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Well, this is new.

No, don't bother getting up off my floor, and don't ask how you are on the...


Really in the mood for ribs.
Well, this is new.

No, don't bother getting up off my floor, and don't ask how you are on the floor when you're literally looking down at me, you've already have a rough trip and I don't want to add insanity to the mix.

My name is unimportant. My title however is 'God Of Death, War and Adventure' and that happens to be important. As for how I got these titles? Well, you'll find out, the mortals down there love retelling old legends from the ages when we Gods as well as other celestial and infernal beings walked the worlds of the galaxy in physical avatars. Fun times those, but then some idiot called Calab started a war amongst us and now we've sharply declined in population.

Anyway, you've had a rough trip. Seriously, how someone from your end of existence landed in my office I will never know and hopefully I never find out. But the long and short of it is that you died at the moment of transition, so that makes you my responsibility. Problem is, I can't just send you off to some random paradise and call it a day. There's procedures nowadays, and it pays to follow them most of the time.

So I'm going follow a procedure. This galaxy is one that prizes magic more than technology, but technology has found a form of symbiosis here. Even so, unless your magical talent is of a sufficient level, your life is essentially going to be as normal and largely average as when you left your previous one.

Thankfully you yanked some magical potential into you before dropping in, so you have some chance of at least having a little adventure here and there...

Oh, right, I should get to the point. I can't send you to a random paradise, or an eternal punishment, until you've lived here for at least a year or two, and being as I am a God of Adventure, I would also like to see you have at least one while you're down there. If anything, rampant technology and system-spanning mega-corporations has only increased adventuring opportunities.

So what do you say? Do we have a deal?

Good, I had a feeling you'd accept if only to get back to the land of the living. So then, who are you?

[]Age (Youngest is 14, Oldest is 60)

Hmm, and you seem to be...

You may be overweight, underweight or just plain sickly so most physical tasks and exertion are going to be rough on you. Surprisingly, this translates into increased magical ability.
Like it says. You're at the appropriate weight and physical build for your age-group so you can handle most physical tasks and exertion. Magical ability is average.
Well-muscled, athletic and with plenty of stamina. Physical tasks and exertion are well within your capabilities. Magical ability is diminished for some reason.

Now what magical ability did you get? Unfortunately, you are still low enough that you can only ever make use of one. I'm sure you'll find a way to make it work for you.

Oh, well this is strange. It seems you are in that sweet spot where you can make use of magic, but you are limited to what you can use. Well, you'll have to make do.

[]Fire Magic: Fire Magic is largely designed for combat, most spells and lessons revolve around using it for destructive purposes.

[]Zombie Summoning: Many people look down on Zombies as disposable cannon-fodder, even though they can be summoned with the knowledge to wield weapons and tools.

[]Telekinetics: Pick up or manipulate objects with your mind. It has its uses but many psychics prefer to focus on other disciplines due to the lack of 'punch' they say.
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Character Sheet
Character Sheet:

Name: Lee Sae Hee
Gender: Female
Age: 21

Statistical Information:
Strength: Average
Stamina: Average
Agility: Average
Intelligence: Average
Endurance: Average
Willpower: Average
Perception: Average
Charisma: Average
Power: Average

Telekinetic Ability: Average
Telekinetic Powers:
-Manipulate: Allows a telekinetic to finely manipulate objects at range.
-Move: Basic ability to lift and move objects through the air.
-Throw: Basic ability to throw objects forcefully with the mind.
-Push/Pull: Used to force something back, pull something towards you. Or maybe tear them apart.
-Brace: Creates a telekinetic field that reduces the force of weapon recoil and makes you harder to knock down.
-Hold: Keep something fixed in place until you let go or move it later.

-Clothes: Underwear, socks, shirt, pants, shoes, jacket. Only your modesty is protected.
-Backpack: You're pretty sure that's your blood on it...
---Smartphone: Camera, phone and internet connection. Only one of these is useful right now. Maybe.
---Spare clothes: Well, you're definitely going to miss the sleepover with that American friend of yours now.
---Sleeping Gear: Just some blankets and a spare pillow. Better than nothing.
-Wallet: Pretty sure your ID and money is going to be worthless now...Still, best keep them for the memories, or at least until you find a way back home. Or die. Again.
-Rocks x20: Your most basic of weapons.

Physical Status:
-Really Hungry
-Still sane. Somehow.

Equipped Weapon(s):
-Rocks x20: Heavy rocks, good for throwing telekinetically. The most primitive of weapons and possible tools. Rocks and other throwable debris can be found just about anywhere. Damage: STN/STN/STN/LW
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[X] Name: Genevieve Carter
[X] Gender: Female
[X] Age: 45

[X] Fit

[X] Zombie Summoning: Many people look down on Zombies as disposable cannon-fodder, even though they can be summoned with the knowledge to wield weapons and tools.
Do the Zombies require existing corpses or are they formed out of ectoplasm or something?

Nope, they come from the Realm Of The Dead, your basic purgatory that is wall-to-wall undead looking for a second chance. Or escape. Same difference to them.

And the best thing about the place? It never runs out of Zombies.
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[X]Name: Lee Sae Hee
[X]Gender: Female
[X]Age 21
[X]Telekinetics: Pick up or manipulate objects with your mind. It has its uses but many psychics prefer to focus on other disciplines due to the lack of 'punch' they say.
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[X]Name: Lee Sae
[X]Gender: Male
[X]Age 21

I'm not that creative but I really don't want another magic girl quest.
I'm really just hoping for an older character. The rest of the stuff is negotiable for me. Though I'm still more in favor of the zombie summoning. Depending on what they're capable of, we might be able to have them cover other areas.

Can we potentially get telekinetic zombie minions?
[X] Name: Duran Levaren
[X] Gender: Male
[X] Age: 43

[X] Fit

[X] Zombie Summoning: Many people look down on Zombies as disposable cannon-fodder, even though they can be summoned with the knowledge to wield weapons and tools.

Who wants to play as a sickly Necromancer who can't even run properly when we can play as a Muscle Death Knight that looks like that guy from Old Spice?

Sure, our minions won't be that good but we can always cast Fist with our POOOWEEEER!
[X] Name: Hank Bunker
[X] Gender: Male
[X] Age: 39

[X] Unfit

[X] Fire Magic: Fire Magic is largely designed for combat, most spells and lessons revolve around using it for destructive purposes.

I want to be a fat badass.:V
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Awise Fwom Your Gwave!
Well, you seem to be as ready as I can make you. Here, take this Book. Notice the capital letter? This is a Codex Journal, every adventurer worth their salt acquires one when they start out in one manner or another. Most people go with computerized ones, but I prefer a proper book myself.

Anyway, you're as ready as you'll ever be, so I'll drop you on a nice, peaceful world.

See ya.

There is a feeling of discontinuity and then you find yourself staring up at a purple sky while lying in a field of lush yellow grass. Well, you're technically lying in a burning crater surrounded by yellow grass, but it's the thought that counts.

With a groan you carefully get to your feet and look around to find your bag lying nearby in the crater and a quick check shows your phone, wallet and spare clothes inside, while the outside has a blood-stain on it that you are very, very certain is your blood from when...

You shake your head, best not to dwell on that for now. Right now your throat is parched and your stomach is growling, and that God guy...woman...thing, wouldn't just dump you somewhere you couldn't survive right?

Looking around the fields of yellow grass, you spot what looks like smoke in the distance, "Hmm, what are the chances that what I'm seeing isn't good?" Turning to another direction, you spot what looks like a river, "Might be a better option." Turning one more time, you spot a road that heads into a towering forest of skyscraper-like trees seemingly made entirely out of stone, "Okaaaay, that's weird."

You look around for a weapon and after a moment find a rather large rock when a thought comes to you, "Wait, I have powers now, right?" Taking a breath to steady yourself, you extend a hand and concentrate, willing the rock to rise into the air and come to you. After a few seconds the rock begins quivering and you continue concentrating, until it slips free of the earth and floats towards you until you can grasp it.

Staring at the lump of rock in your hand, feeling the weight, you can only say one thing to that.


So now what to do?

[]Investigate the smoke. You have a rock now! Time to trade up!
[]Check out the river. If anything attacks, you have the weapon that the first humans once used!
[]Go into the dark, spooky forest. Hmm, maybe you can use this rock as a distraction?
[]Actually, why not check out this Codex thing? Maybe it can help?
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