Sufficient Velocity

Robo Jesus
Robo Jesus
The WindHex32 program works well enough for the Hex work with the table files, but I can't get it to show me the actual fucking text I need to alter.
Robo Jesus
Robo Jesus
Another issue is half the patches that already exist have little documentation, and there is a wide variety between patches for headered and unheadered roms.
Robo Jesus
Robo Jesus
Ok, so I want to give Celes "Shock". I take the "Coin Toss" item, change variables (so that Runic will become Shock), make it open for anyone with Runic to use it, and nothing happens. Wtf. >_<
Robo Jesus
Robo Jesus
Fuck, my hex editing it not up to snuff it seems, as the patch I pulled info from to try and replicate it without the added baggage works fine, while my own attempt manipulating the code areas did not give Shock at all. Gods damnit, I thought I had solved this issue.
Robo Jesus
Robo Jesus
Bloody fuck, it didn't actually 'save' the changes made to the rom. No wonder I wasn't getting any results. WTF.
Robo Jesus
Robo Jesus
Hahahaha, FINALLY! I got some results. Granted, not the results I wanted, but results nonetheless!
Robo Jesus
Robo Jesus
Well, I finally was able to alter one of the items to give character's various commands, but now I have to figure out how to get the status screen menu to show those damned commands. It seems I was doing things right pretty much from the start, but because of how STUPID the coding is, I kept assuming I had failed.