A Long Walk (A Stellaris Empire Builder Quest)

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A Stellaris Empire Builder Quest
Empire Generation 1


Sliming since 1859
A Long Walk (Stellaris Empire Builder)
First came The formation of the universe.
  • [] Young
  • [] Normal
  • [] Old
Then came the stars.
  • [] Spiral
  • [] Ring
  • [] Random
After that, the planets.
  • [] Hot
  • [] Wet
  • [] Cold
The birth of life.
  • [] Humanoid
  • [] Mammalian
  • [] Reptilian
  • [] Avian
  • [] Anthropoid
  • [] Muscaloid
  • [] fungoid
  • [] Plantoid
  • [] Write-In
From intelligent thought came society
Pick your main ethic
  • [] Gestalt (Machine)
  • [] Gestalt (Biological)
  • [] Xenophobe
  • [] Xenophile
  • [] Pacifist
  • [] Militarist
  • [] Egalitarian
  • [] Authoritarian
  • [] Spiritualist
  • [] Materialist
Pick your side ethic (none if Gestalt)
  • [] Xenophobe
  • [] Xenophile
  • [] Pacifist
  • [] Militarist
  • [] Egalitarian
  • [] Authoritarian
  • [] Spiritualist
  • [] Materialist
Your empire came through intelligent thought
  • [] Write-in
But can it stand the test of time?
  • [] 2150 Pre-unification
Your Species hasn't unified yet. Unite the scattered nations and form your empire!
  • [] 2175 Post Unification
Your Species has finally unified.. Guide them to the Stars!
  • [] 2200 Discovery FTL
The First FTL engine is made. Lead your people to GLory!

AN: Forgot Spiritualist and Materialist, my bad
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No Materialist or spiritualist so sad can't believe there gone. Anyway how much of this is based of Stellaris like can we become psychic or a cyborg eventually and are the techs relatively the same with some other stuff

Oh and I chose Authoritarian and Militarist because they normally sync together well and because I'm basing them off the Stellaris bonuses plus I think it'll be interesting but i can change my mind if someone makes a good argument
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[X] Plan Starfleet
-[X] Normal
-[X] Random
-[X] Wet
-[X] Humanoid
-[X] Egalitarian
-[X] Militarist
-[X] Name: United Government of Mankind
-[X] 2200 Discovery FTL

Basically the United Federation of Planets in a setting where humanity didn't meet the Vulcans right after their first test of the warp drive.

Egalitarian because they fixed most of their inequality and prejudice.
Militarist because even without being a war loving civilization, they need a military to deal with disaster situations and the military usually values the technical and scientific skills needed in running a multi planet civilization.

Also, Materialist wasn't an option.

As for the name, it might not sound impressive but it was the only they could agree on. They could probably change it to something else once they start colonizing other star systems or meet aliens.
[X] Plan Starfleet
-[X] Normal
-[X] Random
-[X] Wet
-[X] Humanoid
-[X] Egalitarian
-[X] Militarist
-[X] Name: United Government of Mankind
-[X] 2200 Discovery FTL

Basically the United Federation of Planets in a setting where humanity didn't meet the Vulcans right after their first test of the warp drive.

Egalitarian because they fixed most of their inequality and prejudice.
Militarist because even without being a war loving civilization, they need a military to deal with disaster situations and the military usually values the technical and scientific skills needed in running a multi planet civilization.

Also, Materialist wasn't an option.

As for the name, it might not sound impressive but it was the only they could agree on. They could probably change it to something else once they start colonizing other star systems or meet aliens.
[X] Plan Starfleet
-[X] Normal
-[X] Random
-[X] Wet
-[X] Humanoid
-[X] Egalitarian
-[X] Militarist
-[X] Name: United Government of Mankind
-[X] 2200 Discovery FTL

Basically the United Federation of Planets in a setting where humanity didn't meet the Vulcans right after their first test of the warp drive.

Egalitarian because they fixed most of their inequality and prejudice.
Militarist because even without being a war loving civilization, they need a military to deal with disaster situations and the military usually values the technical and scientific skills needed in running a multi planet civilization.

Also, Materialist wasn't an option.

As for the name, it might not sound impressive but it was the only they could agree on. They could probably change it to something else once they start colonizing other star systems or meet aliens.
Forgot Spiritualist and Materialist, my bad.
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[x] Plan Egypt
- [x] Old
- [x] Spiral
- [x] Hot
- [x] Humanoid
- [x] Spiritualist
- [x] Holy Saqqara Empire (Pseudo-ancient-egypt style)
- [x] 2150 Pre-unification
@Darkslime854 Would it be possible to choose Fanatic Materialist as our ethic for the purpose of getting the Technocracy civic?

"Human Technocracy" or "Technocracy of Mankind" both sound like good civilization names.
@Darkslime854 Would it be possible to choose Fanatic Materialist as our ethic for the purpose of getting the Technocracy civic?

"Human Technocracy" or "Technocracy of Mankind" both sound like good civilization names.
Civics and origins etc will be chosen in the second threadmark.
I'll make the choises of which civics you can pick based on your picks of origin, traits and ethics
To your other question, i'll put up another vote on the name next threadmark.
[X] Plan: Orking Hard Or Hardly Orking?
-[X] Young
-[X] Ring
-[X] Hot
-[X] fungoid
-[X] Militarist
-[X] Authoritarian
-[X] The Green Tide
-[X] 2150 Pre-unification

Because unifying the orks so we can wage war on the universe is our god given right!!!
[X] Plan Fatherland
-[X] Old
-[X] Spiral
-[X] Cold
-[X] Humanoid
-[X] Egalitarian
-[X] Materialist
-[X] Name: The Socialist Combine of Mankind
-[X] 2150 Pre-unification
[X] Plan: Orking Hard Or Hardly Orking?
-[X] Young
-[X] Ring
-[X] Hot
-[X] fungoid
-[X] Militarist
-[X] Authoritarian
-[X] The Green Tide
-[X] 2150 Pre-unification
New plan Materialist is now a option so here we go
Plan- Science bitch!

[X] Young
[X] Spiral
[X] Wet
[X] Humanoid
[X] Materialist
[X] Spiritualist (for the omnisiah or however it goes)
[X] The Science Directorate (TSD or SD)
[X] 2175 Post Unification

Going for basically the Mechanicus but with innovation and actual science plus actually being good and having progress
[X] Plan Fatherland

I'm not gonna say that I'm doubtful, but I saw three Stellaris quests in a row not going farther empire creation
[x] Plan Egypt
- [x] Old
- [x] Spiral
- [x] Hot
- [x] Humanoid
- [x] Spiritualist
- [x] Holy Saqqara Empire (Pseudo-ancient-egypt style)
- [x] 2150 Pre-unification

Seems interesting. I've never really seen a pre-unification Stellaris quest.