
Process to process/ the halting of pace
A nonmagical quest of two siblings trying to get each other expelled from school... and of the people caught in the crossfire.

Welcome to At Variance.


So I added an idea to the idea thread for this and, well, I made a recruitment thread. I don't exactly trust myself to properly run two characters opposing each other at the same time, so the slot for one of the fighting siblings is open. The end goal here is to get one of them expelled. They have to try and create an entire social network to discredit the other.

An alternate goal would be to get over any differences between them, but hey, who wants that, am I right?

This will be a freeform roleplay in general. However, if you want to implement a personal system to keep track of your character's attitude towards each sibling or event, it's perfectly welcome for your own character. The players can pick which to interact with and who to trust or believe. It's not that one person belongs solely to one network- it's people , they change a lot. You can try to join one of their hypothetical sides from the start, but it's not set in stone.

So... yeah. That's actually about it. If there are any questions, clarifications that need to be made, or suggestions for possible plot points, you can ask them here or PM me. Thank you for your time.
Character sheet:



Freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior?:

Class schedule:




Other information you'd like to add in:
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I added class schedules to the character sheet. A list of the classes: math, English, science, biology, PE, music, and social studies. Electives are German, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, business, art, dance, and creative writing. There have to be at least two hours for every mandatory class a week and each elective takes one hour. Two hours of study hall per week are permitted. Class is from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Clubs... well, as long as the clubs are SFW, not occult-based, and have at least four members, NPC or PC, the school board lets you make about anything.