A Family of Secrets (Worm AU | CYOA V6 | Multi-SI)

Are the Court and Annette, etc, going to the Birdcage or having their powers removed? I have no idea why but for some reason the feeling I'm getting from this fic is that I want them to go to jail or have all of their powers removed.
In regards to Coil? Good. I'm glad he's not a part of the story. His arcs are usually boring because it's always the same three scenes: Coil notices MC and plots, Coil makes a mistake somewhere, Coil is neutralized after 40k words. Rick deserves to explore this world without knowing the darker parts of it.

Piggot and the charm. Wow. Perfect explanation and perfect speech by Renick. That charm is also ingenious, and seeing all the pearls used up is somewhat concerning. At least she's getting s vacation. Hopefully nothing bad happe-Oh hello Tagg.

Annette replacing Coil as the shadowy mastermind? Never been done before, and it interests me. I want to see more of her. How much Lustrum is there in her? Did she know about Taylor bullying Emma? Actually, on that note-

Taylor. Taylor bullying Emma.

Taylor. Bullying. Emma. And getting tortured for two years, Mastered, Triggered and betrayed by her best friend, who was then shot and killed by her mother. Holy fucking shit, David, you pull no punches do you?

Truth Level 2. Yeah, I was waiting for this scene. I knew she was gonna get sacrificed, and Babylon pulled an FMA, but what's this Mangekyo Sharingan "sacrifice a loved one" nonsense? Your boy's never gonna find someone like that, all he cares about is his family, and actively looking for an emotional relationship knowing he'll sacrifice it kinda kills the point of seeking one out in the first place. Then again, knowing the Truth of loss and mortality might be why. Maybe have him witness this concept in others, rather than do it himself. He wouldn't learn otherwise.

Undersiders. Holy fuck the Undersiders. They're gonna get their asses kicked, end up at Babylon's clinic, then Queenie will catch wind of him and it'll all go downhill from there. I'm assuming he's gonna get swamped, so the Undersiders just make sense narratively. Plus, Babylon can take damage. Not wounds, damage. Including Master effects. Once that's discovered, hoo boy.
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Are the Court and Annette, etc, going to the Birdcage or having their powers removed? I have no idea why but for some reason the feeling I'm getting from this fic is that I want them to go to jail or have all of their powers removed.
That remains to be seen, to be honest. They'd have to willingly give up their powers, but jail/Birdcaged is over the heads of a lot of Villains. Perceived or otherwise.

Annette replacing Coil as the shadowy mastermind? Never been done before, and it interests me. I want to see more of her. How much Lustrum is there in her? Did she know about Taylor bullying Emma?
Annette will have more screen time later down the road, and I'll be putting some of Lustrum's ideology into Annette, too. Not the extremist parts, but definitely the bits about hating men. After all, in this one, she has a very dominant personality. And yes, she knew about the bullying. I've hinted at the subject.

Holy fucking shit, David, you pull no punches do you?
Nope. [sips tea]

but what's this Mangekyo Sharingan "sacrifice a loved one" nonsense?
That's just the literal definition of a treasured loved one or best friend. Another look at it is "one who is loved". While yes, he's probably not going to find someone, he may find the loophole and sacrifice a person who is loved. Which opens up a whole new door to possibilities.
I've already made a small hint at in the white world scene at the end. The reason why the woman didn't work was simply because of this part: "Her family will be surprised, and a few would hold resentment due to the large inheritance they would have garnered upon her death".
Had she been loved, his level would be a 2 at that moment. Which simply means that her family was just waiting for her to die so they could get the inheritance. I was also going to put down a small scene where she comes back and is killed off by one of her children, but decided against it, and went with the Undersiders scene.

Your other ideas were pretty much spot on. If he tries to find a relationship, it'll probably turn into a one-sided type and any attachments that come of it will feel hollow. I may just set him through that, anyway, but having him exposed to the acts would be easier. We shall have to see.

Undersiders. Holy fuck the Undersiders. They're gonna get their asses kicked, end up at Babylon's clinic, then Queenie will catch wind of him and it'll all go downhill from there. I'm assuming he's gonna get swamped, so the Undersiders just make sense narratively. Plus, Babylon can take damage. Not wounds, damage. Including Master effects. Once that's discovered, hoo boy.
Now that's an idea. Make it so that they're hurt enough to stay out of the running for a week (or a few of them) so that when Babylon gets his clinic up and running, he can have the first capes the Undersiders. Unless, of course, someone else comes along. But yes, narratively, it does make sense. Thank you for that.
To be honest, I wasn't thinking about Master effects being a part of "damage" as a whole. I already came up with an idea for him to un-brainwash Taylor, but this makes it interesting. So what would happen if he has Regent as a patient, and removes everything he endured at the Heartbreaker complex? Pretty sure he'd need a straight jacket for the poor kid at that point, maybe not... I'm going to explore this.
A/N: I like being wrong. Well, no... I like being told I'm wrong followed by an argument. Which then leads me to researching for myself their side of the argument and coming up with my own conclusion. So to @Cybandeath and @Emmelmpau, I thank you both for your insight into my thoughts from the last time. I had to retcon the idea of him getting a Kill Order for knowing too much, and wrote something else. Hopefully this will appease you and my other readers.
And this is what I enjoy the most about writing. People bringing up concerns, and a hammer to make me see something that's wrong. I've learned from my mistake (hopefully close to the standards of my readers), and now I have this next bit I want to show. Be prepared for a bit of character building in this one.
And thank you for your kind words when I gave criticism I tried to give my opinion but also my understanding of a manner to keep it the way it was if it was super important to the story, my main concern being good reasoning behind things and thank you again for accepting my input.

Jean-Paul Vasil will come out and have an explosive and severe mental breakdown. After all, he's been damaged most of his life (his environment was actively harmful and "damaged" his perception of sexual taboos and the concept of physical affection) and will most certainly continuously break down again and again as the damage is sapped away. Once his emotions are stabilized, the person that comes out would be a whole new character. Alec would cease to exist.

Same with Lisa. Sapping her damage would force a perspective change as she realizes the true extent of her power and how she's been using it (indirectly causes suicides due to attacking mental weaknesses, directly causes moderate to severe chain reactions that damage mental health and emotional relationships). Lisa enjoys hurting people with her power. Tattletale is a shitty person.

Sarah Livsey? She was just a rich girl who loved her brother and couldn't read the signs in time to save him. She'd be horrified to learn that she causes others to potentially go through what Reggie did, creating more Sarah Livseys who can't just run away like she did.

Hell, forcing a mental vibe check on Parahumans could make for an interesting plot, as Babylon forces people to see the Truth of who they are and how they must heal from their trauma.

Which then brings more heat down on his head. Like Saiyan. Who is mentally damaged. Damaged enough to heal.
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Chapter 5: 8 – 9 April 2011
Flying was fun. Soaring through the clouds with your own wing power, feeling the wind brush by you while taking in all the new scents and sounds. Quite invigorating.

Rick had the desire to come out, so I made sure he napped before the three of us took off into the skies. And for some reason, Daniel and one of his clones were able to hover next to myself while I held Rick in my guise as a Charizard. Though, his hovering made my youngest a tad afraid, because he vibrated himself to stay in the air.

I had to ask Guide for details, because I wasn't able to speak anything that would be construed as English.

Answer: Daniel's "vibrations" in the air are caused by him utilizing his power to stay afloat. He is, in fact, moving in every direction all at once. Hence why he is "vibrating" to stay in the air.

I gave the answer an impressed huff while we continued north and west in search of Lung.

Why was I going out with my family? You might be asking.

Well, it's for a pair of reasons, really. Although Taylor is supposed to debut by beating Lung, I'd rather steal the spotlight and give it to my children. Whereas the second reason was because I was itching for a fight since I got here. It's been repressed because of them, but at the time? I wanted to rip and tear into something.

High above, we could see the lay of the land for the Docks, in that there was the hustle and bustle of the lit streets while people walked about. Though, the Docks South were surprisingly clean. My guess was because it was the territory of "The Court" that made sure the streets stayed clean.

Answer: Yes.

My head shook at his unprompted answer, and I spotted a mansion in the middle of a cul-de-sac. It was rather out of place in my mind, with its white washed walls, red tiled roof, and had a pair of white pillars out in front to help hold up the roof's front. There was even a courtyard with a working fountain, and a hedge barrier that surrounded the property. More, there were guard in black suits, and some looked like they were carrying guns of some sort.

What was really odd were the other houses around it. They looked older than the mansion, and each had a sag to it as though the weight of the world's eyes were judging them for not being so beautiful as the mansion.

It was weird, but it didn't matter at the time. Because an explosion rocked the night, and was coming from the Trainyard to the north.

We sped up, Rick holding tight to my protective arms while Daniel and his clones surrounded us in a protective detail. Up ahead, a ten foot dragon was growing taller by the moment. It's body indicative of a western style with silver plated scales, wings that were still growing, and a maw full of flames.

I landed atop a nearby building, feeling the heat of the flames as the dragon roared and breathed at an area to our west, creating screams of pain and terror to fill the air around us. My youngest mewed at the sounds while I shifted my body back to its "Human" form and hugged my child.

"It'll be okay, Rick," I pat his head and rubbed his back while he whimpered in my arms, nuzzling into my neck. "We have to stop that big dragon from hurting people. Think you can help?"

He sniffed and nodded, the fur around his eyes already damp from fright. "Yee."

"There's my boy," I gave him a kiss above his triangular nose, "Think you can help stop the fires? Or do you wanna help take down the dragon?"

"Umm..." He thought for a moment, shivering as the dragon roared while it still grew in size. He gripped my neck, shivering against me as he whispered, "I wanna stop the big dwagon, but I scawed."

"It's okay," I rubbed his back slowly, lightly brushing his tail to get him to relax a bit. It worked up until the dragon roared again, causing him to mew and shiver while making his body as small as possible.

That's when something inside of me pushed my body into responding. The dragon was making Rick terrified, and I had to act. So I gave my youngest to one of the Daniels, asking, "Where's the original?"

"I'm here, Father," he responded, taking Rick into his arms while the others glared at Lung.

"I need your cloning power, and Rick's Pokemon power." My eldest blinked, while the other gave a curious noise before flinching and mewing again in fright. The clones had summoned their hammers again, each one a long handled Mjölnir, and their eyes burned with anger. "Cover Rick with your shields, Daniel. If nothing can get through, then shouldn't sound be in that category?"

Each of the Daniels blinked at one another, then turned toward the original just as I finished taking the powers I wanted. He then moved away, summoning interlocking, golden panels of light around the two of them.

Once fully covered, did the dragon roar again, but this time, Rick's ears perked from not hearing its voice. All of the clones sighed with relief, while I split myself into three. They knew my thoughts, and we separated in three directions, our bodies growing while lightning, ice, and darkness enveloped us fully.


Taylor gaped as she stared off to the north with her small group of guards and minor ranked capes. The group was mostly women, each over the age of 20 and all had scars and tales to tell. Three of their number were males, but they were tolerated by her mother because they each had either a husband or a boyfriend that were introduced to everyone. After all, her mother didn't like to have her child near men that could corrupt her.

Those that were ranked low had something that augmented their abilities to a rank of 1 or 2, and had purchased them from the Empire's Toybox. Of which were a subsidiary group of Tinkers that were allowed to own and operate their own store within the Empire. They were free Tinkers that didn't have to adhere to the rules and laws of the world, and could therefore sell their ideas to anyone.

The only drawback? These augmented people had to report to her Mother's complex for maintenance every two weeks, or else risk death.

Her group numbered ten, and of that group, only four were augmented with Tinker tech. The rest wore bodysuits that were resistant to damage and held M16s and combat knives, with one of them holding an anti-tank rifle in case a Brute needed to be put down.

A roar cut through the air, and she shivered as the sound reverberated inside her bones. Lung was angry at someone, or a group, and was on a rampage. She didn't know who it was, and she hoped they weren't bringing him in their direction in the Docks.

They were to meet up with the Undersiders after they completed a mission, and were to provide support because the group was carrying a heavy package for a client that reached out to her mother. They were to receive a grand each, and she was excited to have the pocket money. Even her friends, Vicky and Amy, would be happy because then they could go shopping together.

Right now, though, they needed to await—

"Wait a second," one of her guards glanced at the sky, scratching her chin, "Was there supposed to be rain?" Everyone glanced up to see rolling dark clouds appearing high above, their bellies full and threatening while lightning streaked the insides to reveal a spiked shape within.

"Anyone else see that... thing inside the clouds?" Another asked, pointing their rifle up at the clouds while supporting the shifted weight by leaning back.

"Yeah. Any ideas?" Taylor asked, frowning beneath her silver and blue insectoid mask. She, like her mother, didn't like unknowns. And this was a big unknown. The shape looked avian, but they couldn't be sure. What they were sure of, however, was that it was big with a capital B.

"There's a bunch of fires up there with Lung, so the people'll be grateful, I guess." She shrugged and everyone bobbed their heads to some degree, just as the clouds birthed forth their rain upon the world below.

She, like the rest of her group, gaped at the scene. They though it would be a drizzle, but it was, in fact, a torrential downpour that almost immediately extinguished the flames. And from within the water came three outlines that were avian in nature, coupled with three aggressive shrieks that challenged the dragon. Of whom roared back when he glanced at the skies.

His wings, now formed, started flapping and gained him a little height off the ground, but a massive bolt of yellow lightning fell atop his body, slamming him hard into the ground. There was arcs of the same colored lightning in and around the dragon's body, and she thought he heard him gurgle from so far away.

The torrent became a deluge, and although it was difficult to see from so far away, they could see the outlines of large avian somethings soaring through the clouds. One of the avians looked rather spiky, and drifted through the clouds and rain while coated in yellow arcs of lightning. The second was spotted by the sniper of the group who shouted above the noise, "It looks like a blue phoenix with ice around it!"

Whereas the last one was a mystery, because at one point, it looked like it was on fire, but someone argued that that couldn't be so due to the rain. Another said it looked like it was covered in shadows, like Grue's, but was shot down because no one could see Grue through his shadows anymore than a normal person could see when they closed their eyes.

The Dragon of Kyushu screamed as lightning, ice, and a purplish-pink fire fell onto his body. He howled, releasing a torrent of flame at the group, but it puttered into nothingness a dozen feet from his mouth. He got back up, spreading his wings and howled again, only two be a frozen sculpture from a blue beam of light that struck his chest.

That was when a golden light appeared off to the east. It grabbed the group's attention as something or someone was powering up for an attack. Lung must have seen it, too, because he was trying to break free, but more of that blue light was used to keep him still.

The light then vanished for a split second, and immediately expanded into a powerful yellow beam of light that was streaked with reds, oranges, and browns. The beam punched through everything in its path, and scattered the bird creatures as it enveloped Lung's upper body and kept going through buildings and punched a hole through the earthen hills on the other side of the highway leading west.

Taylor and her group gawked and gaped at what they just witnessed, not understanding at all what just happened. Whereas the only conclusion they could come up with was, "Lung. Is. Dead."


"Tell me again, Sarah, what happened?" The girl on the other end of the phone verbally flinched.

"Don't call me that."

"I will call you as I see fit. Now tell me again how you failed!" The Raven Queen was annoyed and a tad worried. Someone had the power over mythical birds, likely a Bio-Tinker with a Master rating, and another person utilized a beam weapon that fired to great a laser blast that damaged homes, ruined lives, and probably killed Lung. Only reason why they believed Lung was dead? The top half of his body was disintegrated, and all that was left was a smeared puddle of organs and blood.

"Sure, boss, whatever you say." The girl sighed and began to recount the fight, "Cheshire and Grue took out the guards out in front, depositing them into the sewer system below. We estimated about 30 minutes before they could find a way out without a light.

"Cheshire infiltrated the building and found it empty, then opened a side door to allow us inside. Once inside, we found boxes, crates, and the golden statue thing. Bitch called in her dogs to carry the statue, when a box fell near us, and Lung appeared with Oni Lee and dozens of his henchmen.

"Grue released his shadows, and Cheshire started pulling us into the ground one by one while the Asians fired on us. They shot up Regent, clipped Grue, and killed two of Bitches dogs when they ran out and killed about half of the Asians."

"And how did they kill those mutts? I assumed they were able to shrug off small caliber rounds."

"They do and did, but Oni Lee appeared and shoved grenades down their throats right as Bitch was evacuated along with the other two dogs. She's still pissed, by the way."

The Queen sighed into the phone, "I'll get her new dogs. How did Lung go on a rampage?"

"Oh that? Cheshire did that. He stole the statue and swam with it toward our first point. Peeved him off so much, he started to transform." Cackling, followed by a fit of coughing caused the woman to pull away from the phone for a moment.

"That doesn't explain why he didn't chase you to the Insect Queen."

"He did that after we got away." Lisa coughed again, "Bleh. Still have smoke in my lungs. Anyway, Regent used his power to take control of some goons who fired at Lung before he was pulled away. Got his attention to move in that direction up until the rains started. He's all bandaged up, by the way, but unless we get Panacea to heal him, he's not going to walk for months.

"I dunno. We getting paid for this, boss? We did the task."

"You'll have your money shortly." She hung up and kneaded her temples. Somehow, someone had ruined her plans of debuting her child to the world. She desired her to be the one to bring down Lung, not some random Tinkers and their pets.

She picked up the phone again and dialed her mole in the PRT. When it was picked up, she asked, "John. I need to know what you know."

"Miss Raven, you know there's still an investigation going on, right?" He sounded exhausted, but heard the click-clack of a keyboard. "Lung's dead. You know this, right?"

"I'm aware. I just need to know who killed him a few hours ago. Any information?"


"John! Any. Information?"

"Miss Raven, I don't know what to tell you. The Protectorate is just starting the investigation, and finding witnesses is hard when some Tinker blew apart the northern part of the city while some giant birds in a storm made sure to keep Lung in place.

"There's a flood watch in your neck of the woods, did you know that? The Protectorate is calling it an emergency while they're invading the ABB territory. Because bodies are coming out of the sewers, and some of them are old. Like months old. So now the police are involved until everyone can figure out what the hell is going on.

"So right now, Miss Raven, I'm sorry, but I can't help you."


"He just hung up on me," she was aghast at the stones on her mole. Only after calming down did she understand that the man had a lot on his plate, but promised to get back at him later tomorrow.

"Mom?" Taylor's voice drifted into the room as the door opened to reveal her damp daughter's head. "You weren't at the house. Why are you here so late?"

"Oh," she smiled softly at her, "Sorry, honey. I guess I got so wrapped up with work, that I forgot what time it was. Come," Annette took her coat from behind her chair, and waved the girl over to the door to the courtyard, "let's go home."

Taylor beamed a smile that was reciprocated, but inside, the woman was planning vengeance as soon as she figured out who spoiled her plans and what their powers were.


Renick being sworn into the office of ENE's Director was with little fanfare. A Tinker made video call was set up with Bastion, head of the Boston Protectorate, and Chief Director Costa-Brown presiding over everything.

Once sworn in, the Chief Director then ordered Emily Piggot to report to Boston for a mental check up, then to report to New York for further check ups.

This did not sit well with Piggot, but she complied with her head held high, and that was that.

And the very first issue Acting Director Renick had to deal with was the unnatural weather, reports of large birds flying through the clouds, the death of Lung, and the report of bodies flowing out of the river.

Most of these bodies had oddities about them. Such as one was made of glass, a second was frozen in time and couldn't be harmed by anything. A third looked like it had the same metal skin as Canada's own Man of Steel that moved around and could be formed like putty. Whereas a fourth looked like a skeleton whose flesh was made of transparent plastic.

There were many more, and it frightened him that it took the death of Lung to reveal the experiments of a madman living in their city. Therefore, he ordered the capes under his employ to head into the territories of the ABB where the bodies came from, and find the ones responsible for this atrocities before they "succeed" in whatever it was they were doing. He would only send the younger Wards if the action was warranted.

All in all, he put this investigation to the front. Only after they find out who's behind this atrocity of life will they turn around and focus on the Dragon of Kyushu's killer.

He secretly hoped that they were gone from the city...


Bakuda laughed as she heard the news of Lung's demise, and kept right on laughing. Because she knew she was free of her boss breathing down her neck for results about her bombs.

After running through two sets of Human slaves already, he appeared with a third group and watched her work. All to make sure she wasn't wasting resources like he thought. Well, she was, but that was only the half of it.

Every time she made a new type of bomb, she needed to test it. Hence the need for Human subjects, which made Lung very interested, and she prattled on about how great her work was, and how each bomb was stronger than the last.

He showed interest right up to his death, but now that he was gone? She would be the boss, and began to order her mind controlled slaves to start bringing her more and more people so that she could implant them with her bombs.

However, "Boss!" A flimsy Asian man with broken English burst through the emergency door that was the least bit trapped, "PRT! Protectorate! They invading!"

"Good! I need to try out my new stock! Man the cannons! Open the roof! Start firing at anyone not from here!" She cackled and got to work in mass producing her bombs. It was time to defend HER territory.


Rick was asleep with Daniel being used as his snuggle buddy. He did good, releasing that high energy blast into the dragon, but I wasn't aware it would be that powerful. Regardless, we all congratulated him, and promised to celebrate it with a little family party the next day.

At the time, though, I journeyed into the backyard. There was an entrance to a cellar, where I had stashed a pair of bodies. The two were none other than the crushed body of Leet and the legs of Lung. I made sure to grab the latter right after the battle, and used another draw of my Copycat ability on Rick in order to sneak into the mall and take the body.

Ghost Pokemon are overpowered in this world, it seems, and I hope Rick never realizes this fact. Then again, all of the Pokemon are overpowered.

Good gods, that battle was something, but nevermind. That wasn't important. What was important was that I got to try out my Resurrection power!

A power that I never heard of was at my fingertips, and I needed to try it out. Though, "Guide, will these two have their powers once I restore them?"

Answer: Leet, Civilian ID unknown, may have his powers, but the chance of Lung, Civilian ID Kenta, having his powers is slim to none.


Answer: Leet's brain is mostly intact, but you only have the dead legs of Lung. Therefore, the likelihood of Lung retaining his powers is slim to none.

"Is it possible to take their powers before resurrecting them? Because I wouldn't mind having Lung's Dragon form," I asked him, as I stepped into the cellar where I was met with the sickly sweet smell of decay. To my left was a flimsy light switch that activated a singular bulb, and revealed a bare bones cellar that had concrete walls and flooring, a stone-like ceiling, along with hundreds of feet worth of pipes and wires running everywhere.

At the far wall was the crushed body of Leet, whose face was a crushed mask of terror. Whereas the legs of lung were next to him, but both were leaking their body's fluids. With a wave of my hand, blue lightning flew across the floor where it evaporated the fluids and laid the body of Leet on the ground.

Answer: While possible, it is unlikely unless they willingly give it up to you.

"Hmm," I tapped my lips and approached the damaged body of the failed Tinker of Worm. "What's his specialty, again? I think his power was always going against him, and he kept failing at creating his tech."

Answer: Correct. Leet's power was actively trying to kill him. His specialty is Blueprint. He can make any technology once and only once. Similarities in tech will result in his inventions exploding when activated. Though, if his tech were to be destroyed completely, he would be able to expand upon the ideas and come up with greater tech.

"Neat. So. Let's see what happens when I start up this power of mine, shall we?" I slid my hands up and down his body, listening to it snap, crackle, and pop as it reconstructed into a perfect body of the deceased.

Within the back of my mind, I saw a slot appear along with the ethereal image of Leet's crushed body. It was on one of one hundred slots I had for the healing power, and two slots were already filled, with the other slot having broken bones of the right arm and leg.

Rubbing my hands together, I grinned and reached out to the body in order to bring it back to life. However, the moment I touched its head and heart, I was transported to an endless void consisting of many, many wandering souls that were in a line toward the center of what looked like a spiraling galaxy. It was impressive, to be sure, but I was on a mission to bring back Leet, and could see his soul shining like a beacon in my eyes.

However, there were things lurking in the dark. They hovered around the edges, and plucked a few souls every now and again. I didn't know what they did with them, nor did I care. So I flew passed the souls, each a transparent figure with vague features of their life, until I reached the Tinker.

His face, like everyone else, was determined and passive all at the same time. It was like he needed to get to the center of the galaxy, but I reached out and gripped his shoulder with a white hand wreathed in a fragmented black aura.

"Time to go," I told him, and I was back in the real world just as Leet awoke with a gasp and a cough. Before he could even start to recollect his thoughts, blue lightning coursed through my palms, and we were right back in the white space with him blinking and spinning around in his tattered "survival" gear.

"Wha...? Where am I? I thought... I was dead... Where?" His eyes bulged as the Gate appeared behind me, and I grinned.

"Hello, Leet," my voice was that same haunting echo holding every age and every gender within. "I am here to give you a choice. A chance to live again." In my mind, I knew the Truth of the man in front of me as though I were reading a book. If he returned to life, he would have his power. Therefore, I could either make him my ally, or take it in return for giving him life.

"A chance... to live?" He stared at me, mouth agape, "I can... see Uber?"

"Yes. Would you like that?"

"Yes!" He cried out with joy, but it was replaced with something far more complicated. "No," he whispered, shaking his head. "I... I... I don't wanna go back. I was... I was happier in that place before you came for me."

That was shocking to my mind, to be honest. He wanted to stay dead, but I still wanted his power. "Very well, then I shall grant your death a second time." He smiled softly, but I held up my hand. "In return, I require your power for the troubles I went through."

"Huh?" He blinked, glancing down at his hands, "My Tinker power?" His face was incredulous for a moment, then clenched his hands to step forward and pointed at me with anger in his heart, "You take it, then! It's been giving me nothing but pain since I got it!"

"Very well," I grinned as the Gate behind me opened up to reveal the vertical eye. Terror was etched around Leet's eyes as he was pulled inside, and I knew he would die because the Gate would devour his body whole. However, he would also be transported to a new Earth. Which one, you may ask? I couldn't tell you, because that wasn't my domain of Truth.

Leaving the White World, I saw red arcs of lightning around the space that was Leet, and shook my head before moving on to Kenta's- Lung's- legs. With a stretch of my Alchemy, I evaporated the fluids around the legs and laid them out. Next, my power activated, and slowly reconstructed his body from the legs up.

In my head, another slot was taken up, but had the image of a pair of legs falling over while a stencil of a blast enveloped a disintegrated skeleton appeared above it. I wasn't really sure what would happen if I were to apply this to someone. So I'd need to test it out sometime later.

He didn't have his tattoos, for some reason, nor his mask, so I was able to see the smooth face of the Asian man fully. Kenta was actually a beautiful man, and I felt only an echo of attraction for him. Like I saw an old photo of someone attractive to my mind, but knew it would never come to be.

With a sigh, I touched his head and heart, and was transported to a warring domain full of fire and blood. Men and women with sharpened sticks, bronze, iron, steel for weapons were present. I saw creatures riding large dinosaurs, aliens disintegrating others with lasers, large machines of war stampeding through colonies of troops.

I saw Wizards and Sorcerers battling atop Giants, Witches and Warlocks riding Golems made of fallen logs. Dragons flew through the air and scorched the land, Dryads so twisted with malevolence that they shrieked with chaos in their heart in order to stab all with their twisted roots and spiked carapaces.

There was so much going on, and I felt the urge to fall into the madness of battle, but shook myself in order to find the beacon that was Lung. And it was easy, too, because he was the largest dragon on the battlefield, but was fighting up against a creature much larger than himself. It was covered in tentacles, with yellow, slitted eyes and greens scales. When it spoke, it rumbled and creatures went mad and became monsters.

I knew it would do that to me if it spoke directly to myself, so I had to be quick and precise. So I watched and waited as it finished speaking, and saw only Lung being able to withstand its onslaught. He fired back with a gout of flames, causing it to reel back in surprise while its minions charged forth to bring the Dragon of Kyushu to his knees.

This was my chance, and I took it. I flew straight and true over the battlefield, weaving past a surprised flock of Rocs, and dove straight into the body of Lung. Whereupon I pulled him out of that conflict and straight into his body.

He gasped and struggled, his eyes wide as I stole him away a second time, but into the white space.

The man glared about, searching for a foe, but only saw me in front of my Gate. "You!" He growled, approaching with intent to do me harm, "You took me from my battle! Why?! Who are you?!"

"Me?" My voice came through, but so did the multitude of other voices that were both young and old, male and female. "One name you might call me is the World. Another name is the Universe. Perhaps God, or perhaps even Truth. I am all, and I am one. This also means, that I am you."

"God?" He snorted with a severe case of disbelief, "There are no gods. Zion killed them all."

"He didn't get me," I grinned at him, "You have a choice, Kenta of Japan." His body flinched and his hands clenched into fists, "A chance at life. All you need to do is give up your power for that chance. Or give it up and go back to whatever hell awaits you."

"No." He growled, and I saw a fist appear in front of my face, but it was stopped because I wouldn't allow it to hit me. Growling more, he took in a deep breath and breathed out... nothing.

"What?" Lung stared at himself, then at me and my grin. "What did you do?! Where's my fire?!"

"You have now three choices, Kenta of Japan." Again, he flinched at the name, "Give up your power to live. Give up your power and die again. Or stay here in limbo forevermore."

"Choose, and choose wisely."

A/N: Points to anyone who can figure out what was in the clouds, and another point to whomever can guess the beam of light.
Also, one of Rick's favorite Pokemon is Abomasnow. He likes saying, "Thanks Aboma."

Either next chapter or the one after it will be a week late. Have a planned vacation that everyone needs.
The birds were the Legendary Bird Trio Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres, while the beam of light was probably Hyper Beam. Not sure tho, at all for that one.
Chapter 6: 9 April 2011
A/N: This chapter has an insightful thought made by @Emmelmpau, and I've incorporated it.
Anyway, next chapter should be out in 10 days or so.


It was bad in the Trainyard, bad to the west, and now bad from the Docks. Just bad, bad, bad, bad, BAD! And Vista was tired of all the destruction occurring around her. She also wished she had Fluffball next to her, and could hug him close so that things would be alright at least, but shook it off as bullets rained down on her position from behind a PRT van.

She didn't want to be here, but insisted that she needed to be here. She begged and pleaded to be out there with her friends and companions, because it was her duty to be there.

That comment caused several to grown, and Renick to sigh out, "Med tent only." She was happy, but didn't understand her choice until she saw, from a distance, how deadly war could be. There were bodies everywhere, with some groaning or pleading for assistance and relief. Those on her side were pulled away by Velocity to be treated by Panacea and tossed back out to fight.

Vista was initially to run support of Panacea, and help bring people to and from her tent, but as she got there, the outskirts of the support tent was being hampered by crazed Asians.

Oni Lee also made an appearance in the beginning, but was pulled away for another skirmish elsewhere. This made it worse for people, because he released a bandoleer of grenades into the crowd of PRT Agents, and Vista witnessed the atrocity from within the van she was in.

Once she exited, however, her position was peppered by gunfire from the nearby buildings. She was stuck, and she wished she had Fluffball to hold and pet.

"Vista! Hang on, we'll— SHIT!" Assault called out as three flood lights were turned on the building near her, only to have two of the lights get shot out. More gunfire sprayed down on her position as though they were actively trying to kill her, and she didn't know what to do.

Her mind was racing, her heart beating too fast, and she was starting to hyperventilate. Everyone thought this zone would be the safest, what with the concentrated protection detail centered around the area. However, that just painted them as the greater target!


Off to the west, she heard it again. A great explosion was happening away from their position, but it rocked many off their feet. A cloud of dust was pushed in their direction, and Vista felt herself being lifted and carried away.

Glancing up, she saw the scratched red armor of Assault, but also saw dirty blood streaks down his temples. She blinked, then widened her eyes before a coughing fit slammed them shut. A cloud of dust and dirt had rolled through the tented area, and when she pealed them open, she found herself being given a damp hand towel and told to wipe her face.

Complying, Vista breathed better and tossed the cloth aside in order to find something to do. It was going to be a long morning, and they needed all hands on deck. Even if her hands were smaller than everyone else's, she was going to help.


Lung was stubborn, but I had time. In my world of white, where I reigned supreme, I knew he would eventually give up. Unfortunately, I only had Knowledge, but not the Eyes to see the River of Time.

He raged and howled in his desire to escape, focusing first on trying to damage my body, but I would not let him.

He then tried to push at the doors of the Gate, but they refused to move.

He finally tried to attack the sculptures, but one by one they grinned and laughed at his vain attempts at being released from this white world.

"Kenta of Japan," he flinched at the name, "you cannot leave without bargaining with me. If you desire life, I shall grant it. If you desire death, it shall come to pass." I stretched out my right hand, pointing directly at his chest, "You cannot leave without giving up who you once were. So give it up, and let us continue onward."

He raged again, trying to fight back, trying to grow in power, but again, this was my Domain of Truth. Without understanding it, no one could leave freely...

So why could I come and go if I didn't understand it?

The answer came to me, and I knew it was true. It was because I had a subconscious understanding of it, but not a conscious one. I would need the latter in order to gain the final level, but I didn't know where to start.

"Release me!" Lung growled, his balled fists stopping a few inches away from my face. "If you do not, then—"

"Then what, O Kenta of Japan, Dragon of Kyushu, Lung of Brockton Bay?" He flinched at each name, "You cannot hurt me as I am now, and you would never survive if you plied your might against me outside. You would die, and we would return to this song and dance once more."

I looked within him, and saw his Truth. He grew up on Japan, triggered there, and fought Leviathan. He was strong enough to repel him, but not before half the island sank into the waters. Whereas the other half was turned to ash and dust by a giant monkey creature.

Kenta fled to the United States with others, and came to Brockton Bay where he set himself up as a warlord with a slice of paradise. A paradise that was crawling with capes that tried to take what he claimed as his, but they were repelled by him and his until all that was left was just a minor peaceful world away from his past.

"You are struggling, Kenta. You struggled for your slice of happiness, but now you can't have that anymore."

"What would you know?" He growled, taking another deep breath and released only air in my direction.

"You are perceived to be dead by everyone and anyone. You were disintegrated by a beam of light so that only your legs remain. People saw you die. I know, because I witnessed it all. If you returned, you would be killed or treated like a madman. And I know your pain of struggle, because I have struggled and will continue to struggle for my slice of paradise. It is inevitable, but that doesn't mean I have to struggle alone. Just as you no longer have to struggle any further."

"What are you—?"

I walked over to him, and placed a hand upon his head and chest. "You are no longer Kenta of Japan, but Ryu of the Bay." Behind me, my Gate rumbled open to reveal the vertical eye. He was frightened by the gaze, and tried to move to retreat from the multitude of hands that reached out to grab onto his body, but I didn't let him.

This was my Domain of Truth, and if I didn't allow something to happen, then it didn't happen. However, if I desired for something to happen, it wouldn't happen if it involved a person. They had to be willing, but I saw a curiosity within Kenta and acted upon it before it was quelled.

"You are the first of many to come, but will hold the title of First Seeker, and will lead many under you. You will be their teacher, to help seek out their specialty. Do you understand?"

Blue lightning flickered around my fingertips, arching inside his body as it sought to repair the hidden damages within his mind. Of which caused him to stiffen, his eyes widened, and his fingers danced while he silently screamed while I repaired his damaged mind.

Whereas within my own, a slot was taken over, giving me the image of a brain devoured by a dragon. It made me wonder about it, and I knew that if I gave it to someone that hadn't Triggered, it would Trigger them to be Draconic in nature. They wouldn't be like Lung, but something close to it.

I needed to test this. Perhaps on someone I could control...

"I..." His body relaxed, shoulders slumped, and eyes cleared up as he slowly glanced into my eyes with clarity for the first time in who knows how long. "...do." The tiny hands gripped him then, pulling him into the eye where the door slammed shut behind him.

What he saw was his own Truth, something I wasn't privy to, and when he exited, there were fresh tattoos on his body. Instead of dragon themes, his body was etched in transmutation circles. There was one atop his crown, beneath his long hair, a large one on his chest, a second on his back, one on each shoulders and elbows, upon the palms of his hands, his outer thighs, knees, and tops of his feet.

His palms, feet, and chest were connected and contained the Transmutation circles for fire and its creation and control. It allowed him to conjure sparks that could be mixed and expanded upon in the air around his body, while he could use his hands and feet to direct its output.

Upon his back, spread out like a spiderweb which connected his crown, elbows, knees, and thighs, was the circle of Body Modification. With it, he was able to become something other than Human. Upon his thighs was something that would grant him the properties swift healing, but it was less effective than his past healing. The circles upon his elbows and knees, while connected to the circle upon his back, transformed his limbs along with the rest of his body. Finally, while connected to the crown of his head, he was able to change himself fully, but keep his humanity.

He then stood before me, knelt onto the ground, and bowed just as his own Gate constructed itself with its own Tree of Knowledge in a language that was both difficult and easy to understand.

Once he was finished bowing, but still kneeling, he asked, "Master. What is your bidding?"

I grinned, "I shall introduce you to my children, but be warned, the names Kenta of Japan, the Dragon of Kyushu, and Lung have ceased to exist. A large laser has wiped his body from the face of the earth, and there is only you. You are Ryu of the Bay, First Seeker of the Truth.

"Do you understand?"

"Yes, my Master," he bowed once more.

"You should probably not call me 'Master' unless we're away from my children." He cocked his head in confusion. "My eldest is aware of sexual pets. I don't desire for him to hear you speak that word, and have my youngest asking questions."

"Then, Master, what shall I call you?"

"Babylon. Call me Babylon."


Kenta, now Ryu, was... different, and I struggled to remember why. Everything in my Domain of Truth was so surreal, like I knew everything there was to know, but outside? I only knew what I knew, and had to turn to Guide for answers. Such as why Ryu was so different from the hotheaded Lung.

Answer: A part of your power to restore bodies has recognized the trauma of Ryu's brain, and his Trigger Event, to be damage. Therefore, it removed said damage and created a blank slate to grow from. The entity that made up Lung no longer exists. Fully.

"So what would happen if I get a hold of another cape and healed them? Would the same occur?" I blinked at the explanation, curious of my own power.

"Master?" Ryu was curious as we exited the cellar, but I tapped my temple.

"I've a Thinker power that tells me the answer of any question. I'm trying to understand the answer."

Answer: A Flash Heal would result in a full reconstruction of the body. If you were to continue to ply your healing onto their body, then the result will be similar to Ryu. A blank slate.

"Oh, that's quite neat, I—"

WARNING: If you tread down this path, all will come to resent and revere you.

"Hmm," my finger tapped against my cheek in thought as the two of us approached the back door, causing Ryu to grow increasingly curious. "Ryu? Do you remember your time as Lung? Do you regret it, or wish to return to that life?" I had paused by the door, then glanced back to see him wearing what looked like a loincloth made up of the tattered remains of his jeans. Whereas the area around it, as well as his arms and legs, were covered in fine, green scales with grey, leathery skin along the inner portions. "Gonna have to get you some clothes once we get inside."

"Thank you, M—" I held up a finger with a raised eyebrow, "Babylon, sir. And to answer your question, I do remember it, and I don't desire to return to it. I was angry back then, holding a desire for control over my world. I even participated in many, many events which damaged the minds of many women.

"So no, sir, I don't desire to return to my past. What I want is to keep moving forward to understand my Truth in this world."

"Good answer," I clapped his shoulder, feeling the hard scales and muscles beneath. "Now, let's get you inside. I'm afraid I don't have much to offer in terms of food and drink. So I hope you're okay with preserved sweet breads like Twinkies."

"Anything is fine, sir," he smiled as we entered the house, and found a pair of Daniels staring at us.

"One of you go tell Daniel to bring Rick down here. I'll be introducing this one," I held out a hand to Ryu, "to the to of them. He'll be staying with us for a while until he has his own place, and we'll be needing to figure things out going forward."

"Rick is still asleep," one of them chimed in, but I shook my head.

"Be that as it may, he's still nee—"


There was an explosion resounding around us, though it was muffled, it still shook the house. One of them left to head outside in order to find the source, whereas I heard the whimpers of my youngest and reacted by surging up the stairs to his room. Here, I saw a pair of Daniel clones with their hammers out while the original held his brother close. Of whom was mewing softly into his brother's chest as though awoken by a nightmare.

"Father," my eldest nodded his head, nudging Rick toward myself as I approached.

"Dad," he mewed, snuggling against my chest with his tail curled up under him. He held it close, and was shivering a little. "What was that?"

"Something exploded," I began, then heard my eldest breathe in deeply.

"It occurred to the north and west. There is fighting there, but we are unneeded due to the presence of the Protectorate and local capes."

"Which also means," I sighed, "Should we get involved or not? And for how much should we help them with? Basically, how long should we help them, if we head up there. Quite frankly, they can't afford my services." My shoulders bobbed and I held out my hands. "Then there's the fact that they don't know about your cloning ability, Daniel, or my Copycat power. So, I don't want to head out there, but will if you two want to."

"Dad?" Rick's ears were perked and his gaze was on the door, "Who's that?"

"Huh?" Glancing back, I saw Ryu wearing a pair of blue slacks and a red polo shirt. "Right. Boys, this is Ryu. Ryu is someone I've taken under my wing, and has the Alchemy power."

"Like yours?" My youngest's eyes widened, and I ruffled his fluffy hair.

"No, not like mine. He has to clap to start up his power, while I don't need to do that."

"You don't?" His eyes widened and mouth opened in shock.

To demonstrate, I glanced around and only saw his jackets that he made into a little nest, and not much else. Therefore, I focused on the ceiling and asked, "What would you like the ceiling to be? Stars again? Planets, little Rikkors frolicking?" He gasped at the last suggestion, whining and pulling at my hand.

"Alright, alright. Then..." Blue lightning flared around the room while I reached for my memories, fragmented though they were of our last world. While I pulled out the varying creatures, the room itself took on a note of green as vines of wood stretched from the ceiling with green leaves that could easily be used to climb.

The ceiling of the room warped and created a treehouse while pulling the material around it, while the floor itself was transformed to the petrified wood that was similar to the primary floor below. I heard a gasp from my son, and several excited noises while shapes of Forestwind's creations appeared within the walls around us. They were like sculptures within the walls, and I felt a twinge within my non-existent heart that I would need to find my child some playmates soon.

'It'd be better to create them,' I surmised, and it would because I could control them more easily than I could a regular snot-nosed brat.

"There you go, Rick. How's— Woomf!" Rick leapt onto my face, wiggling and hugging it while he squealed, then ran around the room on all fours with his tail wiggling with excitement.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" He crowed rapidly, pawing and feeling the half sculptures in the wall, then tugged on a vine before running up it with, "Climb, climb, climb, climb," then leapt into his treehouse with a, "Piii!" His head popped out, along with his little hands and made grabbing motions toward his jacket-nest. To which the Daniel clones helped him by handing them over while he expressed his gratitude for the assistance.

"Adorable," Ryu commented.

He was awarded with a, "Nyo! I'm fluffy!"

"Yes Rick, you're fluffy," I smirked, already knowing what his response was going to be.

"Yiis, I'm cute."

This response left our newest addition confused, but I just shook my head, "He'll never recognize himself as cute, adorable, and so on. If you call him 'fluffy', only then will he say he's cute."

"Piii!" There was rustling in the treehouse, and I motioned for Ryu and Daniel to follow, with the latter leaving two of his clones to stay with his brother.

Within the kitchen area, I thought of something. 'Am I even able to add material from nowhere to add onto what I desire?'

Answer: No. Although you can create Philosopher Stones from nothing, creating matter from nothing is an impossibility without having other powers.

I hummed, garnering the attention of the other two. 'Does anyone on Earth Bet have the ability to create matter from nothing? And who?'

Answer: Yes. The closest cape from your position of Brockton Bay that can create matter is Kaiser, Civilian ID Max Anders.

"Shit," I cursed, then snapped my fingers. 'Does Anders still want his kid to Trigger? And would he seek outside assistance?'

Answer: Max Anders still desires to have his child to experience a Trigger Event. He may accept outside assistance if given an agreeable exchange.

"Yeah, but that's the trouble," I sighed with a shake of my head.

"What trouble?" Daniel frowned, his hand flexing as though to summon his hammer at any point. Glancing over, I saw the two preparing themselves as though they expected a breach from anywhere, but I shook my head.

Blue lightning flew across the petrified wood, pulling some of the material up as they were molded into four chairs and a round table. The ground itself was stretched in some places, but as long as I don't take too much of it, there would still be plenty of flooring. Though... "I could just take the earth and change it into stone, possibly marble, and shape the petrified wood into necessities... Couldn't I?"

Answer: Yes.

My left eye twitched at the unprompted answer, and I moved on toward something more pressing. "Ryu requires food, water, and sleep... Wait a second... Sit down you two, I need to ask Guide."

I heard Ryu asking a question just as I asked within, 'Guide. Of all my powers that I could grant, use, or trade, why wasn't Endbringer, Truth, and Resurrection on those lists?'

Answer: Truth and Resurrection require a combination of powers to use. It is impossible to give another a copy of Truth without Negentropy and Omniscient, therefore they can only have their own version. While it is possible to grant them the powers to be combined into Resurrection, the host would need to give up much of themselves to obtain it.

'And Endbringer?'

Answer: To become an Endbringer, one must give up the very foundation that makes them Human. All organs, blood, and bones would be pulled into the center to create a core. The Shards that were connected to the Warrior would be removed. They would cease being themselves.

Statement: You can impart the Endbringer power to others.

Statement: You can remove Endbringer from others.

He went silent, and my Reconstruction power flared, filling a slot with the image of a man clutching their head from a debilitating migraine. Whereas I rubbed my temples with a sigh, then digested his words.

Within my mind was the board of powers I could give, grant, and use. From the use and grant side of things, I saw Alchemy, Soulmate, Redistribution of Pain, Puella Magi Homura Magika, and now Endbringer joined the list. Whereas on the grant and trade side of things were Astral Projection and Tinker- Blueprint Specialty.

From what he told me, I can't give people Truth, but they can still get something similar to a minuscule version of it. Their Shard, it seemed, needs to have the Negentropy aspect in order to gain Truth, but they also needed to have something called Omniscient, too? I seemed to have that power, so why couldn't I impart it?

Answer: You only have access to Level 1.

It seemed I would need a higher level, and I sighed, but Endbringer. Could I make Endbringers with this power of mine? Is that what Guide was saying?

Answer: Yes.

My eyes were narrowed as I sat down, glaring at the center while the other two waited. 'If that's so, then I need to keep quiet about this, even from my own children. To keep them safe from people like the Fallen. Because if those freaks find out I can make Endbringers... Whoo boy, Brockton Bay would be in SO much trouble...

'Would I be able to... No. I wouldn't be able to control them. Less if they turned psychotic after the transformation.'

"Fuck me," I leaned back, staring at the ceiling.

"Father? Is something the matter?"

"Yes, no, I dunno anymore, Daniel." Another sigh escaped my throat, and my eyes turned to my first Seeker, "Ryu out of everyone present, you're the only one that requires food to eat, water to drink, and a toilet to shit in." He blinked with confusion. "Rick requires sleep like you do, and later, I'll be asking you a very important question. Not now, obviously. I need to figure out how much we can trust you.

"For now, though, I think we should decide on what to do. Such as, help the Protectorate north of the city, or not? Thoughts?"

"You are angry with them, are you not, Father?" Daniel asked while Ryu pondered.

"In all honesty, yes, but that's only because we're from a different society than they are. Here, they want groups, structures, and the like. Back home, it was less unless people came together with purpose. Or if you joined the military. Things like that.

"The Protectorate feels like a cult, to be honest. 'Follow me', 'Do this', 'Don't do that'. Could even say it's like a militia of some sort, but not as well structured unless there's a crisis or a fight. Only then do you see some militaristic tendencies appearing.

"So my vote's against them. Ryu? Your thoughts?"

"I can only echo what you've already stated. From my personal dealings with them, they're not kind and want only to control the capes of their city. So if you take your family out there, M— sir, you can expect more attempts at bringing you into their ranks."

"Precisely," I shrugged, "Daniel?"

"We've defeated the great Dragon of Brockton Bay. Let them deal with the clean up, because it doesn't concern us as of right now."

I gave him a small smile, knowing that part of his response was because of a desire to protect his brother. Therefore, if Rick wasn't in the thick of whatever was happening up north, then he wouldn't care.

"Okay, then I've another topic, and I'm including you in this one, Ryu." His head tilted with curiosity in his eyes. "In six days, I'm going to start opening a clinic. It's going to be a rather simple one where people get healed based on their injuries, if they're a cape, or how much income they make per year.

"So if a cape comes in with a broken arm, let's say, and they don't have a Brute rating of any sort. Depending on the breaks, it could be anywhere in the market of 100 to 200$. Broken spine? A grand. Legs shot up? Five grand, maybe more dependent upon how long it would take to walk again with natural cellular regeneration.

"A normal person walks in with a cold, flu, anything. If they're homeless, they could get away with it for free. Someone wealthy comes in disguised? They'll have to pay thousands."

"And how would you know if they're in disguise? What would happen if they can't pay?" Ryu asked with confusion in his eyes.

"Simple," I tapped my temple, "I have a Thinker power that lets me know. If it says they're someone else, then I'm upping the charge. However, that was then." Another sigh was released, "Because if this world is anything like back home, then I'm going to be swamped with paperwork, legal fees, and so on. I want it out in a week, and it might take a year before that dream becomes a reality.

"So right now? The only thing I can think of is turning to Medhall for assistance. Unfortunately, is run by the Empire." Ryu's eyes widened at the revelation. "Yeah, but I have a way in. I just have to rustle some feathers and force my way into Max Anders' door, then let my natural charm take care of the rest."

Daniel then snorted, cracking a small smile before it vanished and his face became impassive, but I saw it.

"Hey!" I frowned at my eldest, "I have charm!"

"If that's what you wish to call it, Father." His lips twitched, but relaxed almost immediately.

"Whatever. Ryu, you're coming with me. I'm going to... Guide? Where's Max Anders right now?"

Answer: Max Anders, cape name Kaiser, is currently speaking with Purity, Civilian ID Kayden Anders, in his top floor office of Medhall.

"Thank you, Guide." Turning to Daniel, I gave him a thumbs up while I trudged up the stairs and into Rick's room. Here, he was still scurrying around inside his treehouse, no doubt making the perfect nest for himself. "Hey Rick?" His head popped out, his eyes perked while giving me a curious noise, "I'm going to head out for an hour or two, okay?"

"Where you going?" Rick's eyes were wide and his voice was soft. He was tired, I surmised, probably burnt all of his energy getting excited about his new room.

"I'm going to visit someone about making the clinic I talked to you and Daniel about, and need to copy your power. Is that okay?"

"Okie," he yawned, blinking sleepily while I rubbed his head. "I want chocolate." Another yawn, and I gave him a warm smile while he shivered from my power activating.

"I'll try to find a store that's open. Otherwise, it'll be later, okay?"

"Okie." He scurried back inside, and moments later, we all heard his small snores.


Purity had flown through the air of Brockton Bay many times before, and always felt a lightness to it. That night, however, the air felt cooler and heavier than normal as she flew off toward her ex-husband's place of work, Medhall. The two had a wonderful relationship in the beginning of their time together, but she felt an oozing sensation creep over her heart in the last year.

It was around the time of Aster's birth when she had a dose of clarity. More when she learned that her stepson, Theo, was being bullied by his father's henchmen in order to induce a Trigger Event. Only then did she separate herself from him, snowballing the event into a divorce and a restraining order against him to keep her and her daughter safe. Because, if he was able to Trigger Theo successfully, then he might turn his gaze to their daughter. Therefore, she couldn't and wouldn't allow that to happen to her daughter.

Originally, she was going to clean out the ABB gang held up away from the major fight between the gang and the Protectorate. She desired information of how to deal with the Mad Bomber that was pushing back those capes, but they were able to gain the upper hand when Oni Lee appeared. She realized that if she was to combat them, she'd need structure and stability from a group. Because her methods failed miserably, and she was still dealing with the scars of several different battles before this one.

Therefore, she flew to the highest office window of Medhall, and with a grimace, knocked on the window next to the man she grew to distaste.

Of whom slowly turned, his lips stretching into a grin that caused her body to shiver with disgust. He raised up a glass of what looked like brandy, then downed it before opening a larger window to allow her entry. "Good evening, Kayden. What brings you to me this evening?"

He held out a hand that she didn't take, and walked passed him while her power shrank away to reveal her blonde hair, blue eyed self wearing a torn up bodysuit that was splattered with various substances she couldn't name. It wasn't blood, but it was definitely staining her suit.

She frowned at him, angry that she had to approach Max, of all people, while he smirked and waited with a glass of brandy in his hand. "I—" Her eyes widened as a pair of Human sized dragons appeared in the window, and pointed at the pair.

"What the hell?" Max started, just as an orange scaled dragon started shrinking down while blue lightning stretched around the window. It pulled the glass, that could stop a low level Brute, apart and laid it out like a fragile carpet that extended down to the green carpet that led to the door on the far side of the room.

The orange dragon morphed itself into a man with piercing blue eyes and dark hair, while the other one stayed draconian, even as he changed into a raven haired, black-eyed Asian that stood next to the other. Only when the former was on the carpet, did the blue lightning appear once more, and reformed the window as it once was.

"Evening," he smirked, and Kayden had to wonder, just as Max wondered, who the fuck were these two?

A/N: If people aren't aware, I've put into the Character Sheet a list of what powers my mc can use, grant, and/or trade. I'll be updating it whenever a new power appears in his repertoire, or when one is removed.
Hm. Flash Heal vs. Sustained Heal certainly makes a hell of a difference.

I like how you explained away being unable to share Truth. It even makes sense, they are a combination of powers and perks, they can't just be traded on their own. Endbringer physiology would destroy a person, and simply being able to create matter from nothing without a Stone would break the rule of the Alchemy power. So good on you.

However, I'm worried. Babylon should know how terrible Trigger Events are. He might be detached from it all, having not gone through one to get his powers, but intentionally traumatizing a teenager just to take the resulting powers would drop him into Blue Devil territory if he descends down that path. Using Sustained Heal to cure the mental trauma wouldn't make it okay, and rationalizing it as such would make him no better than canon Taylor. Hopefully Daniel calls him on it.

Now then. Vista. Please let her live. Our resident non-Euclidian Space Chibi deserves to give Ricky boy a hug and plenty of headpats. Now if Ryu (which is a little on the nose, not gonna lie) got involved, he could easily convince Lee to become a seeker of Truth. Except Lee has little left to sacrifice, so...?

Also, FYI, I just started my first Quest on Spacebattles. You gave me just enough confidence to start writing and it's been fun so far. I've never written for fun before and it's exhilarating.
However, I'm worried. Babylon should know how terrible Trigger Events are. He might be detached from it all, having not gone through one to get his powers, but intentionally traumatizing a teenager just to take the resulting powers would drop him into Blue Devil territory if he descends down that path. Using Sustained Heal to cure the mental trauma wouldn't make it okay, and rationalizing it as such would make him no better than canon Taylor. Hopefully Daniel calls him on it.
He's aware of how traumatizing it can be, and I will be putting a moral quandary in the next chapter or two. Because the current thought is to "Trigger" Theo into having powers, but it may turn him into a Seeker (I'm aware that this whole Seeker of Truth deal may turn into a cult and invite the Fallen, by the way). So it's a toss up on whether or not he'll become the next Lung or become an earlier version of Golem.

Now then. Vista. Please let her live. Our resident non-Euclidian Space Chibi deserves to give Ricky boy a hug and plenty of headpats. Now if Ryu (which is a little on the nose, not gonna lie) got involved, he could easily convince Lee to become a seeker of Truth. Except Lee has little left to sacrifice, so...?
Vista's going to live. Originally, she was going to be a playmate to Rick, but he said no, so now I have to slowly push him toward that goal again.
Lee only has his power, and even I wouldn't want to have that as a Granted power to gift to others. If he gave that up to be a Seeker, then it's fine, but Babylon would want to get rid of it as soon as possible due to what the side effects were.

Also, FYI, I just started my first Quest on Spacebattles. You gave me just enough confidence to start writing and it's been fun so far. I've never written for fun before and it's exhilarating.
That's one of the nicest things I've heard today. Will have to check it out.
He's aware of how traumatizing it can be, and I will be putting a moral quandary in the next chapter or two. Because the current thought is to "Trigger" Theo into having powers, but it may turn him into a Seeker (I'm aware that this whole Seeker of Truth deal may turn into a cult and invite the Fallen, by the way). So it's a toss up on whether or not he'll become the next Lung or become an earlier version of Golem.

Vista's going to live. Originally, she was going to be a playmate to Rick, but he said no, so now I have to slowly push him toward that goal again.
Lee only has his power, and even I wouldn't want to have that as a Granted power to gift to others. If he gave that up to be a Seeker, then it's fine, but Babylon would want to get rid of it as soon as possible due to what the side effects were.

That's one of the nicest things I've heard today. Will have to check it out.

Aw. Well at least the kids are gonna be fine. Lee's power being shit is the only reason I can see him just giving it up. Sustained Heal would bring back the man he was, which you can define yourself. And yeah, moral questions are the best questions.

So what do you think of my writing? Did I do good so far? I've never done this before so I kind of rushed a bit. You wouldn't believe the amount of pages I wrote for the notes alone.
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'Does anyone on Earth Bet have the ability to create matter from nothing? And who?'
Answer: Yes. The closest cape from your position of Brockton Bay that can create matter is Kaiser, Civilian ID Max Anders.
HOLD THE PHONE if what was said here is true and their is a shard that apparently has the ability to make something from nothing then why didn't the entities study it when it was part of them because while they maybe idiots they are idiot savants?
HOLD THE PHONE if what was said here is true and their is a shard that apparently has the ability to make something from nothing then why didn't the entities study it when it was part of them because while they maybe idiots they are idiot savants?

The way he does it is the way all matter generation powers work - pulling from alternate Earths. Kaiser isn't creating matter. He's generating matter. Even if he was, this alone wouldn't be enough to solve Multiversal Entropy. It'd be a step in the right direction, but infinite metal wouldn't be enough to stop the heat death of the multiverse. Hell, it's not like the Entities don't know how to affect Entropy - Stilling is basically a weaponized form of it.
HOLD THE PHONE if what was said here is true and their is a shard that apparently has the ability to make something from nothing then why didn't the entities study it when it was part of them because while they maybe idiots they are idiot savants?
Technically, Babylon is able to create matter from nothing with the help of a Philosopher Stone. Reason why he's not doing so now? He hasn't thought of it, nor asked Guide. Then there's Man of Steel, he's the one that's 100% able to make matter from anything, if you've seen his character sheet: Biomass Generation (Alter self with Self-Biokinesis. Not limited to matter within own body. Can create matter from nothing). As for Kaiser, it's as Emmelmpau had stated. Kaiser is pulling metal from alternate universes, but with a Level 1 Guide, Kaiser is the next best thing.

So what do you think of my writing? Did I do good so far? I've never done this before so I kind of rushed a bit. You wouldn't believe the amount of pages I wrote for the notes alone.
Keep using your notes, keep the wikis open at all time when you need references. Would suggest finding a forum on here, SB, or a writing discord/reddit thread that's about story structure and flows, and grammar if you've difficulties in that area. Everyone has their style, and you seem to have one already.
As for if I like it or not. I do, and I'll keep reading it. I don't form an actual opinion until the fifth or tenth chapter of a story. So far, you have four.
AU Timeline
A/N: So. I have no internet, and am stuck with a crappy hotspot until this Tuesday, the 20th. It's kind of hard to do my regular research, and while coming up with the Neutral character's stuff with my brother's input, I realized that there's just WAY. TOO. MUCH. INFO to go through. So you guys are getting this, as opposed to a standard interlude.
Which basically means that I grabbed the Timeline from Worm Wiki, and transformed it into an AU of what's been happening in this world.
Also, the neutral character is on the Character Sheet page, if people are curious.




Above the Kansas sky came a meteor containing the first Parahuman, and explodes outside of Kansas City.

The person is stark naked, but the body is mechanical in nature.

It is reported that this was the first and only time they spoke in the singular, claiming Kansas as "my kingdom".

Shots are fired upon the person after they made such a declaration, and promptly tore into several cars in order to make the first of many mechanical soldiers.


The Golden Man, called Zion/Scion is found loitering above the ocean in front of a ship.



Kansas City, Kansas fell to the might of the now dubbed Machine Empire. Their leader calls themselves "Me'lepha'san'ala'drax", but allows the lesser known lifeforms call them "Melephas".

Anyone who dares to butcher the name further was cut down regardless of where they stood. No matter the distance, but only if they heard the person call them by something other than what they already established.


The Machine Empire becomes the new focus of the world, as the USA, Canada, and even the NATO allies sought to end the threat on US soil.

Deployment of the first Spiderbot is recorded. Was regarded as the Vanguard of the Machine Empire, and the mobile throne of Melephas.

Reports of people going about their daily lives within Kansas City proved factual. A standing army of robotic entities fills the streets, but no harm comes to the residents. Non-residential people report to be followed and watched by the entities.


Wichita and every land to its north and east, within the bounds of the state, had fallen under the sway of the rapidly deployed Machine Empire.

A standing army was seen within the city, and Melephas is seen heading westward.


The US and her allies sought a pincer maneuver to retake Kansas City by coming through Iowa and Missouri.

The deployment fails.

Pods containing dozens of robotic entities fell from the sky within the outskirts of the city, while long distance artillery strikes rains down upon the locations of key personnel, generals, strategists, and supply convoys.

The medical tents were also a target, and it was realized then that Melephas was merciless toward every perceivable enemy. Those who surrendered were gunned down. Those who fled were shot. The wounded, executed.

Only the citizens of Kansas were given treatment.


Ronald Reagan launches a nuclear missile on US soil, targeting Kansas after being persuaded by staff members.

The Golden Man, Scion, intercepts the nuclear arsenal, sending it hurtling toward the sun.

Three artillery shells land within the property of the White House. The first within the middle of the Oval Office; the second within the bed where the president sleeps; and the third is found within the nuclear bunker right next to the elevator.

The message is clear.



Superpowered citizens of the USA rose up and fought against Melephas, seeking to retake Kansas and give it back to the President. While Reagan didn't encourage their actions, he didn't condone it, either.

His Vice President begins to supply these people in secret.


George H. W. Bush is assassinated. An artillery bombardment fell onto the White House, destroying the building completely, and slew approximately 200 other people.

A declaration of independence was released to the public: Kansas is its own country now.

Citizens of Kansas were given freedoms. Non-citizens were allowed to immigrate, but has a 10 year staying policy where if they stayed for a decade, they become citizens and will no longer be scrutinized and watched. Whereas superpowered, non-citizens are heavily watched.

The first Kansas Citizenship is handed out to residents of the country.


Me'lepha'san'ala'drax meets Doctor Mother and Contessa, but refuses their offer.

Each of Cauldron's buildings have an artillery shell waiting for them, as well as new holes to be patched.

The message is clear.


Melephas and their country experience revolutionary changes. The citizens within adapt to his policies, and many sought to exploit the regards given to them.

George Brown, a normal citizen, was executed publicly by subverting the system of their ruler, and the laws are changed so that no loopholes could be found.

Superpowered citizens are asked to meet with Melephas, and many reported their powers being duplicated.


The Golden Age of Parahumans officially began throughout the world.

Diseases and cancers began to vanish as rapid development of cures are developed within the country of Kansas. Only the citizens were treated freely; all others have to pay.

Cybernetic enhancements are grafted onto willing Human subjects.


Hero, Legend, Eidolon, and Alexandria meet with Doctor Mother, Contessa, Number Man, William Manton, and Doormaker. Alexandria proposes a government controlled hero team.

Me'lepha'san'ala'drax denies the invitation.


Vikare dies, ending the Golden Age.


Wichita is transformed into a living, mechanical city, resembling a trapdoor spider awaiting prey.

The Giga Cannon is created within the center of the city.



Behemoth first appears, attacking Marun Field of Iran.

The Giga Cannon is test fired. Although Marun Field is obliterated, Behemoth is able to shake off the damage the massive artillery shell caused.

Loss of life estimated to be in the thousands.



Protectorate and PRT formed.


Kansas is declared a Haven for Inventors and Artificers.


The Church of the Machine Empire is founded in Wichita, Kansas, headed by the fanatics known as Tech Priests.

Each Tech Priest had 65 – 85% of their bodies converted to robotics.



Behemoth attacks New York. Melephas abstains from firing. States that they have not been paid to fire the Giga Cannon.


Behemoth attacks Jakarta. Melephas abstains from firing. States that they have not been paid to fire the Giga Cannon.


The Machine Empire creates R.A.D (Rapid Aerial Deployment) Bombers and begins to sell their creations to the world in case of a Behemoth attack.




Taylor Hebert is born.


Behemoth attacks Moscow.

Russia deploys the Machine Empire's R.A.D Bombers, and pays for an artillery barrage.

The Machine Empire unleash a full barrage on Behemoth, driving it back while robotic troops, equipped with state of the art weaponry, help to repel the creature fully. Once the task was completed, the robots liquefy themselves and the bombers return to Kansas to prevent reverse engineering.


Russia publicly allies itself with Kansas.



Behemoth attacks Johannesburg, South Africa.

Three R.A.D Bombers are deployed in its defense, but are destroyed along with half the city.

South Africa blames Melephas for faulty robotics, and they respond with a shrug.


Melephas creates the Baumann Parahuman Containment Center beneath Kansas City at the behest of the Protectorate, with the stipulation that only Melephas is the sole Warden.


Leviathan first appears, and attacks Oslo, Norway.

No R.A.D Bombers were deployed, and the world is stunned.



Behemoth attacks Cologne, Germany.

Two R.A.D Bombers are deployed, but are destroyed.


Melephas reveals Liberty Prime, a mechanical Humanoid the size of Behemoth, and equipped with an arsenal of weapons.

The first of the Primes are granted to the Machine Empire's ally, Russia.



USA is declared an ally of Kansas, and is granted a Prime.



The USA tries to disassemble their gifted Prime, but it detonates once the core is exposed.

Area 51 is destroyed.

There are not granted a second Prime.



Leviathan attacks Busan, South Korea.

Japan and South Korea launch two R.A.D Bombers each, and South Korea purchases an artillery strike.

The Machine Empire unleashes a half barrage onto the Endbringer, driving it back with the help of the robots deployed.

The robots then melt themselves and the bombers return to Kansas after it was driven back.


Behemoth attacks Buenos Aires.

The Argentinian government purchase a Giga Cannon shell, obliterating the city, and only moderately damaging Behemoth.


The Machine Empire unveils their Rail Cannon to the world.



Uppermost asks for assistance in managing the NEPEA-5 bill which sought to curtail Parahuman involvement in business and media. The PRT declined, and the Tech Priests step forward to offer assistance. Although unsuccessful, many of Uppermost emigrated to Kansas, leaving the rest to form other groups or join the Protectorate.


Leviathan attacks Sydney, Australia, and the Machine Empire sent a test barrage of titanium spears into the Endbringer. The spears pierced its body, causing it to scream and flee before more damage could be done to either side.

This marked a success against one of the creatures.


Scion dons the white bodysuit.


Behemoth attacks Ankara, Turkey, and The Machine Empire tests their Rail Cannon against the Endbringer, to no avail.

Iraq and Egypt send a R.A.D Bomber each to assist in the defense of the capital, but are destroyed.


A meteor carrying Saiyan explodes in the center of Tokyo, Japan. She goes on a rampage and, reportedly, ends up fighting both Black Kaze and Lung within the first two days. Upon the third day, something escalates her into becoming a giant ape just as Leviathan makes an appearance.

The Japanese government purchase a Giga Cannon shell, knowing full well that it would obliterate their nation, and a barrage from the Rail Guns.

The spears find their mark, pinning both Endbringers down just as Lung is reportedly ramping up to fight the two, but as the shell from the Giga Cannon neared the island, the giant ape broke free and smacked the shell toward China, obliterating much of the eastern land.

This, in turn, causes Leviathan to break free long enough to sink the southern half of Japan, while the ape destroys the upper half.


Brockton Bay Brigade unmask themselves and become New Wave.


Behemoth attacks Lyon, France. The French and neighboring countries respond by sending R.A.D Bombers, and driving back the Endbringer, which then cause the remaining robots to melt and the bombers to return to Kansas.


The Chilean government begs for aid while the ape-like Endbringer rampages throughout the country, destroying lives, homes, and plantations.

Peru sends two R.A.D Bombers, but they are destroyed.

Chile is in ruins.


Saiyan makes an appearance in Kansas, and causes a commotion that brings out Me'lepha'san'ala'drax from their throne room.

Saiyan tries to fight the Tinker, but fails to grasp that she has been rendered powerless.

She is forced to flee, and somehow escapes. Once outside of Kansas, her powers return, and she rampages throughout Oklahoma and Texas toward Mexico.

Me'lepha'san'ala'drax is perceived to be the first Non-Protectorate cape to issue a Kill Order on the Endbringer. The total bounty equating to 10 trillion USD.



The Siberian Incident occurs.


Leviathan attacks Naples, Italy. The Italian government purchase an artillery strike on the Endbringer, while they send out an R.A.D Bomber, but it is destroyed.


For the first time since its founding, Me'lepha'san'ala'drax leaves Kansas, flanked by twenty Tech Priests, and over 100 of their personal guard. All to attend the funeral of Hero.



Nilbog takes over Ellisburg.


Three PRT squads and the Toronto Protectorate invade Ellisburg. Only Thomas Calvert and Emily Piggot survive. The Protectorate flee.

Ellisburg is quarantined, Nilbog is branded as an S-Class threat, and the New York Protectorate, along with the Governor after gaining permission from the US President, George W. Bush, purchase a Giga Cannon Shell.

Ellisburg is no more.


Behemoth attacks Vanderhoof, B.C., Canada. The Canadian government deploy three R.A.D Bombers, but they are destroyed.


Saiyan attacks New York, but is repelled by Legend and the local capes.


Leviathan attacks Hyderabad, India. The Indian government purchases the services of the Rail Gun.

The Endbringer is pushed back.


Saiyan targets Legend, but is repelled by Alexandria and Eidolon.


Behemoth destroys Lagos, Nigeria.


PRT expands into Canada.


Leviathan and Saiyan fight one another and destroy Shanghai, China.


Behemoth attacks Bogotá, Columbia. The Colombian government sends three R.A.D Bombers, but are destroyed.


Simurgh appears over Lausanne, Switzerland, and screams, dementing the entire population.


Simugh brainwashing declared incurable.

Switzerland government purchase a Giga Cannon shell.

Lausanne is no more.


Melephas unveils Toy Box. A group of Kansas citizen Tinkers who are able to grant others temporary powers and technology for the right price.


Leviathan and Saiyan fight one another in Seattle Washington. The president purchase an artillery barrage on Leviathan, while local capes attack Saiyan in the hopes of gaining the ten trillion dollar bounty.


Danny Hebert, frustrated with his government, Triggers and becomes The Rat King.


Simurgh attacks Kansas.

Me'lepha'san'ala'drax orders everyone in their country to attack the Endbringer, creating a lightshow of unimaginable power to fly up and strike the angelic creature, forcing her to retreat just as quickly as she descended.

Me'lepha'san'ala'drax swears to end Simurgh for daring to come to their land.


Behemoth attacks Lyon, France once again, targeting the nuclear reactors.

France deploys all six of their R.A.D Bombers, but they are destroyed along with the city and nearby countryside.



Me'lepha'san'ala'drax unveils a ground-to-space missile that can be deployed once every three to five months.

It's target? Simurgh.


Me'lepha'san'ala'drax test fires the missile, sending it straight toward the Endbringer who shields its body with its wings at the last minute.

The end result? A success. The angelic Endbringer appears wounded, but another missile will take three to five months to prepare due to the resources necessary.


The countries of Russia and Kansas have been deemed a married couple by the media, due to their close relationship with one another in the building of what has been dubbed the Missile of the End Project.

The US officials grow nervous, and demand to be a part of the project.


Saiyan tries to enter Kansas again, but was tarred and feathered by Me'lepha'san'ala'drax, who then tied her to a pole, and had the cybernetically enhanced children to beat her for a time.

She is fired from a cannon out of his country.


The world wonders why there hadn't been another attack from the Endbringers all year.




Man of Steel makes his first appearance from a fog bank in front of Andrew Richter's home.

He unwittingly unleashes Dragon too early upon the world.


Leviathan attacks Newfoundland, Canada, and the defense was spearheaded by Man of Steel, who displayed his Changer capabilities that blew away the left side and tail of the Endbringer.

Andrew Richter's home is destroyed, but the man is rescued.


A man emigrated to Kansas, claiming to have amnesia after surviving the fight against Leviathan in Newfoundland.

He is tested by the Border Patrol, and is discovered to be a Tinker.

He is given the name Lyle Connors when it was discovered that his power revolved around Coding. Specifically, AI.

Me'lepha'san'ala'drax copies his power.


Lyle Connors takes on the name Architect, and is given an honorary citizenship to Kansas.


Dragon infects the world, draining Swiss bank accounts from high profile politicians.


Dragon threatens to unleash the world's nuclear arsenal upon themselves if they don't sever their ties with Kansas.


Architect and Me'lepha'san'ala'drax defend their country's digital space by creating an AI that could match Dragon.


The Machine Empire bombards Simurgh, believing her to be the reason why the other two Endbringers are becoming more and more coordinated.


Traps are laid within the servers of the Machine Empire, in the hopes of catching Dragon if she tries to, once again, attempt to sabotage their country.


Saiyan targets Alexandria, and shapeshifts mid-fight into her Endbringer form.

The local capes fight harder against the Endbringer, each desiring the reward money.

Fights break out due to their greed.


The Slaughterhouse 9 pay a visit to Kansas for the first time.

They receive a volatile welcome, and are forced to fight while retreating, much to the joy of Crawler.

Only Crawler, Mannequin, Siberian, and Bonesaw have been reported to survive the battle.


Architect reported the death of Dragon, the malicious AI, and promised that it would no longer harm the world.


The Boston Games occur, resulting in the Governor of Massachusetts deploying an R.A.D Bomber to assist the local capes.

Saiyan appears during this event, and rampages throughout the city.

Fleur is murdered and the Unmasking Movement ends.


Jamestowner attacked a convoy carrying a nuclear supply.

He is, in turn, repelled by R.A.D Robots meant to protect the convoy until it reached its destination.



Lung tries to recruit Saiyan, demanding that she subvert herself to him.

She laughs and the two fight, leading their brawl toward the Docks where Danny Hebert worked.

He joins in on the brawl, his anger getting the best of him, and his powers hone in on the two that forced Saiyan to shapeshift into her ape form, and for Lung to accelerate his transformation.

The result knocks Danny away, causing him to fall into a coma.

Annette Hebert Triggers and becomes The Raven Queen.



Toybox unveils a Tinker Tech that can be replicated by all: Containment Foam.


Taylor Hebert accidentally discovers Shadow Stalker's civilian identity during a Protectorate run function.

The two become friends.


Alan Barnes is murdered in front of Emma.


Taylor and Sophia begin to bully Emma.


Simurgh finds the lull period between Me'lepha'san'ala'drax's attacks, and descends upon Madison, Wisconsin.

The Endbringer uses a Tinker power, copying Professor Haywire's technology, and breaking through to Earth Aleph and Cauldron. Everything within was transferred into Earth Bet.

The President of the USA deployed a dozen R.A.D Bombers to assist in attacking Simurgh, but were destroyed.

Simurgh leaves of her own cognition.

The Travelers imbibe Cauldron vials while Madison is quarantined.


The Travelers leave Madison.


The Giga Cannon targets Madison.


Doctor Mother and Contessa meet with, and try to persuade Me'lepha'san'ala'drax into joining hands with Cauldron.

They are denied while others hear, "This one must remind you, Fake, Fraud, once more. You need this one for your plans, but this one does not need you."

Twice more did they try, and found an artillery shell within each of their bases.


The Undersiders are formed, and are recruited by Coil.

They are then used to capture Taylor Hebert, where he performs unspeakable horrors while attempting to bring Annette Hebert under his thumb.


Cheshire is added to the Undersiders


Annette Hebert is outed and proven to be the cape called Raven Queen.


The Raven Queen is deemed a Villain within the Protectorate's databases.


Annette is able to bring the PRT and Protectorate to her side and capture Thomas Calvert, aka Coil.

Coil is Birdcaged for what he had done with Taylor in the last two months.


Annette purchases the services of a Tinker/Master named Hypno, who was a citizen of Kansas and a local Tech Priest from the Boston chapter of the Church of the Machine Empire.

Taylor's memories are suppressed.




Taylor is accidentally shoved into a locker full of feminine refuse. She remembers the suppressed memories of being in the hands of Coil, and Triggers.


Shadow Stalker is killed in an apparent attempt at stopping a mugging.


Hypno's services are bought once more, as is a Geas.

Taylor's memories are suppressed once again, and she is given the Unconscious Geas of being a "Good Girl" to her parent.



The Undersiders now work for the Raven Queen.


Taylor debuts as Insect Queen.


Simurgh attacks Canberra, Australia.

The Australian Government deploys eight R.A.D Bombers to the city's defense, but they are destroyed.

Canberra is quarantined.

A Giga Cannon shell has been purchased while the barrel points toward the city.


And what does he look like, you might ask?
He looks like Doom, because why not?
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Chapter 7: 9 April 2011
A/N: Took a week, but here it is! Another chapter! Just be warned, there's mentions of trauma in here.
Writing a scene like this was difficult because Kaiser is such a character in any story. So trying to capture his personality was a difficult venture. Hopefully I got it somewhat.

Ryu had changed. No longer was he Lung of Brockton Bay, not since he died and was reborn. Now he was just... a man living with a newfound purpose.

After he passed through the Gate, he saw the Truth of the world, and he didn't like what he saw at all. There was a bleak and desolate future ahead of them if they didn't band together to stop Scion and prevent the coming Apocalypse. But... the world didn't work like that.

People had powers, and since the 80's, they saw only greed and destruction.

But, he had Babylon, a deity within the world of Earth Bet. He would follow the man who set him free, until he understood his own Truth in the world.

The man's family was also strong in their own right, whereas the small squirrel-like creature was simply adorable and had no right to be in this cruel world. The child, if he could call it that, was such an innocent light, that he felt drawn to protect it. However, his duty was toward Babylon. If he was given the opportunity to protect the child, then he would do so.

For the time being, he was flying in the skies above Brockton Bay, following the Human sized, orange Dragon that was Babylon. He was made aware that Max Anders was Kaiser, and mentally frowned at the thought of his Master being able to unmask anyone with a thought.

Perhaps his Truth was to be an advisor to him? He would need to discuss it with his Master, and make sure he understood that unmasking capes was frowned upon by all. It could also paint a target on him and his family if word got out.

"Graawr," the orange Dragon rumbled at Ryu, snapping him from his thoughts just as they flew toward the Medhall building. If this was truly under Kaiser's control, then the cape was truly awe inspiring, but that awe only went so far. Because he was the leader of the white supremacist group, Empire Eighty-Eight, and he snarled at the recollections involving the group. As well as what they did to his people when they were his people.

And now they were here, in front of the Brute resistant glass where a surprised Kaiser and Purity were glancing their way. Whereas his Master slowly shrank away from being a Dragon, his neck shrinking down while his body reformed.

For a moment, Ryu believed the man was about to fall, and drifted closer to offer his assistance, but saw the blue lightning that was his Alchemy. It stretched across the glass, pulling it toward them just as Babylon returned to his original self. He beckoned him, and the two stepped onto the glass while the Dragon-man shifted his head to a normal Human's just as they stood in a musty, lemon scented room full of book shelves lining the wall, a wooden floor, and a green carpet that extended from a pair of double doors to the oak desk.

Once they stood on the floor, the glass righted itself back where it was before, and Babylon raised a hand in greeting, a smirk playing on his lips. "Evening."

"Who in the fuck are you?!" The woman's body flared as she became a shining white beacon and outing her as Purity, just as his Master appeared next to her in a split second. His hand was atop her head, and her power faded away while she clutched at her skull and groaned in pain.

"Enjoy the migraine," he smirked down at her, "And be a dear, don't bother us while the Adults in the room are speaking." She snarled something in response, causing the man to laugh out, "You try that, and see what happens. Oh, and did you know? You're bleeding in... two places. Your side," he pointed at a spot on her body, then to her face, "and your nose. Looks internal, so you should probably get that fixed soon. It's probably a lacerated kidney, so I'm amazed you can still function. Unless, of course, you still have adrenaline pumping through your veins... Hmm..."

"And you are?" Max Anders called out, already pouring himself a glass of brandy while sighing at the scene.

Ryu could feel the air becoming heavier, and he crossed his arms to wait and see what happened. Only then would he act, because he was still confused as to why he was here in the first place.

"Oh, right," Babylon's fist hammered down onto his open palm, "You're the reason why I came here in the first place." He walked over and held out a hand with a small smile.

"You'll forgive me if I don't shake your hand, correct?" He raised an eyebrow, pointing his chin at the groaning Purity who was glaring daggers at the man's back.

"Fair," he shrugged. "Well, I am called Babylon, a cape with a healing ability." Ryu's eyes caught the tiny flinch in Kaiser's hand and throat just as he pulled the glass to his lips to sample the brandy. "I wish for the two of us to get along, where I supply you with certain items that I have, and you help me with getting a clinic up and running by the end of the week."

"Oh?" Ryu had to hand it to the Empire's leader, he was surprisingly calm. "And why should I help you?"

"Have you ever heard of a 'Philosopher Stone', Max?"

"Yes, I have." The glass was put down onto the desk, then folded his hands. "A mythical stone that can turn lead into gold, and produce an Elixir of Eternal Life. A fairy tale, and nothing more. Even those of Toy Box couldn't produce it with their Alchemist Tinkers.

"Why?" He gave a patronizing grin, "Are you stating you have them on your person? That you can make them?" His eyes rolled while his head shook dismissively, "Unless you can prove it, it's a waste of my time, and you can leave."

Babylon grinned and chuckled, "Oh, my dear sir, but I do have one," he produced a red stone, "and my Power allows me to know how to gain the Elixir from it."

Ryu cocked his head to the side, confused, while the blue lightning raced from his fingertips to the floor. There, a cup was formed from the wood, which then stretched itself to meet his open palm. Once there, the floor returned to below their feet, with only a stretch mark to show where the cup came from.

"A simple, wooden cup to show off the liquid," he grinned while blue lightning flared around the wood, "but maybe not."

In Ryu's eyes, he watched as the wood became stone, then marble, then granite, and finally, it slowly shifted toward a crystalline stone that looked oddly like quartz. Of which became clearer, more brilliant, and caught the rays of the desk lamp to show a mirage of color dancing around like a kaleidoscope.

"What is that?" He asked softly, not realizing he spoke until his Master's merriment was upon him.

"Diamond, and a gift to Max here when I'm done using it."

Kaiser scoffed at the words and raised an eyebrow, "Sure it is."

"Sure as rain," he shrugged, "And you can test it in the morning. For now, though." He held out the cup, and produced a red stone from his pant's pocket. "This, Max, is a Philosopher Stone." He tapped the stone onto the lip of the cup, causing it to crack and flow its liquid insides straight into the cup itself. Of which only contained around an ounce of fluid within, and caused the stone to disintegrate once its insides were in the glass. Though, the powder of the shell was also placed inside the liquid.

"Done," his Master exclaimed, and the glass with the red liquid was placed onto the desk where he took a step back.

"And this is?"

"The 'Elixir of Eternal Life'," came the reply with a shrug. "A perfectly digestible fluid that grants perfect healing to anyone who consumes it. The liquid takes a few moments to work once it's consumed, and is a general cure-all for immediate wounds.

"If someone wants to gain the perfect benefit of Eternal Life, then they must bathe in and consume a large quantity of the liquid to gain an extra 100 years of life. More would be about a pool size," he shrugged with his hands behind his back.

To Ryu's ears, it sounded like his Master was reading from a script, and was trying to improvise it. He then wondered if Kaiser knew, too, but after a glance, he didn't believe so.

"So you're trying to sell snake oil?" the man asked Babylon, who shrugged.

"I just opened up your window like it was nothing, or did you forget?" He deadpanned, then walked over to Purity who was still moaning from the painful migraine, but added a groan as she clutched her side and hissed at the added pain. "You have to drink this, young lady."

"Get your filthy hand away from me," she snapped, and regretted the decision to yell, because she also spewed out vomit the color of yellow bile tinged with red.

"Disgusting," he sighed, then waved Kaiser to come join him. "Mind telling her to drink it? Because it'll heal her."

"No." The Empire's leader crossed his arms, "I think I won't."

"Fine. Guess I'm doing it my way." He reached down and pinched her nose closed, causing her to gasp as the glass was shoved up against her lips. The liquid was then poured into her mouth, causing her to splutter and cough, but he held her head onto the floor while another hand clamped onto her mouth to keep the liquid inside of her.

All the while, Ryu's gaze shifted between the scene and Kaiser. Of whom was tensing up, his fingers gripping his arms tight, causing him to wonder what went on in the man's mind.

"Drink it," he heard his Master whisper, "Swallow it, and you'll live to see your daughter again, instead of seeing her be carried by that man you detest more than me." He couldn't see it, but imagined the woman glaring at his Master with as much venom as she could manage before swallowing. "Good girl." Her head was given a pat while he backed away with a grin on his face.

"Three, two, on—"

"GAAAAAAAAAAH!" Purity shrieked while her body arched and spasmed, cracked and pop. There was no lightshow; no dancing motes, just her body moving as the liquid worked its magic, and Ryu was glad his body was already made whole, else he might have been the one going through all of that.

The grin was manic on his Master's face, but vanished just as the sounds coming from the woman stilled. He then turned around to Kaiser with a motion that indicated he should go check on her. The other man frowned and walked over, pulling on a pair of latex gloves and turning her onto her back.

While he did so, Babylon turned to show Ryu the smirk that told him he was right in his assumptions, and internally frowned while bowing his head. When he lifted it, he was surprised to see the little squirrel-like creature in his arms being stroked while he cooed and... was that a purr?

The little one tried to speak, but a pair of wooden hands tinged with blue lightning flowed up from the floor where they started moving in quick succession. His little hands moved in response, his body snuggling against the arms before he sighed and squeaked, "Okie. I'll go back, but I want a fantasy story about unicorns and... and giants!" Then he was gone.

The Dragon-man blinked while the hands retracted back into the floor, his Master sighing with a head shake. "Master?"

"Hmm?" He glanced over, "Oh. Don't worry about it. Rick came over because he wanted a story told to him, and I had him leave because of them." A thumb was hooked toward the two E88 capes, and he called out to them, "Are you done with your examination?"

"Quite." The cape stood up then walked toward the pair with some disdain in his eyes toward Ryu. "These stones of yours, and that elixir," his voice was calm, but tinged with desire, "I assume you have more?"

"I can procure them, sure. Five stones to start with, if you're so inclined to begin this partnership." His Master was guarded, but there was something else in the air that made him tense up.

"Perhaps." There was a hunger in Kaiser's eyes while his gaze was on Babylon, and the Dragon-man moved to stand protectively next to him.



An explosion, which sounded far too close, interrupted the conversation and caused his Master's face to scrunch up while a furious frown presented itself upon his lips. The trio moved closer to the window, and saw the eastern side of the Trainyard exploding.

"And here I was thinking about moving to the Market," Babylon sighed with a shake of his head, "Glad I didn't." The other two shook their heads in tandem, and he continued, "Lot of destruction, Max. Lot of people injured or dead. Guessing you have a good business if things like this keep happening?

"So, about my proposal?"

"I would need more than that as an incentive. Five of those stones would be too inadequate. What of 20?"

"How 'bout I give your son powers, instead?" The smirk returned, but his eyes were on the fire and minor explosions popping off in the distance.

Whereas Kaiser's eye were shaken, his hands clenched, but his voice came out calm and steady, "I don't know what you are—"

"A little birdie," he interrupted, the smirk still present on his face, and oozed through his voice, "told me you've been trying to get your son, Theo, to Trigger. I can grant him a permanent set of powers, and will toss that onto the table." A thumb was tossed toward Ryu, "I gave him his Dragon powers, and he knows they're permanent, correct?"

"Yes Master," he bowed his head, then turned to Kaiser, "My Powers come in a set of three. Changer, Brute, and Blaster. I can become a Dragon similar to Lung, I am able to recover from any injury, given time, and I can both produce and control fire." He demonstrated the first and last by activating the Alchemy symbols and sigils on his body in order to fully transform into a green and gold Dragon-man. Ryu then held out his palms to his sides and summoned a Human head sized motes of green flames. These then bobbed and weaved around the room before snuffing out.

"He was given them yesterday," the smirk became a lopsided grin for a moment.

"I don't know who told you this," he snarled, "but it's false infor—"

"Max, Max, Max," his Master's grin became feral, and he believed a Devil had stepped into his shoes. "You want your son to take over, don't you? So you can free yourself from your other life's shackles. Just so you can play CEO of Medhall fully? Perhaps have your wolfish friend help him understand that side of life fully? Maybe the thief? The Bogeyman?

"Surely not the woman, right?" Three pairs of eyes fell onto Purity, who was slowly struggling to sit upright, then glared at everyone. "She's too emotional for what you need, and would try to spoil the ideas needed to set your son in the right direction.

"After all, a boy needs to be like their father designed them to be."

The Devil took a step back to reveal a smirking Babylon who shrugged, "Up to you, when you think about it."

Kaiser's eyes narrowed and shook while he clenched and unclenched his fists. To Ryu, the man seemed to be on the verge of something, but couldn't put his finger on it despite seeing it many times before. Was this... defeat?

He calmed himself as much as he could, then put on a crumbling front. "And then what?" His Master tilted his head slightly. "What do you get out of all of this?"

"Me?" A grin spread across his face as he spun around, and Ryu witnessed the terrible madness in his eyes for a brief moment. The sort of mania he witnessed only once while he was in China...

"I get a deal from you, Max Anders, and I get my clinic. That's all I really want. Whereas you? You get your Stones, five a week, and you get a son with powers. You can even specify what powers to give him." He cocked his head as though listening to someone, "It can only be three. One major, one medium, and one minor.

"So what do you say?" A hand was held out to Kaiser, and he watched as the man grasped it—

Blue lightning immediately flared around them as both of the men's eyes turned white and glowed with an ethereal light. Ryu, believing his master to be in danger, leapt with claws extended, only to find some sort of cylindrical barrier protecting the two.

"You!" Purity's power flared into being, "What did you do to him? You're with the ABB, aren't you?! You took him from me!" She was hysterical, and he didn't know why. However, he couldn't respond fast enough for her liking, and launched a blast of light his way just as his flames flared and burned toward her.

The two powers met with a blast of residual force, causing the area around the two powers' meeting point to warp as kinetic light met alchemical fire in a dance of Push and Shove.


He shook my hand. He. Shook. My. Hand!

I really didn't think he would, and I hated the fact that I had to dance around by overwhelming him until his defenses crumbled. Hell, I had to poke Guide for more information, and found out that he prefers to be in charge, but when not on top, he becomes more cowardly.

Though, to be honest, he didn't show any cowardice, just... something I wasn't sure about. Defeat? I dunno.

We stood within the white world where I was made up of a white, featureless body with a fragmented, black aura surrounding my body. Kaiser, on the other hand, had formed up his layered armor, and I had to wonder if him and Hookwolf had Triggered off of one another at one point. Seeing how the two had similar abilities.

Answer: No. Kaiser, Civilian ID Max Anders, was within the vicinity of his father when he Triggered.

Trigger Events were weird, and I couldn't wrap my brain around it. Which also made me wonder. Did my children and I Trigger, too?

Answer: You only have access to Level 1.


"You!" Kaiser pointed a sword at my face, "Where am I? Where is this? Where's Babylon?! Who are you?!"

"Me?" Once more, my voice came through, but so did the multitude of other voices that were both young and old, male and female. "One name you might call me is the World. Another name is the Universe. Perhaps God, or perhaps even Truth. I am all, and I am one. This also means, that I am you."

"Bullshit!" He spat, "You will release me, or I'll end you."

"You will only get tired, Kaiser. Max Anders. Unless I deem it so, it won't happen. You can keep playing with your powers, but it won't work like you intended, and you won't escape until I get what I want."

My Gate appeared behind me, startling him as it settled in. "What is that?!"

"This?" I threw a thumb at it. "This is my Gate, where I make my deals with mortals like you. You shook my hand, thus, you have a deal to complete with me."

"Lies, you will release me!" He summoned his metal around me, willing them to strike at me. Unfortunately, the metal vanished around my person, and my grin was now present.

"You will only tire yourself, Max Anders," I repeated, "Only after you complete our deal, will you be allowed to leave."

"I will not!"

"Ah. Someone who would renege on a deal?" The Gate cracked open, revealing the darkness within while the ribbon-like hands wriggled and writhed their way out to hover around my person. "Think carefully, Max Anders. You will complete your contract with me. Whether you like it or not.

"If you want your child to Trigger and have powers, then complete it. If not, then you will stay here until you do."

"Purity will get me out of here," he snarled, but it faltered just as I laughed.

"Time flows very differently within my world, Max Anders. If I desire it to slow to a crawl, then it will. If I desire it to speed up until there is only dust, then it will. If I desire it to stop altogether, then it will.

"My world reacts to me and me alone." I pointed a finger at him, "Your fate is already decided. Accept it, or we'll stay here for an eternity while the clock moves only at a snail's pace."

"Then let's see who cracks first!"

I gave him a feral grin and settled down in front of mt opened Gate. My patience was absolute in this space, and my desire for his power only grew as I watched him use it to get his way.

He tried to use his power to trapped me, but it fell to dust because I willed it so. His aim then turned to my Gate, but it absorbed the power like the hungry void that it was. The tactics waned in the first hour as it ticked by, but he would never age, never know hunger, thirst, sleep. Nothing, and it was a true torture to watch, but I was a patient man.

I will wait for him to break down and finish the contract. One he didn't know he signed up for the moment he shook my hand.


Kaiser tried to fight the the so called "God" within the white world during the whole of the first day, and found he was never tired. So he kept it up through the second, third, fourth, fifth. He kept going for ten days straight, but the white man just sat there with that damn fucking grin on his face.

He tried for one more day, but gave up. His people would know something was amiss, and come investigate. They would find the man, this "Babylon", and kill him to release their boss.

That was the main thought, but months trekked on by, and he was losing hope.

No one was coming for him, and he became worried, but never allowed the other man to see his crumbling facade. He was stronger that that, he believed, and would make sure to stay strong in the face of an adversary like him.

But it was crumbling, and fast. His attacks became less and less as the months turned to a year, and knew that his people weren't coming for him.

By the second year, he'd given up on everything, and was always tempted by the grinning man to enter the Gate and fulfill his side of the contract.

Perhaps he should. Perhaps—


What was that? What did he just hear? It was robotic, but alive, and it pulsed through him like an MRI scan.











Year 14 came and went, and Kaiser had already given up hope long ago. By the 15th​ something happened. He felt something stir within his body, but didn't understand what was happening.

It came slowly at first, a single drop of something silvery dripped out of his right eye. Wiping it away only smeared the liquid, and he shrugged it off. Kaiser already went through several bouts of delusional hysteria. What's one more?

He gasped and spat out a glob of silver something, and poked it with his finger. It wasn't covered in saliva, nor bile, but it was definitely "metallic".

Kaiser reached for the glob with his power, and it leapt toward him. In a panic, he tried to tear it away, to fight against it, but it was absorbed.

A coughing fit followed, as well as an intuition that he could feel the metal settling into his body. He could feel it branching away, becoming smaller and smaller until it was microscopic. Only then was he enlightened, and knew he could use the iron within a person's body. He could make it grow like a virus, and transform an entire body into metal for him to use as he saw fit.

There was even a tickle in the back of his mind telling him that he could probably control the body made of metal, too, but he wasn't entirely sure.

But when he approached the white man in his white world, the grin grew ever wider. He knew he didn't have anything within his body, and although the Gate held metallic accents, it was not metal.

"A Second Trigger? To witness such a thing is marvelous, and it only took you 15 years of isolation to gain it."

Kaiser stared. A "Second Trigger"? What was that?

"I can see that you're confused, so allow me to explain in part." The grin never grew or shrank in size, but did gain a hungering desire that caused him to shiver. "Your shard tried to branch out in search of others. It networks, and draws on the information to refine its restrictions and saves its host. It tends to mirror your original Trigger Event, and the result is a lift in restrictions while your power becomes something else.

"Though, there's nothing here for your Shard to latch onto, and I don't have one in this world of mine. Hmm..." The grin vanished for a moment, then reappeared, "A thought for another time, I suppose.

"So. Are you here to bitch and moan, or are yo—"

He launched a series of attacks at the grinning man. His arms becoming long whips of serrated metal as he sought to kill the man. None of which reached him, nor did it even get close to his Gate. Even when he tried to send his limbs under ground to to come up and wrap around his body, trying to strangle him.

Nothing worked, but he was determined to figure out what he could do with this power. Even if it took years.


Time passed for Kaiser, and it was coming up to the 25 year mark when the man transformed his entire body into a metallic statue. He moved every so often, showing me that he was alive, so I sped up time for him. I watched as he twitched and spasmed like a person would when a tape was fast forward, but he collapsed to the ground when it hit the 70th​ year of his isolation.

Had to hand it to him, I didn't expect him to hold out for this long, but a power is a power, and I still wanted his. Only when the dial was turned up to the first century, did he approach me as though he was a crack addict.

His hair was disheveled, his body twitching and his skin fully metalized. His fingers were tipped with claws, with mercury-like eyes that shook from the madness hidden within. There were long rakes in his skin, but they were healing just as swiftly as he was raking into them.

"Just let me out... please?" His voice was shaken like his body, and he was on the verge of another meltdown.

"Complete your side of the bargain, and you may leave," I told him, and he looked at it with hope in his eyes.

He reached out to it, and before his madness could take hold of him to pull him away, the paper thin hands gripped his body, pulling him into the Gate to take away his powers.

And I couldn't wait.


I was courteous enough to give Max a stamp of my Alchemy, and made sure he was able to replicate his original power, but he wasn't going to be a Seeker. He was also healed of his trauma, and would remember it like it was a bad dream. Though, in the slot that the trauma took up, I saw the image of a silhouette against a sun. My power called it "Broken Shard", and I was curious what would happen if given to someone.

Answer: You only have access to Level 1.

Outside of the white world, I was still gripping Kaiser's hand, and let go to take in the surrounding. Here, I frowned and found Ryu's corpse with a massive hole in his chest, and a missing Purity. There were lights of red and blue shining up at the window, causing me to worry somewhat, and I had to wonder how long I had before the doors were busted down.

Answer: You have ten minutes until the police appear in this office.

"Oh joy," I groaned, which was reciprocated by Max as he slumped to the ground. His eyes fell on me for a moment, before rolling back and he feinted.

With a sigh, I drifted over to Ryu and patched up his body, filling another slot with the image of a person with the same hole in its chest. Only then did my Resurrection power flare to life, and I saw an inking black darkness on the other side. One that held my Ryu in suspended animation while the waters slowly ate away at his soul.

Blue lightning flared around his body, causing a mental shriek of something wailing in pain. Whereas I grabbed onto him, and pulled him back into the world of the living.

He gasped for air, then pat his chest to find him whole again. "M-Master? I—"

"Not now, Ryu." My head shook and I pointed toward the lights outside. "We need to leave before the police show up."

"What of him?" A finger was pointed at Max, but I shrugged.

"He's handled them before, and will do so again. Can you fly, though?"

"Yes, Master." His Alchemy flared into being, and his body became a golden Dragon with antlers atop his head, and long whiskers near his snout. I raised an eyebrow, and copied his appearance, much to his amazement. "Master?"

"Not now," I grumbled with his voice, and caused my lightning to twist the Brute resistant glass to twist and pull to the sides of the building. "Come! We must escape. Now!"

The doors to the office were burst down, revealing Battery and a few of the Wards behind her. One of them called out for us to stop, but we leapt out of the building, and flew back toward my home.

Along the way, I searched for Kaiser's power, and found something else. It was called "Emperion Titan", and I asked aloud, "The fuck is a Titan?"

Answer: You only have access to Level 1.
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Poor little shard, punished by association for bonding with a Nazi to the point it became a Titan..... seriously that's all kinds of messed up.
Chapter 8: 9 April 2011
A/N: Another warning. There's a suggestive scene in here. In that people will know what the topic is from the single sentence within this chapter.
I don't condone it.

"It's one thing after another in this city, isn't it?" Renick sighed into his cup of coffee while sitting across from Battery and Miss Militia. The two capes were designated as the team leads for the two events that plagued the city proper for all of the night and early morning. With the first being the Bakuda incursion that occurred within the Trainyard parts up north.

Miss Militia headed that task, but she was inevitably pushed back when the ABB targeted the Market toward the end. Everything north of Fugly Bob's was destroyed, which was called into question until people remembered that Bob was a fat white man. More, Heroes, Villains, and normal people treated it as neutral territory, with many going so far as to protect the property or avoid it.

Then there was Battery's task of responding to a Parahuman attack against Medhall's CEO, Max Anders. She reported that a pair of possibly Case 53's, or Changers, had attacked the man in his office. The two looked like golden scaled, Chinese Dragons, which pointed at the ABB for possible involvement.

Blood was found at the scene, scorch marks, and a warped spot in the floor of possibly someone with a shaker ability. Though what was truly surprising was that Mr. Anders was disheveled, but unharmed. He was found to be feinted next to his desk, and Panacea and a med team was called in to repair and assess whether or not the man had Triggered.

Another surprise, he didn't. The Corona Pollentia and Gemma were not present, so it was possible he was knocked out before hand.

The blood was taken from the scene, but they weren't in charge of that side of the investigation. So it would be some time before they could gain a conclusion as to whose it was.

With another sigh, he continued his thought, "And I hate how draconian we have to address the situation."

The reason for this statement was because he gave an order that would make Tagg smile. In that, he ordered the PRT to block off all major and minor roads going in and out the the ABB's territory. There was a Tinker in there performing mad experiments, and his initial reaction was to wall them off as though they were Simurgh bombed.

Regret filled Acting Director's voice and was ever present on his face. He desired to do right by this city, but having a mad Tinker present had made it difficult. Perhaps he should reach out for— No. That was a stupid idea, and shook his head.

He'll make a call to Boston for assistance later. Having the local Villains and Rogues help would be a mistake, and a stain on his character. They were useful against the Endbringers, but having them interfere with a city's problem when the Protectorate was able to handle it—


A muffled explosion caused the trio to snap out of their mental dredgery, and bring them to the present.

"What was that?" Rennick asked the obvious.

"It's possible that the ABB have started up an attack of some sort," offered Miss Militia, not at all pleased with the thought.

"Maybe," he began with a frown, then flinched as the phone rang. "This is Acting Director Renick."

"Sir!" A male's voice called out as though still in a battle, "It's bad, sir! PRT HQ was hit by a bomb from a passing motorist! We need assistance!"

He hung up, then glanced at the two women in his office. "Well? Hop to it! Go figure out what happened at the PRT office!"

They saluted and left, leaving him to drink his coffee with a frown. "Just another day in paradise, I guess." He sat the cup down and picked up the phone.


There weren't any chocolates available at the time of night we'd return home, and Rick was upset, but understandable. He listened to me while I regaled him with a tale of Giants, Unicorns, and the Fey, where a lone giant met and befriended a black Unicorn, and how they had fun in that world. And of how when the Giant was forced to leave, the Unicorn left with their newfound friend to enjoy the world of Giants.

He clapped and giggled, gasped and hid, but enjoyed himself overall before nodding off and was carried away by the Daniel clones while the original sat with me at the new table. Whereas Ryu sat against a nearby wall, sleeping softly with arms folded.

"Daniel. I know you don't have much knowledge about Worm, but can you think of anything about 'Titans'?" I was racking my brain for information, and was coming up blank about the topic. It seems I'd need to level up Guide, but doing so was difficult because he wanted me to sacrifice a "loved one".

"Wait a second," I snapped my finger. "Hold that thought for a moment. Guide. Instead of loved one, what about 'one who is loved'? Can that work? And does it have to be them?"

Answer: Yes. It does not have to be your children. Someone who is loved can be sacrificed. However, they must love and be loved in turn. Master effects will not constitute as "Love".

"Father?" Daniel spoke up with a frown, "What was it that you asked Guide?"

Glancing at him, I weighed the pros and cons for a moment, then decided to come clean. "Guide has three locked levels, and each has prerequisites. The first is giving up your past, the second is to sacrifice a loved one, and the last is to understand your Truth.

"I gave Guide," a thumb hooked over my should toward where I assumed the voice came from, "my early years of life to gain the first level. The second one wanted either you or Rick." My son's body tensed, and I shook my head, "I refuse to give the two of you up for any reason. You two are my only family in this world, and I aim to keep you two by my side for the rest of our days."

He blinked twice at the declaration, milling through it, then nodded once. So I continued, "To get to the next level, I need to 'toss someone into the Gate'."

"The 'Gate', Father? What is that?"

Blue lightning crackled across the table, creating a miniature replica of the gate in my white world, complete with the door opened to reveal the vertical eye with a few paper thin hands around it. "This is my Gate, son. I guess you could call it a source of power that is tied to myself. However, anything that happens in the world its apart of only dances to my tune."

"Meaning?" His fingers danced around the structure as he stared with intent at it and gave me half an ear.

"I'm the literal deity of that world." The Gate replica was set down and he gave me a look that held only disbelief. "I'm serious. I am a deity in there, and I am able to grant powers." He stared, and I pointed at Ryu. "He's the first one to get powers from me."

Daniel breathed out a heavy sigh, rubbing his temples, and let out another sigh. "Father, I— No. What you do is what you do. To answer your question at the beginning," His eyes told me he wanted to move on from the topic, "Titans are born from Broken Shards. I read it on the wiki a few days before... this." He waved at the empty house.

"It has to be from someone who had a shard in the beginning. So when their Shard breaks, the Shard binds to the host, becoming larger and far greater than themselves. When this happens, the Shard takes control, and the person just goes for a ride? It was vague on that part.

"All in all, it reminded me of Attack on Titan, and had me wondering if the two were related in some aspect."

"Okay?" I was so confused, and I couldn't add onto the knowledge pool, because Guide was still spouting my level restriction. "Any idea when this takes place? Because I'm racking my brain and can't figure it out."

"Father?" He blinked a few times, "Have you not read Ward yet?"

"Briefly," my lips turned into a frown, and my eyes sparked with an epiphany. "Wait a second... If Titans appear in Ward, then... Titans are born after Scion's death." I gripped my head with both hands and groaned.

"Father? Which Titan did you unleash onto Earth Bet?"

"I didn't, that's the thing." Glancing up, three clones appeared with their hammers out while Daniel's eyes glowed with disapproval. "On top of granting powers, I can also trade and use the powers I collect. I just need to get to Level 2 in order to gain that knowledge."

"If you have a Titan power, then I suggest you stay at Level 1 and never—"

"Daniel. I need the next level to understand my power and why it needs the levels in the first place."

His glare was present, but his clones started to move away and banished their hammers. "And the Titan? Which one is it?"

I sat back with a light sigh. "Do you know of an 'Emperion Titan'?" He sat back in the chair to ponder for a moment, then shook his head. "Then I need information about it, and not only does no one on Bet know of the Titans, but even you don't know it.

"So I need the next level."

"But to sacrifice someone to gain it? Why?"

Answer: Because you need to understand both good and evil to understand your Truth.

'Which is? And why is "Self Sacrifice" a good thing?'

Answer: You only have access to Level 1.

With a sigh, I repeated, "'You only have access to Level One', is what Guide keeps repeating when he can't give me an answer. And I wish I could give that answer right now." A shrug followed my words, causing him to sigh.

"Very well. The sun is starting to crest, so I suggest you find some breakfast for your guest. You also promised Rick some chocolates."

"Yes, yes," I sighed myself, "Not like I can sleep anymore, anyway."

"Hmm? So Father has that issue, too?"

"Huh?" I blinked, confused.

"Father, since coming here, I've never once needed sleep. When I tried, I dreamed of the events leading up to my sleep. In perfect detail. I could stop a scene to look at it further, too. Almost as if within a 3D space controlled by a robotic entity, but it's my brain."

"So I'd be able to do that, too?"

"Of course, Father, if you can't sleep like Rick can."

"It sounds like the both of you are Noctis capes like Miss Militia." Ryu's voice chimed in and the two of us gave him a glance.

"Would explain why we can't sleep," I gave everyone a shrug, "But whatever. I'll head out and find something for Ryu and Rick, then."

"Father," Daniel's voice was full of caution. "My suggestion still stands. Stay at Level 1."

"I'll take it under advisement, but I still require to know."

"Then find someone that isn't impactful, if you are going to ignore my suggestion."

I gave him a wave and turned to Ryu. "Whatcha want to eat?"

"Some congee, Mas— sir." Daniel raised an eyebrow while is head moved woodenly toward myself.

I raised a finger, but didn't turn toward him. "Ryu, are you straight, gay, or bisexual?"

He blinked owlishly for a moment, and responded with, "Straight, sir."

Turning toward my son, I gave him a "See?" expression completed with hand gestures, while his features deadpanned while his eyes told me what is on his mind.

Statement: He is mentally telling you, 'I've seen you turn straight men gay.'

'So now you can read minds, huh?'

Answer: I've always been able to; you've never asked.

'Smart ass.'

"And 'congee' is?"

"Ah, it's rice pudding, sir. It's made by Chinese hands, and there's a shop near the Court that sells—"

I held up a hand to stop him, "Ryu. Bakuda is attacking anyone who comes into the ABB territory right now. So if you, an Asian man, were to head there, then you'd be swept up in the conflict. Whereas I, a white man, would be attacked while trying to get you food.

"You should pick something else, or I can go to a nearby store for some packaged rice pudding. It wouldn't be the same, but it is something."


"I'll bring back a variety of foods that are non-perishable and don't need a fridge or freezer. And later, we're going to need to go shopping for household items such as beds, kitchenware, and the like. I believe we can find those things up at the mall."

Answer: Correct.

Shaking my head, I sighed at the unprompted answer, then gave a wave before leaving out the back.

Outside, the world was just starting to wake up in the early hours. The fighting up north seems to have died down, as the explosions had become less and less until there was only a lull in the air.

The backyard of the house was fenced off to a degree, and I could see a few houses around. However, the neighbors were more than likely older folks due to the proximity of the retirement home. Which was fine, and I really didn't mind it. It just meant I needed to play nice and introduce myself and my children to everyone nearby later in the week.

I was told that there was a pool and a playground nearby, but it was doubtful my boys would go there. Not because they were afraid, far from it. Rick's aversion to water was a borderline phobia without people there to make sure he was safe.

Which made bath time a battlefield where everyone was coming out soaked to the bone.

As for the playground? He's never been to one except for the one I and others made for him and his friends. I planned to remake it, but with the powers that I had, and not spend a week figuring out the mechanics of what was on paper.

"Now then, Guide? Why is it that my transformation into people allows me to copy them almost fully? Such as becoming a Dragon similar to Ryu and being able to fly? I also felt like I was able to use fire just like him, too."

Answer: You can become anyone, and even mimic their voice. However, you can only fully copy anyone who is a "Seeker of Truth".

"Huh... So if I build up an army, I can use their abilities myself?"

Answer: If you become them, you can, but only as they are, and not through yourself.

"Well," I shrugged, "Guess I have a goal."

Activating my copying abilities, I transformed myself into Ryu, complete with the alchemical "tattoos" on his body. Flexing the muscles, I raised my hands in order to clap and acti—

"Wait a second... Guide? Do I needed to clap to activate this stuff?" My hand waved up and down my body while I heard Ryu's Japanese accent come out of my mouth. "Did he always have an accent?"

Answer: No.

Answer: Yes, but you never took notice of it.

"Huh." Blue lightning flew across my body, activating the sigils and circles to transform the body into a seven foot, silver and purple splotched dragon with wings as large as its own body, and a tail to match.

"Okay. A bit much, but I guess I could work with that. Guide? Gonna need you to help me fly this thing."

Statement: The information to fly should be coming now.

"What?" I was confused, but then the information appeared and brought me to my knees.

It was a fusion of Alchemy and muscle movements that culminated into a pseudo-flight. By extending my wings up and out, then slamming it toward the ground, I could generate enough lift to soar 500 feet into the skies. However, these wings could not grant me true flight, but a glide that would allow me to descend slowly. If I desired to be higher, then I would lose altitude in order to raise my wings up higher and lower them faster in order to gain more height.

It was a trade off in functionality, but it would work for the time being. Though, it did bring up a question. "Why can't I change into that golden Dragon from earlier?"

Answer: Ryu desired to be a Dragon, but did not specify which. Therefore, he gained the power called "Roulette of Dragons". When the power activates, so too does the wheel spin.

"Oh great!" I drawled, "So if he's not lucky, he could turn into a Sea Dragon while in a desert? Joy."

Answer: Yes.

Growling, my wings spread themselves up and out, then slammed down toward the ground. A powerful burst of air rocketed me toward the purple and orange skies above Brockton Bay, and with my wings spread out, I began a slow descent toward the world below.

However, I desired to be higher so I could think, and sacrificed 200 feet in order to climb to 700, then back down to 500 to fly to 1,000 feet. It was cool up at that height, but nothing seemed to bother me, and caused me to question why.

Answer: You are an Endbringer. You no longer have a Human body, and therefore no longer need to worry about such inconsequential things such as cold, heat, toilets, or breathing.

Right. I was an Endbringer, and so were my boys. We could probably be tossed into space and I'd still be able to hear Rick's giggles, or something along those lines. Who knows?

"Don't answer that, Guide. That was rhetorical.

"Anyway. What I need to know, right now, is if what I thought up was true. Can I sacrifice someone who is not a loved one, but someone who is loved?"

Answer: Correct, but they must love and be loved in turn; it must be unconditional.

Drifting up in the skies where someone no doubt saw me, I came up with a thought that was annoying as well as disgusting. "Does Kayden Anders and Aster Anders love one another in that regard?"

I knew it was a disgusting thought the moment it blossomed, and it was one that would send me flying the moment Daniel heard it. And no, I wasn't going to target the child, but I did remember the original Timeline. It wasn't a pretty one, not after Dinah and her...

Answer: Yes.

"Okay, but nevermind that for right now. Where's Dinah?"

Answer: Dinah Alcott is currently in her room within the Christner residence.

"Has she Triggered, and is it still a Precognitive power?"

Answer: Yes.

Okay, she was still following the original Timeline, despite the world being topsy-turvy. However, Coil was out of the picture, so would anyone still kidnap her and turn her into a pseudo-weapon like she was then?

Answer: Yes.

"That's... disconcerting," the back corners of my mouth turned into a frown as I flew over the downtown area. I was coming up to a tall building, and decided to land atop it for a moment next to the multitude of A/C units that hummed and thrummed from usage.

They weren't loud enough to drown out my thoughts and Guide's words, but they would keep any outbursts dulled.

"Alright Guide. Hit me. Who's going to treat Dinah like Coil did? Who's going to use her for their own benefit?"

Answer: The Court's own Raven Queen, Civilian ID Annette Hebert, plans to kidnap and force Dinah Alcott to use her powers for the benefit of her and her group. If Dinah goes willingly, then she would be treated well. If not, then she would turn into a drug obsessed child.

I blinked while my jaw dropped to my chest. Was that the current consensus the woman had toward the little Precognitive? Would she harm someone to get her way?

Answer: Yes.

Oh joy! The world's fucked up, and Bakuda's rampage started earlier than usual!

But wait! She originally didn't start until after the Undersiders stole from a bank. Where's the Undersiders in all of this? Because they were the distraction—

"Bakuda's the distraction, isn't she? The one who will allow the Raven Queen to kidnap Dinah?"

Answer: Yes.

"When is it planned?"

Answer: 14 April 2011. The Raven Queen plans to draw out the fight so that she may acquire Dinah easier and with minimal injuries, but it may be sooner if there are unforeseen events. Such as Bakuda being captured or killed beforehand.

"The fight?" My face became incredulous. "Did she join the battle, or something?"

Answer: The Protectorate's Acting Director, Renick, had contacted her and asked for support.

"Wasn't she outed as a Villain by Coil, though? I thought it was on a record, or something."

Answer: Although she and her group had be deemed Villainous, she has been working opening in the eyes of the Protectorate and PRT. The only reason why she has not been deemed a true Villain is her willingness to support the Hero groups.

"But she's 100% a Villain, correct?"

Answer: She would be what you would call an "Anti-Villain". Although she has her own goals, she will work with whomever to obtain said goals. Therefore, to call her a Villain would not be a stretch, but the percentage is less than 100.

"Anti-Villain". Now there's a term I hadn't heard in a long, LONG time.

An "Anti-Villain" was a rare Villain with self redeeming qualities. These were the people who could turn and become Heroes at the end of their stories, and had noble goals in the eyes of many, but their ways of obtaining said goals were not.

Such as a man who desired world peace. Openly, he was a great man, but behind the curtains? Genocide, war, slavery. He would have obtained his desired world peace, but on the backs of slaves while he waded through an ocean of blood to sit upon a throne of bones.

During the process, though, they could be redeemed and turned toward the light of good, law, and order. But that's only if they're caught in time.

"But... What is she wanting to do with Dinah, beyond using her power for her own gains?"

Answer: You only have access to Level One.

Which meant one of two things. Either I needed another level, or Guide didn't have the answer.


The roof access of the building slammed opened, and a scuffle combined with a trio of voices drifted toward myself, but were too garbled from the A/C units.

Swiftly, my body shifted back to my original self, and I ducked down amongst the units with curiosity in my being.

Peaking over a unit, I spied a frail woman with a small child being yelled at by an overbearing man with a large body. The trio had brown hair, so I didn't need to worry about them being a part of the Nazi faction, but I couldn't hear them.

The man, who wore a white tank-top and a pair of jeans with some brown shoes, was gesturing wildly while pointing at the woman with a can of something. He drank it greedily, spitting some of it out as he tossed the can away.

There was more pointing, more shouting, then a fist was balled and slammed into the woman's face. She fell away, bleeding from the mouth while the small child beat their fists on the man's large legs, but was kicked away. He then stalked over to the child, shouting and waving his fists while raising a foot in order to stomp on the child.

Blue lightning flew across the rooftop, causing the man to stop as his grounded foot sank to his hip in the roof. There was a muffled SNAP as his free leg either popped out of its socket, or broke free. Of which, of course, caused the man to howl in pain while blue lightning flew across my body, transforming the top layer of my skin to a flexible, white metal while my hair changed to red.

I guess you could say that it was a "heroic outfit", but I was wearing a pair of jeans, a red shirt, and black shoes atop it.

Stepping away from the units, I approached the trio to find the child whimpering against their still bleeding mother who was trying to console them. "Morning!" I called out to them, treading softly as I took them in.

The child was indeterminate in terms of male or female, and wore an Armsmaster onesie that was stained with unknown fluids. Likely, it hadn't been washed for a while, and the same could be said of the woman's clothing. Of which was a stained, off-white blouse and torn pants.

Both mother and child were similar, in that they had long facial features, doe-like eyes, and curly brown hair. Sure, the woman was pretty, but that was it, and I felt... nothing.

'Strange. I would have felt something stirring by now. She's pretty enough to give me a twinge. I wonder how come?'

Answer: You are an Endbringer, and therefore cannot desire procreation.

'Can I have other children, though?'

Answer: No. Although you have a male body, and can even stimulate yourself, you cannot produce the necessary component to make offspring.

THAT sort of news was upsetting, but understandable. Then again, who'd want to give birth or have a family, if you know how the world was going to end?

"You two alive?" I waved at the mother and child, trying to get their attention, but the woman just gawked. Shrugging, I turned toward the man who was equal parts crying and seething as blue lightning flew across the rooftop and almost spat him over the edge. Luckily for him, it was in a corner, but still.

"You mother fucking cape!" He snarled while a dark stain slowly spread across his right hip. "I'll fucking gut you!"

"Uh-huh," my knuckles rasped against my body, ringing it with a metal on metal sound. "Sure, buddy. Whatever you say."

I turned my back on him, walking over to the woman, and probably shouldn't have left a wounded animal like him be. Because I heard a muffled BANG and felt my body be pushed a little toward the woman and her child.

"Did I just get shot at?" My voice was barely audible, but Guide was still able to answer me, at least.

Answer: Yes.

"One second, please!" This was directed at the two in my line of sight, and I turned and stalked toward the man who shot me three more times until I wrapped my hand around his pistol and hand. He tried to fire again, but it jammed, then cried out as I crushed both it and his hand into a bloody mess.

His other hand grabbed onto a large knife, and was used to stab my body with a full drunken rage in his eyes and mind. However, it glanced off my metallic skin while blue lightning flared up the man's body and melted the object onto his flesh before hardening it.

Again, he cried out, but I didn't care. "You know," I had to speak loud enough for him to hear me above the units and his own cries of pain, "that's wasn't very nice."

With a thought, I slid out the broken arm and leg from its slot, and pushed it into the man. Of whom screamed as one of the bones in his forearm broke in half, while his right femur splintered and poked through his thigh.

Only then did he pass out, and allowed me to approach the woman and child without another interruption. "You two alright?"

"I... I...."

"What happened to Daddy?" The child asked with large, brown eyes.

"He's asleep at the moment. Are you okay?"

"My... belly hurts," they rubbed their stomach where a foot print was still visible, and I knelt close to them.

"Want me to take care of that? Make you feel better?"

"Are... Are you a Hero?"

My lips twitched at being called that, and I smiled softly. "Sure am. I heal people."

"Like Pan-see?"

"Panacea? Nah. My healing's faster than hers." They seemed to be more trusting than a child would. Then again, they looked starved for attention, and I was a non-threatening individual who was giving them some.

"Mommy? Can I?" They turned to their mother with stars in their eyes, and she could only smile with fear in her eyes and nod.

"Yay!" They crowed happily, "She said yes, so..."

I reached out and touched their head with the flat of my hand—

And I understood true evil in the world.


"Babylon, correct?" Officer Martin, a policeman who met me outside of the High Rise Apartment complex after I had the doorman call 911. He wore the standard blue-black clothing that was a part of the Brockton Bay police force, and was a pudgy, tanned man with a bald head and goatee.

EMS had been called due to the nature of it all, and had taken the child away with the promise of contacting CPS.

I was feeling hollow at the time, my anger smoldering until only a neutral feeling was left. Even my shakes had returned, but the subsided almost as soon as they appeared. "Yep," I gave the officer a dead look because I was still processing what I just witnessed.

"And you're a cape?" My dead eyes took on a deadpanned quality, and he held up his hands. "Look, I have to ask the questions, because that might be spray paint to some people.

My right hand became a fist, and I rasped it against my chest, creating a ringing noise. "Satisfied?"

"Think you can give me a rundown on what happened?" He held up a pen and a pad of paper, so I gave him what he wanted.

"I wanted a place to think and brood, so I went to the roof of the building to do so." My right thumb hooked toward the building.

"Uh-huh, and how did you get up there?"

"Same way I came down." I motioned for him to follow, and we came to the left corner of the building. Here, I demonstrated by conjuring my blue lightning and sinking it into the corner. From there, lightning flew across the surface, pulling me up swiftly by a few dozen feet, then back down to the ground. "See?"

"Yep!" His jaw was agape when I came back down, and started writing on his pad. "Was what you saw a cape event?"

"No. Kid's a normal person, though I'd understand if they Triggered."

"Hmm. So you went up there to brood. Then what?"

"The parents and the kid came through the door, the father was drunk, and beat the woman. The kid tried to intervene, but was going to be stomped by the man until I intervened."

"Are they—"

"They're alive, Officer Martin. I made sure to keep them intact, though the man did try to shoot and stab me. So he may need some help getting his hands back into working order."

"And the woman?"

"Complicit with the crime, and tried to bribe me into walking away." A snarl appeared on my lips, "Made sure she's tied up. With a rebar."

He winced, then asked, "How do you know she's complicit? Got a Thinker power?"

"Striker 5, Thinker 8, and low end Trump 2 were my ratings from the PRT's testing."

"You're a Protectorate cape?" His eyebrows shot up, then lowered to suspicion level when I shook my head.

"They tried to recruit me, but I told them no. WAY too many restrictions for my liking, and it's run like prison or military camp. So it's not the best option for me and my family."

"You've kids? I've a son myself."

"Two boys, actually, and I'm gonna need to get home shortly. I promised to bring home breakfast, and my youngest wants chocolates."

"Ah, I can understand that." He put the pad of paper and pen away. "Well, Babylon, it's nice meeting someone who doesn't mind sticking around to see us normal people every once and a while."

"Well, the way that I'm going, I'll be meeting a lot of the regular folk."

"Is that right?"

"Yep, plan to open a clinic, but I'm thinking I should just rent a space and use that to treat people."

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow.

My head bobbed once, "Mhmm. Had the idea to get a clinic running and charge people based on their income. Already have an idea on how that'll work b—"

"Sorry, but... you a healer like Panacea?"

"Her power is slow, and mine is immediate. I even do brains." I gave him a look, and his eyes widened. "Yep. So if I get a homeless person, then it's free of charge. Policemen such as yourself? 100 – 300$. A politician? Thousands. A millionaire posing as destitute? Well, I've a Thinker power that can tell me things, so I'll force them to pay more, or be kicked out."

"What about other capes and the PRT?"

I sucked on my inner cheeks for a moment while my arms crossed over my chest. "Capes are a grand per injury. NO exception. PRT are 200 per injury.

"They'll have to pay up front, by the way. Normal people pay after, or work at 15$ an hour until they paid it off, with 10$ going straight toward their debt." He gave me a strenuous look, and I shrugged, "I'm not in the business of being a Shark, Martin. There's no interest to be paid in this. Just a flat fee."

"I hope so, Babylon. But anyway, I'm sure you're busy and need to get home."

"Grocery run first." We smiled at one another as I left him, blue lightning flaring under my feet and allowing me to travel swiftly while it pulled me to where I wanted to go.


Back home, I set the non-perishable foods down on the table, and asked the clones to place them into the pantry. They gave me a salute while I went up the stairs and into Rick's room. Of whom was just waking up and was within Daniel's arms.

My youngest's eyes then widened as I scooped him up and held him close. "Dad? You okay?" His tiny hands pat my shoulder and head while I buried my face in his fluffy fur.

I wished at that moment that I could cry.
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Okay, so my dumb ass didn't quite get the severity of the subject matter. I get the kid is being abused, but how far? Did the mother stand back and let them get sexually assaulted or severely beaten? I can definitely understand the brutality if she did.

And Annette. "Anti-Villain" does not involve kidnapping and drugging children. That's just villainy with delusions of grandeur that crossed the line. Frankly, no matter her reasoning, Annette pulling that Coil shit is grounds for instant execution, especially after mind raping her own daughter into being subservient.

As someone whose mental health decline and suicidal tendencies originated from an abusive, toxic, narcissistic control freak, I want Annette Hebert dead.
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