Contingency plans (Starcraft Zerg Quest)

Hybrid Factions (Terran/Zerg)
Ok sorry if updates have slowed down I just go a kitten and taking care of it's a full time job.

So here's have an info blurb about Zerg/Terran Hybrid faction style to tide you over.

Infested Terrans (Mesh Route): The route you guys currently are on these guys combine Terran machinery with Zerg biology to create a variety of powerful higher quality units. While not as high quilty as say the Protoss they still have a massive advantage in that area over everyone else, and can still out produce a good deal of there non-Zerg enemies. Finally attacking there planets tends to be the hardest among all the Zerg/Terran hybrid factions due to them retaining the majority of the terrans defensive focuses.

Infested Terrans (Horde Route): These guys are your classic zombie apocalypse with the power to basically get units for free even the Zerg swarm can find themselves of the wrong end of there own tactics when these guys get rolling. In terms of combat Stuckov's coop commander is a good outline of what to expect from these guys. They naturally are more offensive focused than the mesh route and will likley show up as part of the swarm proper due to the Queen of Blade's efforts.

Mutates: Infested Terrans with there free will the Mutates are a strange one in that individuals eventually starting taking after the Primal Zerg more than they do the Zerg swarm. These guys have a focus of Elite infantry with the main improvements to vehicle being more the result of Mutates having the potential to be better pilots than anything else.

UED Control: Less a Hybrid faction and more of an Alliance this faction may not seem like much due to Terrans being a late midgame faction as opposed to endgame like the Zerg, Protoss and of course Zerg/Protoss Hybrids but when placed alongside the numbers of there Zerg counterparts the UED units are surprisingly potent at there job.

Mechanized Zerg: The result of early attempts to weaponize the Zerg this option utilizes a combination of cybernetics and psi technology to control the Zerg Swarm. It has a variety of powerful units but out of the Hybrid Zerg/Terran options it is the most dangerous to those attempting to initiate it.
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Infested Terrans (Mesh Route): The route you guys currently are on these guys combine Terran machinery with Zerg biology to create a variety of powerful higher quality units. While not as high quilty as say the Protoss they still have a massive advantage in that area over everyone else, and can still out produce a good deal of there non-Zerg enemies. Finally attacking there planets tends to be the hardest among all the Zerg/Terran hybrid factions due to them retaining the majority of the terrans defensive focuses.

Mechanized Zerg: The result of early attempts to weaponize the Zerg this option utilizes a combination of cybernetics and psi technology to control the Zerg Swarm. It has a variety of powerful units but out of the Hybrid Zerg/Terran options it is the most dangerous to those attempting to initiate it.

Should probably go for a combination of these two.

Mutates: Infested Terrans with there free will the Mutates are a strange one in that individuals eventually starting taking after the Primal Zerg more than they do the Zerg swarm. These guys have a focus of Elite infantry with the main improvements to vehicle being more the result of Mutates having the potential to be better pilots than anything else.

So want to add these people to our faction, the real reason they have their free will though is because of a nanite treatment.
Should probably go for a combination of these two.
Definitely. I think the best way to do it is to rework our existing methods for Mesh route Terrans and have it as a means of Cybernetic Zerg that take up less power to control, or rely on more mechanical methods, as well as obviously having the benefits of machinary.

Question for @undead frog, is the Apocalisk under Mesh or Mechanized Zerg?

Also, I found a Starcraft fic idea and recommendation thread. Anyone want to head there and launch a bunch of ideas?
Question for @undead frog, is the Apocalisk under Mesh or Mechanized Zerg?
It's actually one of the Horde Routes unique units and is among the few quality focused units they have.

You have your own possible equivalents naturally but they have different focuses and due to your quality focus are more prolific in an army of the same size.

Mechanized Zerg in general are better for normal Terrans trying to control the swarm in some way, which is also why it's such a danger to attempt. Mesh units are generally designed/evolved from the ground up to get cybernetic so they tend to be better pound for pound but Mechanized Zerg do have some bits going for them.

It's best to think of the three factions being Mesh, Horde, and Mutates are the Zerg half using the Terrans while the UED Control and Mechanized are Terran groups using the Zerg.
Opps. Oh well, I'm broadly ok with the leading plan.

Inserted tally

Edit: I did the tally wrong... Yeah, the software is not working for me.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by UbeOne on Jun 25, 2017 at 7:28 PM, finished with 506 posts and 12 votes.
[x] A Fleet Commander.
[x] Order a colonization of one of the newly found planets.
[x] Set up a secret base on the Barren Planet.
[x] Manufacturing Building: "With the higher number of mechanical units I have a feeling that we'll need a structure that focuses on building machinery before we find our limits in that area tested."

How did I not notice this? Infested Terrans are My favorite part of Starcraft, Stukov best co op commander.
Stukov best co op commander.
Particularly due to the vast meat walls he can create for free. And dropping an Apocalisk on top of an enemy base is always fun. Flametrowers. On Kaiser Blades. Fuck logic, we have an Ultralisk that needs, like, ten nukes to put down. And it has a Thor torso replacing most of it's head with the arms being merged with it's Kaiser Blades, which makes me think that it's actually a rudimentary Mesh unit rather than a Horde unit.
Particularly due to the vast meat walls he can create for free. And dropping an Apocalisk on top of an enemy base is always fun. Flametrowers. On Kaiser Blades. Fuck logic, we have an Ultralisk that needs, like, ten nukes to put down. And it has a Thor torso replacing most of it's head with the arms being merged with it's Kaiser Blades, which makes me think that it's actually a rudimentary Mesh unit rather than a Horde unit.
Free meat is a specialty of the Horde faction, when boosted up to end undgame status they can out swarm the regular Zerg, though one of the potential broods could match them in that regard.

The Apocalisk is strange in that it normally would only come about as a result of a Horde faction watching a Mesh one in action, it's just that Stukov is skilled enough that he managed to access it anyway though in less numbers that the natural result would have brought.
Secret Base
[x] Secret Base

The very first thing on your list of priorities is to set up a hidden base one the Barren planet. Potential for psychic powers was one of the major reasons for the original Overmind's attempts to infest the Terrans and while you have made due without them for the time being you cannot truthfully say that they would not be a major addition to your arsenal should you add that capability to your own forces.

Thankfully the Barren Planet has enough nooks and crannies that you are able to set up a nice out of the way base far enough from the Ghost facilities to avoid detection, but close enough to easily monitor the bases themselves. It seems that the local Ghosts themselves has really begun digging in, apparently the faction they work for 'The Confederacy' has all but lost its hold on the system and it's many enemies are now swarming all over in an attempt to wipe out the remnants. They must have been really hated if they have that much to worry about, something to keep in mind you suppose.

Still with this base you now have a good launching point for any actual attacks as well as a center for your own research in the topic of Terran psychics, overall it seem you will have much use for this facility in the future.


Your next course of action is to order the colonization of one of the lush planets that you had discovered. Things start up relatively slowly but soon enough you have a decently sized colony the planet, in part due to the Zergs exponential growth capabilities and in part due to the favorable location of the planet itself.

The colony currently lacks a governor strain to lead it however and as such it's capabilities are less so than they would be normally.

Finally you choose to specalize the new infested Terran for a position as a fleet command strain. They take to the job well enough to say the least.

Oh right you'd better name them before you forget.

What is the name of you knew Infested Terran, and what gender are they?

[x] Write in.

Finally Terra come too you with two possible routes to go for your new factory. She seems quite eager to try them.

[x] Cyber Cove: Following the Zerg model of using Larva the Cyber Cover is a cave like growth full of cybernetic implantation devices. Due to its unique nature it allows for the construction of stronger forms earlier and without as much supporting infrastructure but as a tradeoff does so slower and can maintain less at once.

[x] Flesh Factory: Going the opposite direction the Flesh factor is a factory like building that contains gestation take for the easy creation of Zerg bio material. Due to the specialization involved it takes longer for these building to gain access to the more advanced strains and they need more supporting infrastructure to do so but once those issues are settled they can do so faster and in greater numbers.

What do you do next? (Choose 2)
[x] Create another natural grown infested terran.
[x] Create another Governor Strain.
[x] Create another Cerebrate level infested Terran. (And finally figure out a name for these guys.
[x] Focus on building another infested unit type. (Choose an already researched infested unit to produce above the others)
[x] Order a colonization of one of the newly found planets.
[x] Try and capture some ghosts from the Barren planet.
[x] The Fleet command strain while potent still has some limitations, create a specialized ship for them to inhabit.
[x] Send more scouts out to look for new planets.
[x] Order your Phantoms to start tracking Terran shipping in the area.

Terra's research projects. (Choose 1)
[x] Shrike turrets "Hey dad! Let's put a gun on those infested bunkers it'll make them even better at shooting the enemy!"
[x] Fortified Bunker "If we make bunkers tougher and able to hold more marines that's good! Right daddy!?"
[x] Next Gen Infested Medics. "Now that outline infantry have been updated I think we could do some pretty interesting with the infested medic strain. "
[x] Infested Firebats: "These things have lagged behind our other infantry, I think it's time we either update them or look for a replacement."
[x] Perdition Turret (Fire) "With these we can burn all the bad guys!"
[x] Perdition Turret (Chemical) "On the other hand we can melt them with acid instead!"
[x] Bioports: "It will cost the infested Starports ability to take flight, but if you want I can modify the infested startport so it can create pure Zerg strains in addition to infested terran units."
[x] Juggernaut Plating: "FIrebats are very potent but they tend to lack a bit in the durability department, I think we should fix that!"'
[x] Explosive Marines: "Those old school exploding marines are pretty potent, maybe we should see if we can copy them?"
[x] Larger Ships: "While we've already got one design down the others are always open if you feel like it." (Choose one of the four ship designs from earlier.)
[x] The strange blueprints: "You know with these I can probably finish up the designs and put this ship into service…with some modifications of course."
Colony List​
Capital Planet 1: The planet you started out on, remains named for now. Right now it holds that majority of your forces as well as your only spaceport.
Barren Planet: Small scouting base purely for info gathering purposes.
Lush Planet: Moderate sized colony experiencing rapid growth.
8 Former Terran Worlds: As you've for the most part just co-opted existing infested Terrans for these colonies these worlds are all fairly well developed for their relative newness.​
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[x] Plan taking care of business
[x] John
[x] Male
[x] Flesh Factory:
[x] Create another Governor Strain.
[x] The Fleet command strain while potent still has some limitations, create a specialized ship for them to inhabit.
[x] Perdition Turret (Fire)
Adhoc vote count started by Raptor580 on Jul 10, 2017 at 2:37 PM, finished with 523 posts and 10 votes.
[X] Skye
[X] Female
[x] Cyber Cove: Following the Zerg model of using Larva the Cyber Cover is a cave like growth full of cybernetic implantation devices. Due to its unique nature it allows for the construction of stronger forms earlier and without as much supporting infrastructure but as a tradeoff does so slower and can maintain less at once.
[x] The Fleet command strain while potent still has some limitations, create a specialized ship for them to inhabit.
[x] Order your Phantoms to start tracking Terran shipping in the area.
[x] The strange blueprints: "You know with these I can probably finish up the designs and put this ship into service…with some modifications of course."

We've gone the tech route for the most part, seems like pushing on quality works better.
I'm thinking every planet gets one of each of the leader type strains and at least one scientist with specialization depending on their focus, so the barren planet would get an espionage strain as well to help keep it hidden.

@undead frog, what is the difference between a cerebrate level and a natural grown infested terran?
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[X] Skye
[X] Female
[x] Cyber Cove: Following the Zerg model of using Larva the Cyber Cover is a cave like growth full of cybernetic implantation devices. Due to its unique nature it allows for the construction of stronger forms earlier and without as much supporting infrastructure but as a tradeoff does so slower and can maintain less at once.
[x] The Fleet command strain while potent still has some limitations, create a specialized ship for them to inhabit.
[x] Order your Phantoms to start tracking Terran shipping in the area.
[x] The strange blueprints: "You know with these I can probably finish up the designs and put this ship into service…with some modifications of course."
[X] Skye
[X] Female
[x] Cyber Cove: Following the Zerg model of using Larva the Cyber Cover is a cave like growth full of cybernetic implantation devices. Due to its unique nature it allows for the construction of stronger forms earlier and without as much supporting infrastructure but as a tradeoff does so slower and can maintain less at once.
[x] The Fleet command strain while potent still has some limitations, create a specialized ship for them to inhabit.
[x] Order your Phantoms to start tracking Terran shipping in the area.
[x] The strange blueprints: "You know with these I can probably finish up the designs and put this ship into service…with some modifications of course."
[X] Skye
[X] Female

[x] Cyber Cove: Following the Zerg model of using Larva the Cyber Cover is a cave like growth full of cybernetic implantation devices. Due to its unique nature it allows for the construction of stronger forms earlier and without as much supporting infrastructure but as a tradeoff does so slower and can maintain less at once.

What do you do next? (Choose 2)
[x] Create another Governor Strain.
[x] The Fleet command strain while potent still has some limitations, create a specialized ship for them to inhabit.

Terra's research projects. (Choose 1)
[x] The strange blueprints: "You know with these I can probably finish up the designs and put this ship into service…with some modifications of course."
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[x] Plan taking care of business
[x] John
[x] Male
[x] Flesh Factory:
[x] Create another Governor Strain.
[x] The Fleet command strain while potent still has some limitations, create a specialized ship for them to inhabit.
[x] Perdition Turret (Fire)
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by UbeOne on Jul 15, 2017 at 9:51 AM, finished with 524 posts and 10 votes.

  • [x] Plan taking care of business
    [X] Skye
    [X] Female
    [x] Cyber Cove: Following the Zerg model of using Larva the Cyber Cover is a cave like growth full of cybernetic implantation devices. Due to its unique nature it allows for the construction of stronger forms earlier and without as much supporting infrastructure but as a tradeoff does so slower and can maintain less at once.
    [x] The Fleet command strain while potent still has some limitations, create a specialized ship for them to inhabit.
    [x] Order your Phantoms to start tracking Terran shipping in the area.
    [x] The strange blueprints: "You know with these I can probably finish up the designs and put this ship into service…with some modifications of course."
    [x] Plan taking care of business
    [x] John
    [x] Male
    [x] Flesh Factory:
    [x] Create another Governor Strain.
    [x] The Fleet command strain while potent still has some limitations, create a specialized ship for them to inhabit.
    [x] Perdition Turret (Fire)
    [X] Skye
    [X] Female
    [x] Cyber Cove: Following the Zerg model of using Larva the Cyber Cover is a cave like growth full of cybernetic implantation devices. Due to its unique nature it allows for the construction of stronger forms earlier and without as much supporting infrastructure but as a tradeoff does so slower and can maintain less at once.
    [x] Create another Governor Strain.
    [x] The Fleet command strain while potent still has some limitations, create a specialized ship for them to inhabit.
    [x] The strange blueprints: "You know with these I can probably finish up the designs and put this ship into service…with some modifications of course."