Vows of vengeance: a fantasy civ quest

[X] Study Warfare
[X] Study woodworking
[X] collect bog iron
[X] Make iron swords.

Next turn, we are conquering the North goddamnit!
Building an army
After the defeat in the north the tribe spend a year on planning the next attempt to launch an attack towards the northern mountains. The tribe decided the main problem was the lack of weapons and armor for the warriors and made plans to improve this. In the short term this was done by mining iron to make swords for the nobles and the production of longbows.
In the long term plans where made to create an armory to provide all of the new and existing fighters of the tribe with weapons and armor.

At the settlement at Hamar a new group of farmers started to work on clearing fields. One of the fishing boasts got caught up in a storm and and was blown to a remote part of the shoreline where they arrived in the night. The following morning they saw that their boat was not the only thing that ended up on the beach after a storm there was a old sailing ship that had spend years on the beach. Taking apart their fishing boat they repaired the ship and started to use it as the tribes first fishing ship.

The priest report that their divinations point towards trouble.

There was enough food for a new group of tribesmen that got trained as farmers.
A crit on the go fishing roll, with a 98 rolled to see how high the bonus was.
And the roll for the random event was a 4 so somewhere something went badly wrong.

Faction Current power Power gained per turn Action they will take
Warriors 11 +5 Build an armory
Farmers 9 +2 clear fields
hunters 15 +5 clear hunting trails
Fishers 13 +6 Go fishing
Sailors 11 +1 sailing expedition(Copenhagen)
Woodworkers 14 +2 Build an armory
Tribe 11 +5 clear fields
The tribe has 4 food stored and with average rolls and no food producing actions taken will produce 5 more food then is eaten.

Based on the current number of the tribe(five groups of tribesmen, two of woodworkers, one of sailors,one group of nobles, three of warriors and a blacksmith and a champion hero ) you have at least 4 action available. All rolls are with a D100.

[] replace the tribes meetings with rule by the nobles.
Reorganizes the tribe to end the meetings and replace them by rule by nobles.
Will increase the power of the noble/warrior faction, it will gain power equal to 3x number of nobles+ number of warriors.
Will remove the food cost of the large meetings, has a DC of 70, reduced by 1/2 of the roll on a failed try.

[] Go fishing
provides 4 + roll /25 food(fish)

[] Farming
provides 3 + roll /20 food(grain)

[] Hunting
provides 4 + roll /25 food(meat, game)

[] clear out trials for hunting
Each hunting trail increases the amount of food from hunting by 1. You can use as many hunting trails equal to the number of hunters.

[] Log trees
Provides 15 wood.

[] Build a sawmill
provides 5 wood per turn and 1 wood per group of woodworkers.
Cost 10 wood, 1 barrel of iron and 2 food per turn to feed its workers.

[] Build an armory
Provides all new and existing groups with weapons and armor
Longbows: nobles, warriors and hunters
Wooden shields: nobles, warriors
increased the cost to train a group by 5 wood.
cost 20 wood

[] collect bog iron
Provides 1 barrel of iron

[] Build a new ship
cost 2 actions, 15 wood and 1 barrel of iron.

[] Repair a damaged ship
costs 5 wood.

[] Build noble housing
costs 5 wood, houses a single group of nobles.

[] Build fishing boats.
costs 5 wood, Builds a pair of fishing boats, that improve the amount of food produced by a group of fisherman by 1.

[] Build a fishing ship
cost 2 actions, 15 wood and 1 barrel of iron.
Gives a group of fishers +2 food.

[] Build houses.
costs 5 wood, Improves the moral of the tribe, each build action provides houses for 5 groups.

[] Raise sheep
increases the amount of sheep the tribe has
each group eats 2 grain and provides 3 food.

[] Clear fields
Allows additional farmers to work and prevents attackers from hiding in the woods.
Each cleared field increases the amount of food from farming by 1. Each farmer can benefit from 2 cleared fields.

[] Send out scouts - [target]
Sends out a group of scouts locations are:

[] Create a new settlement [target]
Visby, small island but far away from orcish lands
Bergen, There is some grain that will help farmers.
Trondheim, has a ditch and earthen wall and multiple hunting trails.
Northern mountains, a place where iron can be mined

[] Send out the Lion on a sailing expedition [target]
Send the lion out on a sailing trip targets are:
[Copenhagen] , the nearest elvish city you can try to trade here.
[Coast of Norway] , check if there are any goblins or orcs
[Baltic Coast] , check if there are any goblins or orcs
[English coast], find raiding targets
[Scottish coast], find raiding targets
[Irish coast], find raiding targets

[] Launch a Raid [target]
For each time the raid action is taken a single ship with 4 groups aboard joins.
[Scottish highlands] It is believed that in Scottish highlands goblin are limited to number of small villages with most having less then 200 goblins living in them.
[English coast] if we stay away form the cities we can try raiding the herds of sheep and cows in the countryside.
[Northern mountains] Full of wolves but can be a source of iron ore for the tribe.
[write in targets]

[] Send hunters on raid
Sends a ship with 4 groups of hunters on a raid.
This does not cost an action but reduces the tribes food production by 8.

[] Train warriors.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.

[] Study Warfare
Unlocks innovations and actions that increase the tribes fighting ability.

[] Train nobles.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.
requires noble housing or 10x longbows.
Each group that does not have both gives -1 happiness.

[] Train fishers
Trains a group of tribesmen into fishers.

[] Train hunters
Trains a group of tribesmen into hunters.

[] Train woodworkers
Trains a group of tribesmen into woodworkers.

[] Study woodworking
Study woodworking unlocks new buildings, the production items made of wood and upgrades for woodworkers.

[] Dig a ditch and build a earthen wall around the village
Takes 2 actions and provides extra defenses against attacks.

[] Build wooden walls.
cost 20 wood 3 actions, provided bonuses for fights at Oslo.

[] conquer more land [target]
Drives out the wildlife and allows the tribe to use the area.
north, up the river
west, deeper into the woods.

[] Craft longbows
cost 5 wood, crafts 10 longbows

[] Craft shields
cost 5 wood, crafts enough shields for 3 groups giving them +5 defenses

[] Make iron arrowheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides enough iron arrowhead to equip 15 bowmen
Equipping 5 bowman with iron arrowheads will give the group +2 to combat and hunting rolls.

[] Make iron spearheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides 10 iron spearheads.
Equipping 5 spearmen with iron spearheads will give the group +5 to combat and hunting rolls.

[] Make iron swords.
Costs 2 barrels of iron and provides 5 swords
Equipping 5 warriors with swords gives +10 to combat.
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One new action from the study actions:
The armory makes the recruiting of new groups cost more but they start with better weapons and armor.
There will be actions later to expand the armory when more groups weapons and armor.

[] Build an armory
Provides all new and existing groups with weapons and armor
Longbows: nobles, warriors and hunters
Wooden shields: nobles, warriors
increased the cost to train a group by 5 wood.
cost 20 wood
[X] Hunting
[X] Collect bog iron
[X] Make iron arrowheads.
[X] Conquer more land [North]

@sunrise Any reason we can't scout around Oslo anymore, or conquer east or south?
[X] Hunting
[X] Collect bog iron
[X] Make iron arrowheads.
[X] Conquer more land [North]

@sunrise Any reason we can't scout around Oslo anymore, or conquer east or south?
After finding the saltern and with the number of hunters at Oslo there is no need anymore to scout around there.
Conquer south is gone, you have reached the coast.
Conquer east is removed for now, the tribe wants the iron in the north and does not support a conquest elsewhere.
Huh... Guess I'm not the only one that thought the tribe's written up 'Failed to conquer northwards' into the Tribe's Book of Grudges... :p

Also, I'm pretty sure you can lock the vote now... @sunrise

Any idea when you might get the next update out?
The northern war
The tribe spend the spring mining iron ore and crafting arrowheads in preparation for sending a third expedition north. This time the Vidar decided to lead the group that consisted of the tribes nobles and warriors. They left on the first day of summer crossing the young forest that had grown in the area burned two years before. The group made good time during the first three weeks but started to run into more wolves as they traveled north. Here they encountered what was surly the source of all the problems a pack of Wolves lead by a wolf the size of a horse.

The fight against the wolves stated with a volley with the longbows that killed two of the wolves but instead of running away the wolves charged the nobles. The nobles and warriors met the charge with arrows, swords and spears. It was a day of heroes but the fight that would be talked about for years to come was between Vidar and the huge wolf.
The wolf jumped Vidar just as he killed one of the smaller wolves and he was barely fast enough to get his shield up but was knocked to the ground by the blow. Rolling to the side he got up again and struck the wolf in its flank. The wolf kept trying to outmaneuver Vidar and jumped towards him several more times but he missed or got blocked by the shield before the wolf took one to many blows and collapsed. The wolfpack was dead and the tribe controlled the northern mountains.

What did the tribe learn while fighting in the north?
[] [lessons of the north] The value of a warrior elite
All groups of warriors eat one more food and get +5 to all combat rolls.
[] [lessons of the north] The value of good gear.
The armory will supply shields and longbows to all members of the group.

That fall the tribes workers build an armory for the tribe where weapons and armor for all of the tribe was made and stored. The fishing fleet was expanded with two new boats and a new hunting trail was cleared in the north. At Hamar a new field was ready for planting.

Faction Current power Power gained per turn Action they will take
Warriors 16 +5 sailing expedition(Scottish coast)
Farmers 11 +2 raise sheep
hunters 15 +5 Hunting
Fishers 13 +6 Go fishing
Sailors 12 +1 sailing expedition(Copenhagen)
Woodworkers 9 +2 logging
Tribe 11 +5 clear fields
The tribe has 4 food stored and with average rolls and no food producing actions taken will produce 6 more food then is eaten.

Based on the current number of the tribe(five groups of tribesmen, three of woodworkers, one of ironworkers, one of sailors,one group of nobles, three of warriors and a blacksmith and a champion hero ) you have at 5 action available. All rolls are with a D100.

[] replace the tribes meetings with rule by the nobles.
Reorganizes the tribe to end the meetings and replace them by rule by nobles.
Will increase the power of the noble/warrior faction, it will gain power equal to 3x number of nobles+ number of warriors.
Will remove the food cost of the large meetings, has a DC of 70, reduced by 1/2 of the roll on a failed try.

[] Go fishing
provides 4 + roll /25 food(fish)

[] Farming
provides 3 + roll /20 food(grain)

[] Hunting
provides 4 + roll /25 food(meat, game)

[] clear out trials for hunting
Each hunting trail increases the amount of food from hunting by 1. You can use as many hunting trails equal to the number of hunters.

[] Log trees
Provides 15 wood.

[] Build a sawmill
provides 5 wood per turn and 1 wood per group of woodworkers.
Cost 10 wood, 1 barrel of iron and 2 food per turn to feed its workers.

[] collect bog iron
Provides 1 barrel of iron

[] Build a new ship
cost 2 actions, 15 wood and 1 barrel of iron.

[] Repair a damaged ship
costs 5 wood.

[] Build noble housing
costs 5 wood, houses a single group of nobles.

[] Build fishing boats.
costs 5 wood, Builds a pair of fishing boats, that improve the amount of food produced by a group of fisherman by 1.

[] Build a fishing ship
cost 2 actions, 15 wood and 1 barrel of iron.
Gives a group of fishers +2 food.

[] Build houses.
costs 5 wood, Improves the moral of the tribe, each build action provides houses for 5 groups.

[] Raise sheep
increases the amount of sheep the tribe has
each group eats 2 grain and provides 3 food.

[] Clear fields
Allows additional farmers to work and prevents attackers from hiding in the woods.
Each cleared field increases the amount of food from farming by 1. Each farmer can benefit from 2 cleared fields.

[] Send out scouts - [target]
Sends out a group of scouts locations are:

[] Create a new settlement [target]
Visby, small island but far away from orcish lands
Bergen, There is some grain that will help farmers.
Trondheim, has a ditch and earthen wall and multiple hunting trails.
Northern mountains, a place where iron can be mined

[] clear a trail to the northern mountains
Clear a trail to the northern mountain settlement site, allows it to share actions with Hamar and Oslo

[] Send out the ships on a sailing expedition [target]
Send the lion out on a sailing trip targets are:
[Copenhagen] , the nearest elvish city you can try to trade here.
[Coast of Norway] , check if there are any goblins or orcs
[Baltic Coast] , check if there are any goblins or orcs
[English coast], find raiding targets
[Scottish coast], find raiding targets
[Irish coast], find raiding targets

[] Launch a Raid [target]
For each time the raid action is taken a single ship with 4 groups aboard joins.
[Scottish highlands] It is believed that in Scottish highlands goblin are limited to number of small villages with most having less then 200 goblins living in them.
[English coast] if we stay away form the cities we can try raiding the herds of sheep and cows in the countryside.
[write in targets]

[] Send hunters on raid
Sends a ship with 4 groups of hunters on a raid.
This does not cost an action but reduces the tribes food production by 8.

[] Train warriors.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.

[] Study Warfare
Unlocks innovations and actions that increase the tribes fighting ability.

[] Train nobles.
Trains a group of tribesmen into warriors.
requires noble housing or 10x longbows.
Each group that does not have both gives -1 happiness.

[] Train fishers
Trains a group of tribesmen into fishers.

[] Train hunters
Trains a group of tribesmen into hunters.

[] Train woodworkers
Trains a group of tribesmen into woodworkers.

[] Study woodworking
Study woodworking unlocks new buildings, the production items made of wood and upgrades for woodworkers.

[] Dig a ditch and build a earthen wall around the village
Takes 2 actions and provides extra defenses against attacks.

[] Build wooden walls.
cost 20 wood 3 actions, provided bonuses for fights at Oslo.

[] conquer more land [target]
Drives out the wildlife and allows the tribe to use the area.
west, deeper into the woods.
east, across the river

[] Craft longbows
cost 5 wood, crafts 10 longbows

[] Craft shields
cost 5 wood, crafts enough shields for 3 groups giving them +5 defenses

[] Make iron arrowheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides enough iron arrowhead to equip 15 bowmen
Equipping 5 bowman with iron arrowheads will give the group +2 to combat and hunting rolls.

[] Make iron spearheads.
Costs 1 barrel of iron and provides 10 iron spearheads.
Equipping 5 spearmen with iron spearheads will give the group +5 to combat and hunting rolls.

[] Make iron swords.
Costs 2 barrels of iron and provides 5 swords
Equipping 5 warriors with swords gives +10 to combat.
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The fighting actions in the north are gone as the wolves are defeated for now and control of the area gives one new action:
[] clear a trail to the northern mountains
Clear a trail to the northern mountain settlement site, allows it to share actions with Hamar and Oslo
[X] Hunting
[X] Clear a trail to the northern mountains
[X] Create a new settlement [Northern Mountains]
[X] Train woodworkers

Okay, food to guarantee we get a new group of tribesmen. Then settling the iron mine, and the actions that assist that.

My thoughts on what we want to settle there are two tribesmen, a warrior, a woodworker, 3 Hunters and 1 Skilled Fishermen.

Why those numbers? Because that caps out how many non-farming food gatherers we can have at that location, with 4 more 'farmer' locations being possible. Yes, I know, it eats our food production due to the relocation, but we want each settlement to have some measure of self-sufficiency...

It also gives a group of warriors for defence... and we'll definitely be needing to train more of those soon, a group of woodworkers to assist with construction, and two tribesmen we can hopefully convert into miners.

Also, and thus was the 'Northern Expansion to the Iron Valley' grudge struck from the Book of Grudges! :p
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[X] Hunting
[X] Clear a trail to the northern mountains
[X] Create a new settlement [Northern Mountains]
[X] Train woodworkers
Also! Forgot something... The 'Armoury' vote so... Well, I'm going to vote for this option because I think it's better, but I do suspect it means we need 5 wood to grow in population size in the future. Hopefully that won't count for this turns pop growth and we just need to back-fill our people in the future. But I do think having everyone with the better gear as standard is more important that having better soldiers for now at least.

@Uhtread You might want to pick your 'lessons of the north' vote as well.

Just reposting my plan to make things neater.

[X] [lessons of the north] The value of good gear.

[X] Plan Northern Settlement
-[X] Hunting
-[X] Clear a trail to the northern mountains
-[X] Create a new settlement [Northern Mountains]
-[X] Train woodworkers
[X] [lessons of the north] The value of good gear.

[X] Plan Northern Settlement
-[X] Hunting
-[X] Clear a trail to the northern mountains
-[X] Create a new settlement [Northern Mountains]
-[X] Train woodworkers
Note that based on current faction power the hunters will do a go hunting action and the fishers go fishing.
Completely forgot that... Okay, plan changed!
@Uhtread @StarkDemise New plan because I forgot to double-check what the factions were doing when writing it up previously.

[X] [lessons of the north] The value of good gear.
[X] Plan Northern Settlement (Revised)
-[X] Send out scouts - [Hamar]
-[X] Clear a trail to the northern mountains
-[X] Create a new settlement [Northern Mountains]
-[X] Train woodworkers
[X] [lessons of the north] The value of good gear.

[X] Plan Northern Settlement
-[X] Hunting
-[X] Clear a trail to the northern mountains
-[X] Create a new settlement [Northern Mountains]
-[X] Train woodworkers
[X] [lessons of the north] The value of good gear.
[X] Plan Northern Settlement (Revised)
-[X] Send out scouts - [Hamar]
-[X] Clear a trail to the northern mountains
-[X] Create a new settlement [Northern Mountains]
-[X] Train woodworkers
Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by sunrise on Jan 16, 2018 at 12:28 PM, finished with 11 posts and 4 votes.