In Which a Necromancer Has Trouble Coming Up With a Name For His Quest (Necromancer CYOA Quest)

[X] The Assassin
-[X] Send Nadya to investigate. She'd like the job.
[X] The Mines
-[X] Send in the zombies. The air should be good for them.
[X] The Dragon
-[X] Gather information and find out who else has a beef with the damned dragon.

[X] Ray of Enfeeblement (1/2 FP): A black ray springs form the fingertip of the caster, and upon contact with the target, drains them of their energy, making them weak and sickly. With the expenditure of extra energy, it does not merely weaken, but even paralyzes.
Cool! So is this something we have to research or can we just do it?

It's something you can just do.

Could we do, what I suggested in my post, if we had a Promraen Caro?
Also, will we get a chance to learn the other talents? I mean. If we are shooting for immortality anyway, we should have more hobbies, than surgery and runes.

What, making an undead dragon? All of the branches of necromancy can do that, you just... turn the dead dragon into an undead. Though I guess if you had a big enough crafting vat and samples of it's DNA, you could probably grow one straight out with the Promraen Caro... It'd probably be pretty hard though.

And yeah, you'll get the chance to pick up more talents as you go on, though you'll need to secure a chance to actually learn those talents. The problem's that time spent mastering a new skill is time not spent in research, so when you do get the options, they'll be potential pseudo-research actions.
Once we get some results for our new boss we need to work out a deal to receive all unclaimed corpses.
It's something you can just do.

What, making an undead dragon? All of the branches of necromancy can do that, you just... turn the dead dragon into an undead. Though I guess if you had a big enough crafting vat and samples of it's DNA, you could probably grow one straight out with the Promraen Caro... It'd probably be pretty hard though.

And yeah, you'll get the chance to pick up more talents as you go on, though you'll need to secure a chance to actually learn those talents. The problem's that time spent mastering a new skill is time not spent in research, so when you do get the options, they'll be potential pseudo-research actions.
That's good to know. But with the dragon, I meant something slightly else. Taking parts of beasts, magical or mundane, until you get something that is a dragon in everything but the core of it's being. Like with Frankenstein. Taking the giant clawed front paws of this dead thing. The hind legs of this monstrous predator. The titanic body of another abomination. And so on, until you get something easily powerfull enough. With armor and runes substituting the immunity to fire and other effects.
[X] The Assassin
-[X] Send Nadya to investigate. She'd like the job.
[X] The Mines
-[X] Send in the zombies. The air should be good for them.
[X] The Dragon
-[X] Gather information and find out who else has a beef with the damned dragon.

[X] Ray of Enfeeblement (1/2 FP): A black ray springs form the fingertip of the caster, and upon contact with the target, drains them of their energy, making them weak and sickly. With the expenditure of extra energy, it does notmerely weaken, but even paralyzes.
Some time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.
Closing the vote and writing/populating Character Sheet and minion arrays. Winner is:
[X] Khizku Kohsol
Present time:
"Yup!" You agree cheerfully, "I'm Bone- sorry, Dark Khizku Kohsal, nice to meet you."
[] It corrected his announcement to "Dark Khizuki Kohsal."
My new court wizard is Dark Khizki Kohsal, not Dread."
"BEHOLD!" You declare as you strike a pose, "I, DARK KHIZIKI, HAVE ARRIVED!"
"As I was saying, Dark Khiziki will be serving as my court wizard from now on. That is all."
Is this a running joke that even we don't know how our name is pronounced, so the Lord mangled it up thrice in the same announcement, or is that a paper-thin disguise against the adventurers? :V

...Kohsal does sound more organic and feminine, but it would be nice if we could get Khizku/Khizki/Khizuki/Khiziki part straight.

[X] The Assassin
-[X] Send Nadya to investigate. She'd like the job.
-[x] Make an undead Crow Scouting Network. They could prove useful after the job is done.
[X] The Mines
-[X] Send in the zombies. The air should be good for them.

Crows are extremely useful spies. Now, if we could have some way for them to notify us of their findings in a timely fashion...

[X] Ray of Enfeeblement (1/2 FP): A black ray springs form the fingertip of the caster, and upon contact with the target, drains them of their energy, making them weak and sickly. With the expenditure of extra energy, it does not merely weaken, but even paralyzes.
I like to think that we mess it up on purpose to mess with people just so that we have a chance to but in and correct them.
[X] The Assassin
-[X] Send Nadya to investigate. She'd like the job.
[X] The Mines
-[X] Send in the zombies. The air should be good for them.
[X] The Dragon
-[X] Gather information and find out who else has a beef with the damned dragon.

[X] Ray of Enfeeblement (1/2 FP): A black ray springs form the fingertip of the caster, and upon contact with the target, drains them of their energy, making them weak and sickly. With the expenditure of extra energy, it does not merely weaken, but even paralyzes.

If we had taken the fleshcrafting route, we could build our own dragon out of corpses. Do you understand!? Our own dragon! It would have been so much better! With hookers and striptease.
But seriously. We should pick up fleshcrafting, as well as smithing. A bunch of corpses, bound into a horrid form and encased in armor, with protective runes.
that was i wanted
[X] The Assassin
-[X] Send Nadya to investigate. She'd like the job.
-[x] Make an undead Crow Scouting Network. They could prove useful after the job is done.
[X] The Mines
-[X] Send in the zombies. The air should be good for them.

[X] Ray of Enfeeblement (1/2 FP): A black ray springs form the fingertip of the caster, and upon contact with the target, drains them of their energy, making them weak and sickly. With the expenditure of extra energy, it does not merely weaken, but even paralyzes.
Some time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

Present time:

Is this a running joke that even we don't know how our name is pronounced, so the Lord mangled it up thrice in the same announcement, or is that a paper-thin disguise against the adventurers? :V

...Kohsal does sound more organic and feminine, but it would be nice if we could get Khizku/Khizki/Khizuki/Khiziki part straight.

[X] The Assassin
-[X] Send Nadya to investigate. She'd like the job.
-[x] Make an undead Crow Scouting Network. They could prove useful after the job is done.
[X] The Mines
-[X] Send in the zombies. The air should be good for them.

Crows are extremely useful spies. Now, if we could have some way for them to notify us of their findings in a timely fashion...

[X] Ray of Enfeeblement (1/2 FP): A black ray springs form the fingertip of the caster, and upon contact with the target, drains them of their energy, making them weak and sickly. With the expenditure of extra energy, it does not merely weaken, but even paralyzes.

Well now I'm tempted to have her just messing up her own name for the giggles and the paper-thin disguise. But no, I'm just not good at spelling that name. XD
[X] The Assassin
-[X] Send Nadya to investigate. She'd like the job.
[X] The Mines
-[X] Send in the zombies. The air should be good for them.
[X] The Dragon
-[X] Gather information and find out who else has a beef with the damned dragon.
Could we poison the dragon? Use our surgical talents to implant some poison in some animals while keeping them alive and then have the dragon eat them?
If only we knew how to make poison, eh?

[X] The Assassin
-[X] Send Nadya to investigate. She'd like the job.
[X] The Mines
-[X] Send in the zombies. The air should be good for them.
[X] The Dragon
-[X] Gather information and find out who else has a beef with the damned dragon.
In Which a Necromancer Gets Started
Two hours later, you draft yourself a plan. First thing's first- The assassination. You should do something about that. On the one hand, you don't really have any skills geared toward finding assassins, beyond maybe giving the girl a ring that can fire off a corruption spell or something. Fortunately, it doesn't come to that.

"Nadya!" You shout at a random section of your room. A few moments later, the ghost materializes, looking nervous.

"Yes?" She asks cautiously, "Are you planning on examining the Libra Anima?"

"What? No, I'm working on an Exhaustion Ray spell right now." You say dismissively, "No, I need you to save someone's life!"

The ghost blinks. "That's new." She doesn't quite sound excited. Intrigued would be a better word. But hey, more than enough for your purposes!

"Yes, you see, the princess of this fair realm is going to be assassinated!" You say dramatically, "Obviously, that would be bad. Go save her life."

"Okay." She says doubtfully, "May I ask how?"

"Go watch her, and if there's a bad guy, come get me." You order, "Or someone who looks like they might become a bad guy later. Or- look, if there's someone looking at her evilly, tell me, would you?"

"I'll see what I can do." She decides. With that, she disappears into a wall. Good. Now that that's done with, you can get back to your research. Also, you'll need to make some preparations for your other tasks, but mostly research.


Speaking of your research, it goes quite well. The regeants that your new employer got you on such short notice aren't spectacular, but they're more than enough for the initial experimentation.

"My eyes are clouded with the Lie, my mind as bound as the Child's dreams." You chant as you scribe the initial spell formula into the ground with a rather horrific smelling mixture of geist's blood, three different alchemical mixtures that you're not quite sure as to the composition of, a few drops of blood, and some shards of jade, "Come forth, the endless nightmares, and shatter the chains that bind me." Thirteen and nine repetitions are enough to seal the spell, the bursts of chanting separated by the scattering of blood.

Power begins to roil as the fomula takes hold, the ritual circle now ready to hold the power of the second spell.

"From the burning Sun I call down my hate," You chant again, "For the Mother looks upon you in disdain and retrieves the gift she once gave." This one calls for the venom of a wyvern, two more alchemical mixtures, some saliva, and a droplet of moonlight. You repeat the chant the full hundred-and-eight times, not once stopping for a breath.

The second wave of power floods the circle and clashes against the first, raging against its' bonds, and it's into the conflict that you cast a dispellation. Naturally, the conflict grows worse as both spells turn against the bolt of unreality flung into their midst, and begin sacrificing themselves to keep the shard of the Child's dream from twisting the world. You wince as the blood in your veins grows colder and the air in your lungs suddenly feel insufficient, robbed of the essence of life that ought to pervade it.

But none of that matter, because, for the briefest of moments, you see it. The Spell Matrix- that pattern in the weave of All That Is which defines the curse you're seeking. You immediately flood it with all your energy, ignoring the way the ice within tears at your flesh from the inside- it'll fix itself later. More importantly, the spell matrix grows brighter, and the blood you've scattered in the circles resonates for the briefest moment. The first circle feeds you back information, telling you how your own power is flowing. You immediately shift that flow, trying to force it to match but-

With a sudden gasp, the endless Chains reassert themselves, and once again, you're all too blind. Still. You've made progress, you can feel it.


A couple weeks later, you're lying in your bed, recovering from the most recent attempt at wrenching magical knowledge from the fundamental threads of reality when you hear a knock on the door. "What?" You demand, yanking the door open.

"I, uh, I was told you'd be supplying workers?" A sand-weathered man asks nervously, a similarly nervous servant standing beside him, "Dread Kazoo?"

"Dark Khizku." You correct, "And you're the mine overseer?"

"I am." He nods, seeming even more tense for some reason. You absently wonder why, then realize that you don't actually care and snap your fingers. A few moments later, a pile of bodies begin clambering out of the closet you'd stuffed them in.

"Good. You zombies. Follow... this guy here, and obey his orders. You. Do the same." The zombies shuffle toward him, as does your Death Knight. "Also, Death Knight. If any adventurers try to destroy the zombies, stab them to death and then bring me the corpse. If you think you're going to lose, cut the right arm off a zombie. Zombies, if he cuts off one of your arms, return here, and wait for me."

They pause in acknowledgement, then continue shuffling after the rather disturbed looking mine overseer. You're not sure why, he knows you're a necromancer. Did he think you were a fleshweaver or something? They do tend to have a better reputation, even if their servants are just as creepy as your own. Creepier, you feel- at least a zombie's just a moving body. They tend to do things like create bodies with far too many limbs and eyes and mouths in various places that there really shouldn't be mouths.

You shake your head, turning your attention toward the servant, who, despite your expectations, did not follow the man away. "Yes?"

"The Lord Sahir wishes to inform you that his guards found the corpse you were asking for." As he says that, he offers you a box.

You grin, pulling it open, and revealing a small pin the shape of a prismatic palm tree, each of it's seven leaves forged from a different gemstone. Underneath it are a couple scraps of fabric, as well as a completely plain onyx ring. Symbols of the Tree of Knowledge. "Excellent." You grin. "Did he mention where he found these?"

"I am told they were retrieved from the entrance of the the tombs to the east." The man says awkwardly, "Along with the remains of nearly thirty men and a mage." Hm. Thirty? A bit bigger than the Tree's usual tomb raiding expeditions, but that just means that they were expecting something particularly valuable there. Which is... honestly a bit surprising. The local area is practically littered with the ancient structures, and most of the original landmarks have been thoroughly annihilated by the ages, the chances of someone actually finding something where they think it's supposed to be are... small. To say the least. Still, that's not really important, what matters is that you now have a way to convince the Tree to pay attention.

"Yes, that sounds right." You say absently, "Okay, you can go now, I need to write some letters."

You turn away from the servant and make your way to your writing desk, grabbing a sheaf of papers and some envelopes as you do. Hm... six letters should do, you decide. The first is a letter of introduction to the Black Lotus, mentioning your name, your new position, and informing them that your teacher has suffered a terminal case of adventurer to the lab, but that he gave you their contact information, and while you'll refrain from asking to join, you wanted to keep in touch for now. No point mentioning the dragon- if any of them care, they'll mention it to you. The letter to Gestor Romerons is much less formal. You mention that your teacher was very impressed with them, has come to an unfortuante end, and oh, by the way, did they know there's a dragon in the area? It's kinda pissing you off, and you were hoping they could put you in contact with others who might feel the same. If things go well, they might send some actual Masters to help you out here. If not... then at least you didn't have to ask for help, and they probably will put you in touch with others. The third letter goes to the Tree of Knowledge. It's more like the first one, a purely formal notification of your existence, Dread Illron's unfortunate demise, and a note that you're not planning on joining. This one, however, includes the pin and the ring, along with expressing your regret that you were unable to help the poor mage who died to some gods forsaken tomb in the deserts. If you're lucky, they'll come by to investigate, and might develop a grudge against the dragon.

The other three letters, however, are much less likely to result in helpful information. One goes to the local merchant's guild, the other two to your own city's biggest trade partner's magi. The Merchant's guild one expresses a desire for more orc-tallow, while the other two are just introducing yourself to their own Court Mages. Which you're aware they don't actually have, but you're sure your Lord will appreciate you bragging, and this'll let you slip hints about your annoyance with the dragon... wait. Shit. You need a reason to be annoyed with the dragon. One urgent enough to actually try and murder it now, not something like being annoyed that it killed your zombies.

Hm... What sort of excuse should you go with?
[] The Truth: Your employer wants the dragon dead, so you're trying to arrange a dead dragon.
[] A Misleading Truth: The dragon has been slowing trade. This has, unfortunately, resulted in a lack of rockfish, which, alas, you need for some experiments of yours. Naturally, you cannot allow this affair to stand. While you do need rockfish for certain experiments, those aren't likely to become important until you start paying attention to the Liber Animas.
[] Other: What sort of excuse would you like to go for?


About three days later, you get your first reply, this one from the Merchant's guild. Interestingly, it's requesting a meeting. Having nothing better to do at the time, and already having cast your research ritual for the day (doing it more than once per day was... ill advised), you decide to accept, arranging a trip to the local guildhouse.

"Ah, Singer Khizku!" A rather thin, balding man says cheerfully as he unfolds himself form behind a ledger, "It's my honor to welcome an elementalist into this humble trade shop."

"I'm a Necromancer," You say, thrown off by the completely incorrect title, "Not an elementalist."

His smile widens as he unfolds a scroll from his pocket. "Are you not? So you didn't make this?"

"Don't fold scrolls, the creases mess with the flow of arcane power. If you try to activate that, it'll blow up, not shoot fire." You say automatically, "And I did, yes. Why?"

"Then I believe I shall call you Singer." He says firmly, "After all, the Mother forbids dealing with those who would lengthen their lives, and as an elementalist who knows necromancy instead of a true necromancer, surely one would not accuse you of such?"

... On the one hand, that's actually a good point. On the other hand, fuck no. You didn't suffer through ten years of cutting apart corpses, learning curses, and drinking potions that were only not poisonous because your teacher's definition of poison didn't extend to anything that cured itself after a bit in order to be called a bloody elementalist. Still. There is something to be said of swallowing your pride... or, at least, not correcting him?

He watches you closely as you struggle to choose a response. You have a distinct feeling that whatever you choose here is going to influence how they treat you.

[] Stick to your guns. You're a Necromancer, damn it! (May cause problems among the less... liberal groups out there.)
[] Don't correct him. He wants to pretend you're an elementalist? Fine. You can deal. (May cause problems with elementalists- while you're technically a Singer, most magi aren't the type to let a claim like that slide no matter what the technicalities say.)
[] Go all in! Singers are legal everywhere, after all! (Multiclass into Elementalist! This is clearly a good idea, even though you have no Tomes with you to learn from!)

AN: No research action right now, you're still in the same "turn."

Edit: Clarified the stuff relating to the Tree of Knowledge.
Adhoc vote count started by Shadlith on Jul 30, 2017 at 11:51 PM, finished with 21 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] A Misleading Truth: The dragon has been slowing trade. This has, unfortunately, resulted in a lack of rockfish, which, alas, you need for some experiments of yours. Naturally, you cannot allow this affair to stand. While you do need rockfish for certain experiments, those aren't likely to become important until you start paying attention to the Liber Animas.
    [X] Go all in! Singers are legal everywhere, after all! (Multiclass into Elementalist! This is clearly a good idea, even though you have no Tomes with you to learn from!)
    [X] Don't correct him. He wants to pretend you're an elementalist? Fine. You can deal. (May cause problems with elementalists- while you're technically a Singer, most magi aren't the type to let a claim like that slide no matter what the technicalities say.)
    [X] The Truth: Your employer wants the dragon dead, so you're trying to arrange a dead dragon.
    [X] Don't correct him. He wants to pretend you're an elementalist? Fine. You can deal. (May cause problems with elementalists- while you're technically a Singer, most magi aren't the type to let a claim like that slide no matter what the technicalities say.)
    -[X] Remember to mark up the prices for everyone that call you an elementalist.
Last edited:
Two hours later, you draft yourself a plan. First thing's first- The assassination. You should do something about that. On the one hand, you don't really have any skills geared toward finding assassins, beyond maybe giving the girl a ring that can fire off a corruption spell or something. Fortunately, it doesn't come to that.

"Nadya!" You shout at a random section of your room. A few moments later, the ghost materializes, looking nervous.

"Yes?" She asks cautiously, "Are you planning on examining the Libra Anima?"

"What? No, I'm working on an Exhaustion Ray spell right now." You say dismissively, "No, I need you to save someone's life!"

The ghost blinks. "That's new." She doesn't quite sound excited. Intrigued would be a better word. But hey, more than enough for your purposes!

"Yes, you see, the princess of this fair realm is going to be assassinated!" You say dramatically, "Obviously, that would be bad. Go save her life."

"Okay." She says doubtfully, "May I ask how?"

"Go watch her, and if there's a bad guy, come get me." You order, "Or someone who looks like they might become a bad guy later. Or- look, if there's someone looking at her evilly, tell me, would you?"

"I'll see what I can do." She decides. With that, she disappears into a wall. Good. Now that that's done with, you can get back to your research. Also, you'll need to make some preparations for your other tasks, but mostly research.


Speaking of your research, it goes quite well. The regeants that your new employer got you on such short notice aren't spectacular, but they're more than enough for the initial experimentation.

"My eyes are clouded with the Lie, my mind as bound as the Child's dreams." You chant as you scribe the initial spell formula into the ground with a rather horrific smelling mixture of geist's blood, three different alchemical mixtures that you're not quite sure as to the composition of, a few drops of blood, and some shards of jade, "Come forth, the endless nightmares, and shatter the chains that bind me." Thirteen and nine repetitions are enough to seal the spell, the bursts of chanting separated by the scattering of blood.

Power begins to roil as the fomula takes hold, the ritual circle now ready to hold the power of the second spell.

"From the burning Sun I call down my hate," You chant again, "For the Mother looks upon you in disdain and retrieves the gift she once gave." This one calls for the venom of a wyvern, two more alchemical mixtures, some saliva, and a droplet of moonlight. You repeat the chant the full hundred-and-eight times, not once stopping for a breath.

The second wave of power floods the circle and clashes against the first, raging against its' bonds, and it's into the conflict that you cast a dispellation. Naturally, the conflict grows worse as both spells turn against the bolt of unreality flung into their midst, and begin sacrificing themselves to keep the shard of the Child's dream from twisting the world. You wince as the blood in your veins grows colder and the air in your lungs suddenly feel insufficient, robbed of the essence of life that ought to pervade it.

But none of that matter, because, for the briefest of moments, you see it. The Spell Matrix- that pattern in the weave of All That Is which defines the curse you're seeking. You immediately flood it with all your energy, ignoring the way the ice within tears at your flesh from the inside- it'll fix itself later. More importantly, the spell matrix grows brighter, and the blood you've scattered in the circles resonates for the briefest moment. The first circle feeds you back information, telling you how your own power is flowing. You immediately shift that flow, trying to force it to match but-

With a sudden gasp, the endless Chains reassert themselves, and once again, you're all too blind. Still. You've made progress, you can feel it.


A couple weeks later, you're lying in your bed, recovering from the most recent attempt at wrenching magical knowledge from the fundamental threads of reality when you hear a knock on the door. "What?" You demand, yanking the door open.

"I, uh, I was told you'd be supplying workers?" A sand-weathered man asks nervously, a similarly nervous servant standing beside him, "Dread Kazoo?"

"Dark Khizku." You correct, "And you're the mine overseer?"

"I am." He nods, seeming even more tense for some reason. You absently wonder why, then realize that you don't actually care and snap your fingers. A few moments later, a pile of bodies begin clambering out of the closet you'd stuffed them in.

"Good. You zombies. Follow... this guy here, and obey his orders. You. Do the same." The zombies shuffle toward him, as does your Death Knight. "Also, Death Knight. If any adventurers try to destroy the zombies, stab them to death and then bring me the corpse. If you think you're going to lose, cut the right arm off a zombie. Zombies, if he cuts off one of your arms, return here, and wait for me."

They pause in acknowledgement, then continue shuffling after the rather disturbed looking mine overseer. You're not sure why, he knows you're a necromancer. Did he think you were a fleshweaver or something? They do tend to have a better reputation, even if their servants are just as creepy as your own. Creepier, you feel- at least a zombie's just a moving body. They tend to do things like create bodies with far too many limbs and eyes and mouths in various places that there really shouldn't be mouths.

You shake your head, turning your attention toward the servant, who, despite your expectations, did not follow the man away. "Yes?"

"The Lord Sahir wishes to inform you that his guards found the corpse you were asking for." As he says that, he offers you a box.

You grin, pulling it open, and revealing a small pin the shape of a prismatic palm tree, each of it's seven leaves forged from a different gemstone. Underneath it are a couple scraps of fabric, as well as a completely plain onyx ring. "Excellent." You grin. "Now, to write some letters."

You turn away from the servant and make your way to your writing desk, grabbing a sheaf of papers and some envelopes as you do. Hm... six letters should do, you decide. The first is a letter of introduction to the Black Lotus, mentioning your name, your new position, and informing them that your teacher has suffered a terminal case of adventurer to the lab, but that he gave you their contact information, and while you'll refrain from asking to join, you wanted to keep in touch for now. No point mentioning the dragon- if any of them care, they'll mention it to you. The letter to Gestor Romerons is much less formal. You mention that your teacher was very impressed with them, has come to an unfortuante end, and oh, by the way, did they know there's a dragon in the area? It's kinda pissing you off, and you were hoping they could put you in contact with others who might feel the same. If things go well, they might send some actual Masters to help you out here. If not... then at least you didn't have to ask for help, and they probably will put you in touch with others. The third letter goes to the Tree of Knowledge. It's more like the first one, a purely formal notification of your existence, Dread Illron's unfortunate demise, and a note that you're not planning on joining. This one, however, includes the pin and the ring, along with expressing your regret that you were unable to help the poor mage who died to some gods forsaken tomb in the deserts. If you're lucky, they'll come by to investigate, and might develop a grudge against the dragon.

The other three letters, however, are much less likely to result in helpful information. One goes to the local merchant's guild, the other two to your own city's biggest trade partner's magi. The Merchant's guild one expresses a desire for more orc-tallow, while the other two are just introducing yourself to their own Court Mages. Which you're aware they don't actually have, but you're sure your Lord will appreciate you bragging, and this'll let you slip hints about your annoyance with the dragon... wait. Shit. You need a reason to be annoyed with the dragon. One urgent enough to actually try and murder it now, not something like being annoyed that it killed your zombies.

Hm... What sort of excuse should you go with?
[] The Truth: Your employer wants the dragon dead, so you're trying to arrange a dead dragon.
[] A Misleading Truth: The dragon has been slowing trade. This has, unfortunately, resulted in a lack of rockfish, which, alas, you need for some experiments of yours. Naturally, you cannot allow this affair to stand. While you do need rockfish for certain experiments, those aren't likely to become important until you start paying attention to the Liber Animas.
[] Other: What sort of excuse would you like to go for?


About three days later, you get your first reply, this one from the Merchant's guild. Interestingly, it's requesting a meeting. Having nothing better to do at the time, and already having cast your research ritual for the day (doing it more than once per day was... ill advised), you decide to accept, arranging a trip to the local guildhouse.

"Ah, Singer Khizku!" A rather thin, balding man says cheerfully as he unfolds himself form behind a ledger, "It's my honor to welcome an elementalist into this humble trade shop."

"I'm a Necromancer," You say, thrown off by the completely incorrect title, "Not an elementalist."

His smile widens as he unfolds a scroll from his pocket. "Are you not? So you didn't make this?"

"Don't fold scrolls, the creases mess with the flow of arcane power. If you try to activate that, it'll blow up, not shoot fire." You say automatically, "And I did, yes. Why?"

"Then I believe I shall call you Singer." He says firmly, "After all, the Mother forbids dealing with those who would lengthen their lives, and as an elementalist who knows necromancy instead of a true necromancer, surely one would not accuse you of such?"

... On the one hand, that's actually a good point. On the other hand, fuck no. You didn't suffer through ten years of cutting apart corpses, learning curses, and drinking potions that were only not poisonous because your teacher's definition of poison didn't extend to anything that cured itself after a bit in order to be called a bloody elementalist. Still. There is something to be said of swallowing your pride... or, at least, not correcting him?

He watches you closely as you struggle to choose a response. You have a distinct feeling that whatever you choose here is going to influence how they treat you.

[] Stick to your guns. You're a Necromancer, damn it! (May cause problems among the less... liberal groups out there.)
[] Don't correct him. He wants to pretend you're an elementalist? Fine. You can deal. (May cause problems with elementalists- while you're technically a Singer, most magi aren't the type to let a claim like that slide no matter what the technicalities say.)
[] Go all in! Singers are legal everywhere, after all! (Multiclass into Elementalist! This is clearly a good idea, even though you have no Tomes with you to learn from!)

AN: No research action right now, you're still in the same "turn."

Is there a drawback to multiclassing?
Is there a drawback to multiclassing?

No inherent drawbacks other than the fact that time spent researching Elementalist spells is time spent not researching Necromantic spells.

Also, you don't actually have any Elementalist grimoires to draw from, so you'll have to learn spells from scratch. Which is much harder that learning them from a grimoire. So there's that.
[X] Don't correct him. He wants to pretend you're an elementalist? Fine. You can deal. (May cause problems with elementalists- while you're technically a Singer, most magi aren't the type to let a claim like that slide no matter what the technicalities say.)

Eh. It's not us who makes the claim and we can read up on elementalism, until there is no doubt that we caunt as singer, but not really going above singer level for now.

Almost forgot about the second vote thing.

[X] The Truth: Your employer wants the dragon dead, so you're trying to arrange a dead dragon.
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[X] A Misleading Truth: The dragon has been slowing trade. This has, unfortunately, resulted in a lack of rockfish, which, alas, you need for some experiments of yours. Naturally, you cannot allow this affair to stand. While you do need rockfish for certain experiments, those aren't likely to become important until you start paying attention to the Liber Animas.

[X] Go all in! Singers are legal everywhere, after all! (Multiclass into Elementalist! This is clearly a good idea, even though you have no Tomes with you to learn from!)

Let's not assume this will be our last home or identity. The ability to pass for another type of caster is valuable and who knows what future synergies there may be.
[x] Don't correct him. He wants to pretend you're an elementalist? Fine. You can deal. (May cause problems with elementalists- while you're technically a Singer, most magi aren't the type to let a claim like that slide no matter what the technicalities say.)

You grin, pulling it open, and revealing a small pin the shape of a prismatic palm tree, each of it's seven leaves forged from a different gemstone. Underneath it are a couple scraps of fabric, as well as a completely plain onyx ring. "Excellent." You grin. "Now, to write some letters."
The third letter goes to the Tree of Knowledge. It's more like the first one, a purely formal notification of your existence, Dread Illron's unfortunate demise, and a note that you're not planning on joining. This one, however, includes the pin and the ring, along with expressing your regret that you were unable to help the poor mage who died to some gods forsaken tomb in the deserts.
I'm sorry, what is the significance of the pin and the ring?
[X] A Misleading Truth: The dragon has been slowing trade. This has, unfortunately, resulted in a lack of rockfish, which, alas, you need for some experiments of yours. Naturally, you cannot allow this affair to stand. While you do need rockfish for certain experiments, those aren't likely to become important until you start paying attention to the Liber Animas.

[X] Go all in! Singers are legal everywhere, after all! (Multiclass into Elementalist! This is clearly a good idea, even though you have no Tomes with you to learn from!)
I'm sorry, what is the significance of the pin and the ring?

Damnit, that got eaten in my edits, didn't it? They're basically membership markers for the Tree. Each guild has it's own ways of signaling to other mages that you're part of the group, since people can't track every member, and long distance communication is difficult without mage assistance.
Okay. What about the mage that died at some tomb that the Tree is supposed to investigate? I don't remember this either.
Okay. What about the mage that died at some tomb that the Tree is supposed to investigate? I don't remember this either.

Gimme a bit, and I'll edit the info back in tomorrow, can't today (won't have access to the meet on my computer for a bit). Anyway, quick info; there's a bunch of tombs in the area, and the Tree of Knowledge enjoys raiding them. Since a lot of them are trapped or guarded by mummies, this tends to be pretty dangerous. You're basically sending back information that an exploration party failed.

Edit: nvm, managed to phone-edit.
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[X] A Misleading Truth: The dragon has been slowing trade. This has, unfortunately, resulted in a lack of rockfish, which, alas, you need for some experiments of yours. Naturally, you cannot allow this affair to stand. While you do need rockfish for certain experiments, those aren't likely to become important until you start paying attention to the Liber Animas.

[X] Go all in! Singers are legal everywhere, after all! (Multiclass into Elementalist! This is clearly a good idea, even though you have no Tomes with you to learn from!)
[X] A Misleading Truth: The dragon has been slowing trade. This has, unfortunately, resulted in a lack of rockfish, which, alas, you need for some experiments of yours. Naturally, you cannot allow this affair to stand. While you do need rockfish for certain experiments, those aren't likely to become important until you start paying attention to the Liber Animas.

[X] Go all in! Singers are legal everywhere, after all! (Multiclass into Elementalist! This is clearly a good idea, even though you have no Tomes with you to learn from!)
[X] A Misleading Truth: The dragon has been slowing trade. This has, unfortunately, resulted in a lack of rockfish, which, alas, you need for some experiments of yours. Naturally, you cannot allow this affair to stand. While you do need rockfish for certain experiments, those aren't likely to become important until you start paying attention to the Liber Animas.

[X] Go all in! Singers are legal everywhere, after all! (Multiclass into Elementalist! This is clearly a good idea, even though you have no Tomes with you to learn from!)