The Final Frontier - A Stellaris Quest

[X] Plan no time to waste
-[X] Military
--[X] Void Drills: Now that the expanse into space has begun, it is undoubtedly probable that someday there will be a battle in space, while we currently lack dedicated military spaceships our Starbase could serve for drills in how a battle would happen. DC 20
-[X] Industrial & Public Matters
--[X] Autochthon Monuments
--[x] Research Labs
-[X] Science Engineering
[X] Powered Exoskeletons: Wearing a powered
-[X] Science Physics
--[X] Administrative AI
--[X] Genome Mapping
-[X] Exploration
--[X] Ludilles
-[X] Construction
--[X] Shipyard: A dedicated shipyard, with this we could build vessels more easily than without. DC 30
--[X] Solar Panel Network: A massive network of solar panels receiving energy from our sun, enough energy to not only power the Starbase but also have enough excess to feed planetary energy needs. DC 30

I was trying to make a very different plan from the other but in the end is very similar....
Vote Closed
Vote is closed, I am going to post the rolls today, just wait a little because I have some things to do first.
Scheduled vote count started by Alucard Vampiry on May 27, 2024 at 8:34 PM, finished with 8 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Plan progress
    -[X] Military
    --[X] Void Drills: Now that the expanse into space has begun, it is undoubtedly probable that someday there will be a battle in space, while we currently lack dedicated military spaceships our Starbase could serve for drills in how a battle would happen. DC 20
    -[X] Industrial & Public Matters
    --[X] Adaptive Bureaucracy: Further refinements of our bureaucratic means can help further advance the Empire, as resources can move more rapidly with less red tape to impede them. DC 45
    --[X] Autochthon Monuments: Monuments dedicated to our glorious rise. In these monuments, the people gather and be awed by the acts of the ones who fought and bled for their current lives, creating a sense of unity, of shared purpose to honor said sacrifices. Or at least that what the Minister tells the Emperor what she thinks will happen. DC 10
    -[X] Science Engineering
    --[X] Zero-G Refineries
    -[X] Science Physics
    --[X] Administrative AI
    -[X] Science Society
    --[X] Genome Mapping
    -[X] Exploration
    --[X] Ludilles
    -[X] Construction
    --[X] Shipyard: A dedicated shipyard, with this we could build vessels more easily than without. DC 30
    --[X] Solar Panel Network: A massive network of solar panels receiving energy from our sun, enough energy to not only power the Starbase but also have enough excess to feed planetary energy needs. DC 30
    [X] Plan no time to waste
    -[X] Military
    --[X] Void Drills: Now that the expanse into space has begun, it is undoubtedly probable that someday there will be a battle in space, while we currently lack dedicated military spaceships our Starbase could serve for drills in how a battle would happen. DC 20
    -[X] Industrial & Public Matters
    --[X] Autochthon Monuments
    --[x] Research Labs
    -[X] Science Engineering
    [X] Powered Exoskeletons: Wearing a powered
    -[X] Science Physics
    --[X] Administrative AI
    --[X] Genome Mapping
    -[X] Exploration
    --[X] Ludilles
    -[X] Construction
    --[X] Shipyard: A dedicated shipyard, with this we could build vessels more easily than without. DC 30
    --[X] Solar Panel Network: A massive network of solar panels receiving energy from our sun, enough energy to not only power the Starbase but also have enough excess to feed planetary energy needs. DC 30
Here are the rolls
Alucard Vampiry threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Military Total: 85
85 85
Alucard Vampiry threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Industrial & Public Matters Total: 31
1 1 30 30
Alucard Vampiry threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Science - Engineering Total: 11
11 11
Alucard Vampiry threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Science - Physics Total: 86
86 86
Alucard Vampiry threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Science - Society Total: 11
11 11
Alucard Vampiry threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Space - Exploration Total: 40
40 40
Alucard Vampiry threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Space - Construction Total: 126
97 97 29 29
Turn 1 Results
Date — 2200.01.01


Void Drills: Now that the expanse into space has begun, it is undoubtedly probable that someday there will be a battle in space, while we currently lack dedicated military spaceships our Starbase could serve for drills in how a battle would happen. DC 20 (1d100=85)
Cost: 20 Energy
Upkeep: 0
Time: Completed

The training our offworld troops undertook was a crash course to space combat, focusing mainly on what to do and not to do in case of combat. While a fair share was done for survival tactics in case the hull is breached or life support systems fails, there were also efforts to simulate Zero-G battles. This is so that if the artificial gravity system suffers a failure, they are not caught on the wrong side of a barrel.

While not extensive as a real space battle, our crew personnel that shall work in either stations or true military spaceships now know what to deal with. These drills became part of their curriculum, and so anyone that wants to become part of this program has to do this as well. So that they at least have an idea of what they must do in case of live combat.

Rewards: Void Crew becomes Regular in Space Battles, not suffering any penalties.

Industrial & Public Matters

Adaptive Bureaucracy: Further refinements of our bureaucratic means can help further advance the Empire, as resources can move more rapidly with less red tape to impede them. DC 45 (1d100=1!)
Cost: 50 Energy
Upkeep: 3 Energy
Time: 2 4 Turns

Something drastic has been uncovered by the Sigilate. It appears that there was an extensive corruption scheme hidden behind bureaucratic means, allowing corrupt administrators to lob off credits that should have been going to the Imperial Treasury. Those caught have been killed for stealing from the Emperor. Their acts have impeded the Sigilate's efforts from further refining our Bureaucracy in a relatively short time.

It will take now four whole years for the project to be completed, thanks to cleaning operations need to be realized, and new workforce called in to replace the ones who were liquidated.

Autochthon Monuments: Monuments dedicated to our glorious rise. In these monuments, the people gather and be awed by the acts of the ones who fought and bled for their current lives, creating a sense of unity, of shared purpose to honor said sacrifices. Or at least that what the Minister tells the Emperor what she thinks will happen. DC 10 (1d100=30)
Cost: 10 Energy; 33 Minerals
Upkeep: 1 Energy; 1 Mineral
Time: Completed

The Autochthon Monuments on the other hand did not suffer any complications in their construction and openings. And now across our world, hundreds of thousands gather under these monuments to see the glory of those that came before and helped build the Empire. According to Selena, unity among the populace has been raised significantly.

Which is good, considering some of our stockpile of Goods had to be used to make the openings more attractive to the public.

Rewards: +8,9 Unity; -6 Consumer Goods



Zero-G Refineries: The addition of internal refineries on mining stations will substantially increase mineral production. DC 20 (1d100+1=11)
Time: Completed

Unfortunately, our scholars ran into some issues with the procurement of an on site form of refinery for our future offworld mining efforts. Ranging from size, to costing too much energy to keep functioning, and most importantly keeping it from causing any accidents.

Rewards: Failure


Administrative AI: An advanced administrative artificial intelligence, meant to help our scholars in their pursuit of new technology. DC 30 (1d100+1=87)
Time: 1 Turn

Our scholar's efforts to create an assistance AI are going well, with casing already done and ready to be installed upon any scientific establishment to help our scholars further advance our Empire. Now only the coding remains, after that it shall be implemented in a Laboratory to see if it handles its new duties well.


Genome Mapping: Mapping the genome of an individual through the sequencing of their DNA opens up for tailored medical treatments and therapies. DC 30 (1d100+1=12)
Time: Completed

Unfortunately our scholars who work on genetics found mapping our genome much harder than expected, thanks to our past as barely sentient parasites we have taken a lot of 'junk' DNA and RNA that confuse our scholars. It seems that fully mapping the genome of our species will take far more time than expected.

Rewards: Failure



Ludilles: The planet that is located 'behind' our own, a barren world incapable of sustaining life. The Aenqid believed it was because one of their gods had burned away the rich life of their world. What really happened was a system event that saw the planet being incapable of sustaining life, there might be something useful in there. (1d100=40 Nothing)
Time: 2 Turns

Our Science Ship has departed towards Ludilles, it has already begun scanning the world for anything noteworthy but so far has found nothing, scans shall continue for the next two years before the Ship is allowed to move on.


Shipyard: A dedicated shipyard, with this we could build vessels more easily than without. DC 30 (1d100=97)
Time: 1 Turn
Cost: 50 Alloys
Upkeep: 1 Energy

The construction of a proper shipyard will be key to our efforts in the new frontier that is space. This seemed to be known to the workforce present in the station as they rapidly built the new module. Not enough to finish it, but enough that it will take only one more year of work for it to be built.

For their efforts all they have gained additional rations.

Solar Panel Network: A massive network of solar panels receiving energy from our sun, enough energy to not only power the Starbase but also have enough excess to feed planetary energy needs. DC 30 (1d100=29)
Time: 1 Turn
Cost: 50 Alloys
Upkeep: 1 Alloy

There has been an accident on the site of the new module, while there have been casualties and the construction is still on schedule, it is slightly annoying.

— Basic Resources: 4967 Minerals; 4920 Energy; 5000 Food
— Advanced Resources: 5000 Alloys; 4994 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: 50 Influence; 10 Unity; 1 Research (+1 Engineering; +1 Physics; +1 Society)

— Basic Resources: +11 Energy; +8,1 Minerals; +8,1 Food
— Advanced Resources: +3,4 Alloys; +13,8 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: +5,25 Influence; +22,7 Unity

— Basic Resources: -8 Energy; -7 Minerals; -10 Food
— Advanced Resources: 0 Alloys; -2,7 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: None
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Turn 2
Date ─ 2201.01.01

The Emperor was not pleased with the recent events of the past year, with the thief of credits from the Imperial Treasury particularly infuriating him. This necessitated more than a few more exquisite and decadent past times even for the Nocturnians for him to properly calm down and think positively.

The shipyard in the Starbase is moving forward better than expected and if no complications arise then it shall be ready in this year. The solar panels network shall also finish this year, and hopefully there shall not be any more incidents.

The excellency of the personnel among the Empire's Void Facilities has become better than before, according to Warmaster Jairus, as they now make less mistakes and have accustomed to 'Void Life' as living in space is being called. They are also ready for military exercises outside a planet thanks to drills imposed on them that became part of the training demanded from anyone that wants to enter the space force branch of the arm.

The Monuments to the Empire's past glories have been successfully built, and the populace is united stronger than before thanks to seeing the past glories of their people. The AI that will help the scholars is nearly finished and will be ready for testing within the year, hopefully accelerating the Minister of Science's efforts to advance the empire's technology.

Most importantly of all, the first official mission of the Empire's science ship has been launched and while nothing of interest has been found on Ludilles, it can change. The Emperor is not expecting something inane as alien ruins or the corpse of an ancient alien leviathan, even something like resources would be good on his book.

At the very least, Constantine II, though in his rich abode while drinking from a very rare form of blood wine, things are progressing.

Military — The Minister of Defense, Warmaster Jairus, has some interesting ideas to present towards the Emperor. (1 AP)

[] Doctrine (Space Combat): Now that our troops at least have an idea how to operate in deep space, further adaptation and refinement to the realities of deep-space combat will allow us to be more effective. Through the lack of military spaceships makes this purely theoretical. DC 40
Cost: 20 Energy
Upkeep: None
Time: 4 Turns
Rewards: +5% combat vessels and stations attack damage: +20 Fleet Command Limit

[] Ground Defense Initiative: There could be a time when alien empires would gladly seize our worlds for themselves. We must be prepared for them, should the worst come to pass. These are tactics and strategies that will be constantly updated as time passes and new technology is discovered and implemented, on how to handle an alien invasion in a world controlled by the Empire. DC 30
Cost: 100 Energy; 50 Minerals
Upkeep: None
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: +33% Defense Army Damage, +2 Naval Capacity from soldiers.

[] Centralized Command: A space where the forces of the entire world can be commanded, a dedicated headquarters for all levels of military operations in the capital world. This gives our armed forces a new edge in any battle fought on the surface of the planet. DC 40
Cost: 100 Energy; 65 Minerals
Upkeep: 2 Energy; 1 Mineral
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +10% Defense Army Damage.

Industrial & Public Matters — The Minister of Industry and State, the Sigilate Selena, has already provided plans on how to handle the current food deficit before it becomes a problem, as well as to expand our industry further. (1 AP)

[X] Adaptive Bureaucracy: Further refinements of our bureaucratic means can help further advance the Empire, as resources can move more rapidly with less red tape to impede them. DC 45
Cost: 50 Energy
Upkeep: 3 Energy
Time: 4 Turns
Rewards: +10% increase in resource extraction from all types of resources.

[] Hydroponic Farms: Massive domed farms that will help fix the current deficit of our income in yearly food production, while less wide than our agricultural districts, they can certainly help. DC 10
Cost: 38 Minerals; 10 Energy
Upkeep: 2 Energy; 2 Minerals
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +18,2 Food

[] Build District: The minister suggests building another district. (Choose below one or multiple) [5/18 Used]
[] Generator District: Rows of massive power plants that generate massive amounts of energy which can then be used or converted into energy credits or used. DC 25
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 1 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +12,1 Energy; +2 Housing

[] Mining District: These mining towns and resource extraction centers drill deep into the mantle to access mineral deposits. DC 35
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 1 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +8,1 Minerals; +2 Housing

[] Agricultural District: Land set aside for cultivation, either through the growing of crops or animal husbandry. DC 25
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 1 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +12,1 Food; +2 Housing

[] City District: These dense urban centers provide large amounts of housing for both common and highborn, and office space for clerical workers. DC 40
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 2 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +6 Trade Value; +5 Housing

[] Industrial District: Smelting facilities and factories fill this district, creating advanced products out of raw materials. DC 45
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 2 Energy; 2 Minerals
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +3,4 Alloys; +6,9 Consumer Goods

[] Research Labs: Laboratories where our scholars can further advance our Empire's technology. Here they can make theories and experiments that help further our civilization's technology. DC 20
Cost: 200 Minerals; 10 Energy
Upkeep: 2 Energy; 2 Minerals; 1,5 Consumer Goods
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +6 Engineering, Physics, and Society Research.

Science ─ The Head Scholar of The Empire, has already assorted projects that bring interest to the Emperor and could help the Empire further its reach in this new era we find ourselves in.

Engineering (1 AP)

[] Geothermal Fracking: New fracking techniques will allow us to tap into previously unattainable pockets of geothermal resources deep beneath the planet's crust. DC 35
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: +20% Minerals from Miners, +10% Minerals from Offworld Mining Bases

[] Weather Control Systems: The ability to alter a planet's weather patterns to suppress destructive weather phenomena will make residential buildings easier to maintain and open up new areas for habitation. DC 50
Time: 5 Turns
Rewards: Can now build Weather Control Nodes.

[] Zero-G Refineries: The addition of internal refineries on mining stations will substantially increase mineral production. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +10% Mining Station Output, Unlocks Nebula Refineries

[] Powered Exoskeletons: Wearing a powered exoskeleton suit augments the user's strength and speed. The military applications are obvious, but it will also increase labor efficiency. DC 30
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can now integrate Powered Exoskeletons.

[] Ceramo-Metal Materials: A proposed combination of different metals and ceramics that result in a strong armor without sacrificing flexibility. DC 30
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: Can now integrate Ceramo-Metal armor.

[] Ion Thrusters: While our current chemical thrusters can serve well in both our planetary and off-world actions, these electric thrusters are far more powerful and agile, using beams of ions to generate thrust without the need for fuel. DC 45
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: Can now integrate Ion Thrusters.

[] Afterburners: These powerful thrusters provide additional combat speed but consume a great deal of power. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can now integrate Afterburners.

[] Mass Drivers: These electromagnetic projectile launchers use magnets to accelerate armor-piercing rounds toward targets at high speeds. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can now integrate Mass Drivers.

[] Corvettes: The Corvette is the most basic military spaceship, armed and ready in the event of hostile contact. It shall be the first military spaceship in our Empire, a mark of our species' achievement.
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: Corvette design mini-turn; Can now build Corvettes.

Physics (0 AP)

[] Active Countermeasures: As they say a good offense is a good defense, that is the goal of this project, creating an interlinked weapon system that can target hostile targets and quickly eliminate them before they manage to reach their target. DC 45
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: Can now integrate Sentinel-Point Defense Weapon Systems.

[] Automated Exploration Protocols: An advanced AI will aid science officers in their task to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations to serve as hosts for our young, to boldly go where no Nocturnian has gone before. Essentially, the Science Ship will be able to explore the galaxy with help from an AI. DC 25
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +25% Survey speed; Can now order Science Ships to automatically explore unscanned worlds.

[X] Administrative AI: An advanced administrative artificial intelligence, meant to help our scholars in their pursuit of new technology. DC 30
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: All Research Options (except those already that take one turn) take one less turn to complete.

[] Zero-G Laboratories: A lot of critical research can only be done in a zero gravity environment, which these specialized laboratories are eminently designed for. DC 25
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +10% Research Station Output

[] Gravitic Sensors: These sensors have been tuned to look for any gravitational changes in space, such as those produced by the presence of a decently sized mass moving across the system's space. DC 50
Time: 4 Turns
Rewards: Can Integrate Gravitic Sensors

[] Field Modulators: Modulated fields allow for increased production and improved energy yield. DC 30
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: +20% Energy from technicians, +10% Energy from Starbase constructions

[] Global Energy Management: Load-balancing facilities can greatly improve the stability of local grids and feed excess power back into centralized capacitors. DC 28
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can now build Energy Grid

[] Deflectors: Energy deflector screens can stop a limited amount of incoming enemy fire before overloading. Their main drawback is that they consume large amounts of power. DC 30
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: Can integrate Deflectors

[] Fusion Power: Nuclear fusion processes generate a great amount of power, but without many of the risks commonly associated with fission power. DC 50
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: Can integrate Fusion Power.

[] Reactor Boosters: Additional power generation systems that can grant a facility or a vehicle additional power. DC 20
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: Can integrate Reactor Boosters.

[] Red Lasers: Laser weapons fire focused beams of light at targets, causing damage through the generation of intense heat. Long a fascination in all circles of society, our scholars believe that they might have found a way to make them a reality. DC 40
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: Can integrate Red Laser Weapons.

Society (1 AP)

[] Eco Simulation: Farming techniques can be further refined through sophisticated computer simulations of different environments and weather patterns. This allows for more predictable crop yields. DC 40
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +20% Food from Farmer Farmers, +10% Food from Starbase constructions

[] Genome Mapping: Mapping the genome of an individual through the sequencing of their DNA opens up for tailored medical treatments and therapies. DC 30
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +10% Pop Growth Speed.

[] New Worlds Protocol: While we already have an idea of what we will need for proper colonization, calculating required resources and gear required to establish a planetary colony allows us to herd brave pioneers into grand "ark ships". We are confident that they will survive the long voyage across the stars to a new home. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can build Colonization Ships.

Space ─ The unending void that has existed since before our Sun formed millions of years ago, it is the final frontier, the final challenge, we must overcome it.


(Can choose none)

[] Tyrant's Fury: The world's closest to our sun, a molten planet, the original rulers of the world had named it after myths of some divine being who they said was the creator of the planet through an act of rage. Utter rubbish, but the fact that it is a molten world might mean that Tyrant's Fury might have an abundant amount of minerals even if liquid form alongside geothermal vents for energy.
Time: 3 Turns

[X] Ludilles: The planet that is located 'behind' our own, a barren world incapable of sustaining life. The Aenqid believed it was because one of their gods had burned away the rich life of their world. What really happened was a system event that saw the planet being incapable of sustaining life, there might be something useful in there.
Time: 2 Turns

[] Ketone: One of the furthest planets of our system, a Gas Giant, the foolish Aenqid believed it was the breath of a primordial god for… some reason. It might hold something interesting.
Time: 4 Turns

[] Lealiv: The furthest world of our system's sun, a barren frozen wasteland of kilometers long and deep ice, said to have been the frozen heart of a defeated and mutilated god. While seemingly useless, there might be something intriguing in this barren wasteland.
Times: 4 Turns

[] Edrars: Our sun, the star that gave essentially created our world thanks to its gravity well attracting chemical dust that formed our planet alongside the others present in our system.
Time: 3 Turns


Starbase Modules: Building modules in our Starbase could further enhance it. (0/2 Module Spaces used)
[X] Shipyard: A dedicated shipyard, with this we could build vessels more easily than without. DC 30
Time: 1 Turn
Cost: 50 Alloys
Upkeep: 1 Energy
Rewards: Can now build spaceships.

[X] Solar Panel Network: A massive network of solar panels receiving energy from our sun, enough energy to not only power the Starbase but also have enough excess to feed planetary energy needs. DC 30
Time: 1 Turn
Cost: 50 Alloys
Upkeep: 1 Alloy
Rewards: +6 Energy

[] Resource Silo: A silo made for our resources, through some say that building one in space instead of the ground is a bad idea. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Cost: 50 Alloys
Upkeep: 1 Alloy
Rewards: +5000 Resource storage capacity

— Basic Resources: 4968 Minerals; 4923 Energy; 4998 Food
— Advanced Resources: 5003 Alloys; 5005 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: 55,25 Influence; 32,7 Unity; 1 Research (+1 Engineering; +1 Physics; +1 Society)

— Basic Resources: +8,1 Minerals; +11 Energy; +8,1 Food
— Advanced Resources: +3,4 Alloys; +13,8 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: +5,25 Influence; +22,7 Unity

— Basic Resources: -7 Minerals; -8 Energy; -10 Food
— Advanced Resources: 0 Alloys; -2,7 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: None
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[X] plan more Science!!! Now!
-[X] Ground Defense Initiative
-[X] Research Labs
-[X] Powered Exoskeletons
-[X] Genome Mapping

For the Starbase Modules no need to vote right? Is ongoing?
Turn 2 Results
Date — 2201.01.01


Ground Defense Initiative: There could be a time when alien empires would gladly seize our worlds for themselves. We must be prepared for them, should the worst come to pass. These are tactics and strategies that will be constantly updated as time passes and new technology is discovered and implemented, on how to handle an alien invasion in a world controlled by the Empire. DC 30 (1d100=41)
Cost: 100 Energy; 50 Minerals
Upkeep: None
Time: 2 Turns

The beginning of the operation has begun, though as of now it is entirety theoretical as the Warmaster and his aides must first grapple on how exactly a planetary invasion can happen. Not just a developed world like Noxus, but other civilized worlds that the Empire will colonize in the future.

Industrial & Public Matters

Adaptive Bureaucracy: Further refinements of our bureaucratic means can help further advance the Empire, as resources can move more rapidly with less red tape to impede them. DC 45 (1d100=32)
Cost: 50 Energy
Upkeep: 3 Energy
Time: 3 Turns

The remains of the corrupt still affect our efforts to further refine our bureaucracy. But the damage they inflicted upon our Empire is being steadily healed.

Research Labs: Laboratories where our scholars can further advance our Empire's technology. Here they can make theories and experiments that help further our civilization's technology. DC 20 (1d100=46)
Cost: 200 Minerals; 10 Energy
Upkeep: 2 Energy; 2 Minerals; 1,5 Consumer Goods
Time: Completed

Fortunately, there were no issues with the construction of the new Laboratories for our scholars, with all the appropriate measures taken the buildings were finished in schedule. And the fitting of all the necessary equipment saw no issue as well. As our scholars moved in, they already began further advancing our Empire's technology with the help of state-of-the-art scientific equipment.

Rewards: +6 Engineering, Physics, and Society Research.



Powered Exoskeletons: Wearing a powered exoskeleton suit augments the user's strength and speed. The military applications are obvious, but it will also increase labor efficiency. DC 30 (1d100+7=19)
Time: Completed

Unfortunately, it seems that our current knowledge of both material science and hydraulics is not enough to properly create a powered exoskeleton, as many issues started cropping up that resulted in failure of all prototypes.

Rewards: Failure


Administrative AI: An advanced administrative artificial intelligence, meant to help our scholars in their pursuit of new technology. DC 30 (1d100+7=19)
Time: Completed

Unfortunately, it seems that the project has also ended in failure. An error in the coding of the AI led to it acting in erratic ways before it was turned off. Our scholars are now looking into the programming to see what went wrong, and according to them, it seems that they will have to redo everything from scratch.


Genome Mapping: Mapping the genome of an individual through the sequencing of their DNA opens up for tailored medical treatments and therapies. DC 30 (1d100+7=10)
Time: Completed

Once again this project was met with failure despite the new equipment afforded to our scholars.

Rewards: Failure



Ludilles: The planet that is located 'behind' our own, a barren world incapable of sustaining life. The Aenqid believed it was because one of their gods had burned away the rich life of their world. What really happened was a system event that saw the planet being incapable of sustaining life, there might be something useful in there. (1d100=15 Nothing)
Time: 2 Turns

The science ship has once again found nothing of worth present in Ludilles.


Shipyard: A dedicated shipyard, with this we could build vessels more easily than without. DC 30 (1d100=33)
Time: Completed
Cost: 50 Alloys
Upkeep: 1 Energy

In much better news, the Shipyard has been finished, granting us a dedicated void facility to build spaceships. Which is much easier than building them on a planet's surface, where they would have to be sent towards the void of space in the first place.

Rewards: Can now build spaceships.

Solar Panel Network: A massive network of solar panels receiving energy from our sun, enough energy to not only power the Starbase but also have enough excess to feed planetary energy needs. DC 30 (1d100=65)
Time: Completed
Cost: 50 Alloys
Upkeep: 1 Alloy

Fortunately, there were no more accidents in the construction of the solar panel network. Construction was successfully finished, granting a surplus of energy to not only feed the Starbase, but with enough excess to feed planetary energy needs as well.

Rewards: +6 Energy

— Basic Resources: 4718 Minerals; 4763 Energy; 4998 Food
— Advanced Resources: 4903 Alloys; 5005 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: 55,25 Influence; 32,7 Unity; 7 Research (+7 Engineering; +7 Physics; +7 Society)

— Basic Resources: +8,1 Minerals; +17 Energy; +8,1 Food
— Advanced Resources: +3,4 Alloys; +13,8 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: +5,25 Influence; +22,7 Unity

— Basic Resources: -9 Minerals; -11 Energy; -10 Food
— Advanced Resources: -1 Alloys; -4,2 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: None
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Turn 3
Date ─ 2202.01.01

The Emperor was starting to think there were hidden saboteurs in his empire. Failure after failure in the development of new technologies that would benefit his empire, construction projects suffering incidents or delays. And of course the debacle that was the secret corruption scheme that assailed the bureaucratics.

Of course, he had no proof of such, and even Constantine thinks it is a little too much paranoia to think such thoughts without any said proof. He will wait, and see, if this is merely bad luck or something more foul.

Military — The Minister of Defense, Warmaster Jairus, has some interesting ideas to present towards the Emperor. (0 AP)

[] Doctrine (Space Combat): Now that our troops at least have an idea how to operate in deep space, further adaptation and refinement to the realities of deep-space combat will allow us to be more effective. Through the lack of military spaceships makes this purely theoretical. DC 40
Cost: 20 Energy
Upkeep: None
Time: 4 Turns
Rewards: +5% combat vessels and stations attack damage: +20 Fleet Command Limit

[X] Ground Defense Initiative: There could be a time when alien empires would gladly seize our worlds for themselves. We must be prepared for them, should the worst come to pass. These are tactics and strategies that will be constantly updated as time passes and new technology is discovered and implemented, on how to handle an alien invasion in a world controlled by the Empire. DC 30
Cost: 100 Energy; 50 Minerals
Upkeep: None
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +33% Defense Army Damage, +2 Naval Capacity from soldiers.

[] Centralized Command: A space where the forces of the entire world can be commanded, a dedicated headquarters for all levels of military operations in the capital world. This gives our armed forces a new edge in any battle fought on the surface of the planet. DC 40
Cost: 100 Energy; 65 Minerals
Upkeep: 2 Energy; 1 Mineral
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +10% Defense Army Damage.

Industrial & Public Matters — The Minister of Industry and State, the Sigilate Selena, has already provided plans on how to handle the current food deficit before it becomes a problem, as well as to expand our industry further. (1 AP)

[X] Adaptive Bureaucracy: Further refinements of our bureaucratic means can help further advance the Empire, as resources can move more rapidly with less red tape to impede them. DC 45
Cost: 50 Energy
Upkeep: 3 Energy
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: +10% increase in resource extraction from all types of resources.

[] Hydroponic Farms: Massive domed farms that will help fix the current deficit of our income in yearly food production, while less wide than our agricultural districts, they can certainly help. DC 10
Cost: 38 Minerals; 10 Energy
Upkeep: 2 Energy; 2 Minerals
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +18,2 Food

[] Build District: The minister suggests building another district. (Choose below one or multiple) [5/18 Used]
[] Generator District: Rows of massive power plants that generate massive amounts of energy which can then be used or converted into energy credits or used. DC 25
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 1 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +12,1 Energy; +2 Housing

[] Mining District: These mining towns and resource extraction centers drill deep into the mantle to access mineral deposits. DC 35
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 1 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +8,1 Minerals; +2 Housing

[] Agricultural District: Land set aside for cultivation, either through the growing of crops or animal husbandry. DC 25
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 1 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +12,1 Food; +2 Housing

[] City District: These dense urban centers provide large amounts of housing for both common and highborn, and office space for clerical workers. DC 40
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 2 Energy
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +6 Trade Value; +5 Housing

[] Industrial District: Smelting facilities and factories fill this district, creating advanced products out of raw materials. DC 45
Cost: 300 Minerals
Upkeep: 2 Energy; 2 Minerals
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +3,4 Alloys; +6,9 Consumer Goods

Science ─ The Head Scholar of The Empire, has already assorted projects that bring interest to the Emperor and could help the Empire further its reach in this new era we find ourselves in.

Engineering (1 AP)

[] Geothermal Fracking: New fracking techniques will allow us to tap into previously unattainable pockets of geothermal resources deep beneath the planet's crust. DC 35
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: +20% Minerals from Miners, +10% Minerals from Offworld Mining Bases

[] Weather Control Systems: The ability to alter a planet's weather patterns to suppress destructive weather phenomena will make residential buildings easier to maintain and open up new areas for habitation. DC 50
Time: 5 Turns
Rewards: Can now build Weather Control Nodes.

[] Zero-G Refineries: The addition of internal refineries on mining stations will substantially increase mineral production. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +10% Mining Station Output, Unlocks Nebula Refineries

[] Powered Exoskeletons: Wearing a powered exoskeleton suit augments the user's strength and speed. The military applications are obvious, but it will also increase labor efficiency. DC 30
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can now integrate Powered Exoskeletons.

[] Ceramo-Metal Materials: A proposed combination of different metals and ceramics that result in a strong armor without sacrificing flexibility. DC 30
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: Can now integrate Ceramo-Metal armor.

[] Ion Thrusters: While our current chemical thrusters can serve well in both our planetary and off-world actions, these electric thrusters are far more powerful and agile, using beams of ions to generate thrust without the need for fuel. DC 45
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: Can now integrate Ion Thrusters.

[] Afterburners: These powerful thrusters provide additional combat speed but consume a great deal of power. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can now integrate Afterburners.

[] Mass Drivers: These electromagnetic projectile launchers use magnets to accelerate armor-piercing rounds toward targets at high speeds. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can now integrate Mass Drivers.

[] Corvettes: The Corvette is the most basic military spaceship, armed and ready in the event of hostile contact. It shall be the first military spaceship in our Empire, a mark of our species' achievement.
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: Corvette design mini-turn; Can now build Corvettes.

Physics (1 AP)

[] Active Countermeasures: As they say a good offense is a good defense, that is the goal of this project, creating an interlinked weapon system that can target hostile targets and quickly eliminate them before they manage to reach their target. DC 45
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: Can now integrate Sentinel-Point Defense Weapon Systems.

[] Automated Exploration Protocols: An advanced AI will aid science officers in their task to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations to serve as hosts for our young, to boldly go where no Nocturnian has gone before. Essentially, the Science Ship will be able to explore the galaxy with help from an AI. DC 25
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +25% Survey speed; Can now order Science Ships to automatically explore unscanned worlds.

[] Administrative AI: An advanced administrative artificial intelligence, meant to help our scholars in their pursuit of new technology. DC 30
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: All Research Options (except those already that take one turn) take one less turn to complete.

[] Zero-G Laboratories: A lot of critical research can only be done in a zero gravity environment, which these specialized laboratories are eminently designed for. DC 25
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +10% Research Station Output

[] Gravitic Sensors: These sensors have been tuned to look for any gravitational changes in space, such as those produced by the presence of a decently sized mass moving across the system's space. DC 50
Time: 4 Turns
Rewards: Can Integrate Gravitic Sensors

[] Field Modulators: Modulated fields allow for increased production and improved energy yield. DC 30
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: +20% Energy from technicians, +10% Energy from Starbase constructions

[] Global Energy Management: Load-balancing facilities can greatly improve the stability of local grids and feed excess power back into centralized capacitors. DC 28
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can now build Energy Grid

[] Deflectors: Energy deflector screens can stop a limited amount of incoming enemy fire before overloading. Their main drawback is that they consume large amounts of power. DC 30
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: Can integrate Deflectors

[] Fusion Power: Nuclear fusion processes generate a great amount of power, but without many of the risks commonly associated with fission power. DC 50
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: Can integrate Fusion Power.

[] Reactor Boosters: Additional power generation systems that can grant a facility or a vehicle additional power. DC 20
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: Can integrate Reactor Boosters.

[] Red Lasers: Laser weapons fire focused beams of light at targets, causing damage through the generation of intense heat. Long a fascination in all circles of society, our scholars believe that they might have found a way to make them a reality. DC 40
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: Can integrate Red Laser Weapons.

Society (1 AP)

[] Eco Simulation: Farming techniques can be further refined through sophisticated computer simulations of different environments and weather patterns. This allows for more predictable crop yields. DC 40
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: +20% Food from Farmer Farmers, +10% Food from Starbase constructions

[] Genome Mapping: Mapping the genome of an individual through the sequencing of their DNA opens up for tailored medical treatments and therapies. DC 30
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +10% Pop Growth Speed.

[] New Worlds Protocol: While we already have an idea of what we will need for proper colonization, calculating required resources and gear required to establish a planetary colony allows us to herd brave pioneers into grand "ark ships". We are confident that they will survive the long voyage across the stars to a new home. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Can build Colonization Ships.

Space ─ The unending void that has existed since before our Sun formed millions of years ago, it is the final frontier, the final challenge, we must overcome it.


(0 AP)

[] Tyrant's Fury: The world closest to our sun, a molten planet, the original rulers of the world had named it after myths of some divine being who they said was the creator of the planet through an act of rage. Utter rubbish, but the fact that it is a molten world might mean that Tyrant's Fury might have an abundant amount of minerals even if liquid forms alongside geothermal vents for energy.
Time: 3 Turns

[X] Ludilles: The planet that is located 'behind' our own, a barren world incapable of sustaining life. The Aenqid believed it was because one of their gods had burned away the rich life of their world. What really happened was a system event that saw the planet being incapable of sustaining life, there might be something useful in there.
Time: 1 Turns

[] Ketone: One of the furthest planets of our system, a Gas Giant, the foolish Aenqid believed it was the breath of a primordial god for… some reason. It might hold something interesting.
Time: 4 Turns

[] Lealiv: The furthest world of our system's sun, a barren frozen wasteland of kilometers long and deep ice, said to have been the frozen heart of a defeated and mutilated god. While seemingly useless, there might be something intriguing in this barren wasteland.
Times: 4 Turns

[] Edrars: Our sun, the star that essentially created our world thanks to its gravity well attracting chemical dust that formed our planet alongside the others present in our system.
Time: 3 Turns


Ship Building: Building space borne vessels to extend the reach of our Empire among the stars.
Civilian Ships

[] Science Ship: A dedicated space vessel to explore worlds beyond our own, our forwards scouts in a way, they are the ones that shall survey alien worlds and see if there is anything in the world that would benefit the Empire. DC 20
Time: 2 Turns
Cost: 200 Alloys
Upkeep: 5 Energy
Rewards: Additional Exploration AP

[] Construction Ships: A dedicated space vessel for the creation of space outposts and bases upon alien worlds, allowing the extraction of useful resources to a dedicated site before they are shipped off to be used on our economy. DC 20
Time: 2 Turns
Cost: 200 Alloys
Upkeep: 5 Energy
Rewards: Additional Outpost Creation AP

Starbase Modules: Building modules in our Starbase could further enhance it. (2/2 Module Spaces used)
[] Resource Silo: A silo made for our resources, though some say that building one in space instead of the ground is a bad idea. DC 20
Time: 1 Turn
Cost: 50 Alloys
Upkeep: 1 Alloy
Rewards: +5000 Resource storage capacity

— Basic Resources: 4717 Minerals; 4769 Energy; 4996 Food
— Advanced Resources: 4905 Alloys; 5014 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: 60,5 Influence; 55,4 Unity; 7 Research (+7 Engineering; +7 Physics; +7 Society)

— Basic Resources: +8,1 Minerals; +17 Energy; +8,1 Food
— Advanced Resources: +3,4 Alloys; +13,8 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: +5,25 Influence; +22,7 Unity

— Basic Resources: -9 Minerals; -11 Energy; -10 Food
— Advanced Resources: -1 Alloys; -4,2 Consumer Goods
— Strategic Resources: None
— Special Resources: None
— Abstract Resources: None
Last edited:
[X]Plan please dice gods why
[X] Ground Defense Initiative
[X] Adaptive Bureaucracy
[X] Hydroponic Farms
[X] Powered Exoskeletons
[X] Administrative AI
[X] New Worlds Protocol
[X] Ludilles