Abstergo Bay (Worm/Assassin's Creed)

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Constantly inspiring an empty room.

January 1 - February 1
24 (1 2 3 )
February 25 - August 25

Starting Out (December 31, 2010 - January 1, 2011)
Disappearing Act (January 3, 2011)
Clarendon Rescue (January 8, 2011)
Crystal's Palace (1 2 3 4) (February 2, 2011)
The Animus Project (1 2 3 4 ) (February 13, 2011 - FINAL DATE UNKNOWN)
First Blood (1 2) (February 20, 2011)
Pieces of the Puzzle (1 ?) (February 24, 2011 (Brockton Bay) - ?)
Outside Perspective

Rachel's Verdict
Picking the Stalker
Why Lung Hates Pancakes
Everyone's Favorite Gunsmith
The Saviours of the World
Lightstorm (Nazi No-Show)

Taylor's Introduction
Abstergo Reports
Possible Assassin Sightings
Timeline Dance

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Counting votes from SB and here (until SB gets their shit together):

1 - Crystal's Palace

1 - Docks (Towers, Maps)

We're not doing anything right now. I'm writing another Outside Perspective while I wait, though.
The knock on the window woke her. She yawned and sat up slowly, blinking owlishly in the dark. She groped around her nightstand for her glasses, before remembering she no longer needed them. Amelia Casteli was a very polite healer.

The knock came again, and she shifted out of her bed, her power coming easier now that she'd had a week to practice. The window unlatched itself and slid up for her. She saw a face, one she'd only seen on the news, framed by her neighbor's tree branches in the open window.

Her voice was softer than Taylor would have expected. "Hello. May I come in?" The young girl's head was tilted to one side, one hand resting on the windowsill, the other hidden from view. Taylor nodded, and Riley hopped onto the sill and slid through the window. Taylor's power shut it behind her.

Riley bowed slightly. "Thank you. I'm sure you know who I am, so I hope you won't mind if we skip straight to business. We wouldn't want you father to know I snuck in, now would we?"
"So, wait, you agree with that girl… Zaki, I think she said?" Taylor shifted to a point across the bench from Riley. The early morning light glinted off the park grass behind her.

Riley nodded. "I do. I know how it sounds. I thought the same thing when the Assassins approached me, honestly." She giggled, then cleared her throat, setting her gloved hands in front of her on the table. "Then they came to my door. The Templars," she clarified, "and they didn't want to take no for an answer. Hana saved me from them. It took me four years to find out that Abstergo sent them."

Taylor gulped. "So you really were attacked? Zaki said Abstergo was evil, but she didn't mention specifics." A group of children ran by, and the pair stopped to watch them pass.

"She doesn't know specifics. Her father was an Assassin, but he died the day before she was born. Zaki couldn't know much about us. She is trying, though."

Taylor nodded and looked away. "If you came to ask me to join the Assassins? No. I'm waiting for Zaki to prove her points, and I sort of promised I wouldn't get involved."

Riley sighed. Standing slowly, she slipped her hands into her pockets. "That's fine. Just think about it. Abstergo knows you've been told about them, so they'll be after you. You'll have to pick a side, one way or the other, eventually. Sorry about that." She set a USB drive on the table in front of Taylor, then turned and left.

Taylor sat there for another hour, spinning the USB drive in her fingers. Just before she left, she saw a girl watching her, green eyes glinting in the sunlight, smiling just a little too widely. Like a fox in a henhouse, Taylor thought, then she turned away.
{Thank you, WSR. On to business: Rollin'.}
Crystal's message included GPS coordinates to a location in the nicest part of Brockton Bay. People spent millions on empty lots around here, so you're not surprised to find a massive building complex. The grounds alone must cost 2 million a year, minimum. You stare, open-mouthed, for several minutes before Mercurial pushes your jaw up.

You nod to him and push the gates open. The trek up to the house takes several minutes, during which you take pictures of everything you can. Including the gardener staring right at you. On your second glace around, you notice every worker has stopped and is now watching you.
Chris must have noticed, as well. He leans closer to you and whispers, "Shouldn't they be working? Lawn this size, it's gotta be a full week's work. Plus Crystal's pretty famous. Why stop and stare at every visitor?"

You slip your phone into your pocket and nod to him, dropping your voice to match his. "Good. But this is just for us. They're only looking at us, not every visitor. Keep your weapons ready; we're going to have to fight back out."

The workers have started to close off your escape routes. Discreetly parked cars and groups of people at each exit, forcing you towards the house. Your hand slips to the pistol resting on your hip as you reach the door. You subtly push Mercurial through first, watching the workers to see if any follow, but none do.

Mercurial leads the way through the building, searching every room for Crystal. Passing through the kitchen, you can faintly smell blood. The dining room still has food sitting on the tables, which means Crystal can't have left that long ago. The plates make the table look emptier than it would without them, just because of the sheer size of it. The nearest bathroom is empty, though, as is the library – which stretches the length of the building.

After an hour, you've given up the search and are standing in the living room. While he searches everywhere, you use your sight in a few rooms. You find a computer in the corner of the living room, but it's locked and you don't have time to figure out the password. In Crystal's bedroom, you find a solid state hard drive inside a hollowed-out dictionary. Obviously you don't have a computer you could use to access it, but you take it anyways.

Inside Crystal's office, you find that her bookcase is a hidden door, though opening it only reveals an empty, dark hallway. You text Mercurial to tell him to go back to the meeting point, then start down the hall, closing the door behind you. Even with your sight bathing everything in blue, you can't see much; despite the occasional bloodstain, the hall is completely empty. The blood does make you walk faster. The hall eventually opens into the basement of the old New Wave building. You can see blood on the floor by the stairs.

Rushing up to the lobby, you just catch a glimpse of Crystal in the window of a car. A hand wraps around her mouth and yanks her backwards. A second later, her phone flies out the window and shatters on the ground. The car drives off at a sedate pace.

Unfortunately, this leaves you in a room with twenty Abstergo agents and no way to get back-up fast enough. They haven't noticed you yet, so you hide behind the receptionist's desk. You note their positions. You could kill at least seven from this position before they notice the gunshots, but the rest would be significantly harder to kill. On the other hand, you could try to knock them all out. There's a higher risk of being noticed, but there's also a better chance of getting through them all without alerting the rest outside.

[] How to approach this fight?
[X] Try to avoid them and slip outside quietly.
-[X] If not, then take 'em down quickly, and with a minimum amount of fuss to us.
RadioBaiBye, do we have any traps, explosives, or distractions alla Aidan Peirce?
Project Watch_Dog currently has four hacks, but you can only activate one at a time. Single-building Blackout, 3-meter range phone jamming, line-of-sight camera hacking, and a computer hack that you can't use in this situation. You have a telescoping baton, a Glock 22 with a Tinkertech silencer, a hidden blade, and a poison blade loaded with tranquiliser. You're in the Docks, so no phone service, but you can still use the hacks.

There are cameras in the area, so you could use that for surveillance, but you can't hack anything through them yet. There are also an unknown number of guards just outside the building, so sneaking away unseen is going to be very hard - especially since you rolled the highest difficulty level, so every roll is 2x harder to succeed on. Yes, those numbers actually affect things. I'm not just rolling dice for fun.

Honestly, whatever you do here is going to get you noticed, unless you get extremely lucky.
[x] Use the cameras to quickly map out guard posistions
-[x] Blackout the building
-[x] Shoot something on the other side of the room to distract the guards by the falling object
--[x] if they are sufficiently distracted MURDER THEM ALL
----[x] Use the silenced pistol
[x] Escape avoiding guard paths previously noted
-[x] Take good shots of opportunity to sow chaos as you make your escape.
You pull your phone out, then immediately flip it to Project Watch-Dog. There's a camera just across from you, and there are probably others in the room, and you need a better view of your enemies than your power gives you.

Hacking the camera takes a minute, but it does let you see the battlefield. You can see what, exactly, the Abstergo agents are beside, and you can see a loose air conditioner vent right above a pair. Something that big and loose, you could bring down with one shot.

You drop out of the camera, and set Project Watch_Dog to the Blackout app. Your pistol's magazine is brand new, so you sit up and take careful aim at the air conditioner. The vent falls and crushes the two agents directly under it, drawing the attention of the other eighteen.

Well, you've already started killing. You hit the Blackout app, killing the visibility in the room. A few of the agents have flashlights, but nowhere near enough to see you. You fire off shots, bringing down eight of them before you have to move.

You dart behind a pillar, then lean out and fire again, this time only dropping six, but you get spotted. They fan out and slowly advance on your position. Sighing, you kick off the pillar and run to the far wall, shooting a few shots as you go. Two of your shots find targets.

You slide behind a row of benches. There's one agent just on the other side of the benches, and one more on the other side of the room. So you shoot the one across the room and slam your baton into the closer one. He drops without a sound.

A glace outside shows no one looking in. Apparently, the agents inside thought they could handle you. You take the phone from the one at your feet, then shoot him in the head. If they're going to kidnap your friend, they're not getting away alive.

The door is quiet as you leave, but there is someone glancing in your direction. You dart behind one of the pillars outside and wait a few minutes. When you don't hear an alarm raised, you chance a look.
Fifteen Abstergo uniforms are scattered around the outside of the building. You can see an escape route, but it'll require very good timing.

You very nearly get caught running to the fountain. The base of it hides you as you creep around a patrolling guard. Jumping over a low wall, you slide down a hill – unexpected, but no one sees you. You take a moment to hit the PhoneJam app on Project Watch_Dog, stopping a nearby guard from calling his headquarters. While he stares dumbly at his phone, you sneak up behind him and choke him out. You immediately start going the other direction, in case someone notices the unconscious guard.

You run past an alleyway as soon as the guard turns his back and turn the corner just before he turns back around. It takes you a few minutes to get to a tunnel entrance, but you manage it without any significant events.

Panting slightly, you text Mercurial to ask if he made it out safely.

(3:07 A.M., February 2, 2011) i had to fight my way out like u said. home now. crystal?
Abstergo grabbed her, and she's injured. I may have killed a few of Abstergo's police, so I think they're gonna notice. (3:08 A.M.)
(3:10 A.M.) lisa says get here now.

You make it to the uptown elevator without incident, mapping out more of the tunnels through the docks as you do. Sighing in defeat, you step into the elevator, wondering how mad your friend is going to be.

Lisa slaps you as soon as the elevator opens. The force of it snaps your head to the side, and you can tell you'll have a handprint there tomorrow.

You rotate your jaw to make sure she didn't do any permanent damage, then notice you're being hugged. Lisa's shaking and crying into your hoodie don't help you feel better at all. You wrap your arms around her slowly. "Shh, Lisa, it's fine. I didn't get hurt. We'll get Crystal back, too."

She sits up and glares at you. "It's just like you, to be thinking about that now. It's wonderful that you got away safe," she blushes slightly and looks away, muttering, "…really great…" She glares at you again, nearly shouting, "But that's not the problem! You killed people today! Abstergo's going to notice, and then they'll kill Crystal because of it. You may have put her life in-"

You cut her off gently. "I do have some idea of where they're taking her. If you think they'll kill her for what I did, then we'll just get her back. It's that simple." You pull out the guard's phone and hand it to her. "You're better with their phones than I am. I took that from the leader of the group. If anyone knows where they were taking Crystal, it's him." She nods, and you head off to bed.

{Lisa will have a location by the end of the day, so let's go do something else while we wait.}
[] Downtown
-[] Action?
[] Uptown
-[] Action?
[] Captain's Hill
-[] Safehouse
-[] Other
[] Boardwalk
-[] Towers
-[] Safehouse
-[] Other
[] Abstergo Offices
-[] Map
-[] Towers
-[] Safehouse
-[] Investigate
-[] Other
[] Protectorate HQ
-[] Towers
-[] Safehouse
-[] Investigate
-[] Other
[] Docks
-[] Towers
-[] Safehouse
-[] Other
[] Tunnels
-[] Explore
Yay, my plan mostly worked. :)


[X] Abstergo Offices
-[X] Towers
{Not much from PHO. If you want to read the other 3 pages, you could write them…}

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♦ Topic: Docks Massacre
In: Boards ► News ► Events ►America
ClownPrince (Original Poster)
Posted on February 2, 2011

So, sometime around 10 this morning, police responded to a call from Protectorate cape Triumph at the old New Wave law offices. Triumph saw Abstergo paramilitary out front, went in to investigate, found a non-parahuman crime, called the cops.​
They found this.​
Twenty Abstergo paramilitary soldiers, dead of gunshot wounds. Not many details released to the public, so no news on the kind of gun, and no one's claiming it. There was also another soldier knocked out a ways away from the building, but he never saw his attacker.​
(Showing page 4 of 4)

► Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied on February 2, 2011

Abstergo says it was a Glock 22, the standard-issue police sidearm around BB. It's a fairly common weapon. No one's releasing a statement anytime soon, though.​
It's possibly a coincidence, but Crystal Pelham went missing a few hours before the police found the massacre. They also found her blood on the scene. Now, she's probably not a suspect yet, but she's definitely a person of interest.​
The guy outside the building is probably still alive because he wasn't a direct threat.​
► Triumph (Confirmed Cape)
Replied on February 2, 2011

No one's releasing a statement because it's Abstergo's investigation. Their men died. All they've told us and the police is they suspect someone they called Orcus.​
I'm not sure what the Greek punisher of broken oaths has to do with Abstergo, but there you go.​
You shut down your laptop and set it back in its bag, sliding it under your bed. Chris walks past and nods to you. Lisa walks past and glares.

You grab your hoodie and phone and head out. Lisa's working on finding Crystal, and she'll be less pissed at you if you're not around. Heading to enemy territory may be safer than staying in your own safehouse at this point.

The bus is crowded before you get on. You end up having to stand next to the football player you met before. His bag chimes softly as the bus rattles.

He nods to you and starts a conversation. "Hello again. Fancy meeting you here."

You sigh and nod. "Hello." You glance towards him, just in time to see his grin. "I never caught your name."

He sticks out his hand; his grip is strong, but not overbearing. "I'm Colfax. It's nice to meet you, miss." The crowd thins slightly, but neither of you can sit yet.

"I'm Zaki. Where are you going, Colfax?" You subtly adjust your blade. If Abstergo sent him, you'll be ready.

He adjusts his headphones and lifts one eyebrow. "Downtown, but it's nothing important. Why? You looking for some company?" He winks and laughs softly.

You sigh. "Not really. I may want some later, but not for anything like what you're thinking."

He smiles. "So you don't have anything to do with this?" You looks at him, and he reaches into his bag, pulling out a small scrap of paper. The Assassin symbol is drawn on it. "I found this in my bag this morning, along with a USB drive. I am, shall we say, intrigued. But we'll talk more later. After you find Crystal." He steps past you, sliding a card into your pocket. "Goodbye, Zaki."

You stand on the bus for several minutes, too shocked to move. The bus stops in front of a building near Abstergo's offices, and you only register this just before the doors close.

The actual tower climbing takes you an hour. By the end of it, you've received a text from Lisa, telling you to get to Captain's Hill. She found where they're holding Crystal.

You could call Colfax. You're not sure what he can do, but he's certainly athletic, and someone in the Assassins thought he was worth contacting.
{Colfax was going to be involved in the voting somewhere. I just decided it was here.}
[] Directly to the hill
[] Call Colfax first
[X] Directly to the hill
-[X] But let Lisa know about Colfax.
--[X] See if they can coordinate
---[X] Distraction other side of town
Alright, I'm here now, so I guess that's all of us taking part??

-[x]Plan WSR
It's weird being the guy with the plan, I feel like one of those guys who everyone automatically votes for...
Well, you seem to have more of an idea what to do. If this was an actual AC game I would just counter kill everyone. :/
{Not using Colfax directly. Still going in with murderous intent.}

Captain's hill is a long walk. Buses only stop at the bottom, but your business is at the farmhouse on the other side. On the way, you call Lisa and tell her about Colfax.

"So the Assassins talked to someone else in the city. Fine. We might need his help at some point, but unless he's a thief, he's useless to us here." She's still pissed at you.

You sigh. "I'm calling him anyway. Even if he can't help us here, he can probably cause some kind of distraction for Abstergo somewhere else." Before she can respond you hang up the phone.

Colfax answers fairly quickly. "I knew you'd be calling. Let me guess, you want my help. Your girlfriend's angry and doesn't think I can help, so you're doing this behind her back. Am I right?"

"I don't have a girlfriend. Lisa may be interested but I'm not." You shake your head. "And yes, I want your help. Can you find some way to distract Abstergo? As far away from Captain's Hill as you can?"

"Absolutely." You pull the phone away from your ear while he starts planning; you don't want to know what it is until after you're done. You listen in again when you hear, "Zaki? Kill a few of them, will ya?"

You smirk. "Done."

With your phone calls done, you slide the phone onto Project Watch_Dog and head down the hill towards the farmhouse. You notice someone hiding behind the barn, so you head to the other side of the complex.

From your hiding spot under the window of one of the houses, you can see ten people inside. Suddenly you see a massive explosion in the direction of the bay. After a few minutes, half the people leave. You can see others leaving from the rest of the complex as well.

You slide your pistol into your hand as one of the ones left behind approach your window. They stand there for a few minutes, then just as they turn around, you pop up and fire through the window. Glass shattering draws the attention of the other four as your target falls.

You smash the rest of the window and slip through, just managing to get behind a dresser before another target enters the room. You shoot him from behind the dresser, then run to the door. There's a guard at each end of the hall. You shoot one, but the other manages a grazing shot and runs. Following him, you find the fifth waiting for you, but you shoot him before he can fire.

You find a towel in the kitchen and cut it , wrapping a section around your now-bleeding arm. The fifth guard is running towards the barn. You shoot twice, and he falls with two new holes. The person hiding behind the barn has apparently moved to one of the other houses, as you see seven guards moving towards it from the last house.

The first one fires a shot at you through the window, but doesn't stop. The second, third, and fourth fall, before the fifth gets off a shot that hits your bleeding right arm. You kill the last two before wrapping your second wound of the day. Hopefully that helped whoever it was.

You don't stop to check. The barn is the most likely place for them to be keeping Crystal, and that's why you're here. You stop at the entrance to the barn and reload, then check to see how many there are.

You trigger the blackout app when you realize there are only five. You can tell Crystal is there as well, but not close to any of them. You throw the door open as soon as the lights cut out, and drop four immediately, your third shot hitting the wall. The surviving guard runs toward Crystal, but your sixth shot brings him down.

You see someone approaching, and move to free Crystal. It takes a moment before the lights cut back on, and you can see that she's bound in chains and unconscious. The new arrival doesn't enter the barn, just stands at the door, and you call Lisa while you work on the chains.

She nearly screams your head off immediately. "DON'T FUCKING CALL ME UNTIL -" You interrupt her with a sigh.

"Crystal's fine. I'm getting her free right now. I just wanted to know if you know anything about the person standing outside. My s- err... I think she's an ally." You don't want Lisa to know everything about you just yet. "Did you send someone to help me?"

She sighs heavily. "No. I trust you to fix your mistakes on your own, Zaki. Why would I send anyone to help you?"

You say goodbye and hang up, getting Crystal free. You walk out together to meet whoever it is.

'Whoever it is' turns out to be Feng Lao, one of Lung's lieutenants. He calls to you as soon as you exit. "Is the Pelham girl unharmed?"

Crystal steps up behind you. "I am. Did you help free me?"

He nods to you. "The eagle-child did the freeing. Lung sent me to ensure you both left alive. If you are aligned against Abstergo, Lung will consider you to be... safe, from the Yakuza." He nods to you both and turns to leave.

{Well. No vote this time. The next update will conclude Crystal's Palace and take place in the Captain's Hill safehouse.}
{I'm back, after watching France kick the shit out of Honduras. Not as bad a loss as Jamaica, but still.}

Lisa and Chris make their way up to the complex, while Crystal takes a bath. You sit in the living room of the only building no one died in. You're debating whether or not to call Colfax when the other two join you.

Lisa's finally calmed down. As soon as she sees you, she throws her arms around your neck and hugs you close. Chris just sits awkwardly across the room.

You hug Lisa back, and push her away gently into a seat next to you when Crystal joins the group. She sets down a laptop. "So, before Abstergo grabbed me, I found out why the Assassins have so many little secrets scattered around the city. And why Abstergo wants to keep them buried." Chris moves to join you and Lisa on the couch.

Crystal turns the laptop on and opens a text document. "Abstergo has reports on the city's progress going back to when they first started using computers. They've been using Brockton Bay as the testing grounds for a lot of their procedures; nothing they do here affects the populace directly, not that I could see. There's a lot of references to something called P.O.E. 1, but no one outside the Chief Officers group has access to anything on it, so I don't know if they're using it here. Their system administrator lives downtown, though.

"Additionally, they started a Project Animus here, sometime in the last decade. There isn't much on it, but it's got something to do with Warren Vidic. We know he went missing around six years ago, and that's when Project Animus really kicked off. Maybe he had some research into it that they needed, I don't know, but the project lead is someone named Bisera Stefanov. She lives Uptown, and she's not exactly a fan of Abstergo.

"Finally, there's the thing they've got locked up in Protectorate Headquarters. It's a lockbox. They think it has Assassin records from when the Assassins were keeping the city free of Templar influence, but they can't verify that, because it's locked in some kind of stone."

You nod, and Lisa grins. Chris looks a bit lost, though. "So what does this have to do with us?"

You look at him. "My father was an Assassin. Abstergo hates me because of him, and they're run by the Templars. Anything they want will eventually end with humanity under their rule. So we're going to do what we can to undermine them." He nods, and you look back to Crystal. "So we can't get the lockbox directly, they're watching it every second. I doubt their system admin is going to want to talk to us either. What about Stefanov?"

Crystal smiles. "Exactly my thoughts, Zaki. Bisera Stefanov was a huge advocate for Abstergo up until four years ago. One of their experiments drove her son completely mad. She also thinks Abstergo was involved in the disappearance of Warren Vidic, Desmond Miles, and Hannah Mueller. She doesn't know it, but those last two are Assassins. Desmond's the son of the current Mentor, and Hannah worked with someone named Bellamy over near Philadelphia. Bellamy moved up here, but I haven't been able to find him."

You raise one eyebrow. "He works for the BBPD. He's a Sergeant. Paul Bellamy. I'll contact Guy Fawkes when I'm out tomorrow, see if he knows anything about Bisera. Lisa, see what you can find out about Desmond and Abstergo's system admin." She nods and you all break off to find a bed.

{Whatever you choose to do, I'll add in a bit about sending a message to Sean Hastings/Guy Fawkes.}

[] Downtown
-[] Action?
[] Uptown

-[] Action?
[] Captain's Hill

-[] Action?
[] Boardwalk

-[] Towers
-[] Safehouse
-[] Other
[] Abstergo Offices

-[] Map
-[] Towers
-[] Safehouse
-[] Investigate
-[] Other
[] Protectorate HQ

-[] Towers
-[] Safehouse
-[] Investigate
-[] Other
[] Docks

-[] Towers
-[] Safehouse
-[] Other
[] Tunnels

-[] Explore
Ask Others

-[] Help with what?
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