Abaddon Born(e) - (Worm CYOA)

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So... how many more chapters are we postphoning slotting a major power for? It was the cliffhanger a couple chapters ago and seems to have been forgotten. At first, it made sense as new things kept coming up, but it's been a couple days in-universe now and there's surely been enough downtime to decide in? (doubly so since it's been acknowledged that slotting a new power in the middle of a battle without any former training is not the best of ideas)
Probably until he's pushed so far he has to. He only one available and a few minors IIRC so he's being cautious.
Probably until he's pushed so far he has to. He only one available and a few minors IIRC so he's being cautious.

Sure, but as I said in my post, this has been acknowledged in-text as a generally bad idea. If he's going to continue putting it off, shouldn't we at least get a throwaway sentence indicating this is intentional in-text? Otherwise it seems a little like the author has forgotten about it. (incidentally, as its hard to tell with serials, this is why I've waited so many chapters to bring it up; I was hoping it might have been at least mentioned in the last couple IRL weeks / in-story days)
I didn't spell it out because I thought it wasn't needed, but the slots are permanent and so installing one he wants can be disastrous when he later finds out he needs another. If he had 2, 3 or more majors available I'm sure he would've filled one by now, but with just one he'd rather have the ace up his sleeve.

Maybe you're expecting more powers being added because you got used to it when they were more frequent in the beginning. IIRC, the author nerfed that because it was getting out of control.
Cool, but wow, woosh. All I'm pointing out is that, regardless of reasoning, nothing has been mentioned in-text about it. Speculation is great and making one's own explanations for why something occurred in story is half the fun (and I agree with most of your points regardless), but that's not what my comment was about.

I was more concerned with the fact that none of this has been addressed in-text, especially since it's something easily forgettable by authors (and readers) when posting serially in a weekly format. That it has gone unaddressed for so long leads me to believe it has perhaps been forgotten, which (I assume) is not the intention of the author... but can't be sure on and thus made a post to ask such.
I thought it had been mentioned at some point. Maybe not necessarily as explicit as I did, but it feels like a memory rather than my own conclusion.
Seizure 18.11
Seizure 18.11

More time passed, and, thankfully, Herb came back in time for the next Replicant. We got ready, with him sitting, trying to meditate in the center of a circle of Air Barriers and Air Blades, ready to, if need be, eliminate the threat in an instant. I was willing to hear out whoever the last Replicant was, but, if things looked bad, I had no qualms putting them down.

We made sure to position ourselves so that no one was in Herb's Copycat range, which had, over the last few months, had grown to just over fifty feet. The only one left he could copy was me, and, useful as my powers were, I started off at near the bottom of the barrel in combat capability, and so would the Replicant.

And so I waited, and waited, Quinn watching out of range but ready to throw things into lockdown if needed. If we had more traditional Tinkers, we could've used them, but Gauge's overpowered time-related abilities, even if they didn't work on me, would still give the Replicant theoretically infinite time to plan and respond.

Watching Herb, I'd reviewed Quinn's logs, so knew that, when the time came, the Replicant would pop into existence nearby, in an instant, with no warning whatsoever. However, there seemed to be a range to it, and thus why we'd cleared out a storage bay for this.

Honestly, I was a little impressed, as Herb had not only not forgotten, or 'forgotten', to show up, but was deep in meditation, waiting, ready, and. . . is he snoring?

Yes. Yes he was.

Well, at least he'd shown up, and all of the others had shown up when he was asleep, so maybe that was a requirement. Wait, I can check, I realized mentally opening my 'eyes' to See the inferno of his power.

The Replication power was. . . complicated. It worked as a kind of hub, creating the other versions of Herb but it wasn't a straight copy, there was an intricate mechanism that tweaked them, to make each different, each with its own qualities, though there did seem to be an underlying commonality of loyalty to the source.

However, that very 'loyalty' was not a straightforward thing, as seen by the fact that Curtis tried to rip out my throat the first time we'd met, and Smith's pseudo-cuckolding of Herb, pseudo in the fact that, when I'd quietly asked around, Herb had tiptoed around Kayden, giving her space and never actually going for it. Smith had, and Kayden, apparently a fan of dominant men, had gone along with it, doubly so as it had confirmed to her. . . previous worldview, even if she'd managed to not be openly racist anymore.

Looking deeper I Saw that the system had no 'source must be asleep' requirement, and furthermore worked by 'pinging' the source. It didn't work on a tether system, like my own costume, which meant that, once created, there was no way to track the Replicants. It was only watching it that I Saw it activate, the power flaring for a moment, before flickering as if in response to a half-dozen different gusts, before it flared again, billowing out wards, feeling out the area, before it started to coalesce.

Pulling back, I readied my attacks, as, between instants, the power flexed and the Replicant appeared.

It was Curtis.

The Replicant looked at me, frowning, before he reached out, and took a few cautious, flowing steps, hand hitting the invisible air wall, snatching it back in an instant. "Not bad, Vee," he purred, eyes squinting as he tried to make out the defenses, but either failed or was a better actor than I expected. "You gonna let me out, or you wanna dance?"

I considered not doing so, but, while. . . unpleasant, Curtis had calmed down since his first creation. As such, I released the barriers, but made sure to do so a little sloppily, just in case, the breeze from the decompressing air lightly blowing the Replicant's Jheri curls.

Curtis nodded, and started to slowly stride for the door, stopping at my, "Thanks." While I couldn't be sure, I had a strong feeling that the Replicant had let himself be killed to buy us more time. I might be wrong, but given how completely unsurprised he'd been to find himself in a kill-box, I likely wasn't.

In response, the Replicant's step hesitated, just for a second, and he shrugged. "Don't know what you're talkin' bout. Asshole's not gonna get lucky twice."

Translation: next time it won't be me that arrives.

I nodded, "Then good hunting." The Replicant snorted, smirked, and left.

Shaking my head, I walked over to the sleeping Herb, nudging him with my boot as he snorted, coming awake fully. "I'm not sleepin'!" he declared, and I was sure, if I pressed him, he'd return with some sort of 'technically I wasn't anymore!' defense, so I just rolled my eyes.

"Sure you were," I replied dryly. "Since you were awake, I guess I don't need to tell you that it was Curtis that showed up, and left, but next time it'll probably be number ten."

The other man blinked owlishly at me, looking around the large empty room. "Oh, uh, yeah. And then he left. Which I know. 'Cause I wasn't sleeping."

"Exactly," I agreed, as if speaking to a smile child. "So why don't you go to your room and get some rest, since you weren't sleeping. We'll do this again next week."

"Yeah!" he agreed, jumping to his feet easily, super-strength making the motion simple. "Seeya then!"

Striding out the door, I sighed, and went back to my office, to Walk the Path of another Vial.


Time continued to roll on, stopping for no one, but, once more, without incident. I did make a trip to heal Mache's mother, who was suffering from some genetic ailment that modern medicine couldn't handle. There were Tinker drugs that could've done the job, but those were stupidly expensive, and most Healers had powers that could be sorted into the category of 'combat medicine', which, given that all powers were supposed to be combat powers, made a certain amount of sense.

If Mache's mother had lost a limb, or was somehow otherwise injured, they might've been able to help, but powers weren't meant to help, they were meant to hurt, and it was only something incredibly open ended like Panacea's that could handle even that sort of thing. Given that I was fairly certain her power was meant to make bioweapons, then being able to tweak people like she did made sense. My own ability to just go 'Get Better' still annoyed her, though she had asked for me to do so less and less as time went on.

In fact, I hadn't seen her since the Simurgh fight.

Regardless, Mache had been brought onboard the civilian apparatus of the city, still unnamed, and was settling in. Given my ability to just See her power, I'd suggested training her myself, and while Quinn had pointed out that it would be a sub-optimal use of my time, I'd put my foot down on that. We might not be putting her into a combat role, but not only was New Brockton Bay not completely safe, with the Zones nearby, but the girl was a Natural Trigger.

It had not been that much of an issue, likely because of the Zones nearby, but, while it hadn't caused any issues lately, powers needed to be used. We'd managed to direct their efforts, but, for whatever reason, normal experimentation with powers outside of combat rarely happened. It was my hope that by working with her, that by giving a new use or twelve for her power to chew on, it'd be satisfied and calm the heck down.

Her faux-Bank Heist, however well intentioned, had likely been something her Shard had pushed for, and, while nothing had gone wrong that time, that sort of thing was what we needed to avoid.

But that was scheduled for next week, and until then I'd had time to kill. Well, not really time to kill, just time to devote to my lower priority projects. The pacification of the Green Zones was now fully complete, every anomaly either eliminated, closed off, or, when possible, moved to a more secure location. In that, with my control over air, I was uniquely qualified, as, while a poor man's Telekinesis, it was a poor man's Telekinesis, and let me 'handle' many things that, were they to actually be touched, or even approached, would likely have killed people.

And then there were buildings to grow as Dryad, Vials from Herb, Truth, and Tyrone of all people to Path, and, of course, the entirety of the Yellow Zone to tackle, where things got. . . Interesting. I was more hesitant to bring others with me on those runs, given the Master, Shaker, and Stranger Anomalies that ran rampant through the streets, though I'd tried to keep to my word and bring a partner when handling them. However, when it was two in the morning and the pale, luminous being that only stalked a certain road at night needed to be handled, sometimes it was best to do it alone.

That one, despite looking humanoid, had been an odd Master/Shaker effect, a little like the Siberian in the fact that what you saw was a projection. Unlike the Siberean, it wasn't invincible due to dimensional BS, it just tried to shape itself to match what you wanted.

At first, approaching it carefully, it'd tried to shape itself to appear like an old girlfriend, one who, while I'd hoped things had tured out better, had, well, hadn't been what I thought she was, the anger and sadness loosening the tight feeling in my heart that seeing her had evoked. Then it tried to shift to Taylor, who, while she said she understood my actions, had not come to see me since the last time we talked, about two weeks ago.

That had hurt a bit more, but, as I ignored the Anomaly that slowly sauntered towards me, the sound it made, laden with its power, blocked from reaching me, and having the repeating patterns of some kind of song, I blocked myself from that as well. I had done nothing wrong, and, while she had been helping me, that was neither her responsibility, nor her duty. I had appreciated the help, but, if I wasn't what she thought I was, then I wasn't going to make her stay.

Even if some part of me wanted to do so.

Because some part of me wanted to do so.

The Pseudo-Taylor reached me, crooning inaudibly, before it suddenly shot a long, thin, taloned hand forward for my chest, the claws deforming on the wall of air separating us.

"Right, sorry, forgot about you," I apologized, having been lost in thought, mildly annoyed at the creature, likely in response to the Master effect it was using, but it was slight, relying on more normal methods to theoretically drop my defenses. As the Projection, face still set in a caring, compassionate, and sympathetic smile as it once again tried to tear out my heart, only to, again, be stopped by the wall of air.

Limited intelligence, if any, only basic adaptability, I thought, as it had shaped itself to me, and walked around some of the rubble on the ground, but the attack method was as mindlessly basic as most non-creature-based Anomalies were. Dangerous, of course, if you weren't prepared, but if you were it became manageable. Heck, from the damage it was doing to the air shield as it lashed out for my chest a third time, in almost the exact same way, its footing from the being repelled the only thing determining the attack. Taking a few steps back, bringing the air shield with me, it continued to sing and tried again to tear out my heart when it got in range, human-like hands morphing into claws the moment before it struck.

Opening my eyes to try and See it, as that sometimes let me gain an insight into Anomalies, I caught a flicker of something. However, before I could understood it, the projection shuddered, its shape deforming as it tried to turn to something else, arms and legs melding into the main body, the white woman almost lamia-like, before, with what would've been an ear-piercing scream, it exploded.

As bits of pure-white matter, almost jelly-like in consistency, splattered the landscape I just stared on, confused.

"Well. . . that happened," I commented to the landscape, as the bits of projection started to evaporate, disappearing in seconds. Waiting for another minute, it didn't reform, so I shrugged, flew upwards, and moved onto the next Anomaly, a humanoid rabbit that could only be seen moving around the Yellow Zone every few nights.


I was finishing up my nocturnal Zone clearing, the lunar lagamorph having evaded me, when, stopping on a crumbling rooftop at the Red/Yellow Edge, some large, deep blue ivy slowly working it's way up the building, I stopped to watch the sunrise.

It was. . . nice, but, at the same time, it felt. . . lonely.

I wasn't sure how long I stayed there, Quinn's voice surprising me as it called, "Vejovis?"

Blinking, I stretched, noticing the a strand of ivy had started to make its way up towards me, but it still had a good fifty feet left to go as I lifted off, the plant almost seeming. . . disappointed? "What's up?" I replied, getting enough altitude that I could bypass the Anomalies below. It would be faster to teleport, but given I was almost certain Cauldron was keeping eyes on me, flying the flag like this should reassure them that I wasn't the one out there, and causing detours in Fortuna's Path.

"Were going to have an incursion," my vizier replied, and I smiled, glad to have something to do.

"What sector is it coming from, and what is it? Is it insects? Please tell me it's insects?" I asked, wanting it to be true, for reasons I didn't really want to look closely at.

"Sector Seven-M, and it's not insects," I was informed. "At least, not the Anomalous kind."

Hearing the directionality, I'd swung around to the southeast, the city divided into twelve sections, like a clock, and the letter indicating how far it was from the center of the city, located in the middle of the Red Zone. However. . . "But, that's deep in the Green. Are they diggers?"

"Of a sort," Overwatch agreed enigmatically, continuing before I started to get annoyed. "It's a team of independent heroes. They're coming in a few hours to try to mine the Stilling Crystals." I frowned, not sure what he was talking about. "The ones you gave the Protectorate, during their tour."

"Oh, those!" I exclaimed, having forgotten about them in the overwhelming tide of Anomalies I'd dealt with since. "Fucking why?"

The other man sighed. "Why are rare materials with anomalous materials being stolen?" he asked rhetorically. "I might have to consult our Thinkers."

Rolling my eyes, I made my way towards the location in question. "Okay, fine, but why didn't they just, you know ask us for some? It'll be a bit dangerous, but no more than, I don't know, hydrochloric acid."

"They have," Quinn revealed, "However they have been told it will cost quite a bit, and they could only receive it after the PRT has finished their analysis, which normally takes six months for academic or commercial use without special dispensation. Given our current relationship with them, and the nature of this location as an 'experiment', it is likely those dispensation will not be issued. It appears that some do not want to wait, nor pay the price that Toybox suggested."

"They'd know," I replied, surprised that all of this went on behind the scenes. Part of me wanted to complain that I hadn't been told about this, but, I'd already set policy when I'd shared it with the PRT, sold the GISS corpse to Flamel, and then there was our entire Crimson & Obsidian Oak lumber production. Nothing here was new, and, knowing the answer, I asked, "How much of it were you willing to sell?"

Overwatch's answer was what I thought. "It would depend on the properties of the crystal, but no more than half without receiving approval. The team that will attempt to rob us has just reached the edge of the city. There have four members: Shieldwall, a female Shaker who creates sharp-edged floating heater-shields and has some control over them, Resonance, a male Brute/Striker whose hits have a sonic effect that shakes apart what he hits, Tinder, a female Blaster/Striker that can make what she touches catch fire for several minutes afterwards, and Chirality, a female Tinker that specializes in technology that transmutes items."

Floating high, around two miles up, around the altitude of helicopters, I looked down at the ground below, trying to pick them out. With Power Sight my regular sight had risen to superhuman levels, and I could make out the details of everything down below me, but there were a lot of details to take in. On the bright side, I had time, their arrival at the metal dome distantly under my feet still close to an hour from now.

"Should I call the others?" Quinn asked, as I watched, and I considered that.

I kind of wanted to handle it myself, but. . . should I? "Are any of the 'Cousins' up and available?" I requested. Mouse thought that eight oclock only occurred once per day, as did most of the teens, but if some of the others were up, I wouldn't say no to someone watching my back.

"Nick is, should I have him travel to your location?" Overwatch replied.

I shook my head, creating a dagger and Marking it, tossing it so it'd hit a clear rooftop on the other side of the path of our thieves. "Have him meet me in my office."

Teleporting back, I got ready to set up the trap.

Steal from me and mine, will you?
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Hey PublicLee, great chapter as always. I have one question - is there some factor in the crystal's nature that keeps the PD from just harvesting all of them and sticking them in the secret base?
No, but it's a contained anomaly that isn't trying to break out and kill everyone, so it's on the 'we'll get to this later' list, like the egg-shaped slicing zone, or the lightning-bolt street.
No, but it's a contained anomaly that isn't trying to break out and kill everyone, so it's on the 'we'll get to this later' list, like the egg-shaped slicing zone, or the lightning-bolt street.
Also because powers are weird and it might react really badly for unknown reasons.

Oh I'm sorry you put too many crystals in a box that's within 20 ft of water that's within 13 ft of acid! Everything is now pumpkin.
I kind of wanted to handle it myself, but. . . should I? "Are any of the 'Cousins' up and available?" I requested. Mouse thought that eight pm only occurred once per day, as did most of the teens, but if some of the others were up, I wouldn't say no to someone watching my back.

But... eight pm does only occur once a day, unless there's some serious fuckery going on.
Lotta buildup for a reprieve…which is fine, world doesn't always conform to your plans.
worked by 'pinging' the source.
Isn't that going to mean Herb does have to be out of it for a moment, like all parahumans near a Trigger event?
confirmed to her […previous worldview]
conformed to her
confirmed her

lagomorph (had to add to spell-checker dictionary myself after typing correction…)
"Why are rare materials with anomalous materials being stolen?"
rare materials with anomalous properties (…I think.)

Technically it happens 24 times per day, due to time zone shenanigans.
38 times. One unofficial, but still reportedly consistently used there. But even just whole-hour zones, there're 26.
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You know, I just now had a thought. What if a big reason why Carol didn't want Amy to profit from working massive amounts of overtime at the hospitals was because she was using it as a tax write-off. Amy was essentially giving away millions of dollars' worth of healing every year, and I seriously doubt that's not tax deductible.

Either that, or the hospital paid Carol, and she was pocketing all the money while working Amy like a particularly emotionally abused slave.

I wonder how Carol's family would take it, if they knew...
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Seizure 18.12
Seizure 18.12

I had to give them credit, they had a good plan, driving in an unmarked white van into the city. I'm sure it was unintentional, but, doing so, I couldn't pick them out with Power Sight, the glass and metal shielding them from my ability. They were also careful, driving around every fenced off section with care, but with a hesitancy that told me they hadn't known they were there.

The problem came from the fact that they were the only car moving in that part of the city.

There was movement, the repetitive motions of some of the Anomalies, but, this being the Green Zone, it was nothing that large. Enough to catch the eye if you weren't used to them, yes, but I'd personally cleared at close to half of this area, and I was used to them.

Flying high above them, out of the sight lines of the van, I checked the perimeter fence around the outside edge of the city, Brix's power letting me zero in on the feeling of wrongness that was their entrance point. Sure enough, they'd transformed a section of the crimson oak latticework to dust, unblocking the street, and, from the tire tracks in the grey pile, driven right in. The fact that they hadn't put it back annoyed me, but I'd ringed off the outer edge of the city, not because I was that worried about threats from the Green Zone leaving, but as a last bit of insurance just in case.

Tracking them back, they definitely knew their destination, that being the large hemisphere of steel that encompassed the warehouse from which the Stasis Crystals grew, being before we'd perfected the Crimson Oak I'd started using afterwards. Nick was nearby, inside the building across the street from their likely arrival point, calmly waiting.

We hadn't talked much, only that I was going to stop them, and if it seemed like they'd run, or fight, he was to jump in and make sure they didn't get away.

He was nice, almost gregarious, but there was a hint of hardness to him that made me just that little bit uneasy.

Regardless, I followed them at a distance, tracking them through the city, until, right on time, they pulled up to the edge of the dome. The doors of the van opened, and all four got out, giving me a look at their powers.

Riding shotgun was a woman in silver spandex, had Shield Creation, and was almost certainly 'Shieldwall'. Looking at her, it wasn't some special Tinker-material, or even subtly armored, the woman just was wearing a spandex body-stocking, fashionably sturdy boots, a utility-belt, and little else. She even had a tiny little domino mask, half-hidden by her black hair. An actual domino mask.

As I Saw her power, I supposed she assumed she might need more, the report Quinn had given me of her power was correct, able to create metallic shields within fifty feet of herself. The general material, shape, and size was unfortunately hard-coded, but she could tweak it a little, and, more than that, she could make a lot of them, and control them when she did. As soon as she got out, she set up a barrier wall lacrosse both ends of the street, though she did need to walk a little away from the truck.

Line of sight, I realized, not able to pick out the particulars like that just from glancing, the Flames of her power just a deluge of unsorted information, only the very core standing out clearly.

The driver was a woman in red and yellow, wearing not only a utility belt, but cargo pants and a flak jacket that was covered with pockets, the girl almost clicking as she jumped out of the car and looked around, calling, "Res, you're up."

The woman's Ignition Touch was, again, exactly what it sounded like. She could 'charge' anything she touched and, at her will, cause its temperature to spike. Looking deeper into it, there didn't seem to be a range limit, and she could shape the energy, causing it to heat up in specific powers. Not only could she likely create ersatz frag grenades via temperature differentials, but it was yet another power that could have tremendous earning potential, allowing her to spot-weld at will and cut through anything by melting it, in whatever way she wanted to.

And she was using it to rob me.

The back doors had already opened, and a large man, again in Spandex, this set blue with a yellow ripple pattern, got out, carrying a crate. He was decently muscled, by no means as well as Herb or I, but easily handled the metal crates which had been sitting inside the Van. "I know, I know," he grumbled good naturedly, as I saw the Flames of Fracture Touch burn around him. His power was similar to the drivers, very similar to the driver's, in a way that made me frown a little.

Whereas the fire girl, whose name I couldn't remember, made something melt, this man could make it break, with an almost identical mechanic that used sound instead of heat, though with a shorter time-limit of only an hour or so, as opposed to Ignition's twenty-four hour-ish limit. He also had a pretty strong standard Brute package on top of it, though, looking at Ignition Touch, she had one as well, at a lesser level. It was only when the side door operated, and the armored form of their last member clambered out, that I started to understand.

The woman, in a skintight suit of armor, boob-plate and all, was not a Tinker. Instead, she burned with the Flames of Transmutation Touch, which let her shift one material to another, with some control of what she shifted, as long as it remained within ten feet of her. She, too, got a Brute package on the same level as Ignition, though, Seeing her power more deeply, there was also a bit of added thermal resistance, a resistance that Fracture shared, while Ignition was outright immune to heat. Also, just like the other two, she could delay the changes, though.

Looking at their powers, while Shield was unique, the other three seemed like three friends, all given the same assignment, had done the exact same thing only to tweak their individual projects at the very last minute so they were 'technically' different. In their outward, phenotypic expression they were very different, but, looking under the hood, their 'genotype' was almost identical.

Is this. . a Cluster Trigger? I wondered, having heard of them, but never having come across any, at least not with time to study them. However, "Their Tinker isn't a Tinker," I quietly spoke into the comms. "She's a Striker, pretending to be a Tinker."

I could respect the tactic, having done a variant of it myself, if on a larger scale. If she pretended she could only use her power with the use of tech, then if someone tried to jump her, or captured her, they'd think her disarmed if they took her gear.

"Got it," Nick replied. "How much are we going to let them take before we go?"

Looking back down, Transmutation had walked up to the dome and placed her hands on it, the 'lights' on her gauntlets flashing as I watched her transmute them to do so, before, after several seconds, she stepped back and clapped her hands together, the Flames of her power reaching out to the embers left in the metal, causing a doorway-shipped section to turn to dust.

"Once they'd grabbed a few," I replied, dropping down to a rooftop that none of the four were looking towards, and grabbing a handful of insects to move into position as my eyes.

Inside, the warehouse sat in what should've been darkness, but the cyan glow of the crystals from within the building looking like something from a horror game, as if to tell any who looked upon it 'Arcane/Spiritual nastiness, do not enter!'

So, after understandably pausing, the four entered. Part of me wanted to seal them in, mummy's tomb style, but not only did they have the powers to break right out, what they hadn't done wasn't that bad. If they fought me, their lives were forfeit, but they were ostensibly 'heroes', though this world's standards were insulting for that title.

Instead, as all four entered, I flew over and picked up their truck, depositing it several streets away, as I soundlessly took my seat on a platform of air over the dome and waited, pulling in the free-standing swarms from every direction.

"Are you sure about this?" Shield said, carrying the crates they'd unloaded on floating platforms made from her power, looking around nervously.

Transmutation scoffed, "Come on, you saw the reports. This area's safe, and you just need to be careful handling them. We do this, we're set for years."

"I-I know," Shield quickly agreed, "it's just. . .nevermind."

The group walked further in, Ignition pulling out a thin metal rod which started to glow yellow-white with heat in her hand, serving as a torch. Reaching the metal door loading-bay doors, which I'd locked with a loop of metal, Fracture squatted down, Hmm'd, and tapped the permenant lock.

Listening in, I repressed the urge to shut down his power by negating it with Acoustokinesis, letting the tight packet of sound go off, shattering the metal into two halves. I had to admire the skill it took, as there was no shrapnel whatsoever, though that might've just been the Shard's handiwork.

Regardless, they opened it, lifting up the loading doors, and revealing the Stasis Crystals proper.

"Holy Fuck," the man swore, while Ignition started to cackle in joy.

"H-how much were we being paid?" Shield asked.

The formation had grown, though not by much, only about ten percent in the month or so since I'd sealed it, but it was still an impressive sight, and one absolutely deadly if anyone got too close.

"Two grand per ounce," Transmutation answered. "And this won't get the feds on us, since they're the ones buying it."

Fracture shook his head. "Still can't believe you thought turning things to gold was a good idea, Kate."

"Shut up, Jake," the 'Tinker' snapped. "I have a fuckin' Midas Touch! It should've worked! How the fuck are the taxes and fees more than the price of fucking gold!"

Ah, rookie mistake, I thought, nodding in sympathy. There was a reason we sold to Criminals, after all. Power created materials had to be individually 'studied' to make sure they were what you said they were, and wouldn't disappear, explode, mind-control everyone around them, etc. A large enough corporation could more than make a profit, but the fees for trying to 'distribute' the materials without being licensed were steep.

Really, it was another of Cauldron's 'stir-the-pot', 'status-quo-is-god' policies, and led to the situation underneath me. If they had come to me, I'd've offered them a job, almost no questions asked. However, they hadn't, nor was this a poorly-though-out display, they were thieves, messing with something they didn't understand, and who very easily could've set off something far worse.

Ignition got her laughter under control, shaking her head. "Damn, there must be, what, a hundred pounds of that stuff here!"

"Try a hundred thousand," Fracture corrected, glancing back to the entrance. "It's too much. And it's too easy. We should grab a couple pounds, ten at most, and leave. "

He was right, that would've been the smart move. Hell, if I hadn't been warned, and they cleaned up after themselves, I might not've even noticed. In the scheme of things, what they wanted wasn't that much, but it was the principle of the thing. That and the fact that, if they talked, and someone would, we'd be hip-deep in bandits and thieves before we could get a solid security setup for the city proper, instead of just the reclaimed sections.

Hell, the only reason they hadn't driven into the null-friction field, or the fire rings, or been jumped by the Blink-Wolves was that I'd already cleaned them out or roped off the danger zone. This wasn't 'finder's keepers', this was 'I'd worked to kill the predators, only for idiot lumberjacks to start cutting trees'.

And, while the Green Zone was 'pacified', that was only for things that a few patrols could stumble across. We'd had to tweak our plans when we'd found a temporal effect that'd sped up aging in a few-hundred feet. We'd had to scrap the plans for housing, and instead AA was looking into some kind of specialty storage facility, one that wouldn't require maintenance, and could be used to quick-age things like cheese or whiskey. We'd only come across it when someone had left their lunch on the job-site overnight, and came back to discover it'd mummified.

From there, it'd been remotely operated robotic workers only, and the ones that'd worked had all gotten a 'Get Better' shot to reverse the damages they'd suffered, and Panacea had found damages, with bone degradation and other odd effects. The patrols hadn't been there long enough to notice, and I was immune to time-based powers, but it was only by stumbling across it that we found it.

While Green Zone was the least dangerous, it was not safe.

"Ugh, that's just like you, chickening out right before the end," Transmutation chided scornfully, but the man still moved forward, motioning to Shield who sent a crate alongside him. Reaching inside it he pulled out a pair of tongs and got to work clearing out the small spheres closest to them, dropping them in the box.

Ignition joined him, grabbing the crystals with another pair of tongs, quickly filling up box, only for Shield to speak up. "U-Um, guys? I can't move it."

"What?" Transmutation asked, the Shaker lowering her shield, only for the box to hang there, mid-air. Actually, feeling out the area, it was falling, just very, very slowly. "Ah, shit."

Fracture shot what I was coming to think was their leader an unamused look. "Knew it."

"Shut up, and figure this out," Transmutation snapped.

"Oh, oh wow," Ignition said, trying to reach inside the box with her tongues, only to have the tool stopped mid-reach. "Some of 'em are just floating in here. Gimme a sec."

Reaching carefully, she skimmed her tongs along the edge of the field, working it deeper until she grabbed one of the topmost crystals, stopped in its drop inside, and, having to use both hands, wrenched it out, the cyan stone going flying as soon as it was out of range and landing a dozen feet away.

"Not worth it, I'll grab another," Fracture said, walking for the exit, where the other crates were stalked up high. I waited as he left, watching as he went to grab another, then froze, slowly turning to where his car used to be parked. "Fuuuuuuuuuuck," he swore, turning around slowly, seeing the streets were empty before turning around again, eyes tracking up, once more going still as he spotted me.

I gave him a jaunty wave.

"Where's the next box?" Transmutation called out, sounding annoyed. "We don't have all day!"

"Chirality," he called back, eyes not moving from me. "You need to get the others and come out."

The 'Tinker' huffed, crossing her arms inside the dome in annoyance. "Now's not the time for your bullsh-

"Get the fuck out here, now!" the man yelled, glancing away from me just for a moment, before quickly glancing back up my way, as if fearful that I was a weeping angel, that would close every time he looked away.

. . . I kind of wanted to do that now.

Behind my back, I made a small card of metal, Marking it and carrying it on the wind out and around, low and out of sight.

Watching the others slowly make their way out, they filed out of the dome, stopping as they saw their teammate, then lifting their gaze to me. "Oh. Shit," Transmutation swore under her breath, but the sound was still carried to me. "Hello!" she greeted. "We're tracking down a villain that's been running from us. A real piece of work. You seen a guy that can turn into a giant minotaur?"

The sheer audacity of the lie impressed me a bit, though not as much as it disappointed me.

"Chir, he took the van," Ignition hissed.

Transmutation's helmet hid her mouth as she replied venomously, "I know Tinder, now shut the fuck up!"

"What A coincidence!" I replied, landing on the dome and starting to walk down it, rotating myself slowly as I did so, to appear like I was doing so in defiance of physics, which, I guess I technically was. "So am I! I've heard of a band of thieves coming around here, looking to steal from my employer," I informed them, pausing to tap the dome below me for emphasis. "You wouldn't happen to have seen them, have you?"

"S-Sorry!" Shield squeaked, getting a scathing look from Transmutation, Ignition and Fracture both trying to subtle motion for her to be quiet.

"Sorry, we haven't seen them," Transmutation added as an 'explanation'. "But if we see them, we'll tell you!"

I rolled my eyes, and, between steps, appeared behind them, calling the Swarm forth. "Honesty is a heroic virtue, but one in short supply nowadays," I mused, as they spun around. "So, how about this: you're under the arrest for what we both know is grand larceny. Come quietly, and we'll have a little talk. Hell, I might let you go. Don't, and things will get unpleasant."

"O-okay!" Shield quickly agreed, holding her hands up, the barriers on either edge of the street disappearing.

. . . Well, that was easy, I thought, as the other three lifted their hands as well, but while the Shaker seemed terrified, the other three just looked tense, almost ready. As I Saw them, Shield's power was at a low ebb, almost defeated, but the other three's were thrashing about, restrained but ready to go in an instant. Flying around in a quick circle to reach Shield first, the others tensed, and I frowned at them, a little confused as I created a pair of handcuffs from a pouch and grabbed her arms, gently but firmly securing them.

It didn't do anything to stop her from using her power, but the effect was psychological instead of practical, a gesture of her willingness to go along with this. Approaching Ignition next, I wasn't surprised when she lashed out, grabbing my arm as her power flared, only to slide directly off me.

I'd picked her since I could outright ignore her power, but, thinking about it, my Shields made it so that anyone that wanted to touch me couldn't even do that until they were drained. I flew backwards still, and the trio dropped their hands. "Hey, you idiot," Transmutation crowed. "Here's how this is going to go. You're going to bring our truck back, you're going to help us load up those crystals, and you're going to let us leave, and maybe you'll keep the arm!"

"Um, Chir," Ignition nervously stated, "It didn't take."

The armored woman's head snapped over. "What do you mean it didn't take!"

"My super strength is forcefield based," I shrugged, among other things. "But nice to see that you're not only thieves, but liars and extortionists as well. What was it Lincoln said? You want to trust the strength of a man's spirit, give him hardship, but to test its quality, give him power? And you call yourselves heroes?"

"If it's field-based, it can be broken," the 'Tinker' snapped, trying desperately to maintain control. "Resonance, break it!"

Fracture lunged forward, but I darted mid-air around him, reaching to push him aside, my hand on his shoulder, only for his power to spike, not needing to touch me with his hand. However, not only did I have my shields, but it was sound based, and I negated it as it started to spike, sending the man sprawling, even as Transmutation charged.

However, she was limited to how fast she could run, and I could fly, easily backing up and going for Shield, who was frozen in decision. Grabbing her by the back of her costume, I hefted her up, wrapped in a Lift Field, and called to them, "Now I have one of yours. There's no need for this to go worse than it has."

Ignition and Fracture hesitated, but Transmutation sneered, "Like we care!" Reaching down she grabbed a bit of destroyed asphalt, her power shifting it into something whit that she hurled at me. Flying back, what I had to assume was C4 went off, the blastwave close enough that it would knock me out of the air.

Except a blastwave was merely a very, very loud sound.

Shaping it around us, I let it dissipate, along with my good mood. The girl in my arms, was shaking like a leaf, and, if I wasn't wrong, had just pissed herself in fear. "Fine, let's play it that way. You Strikers have fun with my Shaker effect."

"Shaker?" Fracture asked, as I called forth the swarms I'd kept silent, a black tide coming from over the rooftops and through the alleys.

They tried to fight it, Fracture setting off rocks like grenades, Ignition using her large stockpile of iron rods as incendiaries, and Transmutation turning everything she could get her hands on into a weapon, even going so far as to start using poison gas, making her helmet into a gas-mask, and I carefully tweaked the airflow to make sure the other two, who had already fallen to the spiders and wasps, survived.

"Screw it," I finally sighed. "I might as well deploy my giant enemy crab. Nick? You got this one?"

The nearby building's fourth floor exploded out as the Replicant, in the form of an unrealisticly large crustacean, leapt forward, grabbing the last 'hero' in an enormous claw. She screamed, in rage, pain, or frustration I couldn't tell, her power lashing out at him, only for the Replicant's own Shapeshift power, copied from the tiny crab-shaped Stand on his back, to reverse it instantly.

"Okay, new plan. Give up, or he'll fucking kill you," I told her blandly, still holding the shivering Shield.

Transmutation still fought, and Nick increased the pressure as I pulled back the Swarm. I could've sworn I heard a rib-crack, before she finally, crying, stopped fighting.

Landing, I carefully deposited Shield, who collapsed to her knees, and picked up Fracture, slapping a pair of cuffs on him along with a shot of 'Get Better' to keep him from dying from the venom running through his system, the line between 'enough poison to incapacitate' and 'enough poison to kill' being a fine, fine line.

The man woke up, and started to pull at his bonds, pushing his power into them to break him, before he looked around, at the walls of insects buzzing around us, at Nick, then back at me. "Do it, and die," I told him blandly, and his power pulled at the energy still in his coughs, pushing it to the side and setting it off so it only shaved off a small bit instead of freeing him.

Repeating the process with Ignition, she hadn't started melting her cuffs before she realized she was fucked. Nick deposited Transmutation, who I calmly told, "Try anything and I'll remove your head," before cuffing her as well.

For better, or worse, she didn't try anything, though I also didn't bother to heal her.

"Alright, so, you break into private property, which this entire city now is, and decided breaking into a sealed area, which was done so for good reason, was a great idea. What the hell am I going to do with you?" I asked, more to Quinn than them.

"Let us go?" Ignition asked, and I snorted.

"Yeah, you decided you didn't want that when you tried to burn me to death. Overwatch?" I requested.

My Vizier replied, "Calling PRT now. Would you like to listen?"

"Yes please, that'd be lovely," I agreed, putting a finger to my ear to show I was talking to someone else.

After a few pleasantries, Quinn got to the point, informing them of the Parahuman thieves on our property. The PRT flunkies reply of "I'm sorry, that is outside of our jurisdiction," made me growl in anger, the others all freezing as they stared at me.

"I am sorry, I must be mistaken," Overwatch replied. "The PRT's jurisdiction is the United States and Canada, but you are claiming New Brockton Bay is not covered."

The other man's smugness was palpable as he faux apologized: "I'm sorry, that is what we have been told. If you wish to turn over the thieves, and what they were attempting to steal, so the full nature of the charge can be determined, you may deliver us to our office in-"

"That's quite all right, have a good day," Quinn replied, hanging up on the man. "Did you get that, Vejovis?"

"I did," I replied. "That's not how this works, I assume?"

"It is not. I assume that any 'evidence' we gave them would disappear as surely as they tried to disappear you," he informed me. "Either way, they would receive what they want, and these four would go free."

"Fucking lovely," I hissed. "Any suggestions?"

"While within your legal right, I would request you not execute them," the man sighed, and I wondered what he thought about me would make him say that. I mean. . . okay, yes, the thought had crossed my mind, and it would make things easier, and they had just tried to kill me.

Okay, yes, it was an understandable request.

"Don't worry, I've got something better in in mind," I reassured him, turning to the four in front of me. "Stay here," I commanded, taking off, but leaving the insects in place. Grabbing their van, I brought it back, dropping it on the clearest section of street. "You three," I said, indicating the Strikers. "In the car."

"You're letting us go?" Fracture asked, unsure.

I nodded. "The PRT has declared they have no authority here, but they'll take what you were stealing as evidence. Now get in the van."

Fracture and Ignition got in the back, still cuffed, but Transmutation, turned her cuffs to dust and quickly started the car, trying to drive when I reached over, lifting it up. "Ah, let me help you," I smiled, as the woman glared hatefully at me. "We're working on a teleportation system, but we're still working out the bugs. If you come back here again, I will kill you, Kate. Now, have fun in Brazil!"

Pulling on Strider's Area Teleportation, and remembering the feeling of where I'd done my moonshot from, I half-Strode, teleporting it out, but leaving myself behind.

Huh, it worked, I smiled to myself, having expected it to be harder.

"Brazil?" Quinn asked, confused.

"That salt-flat area," I replied. "The one we talked about.

My Vizier was quiet for a moment. "You mean Bolivia?"

I shrugged, "I said we were working out the bugs. Now, you," I said, picking up Shield. "You're going to cooperate with my people, fully and completely, and we'll let you go. Just pick better teammates, okay?" I asked, and, fearfully, the girl nodded. Focusing on the Mark in my personal power-training room. "Stay there until someone come gets you," I instructed, and let her go, Striding her there, turning to Nick. "Thanks for the assist!"

"You're welcome," the crab-man said, shifting back to normal. "Now. . . how to spin this," he remarked, turning into a weird rocket/horseshoe crab thing and taking off into the sky.

Shaking my head, I moved to Stride back to my office, having enjoyed this little endeavor, only for my phone to ring. Answering it, I dismissed the Swarms, and regrew the metal of the dome for good measure. "Hey Break, what's up?" I asked, surprised the man was calling me, when he seemed to be oddly independent about the task I'd given him.

"Dude, I need help!" he gasped, and I immediately started reaching out for the Mark I'd given him. It was in the Mid-West, somewhere, and seemed to be staying still, though it was hard to tell movement at these distances.

Turning and striding into a building, to get away from Satallites, I demanded, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, man, I fucked up. I fucked up bad! I need you to send Boardwalk!" he gasped, panic clawing through his voice.

Boardwalk? I thought, Oh, right, because I can't leave the city! It was unusually forward thinking of him, and I shifted my costume to match, shifting to Shadow and reaching out. "He's on his way," I promised, "Put the Mark somewhere clear."

Hanging up, I focused on the distant Mark, getting a sense of slight movement, and waited until it stilled before making the Jump.

The world blinked out of existence, but instead of an alley, or the middle of a fight, I saw Herb, strung up on some kind of rack. It wasn't hat his limbs were spread and secured that stood out, or the fact that something techno-organic was on his head, which was shaved, nor the way his eyes were wide with terror.

No, it was the fact that his throat had been ripped open, his larynx missing, the man not even to wheeze as he hyperventilated, completely unable to speak.

Bringing Light to my hands I turned, spotting a tall man in a blood-speckled white shirt and jeans, holding a bloody device to his mouth in one hand, Herb's phone in the other.

My own body seized up, as the small blonde girl next to him, also bloodstained, worked a set of controls that were almost oversized. No! I raged, pushing through the effect as I called more and more Light, hurling Air-Blades at them as I grew metal spears from every surface to KILL THEM!

"Ah, ah, ah," Jack chided with Herb's voice, holding the device up to his lips as another small child, a boy this time, with pale skin and dark hair, stepped out from a doorway behind the monster in human flesh, and looked me in the eye. The man smiled maliciously, "Bad boys need to. . ."

The dark-haired child commanded, "Sleep."

And then everything went dark.
As soon as she got out, she set up a barrier wall lacrosse both ends of the street, though she did need to walk a little away from the truck.
nor was this a poorly-though-out display, they were thieves, messing with something they didn't understand, and who very easily could've set off something far worse.
The 'Tinker' huffed, crossing her arms inside the dome in annoyance. "Now's not the time for your bullsh-
Ignition and Fracture hesitated, but Transmutation sneered, "Like we care!" Reaching down she grabbed a bit of destroyed asphalt, her power shifting it into something whit that she hurled at me. Flying back, what I had to assume was C4 went off, the blastwave close enough that it would knock me out of the air.
The man woke up, and started to pull at his bonds, pushing his power into them to break him, before he looked around, at the walls of insects buzzing around us, at Nick, then back at me. "Do it, and die," I told him blandly, and his power pulled at the energy still in his coughs, pushing it to the side and setting it off so it only shaved off a small bit instead of freeing him.
"That salt-flat area," I replied. "The one we talked about.
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