A Shrouded Dawn (Warhammer/Stellaris)

please tell me where not on an early version of the-"sun-snuffers" that uncoiled into great structures in the void larger than the rings of Saturn and were designed to devour the stars themselves.-
joking l hope the above is way to advanced for what we are on

I think that Olynn's history is-a relay station meant to be like necron spires as we are around 1000 years before slannish was born. the station literal has a reality anchor which would be needed to close the eye of terror (warp storms l meant my bad) or prevent any psykers from being born in system. other reasons why is a experimental FTL com units and wormhole tech which would alow this station to survive such an event. now the station not maint mainly for humans but AI due to AI core and few other tools but im more inclind to say this is a realy station meant for the men of iron to save humanity as penance as we are 5000 years after the war with the men of iron. so im saying this is an AI cradle with purpose to weaken choas and link up any colonys nearby to ther network without warp travel to rebuild
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please tell me where not on an early version of the-"sun-snuffers" that uncoiled into great structures in the void larger than the rings of Saturn and were designed to devour the stars themselves.-
It is here. I have asked about this before let me get where we talked about it.
The Dark Age is weird in this quest. You will find the odd Tier 10 and above relics but due to the sheer amount of time since it, they will be rare and instead you will tend to find things that are roughly on Tier 7/8 levels. Note that the tier system is not a precise measure of Impact but instead of complexity. A tier 10 technology can be weaker than a tier 5 in a certain edge case.

Also, the Dark Age stuff is the second Highest stuff you will find second only to Necron relics. Its going to be usually above Aeldari relics due to them having very few relics that you can actually research and those tending towards the weaker/simpler end.

However, I will say that some Dark Age artifacts like the Golden Throne are going to be Tier 10+ to understand due to the sheer insanity of the Dark Age. They won't be common nor easy to get but they do exist.
The Iron War, was basically second only to the original War In Heaven. With the Aeldari so self absorbed the war spiraled far out of control, basically a little under three percent of the galaxy ended up deleted from time and space, the warp was carved off of another few percent, a good number of stars were turned into Dyson spheres or star lifters. Basically no matter how bad you think it was it was worse.

It did affect Emps badly, it was a war on such a scale that he was meaningless in the face of it. The Iron Minds commanding the forces of the MoI quickly figured out methods that could snipe potent psykers across light years. Basically, Emps was made impotent and he could only watch as humanity came extremely close to the edge of extinction. So yes, The Emperor was massively affected by the Iron War.
by the skin of their teeth. The Imperium in 40k is in terms of total population less than 5% of the numbers that the Dark Age had. Basically, it was a rounding error for the numbers that lived through the Iron War and even now 10k years later Humanity still hasn't even reached 10% of its apex population levels.

The Imperium plays with high trillions/low quadrillions, the Dark Age played with High quadrillions/low-mid quintillions

Basically, Humanity was just able to spend more to do things. The Iron Minds were driven by logic, which hampered their action profiles, so Humanity could do things like suicide entire battle fleets into killing single enemies. The Human military considered losing five trillion lives for a single dead AI ship a pittance of a cost. Basically the numbers the Imperium throws into the meat grinder wouldn't even registrar to a Dark Age general or admiral as being worth a single thought. their reaction to learning that the imperium fights with trillions only on the larger scales would be "How the fuck are you managing such stupendously great kill ratios?" because to them losing less than a trillion on a single battlefront would be a flat out miracle.

Also yes loyal AI helped and massively as well.
That number was the full Dark Age. The Dark Age was a time when the average world of humanity had more people than Terra does in 40k.
I go with the idea that the most it ever did before the Ad Mech came into prominence is that it might give people nightmares of echoes of echoes of tech if they slept on Mars. Most of the time random people got these dreams, but a few of the more nasty Dark Age items are born from them, but by and large until post AoS/Iron War the Void Dragon basically did nothing of note.

I am not going to say much of its current state of being, but I will say that its somewhat responsible for the proliferation of cybernetic implants among the ad mech.
This should cover everything we talked about and if get in trouble. That is fine.
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One last Hint, think Forerunner Didact
Are you suggesting that Olynn is a kind of ark where people are kept in stasis / were so that if the worst happened, humanity could rebuild itself? And that the station was damaged too much and that is why those in stasis were not woken up? It would make sense if everything works then the station is completely self-sufficient.
So its Iron war station to contain last of humanity and enable rebuilding. Also shit.
Are you suggesting that Olynn is a kind of ark where people are kept in stasis / were so that if the worst happened, humanity could rebuild itself? And that the station was damaged too much and that is why those in stasis were not woken up? It would make sense if everything works then the station is completely self-sufficient.
Yeah, Olynn was one of the Shield World Core stations that the Federation developed and built in the waning years of the Iron War. What you see and know of Olynn is only the tip of the ice berg, it is no mistake that it was built inside a brown dwarf star. Nor that it holds technology that quite literally was invented solely for its use. Olynn and the other stations like it are flat out some of the highest parts of Dark Age technology in current existence.

Sadly only Olynn has survived the eons so well, all of the others have either brown down to such a degree as to become indistinguishable from normal Imperial space stations, or simply fell into their host world. You live on a monument to Humanity's technological apex, Olynn station holds the most advanced Dark Age technology left in existence that yet retains its original level of power.

@Havalt300 is the winner of this little guessing game for they got the closest to the principle behind the station.
Considering what we're going to be doing a lot of the time a perk for research or sheer productivity to provide a boost would be useful. I don't want to be pushy or anything just spitballing here.
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@Havalt300 is the winner of this little guessing game for they got the closest to the principle behind the station.
Can you give me a list of perks to choose from?

I'm not good at "making up" things like that.

I would also like to have suggestions for perks.

Would this work ?:

Productivity like no other: if at least 3 action points are used on an action, there is an extra action point for this action.

Use 3 points on an action = behaves as if 4 were used
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Can you give me a list of perks to choose from?

I'm not good at "making up" things like that.

I would also like to have suggestions for perks.

Would this work ?:

Productivity like no other: if at least 3 action points are used on an action, there is an extra action point for this action.

Use 3 points on an action = behaves as if 4 were used
that is a tier 5+ perk so no. Action economy perks along with rerolls are going to be higher than a basic perk.

General options made off the cuff

1) Tier 2 Psionic perk: can spend actions to give pseudo durability to understood systems for free. Durability given is five per action spent, lost when actions not invested, acts on personal scale timer
2) Tier 2 research perk: when researching technologies with samples, raw rolls below 50 counts as 50
3) Tier 4 research perk: when researching Dark Age conversion systems multiply research bonuses by 4
4) tier 1 perk: choose any weapon or tool and become proficient at its use.

generally speaking the more generic the perk the lower its power, the more niche the higher.
I like the being proficient at any weapon or tool

Imagine being "good enough" with anything,it saves a lot of time on training and learning

That can be used instead for specialization
I'll take number 2

2) Tier 2 research perk: when researching technologies with samples, raw rolls below 50 counts as 50
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Updating character sheet now.

Update complete

Also once you stabilize Olynn and have time you will gain actions to invest in training perks to upgrade their tier level. This will not be fast, perks will work on the same general scaling method as everything else in this quest namely that the next tier will be twice the previous in cost.
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I would also like to have suggestions for perks.
Given that a good chunk of our stuff will take a while, why not have a perk like this?
Every X turns, select(out of valid actions) an action. Add an additional 1dN(100 or 50) roll(ignore crit sucess or fail for this roll) to the roll.
Balance the numbers as you see fit.
Given that a good chunk of our stuff will take a while, why not have a perk like this?
Every X turns, select(out of valid actions) an action. Add an additional 1dN(100 or 50) roll(ignore crit sucess or fail for this roll) to the roll.
Balance the numbers as you see fit.
perk has already been chosen
I'll take number 2

2) Tier 2 research perk: when researching technologies with samples, raw rolls below 50 counts as 50
Yeah, I saw the post after I posted my suggestion lol.
Still, would did you think of the suggestion?
I knew that it wouldn't be all that hard to figure out the general history what with the stuff you had to go with.

After all, Stasis Vaults, extremely high end crops that literally grow metal fruits to produce metals for repair, automated factory lines, energy to matter transmuters, several experimental technologies, high end conversion shielding, being built inside a brown dwarf star, time frame of being Iron War.

There honestly isn't very many options for what Olynn could be with those features. Shield world is one of the more easily taken options out there.
This coming update is very much an info dump update. There is no real character interaction, only research and such. So don't expect a lot of stuff beyond descriptions of research and time staring at maps and such.
Because we are an ark. I hope that we can give our people a good education where the federation would be proud. Then we can get rid of the tech priests
Turn 2: Research Info Dump, Month of February Completed
Your second month of life was different in tone than your first. Syra and the other children of the depths were given access to the higher levels and with the slight temporal rearrangement of existence to ensure the depths of the station had enough food they never went hungry now.

Although, your father seemed happier than before over the month as he got to know Syra closer and began to shift into being a proper father figure for her. The others of the station seemed to be disgusted by this for some reason, although you were not sure why they seemed to fume when they noticed her feathers and scales. They were just part of her biology, nothing more and nothing less, they were features and could actually be useful in her life.

Regardless of the strangeness of the behavior of those around you, you focused on figuring out how to fix the most critical of the systems. The Heat Conversion system namely, it was responsible for the creation and maintenance of a conversion field that turned pure heat into energy for the greater station. You were honestly confused about why there was two systems one for kinetic and one for heat when at the fundamental level, both of them are the same thing.

However, your fusion research payed off as it explained the difference in a sensible fashion. In short it was due to one being designed for gas and the other for solid. The HCS was meant to consume the heat and energy of any form of directed energy or otherwise ambient radiant energy to turn into more power for the station at large, the KCS was designed to sap the kinetic energy from impactors against the shield. Both were tuned in such a fashion as to only trigger when their own parameters were met, allowing it to deal with the two major threats separately thus increasing the relative integrity of both systems by reducing the load on them.

This insight into how the basic systems of the two parts of the station functioned, was enough to lead to some minor conclusions on how to possibly repair them in the future. But, there was still much unknown about the systems in question to the point where even your mind struggled to understand just what needed to be done at the moment.

Shelving the research that had been completed and the questions that remained unanswered you turned your focus towards, the other focus of your month of work. The study of the station and the improvement of the map that you had made previously.

Most of the station remained unchanged save for simply better diagrams and schematics of the hallways, leaving the depths less of a chaotic maze of tunnels and metal. Instead the interest came from the blank spots in the walls that you had noticed on the first go over, now with some minor tinkering of the ASDC you had managed to break through a level of encryption and managed to determine that the blank spots inside of the walls, were the locations of what the relic designated Reality Anchor Nodes.

Unlike, with other systems, it presented only the name and system integrity of the newly found systems with only a flashing message that burned your eyes. Beyond the reality anchor system, in the very bottom of the station you found yet another hidden system that was abjectly terrifying to you with your new understanding of gravity, fusion and the principles behind conversion fields.

There was a massive spherical gravitational wave conversion field built into the very core of the station. Everything in the station seemed to wrap around the center point and it was clearly designed such that no one would be able to tell that the center was occupied. Even though the viewing relic was resolute when it came to prohibiting your investigations into the secrets of the room, you were more than able to finagle ways around its safeties.

Thus, you discovered a stable black hole only a few meters wide, held in gravitational tension by the gravitational anchor systems and that the fluctuations in the station's gravity weren't due to the gravity system failing, but the black hole being moved creating waves in the very topography of reality.

It was very much clear that the annihilation reactors were in truth secondary power supply compared to the sheer amount of power that this system labeled in its entirely as a Penrose reactor could produce if the conversion field was working properly. It also brought with it new insights into just why the station was falling.

From your new calculations the station wasn't falling into Olynn, the world was coming towards the station as the gravitational systems began to fail to keep the gradients even, the station began to exert ever greater impetus towards the star that it was built within and thus it was indirectly causing the star to fall up to it.

You scowled down at the paper as you trace out the power formulas and principles you used, as you once more reaffirm your math and came to the conclusion that the exhibited systems of your home would drain less than a thousandth of a percent of the provided power from the Penrose reactor alone, leaving the other power generating systems absolutely superfluous.

The only reason the other power sources would be used is for backup options, but the Penrose reactor was fundamentally the best option for power generation if you had the ability to convert gravitational waves into electricity. It was completely silent, the conversion field would take the waves and simply not let them pass its boundaries, thus providing nearly invisible power gain from any external sensors possible. The only type of sensors that could perceive this kind of power source would be ones that would be able to look through other dimensions.

It was simply a fundamental fact as far as your research went, that only an internal sensor could hope to read the existence of the Penrose reactor and anything beyond would be consumed by either the star Olynn or one of the other conversion fields that surround the station.

Shaking your head, you turn from this thought and towards the next month that would start tomorrow. You had done little beyond just sit in your room and work, which although not something you found boring or otherwise detrimental to your mental stability, it did make your month boring with the lack of general interactions with others.

Flicking your eyes towards a tally on the wall, you frown as it came to you that you hadn't yet truly prayed to Him, in one of the many temples erected to His honor. Something that you hoped He would forgive due to the disasters that you were having to deal with.

Author Note
For any update where all Actions are poured into research or otherwise somewhat boring topics that I can't figure out good ways of dealing with. Will result in shorter and more summary type updates in the future.

There is no good way to make an update about a person sitting in a room for a month tinkering, fun to read or write and frankly after this I am not going to do it again.

So any purely Research updates will be much more abbreviated or done in a formate of Anatol speaking to someone else about his progress.
Also, remember that Olynn station is far from the norm. You are on a station that was built at the literal cost of thousands of inhibited worlds in preparation for the worst case scenario. You live on a partially completed Shield World, an installation designed and built to such ludicrously over the top levels that it was rated as having a solid 40% chance of surviving an encounter with an Aeldari Battle Fleet and a near 80% chance of survival against any Iron Mind attack beyond the things that would literally eat the star its built on.

You are NOT on a normal Dark Age installation. You live on a station that at one point had Better defenses and technology than Apex Earth ever had. Granted it was extremely costly, but most of the tech you see and will find on Olynn was purposely invented for the sole use of being used on Olynn and other such shield worlds.