Are You Of A Heroic Spirit Today? (Fate/Marvel RP) (IC)

Mordred's eye twitched, slowly she pulled off her red jacket and slung it over her shoulder, unintentionally exposing more of her body to the air, "It's not that cold, and besides I'm a Heroic Spirit, we're not affected by heat."

She marched right in front of him, and moved her face closer into his, "And at least look at me if you're trying to tell me what to do, damn it!"
Galahad's blush deepened as he stammered. His face was a cherry red as he was forced to look Mordred in the eyes. Her flesh being so close to the motes of mana that made him up caused him to feel like he was burning.

"Um um um...Master c-can you h-help?" Medea just smirked as Galahad felt like he was drowning.

"M-Mordred... you just look very...distracting! And I feel that you would also feel much safer while in armor!" Galahad's eyes roamed Mordred's beautiful face.

He was twitching all over.
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Galahad's blush deepened as he stammered. His face was a cherry red as he was forced to look Mordred in the eyes. Her flesh being so close to the motes of mana that made him up caused him to feel like he was burning.

"Um um um...Master c-can you h-help?" Medea just smirked as Galahad felt like he was drowning.

"M-Mordred... you just look very...distracting! And I feel that you would also feel much safer while in armor!" Galahad's eyes roamed Mordred's beautiful face.

He was twitching all over.
Mordred's eye twitched, slowly she pulled off her red jacket and slung it over her shoulder, unintentionally exposing more of her body to the air, "It's not that cold, and besides I'm a Heroic Spirit, we're not affected by heat."

She marched right in front of him, and moved her face closer into his, "And at least look at me if you're trying to tell me what to do, damn it!"
"Galahad. Stop your foolish acting and you Mordred, what did I say last time about such clothing? You do not carry yourself as a Pendragon should." She was disappointed in Mordred and she made that known. Rhongomyniad had an iron grip on Galahad's head, to others it must have looked like she was simpling patting his head, with a simple twitch of her hand and it will pop like a balloon. He has to better watch his next words, although he did well by not looking at Mordred otherwise he will be blind by now.

"Galahad, Bedivere which will soon be here, Mordred and me will briefly go to London as I must visit a few persons of interest, then we will go to Glastonbury Tor. Did I make myself clear? Lady Medea, if you so wish to, you could join us although your presence isn't entirely necessary." She will simply have a few meetings with the Mage Association and the Protestant Church then while she was still in Britain, her kingdom. She will finally bring an end to Morgan or make her submit if only for Mordred's sake. Her vile acts had gone for long enough, now.
"Galahad. Stop your foolish acting and you Mordred, what did I say last time about such clothing? You do not carry yourself as a Pendragon should." She was disappointed in Mordred and she made that known. Rhongomyniad had an iron grip on Galahad's head, to others it must have looked like she was simpling patting his head, with a simple twitch of her hand and it will pop like a balloon. He has to better watch his next words, although he did well by not looking at Mordred otherwise he will be blind by now.

"Galahad, Bedivere which will soon be here, Mordred and me will briefly go to London as I must visit a few persons of interest, then we will go to Glastonbury Tor. Did I make myself clear? Lady Medea, if you so wish to, you could join us although your presence isn't entirely necessary." She will simply have a few meetings with the Mage Association and the Protestant Church then while she was still in Britain, her kingdom. She will finally bring an end to Morgan or make her submit if only for Mordred's sake. Her vile acts had gone for long enough, now.
Galahad nervously nodded. He did his best to keep his eyes away from Mordred. His profuse blush was still present however.

"My King...may I come with you and Sir Mordred? I would do great good in protecting you both! It is my specialty after all..." Galahad would do just about anything to be closer to Mordred, but he also thought he could do legitimate good. Not going along with his Master was also a plus. The Witch of Betrayal could kill him just as easily as his King could, and she just creeped him out.

Medea raised an eyebrow at Galahad's actions and shrugged. She trusted that he was intelligent enough not to try and woo Mordred in front of Arthur.

Medea bowed before Arthur. "My King, I will leave my Mana Reservoirs with Galahad and take Alexandros traveling. We will cross the world in the shortest span possible and obtain an old Divine Construct I used to possess."

Medea finished her bow. "If that is acceptable."
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"Galahad. Stop your foolish acting and you Mordred, what did I say last time about such clothing? You do not carry yourself as a Pendragon should." She was disappointed in Mordred and she made that known. Rhongomyniad had an iron grip on Galahad's head, to others it must have looked like she was simpling patting his head, with a simple twitch of her hand and it will pop like a balloon. He has to better watch his next words, although he did well by not looking at Mordred otherwise he will be blind by now.

"Galahad, Bedivere which will soon be here, Mordred and me will briefly go to London as I must visit a few persons of interest, then we will go to Glastonbury Tor. Did I make myself clear? Lady Medea, if you so wish to, you could join us although your presence isn't entirely necessary." She will simply have a few meetings with the Mage Association and the Protestant Church then while she was still in Britain, her kingdom. She will finally bring an end to Morgan or make her submit if only for Mordred's sake. Her vile acts had gone for long enough, now.

Mordred's eye twitched, Father had never patted her head, so why did Galahad get them?

Instead Mordred was criticised, hugged to near death and hovered around like Father expected her to screw up the moment that Mordred took matters into her own hands. Meanwhile, Galahad was immediately being praised, even if Father didn't say it, her actions made it clear that she had a higher opinion of Lancelot's son.

"Fine," She grumbled, "When do we leave?" Glastonbury Tor sounded familiar, but Mordred couldn't place it, so she kept it at the back of her mind for now.
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Medea bowed before Arthur. "My King, I will leave my Mana Reservoirs with Galahad and take Alexandros traveling. We will cross the world in the shortest span possible and obtain an old Divine Construct I used to possess."

Medea finished her bow. "If that is acceptable."
"Very well. Go and attend to your needs." she nodded. She's expecting that Lady Medea's projects would bring forth great boons to their quest as that is why she is allowing her so much leeway. If the results aren't up to her standards; however. She may need to reconsider Lady Medea's capabilities. An error or mistake is something she'll expect from flawed mortals but a multitude of mistakes, however, it shows incompetence. Rhongomyniad doesn't tolerate incompetence.

"Fine," She grumbled, "When do we leave?" Glastonbury Tor sounded familiar, but Mordred couldn't place it, so she kept it at the back of her mind for now.
"We leave, now. Unless you have other matters you wish to attend to. Mordred." she highly doubted Mordred had anything to do but follow her around and so she didn't even leave her the time to answer before moving on to prepare for their voyage to London.

"This is your first assignment Galahad, stay by Mordred's side. Your shield will be useful in protecting her from danger. If your shield fails, then use your body. If you fail, I will found a way to the Akashic Records and torture your soul there. Am I being clear? Yes, good." she didn't leave him the time to answer. Its better for him since if he said no, he may lose his head right at that moment.

The first thing to do is bring Bedivere here through the portal that links this Workshop to the one in New York. She merely stepped to the other side, found a nearby servant who will bring her Bedivere. Bedivere himself expressed relief as he is finally able to stay by his King's side. Arthur changed a lot since he last saw her. He isn't quite sure if that is a good or bad change, yet. That doesn't matter, however, duty calls.

"My King, I am here answering your summon." Bedivere bowed, Rhongomyniad merely nodded and made a sign for him to follow her as she stepped back to Canada through the portal. The private jet she used earlier to transport her fellow companions and her loyal knights was moved to Medea's camp should it see further use in the area which arranges things, very well for Rhongomyniad as she wouldn't have to go through the trouble of commanding another plane, which will take time and... the money part is irrelevant. It wouldn't even make a scratch on her finances. She brought along with her 40 Enforcement Knights which were stacked up in the cargo which prove their usefulness, unlike normal humans who need sustenance and complain about every little thing. Chaldea's Master particularly.

The travel to London was fairly calm, as Rhongomyniad was the one piloting the jet through her Riding skill. She hoped, her Knights and Mordred aren't causing problems back there. That was unlikely. Unfortunately. Meanwhile, Bedivere was sitting carefully a seat or so away from both Sir Galahad and Sir Mordred.

"Sir Galahad. It has been a long time since we last met. A pleasure. As a fellow Knight of the Round Table, I must warn you out of kindness and fellowship. Beware where you tread, that way lies a danger beyond what you can imagine." he left it at that. If he picked up on it, good if not... Unfortunate. He kept it cryptic enough, Sir Mordred wouldn't really get it. Without insulting the young Knight's intelligence, she is fairly dense about some things, like her father the King is about other things, as well. Like father, like son as they say.
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"Very well. Go and attend to your needs." she nodded. She's expecting that Lady Medea's projects would bring forth great boons to their quest as that is why she is allowing her so much leeway. If the results aren't up to her standards; however. She may need to reconsider Lady Medea's capabilities. An error or mistake is something she'll expect from flawed mortals but a multitude of mistakes, however, it shows incompetence. Rhongomyniad doesn't tolerate incompetence.

"We leave, now. Unless you have other matters you wish to attend to. Mordred." she highly doubted Mordred had anything to do but follow her around and so she didn't even leave her the time to answer before moving on to prepare for their voyage to London.

"This is your first assignment Galahad, stay by Mordred's side. Your shield will be useful in protecting her from danger. If your shield fails, then use your body. If you fail, I will found a way to the Akashic Records and torture your soul there. Am I being clear? Yes, good." she didn't leave him the time to answer. Its better for him since if he said no, he may lose his head right at that moment.

The first thing to do is bring Bedivere here through the portal that links this Workshop to the one in New York. She merely stepped to the other side, found a nearby servant who will bring her Bedivere. Bedivere himself expressed relief as he is finally able to stay by his King's side. Arthur changed a lot since he last saw her. He isn't quite sure if that is a good or bad change, yet. That doesn't matter, however, duty calls.

"My King, I am here answering your summon." Bedivere bowed, Rhongomyniad merely nodded and made a sign for him to follow her as she stepped back to Canada through the portal. The private jet she used earlier to transport her fellow companions and her loyal knights were moved to Medea's camp should it see further use in the area which arranges things, very well for Rhongomyniad as she wouldn't have to go through the trouble of commanding another plane, which will take time and... the money part is irrelevant. It wouldn't even make a scratch on her finances. She brought along with her 40 Enforcement Knights which were stacked up in the cargo which prove their usefulness, unlike normal humans who need sustenance and complain about every little thing. Chaldea's Master particularly.

The travel to London was fairly calm, as Rhongomyniad was the one piloting the jet through her Riding skill. She hoped, her Knights and Mordred aren't causing problems back there. That was unlikely. Unfortunately. Meanwhile, Bedivere was sitting carefully a seat or so away from both Sir Galahad and Sir Mordred.

"Sir Galahad. It has been a long time since we last met. A pleasure. As a fellow Knight of the Round Table, I must warn you out of kindness and fellowship. Beware where you tread, that way lies a danger beyond what you can imagine." he left it at that. If he picked up on it, good if not... Unfortunate. He kept it cryptic enough, Sir Mordred wouldn't really get it. Without insulting the young Knight's intelligence, she is fairly dense about some things, like her father the King is about other things, as well. Like father, like son as they say.

Mordred leaned in on Galahad's shoulder, still in civilian wear, she remembered how Gawain had used similar lines whenever he talked to lover boy Tristain while they were drinking, "Oh, so Mr Pure Knight has a crush on someone? Who is it? Your master? Or was it Shieldy from Chaldea and that's why you gave her your powers?"

Mordred grinned, so long as it wasn't Father's wife like Lancelot, she was certain that Galahad's answer would provide her with plenty of teasing potential.
"Very well. Go and attend to your needs." she nodded. She's expecting that Lady Medea's projects would bring forth great boons to their quest as that is why she is allowing her so much leeway. If the results aren't up to her standards; however. She may need to reconsider Lady Medea's capabilities. An error or mistake is something she'll expect from flawed mortals but a multitude of mistakes, however, it shows incompetence. Rhongomyniad doesn't tolerate incompetence.
Medea nodded and bowed out. "Alexandros, we are going to the Atlantic Ocean. I have flown flying Chariots enough to give reliable directions." Medea walked up to the large man and pointed out a place on a Projected Map that quickly dissipated.

The two took off without preamble, leaving Penny in charge of the camp for now.
We leave, now. Unless you have other matters you wish to attend to. Mordred." she highly doubted Mordred had anything to do but follow her around and so she didn't even leave her the time to answer before moving on to prepare for their voyage to London.

"This is your first assignment Galahad, stay by Mordred's side. Your shield will be useful in protecting her from danger. If your shield fails, then use your body. If you fail, I will found a way to the Akashic Records and torture your soul there. Am I being clear? Yes, good." she didn't leave him the time to answer. Its better for him since if he said no, he may lose his head right at that moment.

The first thing to do is bring Bedivere here through the portal that links this Workshop to the one in New York. She merely stepped to the other side, found a nearby servant who will bring her Bedivere. Bedivere himself expressed relief as he is finally able to stay by his King's side. Arthur changed a lot since he last saw her. He isn't quite sure if that is a good or bad change, yet. That doesn't matter, however, duty calls.

"My King, I am here answering your summon." Bedivere bowed, Rhongomyniad merely nodded and made a sign for him to follow her as she stepped back to Canada through the portal. The private jet she used earlier to transport her fellow companions and her loyal knights was moved to Medea's camp should it see further use in the area which arranges things, very well for Rhongomyniad as she wouldn't have to go through the trouble of commanding another plane, which will take time and... the money part is irrelevant. It wouldn't even make a scratch on her finances. She brought along with her 40 Enforcement Knights which were stacked up in the cargo which prove their usefulness, unlike normal humans who need sustenance and complain about every little thing. Chaldea's Master particularly.

The travel to London was fairly calm, as Rhongomyniad was the one piloting the jet through her Riding skill. She hoped, her Knights and Mordred aren't causing problems back there. That was unlikely. Unfortunately. Meanwhile, Bedivere was sitting carefully a seat or so away from both Sir Galahad and Sir Mordred.

"Sir Galahad. It has been a long time since we last met. A pleasure. As a fellow Knight of the Round Table, I must warn you out of kindness and fellowship. Beware where you tread, that way lies a danger beyond what you can imagine." he left it at that. If he picked up on it, good if not... Unfortunate. He kept it cryptic enough, Sir Mordred wouldn't really get it. Without insulting the young Knight's intelligence, she is fairly dense about some things, like her father the King is about other things, as well. Like father, like son as they say.
Galahad actually smiled at the prospect of protecting Sir Mordred for so long. He would actually have a moment alone with her. If he could actually spit anything out while King Arthur wasn't there...

Galahad blushed and grinned before Bedivere spoke. Then he solemnly nodded. "Nothing worthwhile is free of danger."
Mordred leaned in on Galahad's shoulder, still in civilian wear, she remembered how Gawain had used similar lines whenever he talked to lover boy Tristain while they were drinking, "Oh, so Mr Pure Knight has a crush on someone? Who is it? Your master? Or was it Shieldy from Chaldea and that's why you gave her your powers?"

Mordred grinned, so long as it wasn't Father's wife like Lancelot, she was certain that Galahad's answer would provide her with plenty of teasing potential.
Galahad paled and looked at Mordred. The pale face was quickly subsumed by a blush.

"Um um um um." Galahad was stammering and wishing that his father was here. This was like the one thing on earth he needed his advice for!
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"Um um um um." Galahad was stammering and wishing that his father was here. This was like the one thing on earth he needed his advice for!
Bedivere shook his head. He had a slight knowing smile showing on his face.

"Sir Galahad. Take a hold of yourself. You are a Knight, not a stammering peasant boy." Bedivere tried to help out by giving a bit of verbal support. Bedivere feared that if tried to help any further he'll get entangled in this mess himself. This is the one thing, he'll like to avoid. He respects Sir Galahad but Bedivere know that sticking his own neck for Sir Galahad here, is a bad idea.
Medea nodded and bowed out. "Alexandros, we are going to the Atlantic Ocean. I have flown flying Chariots enough to give reliable directions." Medea walked up to the large man and pointed out a place on a Projected Map that quickly dissipated.

The two took off without preamble, leaving Penny in charge of the camp for now.

Galahad actually smiled at the prospect of protecting Sir Mordred for so long. He would actually have a moment alone with her. If he could actually spit anything out while King Arthur wasn't there...

Galahad blushed and grinned before Bedivere spoke. Then he solemnly nodded. "Nothing worthwhile is free of danger."

Galahad paled and looked at Mordred. The pale face was quickly subsumed by a blush.

"Um um um um." Galahad was stammering and wishing that his father was here. This was like the one thing on earth he needed his advice for!
Bedivere shook his head. He had a slight knowing smile showing on his face.

"Sir Galahad. Take a hold of yourself. You are a Knight, not a stammering peasant boy." Bedivere tried to help out by giving a bit of verbal support. Bedivere feared that if tried to help any further he'll get entangled in this mess himself. This is the one thing, he'll like to avoid. He respects Sir Galahad but Bedivere know that sticking his own neck for Sir Galahad here, is a bad idea.

"Yeah, come on, Galahat," Mordred purposefully mispronounced his name, in reference to the way that the idiot never wore a helmet, despite defence being his forte, "You're a Knight and it's not like you've got anything to be embarrassed about, your crush isn't here, nor Father."

She smirked, "Unless you like Bedivere over there, he does look an awful lot like a lady." She wondered if he'd start blushing and stammering like before, she hoped so, it was so adora... fun to see the pure knight behave like a puppy.
Bedivere shook his head. He had a slight knowing smile showing on his face.

"Sir Galahad. Take a hold of yourself. You are a Knight, not a stammering peasant boy." Bedivere tried to help out by giving a bit of verbal support. Bedivere feared that if tried to help any further he'll get entangled in this mess himself. This is the one thing, he'll like to avoid. He respects Sir Galahad but Bedivere know that sticking his own neck for Sir Galahad here, is a bad idea.
Galahad nodded in thanks to Sir Bedivere and steeled his nerve.
"Yeah, come on, Galahat," Mordred purposefully mispronounced his name, in reference to the way that the idiot never wore a helmet, despite defence being his forte, "You're a Knight and it's not like you've got anything to be embarrassed about, your crush isn't here, nor Father."

She smirked, "Unless you like Bedivere over there, he does look an awful lot like a lady." She wondered if he'd start blushing and stammering like before, she hoped so, it was so adora... fun to see the pure knight behave like a puppy.
Galahad nearly lost it again, choking on his words. But he slapped himself with a guantleted hand once, the pain serving as a focus.

"Sir Mordred, I am not in love with Sir Bedivere, even though his virtues are numerous. No, I am in love with you. You are intelligent, driven, and honest. Not to mention beautiful."

Galahad looked Mordred in the eye as he said this, daring her to doubt his words. His blush had reached maximum and spread down to his arms.
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Galahad nodded in thanks to Sir Bedivere and steeled his nerve.

Galahad nearly lost it again, choking on his words. But he slapped himself with a guantleted hand once, the pain serving as a focus.

"Sir Mordred, I am not in love with Sir Bedivere, even though his virtues are numerous. No, I am in love with you. You are intelligent, driven, and honest. Not to mention beautiful."

Galahad looked Mordred in the eye as he said this, daring her to doubt his words. His blush had reached maximum and reached down to his arms.

Mordred was speechless, her face quickly turning red from embarrassment. She turned her face away from Galahad for a second.

"Seriously?" She asked him, still facing away from him, "That's how you confess to someone? You're supposed to be a knight, let me show you how it's done."

As she turned to face him, she donned her armour, her helmet remaining disassembled so he could clearly see her face, "Sir Galahad," she bowed, "May I take this kiss?" With that she took his left hand and kissed it, still not looking at him.

When she finally lifted her head, she grinned roguishly at him, "Well?"
Mordred was speechless, her face quickly turning red from embarrassment. She turned her face away from Galahad for a second.

"Seriously?" She asked him, still facing away from him, "That's how you confess to someone? You're supposed to be a knight, let me show you how it's done."

As she turned to face him, she donned her armour, her helmet remaining disassembled so he could clearly see her face, "Sir Galahad," she bowed, "May I take this kiss?" With that she took his left hand and kissed it, still not looking at him.

When she finally lifted her head, she grinned roguishly at him, "Well?"
Galahad grinned stupidly at the feeling of her lips on his hand. This was the best moment of his life!

Galahad practically jumped for joy. "Thank you Sir Mordred! It is stupendous that we are courting now."

"I assure you that I will not attempt anything untoward, though you are beautiful beyond words." He helped Mordred to her feet and hugged her.
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Galahad grinned stupidly at the feeling of her lips on his hand. This was the best moment of his life!

Galahad practically jumped for joy. "Thank you Sir Mordred! It is stupendous that we are courting now."

"I assure you that I will not attempt anything untoward, though you are beautiful beyond words." He helped Mordred to her feet and hugged her.

Mordred returned the hug then quickly separated from Galahad. "Father's been oddly... protective or possessive."

Mordred scowled at the memory, "She'll likely be furious about this. Let's pretend nothing happened for now."

With that, Mordred sat down and looked through the window, "Do you think we're there yet?"
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Mordred returned the hug then quickly separated from Galahad. "Father's been oddly... protective or possessive."

Mordred scowled at the memory, "She'll likely be furious about this. Let's pretend nothing happened for now."

With that, Mordred sat down and looked through the window, "Do you think we're there yet?"
Galahad sat down across from Mordred and shrugged. "I have a high riding skill, but without being at the wheel I can't say. I've never been in a flying machine before."

"Your father does seem different...I remember her as human when I died. What happened? The Grail told me some things, but it's power shorted out when it peered at the Lance." Galahad seemed nervous at the question.
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Medea nodded and bowed out. "Alexandros, we are going to the Atlantic Ocean. I have flown flying Chariots enough to give reliable directions." Medea walked up to the large man and pointed out a place on a Projected Map that quickly dissipated.

The two took off without preamble, leaving Penny in charge of the camp for now.
The speed at which Alexander's chariot traveled was fast. Fast was an understatement to how fast but that's the only words you could come up with. After a little while, you don't even know how much time has passed, you arrived at where you can detect a part of the Sun Chariot. As you approached further, however, something happened as Alexander's chariot crashed on the ocean, you could feel mana being drained from the surroundings and from you. It is not to a level to which it will bother Gaia herself, but it is enough of a drain that you feel severely weakened.

The missing piece of the Sun Chariot, you could feel it was a kilometer or two under the sea level.
"I assure you that I will not attempt anything untoward, though you are beautiful beyond words." He helped Mordred to her feet and hugged her.
Mordred returned the hug then quickly separated from Galahad. "Father's been oddly... protective or possessive."
That is an understatement Sir Mordred, thought Bedivere. He only smiled at the scene in front of him while he internally prayed that everything will end well for Galahad. Bedivere know that this is just a fugue of Sir Mordred to go against her father while Galahad truly loved her but that wasn't Bedivere's concerns. Without the King's approval of this, Sir Galahad's life is standing on a thin line and Sir Mordred will only suffer in the end. This would only be a repetition to what happened with Queen Guinevere and Sir Lancelot...

He had warned them about the consequences of this. He will do so once more as the least he wished to see is for his fellow knights to suffer. The King's Will cannot be defied... They are Knights of the Round Table, they swore to serve the King.

"I must say. Sir Galahad and Sir Mordred while I am rather content that you two are happy together but you must understand that this relation cannot be maintained without the King's approval. Do not be mistaken, I will not tell Her Majesty any of this but if she were to ask me of it directly, I will have to comply. I strongly advise both of you to end it here as soon as possible before words reach the ear of the King. Sir Galahad, remember what happened to your father..." there he said it. With those words Bedivere turned around to watch from the plane's window as he felt the King stand up from her pilot seat.
With that, Mordred sat down and looked through the window, "Do you think we're there yet?"
As Galahad answered, you could feel the plane starting to slow down and after a few moments, you could feel the smooth landing performed by Rhongomyniad.
"Your father does seem different...I remember her as human when I died. What happened? The Grail told me somethings, but it's power shorted out when it peered at the Lance." Galahad seemed nervous at the question.
Rhongomyniad was already there, as you said that. Her face was impassive as always as she scrutinized you both.

"Rhongomyniad; The Lance that Shines to the Ends of the World. My Holy Lance. It is one the one with which I waged battles after battles with after the unfortunate loss of Caliburn. Galahad..." He should know this already, he participated in more than one of them, after all. Galahad is unusually being nervous and somewhat happy? Mordred who is sitting beside him is stone-faced. This is not a normal behavior, from both of them. What did they do? Is... Mordred preparing a rebellion? Rhongomyniad isn't sure how to feel about that. Why would she even be feeling something? If Mordred rebelled, she will simply put her down like... she did before. No, she will ask Bedivere first, he was here and he is one of her most loyal knights apart from Gawain himself.

As you descended from the plane, you could see a row of servants welcoming you back to Britain. The homeland, she will soon get it back from the current ruling dynasty. The Windsors. She thought of what would be her Father Uther's own thoughts about what happened and that now Britain is no longer under the rule of the Pendragon.

"Welcome, Lady Eleanor of the House Gray! Lady Alice of the House Gray and their respective escorts, Sir Bradford and Sir Gabriel." Rhongomyniad merely nodded. It was a simple affair for her to create identities for both of her knights. She turned around to look at them.

"Alice, you can choose to wait for me in the Gray family manor with Sir Gabriel or you can accompany me with Sir Bradford to meet a few acquaintances." Rhongomyniad waited expectantly. She fully expected Mordred to go with her instead of simply waiting for her in the manor.

The speed at which Alexander's chariot traveled was fast. Fast was an understatement to how fast but that's the only words you could come up with. After a little while, you don't even know how much time has passed, you arrived at where you can detect a part of the Sun Chariot. As you approached further, however, something happened as Alexander's chariot crashed on the ocean, you could feel mana being drained from the surroundings and from you. It is not to a level to which it will bother Gaia herself, but it is enough of a drain that you feel severely weakened.

The missing piece of the Sun Chariot, you could feel it was a kilometer or two under the sea level.
Medea was filled with apprehension at such a beast. She immediately cast a spell to discern the situation.
You can feel something big, really big with divine energy at two kilometer under the sea level.The smallest size you could feel is that of an average island, while the biggest you felt it reached is the size of Manitoulin, the island in Canada. So about 1,068 sq miles or 2,766 sq km for the biggest size. You could tell that the sun chariot part is really close to whatever that is. You're right in the top of it in fact.
Medea grimaced at this thing's size. It was setting off all kinds of red flags. If only Heracles was here for her... In the mean time she had Alexandros. She guessed that the thing might be able to detect Alexandros but not her. She would see about summoning it up to the top of the ocean before she did anything crazy though.

It's a fail. You could feel it merely slightly shifted around which caused a few waves of a few hundred meters to rise. You now are soaked wet.
Medea screamed in frustration. She motioned for Iskandar to stay above sea level with his Gordius Wheel and wait for her signal. She would inform him if she needed help.

She activated both a water-breathing spell and her cloak's full power. Trying to be as silent as possible. She began to move down to the depths.
That is an understatement Sir Mordred, thought Bedivere. He only smiled at the scene in front of him while he internally prayed that everything will end well for Galahad. Bedivere know that this is just a fugue of Sir Mordred to go against her father while Galahad truly loved her but that wasn't Bedivere's concerns. Without the King's approval of this, Sir Galahad's life is standing on a thin line and Sir Mordred will only suffer in the end. This would only be a repetition to what happened with Queen Guinevere and Sir Lancelot...

He had warned them about the consequences of this. He will do so once more as the least he wished to see is for his fellow knights to suffer. The King's Will cannot be defied... They are Knights of the Round Table, they swore to serve the King.

"I must say. Sir Galahad and Sir Mordred while I am rather content that you two are happy together but you must understand that this relation cannot be maintained without the King's approval. Do not be mistaken, I will not tell Her Majesty any of this but if she were to ask me of it directly, I will have to comply. I strongly advise both of you to end it here as soon as possible before words reach the ear of the King. Sir Galahad, remember what happened to your father..." there he said it. With those words Bedivere turned around to watch from the plane's window as he felt the King stand up from her pilot seat.

As Galahad answered, you could feel the plane starting to slow down and after a few moments, you could feel the smooth landing performed by Rhongomyniad.

Rhongomyniad was already there, as you said that. Her face was impassive as always as she scrutinized you both.

"Rhongomyniad; The Lance that Shines to the Ends of the World. My Holy Lance. It is one the one with which I waged battles after battles with after the unfortunate loss of Caliburn. Galahad..." He should know this already, he participated in more than one of them, after all. Galahad is unusually being nervous and somewhat happy? Mordred who is sitting beside him is stone-faced. This is not a normal behavior, from both of them. What did they do? Is... Mordred preparing a rebellion? Rhongomyniad isn't sure how to feel about that. Why would she even be feeling something? If Mordred rebelled, she will simply put her down like... she did before. No, she will ask Bedivere first, he was here and he is one of her most loyal knights apart from Gawain himself.

As you descended from the plane, you could see a row of servants welcoming you back to Britain. The homeland, she will soon get it back from the current ruling dynasty. The Windsors. She thought of what would be her Father Uther's own thoughts about what happened and that now Britain is no longer under the rule of the Pendragon.

"Welcome, Lady Eleanor of the House Gray! Lady Alice of the House Gray and their respective escorts, Sir Bradford and Sir Gabriel." Rhongomyniad merely nodded. It was a simple affair for her to create identities for both of her knights. She turned around to look at them.

"Alice, you can choose to wait for me in the Gray family manor with Sir Gabriel or you can accompany me with Sir Bradford to meet a few acquaintances." Rhongomyniad waited expectantly. She fully expected Mordred to go with her instead of simply waiting for her in the manor.

Galahad considered Bedivere's words and resolved to tell his King of his intentions to properly court Sir Mordred as soon as possible. He had assumed that this would be more like courting a landless maiden, but he realized that he was wrong. Sir Mordred was nothing less than the Princess of Camelot and thus it was only proper to meet with her father beforehand.

He nodded at his King's words and followed her, intent pouring off the Knight of the Round.

"My King, there is something I would like to ask of you!" He bowed at her feet, unaware that he shouldn't be doing so with other people around.
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The speed at which Alexander's chariot traveled was fast. Fast was an understatement to how fast but that's the only words you could come up with. After a little while, you don't even know how much time has passed, you arrived at where you can detect a part of the Sun Chariot. As you approached further, however, something happened as Alexander's chariot crashed on the ocean, you could feel mana being drained from the surroundings and from you. It is not to a level to which it will bother Gaia herself, but it is enough of a drain that you feel severely weakened.

The missing piece of the Sun Chariot, you could feel it was a kilometer or two under the sea level.

That is an understatement Sir Mordred, thought Bedivere. He only smiled at the scene in front of him while he internally prayed that everything will end well for Galahad. Bedivere know that this is just a fugue of Sir Mordred to go against her father while Galahad truly loved her but that wasn't Bedivere's concerns. Without the King's approval of this, Sir Galahad's life is standing on a thin line and Sir Mordred will only suffer in the end. This would only be a repetition to what happened with Queen Guinevere and Sir Lancelot...

He had warned them about the consequences of this. He will do so once more as the least he wished to see is for his fellow knights to suffer. The King's Will cannot be defied... They are Knights of the Round Table, they swore to serve the King.

"I must say. Sir Galahad and Sir Mordred while I am rather content that you two are happy together but you must understand that this relation cannot be maintained without the King's approval. Do not be mistaken, I will not tell Her Majesty any of this but if she were to ask me of it directly, I will have to comply. I strongly advise both of you to end it here as soon as possible before words reach the ear of the King. Sir Galahad, remember what happened to your father..." there he said it. With those words Bedivere turned around to watch from the plane's window as he felt the King stand up from her pilot seat.

As Galahad answered, you could feel the plane starting to slow down and after a few moments, you could feel the smooth landing performed by Rhongomyniad.

Rhongomyniad was already there, as you said that. Her face was impassive as always as she scrutinized you both.

"Rhongomyniad; The Lance that Shines to the Ends of the World. My Holy Lance. It is one the one with which I waged battles after battles with after the unfortunate loss of Caliburn. Galahad..." He should know this already, he participated in more than one of them, after all. Galahad is unusually being nervous and somewhat happy? Mordred who is sitting beside him is stone-faced. This is not a normal behavior, from both of them. What did they do? Is... Mordred preparing a rebellion? Rhongomyniad isn't sure how to feel about that. Why would she even be feeling something? If Mordred rebelled, she will simply put her down like... she did before. No, she will ask Bedivere first, he was here and he is one of her most loyal knights apart from Gawain himself.

As you descended from the plane, you could see a row of servants welcoming you back to Britain. The homeland, she will soon get it back from the current ruling dynasty. The Windsors. She thought of what would be her Father Uther's own thoughts about what happened and that now Britain is no longer under the rule of the Pendragon.

"Welcome, Lady Eleanor of the House Gray! Lady Alice of the House Gray and their respective escorts, Sir Bradford and Sir Gabriel." Rhongomyniad merely nodded. It was a simple affair for her to create identities for both of her knights. She turned around to look at them.

"Alice, you can choose to wait for me in the Gray family manor with Sir Gabriel or you can accompany me with Sir Bradford to meet a few acquaintances." Rhongomyniad waited expectantly. She fully expected Mordred to go with her instead of simply waiting for her in the manor.

Medea was filled with apprehension at such a beast. She immediately cast a spell to discern the situation.

Medea grimaced at this thing's size. It was setting off all kinds of red flags. If only Heracles was here for her... In the mean time she had Alexandros. She guessed that the thing might be able to detect Alexandros but not her. She would see about summoning it up to the top of the ocean before she did anything crazy though.

Medea screamed in frustration. She motioned for Iskandar to stay above sea level with his Gordius Wheel and wait for her signal. She would inform him if she needed help.

She activated both a water-breathing spell and her cloak's full power. Trying to be as silent as possible. She began to move down to the depths.

Galahad considered Bedivere's words and resolved to tell his King of his intentions to properly court Sir Mordred as soon as possible. He had assumed that this would be more like courting a landless maiden, but he realized that he was wrong. Sir Mordred was nothing less than the Princess of Camelot and thus it was only proper to meet with her father beforehand.

He nodded at his King's words and followed her, intent pouring off the Knight of the Round.

"My King, there is something I would like to ask of you!" He bowed at her feet, unaware that he shouldn't be doing so with other people around.

"I'll go with you, Father," Mordred quickly answered, but not before giving Galahad a look that clearly said, 'Don't say anything yet.'

"Doesn't look like there's anything to do here anyway," With that Mordred looked over at Galahad and said, "We'd probably get bored, and besides Galahad just wants to know more about the girl from Chaldea who he gave his power I was telling him about, you know Shieldy!"
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She activated both a water-breathing spell and her cloak's full power. Trying to be as silent as possible. She began to move down to the depths.
As you did, the pressure was getting harder and harder to resist and push against. Fortunately, the creature from what you could tell is at the range of the limits to how deep you can go. From what you could tell, you are right in front of its face and it is absolutely massive. You know why its size was shifting in your senses. It was simply breathing...

You feel that the chariot piece was inside of it. Probably deep in there.

"My King, there is something I would like to ask of you!" He bowed at her feet, unaware that he shouldn't be doing so with other people around.
Bedivere's paled. This idiot! Does he wish to die that much?! Meanwhile, Rhongomyniad merely imperceptibly raised an eyebrow. The servants beside them knew not to react as they all stood bowed and didn't even twitch at Sir Gabriel's weird behavior.
"I'll go with you, Father," Mordred quickly answered, but not before giving Galahad a look that clearly said, 'Don't say anything yet.'
Rhongomyniad was really starting to wonder what has been happening since she summoned Galahad. Bedivere right behind her sighed in relief at Sir Mordred's perfectly timed save. He directed a thumb up at Sir Mordred. Rhongomyniad decided that as soon as she finds the time for it, she will have to ask Bedivere.

"Then let us move on." as you through London on a 'simple' Chrysler 300C Limousine, you finally arrive at your destination.

The Limousine parked nearby and as you descended, right in front of the famous Clock Tower, you find a group of people waiting for you. The most notable of them is a stern woman in the front, flanked by a blond stoic man and a middle-aged man with a slight smile on his face. Behind them, there were other twelve other people of what seemed like noble upbringings, and behind those twelve people, there was what you can recognize as the main force of the Association. The Enforcers.

"We heard of your arrival. Who are you? I know of who you are. Lady Eleanor, the daughter of the former head of the Gray noble house and as far as I know, they weren't Magis but from the presence, you exhibit, you are no normal human either. I will repeat again. Who are you?" demanded the stern woman. Such insolence thought Rhongomyniad, as she fixed her with her mighty gaze and was surprised to see that she returned it.



As you did, the pressure was getting harder and harder to resist and push against. Fortunately, the creature from what you could tell is at the range of the limits to how deep you can go. From what you could tell, you are right in front of its face and it is absolutely massive. You know why its size was shifting in your senses. It was simply breathing...

You feel that the chariot piece was inside of it. Probably deep in there.
Medea decided to do something crazy and enter the whale. She teleported inside it's mouth and began her search. She did it manually for now, worried that if she cast a spell it would rouse some sort of defenses.

She drifted into it's stomach, ready to call Alexandros to use his Noble Phantasm at any moment. She was weakened with a seventh of her mana currently usable. She was depending entirely on her artifacts now.

Bedivere's paled. This idiot! Does he wish to die that much?! Meanwhile, Rhongomyniad merely imperceptibly raised an eyebrow. The servants beside them knew not to react as they all stood bowed and didn't even twitch at Sir Gabriel's weird behavior.

Rhongomyniad was really starting to wonder what has been happening since she summoned Galahad. Bedivere right behind her sighed in relief at Sir Mordred's perfectly timed save. He directed a thumb up at Sir Mordred. Rhongomyniad decided that as soon as she finds the time for it, she will have to ask Bedivere.

"Then let us move on." as you through London on a 'simple' Chrysler 300C Limousine, you finally arrive at your destination.

The Limousine parked nearby and as you descended, right in front of the famous Clock Tower, you find a group of people waiting for you. The most notable of them is a stern woman in the front, flanked by a blond stoic man and a middle-aged man with a slight smile on his face. Behind them, there were other twelve other people of what seemed like noble upbringings, and behind those twelve people, there was what you can recognize as the main force of the Association. The Enforcers.

"We heard of your arrival. Who are you? I know of who you are. Lady Eleanor, the daughter of the former head of the Gray noble house and as far as I know, they weren't Magis but from the presence, you exhibit, you are no normal human either. I will repeat again. Who are you?" demanded the stern woman. Such insolence thought Rhongomyniad, as she fixed her with her mighty gaze and was surprised to see that she returned it.



Galahad was slightly miffed at how he had been cut off there, but would respect Mordred's wishes if she did not want to tell her father yet. He still wanted to do what his father did not and make his love legitimate though. He didn't want things to end up like his father's execution had.

Galahad waited next to Sir Mordred, stoic and unmoving. Luckily none of these men or women were threats to him. He possessed immunity to modern Thaumaturgy in the form of A Rank Magic Resistance.

He followed the lead of his Princess and his King.
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As you did, the pressure was getting harder and harder to resist and push against. Fortunately, the creature from what you could tell is at the range of the limits to how deep you can go. From what you could tell, you are right in front of its face and it is absolutely massive. You know why its size was shifting in your senses. It was simply breathing...

You feel that the chariot piece was inside of it. Probably deep in there.

Bedivere's paled. This idiot! Does he wish to die that much?! Meanwhile, Rhongomyniad merely imperceptibly raised an eyebrow. The servants beside them knew not to react as they all stood bowed and didn't even twitch at Sir Gabriel's weird behavior.

Rhongomyniad was really starting to wonder what has been happening since she summoned Galahad. Bedivere right behind her sighed in relief at Sir Mordred's perfectly timed save. He directed a thumb up at Sir Mordred. Rhongomyniad decided that as soon as she finds the time for it, she will have to ask Bedivere.

"Then let us move on." as you through London on a 'simple' Chrysler 300C Limousine, you finally arrive at your destination.

The Limousine parked nearby and as you descended, right in front of the famous Clock Tower, you find a group of people waiting for you. The most notable of them is a stern woman in the front, flanked by a blond stoic man and a middle-aged man with a slight smile on his face. Behind them, there were other twelve other people of what seemed like noble upbringings, and behind those twelve people, there was what you can recognize as the main force of the Association. The Enforcers.

"We heard of your arrival. Who are you? I know of who you are. Lady Eleanor, the daughter of the former head of the Gray noble house and as far as I know, they weren't Magis but from the presence, you exhibit, you are no normal human either. I will repeat again. Who are you?" demanded the stern woman. Such insolence thought Rhongomyniad, as she fixed her with her mighty gaze and was surprised to see that she returned it.




Normally Mordred would interfere with this mess, but honestly? Father could more than handle it as she was now.

Besides, barring a few exceptions, Mother had soured her opinion on most Magi and instead she was far more interested to see how Father would respond.

Medea decided to do something crazy and enter the whale. She teleported inside it's mouth and began her search. She did it manually for now, worried that if she cast a spell it would rouse some sort of defenses.

She drifted into it's stomach, ready to call Alexandros to use his Noble Phantasm at any moment. She was weakened with a seventh of her mana currently usable. She was depending entirely on her artifacts now.

Galahad was slightly miffed at how he had been cut off there, but would respect Mordred's wishes if she did not want to tell her father yet. He still wanted to do what his father did not and make his love legitimate though. He didn't want things to end up like his father's execution had.

Galahad waited next to Sir Mordred, stoic and unmoving. Luckily none of these men or women were threats to him. He possessed immunity to modern Thaumaturgy in the form of A Rank Magic Resistance.

He followed the lead of his Princess and his King.

Galahad seemed to have gone cold on her, obviously on work mode, which slightly annoyed her since she'd actually bothered to wear a suit and tie. Alice's memories included one where she'd dressed like Gustav for Halloween, by the end of the night she'd been fighting off both boys and girls.

She wanted to see how he'd react. And she'd even taken the time to wear white gloves.

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Medea decided to do something crazy and enter the whale. She teleported inside it's mouth and began her search. She did it manually for now, worried that if she cast a spell it would rouse some sort of defenses.

She drifted into it's stomach, ready to call Alexandros to use his Noble Phantasm at any moment. She was weakened with a seventh of her mana currently usable. She was depending entirely on her artifacts now.

You found yourself in the belly of the well. You could see a distant light a few kilometers in there. As you use a simple spell to illuminate the area, you could see thousands of objects, debris, boats from the 18th century. You could even see a few Viking ships dating back from the 10th century. As you go in, you find older and older debris and items from times long past preserved from the outside. A real huge time capsule. As you go further, you could even see Sumerian ships from over 3000 BC old. This is incredible.

As you near the source of light, you saw in this dark place. You could see a slow makeshift wooden boat, there seemed to be an old man in there, slowing writing on papyrus. He seemed to be missing a leg, replaced by a makeshift wooden one. As you approach, he turns lazily to you, although as he saw you, his eyes seemed to brighten.

"Ah! Who do we 'ave here? A young wee-lost wench? It has been centuries since I last got a visitor, he's dead jus' thar. I scuttled 'im aft he tried t' scuttle me in me sleep. Sink me, sorry fer me impoliteness. I be th' former whalin' cap'n Ahab. Who're ye?" He gave you a quite toothy smile as he took a drag of his cigar.

He followed the lead of his Princess and his King.
Besides, barring a few exceptions, Mother had soured her opinion on most Magi and instead she was far more interested to see how Father would respond.

"That is none of your concern. You will listen and obey. A threat is currently approaching, the Umbral Star, Velber. It will harvest this world and exterminate all life upon it. I and my companions are gathering all the forces of the world to stop it. I am sure you heard of the recent collapse of Canada or the attack on New York City. The Heralds are only the beginning. We are Heroic Spirits, Agents of The World, Gaia and the Collective Will of Humanity, Alaya." Rhongmyniad willed her armor to her, a flag appeared in her hand as she easily planted it on the concrete ground, Camelot's flag. Her intense gaze and presence overwhelmed the area itself, as apart from the three leaders of the Mage's Association all kneeled or passed out from the sheer pressure exhibited by her.

She knew what she just did, will bring forth the wrath of Alaya. And she received it almost immediately.




Then Alaya's pressure was shown to the world as Rhongomyniad felt the weight of all of Humanity on her shoulders. It was absolutely immense, she barely resisted it as the area around her formed a small crater of five meters around her. It was quite impressive as the crater seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. It took a few seconds for the sound to catch up as there was the boom of an immense explosion, that destroyed all nearby windows in a diameter of two kilometers. Rhongomyniad was still standing, in the middle of the crater, her flag was twisted and destroyed beyond recognition and so she simply dismissed it. For an outside observer or for Bedivere and Galahad. This was just the all-out pressure of Rhongomyniad but Mordred knows. Rhongomyniad's plan worked as expected. The Association will, of course, be upset at being forced to comply but Rhongomyniad hardly cared.

Rhongomyniad just broke one of their directives given by Alaya and so she received the punishment for it. All Heroic Spirits felt it. And Mordred knows that it wasn't her Father but Alaya itself that displayed such a pressure that even outmatched her Father's. She also knew that her Father was barely standing and if she continued any longer, she'll collapse. Mordred could see the flickering of Rhongomyniad's energy and the slight twitch of her legs, that were all unnoticeable to someone who wasn't a Heroic Spirit.

All of the three leader's retinue was collapsed while the three leaders themselves were kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily. There was anger, fear, and hate as the stern woman nodded.

"We will comply." Barthomeloi wasn't an idiot, and she could recognize something that even all of the Association together couldn't beat and so she had nothing to say more than to comply.

Bedivere was stunned to silence as he contemplated the pressure of his King. Her weight upon the world was almost impossible to describe. It took him a few seconds to realize the Magi woman spoke and accepted his King's offer as expected. She would have been wishing for death, otherwise.

"Sir Bradford and Sir Gabriel. Go and explore this city. You have the day free."

Rhongomyniad didn't even bother nodding as she walked back to her limousine, who's windows was destroyed, she seated herself in the driver's seat and returned to her Manor with Mordred. As she was driving back, away enough from the Clock Tower, Rhongomyniad finally passed out while driving! Mordred needed to act quickly or they'll crash into heavy traffic.


You are wearing the suit given to you by Lancer. She has expected you to look the part of someone of her entourage ans she wouldn't accept anything less from you. It is a nice suit.

You have a few hundred millions of Yen with you which were graciously given to you by Lancer. Her treasury knows no bound. You have the choice to go directly to Fuyuki City. You don't actually know where to start and the city that jumped at you in your mind is Fuyuki City. You also have a special phone number, Lancer's agents are a bit everywhere. You could get mercenaries, assassins, just with a simple phone call to help you in your endeavors. The man in the other line, always answer immediately and he has a deep professional voice. He refers to you as Mr.Hayabusa, each time.
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You found yourself in the belly of the well. You could see a distant light a few kilometers in there. As you use a simple spell to illuminate the area, you could see thousands of objects, debris, boats from the 18th century. You could even see a few Viking ships dating back from the 10th century. As you go in, you find older and older debris and items from times long past preserved from the outside. A real huge time capsule. As you go further, you could even see Sumerian ships from over 3000 BC old. This is incredible.

As you near the source of light, you saw in this dark place. You could see a slow makeshift wooden boat, there seemed to be an old man in there, slowing writing on papyrus. He seemed to be missing a leg, replaced by a makeshift wooden one. As you approach, he turns lazily to you, although as he saw you, his eyes seemed to brighten.

"Ah! Who do we 'ave here? A young wee-lost wench? It has been centuries since I last got a visitor, he's dead jus' thar. I scuttled 'im aft he tried t' scuttle me in me sleep. Sink me, sorry fer me impoliteness. I be th' former whalin' cap'n Ahab. Who are you?" He gave you a quite toothy smile as he took a drag of his cigar.
Medea sighed. This man was quite the character.

"I'm looking for a piece of my Chariot. It should be a shining gold and older than almost everything else here. Save for the Sumerian Pieces."

Medea looked abroad, Reinforcing her eyes as she looked. "If you help me, I'd be willing to help you escape."
Bedivere was stunned to silence as he contemplated the pressure of his King. Her weight upon the world was almost impossible to describe. It took him a few seconds to realize the Magi woman spoke and accepted his King's offer as expected. She would have been wishing for death, otherwise.

"Sir Bradford and Sir Gabriel. Go and explore this city. You have the day free."

Rhongomyniad didn't even bother nodding as she walked back to her limousine, who's windows was destroyed, she seated herself in the driver's seat and returned to her Manor with Mordred. As she was driving back, away enough from the Clock Tower, Rhongomyniad finally passed out while driving! Mordred needed to act quickly or they'll crash into heavy traffic.
Galahad sighed. Something had gone on there, he could tell. But his Master was not being forthcoming. He could tell it was going to be a theme of their relationship.

"Sir Be...Bradford. You have been in this era longer than I have. What does one do for entertainment?"
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You found yourself in the belly of the well. You could see a distant light a few kilometers in there. As you use a simple spell to illuminate the area, you could see thousands of objects, debris, boats from the 18th century. You could even see a few Viking ships dating back from the 10th century. As you go in, you find older and older debris and items from times long past preserved from the outside. A real huge time capsule. As you go further, you could even see Sumerian ships from over 3000 BC old. This is incredible.

As you near the source of light, you saw in this dark place. You could see a slow makeshift wooden boat, there seemed to be an old man in there, slowing writing on papyrus. He seemed to be missing a leg, replaced by a makeshift wooden one. As you approach, he turns lazily to you, although as he saw you, his eyes seemed to brighten.

"Ah! Who do we 'ave here? A young wee-lost wench? It has been centuries since I last got a visitor, he's dead jus' thar. I scuttled 'im aft he tried t' scuttle me in me sleep. Sink me, sorry fer me impoliteness. I be th' former whalin' cap'n Ahab. Who're ye?" He gave you a quite toothy smile as he took a drag of his cigar.

"That is none of your concern. You will listen and obey. A threat is currently approaching, the Umbral Star, Velber. It will harvest this world and exterminate all life upon it. I and my companions are gathering all the forces of the world to stop it. I am sure you heard of the recent collapse of Canada or the attack on New York City. The Heralds are only the beginning. We are Heroic Spirits, Agents of The World, Gaia and the Collective Will of Humanity, Alaya." Rhongmyniad willed her armor to her, a flag appeared in her hand as she easily planted it on the concrete ground, Camelot's flag. Her intense gaze and presence overwhelmed the area itself, as apart from the three leaders of the Mage's Association all kneeled or passed out from the sheer pressure exhibited by her.

She knew what she just did, will bring forth the wrath of Alaya. And she received it almost immediately.




Then Alaya's pressure was shown to the world as Rhongomyniad felt the weight of all of Humanity on her shoulders. It was absolutely immense, she barely resisted it as the area around her formed a small crater of five meters around her. It was quite impressive as the crater seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. It took a few seconds for the sound to catch up as there was the boom of an immense explosion, that destroyed all nearby windows in a diameter of two kilometers. Rhongomyniad was still standing, in the middle of the crater, her flag was twisted and destroyed beyond recognition and so she simply dismissed it. For an outside observer or for Bedivere and Galahad. This was just the all-out pressure of Rhongomyniad but Mordred knows. Rhongomyniad's plan worked as expected. The Association will, of course, be upset at being forced to comply but Rhongomyniad hardly cared.

Rhongomyniad just broke one of their directives given by Alaya and so she received the punishment for it. All Heroic Spirits felt it. And Mordred knows that it wasn't her Father but Alaya itself that displayed such a pressure that even outmatched her Father's. She also knew that her Father was barely standing and if she continued any longer, she'll collapse. Mordred could see the flickering of Rhongomyniad's energy and the slight twitch of her legs, that were all unnoticeable to someone who wasn't a Heroic Spirit.

All of the three leader's retinue was collapsed while the three leaders themselves were kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily. There was anger, fear, and hate as the stern woman nodded.

"We will comply." Barthomeloi wasn't an idiot, and she could recognize something that even all of the Association together couldn't beat and so she had nothing to say more than to comply.

Bedivere was stunned to silence as he contemplated the pressure of his King. Her weight upon the world was almost impossible to describe. It took him a few seconds to realize the Magi woman spoke and accepted his King's offer as expected. She would have been wishing for death, otherwise.

"Sir Bradford and Sir Gabriel. Go and explore this city. You have the day free."

Rhongomyniad didn't even bother nodding as she walked back to her limousine, who's windows was destroyed, she seated herself in the driver's seat and returned to her Manor with Mordred. As she was driving back, away enough from the Clock Tower, Rhongomyniad finally passed out while driving! Mordred needed to act quickly or they'll crash into heavy traffic.


You are wearing the suit given to you by Lancer. She has expected you to look the part of someone of her entourage ans she wouldn't accept anything less from you. It is a nice suit.

You have a few hundred millions of Yen with you which were graciously given to you by Lancer. Her treasury knows no bound. You have the choice to go directly to Fuyuki City. You don't actually know where to start and the city that jumped at you in your mind is Fuyuki City. You also have a special phone number, Lancer's agents are a bit everywhere. You could get mercenaries, assassins, just with a simple phone call to help you in your endeavors. The man in the other line, always answer immediately and he has a deep professional voice. He refers to you as Mr.Hayabusa, each time.

Responding quickly, Mordred took control over the steering wheel and having to wrestle against her father's limp body blocking her from the controls, she was able to park the limo on a nearby street.

"You're a real idiot, Father." She spared one last look at her father and got out of the limo. Father was likely going to be out for a while, so she went to the other side, pushed Father out of the driving seat, and got in.

After getting back to the mansion, Mordred stuck her head out the window, "Little help here? Eleanor's out like a light!"

After helping the servants carry her father back to her room, Mordred decided to go get something to eat from the kitchens and wait for Galahad's return.
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Medea sighed. This man was quite the character.

"I'm looking for a piece of my Chariot. It should be a shining gold and older than almost everything else here. Save for the Sumerian Pieces."

Medea looked abroad, Reinforcing her eyes as she looked. "If you help me, I'd be willing to help you escape."
"Escape?! Ahahahahahahaha! That's a good'un! Ye can nah escape! I dunno how ye got in here but ye can nah escape once ye board. I noticed yer clothin', ye're a magi, right? I heard o' scallywags like ye from some books I found here. Moby Dick drain all mana in th' air. Ye prolly know that since ye somehow got in but these 'walls' ye see here. Don't allow mana t' escape. At all! Ahahahahahahaha!" You realize what he is saying. You cannot simply teleport out of here... You noticed how the density of Mana in the air here is much more important than outside. Its almost oppressive. This is the weight of Mana collected since the dawn of Man...

"Do ye reckon ye're th' first Magi here? Thar was many, many afore ye! They be all dead! Once ye're inside Moby Dick, ye will nah age, ye will nah feel hunger 'n that's all thar be t' it! Ye'll jus' 'ave t' spend eternity, here now! Last time, Moby Dick was awake, he made swallowed ships whole 'n I be its last victim t' date. Ahoy t' th' ship, wench. Ahahahahahahahaha!" Ahab couldn't help but find this funny. This poor girl just got herself trapped here, thinking she can simply walk out of here when even the Sumerian Magis couldn't! This is... he just couldn't help himself, he burst out a full-belly laugh. He had been here for many years here now, he didn't know how much but it felt like an eternity. He scavenged here, found many treasures and books from which he read marvels lost to history forever. He didn't have anything to do, so he wrote a book detailing his research, his life before and after Moby Dick swallowed him. Hopefully, then, the next victim who'll kill him will read this. So that he isn't forgotten.

The little wench brought the possibility of escaping. That's such a funny thought he had in the early years, he spent here until he realized he couldn't escape and so he resigned himself. It could be good, however, to return to the outside world and see how much things have changed and perhaps get his revenge on Moby Dick.

"Sir Be...Bradford. You have been in this era longer than I have. What does one do for entertainment?"
After helping the servants carry her father back to her room, Mordred decided to go get something to eat from the kitchens and wait for Galahad's return.
Bedivere shook his head, even if her Majesty ordered him to take this day as free time and go enjoy himself, he'll do his duty as a knight and protect her. And so he started walking back to the Gray Manor.

"I apologize, Sir Galahad but I prefer to stay by my King's side, no matter what. You can go and take the day. I can protect both Sir Mordred and the King during your temporary absence." said Bedivere. Regardless of whenever or not Sir Galahad came with him, he entered the manor and found Sir Mordred quickly as the servants directed him to her.

"Sir Mordred. Where is the King?" he asked worriedly. The King rarely went on her own without a retinue or an escort.
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Bedivere shook his head, even if her Majesty ordered him to take this day as free time and go enjoy himself, he'll do his duty as a knight and protect her. And so he started walking back to the Gray Manor.

"I apologize, Sir Galahad but I prefer to stay by my King's side, no matter what. You can go and take the day. I can protect both Sir Mordred and the King during your temporary absence." said Bedivere. Regardless of whenever or not Sir Galahad came with him, he entered the manor and found Sir Mordred quickly as the servants directed him to her.

"Sir Mordred. Where is the King?" he asked worriedly. The King rarely went on her own without a retinue or an escort.
Responding quickly, Mordred took control over the steering wheel and having to wrestle against her father's limp body blocking her from the controls, she was able to park the limo on a nearby street.

"You're a real idiot, Father." She spared one last look at her father and got out of the limo. Father was likely going to be out for a while, so she went to the other side, pushed Father out of the driving seat, and got in.

After getting back to the mansion, Mordred stuck her head out the window, "Little help here? Eleanor's out like a light!"

After helping the servants carry her father back to her room, Mordred decided to go get something to eat from the kitchens and wait for Galahad's return.
Wondering why everyone was back already, Galahad followed. He let Bedivere tend to his charge while he approached Mordred.

"Sir Mordred, are you alright?" Galahad approached her in the kitchen. Galahad was still dressed up in his suit but had his sword at his side. He was genuinely concerned and it showed.

"You look dashing in your suit by the way."
"Escape?! Ahahahahahahaha! That's a good'un! Ye can nah escape! I dunno how ye got in here but ye can nah escape once ye board. I noticed yer clothin', ye're a magi, right? I heard o' scallywags like ye from some books I found here. Moby Dick drain all mana in th' air. Ye prolly know that since ye somehow got in but these 'walls' ye see here. Don't allow mana t' escape. At all! Ahahahahahahaha!" You realize what he is saying. You cannot simply teleport out of here... You noticed how the density of Mana in the air here is much more important than outside. Its almost oppressive. This is the weight of Mana collected since the dawn of Man...

"Do ye reckon ye're th' first Magi here? Thar was many, many afore ye! They be all dead! Once ye're inside Moby Dick, ye will nah age, ye will nah feel hunger 'n that's all thar be t' it! Ye'll jus' 'ave t' spend eternity, here now! Last time, Moby Dick was awake, he made swallowed ships whole 'n I be its last victim t' date. Ahoy t' th' ship, wench. Ahahahahahahahaha!" Ahab couldn't help but find this funny. This poor girl just got herself trapped here, thinking she can simply walk out of here when even the Sumerian Magis couldn't! This is... he just couldn't help himself, he burst out a full-belly laugh. He had been here for many years here now, he didn't know how much but it felt like an eternity. He scavenged here, found many treasures and books from which he read marvels lost to history forever. He didn't have anything to do, so he wrote a book detailing his research, his life before and after Moby Dick swallowed him. Hopefully, then, the next victim who'll kill him will read this. So that he isn't forgotten.

The little wench brought the possibility of escaping. That's such a funny thought he had in the early years, he spent here until he realized he couldn't escape and so he resigned himself. It could be good, however, to return to the outside world and see how much things have changed and perhaps get his revenge on Moby Dick.
Medea didn't seem too worried. If he had to bet, that Sumerian mage had been terribly uncreative. There was so much to work with here! But for now she repeated her question to the seafaring capting.

"Have you seen a piece of my Chariot? I'll trade some decent food for it's location. I'd like to know before I start using all this material to pierce the whale's hide."
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