Contingency plans (Starcraft Zerg Quest)

What is his name?
[x] Write in
-[x] Arnold

What his strand named?
[x] Write in
-[x] Governor strain

Along the lines you also ask Terra to come up with ideas for larger space craft. She naturally gives you a selection to choose from.
[x] The Giant Crab: "Yeah I know the names weird but it really fits the fantasy monster theme we have going! Anyway this ship is circular in shape and possess a massive missile launcher on its back capable of destroying larger enemy ships alongside a host of smaller weapons for fighting off pests. In addition it can land on planets and make use of its central battery as a long range artillery weapon! Go giant crustaceans!"

Finally you work on a further improvement of the Ogre, right now you see two possible ways to go.
[x] Centaur: A large quadruped the Centaur is both stronger than the Ogre and much faster…also it can put other infested Terrans inside an organic bunker like construct on it's back from which they can fire out. Even better should the Centaur be destroyed its inhabitants will emerge safe and sound!

What do you do next? (Choose 2)
[x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
[x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.

Terra's research projects. (Choose 1)
[x] Eh? "When our existing mechanical well ok partially mechanical units get ganked the pilot is out of lucl…I have a plan to fix that!"
What is his name?
[x] Write in
-[x] Arnold

What his strand named?
[x] Write in
-[x] Governor strain

Along the lines you also ask Terra to come up with ideas for larger space craft. She naturally gives you a selection to choose from.
[x] The Giant Crab: "Yeah I know the names weird but it really fits the fantasy monster theme we have going! Anyway this ship is circular in shape and possess a massive missile launcher on its back capable of destroying larger enemy ships alongside a host of smaller weapons for fighting off pests. In addition it can land on planets and make use of its central battery as a long range artillery weapon! Go giant crustaceans!"

Finally you work on a further improvement of the Ogre, right now you see two possible ways to go.
[x] Centaur: A large quadruped the Centaur is both stronger than the Ogre and much faster…also it can put other infested Terrans inside an organic bunker like construct on it's back from which they can fire out. Even better should the Centaur be destroyed its inhabitants will emerge safe and sound!

What do you do next? (Choose 2)
[x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
[x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.

Terra's research projects. (Choose 1)
[x] Eh? "When our existing mechanical well ok partially mechanical units get ganked the pilot is out of lucl…I have a plan to fix that!"
What is his name?
[x] Write in
-[x] Arnold

What his strand named?
[x] Write in
-[x] Governor strain

Along the lines you also ask Terra to come up with ideas for larger space craft. She naturally gives you a selection to choose from.
[x] The Giant Crab: "Yeah I know the names weird but it really fits the fantasy monster theme we have going! Anyway this ship is circular in shape and possess a massive missile launcher on its back capable of destroying larger enemy ships alongside a host of smaller weapons for fighting off pests. In addition it can land on planets and make use of its central battery as a long range artillery weapon! Go giant crustaceans!"

Finally you work on a further improvement of the Ogre, right now you see two possible ways to go.
[x] The Giant: The Orge's design taking up to its natural conclusion the Giant is the largest infested Terran possible while at the same time getting a good return on the resouces use. While lacking the speed and transport abilities of the Centaur the Giant is far stronger and far more durable. In addition the Giant can hold of to three 'Stones' items that can have a variety of effects, so far only an explosive variant exists but more can be reaserched later.

What do you do next? (Choose 2)
[x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
[x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.

Terra's research projects. (Choose 1)
[x] Eh? "When our existing mechanical well ok partially mechanical units get ganked the pilot is out of lucl…I have a plan to fix that!"

feel like the giant will be more useful then the centaur.
[x] The Archer: "I used this using salvage Battlecrusier parts the Archer gets its name because of the ships resemblance to a giant bow. Sadly I could not give it the power to shoot giant armors but I do have later plans to put a main gun in the center and it currently has more than enough gun batteries and armor to fight it's normal counterparts and come out on top."

[x] Centaur: A large quadruped the Centaur is both stronger than the Ogre and much faster…also it can put other infested Terrans inside an organic bunker like construct on it's back from which they can fire out. Even better should the Centaur be destroyed its inhabitants will emerge safe and sound!

[x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
[x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.

[x] Eh? "When our existing mechanical well ok partially mechanical units get ganked the pilot is out of lucl…I have a plan to fix that!"
[x] The Alchemist: "Based off of a Science Vessel the Alchemist can add an extra layer of armor over allies, temporarily strip the armor off of its enemies or even render hostile targets unable to tell friend from foe for a while, it only has a few point defense guns beyond those abilities though so you gatta be careful with it."

[x] Centaur: A large quadruped the Centaur is both stronger than the Ogre and much faster…also it can put other infested Terrans inside an organic bunker like construct on it's back from which they can fire out. Even better should the Centaur be destroyed its inhabitants will emerge safe and sound!

[x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
[x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.

[x] Eh? "When our existing mechanical well ok partially mechanical units get ganked the pilot is out of lucl…I have a plan to fix that!"
[ ]Create another natural grown infested terran.
[ ] Create another Cerebrate level infested Terran.

It's been half a year since I last checked in. What's the difference between the two?

Terra's research projects. (Choose 1)

No Infested Siege Tanks yet?

[ ] Centaur: A large quadruped the Centaur is both stronger than the Ogre and much faster…also it can put other infested Terrans inside an organic bunker like construct on it's back from which they can fire out. Even better should the Centaur be destroyed its inhabitants will emerge safe and sound!


OOC: Fun fact that Centaur is actually a flat out upgrade on an existing infested Tarran units, you'd actually have gotten the already existing unit instead of the Centaur itself as an option had you tried researched it earlier.

Oh look, it's the Aberration. The budget Ultralisk from Heart of the Swarm.
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It's been half a year since I last checked in. What's the difference between the two?
One has a far better ability to command while the other perfers to focus on other jobs such as science.

No Infested Siege Tanks yet?
Will be added next update.

Oh look, it's the Aberration. The budget Ultralisk from Heart of the Swarm.
Yep, except you know much faster and capible of carrying infantry.
I'm undecided for the Ogre improvement. I like both so I'll go with the consensus.

[X] The Giant Crab: "Yeah I know the names weird but it really fits the fantasy monster theme we have going! Anyway this ship is circular in shape and possess a massive missile launcher on its back capable of destroying larger enemy ships alongside a host of smaller weapons for fighting off pests. In addition it can land on planets and make use of its central battery as a long range arterially weapon! Go giant crustaceans!"

Planetary assault vessel for trucking our brood around the cosmos.

[x] Create another natural grown infested terran.
[x] Create another Cerebrate level infested Terran.

Spawn More Overlords! Also, Terra needs a research assistant so we can do multiple projects per turn.

[x] Eh? "When our existing mechanical well ok partially mechanical units get ganked the pilot is out of lucl…I have a plan to fix that!"
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What is his name?
[x] Write in
-[x] Arnold

What his strand named?
[x] Write in
-[x] Governor strain

Along the lines you also ask Terra to come up with ideas for larger space craft. She naturally gives you a selection to choose from.
[x] The Giant Crab: "Yeah I know the names weird but it really fits the fantasy monster theme we have going! Anyway this ship is circular in shape and possess a massive missile launcher on its back capable of destroying larger enemy ships alongside a host of smaller weapons for fighting off pests. In addition it can land on planets and make use of its central battery as a long range artillery weapon! Go giant crustaceans!"

Finally you work on a further improvement of the Ogre, right now you see two possible ways to go.
[x] Centaur: A large quadruped the Centaur is both stronger than the Ogre and much faster…also it can put other infested Terrans inside an organic bunker like construct on it's back from which they can fire out. Even better should the Centaur be destroyed its inhabitants will emerge safe and sound!

What do you do next? (Choose 2)
[x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
[x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.

Terra's research projects. (Choose 1)
[x] Eh? "When our existing mechanical well ok partially mechanical units get ganked the pilot is out of lucl…I have a plan to fix that!"
We're gonna make Abathur eat his words. "Primitive structures. Minimal adaptability" my ass.
I always see that as just Abathur having had a relatively small sample size for the species to work with.

It really doesn't make much sense for Zagara to be able to make what is basically a lower tier Ultralisk (A lower tier Abathur himself admits is effective) when he can't/wouldn't unless he was given bad 'data' so to speak.
[x] Name: Arnold
[x] Strand name: Governor Strain
(OOC: Arnold sounds hilariously innocuous, and I like the name for Governor.)

[x] The Giant Crab: "Yeah I know the names weird but it really fits the fantasy monster theme we have going! Anyway this ship is circular in shape and possess a massive missile launcher on its back capable of destroying larger enemy ships alongside a host of smaller weapons for fighting off pests. In addition it can land on planets and make use of its central battery as a long range artillery weapon! Go giant crustaceans!"
(OOC: So...super Zerg Guardian, basically? AND it can double as a ground super-artillery unit? Awesome!)

[x] Centaur: A large quadruped the Centaur is both stronger than the Ogre and much faster…also it can put other infested Terrans inside an organic bunker like construct on it's back from which they can fire out. Even better should the Centaur be destroyed its inhabitants will emerge safe and sound!
(OOC: Yum, movable organic bunkers...sounds great.)

What do you do next? (Choose 2)
[x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
[x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.
(OOC: I want more detail on both of these worlds before coming to any major decision.)

[x] Shrike turrets "Hey dad! Let's put a gun on those infested bunkers it'll make them even better at shooting the enemy!"
(OOC: I'm hoping that this will also upgrade the Centaur design, as the Centaur is a movable bunker. But even if that doesn't work, at least we gat awesome bunkers. And I'm always up for more firepower. :) )
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by UbeOne on May 16, 2017 at 8:08 PM, finished with 463 posts and 11 votes.

  • [x] Write in
    -[x] Arnold
    -[x] Governor strain
    [x] The Giant Crab: "Yeah I know the names weird but it really fits the fantasy monster theme we have going! Anyway this ship is circular in shape and possess a massive missile launcher on its back capable of destroying larger enemy ships alongside a host of smaller weapons for fighting off pests. In addition it can land on planets and make use of its central battery as a long range artillery weapon! Go giant crustaceans!"
    [x] Centaur: A large quadruped the Centaur is both stronger than the Ogre and much faster…also it can put other infested Terrans inside an organic bunker like construct on it's back from which they can fire out. Even better should the Centaur be destroyed its inhabitants will emerge safe and sound!
    [x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
    [x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.
    [x] Eh? "When our existing mechanical well ok partially mechanical units get ganked the pilot is out of lucl…I have a plan to fix that!"
    [x] The Giant Crab: "Yeah I know the names weird but it really fits the fantasy monster theme we have going! Anyway this ship is circular in shape and possess a massive missile launcher on its back capable of destroying larger enemy ships alongside a host of smaller weapons for fighting off pests. In addition it can land on planets and make use of its central battery as a long range arterially weapon! Go giant crustaceans!"
    [x] Centaur: A large quadruped the Centaur is both stronger than the Ogre and much faster…also it can put other infested Terrans inside an organic bunker like construct on it's back from which they can fire out. Even better should the Centaur be destroyed its inhabitants will emerge safe and sound!
    [x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
    [x] Order a colonization of one of the newly found planets.
    [x] Eh? "When our existing mechanical well ok partially mechanical units get ganked the pilot is out of lucl…I have a plan to fix that!"
    [x] Write in
    -[x] Arnold
    -[x] Governor strain
    [x] The Giant Crab: "Yeah I know the names weird but it really fits the fantasy monster theme we have going! Anyway this ship is circular in shape and possess a massive missile launcher on its back capable of destroying larger enemy ships alongside a host of smaller weapons for fighting off pests. In addition it can land on planets and make use of its central battery as a long range artillery weapon! Go giant crustaceans!"
    [x] The Giant: The Orge's design taking up to its natural conclusion the Giant is the largest infested Terran possible while at the same time getting a good return on the resouces use. While lacking the speed and transport abilities of the Centaur the Giant is far stronger and far more durable. In addition the Giant can hold of to three 'Stones' items that can have a variety of effects, so far only an explosive variant exists but more can be reaserched later.
    [x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
    [x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.
    [x] Eh? "When our existing mechanical well ok partially mechanical units get ganked the pilot is out of lucl…I have a plan to fix that!"
    [x] The Archer: "I used this using salvage Battlecrusier parts the Archer gets its name because of the ships resemblance to a giant bow. Sadly I could not give it the power to shoot giant armors but I do have later plans to put a main gun in the center and it currently has more than enough gun batteries and armor to fight it's normal counterparts and come out on top."
    [x] Centaur: A large quadruped the Centaur is both stronger than the Ogre and much faster…also it can put other infested Terrans inside an organic bunker like construct on it's back from which they can fire out. Even better should the Centaur be destroyed its inhabitants will emerge safe and sound!
    [x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
    [x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.
    [x] Eh? "When our existing mechanical well ok partially mechanical units get ganked the pilot is out of lucl…I have a plan to fix that!"
    [x] The Alchemist: "Based off of a Science Vessel the Alchemist can add an extra layer of armor over allies, temporarily strip the armor off of its enemies or even render hostile targets unable to tell friend from foe for a while, it only has a few point defense guns beyond those abilities though so you gatta be careful with it."
    [x] Centaur: A large quadruped the Centaur is both stronger than the Ogre and much faster…also it can put other infested Terrans inside an organic bunker like construct on it's back from which they can fire out. Even better should the Centaur be destroyed its inhabitants will emerge safe and sound!
    [x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
    [x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.
    [x] Eh? "When our existing mechanical well ok partially mechanical units get ganked the pilot is out of lucl…I have a plan to fix that!"
    [x] The Giant Crab: "Yeah I know the names weird but it really fits the fantasy monster theme we have going! Anyway this ship is circular in shape and possess a massive missile launcher on its back capable of destroying larger enemy ships alongside a host of smaller weapons for fighting off pests. In addition it can land on planets and make use of its central battery as a long range arterially weapon! Go giant crustaceans!"
    [x] Create another natural grown infested terran.
    [x] Create another Cerebrate level infested Terran.
    [x] Eh? "When our existing mechanical well ok partially mechanical units get ganked the pilot is out of lucl…I have a plan to fix that!"
    [x] Name: Arnold
    [x] Strand name: Governor Strain
    [x] The Giant Crab: "Yeah I know the names weird but it really fits the fantasy monster theme we have going! Anyway this ship is circular in shape and possess a massive missile launcher on its back capable of destroying larger enemy ships alongside a host of smaller weapons for fighting off pests. In addition it can land on planets and make use of its central battery as a long range artillery weapon! Go giant crustaceans!"
    [x] Centaur: A large quadruped the Centaur is both stronger than the Ogre and much faster…also it can put other infested Terrans inside an organic bunker like construct on it's back from which they can fire out. Even better should the Centaur be destroyed its inhabitants will emerge safe and sound!
    [x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
    [x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.
    [x] Shrike turrets "Hey dad! Let's put a gun on those infested bunkers it'll make them even better at shooting the enemy!"
This one is by line.
Adhoc vote count started by UbeOne on May 16, 2017 at 8:10 PM, finished with 464 posts and 11 votes.

  • [x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
    [x] Eh? "When our existing mechanical well ok partially mechanical units get ganked the pilot is out of lucl…I have a plan to fix that!"
    [x] Centaur: A large quadruped the Centaur is both stronger than the Ogre and much faster…also it can put other infested Terrans inside an organic bunker like construct on it's back from which they can fire out. Even better should the Centaur be destroyed its inhabitants will emerge safe and sound!
    [x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.
    [x] The Giant Crab: "Yeah I know the names weird but it really fits the fantasy monster theme we have going! Anyway this ship is circular in shape and possess a massive missile launcher on its back capable of destroying larger enemy ships alongside a host of smaller weapons for fighting off pests. In addition it can land on planets and make use of its central battery as a long range artillery weapon! Go giant crustaceans!"
    -[x] Governor strain
    [x] Write in
    -[x] Arnold
    [x] Order a colonization of one of the newly found planets.
    [x] The Giant Crab: "Yeah I know the names weird but it really fits the fantasy monster theme we have going! Anyway this ship is circular in shape and possess a massive missile launcher on its back capable of destroying larger enemy ships alongside a host of smaller weapons for fighting off pests. In addition it can land on planets and make use of its central battery as a long range arterially weapon! Go giant crustaceans!"
    [x] The Archer: "I used this using salvage Battlecrusier parts the Archer gets its name because of the ships resemblance to a giant bow. Sadly I could not give it the power to shoot giant armors but I do have later plans to put a main gun in the center and it currently has more than enough gun batteries and armor to fight it's normal counterparts and come out on top."
    [x] The Giant: The Orge's design taking up to its natural conclusion the Giant is the largest infested Terran possible while at the same time getting a good return on the resouces use. While lacking the speed and transport abilities of the Centaur the Giant is far stronger and far more durable. In addition the Giant can hold of to three 'Stones' items that can have a variety of effects, so far only an explosive variant exists but more can be reaserched later.
    [x] The Alchemist: "Based off of a Science Vessel the Alchemist can add an extra layer of armor over allies, temporarily strip the armor off of its enemies or even render hostile targets unable to tell friend from foe for a while, it only has a few point defense guns beyond those abilities though so you gatta be careful with it."
    [x] Create another natural grown infested terran.
    [x] Create another Cerebrate level infested Terran.
    [x] Name: Arnold
    [x] Strand name: Governor Strain
    [x] Shrike turrets "Hey dad! Let's put a gun on those infested bunkers it'll make them even better at shooting the enemy!"
I've been thinking... with the exception of next turn's Infested Siege Tanks, we seem to have accidentally forgone any sort of ranged anti-armor. We have no equivalent to the Marauder/Roach/Stalker/Dragoon.

We seem to have inadvertently shot ourselves in the foot by choosing the Firebat over the Acid-Bat...

Never mind! We have the Cerberus!

[ ]You lack elite battlefield combatants, it may be time to change that.

Infested Ghost but lacking Psychic Powers until we research them?

[ ]The Giant Crab: "Yeah I know the names weird but it really fits the fantasy monster theme we have going! Anyway this ship is circular in shape and possess a massive missile launcher on its back capable of destroying larger enemy ships alongside a host of smaller weapons for fighting off pests. In addition it can land on planets and make use of its central battery as a long range arterially weapon! Go giant crustaceans!"

I've been thinking how our SCVs are supposed to build Infested Shelters. We 'build' them by slamming a Crab into the ground and burying it don't we?

Also I've been thinking, after we research our version of Regenerative Bio-Steel will our vehicles be capable of being healed by our Infested Medics?
IInfested Ghost but lacking Psychic Powers until we research them?
Basically although much less common and much harder to kill.
Also I've been thinking, after we research our version of Regenerative Bio-Steel will our vehicles be capable of being healed by our Infested Medics?
Pretty much.

Mind you most of you 'end game' vehicle are capible of being healed by medics already since they have so many organic bits but that just means that they heal faster when bio-steel is researched and a medic is nearby.
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Further Examination
[x] Further Examination

First and foremost you create a proper name for both your new strain which shall now be dubbed the governor and for the induvial infested terran that shall be named Arnold. He seems ok with the name and he is exceptionally 'manly' for an infested terran s it does work well enough.

As far as designs for your first larger ships go you decide to go with the Giant Crab. Not only is create for giving your Phantoms greater amounts of firepower but it also is great for planetary assaults, giving your landing forces immediate access to heavy weaponry and helping to secure the landing zone itself.

In addition you develop the Centaur Strain a highly mobile combatant with the strength of the Ogre and the power to move squadrons of infantry. In all likelihood you will have less of this new strain compared to the other, but there other traits more than make up for that fact.

In addition Terra soon comes to you with the fruits of her research. It's a specialized pod that forms around the body of your infested terran pilots should the bio-form they are inhabiting be critically damaged. After forming the pod launches out of the form and then deposits the pilot a safe distance away. Unfortunately the biomass used shrinks down a pilot back into a much smaller form that Terra has nicknamed a 'goblin' rendering them useless for combat, but they can if escorted back to the structure from which they came morph back into their original form for much less cost than was needed to create the original vehicle in the first place.

Finally you send Phantoms on scouting runs of both the Ice planet with the space stations and the Barren Planet with the psychic signatures.

A good look at the Ice planet reveals that it holds the wreckage of a several battlecruisers as well as prototypes for a strange ship that if you'd reading these outlines correctly was capable of generating large amount of electricity and using them to 'overcharge' allied ships either letting them use their special abilities more often or making their weapons more powerful…fascinating,.

That Barren Planet on the other hand olds several buildings focused on psychic reaserch….as well as a populated ghost academy. It seems the place lost all contact with the outside world when the 'Confederacy' fell….this could be very advantageous.

What do you do next? (Choose 2)
[x] Create another natural grown infested terran.
[x] Create another Cerebrate level infested Terran.
[x] Focus on building another infested unit type. (Choose an already researched infested unit to produce above the others)
[x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
[x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.
[x] Order a colonization of one of the newly found planets.
[x] Set up a base on the Barren Planet.

Terra's research projects. (Choose 1)
[x] Shrike turrets "Hey dad! Let's put a gun on those infested bunkers it'll make them even better at shooting the enemy!"
[x] Fortified Bunker "If we make bunkers tougher and able to hold more marines that's good! Right daddy!?"
[x] Perdition Turret (Fire) "With these we can burn all the bad guys!"
[x] Perdition Turret (Chemical) "On the other hand we can melt them with acid instead!"
[x] Bioports: "It will cost the infested Starports ability to take flight, but if you want I can modify the infested startport so it can create pure Zerg strains in addition to infested terran units."
[x] Juggernaut Plating: "FIrebats are very potent but they tend to lack a bit in the durability department, I think we should fix that!"'
[x] Explosive Marines: "Those old school exploding marines are pretty potent, maybe we should see if we can copy them?"
[x] Larger Ships: "While we've already got one design down the others are always open if you feel like it." (Choose one of the four ship designs from earlier.)
[x] Infested Siege Tank "The normal siege tank is a staple of Terran warfare let's see if we can't make do with them ourselves."
[x] The strange blueprints: "You know with these I can probably finish up the designs and put this ship into service…with some modifications of course."
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[x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
[x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.

[x] Infested Siege Tank "The normal siege tank is a staple of Terran warfare let's see if we can'tmake do with them ourselves."
[X] Create another natural grown infested terran.
[X] Set up a base on the Barren Planet.

[X] Infested Siege Tank "The normal siege tank is a staple of Terran warfare let's see if we can'tmake do with them ourselves."

Gonna keep voting this until we get Terra an assistant so we can do two research projects per turn.
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[X] Create another natural grown infested terran.
[X] Set up a base on the Barren Planet.

[x] The strange blueprints: "You know with these I can probably finish up the designs and put this ship into service…with some modifications of course."
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[x] Scout the Frozen Planet in greater detail.
[x] Scout the Barren Planet in greater detail.

[x] Infested Siege Tank "The normal siege tank is a staple of Terran warfare let's see if we can'tmake do with them ourselves."
[X] Create another natural grown infested terran.
[X] Set up a base on the Barren Planet.

[X] Infested Siege Tank "The normal siege tank is a staple of Terran warfare let's see if we can'tmake do with them ourselves."