All Level, No Experience (Worm/Pathfinder Amnesia Quest)

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Right then, I'm finally deciding to take a plunge and run a quest. I've got experience as a GM and a solid familiarity with both Pathfinder and a fair amount with Worm. Here's the gist; You happen to be quite the powerful Pathfinder character, with adventure experience aplenty and a good few legendary acheivements under your belt. Now, you've arrived to Earth Bet, for your own grand reasons.

Now if only you could actually remember what you've even packed, let alone what any of those were.

Well, I'm sure you'll figure it out on the way. On the way where? How should I know, you're the ones doing the driving. I know you don't have the license for this. That's the fun part.
ALNE - 1.0
Suddenly, you are conscious and aware of the fact that you are standing in a small clearing in some sort of wooded area, yet despite it being the dead of night you can see your immediate surroundings just fine. You know that being conscious in and of itself isn't weird, but that your particularly attentive awareness of it at this moment, to this particular degree, is in fact weird, but you can't point to anything in particular as to why. Namely because you seem to lack any particular defining memories, including how you got to this particular place, time, and moment. Oh sure, you haven't forgotten how to walk, and you're certain that all of your hard-earned capabilities are still there.

The main problem is just remembering what they are in the first place and how to actually use them. That's a bit of an issue when your entire mental space feels like it's been very suddenly and very thoroughly split apart. Not painfully like shattered glass or anything, more like an absolute bastard of a jigsaw puzzle that's been scrambled, and you can't even tell which pieces are the edge pieces, let alone corner pieces. Heck, you can't even remember off the top of your head what you're wearing, or any particular reasons as to why you'd be wearing these specifically beyond the (thankfully still obvious) social and temperature reasons to do so.

Still, there are some immediate hints available to you as to just who you are, as simple as looking slightly to the right and immediately noticing -

[ ] [Character] Your fairly normal if noticeably un-muscled human arm, visible by dint of rolled-up sleeves, leading down to a bracelet of black feathers on the wrist, and on the back of your hand is a line art tattoo of an arm and hand holding a staff.

- For some reason you have a bone-deep certainty that the depicted staff is made of willow-wood. The tattoo wars for your attention with what you're holding by the crook, which by the feelings in your chest, is something that is at once both deeply cherished and humbling, yet nothing more than a plain walking stick. You can feel your left hand idly fiddle with the wallet chain hanging between your belt and pocket. There is a humble cloth sack, identical to what might be used for potatoes, on the ground by your feet.

[ ] [Character] Your blatantly non-human and clawed hands poking out from long royal purple sleeves, the upper pair's right hand holding what appears to be a baton of dull grey metal, while the lower pair's right hand holds a corked vial of some thin pitch-black liquid, thumb claw poised to pop it open.

- There is a personal thrum of satisfaction deep within you as you poise to use any of these, intimately assured in their quality, even extending to your bare claws. The hands themselves are covered in dull-grey natural segmented plates, you can feel through them perfectly well despite the fact that they make them look as though they are covered in insectile-themed armor. You know that the entirety of your body follows this appearance as well, from the claw tips of each of your four arms, into your chest, and down to the bottoms of each of your four spider-like legs; centaur-like in overall shape. There is a very well made backpack on the ground by your feet, clearly used well but not deteriorated in the slightest for it.

Those are enough to notice that while jumbled, your instincts and intuition are not gone. While it wouldn't be a perfect solution, you believe you could let yourself act on auto-pilot from time to time, engage in a sort of imperfect flow state to try and get an outline from. It might let you infer at least some of the What, if not the How.

Even this much is enough to send your mind whirling and in this particular moment, there is an opportunity. Whatever it was that jumbled your mind must have happened extremely recently, and you can still vaguely make out some forms of patterns there, parts of the whole like the brushstrokes on canvas. A tapestry of an entire lifetime, you can't grab all of it at once no matter how much you want to, but if you can concentrate, you just might be able to get one particularly big thing and a few smaller details.

But, what to focus on, when you have no idea when the next chance might be?
(The top 1 Major Memory will be chosen, and the top 4 Minor Memories. This won't be the only time you get these, and you can still come up with ways to try and test for or figure these out yourselves later. Not all of these are of equal importance for each character.)

[ ] [Major Memory] What precisely am I wearing? (Reveals all your currently equipped equipment, as what it actually is. But not what you've packed.)
[ ] [Major Memory] What in the world did I pack? (Reveals all of what you have packed, as what it actually is. But not what you've equipped.)
[ ] [Major Memory] Why am I here? (Reveals the reasoning behind your coming to Earth Bet (But not What you came to do or How to do it.)
[ ] [Major Memory] What was I here to do? (Reveals your what your original overarching goal was for coming to Earth Bet (But not How or Why to do it).)
[ ] [Major Memory] How was I going to do this? (Reveals how you were going to accomplish your goal (But not What you came to do or Why to do it).)
[ ] [Major Memory] Something Else? (Write In)

[ ] [Minor Memory] What is my greatest mental trait? (Reveals your Highest Mental (Int, Wis, Cha) Ability Score)
[ ] [Minor Memory] What is my weakest mental trait? (Reveals your Lowest Mental (Int, Wis, Cha) Ability Score)
[ ] [Minor Memory] What is my greatest physical trait? (Reveals your Highest Physical (Str, Dex, Con) Ability Score)
[ ] [Minor Memory] What is my weakest physical trait? (Reveals your Lowest Physical (Str, Dex, Con) Ability Score)
[ ] [Minor Memory] What are my general strengths? (Gives a general idea of what you're good at. Nothing too specific, but directions to go in.)
[ ] [Minor Memory] What are my general weaknesses? (Gives a general idea of what you're good at. Nothing too specific, but directions to avoid.)
[ ] [Minor Memory] Did I know anybody? (Reveals general past connections, or any lack thereof.)
[ ] [Minor Memory] Was there something more immediate I had to do? (Reveals if there's something fairly more urgent you needed to get done, though not on the scale of the major memory.)
[ ] [Minor Memory] Where am I from? (Self explanatory.)
[ ] [Minor Memory] What were some of my previous accomplishments? (Remember two of your past legendary deeds.)
[ ] [Minor Memory] What was my most regretful failure? (Remember what you feel is among your greatest failures. For some reason.)
[ ] [Minor Memory] Something Else? (Write In)

Author's/GM's Note: Right, my first time running a quest, hope I can pull this off (and that I formatted the voting section correctly. I'm planning to leave the vote open for about 6&1/2 Hours or so (until about 11:15 PM PST approximately, maybe 11:30.) before I tally it up. If I can use the vote tally tool properly at that point I will. No immediate, off the bat actions with this post since you'll probably want to know which character and info to plan around in order to make the decision of which actions to take. Lastly I'll give you a freebie due to circumstances; the two characters are built differently, with different focuses in mind. The 1st option (normal hands) is more focused around the ideas of teamwork/support, while the 2nd Option is more on the ideas of Solo/Do-It-Yourself. You're still perfectly well capable of the other side (both options are very high level), but still, it's fairly foundational, to the point that maybe if this quest goes well I might one day run a spin-off with the other choice.

Enjoy the ride, and remember, pull the lever! Wrong leveeeer!
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Sckribe on Nov 9, 2023 at 7:52 PM, finished with 12 posts and 7 votes.
  • 7

    [X] [Character] Your blatantly non-human and clawed hands poking out from long royal purple sleeves, the upper pair's right hand holding what appears to be a baton of dull grey metal, while the lower pair's right hand holds a corked vial of some thin pitch-black liquid, thumb claw poised to pop it open.
    [x] [Character] Your fairly normal if noticeably un-muscled human arm, visible by dint of rolled-up sleeves, leading down to a bracelet of black feathers on the wrist, and on the back of your hand is a line art tattoo of an arm and hand holding a staff.
  • 7

    [x] [Major Memory] What was I here to do? (Reveals your what your original overarching goal was for coming to Earth Bet (But not How or Why to do it).)
    [X][Major Memory] How was I going to do this? (Reveals how you were going to accomplish your goal (But not What you came to do or Why to do it).)
    [X] [Major Memory] Why am I here? (Reveals the reasoning behind your coming to Earth Bet (But not What you came to do or How to do it.)
  • 7

    [x] [Minor Memory] What are my general strengths? (Gives a general idea of what you're good at. Nothing too specific, but directions to go in.)
    [x] [Minor Memory] Was there something more immediate I had to do? (Reveals if there's something fairly more urgent you needed to get done, though not on the scale of the major memory.)
    [x] [Minor Memory] What is my greatest mental trait? (Reveals your Highest Mental (Int, Wis, Cha) Ability Score)
    [X] [Minor Memory] What are my general weaknesses? (Gives a general idea of what you're good at. Nothing too specific, but directions to avoid.)
    [x] [Minor Memory] What is my greatest physical trait? (Reveals your Highest Physical (Str, Dex, Con) Ability Score)
    [X][Minor Memory] What were some of my previous accomplishments? (Remember two of your past legendary deeds.)
    [X] [Minor Memory] What is my weakest mental trait? (Reveals your Lowest Mental (Int, Wis, Cha) Ability Score)
ALNE - 1.1
Acting quickly, you mentally reach out and grab these pieces of yourself, forced to restrain yourself to only this handful due to the pace and care you must do this with, to do otherwise would risk scrambling it all even worse, to the point of even the automatic notions, such as wearing clothes or speaking any languages might be jumbled beyond use, while likely also eliminating the option to let yourself act on autopilot. Those smaller details you managed to grab are what slot into place first, and easiest, you find.

The general idea of what you're good at is one of your top priorities, and one that slots in very quickly, and were it not for circumstances you'd almost feel a fool for forgetting. You Craft, you Cast, and you Conceal, from most to least. You know you are quite adept in going unnoticed when you don't want to be noticed, you are a veritable expert in magic, but it is the idea to forge and mix and assemble and Create that sings to you the most in the overview.

You were quite glad you checked if there was something immediate you needed to get done, as indeed there was. You are very certain that you must find some fairly well fortified place where you yourself can personally hunker down for at least eleven minutes, well away from any public view with around a 70 foot radius away from anywhere someone might accidentally pass by (properly enclosed should also work), preferably both underground with the surrounding walls, floor, ceiling, and door containing a thin layer of lead. You needed to be able to do this within 168 hours of this moment, give or take about 15 minutes for the sake of sureness. Oh, and to make sure you still have your needles at the time.

All of that, because- you have no idea why, just that it's something you need to do.

Your greatest mental trait practically leaps itself back into place, thrumming with pride as you are at once utterly assured of your own frankly prodigious, deific Intellect. There are few if any beings you are aware of capable of naturally out-thinking you on an equal day, even including _____, the ____ ___. Right.

Then your weaknesses. From worst to not quite as bad, you are getting the senses that it is repeatedly your 'people skills' that are some of your worst weaknesses, with the slight exception to your ability to scare, coerce, or otherwise imply incoming harm. You might even say you have few interpersonal skills beyond the equivalent of beating your chest louder, but you also get the sense that you aren't exactly great with animals or the wilds either, and you have about as little confidence on your ability to patch someone's injuries as you have with your social skills.

Finally, the reason why you are here arrives, immense in its simplicity.

You are here to to rule these lands, but more than that, to rule the people therein. To own and hold within your grasp and keep and keep and keep forever as your very own.

You are here to Rule the World.

Well then, with that settled in your mind, you now have a moment to glance around again. The backpack is still on the ground, you are still holding that metal baton and vial, and you now can also see on your upper left arm a single jet-black bracer with a dull gloss to it's metal, only broken up by three thin golden lines running lengthwise along it on the forearm side. You can only barely make out a single thin seam along the inner side that may allow it to clasp on and off, though you aren't certain. A quick pat around also reveals/reminds that you are wearing some sort of leg coverings on the bottoms of your feet, like the arachnoid equivalent of shoes, a grey cloak on your back, and a pair of glasses on your face, utterly clear to see through with thin black rims that are made in such a way that on the inside of the glasses it is faintly evocative of crosshairs. You have a couple of well hidden pockets on your inner sleeves by the feel as well, the bottom pair of sleeves' pockets seem to contain what feels like two more thin vials each.

You can faintly hear the very occasional whoosh of air being moved as something fast moves past your location about, you'd guess a minute's walk away or so in one direction. Absentmindedly, you pick up the well made backpack, before pausing now to think and decide.

What to do now?
(Voting by plan, here.)

[ ] Move on 'autopilot', leaving it to pure intuition. (Are you sure?)
[ ] Write In.

??? , ? CR ?
?? ? ? (?)
Initiative: ? Perception: ? Senses ?
AC ? Touch ? Flat-Foot ?
HP ? (?)
Fort ? Ref ? Will ?
Speed: ?
Melee: ?
Ranged: ?
Special Attacks: ?
STR ? DEX ? CON ? INT 47 WIS ? CHA ?
BAB: ? CMB: ? CMD: ?
Feats: ?
Skills ?, Craft (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) +89, Craft (?) +97, Knowledge (Arcana) +100, Spellcraft +122, Stealth +89, ?
Languages: Common (Golarian), Terran, Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Aklo, Androffan, Infernal, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven
Environment ?
Organization ?
Treasure/Inventory: ?
Edit: Due to a minor error on my end of the character sheet, the previous Craft bonuses shown were off by 1. It has been fixed, and this edit is to reflect that.
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Your Character Sheet
Hello! This post here is an informational one to keep a copy of your character sheet in one place that is kept up to date with all recent discoveries and/or changes! At the moment this is written (ALNE - 1.1) this won't reveal anything, but to any future readers or players, be aware that this may be a source of spoilers! Given that, I'll be keeping it in a spoiler box. Also, if I've forgotten to update it after a section has revealed something, feel free to remind me.

Up to date as of: ALNE - 9.5

Iluontar, Unique Xiomorn, Wizard 35/Assassin 10/Student of War 1//Archmage 6 CR 66
LN Large Outsider (Earth, Elemental, Mythic)
Initiative: +14 Perception: +82 Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Tremorsense 120 ft.
Aura: Frightful Presence (30 ft., DC 25)

48 Touch 20 Flat-Footed 37
HP 980 (19d10+35d6+10d8+678)
Fort +30 Ref +36 Will +37
Defensive Abilities: (None); DR 10/adamantine and bludgeoning; Immune: Elemental Traits, Non-Mythic Curses, Non-Mythic Compulsions; SR 76

: 50 ft., burrow 30 ft., climb 40 ft. fly 60 ft. (average); earth glide
Melee: 4 claws +59 (2d4+16 plus Crystallization), or, Enchanted Monowhip +56/51/46/41 (3d6+11 Slashing, 18-20/x3), or, Enchanted Adamantine Dagger +55/50/45/40 (1d4+11 Slashing, 20/x2)
Special Attacks: Crystal burst, Crystallization, Mythic Power (15/Day, Surge +1d8), Mythic Magic 3/day, Rend (2 claws, 2d4+16), Wizard Spellcasting, Vault Builder Spell-Like Abilities
Divine Source Spell-Like Abilities (CL 66th, Concentration +72):
1/day of each Spell Level
1st — protection from chaos / divine favor
2nd — align weapon (law only) / enthrall
3rd — magic circle against chaos / magic vestment
4th — order's wrath / discern lies
5th — dispel chaos / greater command
6th — hold monster / geas/quest
Vault Builder Spell-Like Abilities (CL 66th, Concentration +72):
At will — dispel magic, greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), shatter (DC 18), statue (DC 23), stone shape, stone tell
3/day — command stone (DC 25), flesh to stone (DC 22), spike stones (DC 20), wall of stone
1/day — permanency, summon monster VII (earth elementals only), symbol of scrying, plane shift (DC 23)
Wizard Spells Prepared: (CL 37th, Concentration +60)
Cantrips — Prestidigitation, Acid Splash, Read Magic, Detect Magic
1st (DC 35) — Blood Money (3), Comprehend Languages (3), Mage Armor (2), Magic Missile (3), Shield (2)
2nd (DC 36) — Locate Object, Mirror Image (2), See Invisibility, Invisibility, Alter Self, Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Eagle's Splendor, Fox's Cunning, Owl's Wisdom
3rd (DC 37) — Arcane Reinforcement, Arcane Sight, Battering Blast, Dispel Magic, Fly, Phantom Steed, Keen Edge, Haste (5)
4th (DC 38) — Bestow Curse (3), Greater Invisibility (2), Phantasmal Killer (3), Lesser Geas, Greater Make Whole (2)
5th (DC 39) — Break Enchantment, Dominate Person (3), Mind Fog, Sending, Teleport, Dream, Nightmare, Wall of Stone, Wall of Force
6th (DC 40) — Disintegrate (4), Eyebite (2), Greater Heroism (2), Transfiguring Touch (3)
7th (DC 41) — Ethereal Jaunt, Limited Wish (1), Prismatic Spray, Teleport Object (2)
8th (DC 42) — Dimensional Lock, Discern Location, Greater Bestow Curse (2), Mind Blank (3), Screen (3)
9th (DC 43) — Dominate Monster (3), Time Stop (3), Prismatic Sphere (2), Soul Bind (2)
10th (DC 44) — Polar Ray, Time Stop (3), Prismatic Sphere
11th (DC 45) — Polar Ray (2), Time Stop (2), Wail of the Banshee
12th (DC 46) — Time Stop (4)
13th (DC 47) — Time Stop (4)
14th (DC 48) — Wail of the Banshee, Time Stop, Polar Ray, Prismatic Sphere
15th (DC 49) — Wail of the Banshee, Prismatic Sphere (3)
16th (DC 50) — Wail of the Banshee (3)
17th (DC 51) — Soul Bind (3)
33 DEX 31 CON 30 INT 57 WIS 20 CHA 22
BAB: +44 CMB: +79 CMD: 100
Feats: Craft Construct(B), Craft Staff(B), Craft Rod(B), Forge Ring(B), Scribe Scroll(B), Craft Wondrous Item(B), Craft Magic Arms & Armor(B), Arcane Discoveries (Arcane Builder (x6)(Wondrous Items, Magic Arms & Armor, Staves, Rods, Rings, Constructs), Fast Study, Knowledge is Power, Immortality), Technologist, Craft Technological Items, Craft Technological Arms & Armor, Craft Robot, Craftsman, Frugal Crafting, Master Artificer, Craft Anywhere, Efficient Crafter, Fast Item Creation, Eschew Materials, Sacred Geometry (x4)(Quicken Spell, Stylized Spell, Still Spell, Silent Spell, Reach Spell, Persistent Spell, Maximize Spell, Merciful Spell), Greater Stylized Spell, Heighten Spell, Skill Focus (x2)(Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft), Weapon Finesse, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Quick Draw, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Whip), Weapon Foucs (Whip), Martial Focus (Flails), ? | Mythic Crafter(M), ?, Mythic Weapon Finess(M)
Skills: Acrobatics +79, Appraise +66, Bluff +46, Climb +80, Craft (Alchemy, Clockwork, Mechanical, Armor, Weapons) +95, Craft (Sculptures) +103, Diplomacy +16, Disable Device +79, Disguise +76, Escape Artist +94, Fly +51, Heal +18, Intimidate +76, Knowledge (Arcana) +106, Knowledge (Engineering) +92, Knowledge (Local) +59, Knowledge (Planes) +100, Linguistics +36, Perception +78, Profession (Barrister) +41, Sense Motive +38, Sleight of Hand +79, Spellcraft +128, Stealth +90, Swim +54, Use Magic Device +76
Languages: Common (Golarian), Terran, Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Aklo, Androffan, Infernal, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, English; Telepathy 300 ft.
Traits: Curator of Mystic Secrets, Spark of Creation, Hedge Magician, (B)Mechanical Aptitude (Knowledge: Engineering)
Drawbacks: Exacting Standards (Mechanically functions Identically to the Paranoid drawback, different flavor), Warded Against Nature
Item mastery, Item shaper, Arcanus Fundare, Magicus Creare, Maior Creare, Planus Mechanus, Divine Source
Scribe Scroll, Wizard Bonus Feat (x8), Arcane Bond (Familiar), Arcane School (Arcane Crafter Universalist), Metacharge, Metamagic Mastery, Sneak Attack (5d6), Death Attack (DC 42), Poison Use, Save Bonus Against Poison (+5), Uncanny Dodge, Hidden Weapons, True Death, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Quiet Death, Hide In Plain Sight, Swift Death, Angel of Death, Know Your Enemy, Additional Skill (x1) (Survival), Secret (x1) (Applicable Knowledge)
Hard to Kill, Mythic Power (11/11), Surge (+1d8), Archmage Arcana (?), Amazing Initiative, Recuperation, Mythic Spellcasting (x2), Pure Destiny, Crafting Mastery, Channel Power
: Any
Organization: Last of Your Kind (Alone)


Equipped: 1 Artisan's Outfit, 1 Enchanted Adamantine Dagger, 1 Enchanted Belt, 1 Enchanted Cloak, 1 Enchanted Dark-Blue Crystal Staff, 1 Enchanted Glasses, 1 Enchanted Headband, 1 Enchanted Mithral Monowhip, 1 Enchanted Ring 1, 1 Enchanted Silken Ceremonial Armor, 1 Enchanted Technological Bracers, 1 Jar of Endless Nectar, 1 Laurel Wreath, 1 Lord's Banner of Victory, 1 Needles of Fleshgraving, 1 Portable Hole, 1 Ratcheting Gauntlets, 1 Ring of Freedom of Movement, 1 Robes of Xin-Bakrakhan, 1 Seven-League Boots, 3 Vial of Black Lotus Extracts, 2 Vial of Terinav Roots, 1 Divinity Drive (Tattoo), 1 Concealable Thieves' Tools

Robe Pocket 1: 4 30,000 GP Black Sapphire Gems, 1 Bedroll, 1 Blessed Blook (W/Amazing Lock), 1 Commander's Expidition Pavillion (Improved), 1 Crowbar, 1 Father's Forgehammer, 1 Figurine of the Dwarven Forge, 1 Flip Phone, 1 Folding Pole, 1 High End Laptop, 1 Ioun Wyrd Familiar, 670 Pinches of Ruby Dust (50 GP Each), 1 Salve of the Second Chance, 1 Sap (Large), 1 Traveler's Any-Tools, 1 Type 2 Bag of Holding, 1 Flask of Simurgh Ichor (12/16 Ounces), 2 Empty Vials, Ring of X-Ray Vision, 1 E-Pick (Prismatic), 1 Ambrosia (Hardtack), 1 Cornucopia of Plenty, 1 Bracelet of Mandatory Cooperation, 2 Tanglefoot Bags, 2 Fungal Stun Vials, 1 Alchemical Spider Sac, 1 Your Own Tear of True Joy

Type 6 Bag of Holding: 1 Coil's Body, 1 Coil's Costume, 1 Explorer's Outfit, 1 Fishing Net (25 sq. ft.), 1 Flint & Steel, 1 Fork Attuned to Earth Bet's Plane, 1 Gem Containing the Soul of Jack Slash, 1 High End Desktop, 10 Nether Scroll: Arcanus Fundares, 10 Nether Scroll: Ars Factums, 10 Nether Scroll: Magicus Creares, 10 Nether Scroll: Maior Creares, 10 Nether Scroll: Planus Mechanuss, 2 Smartphones, 1 Spyglass, 1 Studio Quality Camera, 1 Thomas Calvert's Personal Items, 1 Unattuned Tuning Fork, 1 Winter Blanket, 11 Simurgh's Wings,

Type 2 Bag of Holding: 1 Type 6 Bag of Holding,

Portable Hole: 1 Graviton Reactor, 24 Immovable Rods, 1 Overlord Robot Frame (Perfectly Intact), 3 (50 ft.) Power Cables, 5 Power Receivers (4 in use between Signal Booster, Bracers, Monowhip, E-Pick), 1 Signal Booster

Ioun Wyrd Stones: 1 Dark Blue Rhomboid,

Magic Tattoos: Tattoo of Innate Arcana

Slotless (Location)Ioun Stones (Ioun Wyrd), Tattoo of Innate Arcana (Tattoo)
HeldEnchanted Staff, 2 Enchanted Weapons
Carried/WornJar of Endless Nectar, Vials of Poison
HeadLaurel Wreath
HeadbandEnchanted Headband
EyesEnchanted Glasses
ShouldersEnchanted Cloak
BodyRobes of Xin-Bakrakhan
ArmorEnchanted Silken Ceremonial Armor
BeltEnchanted Belt
WristsEnchanted Technological Bracers
HandsRatcheting Gauntlets
RingsEnchanted Ring 1, Ring of Freedom of Movement
FeetSeven-League Boots


Bank Accounts (Public) $ 4,500
NM: Checking $ 3,747,085
NM: Savings $ 34,999,533
NM: Brokerage $ 34,993,700
Number Man Account(s) $ 73,740,318
Cash $ 285
Total $ 73,745,103

Carrying Capacity (In lbs.)
Equipped Weight: 31.5
Robes Pocket 1: 67.675/120
Robes Pocket 2: 0/120
Type 6 Bag of Holding: 619.5/6,000
Type 2 Bag of Holding: 150/500

Crystal Burst (Su): As a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, Iluontar can create an explosion of razor-sharp crystals at a range of up to 120 feet. These crystals fill a 30-foot-radius burst and deal 20d6 points of piercing and slashing damage (Reflex DC 29 half). The save DC is Constitution-based.

Crystallization (Su): A creature struck by any of Iluontar's claws must succeed at a DC 29 Fortitude save or take 2 points of Dexterity drain. On a critical hit, a target that fails its save instead takes 4 points of Dexterity drain. As long as a creature suffers this drain, portions of its body appear as living green crystal and it gains the earth creature subtype. A creature whose Dexterity score is drained to 0 in this manner transforms into a green crystal statue, as if affected by flesh to stone. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Item Mastery (Ex): Iluontar can always activate spell trigger and spell completion items as if the spell were on his class list.

Item Shaper (Ex): For the purposes of crafting magic items or constructs, Iluontar is treated as though he had all item creation feats. Iluontar requires only 1 hour of work per 1,000 gp of the item's base cost, instead of 8 hours. For items made primarily of crystal, stone, or earth, it requires only 30 minutes, and the item's base cost is halved.

Secret of the Vault Seeds (Su): Iluontar has an innate understanding of Vault Seeds—magic-rich artifacts that create the vaults found on many Material Plane worlds of Golarion. This process includes finding the raw crystals the seeds are formed from on the Plane of Earth, faceting the gem and using magic to grow it into its shape, and nurturing the seed with the proper spells once it's planted in the raw earth from which the vault will grow. Iluontar gains regeneration 10 while in a vault he created or directly helped create. No attack type causes this regeneration to stop functioning; Iluontar can be killed by hit point damage only if he is removed from his vault first.

Mythic Spellcasting (Ex): Iluontar can learn a number of mythic spells equal to his tier and can expend mythic power when casting them to enhance the results. To select a mythic spell, he must be able to cast the non-mythic version or have it on his list of spells known. Every time he gains a new tier, he can select an additional mythic spell. Iluontar can take this ability up to three times. Each additional time he takes it, he can select an additional number of spells equal to his tier and he gains one additional mythic spell whenever he gains a tier. He has taken it 2 times.

Pure Destiny (Ex): Your mythic powers place you above destiny, and beyond the grasp of providence. You're immune to all non-mythic curses and compulsions. Curses and compulsions from mythic sources count as mythic for the purposes of this ability.

Crafting Mastery (Ex): You can craft any magic item as if you had the necessary item creation feats. If you actually have the item creation feat needed for a magic item you're crafting, whenever you attempt a skill check to create that item, roll twice and use the higher result, and you make twice as much progress on the item for any time spent. This ability does not reduce the item's cost or any other requirements.

Hard to Kill (Ex): Whenever Iluontar is below 0 hit points, he automatically stabilizes without needing to attempt a Constitution check. If he has an ability that allows him to act while below 0 hit points, he still loses hit points for taking actions, as specified by that ability. Bleed damage still causes him to lose hit points when below 0 hit points. In addition, he doesn't die until his total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double his Constitution score.

Mythic Power (Su): Mythic characters can draw upon a wellspring of power to accomplish amazing deeds and cheat fate. This power is used by a number of different abilities. Each day, Iluontar can expend an amount of mythic power equal to 3 plus double his mythic tier (5/day at 1st tier, 7/day at 2nd, etc.). This amount is his maximum amount of mythic power. If an ability allows him to regain uses of your mythic power, he can never have more than this amount.

Surge (Su): Iluontar can call upon his mythic power to overcome difficult challenges. Iluontar can expend one use of mythic power to increase any d20 roll he just made by rolling 1d6 and adding it to the result. Using this ability is an immediate action taken after the result of the original roll is revealed. This can change the outcome of the roll. The bonus die gained by using this ability increases to 1d8 at 4th tier, 1d10 at 7th tier, and 1d12 at 10th tier.

Amazing Initiative (Ex): Iluontar gains a bonus on initiative checks equal to his mythic tier. In addition, as a free action on his turn, he can expend one use of mythic power to take an additional standard action during that turn. This additional standard action can't be used to cast a spell. Iluontar can't gain an extra action in this way more than once per round.

Recuperation (Ex): Iluontar is restored to full hit points after 8 hours of rest so long as he isn't dead. In addition, by expending one use of mythic power and resting for 1 hour, he regains a number of hit points equal to half his full hit points (up to a maximum of his full hit points) and regains the use of any class features that are limited to a certain number of uses per day (such as barbarian rage, bardic performance, spells per day, and so on). This rest is treated as 8 hours of sleep for such abilities. This rest doesn't refresh uses of mythic power or any mythic abilities that are limited to a number of times per day.

Mythic Saving Throws (Ex): At 5th tier, whenever Iluontar succeeds at a saving throw against a spell or special ability, he suffers no effects as long as that ability didn't come from a mythic source (such as a creature with a mythic tier or mythic ranks). If he fails a saving throw that results from a mythic source, he takes the full effects as normal.

Divine Source (Su): Iluontar can grant divine spells to those who follow his cause, allowing them to select him as their deity for the purposes of determining their spells and domains. Select two domains upon taking this ability. These domains must be alignment domains matching his alignment if possible, unless his alignment is neutral. Iluontar grants access to these domains as if he were a deity. Creatures that gain spells from him don't receive any spells per day of levels higher than his tier; they lose those spell slots. In addition, Iluontar can cast spells from domains he grants as long as their level is equal to or less than his tier. Each day as a spell-like ability, Iluontar can cast one spell of each level equal to or less than his tier (selecting from those available to him from his divine source domains).

Divine Source Domains (Subdomains): Law, Nobility

Force of Will (Ex): At 6th tier, Iluontar can exert his will to force events to unfold as he would like. As an immediate action, Iluontar can expend one use of mythic power to reroll a d20 roll he just made, or force any non-mythic creature to reroll a d20 roll it just made. He can use this ability after the results are revealed. Whoever rerolls a roll must take the result of the second roll, even if it is lower.
SpellbookPages UsedTotal Spells in Book
Blessed Book479/1,00093
1st Level — Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Hypnotism, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Mindlink, Mount, Shield
2nd Level — Alter Self, Arcane Lock, Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Eagle's Splendor, Fox's Cunning, Invisibility, Locate Object, Make Whole, Mirror Image, Owl's Wisdom, See Invisibility, Touch of Idiocy
3rd Level — Arcane Reinforcement, Arcane Sight, Battering Blast, Blink, Dispel Magic, Explosive Runes, Fly, Haste, Keen Edge, Nondetection, Phantom Steed, Secret Page, Sepia Snake Sigil,
4th Level — Bestow Curse, Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility, Greater Make Whole, Lesser Geas, Phantasmal Killer, Stoneskin
5th Level — Baleful Polymorph, Break Enchantment, Dominate Person, Dream, Mind Fog, Nightmare, Permanency, Secret Chest, Sending, Symbol of Pain, Teleport, Wall of Force, Wall of Stone
6th Level — Antimagic Field, Disintegrate, Eyebite, Geas, Greater Heroism, Mislead, Sarzari Shadow Memory, True Seeing, Veil
7th Level — Awaken Construct, Ethereal Jaunt, Finger of Death, Greater Teleport, Limited Wish, Memory of Function, Plane Shift, Power Word Blind, Prismatic Spray, Teleport Object
8th Level — Demand, Dimensional Lock, Discern Location, Greater Bestow Curse, Mind Blank, Polar Ray, Screen, Trap the Soul
9th Level — Crushing Hand, Dominate Monster, Energy Drain, Prismatic Sphere, Soul Bind, Teleportation Circle, Time Stop, Wail of the Banshee, Wish

You have no other spellbooks at this time.

Mythic Spells: Disintegrate, Plane Shift, Dimensional Lock, Antimagic Field, Haste, Time Stop, Limited Wish, Control Weather, Dominate Person, Deathless
1st Level —
2nd Level —
3rd Level —
4th Level —
5th Level —
6th Level —
7th Level —
8th Level —
9th Level —
10th Level — Xiomorn Ascension

School transmutation [earth]; Level 10
Casting Time 10 hours
Components V, S, M (1 serving of Ambrosia (Mythic Adventures pg. 146), and gemstones worth 2,500 GP plus 500 GP for each time the target has already been affected by a Xiomorn Ascension, to a maximum of 6,000 GP) F (optional, any gemstone or crystal of any color, see text); SC (up to 20)
Skill Checks Spellcraft DC 38, 2 successes; Knowledge (planes) DC 38, 2 successes; Knowledge (arcana) DC 38, 2 successes; Craft (sculpture) DC 38, 2 successes; Use Magic Device DC 38, 2 successes
Range personal or touch
Target caster or willing creature touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; SR no
Backlash The primary and secondary casters become exhausted.
Failure The primary and secondary casters, and target if separate, all take 2 points of Dexterity Drain, and become exhausted. A creature whose Dexterity score is drained to 0 in this manner transforms into a green crystal statue, as if affected by flesh to stone.


The magnum opus and name-giving achievement of Iluontar when he shared it freely with his people. This ritual steadily, over eight castings, converts any creature into a Vault Builder Xiomorn, one free of the restraints left on the people by the deceitful pact of Ayrzul. In fact, even using it only once on an already existing Vault Builder frees them from it, even if the ritual would effectively do nothing else.

Each time this ritual is performed, the primary caster must choose one of the following eight options, subject to the restrictions within. Being subject to any Xiomorn Ascension ritual also changes the target's type to Outsider, and they gain the Earth and Elemental subtypes. A target also cannot ever be raised above Mythic Rank/Tier 8 by this ritual.

A caster may provide a gemstone or crystal of any color and value as an optional focus, which will change the aesthetics of the target's Xiomorn based crystal Crystal Burst, Crystallization, and any created Vault Seeds to match, including if any of the abilities are already present, however it will not change the color of any existing Vault Seeds (or subsequent vaults). Without a focus, the default coloration is green.

(X) Xiomorn Ascension 1: Gain Vault Builder Natural Abilities (Increase movement speeds to: 40 ft., burrow 30 ft., climb 40 ft.; earth glide , Increase Size to Large, change shape to Quadruped, increase base Physical Ability Scores to Str 22, Dex 27, Con 25, gain the Vault Builder Racial Modifiers to skills, Increase Outsider Racial Hit Dice to 19, gain Fast Healing 5, Gain DR 10/adamantine and bludgeoning, increase Natural Armor to +17, gain Darkvison 60 ft. and Tremorsense 120 ft., gain Elemental Traits, Gain Spell Resistance of 11+CR, gain Telepathy to 300 ft., and gain Rend (2 claws)), +1 Mythic Rank/Tier.

(X) Xiomorn Ascension 2: Gain the Vault Builder Crystallization (Su) and Crystal Burst (Su) Special Attacks or Improve them from the Vault Keeper versions if already present, +1 Mythic Rank/Tier. Requires Xiomorn Ascension 1.

( ) Xiomorn Ascension 3: Improve DR to 10/adamantine, bludgeoning, and epic, and gain the Fortification (50%) and Block Attacks Defensive Abilities, +1 Mythic Rank/Tier. Requires Xiomorn Ascension 1.

(X) Xiomorn Ascension 4: Gain the Vault Builder Spell Like Abilities, or improve them from Vault Keeper version if Already Present, +1 Mythic Rank/Tier.

(X) Xiomorn Ascension 5: Gain the Frightening Presence (30 ft.) Aura and Mythic Magic 3/Day Special Attack, +1 Mythic Rank/Tier.

( ) Xiomorn Ascension 6: Gain the Xiomorn Spellcasting Special Attack, +1 Mythic Rank/Tier. Requires Xiomorn Ascension Ritual 5.

(X) Xiomorn Ascension 7: Gain the Vault Builder Item Shaper (Ex) and Item Mastery (Ex) Special Qualities, or Improve them from the Vault Keeper Versions if already present, +1 Mythic Rank/Tier.

(X) Xiomorn Ascension 8: Gain the Secret of the Vault Seeds (Su) Special Quality, +1 Mythic Rank/Tier. Requires both Xiomorn Ascension 1 and 7.

Iluontar has received the effects of Xiomorn Ascension 1, 2, 4, and 7.
This item Functions as a Combined Commander's Tent and Expedition Pavillion, containing the best features of both.

Weight: 1 lb.
Aura(s): faint Evocation, moderate Divination
Total Price: 41,000 GP


This small flag sports a banner that is 2 inches wide by 3 inches tall and has a thin wooden dowel that serves as the flag post. When a creature plants the flag in the ground and speaks the command word, the flag expands into an ordinary-looking, windowless tent of stout canvas with the flag falling over the outer side of the entrance flap. The tent fills a space that is 10 feet by 10 feet, but, inside, it measures a full 30 feet by 30 feet. The entrance of the tent consists of a vestibule with an outer and inner flap for keeping light from spilling out,.

Inside, the tent contains a central table and several chairs and cushions, and three small "bedrooms" (separated by curtains) along the back wall. The center table features a blank map. Once per week, any creature inside the tent can utter a second command word to transform the map into a model of the nearby area, as sand table (see page 164).

The temperature inside the tent is 70° F if the exterior temperature is between 0° and 100° F. For every degree the exterior temperature is below 0° or above 100°, the interior temperature decreases or increases, respectively, by 1°. The pavilion also provides protection against the elements, such as rain, dust, and sandstorms. The pavilion withstands any wind of less than hurricane force, but a hurricane (75+ mph wind speed) or greater force destroys it.

While the commander's tent is in tent form, the user can utter a third command word while holding a new flag to replace the flag on the tent with one of his own choosing. The two pennants swap places. A fourth command word causes the tent to break down, returning to its miniature flag form, ejecting any creatures still inside the tent.
+2 Adamantine Agile Axiomatic Impervious Returning Ricochet Assassin's Dagger

Total Price: 92,002 gp
Total Equivalent Enhancement Bonus: +6

Max HP: 43
Hardness: 28

Weight 1 lb.
Damage 1d3 (small), 1d4 (medium) Critical 19-20/x2 Type piercing or slashing
Range Increment 10 ft. (thrown)
Category light Proficiency simple
Weapon Groups light blades, thrown, tribal


This jet-black blade is curved viciously, and is dull, never glinting in the dark.


Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand skill checks made to conceal a dagger on your body.

Adamantine: Weapons fashioned from adamantine have a natural ability to bypass hardness when sundering weapons or attacking objects, ignoring hardness less than 20.

Enchanted With;

+2 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot none; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A character with Weapon Finesse can apply her Dexterity modifier to damage rolls with an agile weapon in place of her Strength modifier. This modifier to damage is not increased for two-handed weapons, but is still reduced for off-hand weapons. This weapon special ability can be placed only on melee weapons usable with Weapon Finesse.


Aura moderate evocation CL 7th
Slot weapon quality; Price +2 bonus; Weight —
An axiomatic weapon is infused with lawful power. It makes the weapon law-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. It deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against chaotic creatures. It bestows one permanent negative level (Core Rulebook 562) on any chaotic creature attempting to wield it. The negative level remains as long as the weapon is in hand and disappears when the weapon is no longer wielded. This negative level cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded.


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot weapon quality; Price +3,000 gp; Weight —
An impervious weapon is warded from damage and decay. A metallic weapon cannot rust and a wooden weapon cannot rot or warp, even by magical or supernatural means. An impervious weapon gains double the normal bonus to its hardness and hit points for each point of its enhancement bonus. The break DC for an impervious weapon and the wielder's combat maneuver defense against sunder maneuvers against the impervious weapon each gain a bonus equal to twice the weapon's enhancement bonus.


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot weapon quality; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
This special ability can only be placed on a weapon that can be thrown. A returning weapon flies through the air back to the creature that threw it. It returns to the thrower just before the creature's next turn (and is therefore ready to use again in that turn). Catching a returning weapon when it comes back is a free action. If the character can't catch it, or if the character has moved since throwing it, the weapon drops to the ground in the square from which it was thrown.

Ricochet (Adapted from Ricochet Hammer)

Price +12,000 gp; (Must be a Returning Weapon)

This weapon can strike multiple foes with a single throw. If the wielder has multiple attacks from a high base attack bonus, he may throw the weapon so it rebounds off the first target to strike at a second target, and so on for each of the wielder's additional attacks. The distance to each target adds to the total range of the weapon, and range penalties apply.

The weapon can only ricochet if it successfully hits a target; if it misses, it stops ricocheting, has no further attacks that round, and returns as normal for a weapon with the returning property. Because ricocheting attacks are treated as separate attacks, modifiers that only apply to one attack roll (such as true strike) only apply to the first attack and not the others. The ricochet attacks count as the wielder's additional attacks for that round.

Assassin's Dagger (Base Item)

Aura moderate necromancy CL 9th
Slot none; Price +2,000 gp
This wicked-looking, curved dagger provides a +1 bonus to the DC of a Fortitude save forced by the death attack of an assassin.
Enchanted Belt (Belt of Giant Strength +8)

Total Price: 64,000 GP

Enchanted With;

Belt of Giant Strength +8 (Base Item of the Boots)

Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot feet; Price 64,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.


This belt is a thick leather affair, often decorated with huge metal buckles. The belt grants the wearer an enhancement bonus to Strength of +8. Treat this as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the belt is worn.
Drinking from this earthen jar provides the drinker with one draft of Nectar of the Gods, affecting the imbiber as per that item. The nectar cannot be poured out from the jar, indeed, attempting to pour it out leads to no effect; it can only be drank directly from the jar.

Nectar of the Gods
Price 5,000 gp; Slot none; CL 12th; Weight 1 lb.; Aura strong conjuration


This fragrant mead is made from the purest honey gathered from sunny meadows, mixed with rare herbs in the moonlight, and fermented in earthen jars. Consuming nectar of the gods is a standard action that restores 1d4+1 uses of mythic power to a mythic creature (up to the creature's maximum). If a non-mythic creature consumes this drink, it works like the heroism spell, lasting for 1 day. A jar contains only a single draft of this potent beverage.
Enchanted Cloak (Wings of Flying+)

Total Price: 55,500 GP

This grey cloak has feathers all about the collar and uppermost shoulders, and is evocative of the wings of a perched owl in the way it falls when worn or hung.

Enchanted With;

Wings of Flying (Base Item of the Cloak)

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Slot shoulders; Price 54,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.


A pair of these wings might appear to be nothing more than a plain cloak of old, black cloth, or they could be as elegant as a long cape of blue feathers.

When the wearer speaks the command word, the cloak turns into a pair of bat or bird wings that empower her to fly with a speed of 60 feet (average maneuverability), also granting a +5 competence bonus on Fly skill checks.

Muleback Cords

Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Slot shoulders; Price +1,500 gp; Weight -.


These thick leather cords wrap around the wearer's biceps and shoulders. When worn, they make the wearer's muscles appear larger than normal. The wearer treats his Strength score as 8 higher than normal when determining his carrying capacity. This bonus does not apply to combat, breaking items, or any other Strength-related rolls, it only contributes to the amount of equipment or material the wearer can carry.
Enchanted Headband (Headband of Mental Superiority +6)

Total Price: 144,000 GP

Enchanted With;

Headband of Mental Superiority +6 (Base Item of the Headband)

Aura strong transmutation; CL 16th;
Slot headband; Price 144,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.


This ornate headband is decorated with numerous clusters of small gemstones.

The headband grants the wearer an enhancement bonus to all mental ability scores (Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma) of +2, +4, or +6. Treat this as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the headband is worn. The headband also grants skill ranks as a headband of vast intelligence.

This headband grants Skill Ranks in: Craft (Blacksmithing), Craft (Glass), and Craft (Jewelry)
Enchanted Glasses (Greater Sniper Goggles+)

Total Price: 50,000 GP

These round glasses have thin black rims that form a subtle crosshair like pattern on the inner edges of the lenses.

Enchanted With;

Sniper's Goggles, Greater


These glasses function as sniper goggles, but the wearer gains the +2 circumstance bonus on each sneak attack when making a sneak attack at any range.

Sniper Goggles


The leather strap attached to these bulbous lenses allows their wearer to fit them to his head. The wearer of these goggles can make ranged sneak attacks from any distance instead of the normal 30 feet. When making ranged sneak attacks within 30 feet, the wearer gains a +2 circumstance bonus on each sneak attack damage die.
+1 Agile Impervious Resizing Mithral Monowhip

Total Overall Price: 85,500 GP
Total Technological Price: 70,000 GP
Total Enchantment Price: 15,000 GP
Special Material Price: 500 GP

Total Equivalent Enhancement Bonus: +2

Type light melee; Proficiency exotic; Weight 1 lb.
Damage 1d10 (small), 2d6 (medium), 3d6 (large); Damage Type S; Critical 18-20/x3
Range —; Capacity 10; Usage 1 charge/round; Special Performance, reach, touch


A monowhip is a deadly melee weapon capable of inflicting horrible wounds, even in the hands of the weak. An inactive monowhip looks like a short metal baton, but when it's activated, a small weight detaches, revealing a 15-foot-long monofilament length. Wielded like a whip, a monowhip slices deeply into targets and can inflict grievous critical hits with shocking ease. Attacks made with a monowhip resolve as touch attacks, and they ignore hardness as if the monofilament were made of adamantine. A monowhip's damage cannot be enhanced by strength, as the monofilament slices with equal ease regardless of the force applied. Activating a monowhip is a move action; once activated, the whip consumes power incredibly quickly, at the rate of 1 charge per round.


Material: Mithral, Price: +500 GP

Enchanted With;

+1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot none; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A character with Weapon Finesse can apply her Dexterity modifier to damage rolls with an agile weapon in place of her Strength modifier. This modifier to damage is not increased for two-handed weapons, but is still reduced for off-hand weapons. This weapon special ability can be placed only on melee weapons usable with Weapon Finesse.


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot weapon quality; Price +3,000 gp; Weight —
An impervious weapon is warded from damage and decay. A metallic weapon cannot rust and a wooden weapon cannot rot or warp, even by magical or supernatural means. An impervious weapon gains double the normal bonus to its hardness and hit points for each point of its enhancement bonus. The break DC for an impervious weapon and the wielder's combat maneuver defense against sunder maneuvers against the impervious weapon each gain a bonus equal to twice the weapon's enhancement bonus.


Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot none; Price +4,000 gp; Weight —
A resizing weapon instantly shrinks or grows to suit the size of any creature that picks it up unless it is currently wielded by another creature. It reverts to its original size 1 round after it leaves its wielder's possession
Enchanted Dark-Blue Crystal Staff

Total Price: 1,062,020 GP
CL: 17

This Large staff is seven feet long from end to end, made of mostly opaque dark-blue crystal, with opaque flecks inside it giving it an appearance akin to a section of ocean reflecting night sky. It is near-perfectly cylindrical, with precisely made imperfections that flow into its overall design while still providing good grips, in a few places along its length.

The staff contains the following spells:
Crushing Hand (10 charges)
Time Stop (10 charges)
Blood Money (1 charge)
Greater Invisibility (1 charge)
Wall of Stone (1 charge)
Baleful Polymorph (1 charge)
Wall of Force (1 charge)
Quickened Mirror Image (1 charge)
Memory of Function (2 charges)
Greater Teleport (1 charge)
Polar Ray (1 charge)
Control Water (1 charge)
Mark of Blood (1 charge)
Blood Money (1 charge)
Grease (1 charge)
Sirocco (1 charge)
Quickened Mage's Lucubration (1 charge)
Battering Blast (1 charge)
Disintegrate (1 charge)
+5 Advancing Burdenless Comfort Ghost Touch Impervious Greater Shadow Greater Slick Silken Ceremonial Armor

Total Price: 176,680 GP
Total Equivalent Enhancement Bonus: +10

Max HP: 105
Hardness: 20

Weight 4 lbs.
Armor Bonus +6; Max Dex Bonus —; Armor Check Penalty 0
Arcane Spell Failure Chance 0%; Speed 30 ft./20 ft.

Used for ceremonial displays or occasionally worn (albeit with no additional benefit) over heavier armor, these robes consist of several layers of cloth and an outer layer of silk intricately woven with gold brocade designs and covered with metal studs.

Enchanted With;

+5 Enhancement Bonus to Armor


Aura faint necromancy CL 5th
Slot armor quality; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A suit of armor with the advancing special ability allows its wearer to move through fallen enemies to the forefront of any conflict. Once per round when the wearer of a suit of advancing armor reduces an opponent to 0 hit points or fewer with a melee attack, she can immediately move up to 10 feet as a free action. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If this armor is created as barding, the effect is triggered if either the mount or its rider reduces an opponent to 0 hit points or fewer, and allows the mount to move up to 10 feet. The advancing special ability can be applied only to heavy armor.


Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot none; Price +4,000 gp; Weight —
Burdenless armor distributes the weight of the wearer's load more efficiently, allowing her to carry more without suffering the effects of encumbrance. The wearer's carrying capacity is increased by 50% across each load (light, medium and heavy).


Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot armor quality; Price +5,000 gp; Weight —
Armor of comfort sheds dirt and sweat as they accumulate, and remains as comfortable as weather-appropriate clothing regardless of environmental conditions. A suit of armor with this enhancement always looks immaculately clean, can be slept in as though it were light armor, and does not cause a penalty to the wearer's saving throws to resist the effects of extreme heat. In cold weather, it counts as cold-weather clothing. In addition, the armor's armor check penalty is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

Ghost Touch

Aura strong transmutation CL 15th
Slot armor/shield quality; Price +3 bonus; Weight —
This armor or shield seems almost translucent. Both its enhancement bonus and its armor bonus count against the attacks of corporeal and incorporeal creatures. It can be picked up, moved, and worn by corporeal and incorporeal creatures alike. Incorporeal creatures gain the armor's or shield's enhancement bonus against both corporeal and incorporeal attacks, and they can still pass freely through solid objects.


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot armor/shield quality; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A shield or suit of armor with this special ability is especially hardy. It gains double its enhancement bonus to hardness and hit points (instead of just the enhancement bonus), its break DC increases by double its enhancement bonus, and it gains a bonus on saving throws against direct attacks (such as a rust monster's rust ability) equal to its enhancement bonus.

Shadow, Greater

Aura strong illusion CL 15th
Slot armor quality; Price +33,750 gp; Weight —
As shadow, except it grants a +15 competence bonus on Stealth checks.
"This armor blurs the wearer whenever she tries to hide, while also dampening the sound around her, granting a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks. The armor's armor check penalty still applies normally."

Slick, Greater

Aura strong conjuration CL 15th
Slot armor quality; Price +33,750 gp; Weight —
As slick, except it grants a +15 competence bonus on Escape Artist checks.
"Slick armor seems coated at all times with a slightly greasy oil. It provides a +5 competence bonus on its wearer's Escape Artist checks. The armor's armor check penalty still applies normally."
Enchanted Ring (Ring of Sustenance)

Total Price: 2,500 GP

Enchanted With;

Ring of Sustenance (Base Item of the Ring)

Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot ring; Price 2,500 gp; Weight - lb.


This ring continually provides its wearer with life-sustaining nourishment. The ring also refreshes the body and mind; its wearer needs only sleep 2 hours per day to gain the benefit of 8 hours of sleep. This allows a spellcaster that requires rest to prepare spells to do so after only 2 hours, but this does not allow a spellcaster to prepare spells more than once per day. The ring must be worn for a full week before it begins to work. If it is removed, the owner must wear it for another week to reattune it to himself.
Enchanted Technological Bracer (Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns (Improved))

Tech Capacity: 40
Tech Charge Usage: Varies by function

Total Overall Price:
Total Technological Price: 88,530 GP
Total Enchantment Price: 15,000 GP

This singular jet black bracer is built to be worn on the left arm, and has a dull gloss to it's metal. On the side meant to be on the interior of the forearm, set almost perfectly into the material itself, is three thin strings of gold that run from nearly end to end.


Technological Functions;


Price 6,000 GP
Usage 1 charge/hour

This device allows for communication between two commset users. A commset carries audio and visual signals, and includes a builtin camera that can record all communications being broadcast. Communication between two commsets requires both users to tune their individual devices to the same frequency. A commset has a range of 1 mile—beyond this range, communication is impossible without enhancing the signal strength with a signal booster (see page 51). The price and cost listed for this item are for a single commset.

Chipfinder (Prismatic)

Price 76,500 GP
Usage 1 charge/hour

When the chipfinder function is activated, all active tracker chips within a 500-mile radius appear as glowing dots on the screen, indicating the direction and approximate distance to each installed tracker chip, as well (customizable) identification number for each chip. The screen can filter out unwanted data to make it easier to track a specific chip. This range is a signal, and can be enhanced by a signal booster (see page 51) or blocked by a solid enough barrier.

Flashlight (Improved)

Price 30 gp
Usage 0, but must have at least 1 Charge available.

When activated, the flashlight creates a beam of normal light in a 60-foot cone. It also increases the light level in the area beyond this initial cone by one step, out to a 120-foot cone. It does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. A flashlight has no effect in areas of magical darkness.

Fire Extinguisher

Price 6,000 gp
Usage 1 charge

This function open a small hole at the wrist-end of the bracers, from which a thin nozzle pokes out. When activated as a standard action, the fire extinguisher creates a 15-foot cone of misty vapor that swiftly extinguishes fires within its area of effect. Against magical fire effects, such as those created by a wall of fire or similar spell, the fire extinguisher only extinguishes the part of the larger effect its vapors directly contact. Continual magic flames, such as those of a flaming weapon or fire creature, are suppressed for 6 rounds before they automatically reignite. To extinguish an instantaneous fire effect or spell, the wielder must use a readied action with the fire extinguisher to counter the effect; this can cancel the entire effect, provided the source of the effect is in the extinguisher's area of effect.

When used against a creature of the fire subtype, a blast from a fire extinguisher deals 4d6 points of damage (Reflex DC 15 halves). A breathing creature exposed to a direct blast from a fire extinguisher is not harmed as long as the area is relatively well-ventilated—using a fire extinguisher in a confined area with poor or no ventilation can result in slow suffocation (at the GM's discretion).


Enchanted With;

Fate-Woven Braid (Improved)

This item functions as a Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns, except the 3/day use limit has been expanded to any number of uses, and the Price is increased to 15,000 GP.

However, it is still subject to a three-fray limit.

Each single fray can be repaired at 1/3 the creation cost.

Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns (Standard)
Aura strong abjuration and evocation; CL 16th
Slot wrists; Price 9,000 gp; Weight —
At first glance, this circlet of plaited hair interwoven with a single gold thread appears to be nothing more than a personal memento or a lover's token. Closer examination reveals that each strand of hair seems to have neither a beginning nor an end. Most of these braids are blonde in color, but other hues are not unknown.

Up to three times per day, the wearer of a fate-woven braid of the norns can potentially negate a disastrous turn of fortune. Upon rolling a natural 1 on a saving throw or after failing a saving throw against a death effect, the wearer can activate the braid as a free action to reroll the saving throw.

The golden thread is vulnerable to severe twists of fate, though. If the result of any reroll obtained by the braid is ever a natural 20, the golden thread frays, permanently reducing the braid's daily reroll uses by one. If all three daily uses are eliminated in this manner, the golden thread snaps and the fate-woven braid of the norns falls apart into a nonmagical pile of wispy gray hair. A fate-woven braid of the norns uses up the entire wrists slot, even though the user wears only one at a time. The user can't use another item (even another fate-woven braid of the norns) that also uses the wrists slot.
Generator | Yield (Charges)Price (GP)
Fission Reactor | Yield 1,000500,000 GP
Fusion Reactor | Yield 500250.000 GP
Geothermal Generator | Yield 200100,000 GP
Graviton Reactor | Yield 800400,000 GP
Solar Generator | Yield 5025,000 GP
Divinity Drive | Yield ∞/Infinite????? GP

Lab | (Charges)Price (GP)
Cybernetics Lab | 100 Charges100,000 GP
Graviton Lab | 250 Charges250,000 GP
Medical Lab | 20 Charges20,000 GP
Military Lab | 100 Charges100,000 GP
Nanotech Lab | 150 Charges150,000 GP
Production Lab | 50 Charges50,000 GP
Robotics Lab | 200 Charges200,000 GP
1 Charge = 1 Megawatt. Yield is per hour, meaning Yield can also be read as per Megawatt-Hour.
Construct NameNumber Possessed
A.C.E. Steam-Powered Mithral Clockwork Dragon1
A.C.E. Steam-Powered Clockwork Soldier11
Terra-Cotta Assistant198
Construction Poppet100 Available + 623 (Tornado Wall)
Juggernaut Robot13
Reclamation Robot4
Observer Robot42
Observer Swarm20
Advanced Surgeon8

Among the A.C.E. Steam-Powered Clockwork Soldiers, is Braun.

No statblocks for constructs that are simply their default statblocks, or with particularly minor changes. Construction poppet stats missing, will add eventually.
Spice, CR ~23
LN Huge Construct (Augmented, Clockwork)
Initiative: +18 Senses: darkvision 60 ft., lifesense 60 ft., low-light vision, see invisibility; Perception +46
43 Touch 19 Flat-Footed 32
HP 564 (37d12+120)
Fort +12 Ref +22 Will +12
Defensive Abilities: fortification 75%; Immune construct traits; Resist fire 30; SR 27
Weaknesses: Vulnerable to Electricity, Susceptible to Mind-Affecting Effects
: 160 ft., fly 420 ft. (good), swim 160 ft.
Melee: Bite +43 (6d6+16 plus 1d6 fire and 1d6 acid), 2 claws +43 (3d8+16 plus 1d6 fire and 1d6 acid), tail slap +41 (3d6+8 plus 1d6 fire and 1d6 acid), 2 wings +41 (3d6+8 plus 1d6 fire and 1d6 acid)
Space: 15 ft., Reach: 20 ft.
Ranged: Steam Blast (18d6 fire)
Special Attacks: Breath Weapon (60-ft. line, 10d8 acid damage, Reflex DC 28 half, usable every 1d4 rounds), steam blast (18d6 fire damage), steam horn (30-ft. cone, 18d6 fire damage, Fortitude DC 28 half, usable every 1d4 rounds), Reach, Retaliatory Strike, Energy Attacks (Acid)
Spell-Like Abilities: (CL 37th, Concentration +36)
3/day—mind probe (DC 13), mindlink (DC 10), telekinesis (DC 14), dimensional lock, dimension door,
1/day—antimagic field, mental block (DC 11), mind thrust VI (DC 15), mass synesthesia (DC 16), telekinetic storm (DC 18), power word kill
42 DEX 27 CON - INT 9 WIS 11 CHA 6
BAB: +27 CMB: +45 CMD: 66
Feats: Improved Initiative(B), Lightning Reflexes(B), Run(B), Multiattack(B), Power Attack(B), Improved Unarmed Strike(B), Improved Grapple(B), Greater Grapple(B), Rapid Grappler(B), Bludgeoner(B), Pinning Knockout(B), Pinning Rend(B), Chokehold(B), Flyby Attack, Wingover, Snatch, Storm Breaker, Skill Focus (Perception), Needle In a Haystack, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Natural Attack (Bite), Improved Natural Attack (Claws), Improved Natural Attack (Wings), Blind-Fight, Improved Blind-Fight, Greater Blind-Fight, Blinded Blade Style, Blinded Competence, Blinded Master, Aquatic Combatant, Stunning Assault
Skills: Fly +20, Perception +46, Swim +25
Languages: English; telepathy 100 ft.
Heat Management, Increased Locomotion, Steam Engine, Swift Reactions, Energized Alacrity, Tactical Awareness, Artificial Soul, Phrenic Stone
: Any
Organization: Solitary or Mount (1 + Iluontar, the Mountain-Smith)
Treasure/Inventory: 1 Decanter of Endless Water

Special Abilities

Artificial Soul (Su): Though not the true soul of a living creature, Spice's artificial soul provides it with a unique personality and a spark of sentience. Unlike most constructs, it is not immune to necromantic effects. Enlightened constructs are still immune to death effects and they cannot be raised or resurrected. Enlightened construct golems are still immune to magic as described in their entries.

Energized Alacrity (Su): Once per minute as a swift action, Spice can draw power from special energizing transmitters attached inside its body. When doing so, it gains a +30-foot bonus to all of its speeds for 1 round. Additionally, when making a full attack during this round, the it can move up to its speed either before or after it attacks. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.

Energy Attacks (Su): Each of Spice's melee attacks deals an extra 1d6 points of acid damage on a hit.

Increased Locomotion (Ex): Steam-powered clockworks increase all movement speeds by 10 feet and gain Run as a bonus feat (already included in the above statblock).

Heat Management (Ex): When Spice ignores any amount of fire damage due to its fire resistance, it gains the benefits of haste, increases the additional fire damage applied to melee attacks to 2d6, and loses its fortification ability for 1 round. Whenever it takes cold damage, it gains the effects of slow and loses the extra fire damage applied to melee attacks for 1 round. It can negate either effect with a successful Fortitude save (DC = 10 + the amount of energy damage taken).

Mithral: This variant of Clockwork Dragon loses its adamantine weapons and its DR, which are replaced by greater flight capability thanks to its spell-infused mithral parts. Its bse land and swim speeds increase to 70 feet, and its base fly speed increases to 200 feet with good maneuverability (already accounted for). In addition, once per day as a swift action, it can gain the benefits of the haste spell for 1d4 rounds.

Phrenic Stone (Su): Spice has a stone infused with supernatural mental energy embedded into its chest that is the source of its awakened intellect. If it is destroyed but this phrenic stone remains intact, it can be used to create another enlightened construct. When a phrenic stone is used to create a new enlightened construct, the personality and memories of the previous enlightened construct are lost. A phrenic stone has hardness 10, 20 hit points, and a break DC of 30.

Reach (Ex): The reach of all of Spice's melee attacks increases by 5 feet (already included in the above statblock).

Retaliatory Strike (Ex): Whenever an enemy makes a successful melee attack against Spice or an adjacent ally, the enemy provokes an attack of opportunity from Spice.

Steam Blast (Ex): As a standard action, Spice can release a jet of steam at a target within 30 feet. If it succeeds at a ranged touch attack, the jet deals 18d6 points of fire damage.

Steam Horn (Ex): As a standard action, Spice can unleash a loud blast of sound and of steam that deafens targets and deals 18d6 points of fire damage in a 30-foot cone. A target can attempt a Fortitude save (DC 28) to take half damage and negate the deafened condition. This ability is usable once every 1d4 rounds.

Steam Engine (Ex): Spice can remain active for 37 weeks with a full boiler. Anytime it uses its Steam Horn or Steam Blast abilities, the remaining duration of activity reduces by 1 day.

Self Repair (Su): This modification allows Spice to use some of the innate magic that powers its body to repair damage to itself. As a swift action, it can gain fast healing 5. It can activate this fast healing for 18 rounds per day. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Tactical Awareness (Ex): A commando construct gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 HD the commando construct has (to a maximum of +6 at 20 HD). Additionally, a commando construct is never considered an unaware combatant and is always able to act in the surprise round. A commando construct is still flat-footed in the surprise round until it acts.

For a suitably powerful wizard, what could be a more fitting mount than a dragon? Of course, a lack of naturally occurring dragons doesn't deter a proper wizard, one who can simply build a dragon.

This glistening and silvery dragon, made solely of Mithral, is specialized in exceptional flight speed, capable of unimpeded underwater combat, and is very well suited to the task of quickly flying out and retrieving any given target. Willing or not.

Though this constructed dragon isn't particularly bright, nowhere near the person Dragon, and just a touch below even an average person, they do not need any particularly complex tactics. They are not made for subtlety, they are meant to be blaring and obvious. Their presence itself, a blatant, forceful, and unignorable declaration.

To avoid confusion, they have since been named Spice.
A.C.E.S. Clockwork Soldier CR ~13
LN Medium Construct (Augmented, Clockwork)
Initiative: +14 Senses: darkvision 60 ft., lifesense 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +3
28 Touch 18 Flat-Footed 20
HP 204 (12d12+120)
Fort +4 Ref +12 Will +4
Defensive Abilities: DR 5/adamantine; fortification 50%; Immune construct traits; Resist fire 10;
Weaknesses: Vulnerable to Electricity, Susceptible to Mind-Affecting Effects
: 80 ft., Climb 30 ft., Swim 30 ft.
Space: 5 ft.; Reach: 5 ft.
Ranged: +1 Light Machine Gun +17/12 (2d6+1/x4)
Special Attacks: Latch, Steam Blast, Steam Horn (30-ft. cone, 6d6 fire damage, Fortitude DC 16 half, usable every 1d4 rounds), Extra Attack, Precision
Spell-Like Abilities: (CL 12th, Concentration +10)
12/day— abundant ammunition
3/day—mind probe (DC 12), mindlink (DC 9), telekinesis (DC 13), dimensional lock, dimension door,
1/day—mental block (DC 10),
0/day—mind thrust V (DC 13)
36 DEX 23 CON - INT 6 WIS 11 CHA 3
BAB: +9 CMB: +22 CMD: 40 (42 vs. Disarm)
Feats: Improved Initiative(B), Lightning Reflexes(B), Run(B), Point Blank Shot(B), Precise Shot(B), Rapid Shot(B), Snap Shot(B), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Firearms), Weapon Focus (Firearms), Overwatch Style, Overwatch Tactician, Rapid Reload (Two-Handed Firearms), Combat Reflexes
Skills: Acrobatics +9 , Climb +24, Perception +3, Swim +24
Languages: English; telepathy 100 ft.
Heat Management, Increased Locomotion, Steam Engine, Swift Reactions, Energized Alacrity, Tactical Awareness, Artificial Soul, Phrenic Stone
: Any land, Urban
Organization: solitary, pair, trio, patrol (5–8), company (9–12), battalion (40-50), or army (A Lot).
Treasure/Inventory: 1 Decanter of Endless Water, 5 Metal Cartridge (30 Bullets Each)s, 1 Gunsmith's Kit, 1 +1 Greater Reliable Light Machine Gun, 1 Unlimited Use Scavenger's Stone, 1 Handy Haversack

Special Abilities

Artificial Soul (Su): Though not the true soul of a living creature, an A.C.E. Clockwork Soldier's artificial soul provides it with a unique personality and a spark of sentience. Unlike most constructs, it is not immune to necromantic effects. Enlightened constructs are still immune to death effects and they cannot be raised or resurrected. Enlightened construct golems are still immune to magic as described in their entries.

Energized Alacrity (Su): Once per minute as a swift action, an A.C.E. Clockwork Soldier can draw power from special energizing transmitters attached inside its body. When doing so, it gains a +30-foot bonus to all of its speeds for 1 round. Additionally, when making a full attack during this round, the it can move up to its speed either before or after it attacks. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.

Extra Attack (Ex): When using the full-attack action, an A.C.E. Clockwork Soldier can make one extra attack per round at its highest base attack bonus.

Increased Locomotion (Ex): Steam-powered clockworks increase all movement speeds by 10 feet and gain Run as a bonus feat (already included in the above statblock).

Heat Management (Ex): When an A.C.E. Clockwork Soldier ignores any amount of fire damage due to its fire resistance, it gains the benefits of haste, increases the additional fire damage applied to melee attacks to 2d6, and loses its fortification ability for 1 round. Whenever it takes cold damage, it gains the effects of slow and loses the extra fire damage applied to melee attacks for 1 round. It can negate either effect with a successful Fortitude save (DC = 10 + the amount of energy damage taken).

Latch (Ex): Clockwork soldiers have specially designed hands that easily grasp and lock onto weapons and objects. A soldier can attempt to disarm or grapple as a standard action without provoking an attack of opportunity, and it receives a +2 bonus on disarm checks. In addition, it receives a +2 bonus to CMD against attempts to disarm it.

Mind Thrust (Sp): An enlightened construct can use mind thrust as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 2 + the enlightened construct's Intelligence modifier. The version of mind thrust available to an enlightened construct is determined by its Hit Dice At 12 Hit Dice, an A.C.E. Clockwork Soldier can use Mind Thrust V.

Phrenic Stone (Su): An A.C.E. Clockwork Soldier has a stone infused with supernatural mental energy embedded into its chest that is the source of its awakened intellect. If it is destroyed but this phrenic stone remains intact, it can be used to create another enlightened construct. When a phrenic stone is used to create a new enlightened construct, the personality and memories of the previous enlightened construct are lost. A phrenic stone has hardness 10, 20 hit points, and a break DC of 30.

Precision (Ex): An A.C.E. Clockwork Soldier rolls twice to confirm critical hits, taking the more favorable result.

Proficient (Ex): An A.C.E. Clockwork Soldier is proficient with all simple and martial weapons.

Standby (Ex): An A.C.E. Clockwork Soldier can place itself on standby as a standard action. While on standby, it cannot move or take any actions. It remains aware of its surroundings but takes a –4 penalty on Perception checks. Time spent on standby does not count against the soldier's wind-down duration.It can exit standby as a swift action—if it does so to initiate combat, it gains a +4 racial bonus on its Initiative check.

Steam Blast (Ex): As a standard action, an A.C.E. Clockwork Soldier can release a jet of steam at a target within 30 feet. If it succeeds at a ranged touch attack, the jet deals 6d6 points of fire damage.

Steam Horn (Ex): As a standard action, an A.C.E. Clockwork Soldier can unleash a loud blast of sound and of steam that deafens targets and deals 6d6 points of fire damage in a 15-foot cone. A target can attempt a Fortitude save (DC 16) to take half damage and negate the deafened condition. This ability is usable once every 1d4 rounds.

Steam Engine (Ex): An A.C.E. Clockwork Soldier can remain active for 12 weeks with a full boiler. Anytime it uses its Steam Horn or Steam Blast abilities, the remaining duration of activity reduces by 1 day.

Tactical Awareness (Ex): A commando construct gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 HD the commando construct has (to a maximum of +6 at 20 HD). Additionally, a commando construct is never considered an unaware combatant and is always able to act in the surprise round. A commando construct is still flat-footed in the surprise round until it acts.

Any kingdom needs an army, yours will be no exception. A Clockwork Soldier serving as a strong foundation, building on it creates an exceptional soldier, and oddly, due to the nature of mass producing enlightened constructs, there is also a similar variety in personality and ability amongst an A.C.E. Clockwork army as there would be in a more human one, with a similar chain of command naturally likely emerging over time. After all, you can be certain of the loyalties of a soldier who you've painstakingly assembled gear by gear, especially one that knows you did so and can understand what that means.

These are built to be your feet on the ground, able to effectively hold territory that's been built around human habitation.

The above statblock depicts the absolute worst possible ability scores with an Intelligence of 6 and a Charisma of 3. Even though it is a dreg, with their inbuilt loyalty to the death negative morale at such a sad state of existence isn't a thing with these soldiers, and acceptance of their position is nearly guaranteed- at the very least, even if it does hold aspirations, it is absolutely certain that they would never deliberately disobey orders or revolt. As intelligence goes up, skill points are equally spread between Acrobatics, Climb, Perception, and Swim, up to Intelligence 15.

Those rare few most promising soldiers, with the maximum intelligence of 16 are universally set apart, with a greater variation in duties than the rest. Some have 7 Ranks in Craft (Weapons) and also serve to create more base ammunition or perform weapon repairs if needed (Replacing Combat Reflexes with Frugal Crafter) and 5 ranks in Profession (Soldier), or even provide non-magical weaponry, as even with their abundant ammunition spell-like ability, there are likely times when ammunition may be used up in truth. Others have a full 12 Ranks in Profession Soldier and serve as squad leaders. In the rare event of a Clockwork Soldier with both maximum Intelligence and a sizeable Charisma, they become a squad spokesman or civilian front, gaining 9 ranks in Diplomacy, and only 3 in Profession (Soldier).
Advanced Surgeon Robot, CR 21 (Reversed from Price)
N Medium Construct
Initiative: +17 Perception: +11 Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, see invisibility

27 Touch 17 Flat-Footed 20
HP 290 (27d10+20 plus 75 hp force field)
Fort +9 Ref +18 Will +10
Defensive Abilities: hardness 10; Immune: Construct Traits
Weaknesses: vulnerable to critical hits and electricity
: 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Melee: 2 claws +27 (1d6+6 plus grab), 4 scalpels +27 (1d6+6), syringe +27 (1d4+6 plus poison)
Ranged: integrated surgical laser +27 touch (1d6 fire)
STR 22 DEX 25 CON - INT 14 WIS 13 CHA 1
BAB: +20 CMB: +26 CMD: 43
Feats: Skill Focus (Heal), Self-Sufficient, Incredible Healer, Pathologist, Extra Traits (Precise Treatment, Clever Wordplay (Diplomacy)), Improvisational Healer, Signature Skill (Heal), Technologist, Siphon Poison, Flyby Attack, Weapon Finesse, Cunning, Acupuncture Specialist, Craft Pharmaceutical
Skills: Diplomacy +29, Fly +29, Heal +51, Knowledge (Nature) +29, Knowledge (Planes) +29, Perception +11
Languages: English, Terran, (1 Other Appropriate for Region of Origin)
Force Field, Master Surgeon, Specialized Programming, Superior Optics, Syringe
: Any
Organization: TBD
Treasure/Inventory: None, or, Healer's Gloves, Vest of Surgery, Specialized Healer's Satchel, Saliharion

Special Abilities

Force Field (Ex): A surgeon robot is sheathed in a thin layer of shimmering energy that grants it 75 bonus hit points. All damage dealt to a surgeon robot with an active force field is deducted from these hit points first. As long as the force field is active, the surgeon robot is immune to critical hits. A surgeon robot's force field has fast healing 15, but once these bonus hit points are reduced to 0, the force field shuts down and doesn't reactivate for 24 hours.

Master Surgeon (Ex): Programmed to execute advanced medical procedures, a surgeon robot can perform surgeries and other procedures that heal humanoid creatures of all manner of maladies. A surgeon robot can heal wounds, set broken bones, cure diseases, treat burns, remove poison, and even install cybertech items. These procedures take varying amounts of time for the surgeon robot to complete and require different Heal check DCs. The DCs for these surgical procedures increase by 10 when they're performed on a non-humanoid creature. These procedures leave the patient with the exhausted condition. If the surgeon robot fails any of its Heal checks, the surgery fails and the patient takes 1d4 points of Constitution damage and is exhausted for 24 hours. The procedures a surgeon robot can perform are as follows:
  • Cure Blindness/Deafness (DC 35): The patient's sight or hearing is restored. Required Time: 30 minutes.
  • Install Cybertech (DC = 5 + the cybertech install DC): Cybernetic equipment is installed safely. Required Time: 20 minutes per point of implantation of the cybertech being installed.
  • Minor Surgery (DC 25): The patient is healed of 1d8+1 points of damage. Required Time: 5 minutes.
  • Moderate Surgery (DC 30): The patient is healed of 2d8+3 points of damage and 1d4+1 points of ability damage to a selected ability score. Required Time: 10 minutes.
  • Major Surgery (DC 35): The patient is healed of 3d8+5 points of damage and is cured of blindness and deafness. Required Time: 15 minutes.
  • Critical Surgery (DC 40): The patient is healed of 4d8+7 points of damage and either all ability damage to all ability scores or all ability drain to one ability score. Required Time: 30 minutes.
  • Treat Toxin (DC = 10 + the save DC of disease or poison): One disease or poison currently afflicting the patient is removed. Required Time: 10 minutes.
Specialized Programming (Ex): Heal is always a class skill for surgeon robots, and they gain a +8 racial bonus on Heal checks.

Superior Optics (Ex): Surgeon robots see invisible creatures or objects as if they were visible.

Syringe (Ex): When a surgeon robot makes a successful attack with its syringe, it can inject the target with pharmaceuticals. The robot contains nanites that fabricate the pharmaceuticals stored within its body. Up to 10 doses of these pharmaceuticals can be administered per day. The surgeon robot can choose to affect its target with cardioamp, cureall, hemochem (grade III), torpinal, or zortaphen each time it uses this ability. Rules for these pharmaceuticals can be found on pages 33–34 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Sckribe on Nov 10, 2023 at 2:13 PM, finished with 16 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X][Plan] Lead Room in the Sewers
    -[x] Using a divination spell Find a satisfactory room to set up base.
    --[x] If that fails, use spells to create one, if we can employ telekinesis, or other spells like move Earth.
    ---[x] If even that fails, seek a nearby city or town, and investigate the sewers.
    -[x] See about casting a fabrication, or transmutation spell to turn the walls or cover the walls with lead.
    --[x] If that fails see about using a divination spell to find a nearby source of lead.
    [X] Just Walk Away:
    -[X] Move away from the site, using Stealth and whatever useful movement spells you might intuit
    -[X] When you judge distance and area to be safe enough, mediate upon nature of your magic, trying to recall some of spells you have
    -[X] Try crafting simple magic items using your magic and whatever random stuff you can find laying around
ALNE - 1.2
Scheduled vote count started by Sckribe on Nov 10, 2023 at 2:13 PM, finished with 16 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X][Plan] Lead Room in the Sewers
    -[x] Using a divination spell Find a satisfactory room to set up base.
    --[x] If that fails, use spells to create one, if we can employ telekinesis, or other spells like move Earth.
    ---[x] If even that fails, seek a nearby city or town, and investigate the sewers.
    -[x] See about casting a fabrication, or transmutation spell to turn the walls or cover the walls with lead.
    --[x] If that fails see about using a divination spell to find a nearby source of lead.
    [X] Just Walk Away:
    -[X] Move away from the site, using Stealth and whatever useful movement spells you might intuit
    -[X] When you judge distance and area to be safe enough, mediate upon nature of your magic, trying to recall some of spells you have
    -[X] Try crafting simple magic items using your magic and whatever random stuff you can find laying around

Very quickly, perhaps a second or two at most, you have a good few ideas on handling that business within the week. Your immediate instinct is of course to use magic to solve the location issue, only for you to realize not that you do not know any such spell to do so (though even a quick glance of thought to the matter proves that creating such a spell may be possible, perhaps working off the basis of a Find the Path derivative?), but instead that the problem runs deeper, in that you do not even know if you don't know such a spell, let alone whatever it is you would need to do in order to cast such a spell. With that foiling a few of your more immediate plans, you instead elect to search way for a nearby city.

As you begin to move away from the sight and towards where the intermittent sounds are coming from in hopes of finding it to be a hint of civilization (such that perhaps you might set up the humble yet classic sewer lair as a starting point and potential solution to your within the week issue (whatever it is), and having no better clues at this point, absentmindedly tucking away the vial and baton into their respective pocket sleeves, you allow yourself to move and act without excessive thought, in the hopes that perhaps simply doing by intuition will allow you some measure of results.

Soon enough, you are slinking amongst the shadows with a preturnatural familiarity and grace. You feel very confident that you are utterly hidden as you move, and after fifteen seconds of movement, you realize that you are about to make a sudden lunge both forwards and down, but allow the movement to go through without thinking on it. And then, it works, as without even the faintest sign of your passage you are now moving almost as if swimming through the dirt, though a few times you find yourself bumping into the roots of trees. Yet, not bumping into enough, you realize, pondering on this as you move, realizing that you can ever so faintly sense where the roots are as you move, in fact you can sense nearly everything the ground touches in quite the detail, to what you'd estimate is 100 and some extra feet out.

With that, you fully duck your head as well into the dirt for the remainder of the trip, thinking of holding your breath before realizing that all of this time you have not been breathing. Every so often for a few seconds you'd duck your head back our, as if a dolphin breaching the water, to view your surroundings, and quite soon you are seeing through the edge of a treeline at what is very clearly a road of very high quality. Large metal carriages bearing people at quite the appreciable speed occasionally swoosh by, revealing themselves to be the source of the occasional sounds of displaced air. Even at a glance, you realize you have near entirely figured out the general mechanisms it operates on, and could likely recreate one yourself if given the resources and time. Almost certainly improve the ruddy thing, too. On the opposite side of this road in the distance you can see a coastline.

You can also see large green signs with white text over said road at this point, facing in opposite directions. And you don't know the language they're written in, as it's not even one out of the eleven you do know. However, it isn't particularly long or difficult to reason out what these are- signposts denoting distance to two nearby cities along this road. Given that this is your first time encountering this language and the names of these cities would likely be proper nouns, you cannot make out what they are called themselves, only roughly that the one that you've seen more people going towards than going away from is the further of the two at what you'd say is perhaps 30 miles, and the other is the closer at 25 .

With that in mind, you fairly quickly decide which direction to go in.

[ ] [City] The further one that has more incoming travelers.
[ ] [City] The closer one that has fewer incoming travelers.

With that, you turn in that direction, and very deliberately let yourself move into a flow state, your lower left hand making some specific gestures while your mouth quietly mutters nonsense-

And seconds later it finishes, and you are now in a different location, the edge of your chosen city only about ten more minutes out on foot by your own guess. Quickly, you review your prodigious memory, and immediately recognize the spell as being Greater Teleport, and that you should be able to use it twice more before-

Before something, you aren't sure.

Regardless, with that, it isn't long before you quickly slip into the edges of the city and find exactly what you were looking for, a circle of metal in the ground that seems to be the universal sign of sewer entrance. While you find you can't swim through the metal, you are able to swim through the black road around it and under, soon dropping into a sewer- thankfully onto a walkway and not into sewage directly.

With that, you walk around for some time getting a look around, and yep. These are sewers, not particularly much to see, at least that you've found. You've not run into any pre-existing lairs yet, at least, which would have been significantly convenient. Then again, you haven't searched all of it, simply until you found a nice spot well out of the way of any visible access points or straight paths beneath. With that, you find yourself confident you are secure, at least for a time,

With that, you pause, and deliberately think, meditate even, on your own magic, the examples from earlier, and try to piece yourself together again, just a little.

It's all still too soon, too soon without the right triggers to get the whole idea, but you can get some details. You can pick up most of what you have prepared right now, the earlier twice more simply being how many more Greater Teleports you had left, and that your spellbook should be in your belongings, but attempting to manually and directly push your memory further too soon could risk serious repercussions. It has only been a couple of hours, since the last revelations, after all.

So, you stop, for now. Sadly, at no point along the way did you come across anything you deemed usable for the creation of even the least magic item. Well, except, you did see some shop of assorted wares for a few moments, that had gemstones and gold and jewelry and such, which if you stole could perhaps work with, if you only had the proper tools. Which you might, you aren't sure.

Well, what now?

[ ] [Plan] Write in.

??? , ? Wizard ? CR ?
?? ? ? (?)
Initiative: ? Perception: ? Senses: ?, Tremorsense 120 ft., ?
AC ? Touch ? Flat-Foot ?
HP ? (?)
Fort ? Ref ? Will ?
Speed: 40 ft., burrow 30 ft., ?; earth glide
Melee: 4 claws +? (?), ?
Ranged: ?
Special Attacks: ?
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips — Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation, Acid Splash, Read Magic
1st (DC 30) — Comprehend Languages (2), Mage Armor (2), Magic Missile (4), Shield (4)
2nd (DC 31) — Locate Object (2), Mirror Image (5), See Invisibility (2), Invisibility (2)
3rd (DC 32) — Arcane Reinforcement (2), Arcane Sight, Battering Blast (4), Dispel Magic (2), Fly
4th (DC 33) — Bestow Curse (2), Dimension Door (2), Greater Invisibility (3), Phantasmal Killer (3)
5th (DC 34) — Baleful Polymorph (3), Break Enchantment (2), Dominate Person (3), Teleport (2)
6th (DC 35) — Disintegrate (5), Eyebite (3), Veil, Antimagic Field
7th (DC 36) — Ethereal Jaunt, Finger of Death (3), Greater Teleport (2), Prismatic Spray (2)
8th (DC 37) — Dimensional Lock, Discern Location, Greater Bestow Curse, Mind Blank (3), Polar Ray (3)
9th (DC 38) — Dominate Monster (2), Time Stop (3), Wail of the Banshee (3), Wish
?? — ??
STR ? DEX ? CON ? INT 47 WIS ? CHA ?
BAB: ? CMB: ? CMD: ?
Feats: ?
Skills ?, Craft (?, ?, Mechanical, ?, ?) +89, Craft (?) +97, Knowledge (Arcana) +100, Knowledge (Engineering +86), Spellcraft +122, Stealth +89, ?
Languages: Common (Golarian), Terran, Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Aklo, Androffan, Infernal, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven
Environment ?
Organization ?
Treasure/Inventory: ?
Last edited:
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Sckribe on Nov 11, 2023 at 5:22 PM, finished with 9 posts and 4 votes.
  • 3

    [X] [City] The closer one that has fewer incoming travelers.
    [X] [City] The further one that has more incoming travelers.
  • 1

    [X] [Plan] Our Only Route to Success.
    -[x] Navigate the sewers to get a better lay of the land, and see if you can find the room by chance. Create a map while doing so.
    -[x] With the sewer navigated with or without success on the room we're searching for. Look in our pockets, for two easily findable items. One being a storage space, like a bag that can contain more than it should, the other is the lead we need to line a room with.
    --[x] Assuming that fails, all we need is lead. So, find where the garbage is thrown out in this city, to procure the lead. This would be a dirty job, but completely possible.
    -[x] If this somehow doesn't work, all routes have failed, use wish.
    -[x] Once this plan works, Because they're our only possible methods of accomplishing the goal, make the room we need.
  • 2

    [X] Plan: Take inventory
    -[X] Examine your equipment and personal effects. Don't stress your memories but instead attempt to deduce what you can. Be careful.
    -[X] Navigate the sewers and city to get a better lay of the land. See if you can find the room by chance. Create a map while doing so.
    --[X] Things of interest to note: Places where you might acquire lead. Places with high concentrations of information to aid in learning the local language. Places of interest to the local population.
    -[X] If you can source sufficient samples of the local language, first study it unaided to draw what inferences you can. Then cast Comprehend Languages and use it to build understanding.
  • 1

    [X] Your A Wizard `arry, use your fucking spells
    -[X] Cast Mind Blank
ALNE - 1.3
Scheduled vote count started by Sckribe on Nov 11, 2023 at 5:22 PM, finished with 9 posts and 4 votes.
  • 3

    [X] [City] The closer one that has fewer incoming travelers.
    [X] [City] The further one that has more incoming travelers.
  • 1

    [X] [Plan] Our Only Route to Success.
    -[x] Navigate the sewers to get a better lay of the land, and see if you can find the room by chance. Create a map while doing so.
    -[x] With the sewer navigated with or without success on the room we're searching for. Look in our pockets, for two easily findable items. One being a storage space, like a bag that can contain more than it should, the other is the lead we need to line a room with.
    --[x] Assuming that fails, all we need is lead. So, find where the garbage is thrown out in this city, to procure the lead. This would be a dirty job, but completely possible.
    -[x] If this somehow doesn't work, all routes have failed, use wish.
    -[x] Once this plan works, Because they're our only possible methods of accomplishing the goal, make the room we need.
  • 2

    [X] Plan: Take inventory
    -[X] Examine your equipment and personal effects. Don't stress your memories but instead attempt to deduce what you can. Be careful.
    -[X] Navigate the sewers and city to get a better lay of the land. See if you can find the room by chance. Create a map while doing so.
    --[X] Things of interest to note: Places where you might acquire lead. Places with high concentrations of information to aid in learning the local language. Places of interest to the local population.
    -[X] If you can source sufficient samples of the local language, first study it unaided to draw what inferences you can. Then cast Comprehend Languages and use it to build understanding.
  • 1

    [X] Your A Wizard `arry, use your fucking spells
    -[X] Cast Mind Blank

As you stood there in the sewers of the closer city, you decided that with a moment of more certain calm, you could take the time to properly get a look at everything you have on you, although first and immediately, one much larger matter. With well-ordered gibberish and hand gestures as fast as you are capable of making them, you immediately cast Mind Blank on yourself, feeling the protection wash over you, familiar like a favorite coat.

Next then, to take stock of all you have on you. With a few moments to spare to properly look, even before moving on to examine anything with magic you can figure quite the amount. Firstly, you bring out the vials from your lower sleeves' pockets and the baton from the upper right, and upon checking find a pair of what appear to be tattooing needles in your upper left sleeves, and also find a dagger hidden in your boot. It isn't long at all to recognize the vials, one that same thin pitch black and the other of a more honey-like sheen, as two fairly potent poisons, three vials of Black Lotus Extract and two of Terinav Root, in fact. For a moment you wonder at the disparity, until a very close look at the dagger, tilting it just so in your vision, reveals a faint sheen marking it as still having an applied dose of Terinav Root.

And what a dagger it is. A sleek, wicked, and vicious-looking thing with a curve that feels just right for slipping into the most lethal spots through nearly any gap in armor. It is, admittedly, small in your hands even for a dagger, but from what you saw of doorways in your quick slink to the sewers it is more likely that you yourself are simply quite large.

Putting the vials back away, you focus on the metal 'baton', now focused realizing it is no baton at all, but rather with a quick and subtle movement to activate it- nothing happens, as with another check you realize the power slot is empty, and it must be out of energy. That only dampens your enthusiasm slightly, however, as your Monowhip feels correct in your hands, as you know it is an exceptionally potent weapon.

With more time, you can now also see that the lone bracer on your upper left arm is in fact quite the technological creation, gently pressing around manages to find you all of its functions, only utilizing them for the splittest of seconds possible to use up only the minimal charge to confirm it's still working, as it too has an empty power slot. And oh, it has a good few features, though you feel like some of them had to be built in as a joke. Primarily it has a very well-sized section that flips up to reveal a screen that ought to allow it to function as a Prismatic Grade Chipfinder, though with no tracking chips within range, an audio/video Commset as well by that same screen, even capable of splitting the display to run the two side by side, though also capable of remaining audio-only on the commset side by simply closing the screen or turning that setting off, a surprisingly useful and efficient flashlight function at the wrist-facing end of it that didn't eat any charge but still required it to have some in order to function, and what you're most certain had to have been built in as a joke, a fire extinguisher, using some actually excruciatingly clever chemical and electrical reactions for the purpose of having a rechargeable fire extinguisher.

There is surprising yourself, and then there's shit like this.

Still, before casting your only prepared Arcane Sight, since the pre-amnesia version of you must not have anticipated requiring Detect Magic today, you look through all you have before doing so. The backpack before your remaining pockets reveals itself to have a surprising amount of what seems to be camping equipment, but no tent, a spyglass, a foot-long iron bar with a lot of odd plates and such, a crowbar, a decanter, a small 2 by 3-inch flag and banner supported by an equally small wooden dowel, a change of clothes in the form of what look like a blacksmith's workclothes (if in your size and shape), what must be your Spellbook with an inbuilt lock on it (though a total lack of any key), a foldable and unfoldable ten-foot pole that feels humorously obvious in an odd way, two and a half full pounds of what you recognize as ruby dust totaling to around 50,000 GP in value (and not diamond which would have been much more helpful quite frankly), and five extremely carefully bound sets of ten golden scrolls each, though a quick and instinctively reverent glance at these makes it appear that one set simply has absolutely no text on it whatsoever. Further, there are five Black Sapphires that you'd suspect to be worth about 30,000 GP each,

Lastly, in a pocket of the dark blue explorer's outfit you are wearing beneath what you've identified as Silken Ceremonial Armor, you find a small piece of folded black cloth.

Then, you cast Arcane Sight, and immediately put the backpack down and step a solid few feet away with the cloth you can now identify as a portable hole, knowing that it and the Handy Haversack you identify your bag as are absolutely not at all to be mixed, ever.

Still, you lay down the portable hole, noticing a faint humming sound as you begin to unfold it, as looking into it-

That is a Graviton Reactor. You are, or were at least, the kind of person to just casually carry around a gods be damned Graviton Reactor in your pocket. The reactor is in the dead center of the portable hole, secured to its relative place by no less than 16 Immovable Rods, such that you could open this hole on the ceiling and it wouldn't fall out. Simply tied to another four Immovable Rods is the clearly inactive frame to an exceptionally well made robot- however even at a glance it's clear that while it is physically impeccable, there would be no guiding intelligence to it even if you powered it up, closer to a statue than anything else at the moment, and you personally have no clue how to create an intelligence that could inhabit it. Hopping into the hole for a moment to look inside a small wooden crate, tied to another four Immovable Rods and openable from seemingly any side by its series of hinges and slide, reveals three fifty-foot long power cables, an active signal booster with a power receiver plugged into it's power slot, and three more unused power receivers.

Seeing no reason to delay, you quickly sync up the power receivers with the Graviton Reactor and place them into your bracer and monowhip, the bracer's screen showing available power quickly spiking to maximum, and testing the monowhip showing it activating again as the small weight drops, revealing the long mithral monofilament, ready to be put to devastating use.

As well, it reveals both to be enchanted as well, the bracers an improved variation on a Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns, the monowhip being in totality a +1 Agile Impervious Mithral Resizing Monowhip. A look at the dagger again showed it to be a far more thoroughly enchanted +2 Adamantine Agile Axiomatic Impervious Returning Ricochet Assassin's Dagger. The needles were Needles of Fleshgraving.

Your boots are Boots of Vaulting, your cloak functions as both Wings of Flying and Muleback Cords at once, taking off your glasses reveals them to be enchanted as Greater Sniper's Goggles (explaining the crosshair designs), and your armor is perhaps your single most enchanted piece of gear as +5 Advancing Burdenless Comfort Ghost Touch Impervious Greater Shadow Greater Slick Silken Ceremonial Armor, which was an absolute mouthful, especially when combined with all the rest, so for now you resolved to simply refer to them all as 'Enchanted' and be done with the wordy mess unless necessary.

A second check of the backpack once you were out and had put away the portable hole, finding that folding it up and putting it into your pocket didn't disrupt the signal between the reactor and power receivers (which was probably why you had used it in the first place, as well as the overall size of the damn thing), had revealed not too much else to be enchanted. The decanter was a decanter of endless water, the iron bar to be a Traveler's Any-Tools, and the small flag to be a particularly useful combination of an Expedition Pavillion and a Commander's Tent.

With that, you were able to quickly set it down in your nook of the sewers, and while you had forgotten what the proper command word for it was, you were more than capable of simply saying something you believed it should be, and it complied, expanding out in a single moment to become a large 10x10 foot tent, though stepping inside revealed it to be 30x30 on the inside, and after a small vestibule was the well-lit central area, containing a central table as well as several chairs and cushions, and three small "bedrooms" separated by curtains along the back wall. The central table held a blank map, what you were looking for, where with another improvised command it word soon showed an aerial view of the surrounding mile, which you nigh-instantly memorized.

Sadly, given that it was an aerial view, you'd have to acquaint yourself with the sewers manually, and given it was only a mile in distance and this was a larger city, you'd still need to travel the surface yourself as well, as that map function only worked once a week.

Regardless, you soon enough got to work, finding your exceptional intellect capable of memorization to the point that you simply did not need a physical map. Given the time passing, you stopped exploring the rather uninteresting sewers in order to try and get as much of your surface examining done as you could before sun-up, taking special note to try and piece together as much of the language as you could- which for a few hours of sneaking about after clambering up onto a rooftop was a surprising amount. Not enough to learn the language to full fluency, for that you'd need about 32 hours of relatively active study, but enough to pick up on what were names and not and such. Still, you paused to quickly cast Comprehend Languages to double-check your understanding.

You had gotten some details wrong, but with practice it would go away. Funnily enough, while you had been keeping an eye and ear out for sources of lead, you had overheard one man complaining that there was lead in the tap water, and while he may have probably been lying to justify the sheer amount of alcohol he had reeked of even from a distance (the minor woes of having exceptional senses, you supposed) his companion had hit him upside the head and said the only place there was lead in the water was "Prob'ly in the boat graveyard or somethin'".

It was a place that came up a few times as a location mentioned with regularity, alongside a few other points of interest, a few territories of what sounded like gangs going by the names E88, Empire, New Wave, PRT, Protectorate, Merchants, and ABB, and one man named 'Lung', though you were fairly sure that E88 and Empire were the same, this Lung was probably the leader of ABB, PRT and Protectorate appeared to be close allies if not separate branches of the same thing, and how by the subtle difference in how New Wave and Protectorate 'patrolled' compared to the others, they might have the most official backing.

Overall, the city seemed in a very sorry state even for their level of technology. You'd certainly improve things once you ruled.

However, that was all the information you could gather before sunrise began peeking up, so you found yourself quickly ducking back into the sewers to complete your rounds. It was around five hours later that you were confident you had mentally mapped out the entirety of the sewers, returning to the same nook you had found before.

Well then, that was productive.

What now, then?

[ ] Write in.

??? , ? Wizard ? CR ?
?? ? ? (?)
Initiative: ? Perception: ? Senses: ?, Tremorsense 120 ft., ?
AC ? Touch ? Flat-Foot ?
HP ? (?)
Fort ? Ref ? Will ?
Speed: 40 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (Average), ?; earth glide
Melee: 4 claws +? (?), or, +1 Agile Impervious Mithral Resizing Monowhip +? (3d6+?, 18-20/x3), or, +2 Adamantine Agile Axiomatic Impervious Returning Ricochet Assassin's Dagger +? (1d4+?, 19-20/x2)
Ranged: +2 Adamantine Agile Axiomatic Impervious Returning Ricochet Assassin's Dagger +? (1d4+?, 19-20/x2), ?
Special Attacks: ?
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips — Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation, Acid Splash, Read Magic
1st (DC 30) — Comprehend Languages (2), Mage Armor (2), Magic Missile (4), Shield (4)
2nd (DC 31) — Locate Object (2), Mirror Image (5), See Invisibility (2), Invisibility (2)
3rd (DC 32) — Arcane Reinforcement (2), Arcane Sight (0), Battering Blast (4), Dispel Magic (2), Fly
4th (DC 33) — Bestow Curse (2), Dimension Door (2), Greater Invisibility (3), Phantasmal Killer (3)
5th (DC 34) — Baleful Polymorph (3), Break Enchantment (2), Dominate Person (3), Teleport (2)
6th (DC 35) — Disintegrate (5), Eyebite (3), Veil, Antimagic Field
7th (DC 36) — Ethereal Jaunt, Finger of Death (3), Greater Teleport (2), Prismatic Spray (2)
8th (DC 37) — Dimensional Lock, Discern Location, Greater Bestow Curse, Mind Blank (2), Polar Ray (3)
9th (DC 38) — Dominate Monster (2), Time Stop (3), Wail of the Banshee (3), Wish
?? — ??
STR ? DEX ? CON ? INT 47 WIS ? CHA ?
BAB: ? CMB: ? CMD: ?
Feats: ?
Skills ?, Craft (?, ?, Mechanical, ?, ?) +89, Craft (?) +97, Knowledge (Arcana) +100, Knowledge (Engineering +86), Spellcraft +122, Stealth +89, ?
Languages: Common (Golarian), Terran, Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Aklo, Androffan, Infernal, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven
Environment ?
Organization ?
Treasure/Inventory: 5 30,000 GP Black Sapphire Gems, 1 Artisan's Outfit, 1 Bedroll, 1 Blessed Blook (W/Superior Lock), 1 Commander's Expidition Pavillion (Improved), 1 Crowbar, 1 Decanter of Endless Water, 1 Enchanted Adamantine Dagger, 1 Enchanted Boots, 1 Enchanted Cloak, 1 Enchanted Glasses, 1 Enchanted Mithral Monowhip, 1 Enchanted Silken Ceremonial Armor, 1 Enchanted Technological Bracers, 1 Explorer's Outfit, 1 Fishing Net (25 sq. ft.), 1 Flint & Steel, 1 Folding Pole, 1 Graviton Reactor, 1 Handy Haversack, 24 Immovable Rods, 1 Needles of Fleshgraving, 50 Golden Scrolls (10 Blank), 1 Robot Frame (Perfectly Intact), 1 Portable Hole, 3 (50 ft.) Power Cables, 4 Power Receivers (3 in use between Signal Booster, Bracers, Monowhip), 1 Signal Booster, 1 Spyglass, 1 Traveler's Any-Tools, 3 Vials of Black Lotus Extract, 2 Vials of Terinav Root, 1 Winter Blanket, 1000 Pinches of Ruby Dust (50 GP Each)

This item Functions as a Combined Commander's Tent and Expedition Pavillion, containing the best features of both.

Weight: 1 lb.
Aura(s): faint Evocation, moderate Divination
Total Price: 41,000 GP


This small flag sports a banner that is 2 inches wide by 3 inches tall and has a thin wooden dowel that serves as the flag post. When a creature plants the flag in the ground and speaks the command word, the flag expands into an ordinary-looking, windowless tent of stout canvas with the flag falling over the outer side of the entrance flap. The tent fills a space that is 10 feet by 10 feet, but, inside, it measures a full 30 feet by 30 feet. The entrance of the tent consists of a vestibule with an outer and inner flap for keeping light from spilling out,.

Inside, the tent contains a central table and several chairs and cushions, and three small "bedrooms" (separated by curtains) along the back wall. The center table features a blank map. Once per week, any creature inside the tent can utter a second command word to transform the map into a model of the nearby area, as sand table (see page 164).

The temperature inside the tent is 70° F if the exterior temperature is between 0° and 100° F. For every degree the exterior temperature is below 0° or above 100°, the interior temperature decreases or increases, respectively, by 1°. The pavilion also provides protection against the elements, such as rain, dust, and sandstorms. The pavilion withstands any wind of less than hurricane force, but a hurricane (75+ mph wind speed) or greater force destroys it.

While the commander's tent is in tent form, the user can utter a third command word while holding a new flag to replace the flag on the tent with one of his own choosing. The two pennants swap places. A fourth command word causes the tent to break down, returning to its miniature flag form, ejecting any creatures still inside the tent.
+2 Adamantine Agile Axiomatic Impervious Returning Ricochet Assassin's Dagger

Total Price: 92,002 gp
Total Equivalent Enhancement Bonus: +6

Max HP: 43
Hardness: 28

Weight 1 lb.
Damage 1d3 (small), 1d4 (medium) Critical 19-20/x2 Type piercing or slashing
Range Increment 10 ft. (thrown)
Category light Proficiency simple
Weapon Groups light blades, thrown, tribal


This jet-black blade is curved viciously, and is dull, never glinting in the dark.


Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand skill checks made to conceal a dagger on your body.

Adamantine: Weapons fashioned from adamantine have a natural ability to bypass hardness when sundering weapons or attacking objects, ignoring hardness less than 20.

Enchanted With;

+2 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot none; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A character with Weapon Finesse can apply her Dexterity modifier to damage rolls with an agile weapon in place of her Strength modifier. This modifier to damage is not increased for two-handed weapons, but is still reduced for off-hand weapons. This weapon special ability can be placed only on melee weapons usable with Weapon Finesse.


Aura moderate evocation CL 7th
Slot weapon quality; Price +2 bonus; Weight —
An axiomatic weapon is infused with lawful power. It makes the weapon law-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. It deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against chaotic creatures. It bestows one permanent negative level (Core Rulebook 562) on any chaotic creature attempting to wield it. The negative level remains as long as the weapon is in hand and disappears when the weapon is no longer wielded. This negative level cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded.


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot weapon quality; Price +3,000 gp; Weight —
An impervious weapon is warded from damage and decay. A metallic weapon cannot rust and a wooden weapon cannot rot or warp, even by magical or supernatural means. An impervious weapon gains double the normal bonus to its hardness and hit points for each point of its enhancement bonus. The break DC for an impervious weapon and the wielder's combat maneuver defense against sunder maneuvers against the impervious weapon each gain a bonus equal to twice the weapon's enhancement bonus.


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot weapon quality; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
This special ability can only be placed on a weapon that can be thrown. A returning weapon flies through the air back to the creature that threw it. It returns to the thrower just before the creature's next turn (and is therefore ready to use again in that turn). Catching a returning weapon when it comes back is a free action. If the character can't catch it, or if the character has moved since throwing it, the weapon drops to the ground in the square from which it was thrown.

Ricochet (Adapted from Ricochet Hammer)

Price +12,000 gp; (Must be a Returning Weapon)

This weapon can strike multiple foes with a single throw. If the wielder has multiple attacks from a high base attack bonus, he may throw the weapon so it rebounds off the first target to strike at a second target, and so on for each of the wielder's additional attacks. The distance to each target adds to the total range of the weapon, and range penalties apply.

The weapon can only ricochet if it successfully hits a target; if it misses, it stops ricocheting, has no further attacks that round, and returns as normal for a weapon with the returning property. Because ricocheting attacks are treated as separate attacks, modifiers that only apply to one attack roll (such as true strike) only apply to the first attack and not the others. The ricochet attacks count as the wielder's additional attacks for that round.

Assassin's Dagger (Base Item)

Aura moderate necromancy CL 9th
Slot none; Price +2,000 gp
This wicked-looking, curved dagger provides a +1 bonus to the DC of a Fortitude save forced by the death attack of an assassin.
Enchanted Boots (Boots of Vaulting)

Total Price: 3,500 GP

Enchanted With;

Boots of Vaulting (Base Item of the Boots)

Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot feet; Price 3,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.


The wearer of these suede boots ignores an additional 10 feet of falling distance when she successfully uses Acrobatics to soften a fall. Once per round as a free action, the wearer can use the boots to gain a +10 competence bonus on an Acrobatics check to jump, treating such jump as though she had a running start. The wearer also receives this +10 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks to avoid attacks of opportunity during the jump or to balance after landing.

Using the boots in this fashion strains the lower body. If the wearer attempts a second such jump before at least 1 minute has passed, she must succeed at a Fortitude save with a DC equal to the DC of her second jump attempt or injure her legs. This injury reduces her speed by half for 24 hours, or until she is successfully treated with a DC 15 Heal check or at least 1 point of magical healing. The DC of the Fortitude save increases by 5 for each additional jump attempted until at least 1 minute passes between jumps.
Enchanted Cloak (Wings of Flying+)

Total Price: 55,500 GP

This grey cloak has feathers all about the collar and uppermost shoulders, and is evocative of the wings of a perched owl in the way it falls when worn or hung.

Enchanted With;

Wings of Flying (Base Item of the Cloak)

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Slot shoulders; Price 54,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.


A pair of these wings might appear to be nothing more than a plain cloak of old, black cloth, or they could be as elegant as a long cape of blue feathers.

When the wearer speaks the command word, the cloak turns into a pair of bat or bird wings that empower her to fly with a speed of 60 feet (average maneuverability), also granting a +5 competence bonus on Fly skill checks.

Muleback Cords

Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Slot shoulders; Price +1,500 gp; Weight -.


These thick leather cords wrap around the wearer's biceps and shoulders. When worn, they make the wearer's muscles appear larger than normal. The wearer treats his Strength score as 8 higher than normal when determining his carrying capacity. This bonus does not apply to combat, breaking items, or any other Strength-related rolls, it only contributes to the amount of equipment or material the wearer can carry.
Enchanted Glasses (Greater Sniper Goggles+)

Total Price: 50,000 GP

These round glasses have thin black rims that form a subtle crosshair like pattern on the inner edges of the lenses.

Enchanted With;

Sniper's Goggles, Greater


These glasses function as sniper goggles, but the wearer gains the +2 circumstance bonus on each sneak attack when making a sneak attack at any range.

Sniper Goggles


The leather strap attached to these bulbous lenses allows their wearer to fit them to his head. The wearer of these goggles can make ranged sneak attacks from any distance instead of the normal 30 feet. When making ranged sneak attacks within 30 feet, the wearer gains a +2 circumstance bonus on each sneak attack damage die.
+1 Agile Impervious Resizing Mithral Monowhip

Total Overall Price: 85,500 GP
Total Technological Price: 70,000 GP
Total Enchantment Price: 15,000 GP
Special Material Price: 500 GP

Total Equivalent Enhancement Bonus: +2

Type light melee; Proficiency exotic; Weight 1 lb.
Damage 1d10 (small), 2d6 (medium), 3d6 (large); Damage Type S; Critical 18-20/x3
Range —; Capacity 10; Usage 1 charge/round; Special Performance, reach, touch


A monowhip is a deadly melee weapon capable of inflicting horrible wounds, even in the hands of the weak. An inactive monowhip looks like a short metal baton, but when it's activated, a small weight detaches, revealing a 15-foot-long monofilament length. Wielded like a whip, a monowhip slices deeply into targets and can inflict grievous critical hits with shocking ease. Attacks made with a monowhip resolve as touch attacks, and they ignore hardness as if the monofilament were made of adamantine. A monowhip's damage cannot be enhanced by strength, as the monofilament slices with equal ease regardless of the force applied. Activating a monowhip is a move action; once activated, the whip consumes power incredibly quickly, at the rate of 1 charge per round.


Material: Mithral, Price: +500 GP

Enchanted With;

+1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot none; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A character with Weapon Finesse can apply her Dexterity modifier to damage rolls with an agile weapon in place of her Strength modifier. This modifier to damage is not increased for two-handed weapons, but is still reduced for off-hand weapons. This weapon special ability can be placed only on melee weapons usable with Weapon Finesse.


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot weapon quality; Price +3,000 gp; Weight —
An impervious weapon is warded from damage and decay. A metallic weapon cannot rust and a wooden weapon cannot rot or warp, even by magical or supernatural means. An impervious weapon gains double the normal bonus to its hardness and hit points for each point of its enhancement bonus. The break DC for an impervious weapon and the wielder's combat maneuver defense against sunder maneuvers against the impervious weapon each gain a bonus equal to twice the weapon's enhancement bonus.


Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot none; Price +4,000 gp; Weight —
A resizing weapon instantly shrinks or grows to suit the size of any creature that picks it up unless it is currently wielded by another creature. It reverts to its original size 1 round after it leaves its wielder's possession
+5 Advancing Burdenless Comfort Ghost Touch Impervious Greater Shadow Greater Slick Silken Ceremonial Armor

Total Price: 176,680 GP
Total Equivalent Enhancement Bonus: +10

Max HP: 105
Hardness: 20

Weight 4 lbs.
Armor Bonus +6; Max Dex Bonus —; Armor Check Penalty 0
Arcane Spell Failure Chance 0%; Speed 30 ft./20 ft.

Used for ceremonial displays or occasionally worn (albeit with no additional benefit) over heavier armor, these robes consist of several layers of cloth and an outer layer of silk intricately woven with gold brocade designs and covered with metal studs.

Enchanted With;

+5 Enhancement Bonus to Armor


Aura faint necromancy CL 5th
Slot armor quality; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A suit of armor with the advancing special ability allows its wearer to move through fallen enemies to the forefront of any conflict. Once per round when the wearer of a suit of advancing armor reduces an opponent to 0 hit points or fewer with a melee attack, she can immediately move up to 10 feet as a free action. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If this armor is created as barding, the effect is triggered if either the mount or its rider reduces an opponent to 0 hit points or fewer, and allows the mount to move up to 10 feet. The advancing special ability can be applied only to heavy armor.


Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot none; Price +4,000 gp; Weight —
Burdenless armor distributes the weight of the wearer's load more efficiently, allowing her to carry more without suffering the effects of encumbrance. The wearer's carrying capacity is increased by 50% across each load (light, medium and heavy).


Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot armor quality; Price +5,000 gp; Weight —
Armor of comfort sheds dirt and sweat as they accumulate, and remains as comfortable as weather-appropriate clothing regardless of environmental conditions. A suit of armor with this enhancement always looks immaculately clean, can be slept in as though it were light armor, and does not cause a penalty to the wearer's saving throws to resist the effects of extreme heat. In cold weather, it counts as cold-weather clothing. In addition, the armor's armor check penalty is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

Ghost Touch

Aura strong transmutation CL 15th
Slot armor/shield quality; Price +3 bonus; Weight —
This armor or shield seems almost translucent. Both its enhancement bonus and its armor bonus count against the attacks of corporeal and incorporeal creatures. It can be picked up, moved, and worn by corporeal and incorporeal creatures alike. Incorporeal creatures gain the armor's or shield's enhancement bonus against both corporeal and incorporeal attacks, and they can still pass freely through solid objects.


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot armor/shield quality; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A shield or suit of armor with this special ability is especially hardy. It gains double its enhancement bonus to hardness and hit points (instead of just the enhancement bonus), its break DC increases by double its enhancement bonus, and it gains a bonus on saving throws against direct attacks (such as a rust monster's rust ability) equal to its enhancement bonus.

Shadow, Greater

Aura strong illusion CL 15th
Slot armor quality; Price +33,750 gp; Weight —
As shadow, except it grants a +15 competence bonus on Stealth checks.
"This armor blurs the wearer whenever she tries to hide, while also dampening the sound around her, granting a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks. The armor's armor check penalty still applies normally."

Slick, Greater

Aura strong conjuration CL 15th
Slot armor quality; Price +33,750 gp; Weight —
As slick, except it grants a +15 competence bonus on Escape Artist checks.
"Slick armor seems coated at all times with a slightly greasy oil. It provides a +5 competence bonus on its wearer's Escape Artist checks. The armor's armor check penalty still applies normally."
Enchanted Technological Bracer (Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns (Improved))

Tech Capacity: 40
Tech Charge Usage: Varies by function

Total Overall Price:
Total Technological Price: 88,530 GP
Total Enchantment Price: 15,000 GP

This singular jet black bracer is built to be worn on the left arm, and has a dull gloss to it's metal. On the side meant to be on the interior of the forearm, set almost perfectly into the material itself, is three thin strings of gold that run from nearly end to end.


Technological Functions;


Price 6,000 GP
Usage 1 charge/hour

This device allows for communication between two commset users. A commset carries audio and visual signals, and includes a builtin camera that can record all communications being broadcast. Communication between two commsets requires both users to tune their individual devices to the same frequency. A commset has a range of 1 mile—beyond this range, communication is impossible without enhancing the signal strength with a signal booster (see page 51). The price and cost listed for this item are for a single commset.

Chipfinder (Prismatic)

Price 76,500 GP
Usage 1 charge/hour

When the chipfinder function is activated, all active tracker chips within a 500-mile radius appear as glowing dots on the screen, indicating the direction and approximate distance to each installed tracker chip, as well (customizable) identification number for each chip. The screen can filter out unwanted data to make it easier to track a specific chip. This range is a signal, and can be enhanced by a signal booster (see page 51) or blocked by a solid enough barrier.

Flashlight (Improved)

Price 30 gp
Usage 0, but must have at least 1 Charge available.

When activated, the flashlight creates a beam of normal light in a 60-foot cone. It also increases the light level in the area beyond this initial cone by one step, out to a 120-foot cone. It does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. A flashlight has no effect in areas of magical darkness.

Fire Extinguisher

Price 6,000 gp
Usage 1 charge

This function opens a small hole at the wrist-end of the bracers, from which a thin nozzle pokes out. When activated as a standard action, the fire extinguisher creates a 15-foot cone of misty vapor that swiftly extinguishes fires within its area of effect. Against magical fire effects, such as those created by a wall of fire or similar spell, the fire extinguisher only extinguishes the part of the larger effect its vapors directly contact. Continual magic flames, such as those of a flaming weapon or fire creature, are suppressed for 6 rounds before they automatically reignite. To extinguish an instantaneous fire effect or spell, the wielder must use a readied action with the fire extinguisher to counter the effect; this can cancel the entire effect, provided the source of the effect is in the extinguisher's area of effect.

When used against a creature of the fire subtype, a blast from a fire extinguisher deals 4d6 points of damage (Reflex DC 15 halves). A breathing creature exposed to a direct blast from a fire extinguisher is not harmed as long as the area is relatively well-ventilated—using a fire extinguisher in a confined area with poor or no ventilation can result in slow suffocation (at the GM's discretion).


Enchanted With;

Fate-Woven Braid (Improved)

This item functions as a Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns, except the 3/day use limit has been expanded to any number of uses, and the Price is increased to 15,000 GP.

However, it is still subject to a three-fray limit.

Each single fray can be repaired at 1/3 the creation cost.

Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns (Standard)
Aura strong abjuration and evocation; CL 16th
Slot wrists; Price 9,000 gp; Weight —
At first glance, this circlet of plaited hair interwoven with a single gold thread appears to be nothing more than a personal memento or a lover's token. Closer examination reveals that each strand of hair seems to have neither a beginning nor an end. Most of these braids are blonde in color, but other hues are not unknown.

Up to three times per day, the wearer of a fate-woven braid of the norns can potentially negate a disastrous turn of fortune. Upon rolling a natural 1 on a saving throw or after failing a saving throw against a death effect, the wearer can activate the braid as a free action to reroll the saving throw.

The golden thread is vulnerable to severe twists of fate, though. If the result of any reroll obtained by the braid is ever a natural 20, the golden thread frays, permanently reducing the braid's daily reroll uses by one. If all three daily uses are eliminated in this manner, the golden thread snaps and the fate-woven braid of the norns falls apart into a nonmagical pile of wispy gray hair. A fate-woven braid of the norns uses up the entire wrists slot, even though the user wears only one at a time. The user can't use another item (even another fate-woven braid of the norns) that also uses the wrists slot.
AN: I don't know why but when I preview it it's including the previous votes for no reason I can find. If I can figure out how to edit that part out, I will Nevermind, all good. Anyhow, this one took a while and was a doozy, because you've all looked into the absolute amount that you happened to be carrying. So yeah, best of luck with that, and I hope it raises more questions than it answers, and take that however you will. I'll probably leave this vote open longer than the last one since it'll no longer be the weekend and I'll have like, actual stuff to do during the day tomorrow. Until then, and I hope y'all are still enjoying! Also, I really hope the spoilers don't bloat the actual wordcount. They don't, thank goodness. It's a solid few thousand words in there with the item descriptions.

Can you tell this character is perhaps a mild touch item focused?
Last edited:
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Sckribe on Nov 12, 2023 at 6:18 PM, finished with 9 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Information is power.
    -[X] Continue your efforts to learn the local language.
    -[X] Investigate where/how locals acquire/store information. Direct review of a library, news archive (or the internet) should be faster then eavesdropping.
    [X] Wishful Thinking
    -[X] Cast Veil on ourselves to take appearance of a human
    -[X] Head out on the city looking for a place selling or guarding diamonds, utilize Locate Object if required
    --[X] Along the way try to listen in on conversations, especially focused on "capes"
    -[X] If we find correct gems, use Greater Invisibility to steal them without leaving any trace
    -[X] Learn as much about language and the city as possible, then retreat back to our camp to end the day
ALNE - 1.4
Scheduled vote count started by Sckribe on Nov 12, 2023 at 6:18 PM, finished with 9 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Information is power.
    -[X] Continue your efforts to learn the local language.
    -[X] Investigate where/how locals acquire/store information. Direct review of a library, news archive (or the internet) should be faster then eavesdropping.
    [X] Wishful Thinking
    -[X] Cast Veil on ourselves to take appearance of a human
    -[X] Head out on the city looking for a place selling or guarding diamonds, utilize Locate Object if required
    --[X] Along the way try to listen in on conversations, especially focused on "capes"
    -[X] If we find correct gems, use Greater Invisibility to steal them without leaving any trace
    -[X] Learn as much about language and the city as possible, then retreat back to our camp to end the day

You decided that above all else, the ability to communicate without relying on magic and info-gathering took priority in this instance, and so decided to go back up to study the language more directly, and possibly seek out how the locals gathered information, if they had any libraries or other equivalent convienent repositories of information. Soon enough you were skittering about in the early daytime, managing to keep yourself well hidden between alleys as you went, and based on the total lack of reaction you had been managing well enough to keep yourself hidden by sheer skill alone. That, and being able to simply feel footsteps around corners as well as a healthy dose of simply swimming under the ground for major parts of your travels, being able to simply come close to breaching and finding that you were more than able to listen in on conversations through the ground, that you were slowly but steadily beginning to pick up on, after one particularly well frequented location that a very quick and discreet check revealed to be the equivalent of the central market, called a 'mall' by the locals.

The discovery had actually practically spiked your speed of learning the language, as it was a source of a constant stream of novel conversations mixed with, by the sound of the tone alone, rote messages from employees to customers repeated almost exactly the same, which was exceptionally convenient. Especially as more people kept slowly filtering in, you had suspected that at this rate, if you simply spent half of the day here you could finish learning the language entirely by the end- one of the languages, as you realized a few others were being spoken as well, though not as often as the primary one that you were confident by now was called English. Well, later you caught what sounded like a complaint with 'American' pre-empting English, but you had quickly figured that it was likely a regional dialect of English as a whole.

Regardless, during what you recognized as being near the peak hours, you ducked further into the ground- having to carefully and constantly maneuver around the various pipes, wires, and other non-earth or stone materials- so you could be absolutely certain no errant sounds would travel as you attempted to cast your only other prepared Comprehend Languages to ensure you didn't miss any truly vital information.

And oh, what information it was. The year was 'twenty-ten', though the very last day of it, going on to 'twenty-eleven'. There were quite a few parties, gatherings, and celebrations going on for it, which certainly made sense, the people in ____ ___ would always throw immense fireworks displays and the like for the coming of a new year. Quite a lot of people had even left, driving down to 'New York' to see 'the countdown' in person. It was even known that Legend (not a legend, but simply Legend, in the singular) was going to be there this year, like he had been a few times.

On the knowledge front, there were multiple schools in the city alone and a college on one of the edges of the 'nicer part' as well, which a part of you found quite approving of, though based on some of the (thankfully in this case) endless flow of conversation from various teens you found yourself feeling a fair amount of approval for this 'Arcadia', and in equal if not greater measure disapproval with this 'Winslow'. Perhaps if you really did go through with pre-Amnesia you's goal you'd include improving that place as a part along the plan.

More than that, magic was simply cultural fiction here, though you suspected that these Capes who gain powers when- well there was quite the disagreement on just what caused it- were perhaps some odd variation on hyper-specialized sorcerers (or bloodragers, in some instances). There had even been an instance where you realized there was one within the mall, as you listened in on a young man's voice speaking with a young woman's, where only the man's voice had footsteps beneath it, and he had thankfully asked her if she had to fly everywhere, where she had responded in the affirmative. You felt quite curious on the matter, especially now that there was a cape so nearby, and so decided that it wouldn't hurt to follow them where you could. An extended dialogue between two familiar people would also serve as a useful learning context.

Thankfully, the mall was only single story, so it proved not too difficult to follow and listen, soon learning their names were Dean and Vicky respectively- dean and Victoria, actually, as Vicky appeared to simply be a nickname. For a few moments they had gone silent, though that seemed to be from Dean having a conversation via Text on his phone- and oh what phones were! Things that were overall an improvement on the commset for nearly all purposes, perhaps their only downside being requiring some external signal to piggyback off of, but an issue clearly solved simply by proper infrastructure. While you were fairly certain you had the majority of the idea from a glance, you considered at some point that you ought to get yourself one, perhaps even integrate it into the commset. They were so much more efficient, too, not even taking a single megawatt to run and- oh, he had stopped texting and returned to speaking with his girlfriend. Interesting. Hm, chiding her over some sort of 'aura'? Odd, you hadn't noticed anything of the sort.

Oh, and even with your abysmal social skills, by the way she seemed to have landed on the ground, they seemed to be about to have something of a lover's spat. Right, not overly glad to rediscover the feeling of secondhand embarrassment, you elected to leave for elsewhere. You didn't manage the full half-day you'd need beneath the floor here, but you were more than confident at this point that with an actual dictionary, perhaps even an encyclopedia or two, you could almost certainly figure out the language by the end of the night.

Quite soon enough, that's what you did, smoothly making your way to said library, with about twenty minutes left on your Comprehend Languages, having learned from the first casting that each one lasted for 350 minutes straight, and what do you know, it was a delightfully slow day. Making it more than simple enough to find a place out of the way to slip up from the ground, and apply a simple Invisibility spell. From there, it was easy enough to slip forwards and enter right behind a dark haired and vaguely owlish girl, who quickly went to-

Oh, so that was what a computer was. It was glorious, and sure, you could already see a number of improvements, but you had overheard these were outdated by the standards of the locals, and even then it was certainly exceptionally impressive.

Regardless, the more immediate task, you continued onwards towards the wonderfully high stacks of books, the feeling of a library simply being correct within a deep, near fundamental part of yourself. The dictionaries (they updated them! Regularly! And kept the past editions around for reference!) and encyclopedias very much in the far back. So, thankfully being hidden by a few corners, invisible yourself, and more than able to sense if anyone stepped nearby, you quickly took out the most recent dictionary to peruse, and soon enough after a nice three minutes had it memorized and put it back where you found it, now having a full comprehending of the English language, you'd simply need to speak a few sentences to get the correct flow of pronunciation once you had a moment, likely back in the sewers or anywhere else you'd like to call a base of operations in the meanwhile- there had been a surprisingly plentiful variety of choices in abandoned warehouses that could be fairly easily converted.

With your newfound understanding, you were deeply tempted to try and use a computer yourself, but couldn't find a good opportunity to cast a spell without the invisibility dropping, and the quiet of the library would make the sound of your spellcasting exceptionally obvious. It was also a touch too slow of a day, as you made your way to the front doors, but ten, then twenty minutes passed and nobody else had entered or left in that time for you to slip by. You were starting to get dangerously low on time with your Invisibility as the thirtieth total minute came sine entering- There!

Another young woman, dark blonde hair, green eyes, based on the overall features possibly a disguised kitsune of some sort, who appeared puzzled over something (which was fair enough, she was going to a library) had just opened the door, and for some particular reason paused as she examed a part of the old shag carpet in the entranceway. Regardless of what that was, probably an odd pattern or something, you immediately took the opportunity to slip past and out, requiring a touch of surprisingly well done contortions on your part, before you soon made it out into the setting sun, quickly diving from the top of the stairway leading to the library proper directly into the dirt next to it, only a couple minutes left of invisibility.

You were tempted to immediately go back to the sewers, but instead decided to go listen in, beneath the large public celebration at a park in the nice part of the town. It was slow gathering at first, but some hours later it was going quite well along, and well, you were here in part because, a deep part of you wanted to be here.

In one of the hearts of this community,


One step over in an unusual direction,


But still a part of it, with the people, around you,


That you would walk with and ahead of, leading the way, with them at your back,


Into a new and bettter community, All shall be United. Into a new and better city, All shall be Supported. Into a new and better them, All shall be Prosperous. All under a new leader, All shall be Guided. A new You.


Except, to be New, one needs something Old, first. A point of comparison.

"Happy New Year!"

A new Memory.

[ ] What were my greatest accomplishments? (Remember some of your past legendary deeds.)
[ ] What was my most regretful failure? (Remember what you feel is among your greatest failures.)
[ ] Something Else? (Write In)

You can only pick one.

??? , ? Wizard ? CR ?
?? ? ? (?)
Initiative: ? Perception: ? Senses: ?, Tremorsense 120 ft., ?
AC ? Touch ? Flat-Foot ? (+6 Armor, +? Dex, ?)
HP ? (?)
Fort ? Ref ? Will ?
Speed: 40 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (Average), ?; earth glide
Melee: 4 claws +? (?), or, Enchanted Monowhip +? (3d6+?, 18-20/x3), or, Enchanted Dagger +? (1d4+?, 19-20/x2)
Ranged: Enchanted Dagger +? (1d4+?, 19-20/x2), ?
Special Attacks: ?
Spells Prepared:
Cantrips — Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation, Acid Splash, Read Magic
1st (DC 30) — Comprehend Languages (2), Mage Armor (2), Magic Missile (4), Shield (4)
2nd (DC 31) — Locate Object (2), Mirror Image (5), See Invisibility (2), Invisibility
3rd (DC 32) — Arcane Reinforcement (2), Battering Blast (4), Dispel Magic (2), Fly
4th (DC 33) — Bestow Curse (2), Dimension Door (2), Greater Invisibility (3), Phantasmal Killer (3)
5th (DC 34) — Baleful Polymorph (3), Break Enchantment (2), Dominate Person (3), Teleport (2)
6th (DC 35) — Disintegrate (5), Eyebite (3), Veil, Antimagic Field
7th (DC 36) — Ethereal Jaunt, Finger of Death (3), Greater Teleport (2), Prismatic Spray (2)
8th (DC 37) — Dimensional Lock, Discern Location, Greater Bestow Curse, Mind Blank (2), Polar Ray (3)
9th (DC 38) — Dominate Monster (2), Time Stop (3), Wail of the Banshee (3), Wish
?? — ??
STR ? DEX ? CON ? INT 47 WIS ? CHA ?
BAB: ? CMB: ? CMD: ?
Feats: ?
Skills ?, Craft (?, ?, Mechanical, ?, ?) +89, Craft (?) +97, Knowledge (Arcana) +100, Knowledge (Engineering +86), Spellcraft +122, Stealth +89, ?
Languages: Common (Golarian), Terran, Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Aklo, Androffan, Infernal, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, English
Environment ?
Organization ?
Treasure/Inventory: 5 30,000 GP Black Sapphire Gems, 1 Artisan's Outfit, 1 Bedroll, 1 Blessed Blook (W/Amazing Lock), 1 Commander's Expidition Pavillion (Improved), 1 Crowbar, 1 Decanter of Endless Water, 1 Enchanted Adamantine Dagger, 1 Enchanted Boots, 1 Enchanted Cloak, 1 Enchanted Glasses, 1 Enchanted Mithral Monowhip, 1 Enchanted Silken Ceremonial Armor, 1 Enchanted Technological Bracers, 1 Explorer's Outfit, 1 Fishing Net (25 sq. ft.), 1 Flint & Steel, 1 Folding Pole, 1 Graviton Reactor, 1 Handy Haversack, 24 Immovable Rods, 1 Needles of Fleshgraving, 50 Golden Scrolls (10 Blank), 1 Robot Frame (Perfectly Intact), 1 Portable Hole, 3 (50 ft.) Power Cables, 4 Power Receivers (3 in use between Signal Booster, Bracers, Monowhip), 1 Signal Booster, 1 Spyglass, 1 Traveler's Any-Tools, 3 Vials of Black Lotus Extract, 2 Vials of Terinav Root, 1 Winter Blanket, 1000 Pinches of Ruby Dust (50 GP Each)

This item Functions as a Combined Commander's Tent and Expedition Pavillion, containing the best features of both.

Weight: 1 lb.
Aura(s): faint Evocation, moderate Divination
Total Price: 41,000 GP


This small flag sports a banner that is 2 inches wide by 3 inches tall and has a thin wooden dowel that serves as the flag post. When a creature plants the flag in the ground and speaks the command word, the flag expands into an ordinary-looking, windowless tent of stout canvas with the flag falling over the outer side of the entrance flap. The tent fills a space that is 10 feet by 10 feet, but, inside, it measures a full 30 feet by 30 feet. The entrance of the tent consists of a vestibule with an outer and inner flap for keeping light from spilling out,.

Inside, the tent contains a central table and several chairs and cushions, and three small "bedrooms" (separated by curtains) along the back wall. The center table features a blank map. Once per week, any creature inside the tent can utter a second command word to transform the map into a model of the nearby area, as sand table (see page 164).

The temperature inside the tent is 70° F if the exterior temperature is between 0° and 100° F. For every degree the exterior temperature is below 0° or above 100°, the interior temperature decreases or increases, respectively, by 1°. The pavilion also provides protection against the elements, such as rain, dust, and sandstorms. The pavilion withstands any wind of less than hurricane force, but a hurricane (75+ mph wind speed) or greater force destroys it.

While the commander's tent is in tent form, the user can utter a third command word while holding a new flag to replace the flag on the tent with one of his own choosing. The two pennants swap places. A fourth command word causes the tent to break down, returning to its miniature flag form, ejecting any creatures still inside the tent.
+2 Adamantine Agile Axiomatic Impervious Returning Ricochet Assassin's Dagger

Total Price: 92,002 gp
Total Equivalent Enhancement Bonus: +6

Max HP: 43
Hardness: 28

Weight 1 lb.
Damage 1d3 (small), 1d4 (medium) Critical 19-20/x2 Type piercing or slashing
Range Increment 10 ft. (thrown)
Category light Proficiency simple
Weapon Groups light blades, thrown, tribal


This jet-black blade is curved viciously, and is dull, never glinting in the dark.


Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand skill checks made to conceal a dagger on your body.

Adamantine: Weapons fashioned from adamantine have a natural ability to bypass hardness when sundering weapons or attacking objects, ignoring hardness less than 20.

Enchanted With;

+2 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot none; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A character with Weapon Finesse can apply her Dexterity modifier to damage rolls with an agile weapon in place of her Strength modifier. This modifier to damage is not increased for two-handed weapons, but is still reduced for off-hand weapons. This weapon special ability can be placed only on melee weapons usable with Weapon Finesse.


Aura moderate evocation CL 7th
Slot weapon quality; Price +2 bonus; Weight —
An axiomatic weapon is infused with lawful power. It makes the weapon law-aligned and thus bypasses the corresponding damage reduction. It deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against chaotic creatures. It bestows one permanent negative level (Core Rulebook 562) on any chaotic creature attempting to wield it. The negative level remains as long as the weapon is in hand and disappears when the weapon is no longer wielded. This negative level cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded.


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot weapon quality; Price +3,000 gp; Weight —
An impervious weapon is warded from damage and decay. A metallic weapon cannot rust and a wooden weapon cannot rot or warp, even by magical or supernatural means. An impervious weapon gains double the normal bonus to its hardness and hit points for each point of its enhancement bonus. The break DC for an impervious weapon and the wielder's combat maneuver defense against sunder maneuvers against the impervious weapon each gain a bonus equal to twice the weapon's enhancement bonus.


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot weapon quality; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
This special ability can only be placed on a weapon that can be thrown. A returning weapon flies through the air back to the creature that threw it. It returns to the thrower just before the creature's next turn (and is therefore ready to use again in that turn). Catching a returning weapon when it comes back is a free action. If the character can't catch it, or if the character has moved since throwing it, the weapon drops to the ground in the square from which it was thrown.

Ricochet (Adapted from Ricochet Hammer)

Price +12,000 gp; (Must be a Returning Weapon)

This weapon can strike multiple foes with a single throw. If the wielder has multiple attacks from a high base attack bonus, he may throw the weapon so it rebounds off the first target to strike at a second target, and so on for each of the wielder's additional attacks. The distance to each target adds to the total range of the weapon, and range penalties apply.

The weapon can only ricochet if it successfully hits a target; if it misses, it stops ricocheting, has no further attacks that round, and returns as normal for a weapon with the returning property. Because ricocheting attacks are treated as separate attacks, modifiers that only apply to one attack roll (such as true strike) only apply to the first attack and not the others. The ricochet attacks count as the wielder's additional attacks for that round.

Assassin's Dagger (Base Item)

Aura moderate necromancy CL 9th
Slot none; Price +2,000 gp
This wicked-looking, curved dagger provides a +1 bonus to the DC of a Fortitude save forced by the death attack of an assassin.
Enchanted Boots (Boots of Vaulting)

Total Price: 3,500 GP

Enchanted With;

Boots of Vaulting (Base Item of the Boots)

Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd
Slot feet; Price 3,500 gp; Weight 1 lb.


The wearer of these suede boots ignores an additional 10 feet of falling distance when she successfully uses Acrobatics to soften a fall. Once per round as a free action, the wearer can use the boots to gain a +10 competence bonus on an Acrobatics check to jump, treating such jump as though she had a running start. The wearer also receives this +10 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks to avoid attacks of opportunity during the jump or to balance after landing.

Using the boots in this fashion strains the lower body. If the wearer attempts a second such jump before at least 1 minute has passed, she must succeed at a Fortitude save with a DC equal to the DC of her second jump attempt or injure her legs. This injury reduces her speed by half for 24 hours, or until she is successfully treated with a DC 15 Heal check or at least 1 point of magical healing. The DC of the Fortitude save increases by 5 for each additional jump attempted until at least 1 minute passes between jumps.
Enchanted Cloak (Wings of Flying+)

Total Price: 55,500 GP

This grey cloak has feathers all about the collar and uppermost shoulders, and is evocative of the wings of a perched owl in the way it falls when worn or hung.

Enchanted With;

Wings of Flying (Base Item of the Cloak)

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Slot shoulders; Price 54,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.


A pair of these wings might appear to be nothing more than a plain cloak of old, black cloth, or they could be as elegant as a long cape of blue feathers.

When the wearer speaks the command word, the cloak turns into a pair of bat or bird wings that empower her to fly with a speed of 60 feet (average maneuverability), also granting a +5 competence bonus on Fly skill checks.

Muleback Cords

Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Slot shoulders; Price +1,500 gp; Weight -.


These thick leather cords wrap around the wearer's biceps and shoulders. When worn, they make the wearer's muscles appear larger than normal. The wearer treats his Strength score as 8 higher than normal when determining his carrying capacity. This bonus does not apply to combat, breaking items, or any other Strength-related rolls, it only contributes to the amount of equipment or material the wearer can carry.
Enchanted Glasses (Greater Sniper Goggles+)

Total Price: 50,000 GP

These round glasses have thin black rims that form a subtle crosshair like pattern on the inner edges of the lenses.

Enchanted With;

Sniper's Goggles, Greater


These glasses function as sniper goggles, but the wearer gains the +2 circumstance bonus on each sneak attack when making a sneak attack at any range.

Sniper Goggles


The leather strap attached to these bulbous lenses allows their wearer to fit them to his head. The wearer of these goggles can make ranged sneak attacks from any distance instead of the normal 30 feet. When making ranged sneak attacks within 30 feet, the wearer gains a +2 circumstance bonus on each sneak attack damage die.
+1 Agile Impervious Resizing Mithral Monowhip

Total Overall Price: 85,500 GP
Total Technological Price: 70,000 GP
Total Enchantment Price: 15,000 GP
Special Material Price: 500 GP

Total Equivalent Enhancement Bonus: +2

Type light melee; Proficiency exotic; Weight 1 lb.
Damage 1d10 (small), 2d6 (medium), 3d6 (large); Damage Type S; Critical 18-20/x3
Range —; Capacity 10; Usage 1 charge/round; Special Performance, reach, touch


A monowhip is a deadly melee weapon capable of inflicting horrible wounds, even in the hands of the weak. An inactive monowhip looks like a short metal baton, but when it's activated, a small weight detaches, revealing a 15-foot-long monofilament length. Wielded like a whip, a monowhip slices deeply into targets and can inflict grievous critical hits with shocking ease. Attacks made with a monowhip resolve as touch attacks, and they ignore hardness as if the monofilament were made of adamantine. A monowhip's damage cannot be enhanced by strength, as the monofilament slices with equal ease regardless of the force applied. Activating a monowhip is a move action; once activated, the whip consumes power incredibly quickly, at the rate of 1 charge per round.


Material: Mithral, Price: +500 GP

Enchanted With;

+1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot none; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A character with Weapon Finesse can apply her Dexterity modifier to damage rolls with an agile weapon in place of her Strength modifier. This modifier to damage is not increased for two-handed weapons, but is still reduced for off-hand weapons. This weapon special ability can be placed only on melee weapons usable with Weapon Finesse.


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot weapon quality; Price +3,000 gp; Weight —
An impervious weapon is warded from damage and decay. A metallic weapon cannot rust and a wooden weapon cannot rot or warp, even by magical or supernatural means. An impervious weapon gains double the normal bonus to its hardness and hit points for each point of its enhancement bonus. The break DC for an impervious weapon and the wielder's combat maneuver defense against sunder maneuvers against the impervious weapon each gain a bonus equal to twice the weapon's enhancement bonus.


Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot none; Price +4,000 gp; Weight —
A resizing weapon instantly shrinks or grows to suit the size of any creature that picks it up unless it is currently wielded by another creature. It reverts to its original size 1 round after it leaves its wielder's possession
+5 Advancing Burdenless Comfort Ghost Touch Impervious Greater Shadow Greater Slick Silken Ceremonial Armor

Total Price: 176,680 GP
Total Equivalent Enhancement Bonus: +10

Max HP: 105
Hardness: 20

Weight 4 lbs.
Armor Bonus +6; Max Dex Bonus —; Armor Check Penalty 0
Arcane Spell Failure Chance 0%; Speed 30 ft./20 ft.

Used for ceremonial displays or occasionally worn (albeit with no additional benefit) over heavier armor, these robes consist of several layers of cloth and an outer layer of silk intricately woven with gold brocade designs and covered with metal studs.

Enchanted With;

+5 Enhancement Bonus to Armor


Aura faint necromancy CL 5th
Slot armor quality; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A suit of armor with the advancing special ability allows its wearer to move through fallen enemies to the forefront of any conflict. Once per round when the wearer of a suit of advancing armor reduces an opponent to 0 hit points or fewer with a melee attack, she can immediately move up to 10 feet as a free action. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If this armor is created as barding, the effect is triggered if either the mount or its rider reduces an opponent to 0 hit points or fewer, and allows the mount to move up to 10 feet. The advancing special ability can be applied only to heavy armor.


Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot none; Price +4,000 gp; Weight —
Burdenless armor distributes the weight of the wearer's load more efficiently, allowing her to carry more without suffering the effects of encumbrance. The wearer's carrying capacity is increased by 50% across each load (light, medium and heavy).


Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot armor quality; Price +5,000 gp; Weight —
Armor of comfort sheds dirt and sweat as they accumulate, and remains as comfortable as weather-appropriate clothing regardless of environmental conditions. A suit of armor with this enhancement always looks immaculately clean, can be slept in as though it were light armor, and does not cause a penalty to the wearer's saving throws to resist the effects of extreme heat. In cold weather, it counts as cold-weather clothing. In addition, the armor's armor check penalty is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

Ghost Touch

Aura strong transmutation CL 15th
Slot armor/shield quality; Price +3 bonus; Weight —
This armor or shield seems almost translucent. Both its enhancement bonus and its armor bonus count against the attacks of corporeal and incorporeal creatures. It can be picked up, moved, and worn by corporeal and incorporeal creatures alike. Incorporeal creatures gain the armor's or shield's enhancement bonus against both corporeal and incorporeal attacks, and they can still pass freely through solid objects.


Aura moderate transmutation CL 7th
Slot armor/shield quality; Price +1 bonus; Weight —
A shield or suit of armor with this special ability is especially hardy. It gains double its enhancement bonus to hardness and hit points (instead of just the enhancement bonus), its break DC increases by double its enhancement bonus, and it gains a bonus on saving throws against direct attacks (such as a rust monster's rust ability) equal to its enhancement bonus.

Shadow, Greater

Aura strong illusion CL 15th
Slot armor quality; Price +33,750 gp; Weight —
As shadow, except it grants a +15 competence bonus on Stealth checks.
"This armor blurs the wearer whenever she tries to hide, while also dampening the sound around her, granting a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks. The armor's armor check penalty still applies normally."

Slick, Greater

Aura strong conjuration CL 15th
Slot armor quality; Price +33,750 gp; Weight —
As slick, except it grants a +15 competence bonus on Escape Artist checks.
"Slick armor seems coated at all times with a slightly greasy oil. It provides a +5 competence bonus on its wearer's Escape Artist checks. The armor's armor check penalty still applies normally."
Enchanted Technological Bracer (Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns (Improved))

Tech Capacity: 40
Tech Charge Usage: Varies by function

Total Overall Price:
Total Technological Price: 88,530 GP
Total Enchantment Price: 15,000 GP

This singular jet black bracer is built to be worn on the left arm, and has a dull gloss to it's metal. On the side meant to be on the interior of the forearm, set almost perfectly into the material itself, is three thin strings of gold that run from nearly end to end.


Technological Functions;


Price 6,000 GP
Usage 1 charge/hour

This device allows for communication between two commset users. A commset carries audio and visual signals, and includes a builtin camera that can record all communications being broadcast. Communication between two commsets requires both users to tune their individual devices to the same frequency. A commset has a range of 1 mile—beyond this range, communication is impossible without enhancing the signal strength with a signal booster (see page 51). The price and cost listed for this item are for a single commset.

Chipfinder (Prismatic)

Price 76,500 GP
Usage 1 charge/hour

When the chipfinder function is activated, all active tracker chips within a 500-mile radius appear as glowing dots on the screen, indicating the direction and approximate distance to each installed tracker chip, as well (customizable) identification number for each chip. The screen can filter out unwanted data to make it easier to track a specific chip. This range is a signal, and can be enhanced by a signal booster (see page 51) or blocked by a solid enough barrier.

Flashlight (Improved)

Price 30 gp
Usage 0, but must have at least 1 Charge available.

When activated, the flashlight creates a beam of normal light in a 60-foot cone. It also increases the light level in the area beyond this initial cone by one step, out to a 120-foot cone. It does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. A flashlight has no effect in areas of magical darkness.

Fire Extinguisher

Price 6,000 gp
Usage 1 charge

This function open a small hole at the wrist-end of the bracers, from which a thin nozzle pokes out. When activated as a standard action, the fire extinguisher creates a 15-foot cone of misty vapor that swiftly extinguishes fires within its area of effect. Against magical fire effects, such as those created by a wall of fire or similar spell, the fire extinguisher only extinguishes the part of the larger effect its vapors directly contact. Continual magic flames, such as those of a flaming weapon or fire creature, are suppressed for 6 rounds before they automatically reignite. To extinguish an instantaneous fire effect or spell, the wielder must use a readied action with the fire extinguisher to counter the effect; this can cancel the entire effect, provided the source of the effect is in the extinguisher's area of effect.

When used against a creature of the fire subtype, a blast from a fire extinguisher deals 4d6 points of damage (Reflex DC 15 halves). A breathing creature exposed to a direct blast from a fire extinguisher is not harmed as long as the area is relatively well-ventilated—using a fire extinguisher in a confined area with poor or no ventilation can result in slow suffocation (at the GM's discretion).


Enchanted With;

Fate-Woven Braid (Improved)

This item functions as a Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns, except the 3/day use limit has been expanded to any number of uses, and the Price is increased to 15,000 GP.

However, it is still subject to a three-fray limit.

Each single fray can be repaired at 1/3 the creation cost.

Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns (Standard)
Aura strong abjuration and evocation; CL 16th
Slot wrists; Price 9,000 gp; Weight —
At first glance, this circlet of plaited hair interwoven with a single gold thread appears to be nothing more than a personal memento or a lover's token. Closer examination reveals that each strand of hair seems to have neither a beginning nor an end. Most of these braids are blonde in color, but other hues are not unknown.

Up to three times per day, the wearer of a fate-woven braid of the norns can potentially negate a disastrous turn of fortune. Upon rolling a natural 1 on a saving throw or after failing a saving throw against a death effect, the wearer can activate the braid as a free action to reroll the saving throw.

The golden thread is vulnerable to severe twists of fate, though. If the result of any reroll obtained by the braid is ever a natural 20, the golden thread frays, permanently reducing the braid's daily reroll uses by one. If all three daily uses are eliminated in this manner, the golden thread snaps and the fate-woven braid of the norns falls apart into a nonmagical pile of wispy gray hair. A fate-woven braid of the norns uses up the entire wrists slot, even though the user wears only one at a time. The user can't use another item (even another fate-woven braid of the norns) that also uses the wrists slot.
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