Lord Jesus Christ Pankreator, by the Holy Spirit, by the glorious and perpetually virgin Mary, by the Gospels truthful and eternal, by the archangels Gabriel and Michael, and by your own eternal and immortal soul, to be loyal and ever faithful to your imperial master Basil, who is crowned in the grace of Christ Emperor and Autocrat of all the Romans, and to act faithfully and with the greatest fidelity in his service, to discharge his will to the utmost of your mortal ability, and to devote all your efforts to that end, giving no consideration or service to other masters, and promise that at no time will you ever knowingly or unknowingly oppose him, or permit any other to do so while you draw breath. You swear yourself also, in body, mind, and spirit eternal, to the safeguard and safekeeping of the Imperial person until the day of your dying or his own, understanding in full the great responsibility which he in his kindness has lain upon you.
    -[X] Purple: The most esteemed of the duties of the Varangian Guard, and the purpose for which they were first conceived. You shall be part of the personal guard of the Emperor Basil himself, escorting him wherever he goes and guarding the imperial person while he sleeps, shits, eats, and does whatever imperial persons do. The Emperor is familiar with his guards, and good service here can easily lead to titles, accolades, and increased station or favors. Of course, earning his disfavor might make a short end of your time in the City -- or worse, of your life.
    [X] Riot Police
    [X] Plan New Beginnings
    -[X] Respectfully: You lower your head, straighten your shoulders, and bow as you enter. Best to make good impressions, after all. (May affect Imperial Court reputation and your reputation with the Varangian Guard)
    -[X] Stipend: You elect for a monthly wage, which, while not obscene, is safely and solidly enough to equip yourself and your men and to pay to keep them in good spirits. You will still get battle-spoils, of course -- just after everyone else.
    -[X] Swear the Oath (I): You swear by the omnipotent god, by his only Son our Lord Jesus Christ Pankreator, by the Holy Spirit, by the glorious and perpetually virgin Mary, by the Gospels truthful and eternal, by the archangels Gabriel and Michael, and by your own eternal and immortal soul, to be loyal and ever faithful to your imperial master Basil, who is crowned in the grace of Christ Emperor and Autocrat of all the Romans, and to act faithfully and with the greatest fidelity in his service, to discharge his will to the utmost of your mortal ability, and to devote all your efforts to that end, giving no consideration or service to other masters, and promise that at no time will you ever knowingly or unknowingly oppose him, or permit any other to do so while you draw breath. You swear yourself also, in body, mind, and spirit eternal, to the safeguard and safekeeping of the Imperial person until the day of your dying or his own, understanding in full the great responsibility which he in his kindness has lain upon you.
    -[X] Green: The Palace Guard keep watch over the grounds and halls of the Imperial Palace itself, safeguarding the Imperial Court, the Imperial Family, and the hundreds of lords and ladies which make up both. The Palace Guard are often tasked to do certain tasks by functionaries of the court, or to deliver messages and run orders on behalf of members of the imperial family. Being so stationed, they are often in close contact with a great many important people.
    -[X] Respectfully: You lower your head, straighten your shoulders, and bow as you enter. Best to make good impressions, after all. (May affect Imperial Court reputation and your reputation with the Varangian Guard)
    -[X] Stipend: You elect for a monthly wage, which, while not obscene, is safely and solidly enough to equip yourself and your men and to pay to keep them in good spirits. You will still get battle-spoils, of course -- just after everyone else.
    -[X] Swear the Oath (I): You swear by the omnipotent god, by his only Son our Lord Jesus Christ Pankreator, by the Holy Spirit, by the glorious and perpetually virgin Mary, by the Gospels truthful and eternal, by the archangels Gabriel and Michael, and by your own eternal and immortal soul, to be loyal and ever faithful to your imperial master Basil, who is crowned in the grace of Christ Emperor and Autocrat of all the Romans, and to act faithfully and with the greatest fidelity in his service, to discharge his will to the utmost of your mortal ability, and to devote all your efforts to that end, giving no consideration or service to other masters, and promise that at no time will you ever knowingly or unknowingly oppose him, or permit any other to do so while you draw breath. You swear yourself also, in body, mind, and spirit eternal, to the safeguard and safekeeping of the Imperial person until the day of your dying or his own, understanding in full the great responsibility which he in his kindness has lain upon you.
    -[X] Purple: The most esteemed of the duties of the Varangian Guard, and the purpose for which they were first conceived. You shall be part of the personal guard of the Emperor Basil himself, escorting him wherever he goes and guarding the imperial person while he sleeps, shits, eats, and does whatever imperial persons do. The Emperor is familiar with his guards, and good service here can easily lead to titles, accolades, and increased station or favors. Of course, earning his disfavor might make a short end of your time in the City -- or worse, of your life.
    [X] Riot Police
    -[X] Respectfully: You lower your head, straighten your shoulders, and bow as you enter. Best to make good impressions, after all. (May affect Imperial Court reputation and your reputation with the Varangian Guard)
    -[X] Spoils: You will be paid through the spoils of war, taking first pick of the lucre from every successful battle, raid, or captured encampment. This can be very lucrative, but it carries the risk of poverty in times of long peace.
    -[X] Swear the Oath (I): You swear by the omnipotent god, by his only Son our Lord Jesus Christ Pankreator, by the Holy Spirit, by the glorious and perpetually virgin Mary, by the Gospels truthful and eternal, by the archangels Gabriel and Michael, and by your own eternal and immortal soul, to be loyal and ever faithful to your imperial master Basil, who is crowned in the grace of Christ Emperor and Autocrat of all the Romans, and to act faithfully and with the greatest fidelity in his service, to discharge his will to the utmost of your mortal ability, and to devote all your efforts to that end, giving no consideration or service to other masters, and promise that at no time will you ever knowingly or unknowingly oppose him, or permit any other to do so while you draw breath. You swear yourself also, in body, mind, and spirit eternal, to the safeguard and safekeeping of the Imperial person until the day of your dying or his own, understanding in full the great responsibility which he in his kindness has lain upon you.
    -[X] Red: You will have the unenviable duty of standing guard at the Hippodrome. The great Hippodrome is the center of political, social, and cultural life in the city, and is the nexus on which much of Roman culture hinges. The great chariot races held here are perhaps the most heavily anticipated events in the city by noble and peasant alike. Similarly, the great riots which have erupted following upset wins have burned down entire quarters of the city, and killed dozens. The emperor stations the guard at the Hippodrome to keep the crowd under control -- by any means necessary. At the very least, you will have a good spot to watch the games.
    [x] Respectfully: You lower your head, straighten your shoulders, and bow as you enter. Best to make good impressions, after all. (May affect Imperial Court reputation and your reputation with the Varangian Guard)
    [x] Stipend: You elect for a monthly wage, which, while not obscene, is safely and solidly enough to equip yourself and your men and to pay to keep them in good spirits. You will still get battle-spoils, of course -- just after everyone else.
    [x] Swear the Oath (I): You swear by the omnipotent god, by his only Son our Lord Jesus Christ Pankreator, by the Holy Spirit, by the glorious and perpetually virgin Mary, by the Gospels truthful and eternal, by the archangels Gabriel and Michael, and by your own eternal and immortal soul, to be loyal and ever faithful to your imperial master Basil, who is crowned in the grace of Christ Emperor and Autocrat of all the Romans, and to act faithfully and with the greatest fidelity in his service, to discharge his will to the utmost of your mortal ability, and to devote all your efforts to that end, giving no consideration or service to other masters, and promise that at no time will you ever knowingly or unknowingly oppose him, or permit any other to do so while you draw breath. You swear yourself also, in body, mind, and spirit eternal, to the safeguard and safekeeping of the Imperial person until the day of your dying or his own, understanding in full the great responsibility which he in his kindness has lain upon you.
    [x] Blue: Constantinople is a big city, to put it lightly. A single quarter is the equal of any city in the west, and the city has dozens of quarters. Policing it all and keeping the peace is a tall order, which is why the Emperor often tasks regiments of the Varangian Guard to do so. The Guard are the best warriors in the imperial service, and so they are often deployed to the places and quarters most ill at ease -- the slums, the bars, the prostitute quarters, the fighting pits. Unsurprisingly, many among Varangians often leap at this assignment.