American Pie - An ISOT Quest

American Pie - An ISOT Quest
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This will be my first quest on here. Give me a chance and maybe we can have something fun. I'll be done with the semester on the 6th and I'll be ready to dedicate myself to this.
Part 01:
American Pie

A Quest by NachoRaj

Across the breadth of time and space, an Alien Space Bat eyed the tiny blue marble, the planet earth. Many other Alien Space Bats throughout the multiverse had used their powers to intervene in the infinite universes that stretched the breadth of the multiverse. Some created worlds unrecognizable to our own. Some of these worlds would change but be familiar to our own despite the bats intervention. Robbie the Bat eyed the Earth and wanted to make a change in history.

"What are you doing son?" Robbie's Father asked him.

"Taking a modern state and sending it back in time would shake things up a lot." he thought to himself.

"Son?" His dad asked while the Bat looked at the globe with a death stare.

"I'm looking to do an ISOT." Robbie said.

Robbie had an interest in the United States of America. The country born of the American Revolution, tested in the fires of a brutal civil war and forged through two world wars becoming the world superpower. He eyed the map at the different states in the union along with the different towns and cities that made the United States unique. How would he reshape American History?

Robbie came up with a few different scenarios on how to change history. The scenarios seemed random to him but he wondered how things would turn out once he finally made the change in history and moved one of these areas back in time, or maybe even forward in time?

"I have a few scenarios dad." Robbie said.

Robbie's dad smiled as he looked at the scenarios for the ISOTs.

The scenarios were the following.

Guns of 1812

[] The State of Maryland, May 30th​ 2012 to May 30th​ 1812 in its current location

Mothman's Vengeance

[] The State of West Virginia, December 15th​ 2017 to 1967 December 15th​ 1967

Back to the Future?

[] Petaluma, California, October 25th​ 1985 to November 5th​, 1955

Chattanooga Choo Choo

[] The City of Chattanooga along with Hamilton and Marion county Tennessee, Tennessee July 21st​ 1991 to July 21st​ 1941

Hawaii Five-0

[] The State of Hawaii, August 21st​ 2009 to August 21st​ 1959

Marching Through Georgia

[] The State of Georgia, November 15th​ 2014 to November 15th​ 1864

"Why are they all American focused? I will give you credit, they are all unique scenarios. Whichever you end up picking I'll support you."

Robbie smiled while he flapped his wings over the United States and made his choice.
[X] The State of Maryland, May 30th​ 2012 to May 30th​ 1812 in its current location
[X] The City of Chattanooga along with Hamilton and Marion county Tennessee, Tennessee July 21st​ 1991 to July 21st​ 1941
[X] The State of Maryland, May 30th​ 2012 to May 30th​ 1812 in its current location
Part 02:


Maryland, May 30th 2012


Chaos reigned supreme in Maryland in the first few minutes after the ISOT. The internet was cut, all connections to the "outside" were gone. Several planes entering Maryland airspace were cut in half, along with automobiles and any other vehicle trying to enter Maryland. A fishing vessel from Virginia entering Maryland's waters in the Chesapeake was cut in two with losing the stern and quickly plunging to the bottom before the coast guard could respond.

Commuters trying to enter Washington DC were met with a primitive 1800s town that was actively being built. Timber was being hauled by horse and carriage to different areas to construct the town. Bewildered citizens on the Washington DC side looked in awe at the city scape on the Maryland side, and the Marylanders looked in horror at the other side with no civilization. Sirens wailed as first responders tried to assist the wounded along Maryland Route 201 at the DC border.

Washington DC, May 30th​ 1812

Washington City​

A group of men on horseback coming from the Marine Barracks in the city of Washington alerted by what was transpiring came to see what was going on. Along with a rag tag militia of Washington citizens armed with muskets they all looked at the scene before them. No one said a word in the first few minutes.

"I am Franklin Wharton, commandant of the United States Marine Corps. My men and I have assembled here under these extraordinary circumstances along with militia men of the city of Washington. If it is possible, we would like to speak to governor Bowie of Maryland. Such a learned man as himself possibly could explain what divine providence had brought upon the state of Maryland . . ."

One of the Police officers at the scene stood there and shook his head.

"Look buddy, I don't know what's going on but your reenactment bit isn't helping. Go back to wherever you came from."

More police came to the scene where the ground appeared to have sear marks in it. The pavement had turned into molten asphalt where the road was in-between it and the dirt road into what people began to say was Washington. Some said they could see the White House in the distance. It looked quite different from the White house people were familiar with.

Baltimore, May 30th​ 1812

Governor's Mansion

A few hours into the Wharton standoff​

Governor O'Malley was having a bad day. Phones were ringing off the hook, cars were piled up outside as people demanded to know what in god's name was going on. Maryland's National Guard was on high alert. So far the governor had grounded all planes in Maryland's airspace and was considering triggering continuity of government since all contact with the outside had been lost.

Or had it been lost? Old timey sailing ships had been seen attempting to dock in Maryland ports flying a 15 star flag. The coast guard had even intercepted a British vessel. The vessel futilely attempted firing on the coast guard frigate flying the stars and stripes but failed after the cannonball slipped off the side of the ship.

All British sailors on the ship were captured and the vessel was brought ashore. Appearently the British were continuing the policy of impressment which had been going on for quite some time now. The governor had also been officially informed of the time and date along with a standoff at the DC border. Cops were pointing their guns at the Marine commander Wharton and riot police from Bladensburg were on the move into DC along Route 1 Alternate.

As governor you are presented with the following choices to calm the situation. What do you do?

[] Make contact with President Madison and explain the situation peacefully. Begin the proper chain of command for continuity of government while working with the downtimers to secure resources for Maryland in the long term.

[] Do not make contact with President Madison yet, deal with the immediate situation at hand and shut the borders down. Forcefully close the borders for the time being while stabilizing Maryland.

[] Have a full on panic attack, do nothing and let the situation unfold. Doing so will cause violence with the downtimers and cause distrust with these future Marylanders.

[] Something else? If you have an idea comment it and others can reply to it with a +1 if they want that idea.
[X] Make contact with President Madison and explain the situation peacefully. Begin the proper chain of command for continuity of government while working with the downtimers to secure resources for Maryland in the long term.
[X] Make contact with President Madison and explain the situation peacefully. Begin the proper chain of command for continuity of government while working with the downtimers to secure resources for Maryland in the long term.
[X] Make contact with President Madison and explain the situation peacefully. Begin the proper chain of command for continuity of government while working with the downtimers to secure resources for Maryland in the long term.

I like the thought of communicating and trying to gather knowledge more then sitting on ones hands.
[X] Have a full on panic attack, do nothing and let the situation unfold. Doing so will cause violence with the downtimers and cause distrust with these future Marylanders.

Oh yeah babes, let's go.
[X] Make contact with President Madison and explain the situation peacefully. Begin the proper chain of command for continuity of government while working with the downtimers to secure resources for Maryland in the long term.

I am sad we didn't do Georgia, that would have been a pretty big move, since a large part of the South just turned hyper liberal (for the time) and no longer has slavery.
[X] Make contact with President Madison and explain the situation peacefully. Begin the proper chain of command for continuity of government while working with the downtimers to secure resources for Maryland in the long term.
Funny, theres about as many people in Maryland as exist in the US total in 1812
Uh oh. There might be a famine and…

Oh dear there may be some conflict from the uptimmers and the southern…

Racist slavers.

All I will say is this.

John Brown did nothing wrong!
Uh oh. There might be a famine and…

Oh dear there may be some conflict from the uptimmers and the southern…

Racist slavers.

All I will say is this.

John Brown did nothing wrong!
Its 1812, most of the slave power is still closer to weak than the strength it will soon garner, and with the industrialization that Maryland will spread it probably won't really keep hold.

As for famine, i think its possible for Maryland to avoid one thats TO bad, they have the ability to become self sufficient, but they probably won't be able to do so fast enough to avoid a lot of death. Unfortunately.
Its 1812, most of the slave power is still closer to weak than the strength it will soon garner, and with the industrialization that Maryland will spread it probably won't really keep hold.

As for famine, i think its possible for Maryland to avoid one thats TO bad, they have the ability to become self sufficient, but they probably won't be able to do so fast enough to avoid a lot of death. Unfortunately.
I'm still worried that this famine will be bad.

And by bad I mean really bad.