[X][XP] Plan Sense Evil, Smash Evil

[X] Go home and chill with your family
[X][XP] Plan Sense Evil, Smash Evil

As much as I really like Solar's idea of making things balanced and such, there is something of an appeal to me to getting to Rank A in something first. With how I understand the system, Rank A on Physical Enhancement will make us hella good at making us pretty damn powerful, and with our distinction being Royal Guard, we'll be considered S rank (I think) in defense.

Bancho Lily's entire desire here is to not been seen as a hooligan thug but a protector of others. By going with this route we are sementing that early on that she very much cares about being able to Protect rather then tear and ravage people apart.

I can even see Alice taking this as a wonderful sign that Bancho isn't at risk of a Heart Inversion- something she might worry about if Bancho chose to go in full with just pursing power. This is a Narrative Quest after all- I can see this choice mattering in how close Bancho is to going all crazy!

As for the second part, I'm not sure about going for this distinction *but* considering what it potentially would lead to story wise... I think it's a good idea. It would help Bancho to sense those in danger and maybe create a combo skill between these two distinctions. Sensing an attack and exactly where it will hit and pumping all of our Defense into that point to just say No to the attack would be metal as heck!

[X] Go home and chill with your family

And yeah- we need to give our family some time. Cool down, get some love in our system after today. We can worry about things late!
I have a very important question!

I know Possession lets us do some crazy Jojo spirits punching- Maybe even a technique where we possess the bad guy and make them fight the other bad guys but...

View: https://youtu.be/8N_bKcOWzCo?si=OekfH446N2Pan2Vj&t=92

Ignore the um... end there. We won't get tricked like that (maybe)

Having a detection system like that is an application of Assensing, but extending it to Nobunaga levels would take some practice on top of leveling up. Nastya's not the most patient of people, and En requires a patience and stillness of mind.
[X][XP] Plan Sense Evil, Smash Evil

As much as I really like Solar's idea of making things balanced and such, there is something of an appeal to me to getting to Rank A in something first. With how I understand the system, Rank A on Physical Enhancement will make us hella good at making us pretty damn powerful, and with our distinction being Royal Guard, we'll be considered S rank (I think) in defense.
Deeply funny idea to me that she gets S rank defense considering my original idea of immortal cockroach (well beetle) of a magical girl which would later seemingly help inspire everyone's favorite they promised they aren't a cop Iron Beetle
[X][XP] Plan Sense Evil, Smash Evil

Let's make like an ordinary witch and hang out with the Miko
[X] Go hang out with Chiaki
Hehehe- With the wonderful permission of our lovely QM, let me share the result of 4 hours of work! (Oh gosh my hands ;~; )

Meet the Bancho Breaker!
I had the silly idea to make a suggestion for how we could upgrade our loveable bat into something legendary! Decided to spend 3 hours after writing it up to hecking draw the forms! I hope you enjoy!

Bancho Breaker: Hidden Mode
The Bancho Breaker's everyday non transformed state! This upgraded version on your trusty Bat has a bunch of useful features to help you achieve your heroic activates with higher success!
(Transformation): Like before, your weapon is also the item you use the transform into your alter ego Bancho Lily!
(Mode Change): The Bancho Breaker, when Transformed, has 3 separate Modes it can take. It will Default to Hammer Mode when Transformed, but from there you may shift whenever. Be careful though, there is a Cooldown before the Bancho Breaker can Mode Change again. You *can* Mode Change by activating an Emergency Change during Cooldown, but that risks either Locking you to that Mode or even Breaking Bancho Breaker entirely. Use this feature at ones own risk.
(Bound): The Bancho Breaker has gained the ability to always be near. You can "put it away" and pull it out of a sub-space pocket at your will for easy transport or concealment of your weapon. It can also, if either lost or knocked out of your hand be called right back to it (Like a certain Key based Sword). Do keep in mind this function does take a few seconds.
(Bancho Limit): The Bancho Breaker has a built in battery called the Bancho Limit! When you deal or take damage, the Bancho Limit will fill. When it reaches it's cap, you may use up that charge to perform a Bancho Limit Release! This will allow you to activate the super move of one of the other Modes of the Bancho Breaker. Hidden Mode does not have a Bancho Limit Release. The Bancho Limit can only charge when you are Transformed.
(Stealth Mode): Sometimes you may be in a situation where going all magical will not be a good play, mostly in situations where Stealth is required. In these situations, you may engage Stealth Mode, allowing for the Bancho to Transform without you becoming Bancho Lily, lowering the amount of magical presence you have considerably. You may at anytime Transform yourself while this mode is active. The Bancho Limit Release cannot be activated unless you are Transformed; if the Bancho Limit it full and this is attempted, Transformation will automatically Trigger.

Bancho Breaker: The Hammer (Default)
The Default Mode of the Bancho Breaker when you are Transformed. It appears like a stylized bat, but as you know it's ability to deal out Justice is rival to none! (Compared to other bats)
Bancho Limit Release: Bancho Empower!
Due to the dynamic plating on the Bancho Breaker, when activating this Bancho Limit Release your next attack, be it a normal strike, finisher, or other, when using this Mode effectiveness is doubled!

Bancho Breaker: The Brick
A defensive mode of the Bancho Breaker. It gains two metal plates upon two sides and another handle on a third form better grip. While the Brick Mode can be used as Hammer Mode, allowing for more slicing attacks that may not be as effective as before, it primarily can be used as a Shield, allowing for incoming attacks against you and your allies to be lessoned in your quest for justice!
Bancho Limit Release: Bancho Reflection!
Using a rune network comparable to the processor in a computer overclocked to 11 and empowered by the entirety of the Bancho Limit, you may reflect an incoming ranged magical attack! Now that might sound bad, but this also "hacks" the spell your treating like a base-ball, making it entirely under your control! Reflecting a fireball? Well now your able to control right where your sending it! A homing laser or 10? You can tell the mayhem this can cause!

Bancho Breaker: The Nail
A ranged mode of the Bancho Breaker. Splitting open and mounting on Bancho Lily's arm, this is capable of shooting out weak projectiles from afar. While very weak compared to other attacks in her arsenal, it allows her to have a ranged option in fights requiring it. The Nail Mode is also able to charge up, and once fully charged, allows for a rocket powered Eagle Punch!
Bancho Limit Release: Bancho Shatter!
With Bancho Lily's specialization in Defense and a whole lot of power, a reversal array can take that iron defense and turn it into a battering ram! At the cost of making yourself wide open with heavily weakened defense while the Bancho Shatter charges, you can create a powerful beam that while not the most damaging is capable of breaking through iron defenses. With those of similar power and especially those weaker, this piercing effect can completely punch through any barrier of defense in your way. With defenses stronger then yours it may not break through but might create a hole that can be exploited.

Of course this was just a fun silly project I wanted to get done, but I hope this inspired some ideas as to what could maybe be done in the future!
... Like far future, this idea is really dang advanced for a damn baseball bat. Also the Shield mode kinda looks rideable to me when I took a break and looked back at it.
Anyways, have a wonderful night everyone!
I can only imagine this
Bancho Breaker: The Nail
A ranged mode of the Bancho Breaker. Splitting open and mounting on Bancho Lily's arm, this is capable of shooting out weak projectiles from afar. While very weak compared to other attacks in her arsenal, it allows her to have a ranged option in fights requiring it. The Nail Mode is also able to charge up, and once fully charged, allows for a rocket powered Eagle Punch!
Bancho Limit Release: Bancho Shatter!
With Bancho Lily's specialization in Defense and a whole lot of power, a reversal array can take that iron defense and turn it into a battering ram! At the cost of making yourself wide open with heavily weakened defense while the Bancho Shatter charges, you can create a powerful beam that while not the most damaging is capable of breaking through iron defenses. With those of similar power and especially those weaker, this piercing effect can completely punch through any barrier of defense in your way. With defenses stronger then yours it may not break through but might create a hole that can be exploited.
For a baseball bat wouldn't a natural ranged option just be spawning a baseball missle?

[X][XP] Plan Sense Evil, Smash Evil
[X] Go home and chill with your family
For a baseball bat wouldn't a natural ranged option just be spawning a baseball missle?
I somehow didn't make the connection- but dang that's a wonderful idea! I was kinda stuck in "Why wouldn't I give A.K. a mega buster?" and it went from there. Put that in the notes for powers we should get down the lines!
You put waaaaay to much effort in these what the hell... Its Awesome, but how do you come up with this stuff?
Um thank you- to answer your question though... it... just kinda happens? I got excited, thought about it, wrote out the text and just... wanted to make my idea real! I am trying to be modest though- thank you and everyone for their kind words though!
I'm just a fountain when it comes to making ideas- plenty of people I know can agree to that hehe
[X][XP] Plan Sense Evil, Smash Evil
[X] Go home and chill with your family
Hehehe- With the wonderful permission of our lovely QM, let me share the result of 4 hours of work! (Oh gosh my hands ;~; )

Meet the Bancho Breaker!
I had the silly idea to make a suggestion for how we could upgrade our loveable bat into something legendary! Decided to spend 3 hours after writing it up to hecking draw the forms! I hope you enjoy!

Bancho Breaker: Hidden Mode
The Bancho Breaker's everyday non transformed state! This upgraded version on your trusty Bat has a bunch of useful features to help you achieve your heroic activates with higher success!
(Transformation): Like before, your weapon is also the item you use the transform into your alter ego Bancho Lily!
(Mode Change): The Bancho Breaker, when Transformed, has 3 separate Modes it can take. It will Default to Hammer Mode when Transformed, but from there you may shift whenever. Be careful though, there is a Cooldown before the Bancho Breaker can Mode Change again. You *can* Mode Change by activating an Emergency Change during Cooldown, but that risks either Locking you to that Mode or even Breaking Bancho Breaker entirely. Use this feature at ones own risk.
(Bound): The Bancho Breaker has gained the ability to always be near. You can "put it away" and pull it out of a sub-space pocket at your will for easy transport or concealment of your weapon. It can also, if either lost or knocked out of your hand be called right back to it (Like a certain Key based Sword). Do keep in mind this function does take a few seconds.
(Bancho Limit): The Bancho Breaker has a built in battery called the Bancho Limit! When you deal or take damage, the Bancho Limit will fill. When it reaches it's cap, you may use up that charge to perform a Bancho Limit Release! This will allow you to activate the super move of one of the other Modes of the Bancho Breaker. Hidden Mode does not have a Bancho Limit Release. The Bancho Limit can only charge when you are Transformed.
(Stealth Mode): Sometimes you may be in a situation where going all magical will not be a good play, mostly in situations where Stealth is required. In these situations, you may engage Stealth Mode, allowing for the Bancho to Transform without you becoming Bancho Lily, lowering the amount of magical presence you have considerably. You may at anytime Transform yourself while this mode is active. The Bancho Limit Release cannot be activated unless you are Transformed; if the Bancho Limit it full and this is attempted, Transformation will automatically Trigger.

Bancho Breaker: The Hammer (Default)
The Default Mode of the Bancho Breaker when you are Transformed. It appears like a stylized bat, but as you know it's ability to deal out Justice is rival to none! (Compared to other bats)
Bancho Limit Release: Bancho Empower!
Due to the dynamic plating on the Bancho Breaker, when activating this Bancho Limit Release your next attack, be it a normal strike, finisher, or other, when using this Mode effectiveness is doubled!

Bancho Breaker: The Brick
A defensive mode of the Bancho Breaker. It gains two metal plates upon two sides and another handle on a third form better grip. While the Brick Mode can be used as Hammer Mode, allowing for more slicing attacks that may not be as effective as before, it primarily can be used as a Shield, allowing for incoming attacks against you and your allies to be lessoned in your quest for justice!
Bancho Limit Release: Bancho Reflection!
Using a rune network comparable to the processor in a computer overclocked to 11 and empowered by the entirety of the Bancho Limit, you may reflect an incoming ranged magical attack! Now that might sound bad, but this also "hacks" the spell your treating like a base-ball, making it entirely under your control! Reflecting a fireball? Well now your able to control right where your sending it! A homing laser or 10? You can tell the mayhem this can cause!

Bancho Breaker: The Nail
A ranged mode of the Bancho Breaker. Splitting open and mounting on Bancho Lily's arm, this is capable of shooting out weak projectiles from afar. While very weak compared to other attacks in her arsenal, it allows her to have a ranged option in fights requiring it. The Nail Mode is also able to charge up, and once fully charged, allows for a rocket powered Eagle Punch!
Bancho Limit Release: Bancho Shatter!
With Bancho Lily's specialization in Defense and a whole lot of power, a reversal array can take that iron defense and turn it into a battering ram! At the cost of making yourself wide open with heavily weakened defense while the Bancho Shatter charges, you can create a powerful beam that while not the most damaging is capable of breaking through iron defenses. With those of similar power and especially those weaker, this piercing effect can completely punch through any barrier of defense in your way. With defenses stronger then yours it may not break through but might create a hole that can be exploited.

Of course this was just a fun silly project I wanted to get done, but I hope this inspired some ideas as to what could maybe be done in the future!
... Like far future, this idea is really dang advanced for a damn baseball bat. Also the Shield mode kinda looks rideable to me when I took a break and looked back at it.
Anyways, have a wonderful night everyone!
Cool art of the magic bat Now where's the upgrade that makes it sentient since we have one that makes it a weird f***** up spider scorpion thing oh scorpion spider that is literally a thing that exists I can't believe I forgot about them

@FourthWall this should probably go in media

I also field need to put our favorite magical girls namesake linked here so we can we can I'll be aware of her attacks fun thing to note is that I really seems like they would both get along protector of the weeks or whatnot
I can only imagine this

For a baseball bat wouldn't a natural ranged option just be spawning a baseball missle?

While the Vita is appreciated, Bancho Lily is too American for anything croquet adjacent. Y'all also voted for Magical Maiden Masher instead of the baseball finisher. :V

Scheduled vote count started by FourthWall on Sep 10, 2024 at 4:08 AM, finished with 28 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X][XP] Plan Sense Evil, Smash Evil
    [X] Go home and chill with your family
    [X][XP] Plan Sense Evil, Smash Evil
    -[X] Physical Enhancement to A - 700 XP
    -[X] Soul Manipulation Distinction - Assensing - 200 XP
    [X] Go home and chill with your family
    [X] Plan: We need more hands
    - [X] Advance a Core competency: 400xp into Spiritual manipulation.
    - [X] Add a distinction: Spiritual Manipulation (Possession)
    - [X] Advance a Core competency: 500xp into physical enhancement
    [X] Go home and chill with your family
    [X] Plan: We need more hands
    - [X] Advance a Core competency: 400xp into Spiritual manipulation.
    - [X] Add a distinction: Spiritual Manipulation (Possession)
    - [X] Advance a Core competency: 500xp into physical enhancement
    [X] Well Rounded Lily with Thorns
    - [X] Advance a Core competency: 400xp into Spiritual manipulation.
    -[X] Advance a Core competency: 100 XP into Physical Enhancement.
    - [X] Add a distinction: Soul Manipulation (Possesion) 200 XP
    - [X] Add a distinction: Will Working (Invoker) 200 XP
    [X] Go home and chill with your family
    [X][XP] Plan Sense Evil, Smash Evil
    -[X] Physical Enhancement to A - 700 XP
    -[X] Soul Manipulation Distinction - Assensing - 200 XP
    [X] Go hang out with Chiaki
    [X][XP] Plan Sense Evil, Smash Evil
    [X] Go hang out with Chiaki

And cut: Sense Evil, Smash Evil and Chill with the fams look to be the winners. Post in 48.
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[♡][XP] Plan Sense Evil, Smash Evil
[♡] Go home and chill with your family


You focus on the magic-induced AR display in front of you to take your mind off of ending up street pizza. You bump your Physical Enhancement to A, feeling a little put out that Melody Kumatora and her freaky ass bear put up that much of a fight. Given detecting magic played an important role in that little clusterfuck, you slap a Distinction in Assensing, too. Being aware of your surroundings got you far in the material world; now that you're a Magical Girl in a whole-ass magical world, you don't wanna be flying blind.

There's a jingle you're starting to get used to as another screen pops up within your vision. You think about asking Alice what's up with the whole techno-magic vibe as you go over the options offered.


Loading... ... ...

Ver. Delta

Congratulations BANCHO LILY for further expenditures on your Magical Girl transformation! Continue to hone your power and advance your career as a warrior of love and/or justice!

You have reached RANK A in PHYSICSL ENHANCEMENT! Your body is a temple, now renovate it with a new technique!

[Choose one:]
[ ] SWEET SUPER GIRL: Your flesh has been tempered in the forge of your magical Will. Untransformed, you can run faster, lift more, and stay up later. You gain a lesser version of your Unbreakable Diamond Heart, and can perform superhuman feats to a level one grade lower than your current Rank in Physical Enhancement without transforming. Without this, you're a normal human untransformed. A badass one, but a human nonetheless.
[ ] HEART-THROBBING HOTSTEPPER: You can leap tall buildings in a single bound, as well as stand and balance on things that defy the laws of gravity. Running on water, balancing on the tip of a blade of grass, clinging on a sheer building like some kind of hyphenated spider person: all this and more is possible!
[ ] BEAUTIFUL BODY WONDERLAND: Your body immediately shapes itself to your desired form, as if God himself Photoshopped you. Anything you want bigger gets bigger, anything you want smaller gets smaller, acne is a thing of the past, you can eat as much as you want and never get fat. You gain immunity to mundane disease or poison while transformed, and can shrug off magical diseases and poisons of a lower grade than your current Physical Enhancement.

Choose carefully, and NEVER LOSE MAIDEN'S HEART!


Once you've made your choices and made peace with Madokami, you remind Chiaki to drop you off at your family's house. Since you're still getting used to Las Brujas, you have to punch your address into Moogle Maps, then yell directions over the wind whistling and the Vespa engine's humming.

Your urban scooter rally gets you home safely. Yeah, your stomach's doing gymnastics and Alice just stumbled behind a bush to puke rainbows again, but you got home safe. Less sound than you liked, but safe.

Chiaki pulls up her pilot goggles and checks to see if you're okay. You give her a thumbs up, inwardly thanking various deities that your feet are on solid ground. She gives you a thumbs up back, snaps on her goggles, and screams past your house on her Vespa.

+She drives like a kamikaze pilot...+ Alice pings you as she emerges from her puking bush.

She's got a little trail of rainbows running down her chin again. You motion to it and she cleans it up.

+Hey, can normal people see you?+ You ping to her. +Chiaki didn't say anything about you upchucking, but Iron Dickhead was able to argue with you back at the shrine.+

Alice pings back. +Majokko Corps cadets have Active Mundane Camouflage that hides us from those not magically attuned. Iron Beetle must have the gift of Assensing to detect me...or I dropped my camo during the bit of bother.+

You think a bit, accidentally leaving your mind open to ping Alice. +Thugboy must have the sight too, if he was able to see you and stick those firecrackers up your ass.+

Alice pouts deeply at you. +I didn't need to be reminded of that, love.+

You put your hands up. +My bad.+

Alice watches you for a while before being convinced of your sincerity. She doesn't look at you like some kind of monster, but you still feel a weird distance from her.

You don't let it bug you as you walk up to your house. With a flick of the wrist, you fish your keys out of your pocket, twirl them around your finger, then slip your house key into the burnished keyhole.

With a click and a whisper, you open the heavy teak wood door and slip inside. Bracing A/C greets you like Mother Russia, your little brother greets you soon after with a tackle-glomp.

"Nasty Nee-san~!" Your brother says, rubbing cheeks with you.

You ruffle his butter-blonde hair and smell your shampoo on him. "Sup, Ill." Your ruffle turns into a noogie. "Used my shampoo again without asking, didn't ya?"

He laughs and winces. "I ran outta mine," he says, "And yours makes my hair so glossy!"

You bring him into a hug of your own. "Buy your own then, you lil' shit," you tease.

He beams at you, all rosy cheeks and freckles; a dirty little angel. It's hard to stay mad at the little bastard, and almost impossible when he turns that smile on. It gets him into and out of all sorts of trouble.

"Why would I do that when my wonderful sister has some?" he asks, fluttering his eyelashes.

"Because, my ill lil' Ilya, your sister needs to keep her baddie up." You pinch your brother Ilya's dimpled cheek and give it a twist, drawing a cute "Ouchies" from him.

He wiggles out of your grip in a playful pirouette. You see he's wearing one of your old pink camisoles and some spats, riding the femme-y side of androgyny like a pro skater.

You laugh. "Did you raid my closet again, too?"

"Nah," he says, rolling his arm like a wave. "You gave this to me when you decided to dress all delinquent-y." He lets the wave roll through his body in a perfect pop and lock; once you got barred from ballet, he picked up the slack. Ballet led to breakdancing, now he's an all purpose dancing machine.

"Damn, must've slipped my mind."

"You looked really cute in it, so I wanna look super duper extra cute in it!"

You stroke your chin and sagely close your eyes. "You're cute, but not quite on my level yet."

He laughs, half-twirls his back to you, and sticks his tongue out at you from over his shoulder. "That's just cope, Nasty Nee-san."

You flick your silky smooth twintails back. "Cope nothing, I'm bad as fuck. Where are the folks?"

"Papa's grilling outside, Mama's in the garden. I'm gonna go grind Street Overlord 6 until dinner's ready."

As expected, you think. Your Boomer Bear of a dad loved to grill almost as much as he loved his family. Every day he could, he'd have some slab of meat sizzling, sometimes joined by onions, corn, or pineapple on the mesquite hot seat. Your mom would watch him in the garden, with mature grace and hard-won serenity. Sometimes she'd say the smell of meat was overpowering her flowers' fragrance, only for dad to laugh it off and say flowers were for viewing, and that the most beautiful flower was chiding him.

Your brother, however, trains in vain to beat you at Street Overlord. No matter how many hours he puts in, you'll still be the alpha.

Your little brother Ilya waves and heads off to their room. "Feel free to do whatever~"

[What do you do?]
[ ] Go grill with your dad
[ ] Go garden with your mom
[ ] Go humble your brother in Street Overlord 6
[X] Go grill with your dad

The fact that her family consists of Stereotypical Gender roles parents and Inverted Gender Roles kids is hilarious to me.
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Jeez, become Spider-Man or a resistance to status effects? It's a tough call, but when I'm playing JRPGs, it always pisses me off to lose a fight I should have won due to some cheap-shot poison attack or something taking me out.

[X] Go garden with your mom
This one calls to me for…Reasons.
Admittedly I'm not quite sure why the Hotstepper isn't appealing.
I think that mobility, while definitely nice doesn't vibe somehow with my mental image of Lily.
The untransformed thing felt like it'd be funny but I guess I'm feeling that full Royal Guard Life.

[X] Go humble your brother in Street Overlord 6

Come here you little punk!

I believe that mobility and adaptability offered by this one are most beneficial

[X] Go garden with your mom