Blue Swarm Redux (Starcraft x Mass Effect)

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Also the Queens don't seem to be there.
That's because you don't currently have any queens that you can send out to combat without directly impacting the effectiveness of your hives. You basically get free Queens with each of your spawning structures right now and that accounts for the queens that you have. If you take the spawn Queen action you'll get some queens that you can use with general combat and other War forms for fighting.

@Planetary Tennis

What is your stance on omakes for this quest?
Omake are eagerly accepted, I would put a 500 word minimum on any benefits from omakes. As for what you could actually get with omakes I'm not entirely settled right now but probably a choice between something like a reroll or a small boost to a roll, and the design of a special bioform. Though the later would have limits, restrictions, and veto rights.
Right. In that case I would opt for spawning a queen and scouting for our military action this round. Mainly because being able to heal our currently irreplacable units will be invaluable in case we do get attacked from the get go, and kinda want to know if there are hostiles nearby.

For research, if we research aquatic zerglings, can we use them for exploring the ocean this turn or do we need to wait for next turn?

Thinking of exploring the oceans regardless, in hopes that we can find any useful sea creatures that we can assimilate to unlock a more optimized aquatic unit.
Right. In that case I would opt for spawning a queen and scouting for our military action this round. Mainly because being able to heal our currently irreplacable units will be invaluable in case we do get attacked from the get go, and kinda want to know if there are hostiles nearby.

For research, if we research aquatic zerglings, can we use them for exploring the ocean this turn or do we need to wait for next turn?

Thinking of exploring the oceans regardless, in hopes that we can find any useful sea creatures that we can assimilate to unlock a more optimized aquatic unit.

You would need to wait till next turn.
[] Plan Harness the Seas
-[][Military] Spawn Queens
-[][Military] Scout
-[][Research] Aquatic Zerglings
-[][Research] Nets (Free Die)
-[][Diplomatic] Ponder Memories
-[][Growth] Develop Nests
-[][Explore] Explore the Archipelago

Which should come to:
20 Minerals
10 Biomass
1 Control

General idea is to be able to maximize using the ocean as much as possible.

Queens to be able to keep as many of our currently irreplacable units alive as possible.
Scouting and Explore the Archipelago because we need to know what is around us.

Nets because until we can find a Vespene source, Biomass is going to be really important for morphing higher tier stuff.
Aqualings because we need something that can explore underwater. Hoping to pick Explore the Oceans next turn since we have actual swimmers.

Not really comfortable with going for Call Out until we are a bit more established.

Banes would be helpful if we do encounter a Leviathan this early one.

Edit: Changing my vote.
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[X] Plan Resource Hunt
-[X][Military] Scout
-[X][Military] Biomass Collection
-[X][Research] Defragment the Essence
-[X][Diplomatic] Ponder Memories
-[X][Growth] Mineral Utilization
-[X][Growth] Restore the Cluster
-[X][Explore] Explore the Archipelago

Decided to make a plan focused on getting resources (and not spending any).
Right. In that case I would opt for spawning a queen and scouting for our military action this round. Mainly because being able to heal our currently irreplacable units will be invaluable in case we do get attacked from the get go, and kinda want to know if there are hostiles nearby.

For research, if we research aquatic zerglings, can we use them for exploring the ocean this turn or do we need to wait for next turn?

Thinking of exploring the oceans regardless, in hopes that we can find any useful sea creatures that we can assimilate to unlock a more optimized aquatic unit.
I would probably avoid swimming if possible to avoid some of the dangers also so we can explore some flying options even small dedicated zerg scout creatures.
Also be careful on how to build and expand so the organic islands dont die on us
Strong Foundation New
Omake: A Solid Foundation

Echidna was less than pleased with her current situation. She had been separated from the bulk of her brood and been stranded on a foreign world. One that was going to be annoying to work with if it was all water like she suspected. What really vexed her was that she couldn't properly use her preferred strategy here. The massive strains she favored would only sink here and that was discounting the problems that would come with spawning them.

Bah, no matter, she was still Zerg. Unlike Terrans or Protoss, they were not ones to bemoan their circumstances. No, they fought, adapted and thrived against all odds. She would overcome this obstacle and return to the swarm. Rebuild her brood and destroy whoever was responsible for this. It was simply a matter of time and devising how. This world would be hers before too long.

Something that she was distinctly well suited to do. Brood mothers like herself often did not indulge in weaving essence. Instead relying on the evolution chambers and master. Echidna though was not so complacent as she understood that evolution was the swarms greatest strength. The broodmother strove to always be able to improve upon her strains and raise them to ever greater heights. This was just one more cycle of improvements.

First and foremost was devising the means for her brood to exploit the oceans around them. The Zerg did not often dive below but they were fully capable of it. Especially when they got samples of local wildlife. Until then she would have to make do with existing essence. Fortunately, she already knew a decent basis to work with. The ocean was not that far from a field she knew well.

The void of space carried a certain similarity to the depths of the ocean. Both were three dimensional environments, devoid of conventional atmosphere and possessed suffocating pressure. At greater depths, the loss of light was apparent and vision became unreliable. The need to survive with little warmth of any kind. How certain frames were useless because they could not properly move about as needed.

She could not make any void borne strains at the moment but she could still access their essence. They would provide an excellent spring board into the waves below. First she would take their ability to survive without atmosphere. This would be essential for her work here. These new creatures would need the capacity to work with little to no proper air for extended periods of time yet also be able breathe properly. The leviathan could provide that with its ability to move from void to atmosphere.

Next would come the needed dynamics of the body. Extra limbs were only a hindrance in the depths. Reducing speed and creating drag on the body. They needed a dynamic form flexible yet strong to propel itself. The corrupter could be of use here. A creature that was aerodynamic in build and could survive under great pressure.

Finally the means to survive in low temperatures. Any void strain could be used for this. They all possessed the capacity to survive in extreme low environments. Perhaps the behemoth of old would be able to provide. Not a common strain anymore but it still had its uses.

Yes this new adaptation was coming along well thought Echidna as she watched the essence shift.

@Planetary Tennis
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Omake: A Solid Foundation

Echidna was less than pleased with her current situation. #he had been separated from the bulk of her brood and been stranded on a foreign world. One that was going to be annoying to work with if it was all water like she suspected. What really vexed her was that she couldn't properly use her usual strategy here. The massive strains she favored would only sink here and that was discounting the problems that would come with spawning them.

Bah no matter, she was still Zerg. Unlike Terrans or Protoss, they were not ones to bemoan their circumstances. No, they fought, adapted and thrived against all odds. She would overcome this obstacle and return to the swarm. Rebuild her brood and destroy whoever was responsible for this. It was simply a matter of time and devising how. This world would be hers before too long.

Something that she was distinctly well suited to do. Brood mothers like herself often did not indulge in weaving essence. Instead relying on the evolution chambers and Master. Echidna though was not so complacent as she understood that evolution was the swarms greatest strength. The broodmother strove to always be able to improve upon her strains and raise them to ever greater heights. This was just one more cycle of improvements.

First and foremost was devising the means for her brood to exploit the oceans around them. The Zerg did not often dive below but they were fully capable of it. Especially when they got samples of local wildlife. Until then she would have to make do with existing essence. Fortunately, she already knew a decent basis to work with. The ocean was not that far from a field she knew well.

The void of space carried a certain similarity to the depths of the ocean. Both were three dimensional environments, devoid of conventional atmosphere and possessed suffocating pressure. At greater depths, the loss of light was apparent and vision became unreliable. The need to survive with little warmth of any kind. How certain frames were useless because they could not properly move about as needed.

She could not make any void borne strains at the moment but she could still access their essence. They would provide an excellent spring board into the waves below. First she would take their ability to survive without atmosphere. This would be essential for her work here. These new creatures would need the capacity to work with little to no proper air for extended periods of time. The leviathan could provide that with its ability to move from void to atmosphere.

Next would come the needed dynamics of the body. Extra limbs were only a hindrance in the depths. Reducing speed and creating drag on the body. They needed a dynamic form flexible yet strong to propel itself. The corrupter could be of use here. A creature that was aerodynamic in build and could survive under great pressure.

Finally the means to survive in low temperatures. Any void strain could be used for this. They all possessed the capacity to survive in extreme low environments. Perhaps the behemoth of old would be able to provide. Not a common strain anymore but it still had its uses.

Yes this new adaptation was coming along well thought Echidna as she watched the essence shift.

@Planetary Tennis

Looks great. We'll have an Omake reward I'll have to set up a place to track those.
What's great about hydro dynamics it's always a dolphin or shark shape just look at seals and walruses as a example. And it's sort of always cute to humans due to simple shapes and fat

Wonder if we can fit into a ecosystem without collapsing it like we dont need biomass beyond researching no longer really on war economics anymore, perhaps we will developed alot of small to medium seperated floating mats spiked at the bottom so they cant be eaten by larger lifeforms and just soak up the sun and experiment internally like great big weird jelly fish
we are a zerg queen, a Broodmother. i doubt that we can do anything nelse but consume everything.

An infested commander could have worked that out, maybe, since human mind could mean anything, had we a toss friend he could have pushed us into not destroying the whole ecosystem.

but cerebrate or broodmother? no they don't care
we are a zerg queen, a Broodmother. i doubt that we can do anything nelse but consume everything.

An infested commander could have worked that out, maybe, since human mind could mean anything, had we a toss friend he could have pushed us into not destroying the whole ecosystem.

but cerebrate or broodmother? no they don't care
Is that not bit of a quiter talk? We are zerg if anything we should be adaptable more so this strange situation with the inexplicable transportation as one of the more individualistic strains that has capacity to stray away from queen of blades control.

And we are not a cerebral so not quite so militaristic with more focus on hive tending and adapting probably dont want to lose land
Still, a broodmother would turn the world into a hive world, especially without the swarm to back her up, to be able to field countless zerg as needed, maybe not to the level of Char, but would turn her main world to one who has as many zerg as possible.

It is more the mentality that numbers keep the swarm and her safe. if we had, more worlds, and an entire or even half a brood strength i think she would keep the world unchanged to promote "directed evolutions" (see roach evolution mission or Baneling evolution mission).

But that is something that she could afford after she has the strength to keep herself and the brood safe, which i don't see happening till we have some worlds.
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