A Mild Mannered Hero (Worm SI/OC)

When Should Crash Landing Take Place?

  • New Year's Day - 1 January 2011

    Votes: 10 21.7%
  • April Fool's - 1 April 2011

    Votes: 16 34.8%
  • All Hallow's Eve - 31 October 2010

    Votes: 19 41.3%
  • Write In

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Sankranti - 14 January 2011

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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A Mild Mannered Hero (Worm)
By @kenmadragon

Image by Harseik, Used without Permission...
Title + Prologue
In my Lair, on my Hoard
A Mild Mannered Hero (Worm)
By @kenmadragon

Image by Harseik, Used without Permission.


Have you ever woken up one day and wondered what happened to make your life the way it was? What went wrong somewhere down the line that lead everything to become the way it was? What terrible decisions must have been made that led to this moment?

Not that there weren't any good decisions or things that went right to make things happen the way they did. But hey, I'm trying to be mopey and brooding here, and thinking about how goddamn lucky I am is counter-productive.

I'm trying to complain, damn it!

Where was I?

Oh, yes, contemplating terrible decisions and fickle Fate. And cursing myself for being too curious and honest for my own good.

Still... from an outsider's perspective, my actions at present might actually seem pretty badass. I mean, I know my inner child was simply leaping in joy at the fact that I was living up to a childhood fantasy of mine. Not exactly how I had pictured all this going down, but there were bits and pieces of a bunch of those scenarios playing out. So if I added all those fractional pieces together, perhaps it would result in a whole fantasy that I could claim was fulfilled.

And despite my hesitance and misgivings and the churning feeling that cried for action in my gut, I had to admit that this was all really, really cool.

What exactly am I doing, one might ask?

Other than trying to compromise the memories of two lives melding together in a complex fashion which psychologists would have simply curled up into fetal balls and began whimpering about? Because to be honest, that was actually going pretty well, which was a godsend as it didn't seem like there was all too much conflicting between them, and the overlap was outstanding.

What I'm actually, physically doing in living out those bits and pieces of childhood dreams that are coming together to form one patchwork fantasy that I'm living?

That one's pretty easy to answer: I was streaking through the air at around the speed of sound to punch out a rampaging, fire-breathing DRAGON.

So, how did it all come to this?

Well, let's rewind a bit, shall we? To an earlier time: when I woke up with a splitting headache and a curious case of "What the F*ck!?"

A/N: So, I was having a bit of writer's block with some of the other stuff I was writing. So I did what I usually did, and had been reading a bunch of stories online - quite a few of them were Worm CYOAs and SIs. And, well, a bunch of them were really good, and while I haven't actually
read Worm (much too long to grind through, and much too grim-dark for my tastes I was informed), the setting was really interesting. You know, if not for the fact that everything was suffering. And, well, I kinda got to wondering what would happen if someone just dropped in as an Out Of Context problem, and starting affecting things. The answer appeared to be "shenanigans".

That thought kind of spiraled out of control, and coupled with the fact that I had writer's block with my other stuff and no idea how to get out of that funk, I figured I'd write this in the meanwhile. So, yeah, I'm writing a Self Insert. Or a CYOA, if you'd prefer to look at it that way. Only there are a few twists in there that ought to make things much more interesting. So, this'll get AU pretty quickly, but should be a fun ride nonetheless.
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Crash Landing 01.1
Crash Landing 01.1

It was with a groan that I came to, roused from consciousness by a popping sensation in my ears. It was a muted thing, almost unnoticeable, if not for the fact that I could feel the pull of gravity on my body, dragging me downwards.

That and the sensation of faint heat - almost imperceptible, yet present - that threatened to envelop my body as I felt that low sensation of falling without meaning to fall.

Somehow, I knew that I shouldn't be falling, but whatever instinct was telling me not to fall just hadn't kicked in yet.

It was at about that point I realized that the falling sensation wasn't being met with my bed. No mattress nor comforters to grace my landing as I wished to snooze. Not even my couch after a long day.

No, I was falling, and didn't seem to be stopping.

Now, I wasn't one for "falling dreams". I could vaguely recall Freud saying that meant something about sexual impulses, and the exact quote sprung to mind, but I tossed the useless trivia aside. Somehow, I also had other quotes, excerpts from journals I must have read, that contradicted that theory, but the point was that I didn't really get falling dreams.

Especially because I know I could fly.


I could fly?

The realization was an eye-opener. Literally. My eyes flew open and stared as I noticed far, far too many details for this to ever be a dream.

Because I was falling from the bloody skies and that faint sensation of heat - that was now starting to feel a bit tingly - was the fact that I was still somewhere in the upper atmosphere, and plummeting alarmingly through increasingly ionized fields of atmosphere. This meant I was somewhere in the ionosphere, and given I seemed to be falling alarmingly rapidly for a person this far from the Earth's surface where gravitational acceleration wasn't quite as significant as it was closer to the planet's center I guessed that I had been falling for quite some time, and that I certainly hadn't begun to drop when I woke up. Which also told me that I was several hundred kilometers above the Earth's surface.

The clouds swirled far, far below me, the faint hints of breathable atmosphere and the continents that sprouted from the endless blue of the planet's oceans, and I recognized it almost instantly from the countless images I had viewed as a child. Childhood dreams of someday becoming an astronaut and flying through space before reality threw me onto another path.

A small part of me reminded me that I had seen this sight before, and another part of me noted the amusing fact that my school had graduated quite a number of astronauts, but that wasn't important.

What was important was the fact that the slight tingly feeling I'd been having on my skin might have been unimpeded solar radiation bombarding me as I was beyond the Earth's electron shell and in a field of space that was growing increasingly dense with ionized energy as I continued to accelerate to rather ridiculous velocities.

"Holy Crap!"

Flailing about, I tried to pinch myself awake. The lack of a space-suit preventing me from actually touching my face was really concerning for a minute. Then I realized that I was trying to hyperventilate without oxygen.

So I slapped myself in the face, but that did nothing. I did it again, harder this time, and all that happened was that my course shifted ever so slightly. Of course, from this height, a slight adjustment could be disastrous. Not to mention it caused me to start spinning about on a multitude of axis that I was struggling to correct and control.

I ran a few quick estimations in my head (really rough work using equations I thought I had forgotten about ages ago) and figured that I should probably slap the other cheek to correct my course. I had no idea WHY, but it felt like a good idea because I seemed to have put myself on course for slamming into North America.

I don't know why I felt like I could survive falling into the Atlantic Ocean and aim there instead, because I knew enough about physics to realize that falling into water from a great height was pretty much the same as falling onto concrete. Water's surface tension was far too great to be overcome if you hit it fast enough from a high enough drop, and could splatter my body like goo before I plunged beneath the surface.

And yet, somehow I knew that the water would break before I did.

Also, I had no intention of becoming street-pizza somewhere random in North America. Imagine, if I hit someone by accident? I'd heard urban legends of pennies being dropped off the Empire State Building and splattering skulls on the ground below, killing men instantly.

I had no desire to visit that on anyone by whatever bodily explosion happened when I impacted the ground. Falling into the sea was far more preferable, I suppose, though it would make retrieving my body much harder. Especially if no one thought to look.

Morbidity aside, neither of those would really be happening, because the human body was not meant to withstand atmospheric reentry and even in the most durable and protective of space-suits should have burned up into cinders as it fell faster through the increasingly dense atmosphere, friction rapidly charbroiling the body. My ashes - if there even were large enough pieces of me left to be ashes - would be scattered through the upper stratosphere, spreading where the winds would take my remains. Poetically, they would be spread to the four corners of the world, but some part of me noted that it would likely depend on the prevailing wind patterns of the upper atmosphere at the time.

Of course, I didn't seem to really be feeling any heat, but my eyes were awash with light and colors of all sorts before they all faded to more ordered thoughts, though it seemed like I was seeing colors that clearly where the grey-brown-green of the continents nor the blue-white of the oceans. Countless shapes and colors that dazzled like a kaleidoscope as I fell before neatly ordering themselves away as I learned to ignore them.

Oh, and I didn't seem to really be minding the fact that my body was being bombarded with radiation and temperatures that should have boiled me alive. Not to mention I didn't seem to be bothered much by the fact that there wasn't really any oxygen in the thermosphere to be breathing. Or any actual air at all, and I should be suffering from ebullism or something of that nature, but I wasn't. Also, I didn't seem to be minding the fact that by all rights, anyone else would have been dead by now.

Ergo, the next exclamation I chose to make:

"What the hell is going on!?"

I slapped myself on the other cheek anyway and corrected my course. I also seemed to have internally remembered how to stop spinning in so many directions because now I was falling like I was in a goddamn action movie. My arc was plotted for somewhere in the Northern Atlantic, but I frankly couldn't give a damn. I was far too busy panicking over the fact that I was somehow still surviving in outer space without a spacesuit and was still falling through the thermosphere. The Karman line and mesopause were rapidly approaching, and I knew that I was gaining speed with every second as I neared the Earth.

That and the fact that I knew I should be able to fly, and thus adjust my course of re-entry on the fly, as well as get this all "falling" thing over with by speeding up and slowing down upon entry into the troposphere. But for some reason, my ability to fly just wasn't letting me do so. It was massively disorienting and made me wonder what the hell had happened to me that led to me, well, falling.

It took another moment or two for me to pause and blink at the realization that I actually had powers. And even more strangely that I knew I had powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men, and had grown so used to them that their use was almost natural - instinctive.

Which explained the flailing about because I wasn't in control of my falling, god damn it!

Gods, this was frustrating!

It also occurred to me that there probably wasn't any actual atmosphere for sound to really propagate in at this altitude. So my random curses and expletives at not only the fact that I was falling to Earth from outer space and that something had gone wrong and was preventing me from using my full suite of powers were going unheard. The only reason I knew what I was saying was because I was thinking it while saying it, and that one's voice can sometimes be channeled through your own skull - that was why your voice always seems to sound different when you hear it from a recording.

Anyways, the tingling feeling built up as I fell through the ionosphere. I idly noted several satellites hanging in orbit, which was mildly concerning as I also noted that I was beginning to quickly run out of satellites. I had actually been passing quite a few of them, really, and the wild spinning earlier had not only shown me a bunch of them as I fell past, but also given me a mildly terrifying glimpse at the vastness of space: the infinite reaches of cosmic energies everywhere, and the pinpricks of light from distant stars and the movement of all sorts of things in the galaxy. It was a tad surprising though - I had always heard of Low Earth Orbit being cluttered with space debris from the sheer volume of stuff that mankind had launched to the heavens. Frankly, it seemed almost empty at the moment.

Maybe I was just passing through a relatively clean area?

No matter, I was still plummeting, and could tell from the building of electromagnetic energy - which I could somehow see from up here, despite that radiation being normally invisible to the human eye - I was getting closer to the altitude of the auroras and the ever approaching Karman line. Once I crossed that line, I would officially have left outer space and entered Earth's atmosphere.

Past the auroras and the multitude of lights that accompanied them, I realized that I was capable of actually witnessing some of these ionized particles. Somehow, I knew what I was looking at, and what sorts of energies I was passing through. It was thoroughly marvelous if not for the fact that I was still busy digesting the thought of being able to actually perceive those interactions, and view these fields with the naked eye.

And then I spotted the final layers of the thermosphere, where the energy seemed densest, and beyond which I would be finally breaking into the atmosphere.

Soon, I rather casually noted that I had just plummeted past the Karman line, that invisible boundary that simply served as an imaginary line between Us and the rest of the universe, roughly 100 kilometers above the surface of the blue marble I called Earth.

I was bathed in energy as my body started to experience greater degrees of friction. The temperature almost seemed to drop, but once more, I didn't feel a damned thing. I was plummeting through the mesopause - that cold region of space that separated the thermosphere from the mesosphere - and finding that not only was I constantly increasing velocity as I fell, but that the closer I was to the Earth, the more it could exert its gravitational pull. It was a universal constant that gravity affected all things equally - the Apollo 15 mission had proved that with a hammer and a feather. What was less well known to most people was that the farther one was from a celestial body like the Earth, the less its gravity affected you.

So, the faster I plummeted towards Earth, the more gravitational acceleration I would experience, making me fall even faster. Naturally, the quicker I fell, the harsher the drag on my body would be, as it attempted to push against my falling body. It was why atmospheric reentry was so dangerous - the atmosphere pushed you away just as the Earth pulled you closer, and the friction generated by this whole mess had caused the ruination of several aerospace projects in the past.

But I found that even as I broke through the mesopause and into the mesosphere, I could feel the heights of atmospheric electricity all around me, threatening to overwhelm me. They didn't, but I could witness the "sprites" and "ELVES" about me. These atmospheric 'lightnings' were a welcome distraction from the fact that unhelpfully sprung to mind detailing how most meteors typically burned up in the mesosphere.

I was actually experiencing that friction right now, a mildly interesting sensation that had baffled me for a moment before I noted just how much my body was apparently burning up in flight. I could still see myself (somehow) despite the glare and flashing light of atmosphere smashing and deflecting off my body at what must have been several times the speed of sound by this point. It was a tangible force that hammered at me and should have burned my outsides to cinders, peeling the skin off of me before my muscles and bones, till I was nothing but dust. But it actually just felt like an afternoon breeze, brushing against my skin and rustling past my scalp.

It was past the glare of this friction (something I almost instantly had started to ignore and see past), that I got a truly spectacular view of the world.

Had I any apparent need to breathe, the sight would have surely taken my breath away. Again. From above, it had seemed awe inspiring and truly life-altering to view... but now that I was closer, the details and intricacies involved in the world… The Earth was really beautiful from up here...

Unbidden, a quote sprang to mind. A comic I hadn't read, but a poignant quote nonetheless. Superman in JLA/Hitman #2 or something, viewing the Earth from outer-space, out past where I had woken up from maybe. It went like this:

"The seas are sapphires, the fields and forests emeralds. The Himalayas gleam like diamonds. The strange blue world to which my Father sent me.

"If you knew how you are loved, not one of you would raise a hand in rage again."

And for a moment, I thought I understood.

I was awash in energy and power, like I had been struck by lightning, and coursing with strength beyond belief. I continued to ignore all rationality by treating re-entry like nothing more than a playful breeze. It only served to refresh me. I had done this before.

I had survived much worse, hadn't I? I had memories of doing so. It had happened in the past, and this would be no different.

So what if my flight still hadn't kicked in? I was surviving re-entry! Soon, I'd be down there, and it would all be okay!

I couldn't help it. I laughed at the absurdity of the thought, but it was true. I knew it somehow, and it was a fact that resonated with me.

With a whoop I felt the rush of energy surge through me, and the friction that just kept getting worse. I was completely enveloped in a corona of fire, falling and laughing as the air fought against me.

Faster and faster, the brighter the corona seemed but I could still see through it. The surface was so close! I could almost taste it!

I ran my tongue across my lips, they were so dry. Huh, I actually could taste the burning of the air.

About fifty kilometers up and I broke through through into the stratosphere. I hit the ozone layer and was bombarded with ultraviolet radiation. What would have given others cancer was unable to harm me for whatever reason, and I tore through the ozone like it was made of paper. I had conflicting memories about that - one saying I should have expected it to be flimsy, and the other saying it was actually being fixed and better than ever - but they weren't too important right now.

Now I was actually blasting through substantial atmosphere. Hadn't burned up yet, but the atmosphere was always denser the closer you got to the surface of the Earth. That was just how gravity worked, and why Earth even had an atmosphere in the first place. Which of course meant that to the casual observer I was likely a meteorite that would make landfall and become a meteor. Well, if not for the fact that I was guesstimating my atmospheric re-entry vectors to land me somewhere in the northern Atlantic.

Which reminded me that flopping into the water probably wasn't the best of ideas, ability to survive burning through the atmosphere or no. Of course, I was definitely moving faster than the speed of sound, but I wasn't too concerned with how many Machs I was clocking given I was only getting faster the closer I got to hitting the water. And now that I thought about it, my re-entry would probably be altering local weather patterns for a bit, wouldn't it? I'd be a high-speed object entering the atmosphere from above and punching a hole through whatever patterns were currently in place.

Granted, most weather occurred in the troposphere, where people lived and did all their things. And where most of the weather actually was. I'd be hitting that pretty soon, so I should probably adjust myself to to a better "landing position" to make it easier on myself when I actually get there.

I broke past the tropopause, blasting through the layer of warm air followed by the layer of cold air as I entered the troposphere. The clouds seemed to flee at my approach. It was almost instantaneous, but I had opened a massive, spreading hole in the clouds as condensed water vapor boiled and evaporated as I continued to plummet like a burning star cast from heaven to sink into the sea.

Man was this exhilarating. I was almost there! I began to move myself as I fell, altering my positioning to make it easier when I landed. Of course, the slightly more streamlined figure of minimizing my 'drag-profile' rather than flailing about made me fall faster. Didn't really care at this point. I was already going so fast that more speed was inconsequential.

I broke through cloud clover, and was greeted with the sight of the wide expanse of the Atlantic. What brightened my mood even further was that feeling that my body was finally remembering what flight felt like, and my mind whirled with that knowledge and capability. At this point, I could probably pull out of my plummet, but that'd be far too much at this point. I was kind of having fun with this, and I was pretty sure the impact was survivable. For me, anyways.

Mentally, I started keeping a count-down clock running. Not actual seconds, of course, because I was probably moving too fast for that anyways. But it was fun to just simulate that childish fancy.

I arranged myself properly, gauging the distance and my ludicrous falling speed. I would have nodded, but that felt like too much effort, so I just blinked instead.


My feet were almost locked together, back and legs straight. I arranged my arms to cross over my chest like an Egyptian pharaoh entombed in a sarcophagus. Only I wasn't a pharaoh, and my sarcophagus was a burning corona of heat, friction, radiation, and ozone simply burning all at once in a conflagration that felt rather pleasant. My heart raced.


Okay, now all that was left was landing, swimming to the surface after the water settled, and maybe making my way towards land. Then I could figure out why the heck I just had to fall back to Earth. Atmospheric reentry wasn't fun when your powers were on the fritz. Must have had something to do with that headache.


Actually, hold on a tic. How hard would I hit that water, anyways? I know I wondered about the fact my re-entry might affect weather patterns due to how poorly I was doing it, and the fact that I was going waaaaay faster than most meteors did. A quick estimate put my re-entry as having an impact at "maybe several million, maybe hundreds of million, in tons of TNT in terms of kinetic energy". Soooo… that was a lot. Like, modern nuclear warhead detonation on an order of magnitude far, far superior to that of the bomb dropped on Nagasaki.


Oh well. Too late to correct for that. Guess I'll just have to hope no one notices.


I closed my eyes with a smile, a silent prayer on my lips.

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Huh. Seems cool so far. I only wish that he was landing on solid ground so that he could do a superhero landing. That would be sweet.
This should be interesting.

You've got some unique ideas about space in there however. The two that really grabbed my attention were:
- The ozone layer is described as if it is holding/generating a cloud of UV light, rather than blocking such light from reaching the surface from the sun... the intensity should drop when you pass through, never increase.
- Gravity: There isn't much difference between the force at 6400km vs 6700km above the center. Altitude above the surface is misleading. The fall described is going to be pretty linear acceleration of 9+ m/s^2 the whole way.

Two minor things:
- Layers of the atmosphere are more like political boundaries on the map than physical ones. It sounds almost like you can see/feel them despite that... power hijinks? Seems to me it should be more like driving into Germany. There's no guard post or sudden difference in the scenery, but after a minute or so you see somebody overtake your rental car at 200km/h and it dawns on you where you really are.
- Most people get it wrong, but it isn't friction; its compressive heating.

I think the rest is personal thoughts and thus fine.
And none of that should matter to the plot.
Very interested to see where you take this. Hope we get to see some reactions to some crazy Flying Brick freefalling from space.
I wonder when tinkers will start making kryptonite or red sun lasers...
Villains are going to need them.
Huh. Seems cool so far. I only wish that he was landing on solid ground so that he could do a superhero landing. That would be sweet.
Well, yeah, it would be. But when you're hitting the earth with the force of a couple nuclear detonations...

This should be interesting.

You've got some unique ideas about space in there however. The two that really grabbed my attention were:
- The ozone layer is described as if it is holding/generating a cloud of UV light, rather than blocking such light from reaching the surface from the sun... the intensity should drop when you pass through, never increase.
- Gravity: There isn't much difference between the force at 6400km vs 6700km above the center. Altitude above the surface is misleading. The fall described is going to be pretty linear acceleration of 9+ m/s^2 the whole way.

Two minor things:
- Layers of the atmosphere are more like political boundaries on the map than physical ones. It sounds almost like you can see/feel them despite that... power hijinks? Seems to me it should be more like driving into Germany. There's no guard post or sudden difference in the scenery, but after a minute or so you see somebody overtake your rental car at 200km/h and it dawns on you where you really are.
- Most people get it wrong, but it isn't friction; its compressive heating.

I think the rest is personal thoughts and thus fine.
And none of that should matter to the plot.
First, I didn't really know that about the ozone. Or about it not being friction. Never took Thermo, so I was working off basic physics which told me "Newton's third law - you're hitting a bunch of particles, so of course they'll try and hit back, and cause friction as they skitter off"... "The more you know," I suppose.

And as to the Gravity and boundaries thing... yeah, it's power hijinks. Also, the acceleration due to gravity does change, it's just frankly quite a negligible change that close to the surface. But power hijinks mean he can notice, if he chose to - which in the vein of "Panic!" he did.

It should be telling that all of Crash Landing 01.1 should have taken place in maybe something under 30 seconds or so...

Very interested to see where you take this. Hope we get to see some reactions to some crazy Flying Brick freefalling from space.
Yeah, that might be something that'll happen next installment or so. Should be hilarious on my end as writer. Not so much for the Insert.

I have no idea if this is interesting or not, since I can't read it.

Um... not sure how to fix that. I usually copy-paste from Drive or Keep where I write, but that just pastes everything in black. And since I just use the board's default themes, the black is impossible to read. Ergo, I kinda just change the color to white to make it more noticeable. Had no idea there were board themes where the white wouldn't show...
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Holy crap dude, your writing is amazing! Seriously, this is magnificent! It feels so descriptive. I don't even care that you haven't read Worm, your great writing skills make up for it! I can't wait for more! :D
Holy fucking shit, now that is how you make a goddamn entrance. Definitely keeping my eye on this one after this.
Well, yeah, it would be. But when you're hitting the earth with the force of a couple nuclear detonations...

First, I didn't really know that about the ozone. Or about it not being friction. Never took Thermo, so I was working off basic physics which told me "Newton's third law - you're hitting a bunch of particles, so of course they'll try and hit back, and cause friction as they skitter off"... "The more you know," I suppose.

And as to the Gravity and boundaries thing... yeah, it's power hijinks. Also, the acceleration due to gravity does change, it's just frankly quite a negligible change that close to the surface. But power hijinks mean he can notice, if he chose to - which in the vein of "Panic!" he did.

It should be telling that all of Crash Landing 01.1 should have taken place in maybe something under 30 seconds or so...

Yeah, that might be something that'll happen next installment or so. Should be hilarious on my end as writer. Not so much for the Insert.

Um... not sure how to fix that. I usually copy-paste from Drive or Keep where I write, but that just pastes everything in black. And since I just use the board's default themes, the black is impossible to read. Ergo, I kinda just change the color to white to make it more noticeable. Had no idea there were board themes where the white wouldn't show...
This is interesting and I'm curious about the build. Unless he's just literally superman. What with all the references. Also you can change the text color to "none" which just makes it the default for whatever theme the reader is using.
Um... not sure how to fix that. I usually copy-paste from Drive or Keep where I write, but that just pastes everything in black. And since I just use the board's default themes, the black is impossible to read. Ergo, I kinda just change the color to white to make it more noticeable. Had no idea there were board themes where the white wouldn't show...
If you look at the bottom right of the colour palette, there's an x. That's the "standard" colour, which varies based on the theme.
If he is literally Superman then Earth Bet just received the equivalent of a genuinely friendly endbringer.
  • Frost breath
  • Heat Vision
  • Superstrength
  • Invulnerability
  • Flight
  • Superspeed
  • Super hearing
  • Heat Vision
  • Super Reflexs
  • Can use super strength and other Powers comic book style?
Lets see... Brute 6-10?, Mover 3-5 , Striker 1, Thinker 1, Blaster 2+
And if he has Superman's personality they might assign him a master rating just out of paranoia and upgrade brute to 9 if behemoth doesn't figure out the kyptonite weakness, other wise be is quite literally invulnerable in alot of his incarnations.
Red sunlight and kyptonite were the reasons he was not invincible.
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Well, yeah, it would be. But when you're hitting the earth with the force of a couple nuclear detonations...

First, I didn't really know that about the ozone. Or about it not being friction. Never took Thermo, so I was working off basic physics which told me "Newton's third law - you're hitting a bunch of particles, so of course they'll try and hit back, and cause friction as they skitter off"... "The more you know," I suppose.

And as to the Gravity and boundaries thing... yeah, it's power hijinks. Also, the acceleration due to gravity does change, it's just frankly quite a negligible change that close to the surface. But power hijinks mean he can notice, if he chose to - which in the vein of "Panic!" he did.

It should be telling that all of Crash Landing 01.1 should have taken place in maybe something under 30 seconds or so...

Yeah, that might be something that'll happen next installment or so. Should be hilarious on my end as writer. Not so much for the Insert.

Um... not sure how to fix that. I usually copy-paste from Drive or Keep where I write, but that just pastes everything in black. And since I just use the board's default themes, the black is impossible to read. Ergo, I kinda just change the color to white to make it more noticeable. Had no idea there were board themes where the white wouldn't show...
You can also choose "paste without formatting" and that should fix the problem.
If he is literally Superman then Earth Bet just received the equivalent of a genuinely friendly endbringer.
  • Frost breath
  • Heat Vision
  • Superstrength
  • Invulnerability
  • Flight
  • Superspeed
  • Super hearing
  • Heat Vision
  • Super Reflexs
  • Can use super strength and other Powers comic book style?
Lets see... Brute 4-6?, Mover 3-5 , Striker 1, Thinker 1, Blaster 2+
And if he has Superman's personality they might assign him a master rating just out of paranoia and upgrade brute to 9 if behemoth doesn't figure out the kyptonite weakness, other wise be is quite literally invulnerable in alot of his incarnations.
Red sunlight and kyptonite were the reasons he was not invincible.
The brute seems way to low. Supes is at least as strong and tough as Alexandria and she's a ten I think. Also if he shows up early enough in the timeline to save Hero then he could make a blue sunlight generator. Or some other light based tinker I guess.
If you look at the bottom right of the colour palette, there's an x. That's the "standard" colour, which varies based on the theme.
Thank you! That's really good to know.

If he is literally Superman then Earth Bet just received the equivalent of a genuinely friendly endbringer.
  • Frost breath
  • Heat Vision
  • Superstrength
  • Invulnerability
  • Flight
  • Superspeed
  • Super hearing
  • Heat Vision
  • Super Reflexs
  • Can use super strength and other Powers comic book style?
Lets see... Brute 4-6?, Mover 3-5 , Striker 1, Thinker 1, Blaster 2+
And if he has Superman's personality they might assign him a master rating just out of paranoia and upgrade brute to 9 if behemoth doesn't figure out the kyptonite weakness, other wise be is quite literally invulnerable in alot of his incarnations.
Red sunlight and kyptonite were the reasons he was not invincible.

The brute seems way to low. Supes is at least as strong and tough as Alexandria and she's a ten I think. Also if he shows up early enough in the timeline to save Hero then he could make a blue sunlight generator. Or some other light based tinker I guess.
The PRT will come out with a Threat Report once they wise up to "That was a guy!?" if you want the "official" version in story. Of course, that's only based on what they witness him do, and how they choose to rate him as a threat. The protag'll be wondering about his own abilities and you'll read them sooner then.

And while I'm still undecided on when exactly our protagonist was "Inserted", it'll most likely be after the tragic battle in 2000 when Hero was bisected by the Siberian. Sorry - just from reading his wiki page, I love Hero as a character, but the protag's insertion was either on New Year's of 2011, April Fool's of 2011, or sometime in 2009-10. Maybe even an insertion I'm still not decided - the plot could go plenty of ways, and Crash Landing 1.2 and 1.3 don't really depend on the date.

Hmn... I would do a quick poll, but then I'd need some actual dates beyond the first two which I have some ideas for... Thoughts?
A cross between a young Ckark Kent and a SI ? On Earth Bet ?? watcheeed...
BTW, that reentry point was amazing. If you handle dialog as well as narrative this will be a sweet to read.
Wanted to offer some points but other people already made them, sooooo.... waiting for next update, i suppose. ;)
Thank you! That's really good to know.

The PRT will come out with a Threat Report once they wise up to "That was a guy!?" if you want the "official" version in story. Of course, that's only based on what they witness him do, and how they choose to rate him as a threat. The protag'll be wondering about his own abilities and you'll read them sooner then.

And while I'm still undecided on when exactly our protagonist was "Inserted", it'll most likely be after the tragic battle in 2000 when Hero was bisected by the Siberian. Sorry - just from reading his wiki page, I love Hero as a character, but the protag's insertion was either on New Year's of 2011, April Fool's of 2011, or sometime in 2009-10. Maybe even an insertion I'm still not decided - the plot could go plenty of ways, and Crash Landing 1.2 and 1.3 don't really depend on the date.

Hmn... I would do a quick poll, but then I'd need some actual dates beyond the first two which I have some ideas for... Thoughts?
Oh well. It's not like ressurection isn't possible if you really want to save him and there are probably other tinkers that could meet your needs.
Oh well. It's not like ressurection isn't possible if you really want to save him and there are probably other tinkers that could meet your needs.
For blue sunlight?

Armsmaster(If he can imitate powers he can imitate a certain type of sunlight), L33t(for one use, at least, though it may end up red), or Dragon after being given some of Hero's tech(if cauldron doesn't have some still sitting around I'd be absolutely astonished - though to be fair, cauldron), just off the top of my head.

Edit: also probably Bakuda, though that's probably not a good thing...
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For blue sunlight?

Armsmaster(If he can imitate powers he can imitate a certain type of sunlight), L33t(for one use, at least, though it may end up red), or Dragon after being given some of Hero's tech(if cauldron doesn't have some still sitting around I'd be absolutely astonished - though to be fair, cauldron), just off the top of my head.

Edit: also probably Bakuda, though that's probably not a good thing...
Yeah. Although I've never been clear on how long lasting the power boost is. I know he got more powerful as time went on and he was exposed to more yellow sunlight and that power boot was permanent even at night or in deep space. If it's short lived the generator would need to be able to fit on the inside of his costume which would limit him to just armsmaster probably.