All Level, No Experience (Worm/Pathfinder Amnesia Quest)

Could we just ask Eidolon to help us out with opening remaining Nether Scrolls? :thonk:

Even if he can't do it, it would be interesting which power he gets.
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I think it's looking fine.
[X] No, nothing else to add to it.
Could we just ask Eidolon to help us out with opening remaining Nether Scrolls? :thonk:

Even if he can't do it, it would be interesting which power he gets.

He probably couldn't help. The Nether Scrolls are serious business, they aren't going to lose to some puny continent-sized supercomputer, especially not one so poorly designed it is barely even sentient with all that processing power.
It would, however, probably result in the Shards becoming absurdly obsessed with the Scrolls.
He probably couldn't help. The Nether Scrolls are serious business, they aren't going to lose to some puny continent-sized supercomputer, especially not one so poorly designed it is barely even sentient with all that processing power.
It would, however, probably result in the Shards becoming absurdly obsessed with the Scrolls.
I mean, note, Eidolon is hooked up to basically all of Eden's powers at once.
So? Said powers are still much too collectively stupid to have a chance of opening the Scrolls.
If there's one thing Entities are specced for, it's analysis. People like talking about how they're stupid, and in some ways they are, but in a lot of ways they aren't. PtV might have a chance at opening the Scrolls, given its explicitly meant to deal with outside context problems.
Thing is, the Nether Scrolls were designed specifically with the intent to be indecipherable. Anything using predicatable, brute-force techniques is never going to make any headway, and Shards are deliberately shackeld to be incapable of thinking outside the box. Plus, arbitrary immunity to anything qualifying as divination or precognition, enforced by deity-tier magic.

PtV won't get anywhere, because it's first, last, and only tool is ultimately pure brute force Divination. If the best seers of the world never got anything out of those last scrolls, I sincerely doubt it will.
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He probably couldn't help. The Nether Scrolls are serious business, they aren't going to lose to some puny continent-sized supercomputer, especially not one so poorly designed it is barely even sentient with all that processing power.
It would, however, probably result in the Shards becoming absurdly obsessed with the Scrolls.
Worm powers are OCP, which is why broken interactions can raise to be. It is these gaps between systems that we need to look for and exploit to get to our endgoal of becoming multiversal ruler. Going "but muh divine magic" is just ignorant.
Thing is, the Nether Scrolls were designed specifically with the intent to be indecipherable.
Given that we are at 4/5 right now, they appear to be pretty cipherable.
Plus, arbitrary immunity to anything qualifying as divination or precognition, enforced by deity-tier magic.

PtV won't get anywhere, because it's first, last, and only tool is ultimately pure brute force Divination. If the best seers of the world never got anything out of those last scrolls, I sincerely doubt it will.
The thing is, PF Divination is kinda ass. Even standard high tier Worm stuff is generally better, and PtV especially is perfect effect in the same way Sting is perfect piercing effect when it comes overcoming anti thinker defenses. Of course, getting Eidolon to try to do it is vastly easier and safer than dealing with Contessa, and Eidolon himself is by no means limited to Thinker powers.

It is not guaranteed to work, but we can try and IC it moves our goal to unlocking the scrolls. Ability to craft Artifacts is just too good to ignore.
That is indeed the other possibility. However as Flash of Omniscience functions as divination and scrolls are divination proof, there is a chance that FoO won't work. We should still give it a shot, of course.
Though. Which Xiomorn Ascension perk do we think is the most useless ("useless") to give up for that?
We don't need to give up anything. You get both Ascension perks, Path abilities and whatever current mythic tier gives you(so ability score improvement and improved surge for 4th Rank). Also Mythic Spells as we get two per tier since we took Mythic Spellcasting twice.
Yep! It's a pretty powerful thing overall! Which is part of why even as a 10th Level Ritual (where rituals are massively harder to do, easier to disrupt, but also more powerful than an equally leveled spell) it takes eight steadily more expensive castings to actually do what it was meant to do. Because except for the very few things that outright exclude eachother (you cannot simultaneously be a biped and a quadruped, for one) the ritual generally adds on top of what's already present.
So that's fun to see y'all've noticed that, at least in part. I just wonder when the implications will settle in : ) .

you can't recognize any technological principles you are aware of either- it is either catastrophically more advanced than you, or some other thing.
Hm, that ship has long sailed for us, but when will it become a problem instead?
Especially since shard powers are apparently technology and all, and Iluontar prepped all of the Wail of the Banshee spells when coming in.

Does Worm have any Hyperbolic Time Chambers?

Or could we Dominate Person + Time Stop + some form of memory erasure to Coil to get him to use his powers on our behalf to figure out the ritual's effects/have extra Mythic power charges for Flash Of Omniscience question asking?
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Hm, that ship has long sailed for us, but when will it become a problem instead?
Especially since shard powers are apparently technology and all, and Iluontar prepped all of the Wail of the Banshee spells when coming in.

Does Worm have any Hyperbolic Time Chambers?

Or could we Dominate Person + Time Stop + some form of memory erasure to Coil to get him to use his powers on our behalf to figure out the ritual's effects/have extra Mythic power charges for Flash Of Omniscience question asking?

I would not oppose mind controlling coil to see how his powers interact with us.

Maybe we can build things to deal with means to detect us with technology or smt.
How much GP/time does it take to craft a item with Time Stop usable, and how long does said item take to recharge?
Can said item recharge within timestop, and does this answer change if it's Mythic Time Stop imbued instead?
Was thinking of slowly building up to having eternal Time Stop for crafting purposes and all.

Speaking of Optimizations, how long does 1 Ambrosia take to Blood Money or something? Because if it doesn't take too long it might be worth just making 1 every day or so, then using it to recharge our Mythic Power stores and then use said stores to refresh spells faster.

As for Nether Scrolls, we need a Key, but didn't Taylor brute force a Dimensional Key through Thinkers (that failed, tbf) when things were really going down?
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How much GP/time does it take to craft a item with Time Stop usable, and how long does said item take to recharge?
It depends, there's formulas and such for this, so it would vary by the specifics by a lot.
Can said item recharge within timestop
Not within its own, at least.
does this answer change if it's Mythic Time Stop imbued instead?
It becomes an entirely invalid question, at the moment, since you can't put the mythic version of a spell into an item.
Speaking of Optimizations, how long does 1 Ambrosia take to Blood Money or something?
You can't. None of the things available through Transfiguring Touch are suitable for the creation of Ambrosia.
As for Nether Scrolls, we need a Key, but didn't Taylor brute force a Dimensional Key through Thinkers (that failed, tbf) when things were really going down?
It was never said that it was a dimensional key or anything like it for the Nether Scrolls.

Not specifically at you, but in general; Quite a few people seem to think the Nether Scrolls are like, physically locked or something. They aren't, unless you decide to put them in a special container to do so.

It's not a literal key, it's a 'Key to', and specifically it's only the Ars Factum chapter of the Nether Scrolls you don't have or know what the key is in order to read them. Any of the other Nether Scrolls, you could pull them out to review or something any time you'd like. For the Ars Factum chapter, and that chapter specifically, the thing with them is that while the scrolls themselves are entirely able to be taken out and looked at- they just plain don't have any text on them. While the other scrolls have this thing where you read the one scroll-page's worth of information, then the words and such on it shift around to form the next one, and so on: The Ars Factum chapter just doesn't have the text on it at all.

Well, until you eventually figure out what it is, that is. Which I can assure you, I do have it written down what it is- and in fact, even though you don't know what it is, two hints: You already have what you need to discover it, and it will require patience.

Anyhow, finally out from a class I hadn't realized I had tonight, and thankfully now know for sure the schedule of, so I'm going to get ahead on writing the chapter and keeping a free eye on the thread, if I am required.
Not within its own, at least.
Hm, what about within other (otherwise identical) items?
Was thinking of making Crafting Time a also abstractable-away resource (and GPs via Blood Money for most things), but I'm not sure if that is possible with Enough Items (with Time Stop imbued).

You already have what you need to discover it, and it will require patience
I wonder if the solution is just to literally stare at the thing until the appropriate (celestial object) conditions are met and the text comes out?
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I'll just give this simpler one since Ilu would definitely have realized it given his skills and Skills: Time Stop in a Timeless Demi-Plane.

Either effectively infininte time, or at even a harsher reading where you assume a Time Stop's "True"/Real Time (Non-Apparent) duration is say, 1 millisecond Real Time with the 1d4+1 determining to what factor you speed up within that "True" duration, it still gives you somewhere between 12000x to 30000x more time depending on how you roll. So like, at worst, you get 20 hours per round until you leave the Demi-Plane, at best you get just over 2 days per round.

Although, specifically working within a Time Stop could present its own issues. We'll see if we get there.
Well, we could just Mythic Time Stop if the standard one is a issue lol.
Pretty great to have a character (and QM) that can munchkin and fill holes in your plans for you, isn't it?

Does it fall under the same umbrella, or can we just get our ritual done in the Time Stop?
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Mythic Time Stop is largely the same as standard Time Stop, with currently the only difference being that we can take other people in our Time Stop. As for Timeless Plane, we would need to either get Greater Demiplane(which can't be done by Wish) or creating an item that makes plane timeless(which is honestly much easier) to get our infinite time exploit. However now that we know about this, we have a goal to work towards.

Regarding Scrolls, we could always try recreating Quess'Ar'Theranthvar, since it's version of Ars Factum is readable(or hearable, as it were). Or making our own version of it, at least. Or just keep trying stuff until something works /shrug
Has Iluontar ever tried writing on the scrolls before? I'm wondering if you need to brute force the characters on the scroll before the correct one sticks or something.

That, or maybe the previous scrolls serve as a combined introduction to the last set and should be interpreted accordingly?

Or Iluontar can try to figure out the Scroll's creators inclinations/Scroll creation process and reverse engineer accordingly?
It could be any number of clever things, from "listen to vibration of scroll bathed in song of whales" to "read the scrolls in the twilight of eight day after miracle occurred" to "write on scroll using seven secret materials while doing tai chi on fifth plane from Plane of Fire". What's worse that the solution might be time locked i.e. "leave scroll in true sunlight for ten years" or event locked i.e. "follow infrared radiation of scroll on the day a empire falls", which are naturally much harder to include into testing.

When dealing with things like this is best to either circumvent the lock, or just defer to Iluontar for additional insights. Our current clue is that we can do it with our current abilities and patience, but that also describes about 99.99% of things that are possible under laws of physics so..