Academy Nerd [ Isekai Progression LitRPG Mana ]

Academy Nerd [ Isekai Progression LitRPG Mana ]
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Nova, a scrappy orphan boy, dreamed of wielding magic that could shake the world. With a scholarship in hand, he set his sights on the prestigious Magic Academy. No obstacle would deter him as he sought to master spells and enchantments, ready to challenge any nobles or elites who trampled on him.
Unfortunately for him, he died, and now I'm stuck here.
Nobles? Run the hell away from them.
Princes & Princesses? No thanks, I have an awesome magical energy to study.
Unfortunately for me, my talents and skills are Legendary!
And every decent powerhouse wants to know about the new Prodigy.
Nova, a scrappy orphan boy, dreamed of wielding magic that could shake the world. With a scholarship in hand, he set his sights on the prestigious Magic Academy. No obstacle would deter him as he sought to master spells and enchantments, ready to challenge any nobles or elites who trampled on him.
Unfortunately for him, he died, and now I'm stuck here.

Nobles? Run the hell away from them.
Princes & Princesses? No thanks, I have an awesome magical energy to study.

Unfortunately for me, my talents and skills are Legendary!
And every decent powerhouse wants to know about the new Prodigy.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, LitRPG

Fantasy, Magic, Anti Hero, Male Lead, Slice of Life, Progression.

What to Expect:

Academy, School Life. Magical Skills, Nerding out.
Powerhouse, Royalties, Drama, Ego, Friendship.
Weak to Strong to Very very Strong.
Slice of Life.
Chapter 1: Isekai'd
Chapter 1: Isekai'd

As the evening set in, turning the sky a vivid orange, I hurried back to campus, my steps quickening with excitement, nearly breaking into a jog.

People glanced at me curiously, but it wasn't unusual to see students rushing around here.

Friday had rolled around again, which meant the weekend was just around the corner— my favorite part of the week. Tomorrow meant freedom, a break from the regular routine of classes and assignments.

But this weekend was special. There was something else on my mind— the final book of a series I'd been following for years. Just thinking about it filled me with anticipation, mixing with the cool evening air, giving me an extra spring in my step. The Song of Fire and Ice series had entertained me for so long, and now, with the end in reach, it felt like the perfect time to dive into the last book.

As I turned the corner, the familiar sight of the public park came into view, signaling I was almost back. The park was on the other side of the road, which meant that the campus was just around the corner. Just a few more minutes to go…

That's when something strange tugged at my senses— an instinctual pull that something was wrong. Something felt off as I eased my pace, scanning the surroundings. A truck sped down the road, moving too fast for comfort. Its headlights flickered erratically as if in a warning.

My heart tightened in my chest, and my pulse thrummed in my ears. Too fast. The truck is way too fast.

The energy pulsing through me made every sound sharper, every color brighter, heightening my senses as I stood frozen across the Park gate. Checking the road the truck was passing through, my attention was caught by a big, brown husky. It dashed straight across the road, the fur catching the last rays of the sun, right in front of the fast-moving truck.

I watched, heart in my throat, convinced the dog would make it to the other side in time. Fate, however, had other plans.

The truck's horn blared, piercing the air. The sound startled the husky, stopping it dead in its tracks, right in the middle of the road.

In that split second, when time seemed to slow down, I considered the situation. Compared the value of a dog's life against my own. It was an easy decision.

Sure, I could reach the dog in time, but I was uncertain if I could save both of us. In the end, it was just a dog. Not even mine. My life was more important than the dog. Had been a child in danger, the decision would have been straightforward. But for a dog? The risk wasn't worth it.

Still, my eyes remained glued to the scene, my body tensed for action despite my reservations.

Just as I braced for the worst, my focus snapped toward the commotion behind the dog.

A young girl chased after the dog, pursued by an older woman with a striking resemblance.

My eyes widened as adrenaline pumped through me, quickening my already fast pulse.

The frantic expression etched across the woman's face betrayed her fear of losing her daughter.

"ALISSAAA!!!" Her anguished voice tore through the evening, resonating with a mix of fear.

The raw intensity sent shivers down my spine. In that moment, everything else fell away. The question of risk, the weighing of lives, vanished. The need to act overcame any previous reluctance. Without a second thought, my body surged forward, propelling me into action.

My bag slipped from my shoulder, hitting the ground with a muffled thud, forgotten in my rush as I surged forward. Every muscle in my body tensed as I ran, my sudden movement drawing a collective gasp from the bystanders.

"Look OUT!!!!" someone yelled, as I propelled myself toward the danger.

But it was just background noise to me. My entire being was laser-focused on the girl. With each stride, I cut through the space between us, my heart pounding a fierce rhythm against my chest. One.. Two.. Thre… Time seemed to slow to a crawl as I zeroed in on the girl and the dog, now mere meters away.

Not enough time… The thought was a whisper, giving a silent warning. Summoning every ounce of strength, I launched myself forward. With the final burst of speed, I closed the distance, and my instincts took over completely.

Reaching the dog and the girl at the same time, I shoved them out of the path of danger with all the strength I could muster. In that fleeting moment, scratches seemed inconsequential compared to the potential alternative.

With the girl safely clear, it was time to save myself, but my momentum was slowed down, and my doubts came true.

The truck was only a few feet from me. Its bright headlight was all I saw, and the sound of its horn was all I heard before it hit.

Shit! I'll never know what happened in… And the world turned black.

The first thing I noticed was the overwhelming stink that assaulted my nose, something awful, like rotten eggs mixed with the smell of old garbage.

"Gross," I muttered, clutching my stomach as it churned in protest. Ugh, I think I'm gonna hurl...

When my lunch stop threatening me, I became aware of gentle rays of sunlight on my body and the hard floor under me. Trying to ignore the discomfort, I cracked open my eyes, instantly regretting it as the sun stabbed through my eyelids like a thousand tiny needles.

"Ow, ow, ow, too bright," I whimpered, squinting against the glare. Blinking away the spots dancing in my vision, my pupils dilated in surprise as they adjusted to the brightness.

Sunlight? What the heck! Where am I? Where's the hospital?

My mind raced to understand the totally unexpected scene. After the crash, I expected to wake up to the clean, white ceiling of a hospital room and the constant beeping of machines.

Instead, I was outside, feeling the sun's warmth and breathing in a stinky air that didn't make any sense. The reality before me was jarringly at odds with my expectations. Lost in a haze, my gaze drifted upwards, absorbing the blue sky that stretched infinitely above.

My breath hitched as I gaped at the suns peeking out from behind the clouds. There were edges of buildings in my sight, but I was not focused on them. T-two suns.

Two suns hung in the sky, defying all logic. Two fucking suns.

No way.

The revelation sent a shiver down my spine, a cold sweat breaking out across my back as the sheer impossibility of the scene before me began to sink in.

Truck, accident, two stars, new world… But I pushed aside the nagging voice that was shouting absurd ideas.

"This can't be happening. This... it's not possible." I tried to rationalize, searching for any semblance of sense in this bizarre scenario. Am I dreaming? Or... in a coma?

They were the only explanations that seemed plausible. My eyes shut tight with a determined squeeze, my hands vigorously rubbing them in a vain attempt to erase the impossible vision before reopening them. Nope. Still there.

Since when are there two suns in the sky!?

I'm dreaming in a coma. It's alright. It's just a coma.

The first sun is hiding behind the clouds, and there, to the left, the sec— the second maybe-sun, smaller and more red, beams in the sky.

My mind took a deep breath as a thousand thoughts began racing through my head. I had to be certain, needed some sign to make sure this wasn't all just a strange dream. Unlike what I might have been half-expecting, half-hoping for, the pain of pinching my forearm to test the fabric of this dream did not result in me jolting awake.


Of course, failure didn't deter me, my efforts escalated instead until my nails were digging into my skin and blood began flowing freely out of the resulting wounds. The sting was unmistakable, the pain real, and the redness and blood too natural to deny. Oh joy.

With a heavy sigh, I focused on the tiny patch of red skin and the blood drops, unwilling to face the sight of two fucking suns hanging in the sky. Was I running from my problems? Hell no. I-It's a... strategic retreat. And what the hell could I do to the suns?

The sheer absurdity of the situation coaxed a reluctant chuckle out of me. Seriously, who needs two suns? One's enough to get a decent tan.

Bizarre skyline, with double the sunshine and none of the familiarity. This place is nothing like the hospital room I expected. Or my world, for that matter.

After taking a deep breath, I reined in my thoughts from spiraling out of control.

Instead, I focused on taking stock of the situation. Beneath me, the ground felt rough and unforgiving. I shifted, but all it did was to send a sharp pang of discomfort through my body.

Carefully, I pushed myself upright, wincing at the sharp jolt of pain darting through my skull at the effort.

The world around me came into focus, revealing an alleyway cluttered with heaps of refuse and discarded objects littering around me. Piles of rancid food scraps attracted swarms of buzzing flies, creating a sickening hum. The air was thick with the smell of garbage, mingling with the faint scent of rotten eggs and something metallic, like the tang of blood.

Same as the refuse bins behind my dorm, only ten times worse.

Trying to make sense of my surroundings, I gaze around.

The cobblestones under my palms felt real enough, each rough, uneven surface a testament to the world's tangibility. My fingers traced the contours of the stones, their cold, hard edges grounding me in the surreal reality.

That's classic. Either I'm in Europe, or I really traveled to a different world. And honestly, I'm leaning towards the latter. The two suns were potent proof.

As tempting as it is to chalk this up to an epic lucid dream, it was time to face the truth, no matter how bizarre.

Shifting my focus from the cobblestone ground, I allowed my eyes to wander upwards, taking in the towering buildings that surrounded over the narrow alleyway. They were a far cry from the sleek, modern architecture I was used to,
sporting a weathered look that screamed ancient.

These two-story structures rose up on either side of the alley, their walls constructed of rough brick and mortar. The windows, framed by once vibrant shutters, now faded, bore the soft patina of age, their colors muted but dignified under the twin suns' scrutiny.

A few shutters remained vibrant, a defiant splash of color against the otherwise muted palette of the alley, suggesting sporadic attempts at upkeep.

But what really caught my attention were the faded intricate details etched into their facades. Each one was different, with its unique carvings and designs.


The sound interrupted my thoughts, causing me to startle in surprise. My heart raced as I scanned the alley, searching for the source of the unexpected noise.

Turning towards the source of the noise, I spotted a small cat perched on a window sill, its sleek black fur absorbing the scant light filtering through the alleyway.

Its tail swayed gently from side to side while its piercing amber eyes bore into mine with curiosity. I smile at the unexpected encounter, feeling a sense of normalcy amidst the strangeness of my surroundings. At least it's not a dog.

But the brief warmth of the moment was short-lived as my eyes were drawn to something unexpected above the cat. Strange letters hovered in the air, catching my attention with their otherworldly glow.

[ Cat Lvl 8 ]

If that wasn't strange enough, a disembodied voice, robotic and impersonal, filled my head, and a shaky, golden see-through screen fell over my vision.

Congratulations! You have used the unique skill [ Identify ] for the first time.

Identify Lvl 0 -> Lvl 1

I reflexively whacked the screen with my hands, surprised, but it didn't flinch.

What the…?
Chapter 2: Myriad Languages ( Legendary Skill )
Chapter 2: Myriad Languages ( Legendary Skill )​


That sound, sharp and short, snapped me back.

The cat didn't seem too happy with my attempt to skim the air, looking at me as if I was the weird one here.

But my concentration was on the freaking videogame screen popping up out of nowhere?

I blinked hard a few times, trying to make sense of it all. At least the screen remained in place. So, this place is like a video game? Of course, it is.

That actually made a weird sort of sense. Not.

Maybe, just before everything went black, my last regret about not finishing my fantasy novel had twisted my fate, landing me in this bizarre, game-like world.

Pretty cool, if you ask me!

My heart kicked up a notch, buzzing with excitement as a million ideas started bouncing around in my head. I had to pause, though, take a breath, and not let my excitement run wild just yet.

Glancing back at the cat, now licking its paw, its black fur shimmering under the light, it seemed totally unconcerned about everything.

I just hoped that being Level 8 was not strong enough for it to kill me.

Trying to focus, I gave the floating screen another look. That's when I noticed a little light flickering on the edge, blinking insistently, like an alert.

Excited, I reached out, half-expecting my fingers actually to touch something this time. But no, my hand just waved through the air. Again.

After waving my hand up-down like a kid, I tried a different approach. If touch didn't work, then he would use his voice.

"System," My tone tinged with anticipation. Nothing.

'Status', A bit more determined this time. Still Nothing.

'Stats', Nothing.

Frustration bubbled within me, but I pressed on.

'Profile', I whisper. Nothing.

Then, I go on a spree as nothing seems to work.

'Window', 'Level', 'Inspect', 'Appraise', 'Status window', 'Status' Nothing.

'Hey, can you work?' Nothing. Desperation crept into my voice as nothing worked.

Stupid. Thing. Start. Fucking. Working. Damnit! Arghhh!

Silence was the only reply, the floating text unyielding, taunting.

Frustration mounting, I paused, taking a moment to gather my thoughts. That's when it happened—a slight shift in my mind as if a door had creaked open, revealing a sliver of understanding.

It wasn't about physical gestures or spoken words; it was about intent, a mental push against the invisible button he felt in his mind.

Concentrating with all my might, I envisioned my mind connecting with it, grasping it firmly. The mental effort was tangible, like flexing a muscle I never knew I had.

With a click, I felt a sudden rush, a connection forming as if I'd grabbed hold of something.

Tentatively, I 'poked' at the flickering dot with this newfound mental grasp.

The connection felt real, a thread of energy between my mind and the mysterious interface. And then, just like that, the previous screen began to dissolve, and a new screen came to life with far more information.

Name: Nova Alex Smith
Titles: Traveler, Heroic

Class: —

Level: 0

Stamina: 58 / 80
Health: 42 / 100
Mana: 95 / 130

Note: 100 is the usual standard for level 0.

Strength: 6
Vitality: 5
Dexterity: 9
Constitution: 6
Spirit: 7
Mind: 5

General Skills:
Empire Standard Language ( Common ) -> Myriad Languages of the World ( Legendary ) Lvl 0
Identify ( Unique ) Lvl 1

My eyes darted across the display, taking in the array of information that seemed to swirl before me like a whirlwind of possibilities in the same see-through golden screen.

I feel the corner of my lips lifting slightly as I read the screen. Hell yeah.

Ok, so it's like an RPG, but everything feels like real life. But why is my name struck? And why is my screen showing Nova? I'm not…

Then, the memories flooded my mind. A lifetime of images and sensations, each more vivid than the last.

The knowledge I got was hopeful and depressing. Hopeful cause it was a life of hardship, but joyful and depressing cause the boy is dead.

The former occupant of this body was named Nova. He was from the Emberwaste Province of the Dracarlon Empire.

I saw glimpses of Nova's life, filled with laughter, friendship, sorrow, and hardship. Saw faces I didn't recognize, places I had never been to yet somehow felt a deep connection to. Soon, the memories coalesce into a narrative.

The bad news for Nova was that he was an orphan. Without knowing his parents, the only person close to him was a fourteen year old girl named Sofia. Another orphan.

When he turned sixteen, he, along with every other child of the same age, was tested for their magical aptitude. It was standard practice in the Empire not to waste any potential subject.

Luckily for him, he quickly got a scholarship to study at the prestigious Magical Academy.

Today, the boy arrived at the Corehaven, the city where the Sapphire Magic Academy of the Empire is located.

After that, the memory abruptly ends. The last thing in it is the blur of something across his eyes.

And I'm now in Nova's body. Damn… What a mess. I don't even know how the original Nova died.

After the memories ended, the screen quickly vanished, and I felt the link to summon it quickly at the back of my mind.

An extra limb that had seamlessly melded with my body, a strangely comforting addition as if it had always been meant to be there.

Pushing aside the lingering sensation, I focused on the here and now.

There was no other option for me but to assess the situation and adjust accordingly. Inhaling deeply to steady myself, I scrutinized my new body.

Nova bore the same build as me, his frame honed by the physical demands of life as an orphan. Beneath his fair skin, there lay a hint of muscle, though not enough to brag about. In simple terms, the body was Lean.

The clothes I'm wearing look well-used. A soft gray shirt, a little loose around my shoulders, showing it's been worn for quite a while.

The pants are better off, dark enough to hide most marks, but you can see they've been patched up here and there. They're snug, fitting me just right.

The boots, though frayed, have been cared for, the leather still holding strong despite the creases telling of long walks.

The clothes were actually good for an orphan teen doing odd jobs here and there. But…

Definitely not suitable for the Academy.

And then there was the smell that clung to me, a potent reminder of the alley I found myself. Ignoring the discomfort, I had more pressing matters to attend to.

This... this is who I am now. Nova.

As I debated my next course of action, my gaze fell upon my discarded bag nearby, its contents strewn haphazardly across the ground.

My heart skipped a beat at the thought of losing what little money the original Nova saved. Quickly, I dashed over and gathered the scattered belongings, careful to avoid the filth that littered the alley floor. Thankfully, dusting removed most of it.

Rummaging through the bag, I found a few meager possessions— a change of clothes that were slightly less worn, Nova's best and only good pair, a traveler's cloak that had seen its fair share of journeys, and a small pouch containing a handful of coppers and a couple of silvers.

Hefting the weight of his coin pouch, I frowned. It wasn't much, but it would have to suffice for now.

There was another pouch at his belt containing only two coppers.

Robbery didn't seem like the cause of my situation; everything was still here, untouched except by the grime of the alley. With a weary sigh, I shelve the death to the back of my mind.

I pause, considering my options. The idea of cleansing myself of the grime and filth that clings to my skin is certainly appealing, but my coin purse is running low, and I don't know any cheap bathhouse around.

They would likely require more coins than I want to waste…

First, my savings were from the original Nova's odd work here and there in a small town. Already, the cost of living will increase the price of the bath in a city, and factoring in that I'm in the Magical City of the Empire., it would be costly. At least twice or thrice.

Second, the baths are typically coupled to add value to a service. Like staying in an inn, then we also provide a bath. Common people already have their arrangements. So, dedicated bathhouses are frequented by tourists or high-class people with money to throw. So I might end up spending around a silver on it. Forty percent of my money.

The Empire's coin system was metric, making it easy to understand. One gold coin is a hundred silvers, and a silver one is a hundred coppers. I didn't know if anything was above gold, as the original Nova only dealt with the common coins.

With a sigh, I make the practical decision to prioritize my limited resources. While a bath would be refreshing, I can't afford to squander what little coin I have on such a luxury, not when there are more pressing matters at hand.

I'll make do with what I have for now.

Instead, I focus on my immediate goal: reaching the Academy. I'll find alternative solutions along the way to clean myself.

The letter of scholarship. It was my most important document for now, and the details were stingy. I only had to prove my identity and get accepted at the academy.

Going through the paper wasn't a complete waste of time. The scholarship would cover his stay and classes, so he wouldn't have to worry about money. That was a relief, as I could splurge a little.

A faint smile played on my lips, silently thanking the original's talent.

After going through the memories, I've gained a clearer understanding of the world and the people, and a plan began to take shape within my mind.

Time to find a guide to take to the Academy.

I transferred all the coins from my belt pouch and placed them in the bag.

After a small search, I put some metal scraps in the pouch to make it seem more full.

With the two suns high in the sky, it looked around noon.

I had around half a day to find a bathhouse and the Academy in the new city.

A guide is good, and I already have experience procuring someone cheap.

The road was paved in cobblestone. The buildings were brick and wood, only a few more than two stories high, with their windows using foggy glass. Still, each is different and unique with no consistency.

For me, it was like I had traveled back to Medieval Europe.

Emerging from the dim alley, my pulse quickened at the sight of two men beside the alley.

The first, a broad-shouldered silhouette against the fading light, his stance casual as he leaned against the brick wall. The smoldering cigarette dangling from his lips, the smoke curling lazily upwards. His attire spoke of rugged streets; the fabric of his jacket frayed at the edges, telling tales of many a confrontation.

Beside him, the second figure, gaunt and wiry, seemed almost to fold into himself as he hunched over, fingers sifting through... some coins scattered at his feet. Their clothes, mismatched and worn, whispered of hard times and harder lives.

The moment I stepped into their line of sight, the cigarette dropped from the first man's mouth. Their complexions turned a shade paler, eyes widening as if they'd seen a ghost.

Is there something wrong with them? I glanced over my shoulder, half-expecting to find the cause of their fear. With the cat observing him like waiting for a good show.

Remembering the Lvl screen that I glimpsed above the cat, I turned to the man, expecting the same screen to give him some details.

I rubbed my temples, frustration simmering beneath the surface. "Come on, Identity, don't fail me now," I muttered under my breath, squinting at the two figures.

[ Human Lvl 7 ]

[ Human Lvl 8 ]