A tiny light of good in a world filled with pain

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Kazuma somehow finds himself in a world where happily ever after doesn't exist, and where danger is around every corner.


If you want peace, then you must prepare for war.
For a long moment, Kazuma stared at Hinata he didn't know what to say or do.

It wasn't that he didn't enjoy what he was doing or that he didn't like the feeling of the woman's breasts that were so big that he needed four hands to hold just one of them.

He finally regained his senses stood up and quickly tried to help the mysterious woman to her feet, but when he looked down he found that she wasn't moving.

For a moment he thought that he might have killed her or knocked her out by accident, and if that was true then he wouldn't have to explain that he had kissed her by accident.

So he lowered himself to see if she was okay and unfortunately for him, not only was she awake but she looked as if she was lost in thought, or maybe she wasn't thinking at all.

"Hey are you okay?" he asked her, the woman just nodded at him.

"Let me help you up.' He says to her before he stretches out his hand and then pulls her to her feet.

He was about to explain to her that a friend of his had used a spell that went wrong and he had accidentally landed on top of her, but before he had a chance to do that the woman slapped him and sent him flying to a nearby tree.

Kazuma felt his body begin to heat up before the heat became a burning sensation that would have made him scream had the pain not made it impossible for him to make a sound.

He couldn't believe how easily she had sent him flying, it had taken a moment for his body to feel the pain from her slap and when he hit the tree.

"Kazuma." he heard Eris's voice inside his head.

"Eris I could use some help!" he yelled at her from inside his head.

'I already did it, you just didn't notice it." Eris answered him and Kazuma realized that not only was he no longer in pain but the area around him was completely different.

"What the hell was that about!?" he shouted as both the shock and pain of the situation weighed heavy on him.

"Kazuma, I don't have much time so let me explain." Eris says to him with the calmest voice that she can make.

Kazuma didn't like the tone that Eris was using, it was the same kind that Aqua used whenever she was acting like a proper goddess, and that meant that whatever Eris was about to say wasn't anything good.

"Kazuma you are in the mirror world of another world.' Eris says to him and Kazuma doesn't know what she is trying to tell him.

"Okay listen there are ways things should be and there are timelines where things were a little different and there are timelines that reflect the world how it is but in a darker way."

"These are dark mirror universes, everything that happens in the main world happens in the Dak Mirror World but in a crueler form."

"For example, the Hero defeats the Demon King and goes home with his party to celebrate. In the Dark World, the Hero defeated the Demon King, but either died in the process, was the only survivor, or became the new Demon King."

"Regardless of the outcome, the Hero still defeated the Demon King."

For a long moment, Kazuma didn't say anything, not because he was waiting for Eris to say something else but because he was panicking, no there was still a chance that his situation wasn't as bad as he thought.

"Eris, just out of curiosity does that mean that things are going to go bad for me no matter what?" he asks her.

'No, it's only the major events of the world that are locked, but Kazuma until Aqua and I can gather enough power to help you escape you should hide yourself, because if you make too much noise."

"We won't be able to help you." Eris says to him before her voice completely falls silent.

Kazuma didn't know what to say or do, he just looked around, and considering that he didn't see anyone or anything he just started walking, he didn't know where he was going he just knew that he couldn't stay where he was.

"If everything here is supposed always to be a painful ending for the heroes, what else is different here?" he asks himself as he continues to walk alone.

The first thing that he ran into was the remains of a carriage, he would have ignored it considering that the carriage was already rotting away, but he decided to look inside it just in case there was anything useful inside.

When he looked inside he found what looked like the skeleton of a woman and the skeleton of a girl, their dresses were torn and were nearly gone.

There wasn't anything useful here, so he left both the carriage and the skeletons alone, he didn't know how far Eris had taken him from where the insanely strong woman was.

If she was anyone important then she would want to finish what she started and he didn't want to make it easier for anyone to find him.

He kept on walking until the sun went down and just to be safe he slept on top of a tree that he found, in the morning he continued to walk until he finally found a village.

Unfortunately, the village was nothing more than a memory because someone or something had killed everyone, Kazuma could see the corpses of the villagers.

He began to look around for any survivors or anything useful, unfortunately for him, everything that was even close to being useful was gone.

Whoever had attacked the village had taken everything from the villager's clothes, food, animals, weapons, and even tools.

the only things that were left were the clothes that the corpses were wearing and the few weapons that were stuck inside the corpses.

Kazuma didn't like what he was about to do, but if the village was any hint of what the world was like then he was going to need something bigger than his dagger.

So he began to pull the weapons out of the villagers before he dipped them in water so that they weren't covered in human blood.

When he was done he placed the two hatchets on his belt and used the rope that he always carried with him to tie the swords onto his back.

And so he began to walk again, he walked for days and kept his hunger away by using his create water skill to fill his stomach, but he could feel himself getting weaker by the day.

He would have gone into despair had the screams of people not reached him and it was only because he was desperate for food that he ignored his instincts that told him to run away.

So he ran towards the sounds of the screaming people.

What he found were several men and women who all had some kind of metal headband that had a metal plate with a symbol on it.

He could see them killing everyone in the village, it didn't matter if they were adults or infants that couldn't move on their own, they were killing everyone without care.

Kazuma would have run away if a woman hadn't run towards him, he could see the fear and desperation in her eyes.

She screamed madly at him, and she kept on running towards him with her hands stretched out as she begged him to save her, Kazuma was about to take her hand but her eyes went wide and she fell to the ground dead.

Kazuma could see the throwing starts sticking out of the woman's back as her red blood began to cover her dress.

Kazuma didn't know what happened next, maybe it was the combination of hunger and the stress of everything, but he began to walk towards the village.

he kept on walking until he was running towards the nearest ninja and before he knew it he was covered in blood, and the surviving villagers were staring at him with wide eyes.

There was no way that he could take anything from these people, but he was starving so he just said food, and a kid brought him a basket full of apples.

He nodded and left the village behind.

he couldn't help but cry as he ate, not because he had killed a bunch of people, but because the apples were sour, being an adventurer meant that he had to see and sometimes kill other people so he was used to it.

What he wasn't used to was starving to death and it scared him how close he had come to it.
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