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In a Basin held in the hands of God is a world post-singularity. Magic is ubiquitous, power is common, and immortality is achievable without even trying. What then is a young immortal magus capable of near unlimited power to do? That's for you to decide.

Get up to some real wizard shit and start problems, make friends, battle rivals, and kiss enemies (at least a smidge). A first-time quest by a QM who loves this shit and reads way too many TTRPGs.
Character Creation
In the hands of a silent god, a Great God, alone in an empyrean abyss is a bowl that is the world. Named and known, the Great Basin. A treasure of such magnitude that it stills two of the Great God Aion's twenty-six arms. Of which the other twenty-four administer all that is and could ever be. There are people in this Basin, and where there are people there is magic. Yet, where there is magic and there is people then arrives the devil named Hierarchy. These magi founded empires on power, secured dynasties through enslaving magics, and made even the gods debase themselves in front of their might. So rare were those that could work magic that such brutality prospered rarely challenged. Preserved in well-guarded lineages and taught in secret's cadence. That is, until Aion saw what had become of their bowl and the cruelties inflicted on the people who were weak but many. In witnessing such evil, Aion decided to bestow the Gift. A miracle that saw the imbuement of all thinking things the inalienable sovereignty of their minds and the tools with which to safeguard their spirit. It was in humanity, however, that the truest depths of the Gift could be found for we, Aion's children, were gifted magic.

And like children we used it to wage War. Over ten years that may have been ten thousand, throne upon throne was shattered, the great bloodlines spilled into dirt and dust, and the ancient bindings shattered loosing divine fury. Over ten years that felt like a million, we lived through Armageddon. We lived through the Interregnum. Though even armageddon must end, and when apocalypse transitioned to war which mollified into subtle conflicts and border skirmishes some began to know peace. It was in peace that the great advancements in magic were made as lost knowledge was refashioned, and the old bounds of power shattered alongside crooked conceptions of what could be. The greatest of these was the refinement of immortality. Once the prize for many who sought the deeper mysteries had now become but a wayside stop on the path of true knowing.

It has been four-hundred years since the Gift arrived. While peace is a cousin, a relative word, it is all that you know. A dream of your ancestors achieved by those who suffered through nightmares unending and waded through centuries of obliteration. As far as you know there are no great quests to undertake. No foul beasts to be slain. So what then, oh young immortal, shall you do with your life? When you pass into memory what shall the poets say of you and your deeds? What special knowing will those students of the paths learn from you as they sup at the same fount of power that you once tasted? Take heart for these are questions for eternity's time, and of eternal relevance. So go, seek your answer.

Author Note Time:
Welcome to my first ever quest on this lovely forum! I've been a reader of more than a few quests, and as Sorcerously Advanced has taken over my life as a new special interest I've decided to unleash, I mean, share it with all of you. To say a bit more on this, Sorcerously Advanced is a diceless ttrpg and setting set in the Great Basin, a world held in the hands of God. A world that only four hundred years previous had undergone a singularity of sorts. Magic, previously a rare power in the hands of the elite, has now become a tool imbued in the souls of every human life. It's made it so that the majority of society is immortal and possessed with the kind of mystical power that wizards of more traditional fantasy settings would probably drool over. The problem, as my intro has alluded to though, is that with the Interregnum over (or is it?) there is no grand purpose for a lot of things. Through magic one can obviate most labor, provide easily for yourself, and through even minor magics like the Becoming you'll even see gradual shifts in your physical form along the lines of your own personal desires. Leading to "humanity" being a rather gracious host to a bevy of exotic forms and shapes. Where a person could be a human soul spread across the cloned bodies of twelve cats, or it could be the spectral form of some limbless phantom waited upon by skeletal servitors that see to their more corporeal needs. Now is a time of riotous innovation, learning, and in some ways a race for every person and civilization to learn a little bit more, push the bounds a little bit further, and get ahead of their peers. We've already broken our limits once, and who's to say we can't do it again?

Nonetheless, you all get the point. This isn't a setting with a grand apocalyptic problem to be solved. Now is the time where people can focus on the hard issues of self-actualization and the discovery of purpose. Since if we're all realizing there's no real point to a lot of how we've been living then we probably need to figure out how we want to live. That's where you all come in my dear players. You all will be taking the role of a freshly minted immortal who, having finally cleared that simple hurdle, is able to be treated as an adult by the society they've grown up in. Meaning it's time they came of age and figured their shit out. A concept that for some of these character options is only a tiny bit mortifying, and for others is but a starting line as they've been chomping at the bit to carve out their place in the world.

Which, I suppose, brings us to how this Character Creation step will work. Below are going to be your character options. Each is a member of a specific Civilization granting them access to their Civ's unique magical Tradition. These Civs will also come with Core Values (rated 1-5) that our characters hold onto even if they don't always value each equally. Unique to each character will also be a personal Core Value that makes them distinct from their culture and which they hold supreme in their heart. Finally, each character also has a unique stat-line across their Natures, the different fields of magical and human expression. Those Natures being: Communion (healing and communication), Industry (building/creation/maintenance), Mystery (discovery/concealment/analysis), Self (yourself and source of immortality), Trickery (stealing/deception/escape), and War (violence and dominance).

Now my players, it's time for you to cast your votes! Choose which protagonist you all shall be playing as and what magic Tradition they start with!

[ ] Inevitable Seduction of Indigo Eyes
Civilization: Glimmeremere

Core Values: Civilization - Live Your Truth (4), Carry the Thread (2). Personal - Pain Is To Be Embraced (5)

Starting Magical Tradition: The Mad Power (Path of Wild Magic to the Fount of Glory) or The Higher Talent (Path of Artistry to Fount of Oneiromancy)

Description: A child of the Dream Realms, she has known neither hardship nor danger. Instead she grew up wielding the power of a small goddess with the capability to reshape all that she saw with but the stroke of a brush or warbling of a note. Yet what is the purpose of power when nothing matters and nothing is real. Growing up in a diffused nation of artist communes spread across countless dreams, she was treated as little more than another dramatic diva who would no doubt mellow with time. She did not mellow. Having finally achieved immortality, she stands at the threshold of her life ready to find real danger, taste the bitter potion known as pain, and come out for it all the wiser than those content with mere illusions.

Statline: Communion (2), Industry (2), Mystery (3), Self (4), Trickery (3), War (4)

Choose if you want to play a punk as fuck riot grrl wizard seeking the insights that only pain and conflict can teach.
[ ] Dancer of Ways
Civilization: Nova Commonwealth

Core Values: Civilization - Cause No Harm (4), Do What Thou Wilt (2). Personal - Everyone Has A Purpose (5)

Starting Magical Tradition: The Wild Song (Path of Artistry to the Fount of Earthpower). Unique to Nova Commonwealth, they each have their own Tradition.

Description: Before they were a child of Nova they were a child of a sect. The Amethyst Glade Sect for Natural Revivification, to be precise. Their parents were the head of the sect, having spun it out from a larger research sect focusing on the cloning of animals. At the end of the day that's all Nova was, a bunch of magical research groups stacked atop each other in ritual robes. Yet, where it was to presumed they'd stay in the sect furthering the research or go off to join some other sect, no one had imagined that the child of such passionate people would be someone with no passions at all. A statement that Dancer was keen to deny. . . as not entirely true. Their passions burned just as bright as anyone! It just so happened they burnt out far far faster. And so they found themselves dancing between one group after another without direction and enlightenment. Especially as the easiest goal to hold in their mind, achieving immortality, was so easily surmounted leaving them with the terror of infinite time and bereft of any direction. A state of being that they seek to rectify before they become truly alone, since who wants a friend that can't commit?

Statline: Communion (3), Industry (3), Mystery (3), Self (3), Trickery (3), War (3)

Choose if you want to play an adhd soft enby that's so driven to be a part of something that they find themselves lost in a world of societies (secret and otherwise) and their machinations around cutting edge magical research.
[ ] Tibia, Princex Supreme of the Three Shadow Peaks
Civilization: The Sovereigns of Hell

Core Values: Civilization - Transgression (4), Every Soul A Fortress (2). Personal - Love Is The Greatest Power (5)

Starting Magical Tradition: Devilpower (Path of Patrons to the Fount of Glory), The Sage's Path (Path of Geometry to the Fount of Glory), or The Silent Path (Path of Reagents to the Fount of Necromancy)

Description: Her very first memory is of a demon's rose gold mandibles. They had clacked and clacked in terror as they thought her to be lost. It would be years later that she would learn that the terror wasn't at losing a child, but at the potential actions her mother, their mistress, would take in show of her displeasure. Whether as nursemaid, servant, tutor, and even her first kiss, Tibia's life has been surrounded by demons. Taught by her parents that it was her destiny and duty to master Devilpower so as to make menials of the demons that had tormented her ancestors for millennia, and confided in by her many demonic crushes that such was simply the terms of the Demon Gods surrender oaths to the Imperios of Hell (the "emperor" of the Sovereigns). All the same, she didn't know what to believe and her own doubts, middling as they were, had been caught by her parents. Now, newly immortal and thus secure against most worldly ills, the gauntlet has been cast before her. Prove the dictator of her own soul or preserve the family name by joining the Grand Conquest of Hell. What a choice for a wee lesbian to make.

Stateline: Communion (4), Industry (2), Mystery (4), Self (3), Trickery (3), War (2)

Choose if you want to play a useless lesbian magus that's never done more than kiss or lounge about her villa, and now is suddenly faced with familial banishment or enlisting in a massive war in Hell against holdout Demon Gods.
[ ] Born When The Serpent Swallowed The End
Civilization: The College of Empyrean Revelation

Core Values: Civilization - Every Star Shines With Purpose (4), Fate Follows Action (4)

Starting Magical Tradition: Celestial Mechanics (Path of Geometry to the Fount of Astromancy) or the Inner Heaven (Path of Discipline (Mental) to the Fount of Glory)

Description: Raised deep in the hidden wilds of the Basin, Serpent grew up encountering little in the way of fellow humans. Instead she was surrounded by servitors of strange design. Their caring for her soon became simple maintenance of the manse as she quick was on her own. Armed with nothing but the wilds outside and the grand library within she forged onto her own path of learning and refinement (though the servitors did help keep her from dying in the process). What kept her going despite this isolation was nothing else but tales of the College of Empyrean Revelation. A civilization made up of numerous schools; each pioneering in the mystic arts involving the stars both internal and external. Graduating from such establishments have been numerous Star Knights and Celestial Lords that had gone on to be doers of great deeds, and eventually professors that'd raise the next generation. A generation that Serpent is keen to be a member of, as now that she's achieved immortality she can undertake the Trials of Matriculation!

Statline: Communion (2), Industry (3), Mystery (3), Self (3), Trickery (2), War (4)

Choose if you want to play the wizard equivalent of Tarzan whose only desire is to go to Oxford, and will potentially rip n' tear anyone who gets in the way.
[ ] Phoenix Who Sees Life In Death
Civilization: The Sword-Fields

Core Values: Civilization - Always Share Your Tea (4), Only Monsters Prosper (4). Personal - All Conflicts Inevitably End (5)

Starting Magical Tradition: 10,000 Righteous Blades (Path of Language to the Fount of Elementalism) or The Tool of Fools (Path of Belief to the Fount of Arete)

Description: Phoenix's parents were claimed by the Fields before she ever knew their names. Most children's parents were, such was the nature of the Sword-Fields where everyone was but an inevitable casualty to slake the thirst of the Fields. Whether that came from dying in the battles between opposing Sword-Mothers and Blade-Fathers, or in the "Sacred" Duels that saw many a neighborhood go up in flames at the spilling of one inopportune word. In a land the world has pronounced, "unruly" comes our dear Phoenix. Having begged, borrowed, and stolen what knowledge she could she had constructed for herself an immortality thus making her a legitimate contender in the war for the Sword-Fields. A war that she'll win one way or another, and will see her claim the Infinite Cutting Throne for herself.

Statline: Communion (2), Industry (2), Mystery (3), Self (3), Trickery (4), War (5)

Choose if you wish to play a child of blood and mud that seeks to a conclusion to the violence of her land, and will do anything to see it done and her on top.
[ ] Chim
Civilization: The Watchers of Inevitable Demise (Returner Cult)

Core Values: Civilization - Magic Leads to Annihilation (2), Power Is A Parasite Of The Mind (3). Personal - I'll See It With My Own Eyes (5)

Starting Magical Tradition: None. This option starts with no magic.

Description: She was five when she learned that the Great God Aion, a being she thought perfect, had made a mistake. Four hundred years ago it entrusted humanity with what the conceited thought to be a Gift. Instead it was a test, and humanity failed in infinite bleeding colors. Bestowed the power of gods we brought devastation to the Basin. It was only through the quick thinking of Chim's ancestors that her people sought shelter in a land where magic would fail to take root. Even now they reject Aion's gift and live humble lives with little in the way of creature comforts. This was Chim's world as she knew, and then one day she found herself beyond the edges of their land. Alone, in danger, and struggling to return she did the unthinkable. . . she used magic. Haunted by a secret only she knows the time is coming near when all new adults make their pledge to the Merciful Poison Eater, the guardian deity of the cult, and divest from magic forever. The main problem, she doesn't know if she even wants to.

Statline: All but one Nature will start at one. Choose a single Nature for the list to start at a score of two.
Choose if you want to play this quest on hard mode where you start with no serious magic, no tradition, and no immortality. Struggle to overcome your programming and see for yourself what the truth really is!

Voting will last until 10PM PST!
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Character Sheet, Glossary, and Dramatis Personae
Tibia, Princex Supreme of the Three Shadow Peaks
The Sage's Path
Path: Geometry
Fount: Glory

Communion 4
Industry 3
Mystery 4
Self 3
Trickery 3
War 2

Core Values
Transgression 4
Every Soul A Fortress 2
Love Is The Greatest Power 5
Hold Tight To Life 4 (Note: This Core Value is given for free as a form of self-preservation. Also a bit of a "common sense to not die" safety net, among other uses.)

Core Expressions

Healer 2
Theurge (Glory) 3

Reserve 4/4

Completed Rituals

  • The Rains of Love: A Craft Ritual using the Healing Expression. Used to treat a soul-scar that subsisted off of aspects of Fire, Loathing, and Defeat. The treatment defuses the soul-scar through Rain, Love, and Support. As well as affecting the heart of the patient to replicate the aspects over a short-term period post-treatment. May have potential side-effects.
Magical Tools
  • Dreaming Hydra Helm: The skull of a hydra pup. Wearing it allows you to make use of the Dream Travel Expression. By default will always take you to the hydras' personal Dream Realm. Though with a guided direction can take you to other ones.

Glossary of Terms (Some mechanical and some setting)

Nature: The term used in system (and in setting) to describe the varying ways the human soul expresses itself. Its measurement being how much of that potential expression is being exerted. Rated 1 to 5 (though potentially you'll find a way above that limit).

Expression: Synonymous with "Arts," "Techniques," or "Spells," they are the specific uses of magic that you are performing. Whether its the combative Energy Wave or the constructive Conjuration, each is an Expression. All Expressions are used through at least one Nature.

Core Values: These are the ideals the character holds dear. Whether they're personal to that character, the values of the culture they were raised in, or the philosophy of a society they're a part of they are something everyone has. When you all undertake actions, your Core Values will be one of the tools used to determine your success. As the greater the belief in that value is the farther it can push you, but beware because that same fervor can work against you when you deny that very same belief.

Expertise: These are the unique professions the character is trained in.

Reserve: These are the points you possess that will allow you to use Expressions outside of your Core Expressions, push your success in an action, escalate the stakes in conflicts, and more. You'll discover many of its functions through play. They will recover over time, but still might want to be sparing with them.

Rituals: These are long-term projects you might undertake. This system can be brought up at any point when you all want to put in the time to devise a new Expression, create a mystic tool, or what not. Just note, that when these take time they take TIME, and the world will not wait on hold for you.

Aspect: The specific conceptual strain of Flow that is present and being worked. Aspects can have concepts like silliness, sorrow, fire, or even Death. There are innumerable amount of Aspects present. When magic comes up, I will do my best to say what aspects are being used, and even hint at it in the scenes. But pay attention because for the rare write-in moments, those who can make a compelling claim to certain aspects may find their canny solutions accepted.

Flow: The specific energy harnessed when doing magic. Humans constantly generate small amounts of Flow, but with focus can raise that to Moderate. Constantly moving, constantly affecting the world and being affected by it, Flow is everywhere and only those of decent Mystery can even truly perceive it. Let alone parse its myriad of nuances. Be wary though, to go without Flow is to weaken yourself in both Nature (as that is Flow supported when above 1) and in magical options.

Path: The mechanism by which you do magic. Put in other words, it's the How your magic works. Different Paths will offer unique advantages, disadvantages, and in some cases fun mechanics.

Fount: The actual type of magic you use. Each Fount has unique guiding principles, a unique limitation regarding what its magic does, and a special loophole regarding how someone can circumvent your immortality.


Moth, Onyx Queen of the Seven Soul Forges: Tibia's mother. A proud woman who loves a good spot of tea, and is quite liberal with ripping memories out of the head of her demonic butler, Agragor. Though she's also a woman capable of deep violence with her signature War-Expression, Fourth Battalion of Chill Unending. She's also the one who has put this ultimatum over your head.

G'nartha: Your demonic handmaiden whose tendril scalp massages are to die for. You offered her The Gift causing her to leave you. You have no idea where she is currently.

Agragor: Your mother's butler. Once a powerful war-devil known as, Agragor of the Conflagratory Palm, but now a simple maker of tea. Though he has quite the impressive tea garden. Your mother keeps his many memories of his she's stolen as tea cups. And also made a recent stolen memory into a pair of socks for you.

Jasmine, Overlord of Cowardly Machinations: The Sage who put you on the path. Five-hundred years-old, and currently in the body of a thick gal made of bismuth. You don't know the depth of his power, but you do know a bit of the depths of his pain. He hates demons with all his heart, and while willing to play the fool would see Hell and all its inhabitants slaughtered.

Insight of the Twenty-Fifth City: A foreigner from the Geometer's Guild. He exists in a massive automaton body that he's quite proud of. Only prouder of his people's Tradition, and is very willing to let you know. He's sworn a Oath of Collaboration with you.

Viper, Duchess of Nine Knives: A fashion designer and magic prodigy. The hostess of the first ball of the Endless Marche that you attended. You also got to see her (or at least one of her) naked. Try not to be self-deprecating in her presence.

Goddess of Starrise Lake: The goddess of the lake from which Viper's home draws its name from. She (though she also uses it) is a goddess with a long memory. And in a rare show, is awake more often than not.

Fulgur: A Storm-Herald you met at Viper's party.

Decimation, Minister of the Well-Watchers: A minister of the cult, Those Who Attend to the Well, and is an old man that enjoys a good drink. Careful about sharing with him, what he distills is really strong.

Hearth, Elder of the Southern Heaven Brood: Also known as the Heaven-Consuming Hydra. She's a sweetie who makes a nice cup of tea. Shame she's at the bottom of a lake.
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Aaaa that's a really difficult choice. I love them all! But it's gotta be the enby:

[x] Dancer of Ways
Lots of great options here, but I have to go with the useless lesbian noble who's going to get a dose of the real world either through a literal war on hell or through banishment by sticking to her convictions.

[X] Tibia, Princex Supreme of the Three Shadow Peaks
Yay, voting! Just really happy to see folks like the options and are engaging with this Quest o' mine. So far Tibia's in the lead (useless lesbian power, perhaps?). Can't wait to check back in come 10PM to see the final vote!
[X] Chim

How many votes can we do ? I also like Inevitable Seduction of Indigo Eyes.

I was thinking one. Since this is my first quest I thought that made sense (was trying to get this up and going at a decent pace), but going forward I think there'll be times where you all will get to vote for more than one option. At least so we get a better diversity of outcomes.
Thirty minutes to voting closed. It's looking like Tibia will be the winner, but who knows there can always be a wild upset.
I hope we get some clarification on the core values, and magical traditions. Since I'm not 100% sure what those are, or are supposed to mean.

Edit: not in general but what the specific core values and magical traditions do.
Meaning Behind Core Value - Values
I hope we get some clarification on the core values, and magical traditions. Since I'm not 100% sure what those are, or are supposed to mean.

Edit: not in general but what the specific core values and magical traditions do.
You very much will! In the upcoming update I'll be explaining the magical traditions (as it'll be one of the votes). Though to quickly explain the clarification for the Core Values (which I'll also update the Glossary to add it to).

Core Value definitions:
1 - The character is not completely convinced.
2 - The character will argue for this belief.
3 - The character will take proactive actions to advance this belief.
4 - The character will willingly suffer for this belief.
5 - This character believes in this enough that they'll die for it.

As for their specific meanings.
Transgression is the Sovereign's Core Value that tradition has little to no value. It was through following stodgy old practices that they pushed back hell and made servants of their former masters. As such there's an importance on blazing new paths and tossing aside what gets in your way.

Every Soul A Fortress is the Sovereign's Core Value that you need not prove yourself to anyone or anything. No one may judge you, no one may demand you pay your dues, and you owe people nothing. You are the dictator of your soul, and you should strive to make it a fortress inviolate. This is also a value you'll often find adorning the gates that the Sovereigns build.

Love is the Greatest Power is Tibia's personal Core Value. It's a bit more self-explanatory, but it is to be understood that there is no strength in vindictiveness or in the peacocking of strength over another. Rather, to hold love for the world and others is to demonstrate true strength.
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For magical traditions the Path is loosely how you do the magic and the Fount is loosely how its expressed. If you want a place to sleep for the night you might call upon an ancient contract to summon swarms of Imps that build you a palace in mere moments (Patron, Glory), use complex arcane sigils and dense legalese to carve out a short term demiplane for the night (Geometry, Glory) or plant a circle of teeth and water them with a sacrifice of blood in order to cause a bone hut to grow from the ground (Reagents, Necromancy.)
Magic Tradition Vote
Anyways, with this voting is closed! Leading the pack with a total of six votes, is Tibia, our lovely useless princex. Whichever way shall her story go, well that's to be seen, but to give you all something to vote on while I draft up the first scene for our lovely girl.

The vote in this case being what Magic Tradition she'll be starting with! Now, to give a little breakdown of how this will work before I list them (and note, a lot of this is cribbed from the actual ttrpg - highly recommend it its neat).

Magical Traditions are composed of a Path and a Fount. The Path refers to the mechanisms by which you do magic. While Fount refers to the actual magic you do.

The other important thing to know is that, each Fount has a unique limitation regarding its magic, and a loophole in its immortality. While each Path will have unique advantages and disadvantages.

As we go forwards with the quest there will be opportunities for the character to learn other magical Traditions. However, in swapping to other Traditions the character's stats (her Nature values) will be set at the base and have to be advanced. In the case of Tibia, the easiest for her to learn will be the other Magical Traditions of the Sovereigns of Hell. But keep your eyes peeled, as there's opportunities to learn everywhere. Now, voting time!

[ ] Devilpower
Path - Patrons: Your magic is performed through the channeling/leveraging of power from an external force. As such even bereft of tools connected to your patron you can still work your magic, though your Natures will be treated as if one point lower. However, in places where your patron is unknown or unrespected you'll not regain Reserve each night.

Fount - Glory: Your magic is that of the divine! Be it faith healing, demon summoning, or whatever else your magic rejoices in the power found in purity. Whether it be of the highest peaks or the deepest abyss. However, your limitation is that through this Fount you must choose between the Expressions of Distillation or the Shroud. Whether you bring out the purity of something or hide away, you can not do both. (Note: If you guys learn another Tradition that uses Glory you can make a different choice when using that one.)

Immortality Loophole (Glory): The only way to kill you is if someone ritually removes the sacred organ you've designated as the lynchpin to your immortality.

Lore: Also known as, the Fearless Path, this Tradition was forged by your forebears on the bloody frontlines of their emancipation from infernal oppression. You compel the gods of Hell as your Patron to provide you power, and with it summon the endless demons beneath them to do your bidding. It's this very Tradition that has made slaves of every demon whose Hell the Imperios has conquered. Thus why at any point you might find a demon doing everything from building a villa to acting as a nursemaid.
[ ] The Sage's Path
Path - Geometry: Through well designed patterns, arcane formulae, and geometric shapes you perform your magic. This path will make you dependent on the tools of this craft to cast Expressions, but you'll gain the advantage of being able to control the scale of any Conjuration. (Might sound minor, but for those not of this path any conjuration they do is strictly bound to the platonic form of it as dictated by society)

Fount - Glory: It's the same fount, so the description for Devilpower is still accurate. Same with the immortality loophole.

Lore: Criticized by some as "the Coward's Path," it predates the establishment of Devilpower. When the Sovereigns were still weak and victory just a dream on a cold night, the first advances toward liberation were detailed in sharp architectural lines. A sketch of a future to be seen. These days though, the path is an uncommon one. Largely known by those society would deem as paranoid, but who would describe themselves as prudent (really, who wants their enemies to know everything they're doing?). While also being practiced by those rare few that are unable to get past the ethical issues with the usage of Devilpower. None the less, where you largely won't find this Tradition is in the armies of the Imperios as he leads the conquest of hell.
[ ] The Silent Path
Path - Reagents: With a collection of mystically appropriate objects you make the world sing to your tune. Users of Reagents are dependent on their devices that can be any assortment of dusts, powders, gems, metals, etc. However, unlike those magi who need perfectly aspected Flow to work their craft you know how to be flexible. Only through this path can you take a symbolically appropriate reagent and substitute it in place of the flow that'd otherwise be needed. Such as using a friend's rage to light a fire.

Fount - Necromancy: It's necromancy baby! Through this fount you leverage the universality of death, move the physical through the power of the spirit, and more easily pioneer the study of the Soul. The Unique Limitation for this Fount is that you're incapable of true Healing. Any strength you instill in someone is artificial as you feed their own life energy into powering the delusion of health. You can regenerate yourself fine though.

Immortality Loophole (Necromancy): The only way to kill you is for someone to place an object considered holy to your Tradition into your mouth. If they do so you'll instantly become nonexistent.

Lore: Long ago this was a secret art, a Tradition passed among the spies and assassins who aided the revolution from shadowed alleys and behind demonic thrones. These days it's been rendered down into an amusement of the Sovereigns most avant-garde. A treat for the intelligentsia to marvel at, to sprout off words of praise for the valor of family members who once lived or died by their skill in it, and otherwise be treated as a relic. Perhaps, that is what the true practitioners of this Tradition would like you to think. That no longer are their eyes in the shadows, or that the altars to your veterans are not sources of information they might lean upon when needed. Though, who can say...

Voting will close at 2PM PST. Everyone will get Two Votes. Around the same time voting closes I will be putting up the narrative start of the Quest. I'll also be around to answer any questions people might have.

See you all at 2~
Which only leaves what the Core Values mean...

Transgression (4),
Every Soul A Fortress (2).
Personal - Love Is The Greatest Power (5)

They give an idea, but I'm pretty sure I'm reading them wrong.

[X] The Sage's Path
[X] The Sage's Path

I first dismissed necromancy, True healing is something someone who has a 4/5 in the art shouldn't be giving up for no real reason.

Then it was between Patrons and Geometry, while both have their advantages the advantages of Geometry allow for greater flexibility in planning, while Patrons simply deals with a weakness we should strive to avoid.
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Which only leaves what the Core Values mean...

Transgression (4),
Every Soul A Fortress (2).
Personal - Love Is The Greatest Power (5)

They give an idea, but I'm pretty sure I'm reading them wrong.

[X] The Sage's Path

I first dismissed necromancy, True healing is something someone who has a 4/5 in the art shouldn't be giving up for no real reason.

Then it was between Patrons and Geometry, while both have their advantages the advantages of Geometry allow for greater flexibility in planning, while Patrons simply deals with a weakness we should strive to avoid.

And I'm silly. Lemme just do a little fancy editing to my earlier post.

Edit: Went back up to add in the definition of the different Core Values.
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