A dark battle.

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There are things stronger than Curses and sorcerors and now they are here to remind the curses of their place


If you want peace, then you must prepare for war.
"Oh no."
The angel said quietly as she watched the events on Earth, so many dead.

She had been chosen to replace Aqua until the Goddes finished doing whatever she had to do, some would have called it a punishment, but from what she had seen Aqua was having the time of her life.

Her master seemed to enjoy every day that she spent with her hero even if the two of them fought every day.

And now she was forced to do the unthinkable.

"So they decided to bring me!" Aqua said loudly, but her words quickly stopped when she saw the twisted and mutilated souls of men and beasts.

Few can understand what it feels like to see a god or goddess angry, if one needed an example, then a person simply had to look at what happens when a god or goddess of love is angerd.

They usually cause the fall of an empire, it doesn't matter how small or great the insult was, in the end, the results were the same.

The angel could only stare with fear-filled eyes as Aqua waved her hand and took the pain of the souls, she didn't stop there as the goddess restored the souls to their proper form.

Aqua's eyes glowed with a cold fury, it was as if the ocean was threatening to consume the world under its weight and drown everything including the fish that lived within it.

She felt a hot drop of sweat run down her cheek as Aqua walked towards the gate that led to the Earth.

"Aqua, they'll punish you," she warned her master, and she nearly fainted when Aqua's eyes fell upon her.

"I'll deal with it later." Aqua answered her.

The angel could only watch as Aqua walked closer to the door before stopping, it was as if the goddess had realized something important.

She watched as Aqua slightly moved her right middle finger and called her hero, her champion, her brother, and her best friend to her side and showed him what she had seen.

"So how are we going to do this?" Kazuma asks Aqua.

"I didn't think about that, that's why I called you." Aqua answered Kazuma.

"I have an idea, but I need to call in some favors that people owe me." Kazuma says to Aqua.
Mahito smiled cruelly as he twisted the bodies of several humans, he could both feel their confusion and terror as they realized what was happening to them, even when they didn't understand what was happening.

His wide wicked smile slowly vanished as the sound of footsteps coming closer and what sounded like someone clapping made him into the hallway.

He watched as a man who was wearing a black suit, who had what looked like a black and white mask walk towards him without a care.

The masked man turned and looked at the twisted forms of children that still called to their parents, who were next to them but were unable to see or hear them.

"I say I have to congratulate you, you have no idea just how big of a mess that you and your friends made." The Duke of Hell Vanir said to Mahito.

If the Duke of hell knew that someone was recording him with a cell phone he either ignored them because he had bigger issues or because he simply didn't care.

'Cursed spirits born from all of the negative emotions that Humans feel."

Do you know what that means? you are excrement, filth shit." Something so far beneath me, but you have broken the rules and now I'm forced to deal with you." Vanir said to Mahito.

Mahito didn't care for what Vanir said, so he ran toward him placed his hand on Vanir's face, and was left confused when the only thing that he grabbed was dirt.

"You seem confused, let me introduce myself but before that let me explain the rules."

"here are gods, angels, devis, and demons."

Beneath them are humans and, plants and animals, and beneath them are you the cursed spirits that hide from the public, while claiming to be better than the Humans that you hide from."

"Vanir said to Magito.

"Show yourself!" Mahito yelled only to realize that Vanir was standing beside him the entire time.

"Now I'll introduce myself, I am Vanair Duke of Hell."

"Hell, there's no such thing." Mahito says to Vanir before he forces the victims to attack Vanir, but before his victims can reach Vanir they are swarmed by tiny doll versions of the man.

"What you believe isn't my problem, but see for yourself and understand that you caught the attention of not just us, but those above you as well."

The screen that surrounded them, that had once known advertisement had long gone dark suddenly came back to life.

Mahito found himself looking at the other curses and curse users being confronted by people that he had never seen before.

"Before you are those whose ground you and your allies dare to step in," the world watched as Vanir continued to talk.

"Heroes, gods, kings, or in this case the queen of the undead, and finally of course we Devils, have come here to put things back in their rightful place."

Vanir stopped talking when he noticed that Mahito had fallen silent and was now just staring at him.

"I see that you're confused." Vanir said as a black void opened next to him and the twisted forms of undead, demons, and beasts of hell began to step through the gate that he opened.

"I am not here to protect the Humans, that's for the gods and heroes to do."

"I'm here to kill you. So run turn them into your minions, it doesn't matter, because by the end." the portal opens, and for the first time everyone that watched the portal open felt a true sense of fear overwhelm them.

"Welcome hell." Vanir said to Mahito as his eyes glowed red with power.

The moment that Vanir said those words Mahito ran and he was followed by every creature that had walked out of the portal.

The person who had the cell phone nearly screamed in fear when Vanir turned to look at him, but the Duke of hell just ignored the man and slowly walked in the direction that Mhito had gone.

He was in no hurry, after all, he already knew where Mahito would end up, so he just had to wait for him.

Everyone watching could hear the man gasping for air before the man turned and pointed his phone towards the nearest screen showing one of the many ongoing battles.

One screen showed what looked like a one-eyed man, who had a volcano coming out of his head fighting a woman who wore a long black dress.

The world between them was split in two, as on one side where the monster stood was covered in flames and everything was turning into lava.

Yet on the side where the woman stood, everything around her was covered in ice, there was no in-between, everything was either frozen in ice or burned away.

Another screen showed something that looked like a man, but it had white skin and pieces of wood coming out of its eyes and its mouth had fangs instead of teeth.

It was fighting a man dressed in what looked like some kind of mixture of ranger cosplay and real armor.

The man wasn't alone as there was a woman with long blond hair who was wearing yellow armor, and was holding a giant sword.

Next to her was a mall girl who wore a giant black hat, held a giant staff that looked too big for her to use, and wore a red dress.

The screen next to that one showed what looked like some kind of octopus or squid near a beach or on some island fighting a woman whose eyes glowed with such power that he was forced to look at the screen next to that one.
There are spelling mistakes in the description. It could be good but it doesn't hook me to want to read it. Perhaps something what is different from canon? Will there be a hero summoning? I think that Vanir talked about that. You could for example put in the description that an end game Kazuma & co will come. Will you go for badass Kazuma or will it be buttmonkey Kazume? Etc, etc.

I didn't get the themes this fic will have from the chapter. Will it be dark, light, humorous, satire or steamrolling? From the title I began thinking its an one shot. A dark battle.

Strange crossover combo with JJK and Konosuba. Then again I can't throw any stones with my own snippets. Thank god I haven't posted them. *Shame intensifies.*

I found this when I searched for JJK.

I haven't watched Konosuba more than the first two episodes so I guess that this is end game character development and power for the whole lot. For JJK I know only fanfic knowledge.

You misspelled Mahito for Mhito several times.

I don't know who the woman in long black dress.

Megumi is probably the girl with dark witch hat.

I do not know who is who for the rest of the party. I assume its the people Kazuma called.

I think the biggest problem is that I don't know what to expect with this fic. If I don't get either hooked in story description or want to read something in this because I expect it to happen; then I wouldn't give it time to try it.

For example. If it was an overpowered SI-OC with worm cyoa I would know exactly what I would get and the readers would either stay clear of it or read it.