Contingency plans (Starcraft Zerg Quest)

[] Create another natural grown infested terran.

Can we decided in advance what we want role we want our new Terran to have?

[] Create another natural grown infested terran.
-[] Assistant Researcher

And naturally, would an assistant researcher actually net us and additional research action? I'd like to know in advance if I'm promising something I can't deliver.
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Can we decided in advance what we want role we want our new Terran to have?


[] Create another natural grown infested terran.
-[] Assistant Researcher
At the moment I'd like you guys to hold off on things like that, right now I'm trying to decide if I should even allow to research actions or if I should let you guys give up a normal action for another research one on a per-turn basis.
[X] Create another natural grown infested terran.
[X] Set up a base on the Barren Planet.

[X] Infested Siege Tank "The normal siege tank is a staple of Terran warfare let's see if we can'tmake do with them ourselves."
[X] Create another natural grown infested terran.
[X] Set up a base on the Barren Planet.

[X] Infested Siege Tank "The normal siege tank is a staple of Terran warfare let's see if we can'tmake do with them ourselves."
[X] Create another natural grown infested terran.
[X] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.

[X] Infested Siege Tank "The normal siege tank is a staple of Terran warfare let's see if we can'tmake do with them ourselves."
What do you do next? (Choose 2)
[x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
[x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.

Terra's research projects. (Choose 1)
[x] The strange blueprints: "You know with these I can probably finish up the designs and put this ship into service…with some modifications of course."
[x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
[x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.

[x] Infested Siege Tank "The normal siege tank is a staple of Terran warfare let's see if we can'tmake do with them ourselves."
Adhoc vote count started by Raptor580 on May 24, 2017 at 10:59 AM, finished with 486 posts and 10 votes.
[x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
[x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.

[x] Infested Siege Tank "The normal siege tank is a staple of Terran warfare let's see if we can'tmake do with them ourselves."
Yet More Investigation
[x] Yet More Investigation

Once again you create another natural infested Terran. What did you want this one's job to be again?
[x] A Fleet Commander.
[x] An elite combatant.
[x] A base commander.
[x] A support commander for one of the Cerebrate level Infested Terrans.

In addition you also order the continued scouting of both the Barren planet and the Frozen planet. You aren't able to find much more on the frozen planet aside from some spare docks, they do further it's possibility as a navel jump off point but do not do much more than that.

From what you can tell from the Barren planet there are three major Ghost facilities, one that focuses on the genetics aspects of ghosts, one that's focused on the practical training of Ghost abilities, and one that focuses on the more theoretical aspect of psychics. If there is more than that your forces sadly are unable to find them without risk of being caught you'll have to establish a hidden base of some kind you want to get that information.

Finally you have Terra create infested Siege Tanks, at this point they have no real functional differences from their normal counterparts but they fill an as of yet empty niche within your forces so you are happy enough with that.

What do you do next? (Choose 2)
[x] Create another natural grown infested terran.
[x] Create another Governer Strain. (Locked until you control more than one planet.)
[x] Create another Cerebrate level infested Terran. (And finally figure out a name for these guys.
[x] Focus on building another infested unit type. (Choose an already researched infested unit to produce above the others)
[x] Order a colonization of one of the newly found planets.
[x] Set up a secret base on the Barren Planet.
[x] Send more scouts out to look for new planets.
[x] Order your Phantoms to start tracking Terran shipping in the area.

Terra's research projects. (Choose 1)
[x] Shrike turrets "Hey dad! Let's put a gun on those infested bunkers it'll make them even better at shooting the enemy!"
[x] Fortified Bunker "If we make bunkers tougher and able to hold more marines that's good! Right daddy!?"
[x] Next Gen Infested Medics. "Now that outline infantry have been updated I think we could do some pretty interesting with the infested medic strain. "
[x] Infested Firebats: "These things have lagged behind our other infantry, I think it's time we either update them or look for a replacement."
[x] Manufacturing Building: "With the higher number of mechanical units I have a feeling that we'll need a structure that focuses on building machinery before we find our limits in that area tested."
[x] Perdition Turret (Fire) "With these we can burn all the bad guys!"
[x] Perdition Turret (Chemical) "On the other hand we can melt them with acid instead!"
[x] Bioports: "It will cost the infested Starports ability to take flight, but if you want I can modify the infested startport so it can create pure Zerg strains in addition to infested terran units."
[x] Juggernaut Plating: "FIrebats are very potent but they tend to lack a bit in the durability department, I think we should fix that!"'
[x] Explosive Marines: "Those old school exploding marines are pretty potent, maybe we should see if we can copy them?"
[x] Larger Ships: "While we've already got one design down the others are always open if you feel like it." (Choose one of the four ship designs from earlier.)
[x] The strange blueprints: "You know with these I can probably finish up the designs and put this ship into service…with some modifications of course."
[x] A Fleet Commander.

[x] Order a colonization of one of the newly found planets.
[x] Set up a secret base on the Barren Planet.

[x] The strange blueprints: "You know with these I can probably finish up the designs and put this ship into service…with some modifications of course."
[x] A Fleet Commander.

[x] Order a colonization of one of the newly found planets.
[x] Set up a secret base on the Barren Planet.

[x] The strange blueprints: "You know with these I can probably finish up the designs and put this ship into service…with some modifications of course."
[x] A Fleet Commander.
[x] Set up a secret base on the Barren Planet.
[x] Order your Phantoms to start tracking Terran shipping in the area.
[x] Manufacturing Building: "With the higher number of mechanical units I have a feeling that we'll need a structure that focuses on building machinery before we find our limits in that area tested."

Need someone in space. And we need machinery production to keep up with the siege tanks usage
[x] A Fleet Commander.
[x] Order a colonization of one of the newly found planets.
[x] Set up a secret base on the Barren Planet.
[x] Manufacturing Building: "With the higher number of mechanical units I have a feeling that we'll need a structure that focuses on building machinery before we find our limits in that area tested."
[x] A Fleet Commander.
[x] Set up a secret base on the Barren Planet.
[x] Order your Phantoms to start tracking Terran shipping in the area.
[x] Manufacturing Building: "With the higher number of mechanical units I have a feeling that we'll need a structure that focuses on building machinery before we find our limits in that area tested."
[x] A Fleet Commander.
[x] Set up a secret base on the Barren Planet.
[x] Order your Phantoms to start tracking Terran shipping in the area.
[x] Manufacturing Building: "With the higher number of mechanical units I have a feeling that we'll need a structure that focuses on building machinery before we find our limits in that area tested."
What did you want this one's job to be again?
[x] A Fleet Commander.

What do you do next? (Choose 2)
[x] Set up a secret base on the Barren Planet.
[x] Order your Phantoms to start tracking Terran shipping in the area.

Terra's research projects. (Choose 1)
[x] The strange blueprints: "You know with these I can probably finish up the designs and put this ship into service…with some modifications of course."
[x] A Fleet Commander.
[x] Order a colonization of one of the newly found planets.
[x] Set up a secret base on the Barren Planet.
[x] Manufacturing Building: "With the higher number of mechanical units I have a feeling that we'll need a structure that focuses on building machinery before we find our limits in that area tested."
[x] A Fleet Commander.

[x] Order a colonization of one of the newly found planets.
[x] Set up a secret base on the Barren Planet.

[x] The strange blueprints: "You know with these I can probably finish up the designs and put this ship into service…with some modifications of course."
[x] A base commander.

[x] Next Gen Infested Medics. "Now that outline infantry have been updated I think we could do some pretty interesting with the infested medic strain. "
[x] Set up a secret base on the Barren Planet.

[x] The strange blueprints: "You know with these I can probably finish up the designs and put this ship into service…with some modifications of course."
[x] A base commander.

[x] Set up a secret base on the Barren Planet.

[x] Next Gen Infested Medics. "Now that outline infantry have been updated I think we could do some pretty interesting with the infested medic strain. "
[x] A Fleet Commander.

[x] Order a colonization of one of the newly found planets.
[x] Set up a secret base on the Barren Planet.

[x] Shrike turrets "Hey dad! Let's put a gun on those infested bunkers it'll make them even better at shooting the enemy!"

Expansion makes sense, don't think we have a Fleet Commander, and I want to start whittling down our research options.