The Final Frontier - A Stellaris Quest

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Guide a race of beings that has recently advanced to the space age and now begins their story across the final frontier: space. To either glorious victory or crushing defeat, their lives are at you hands.
Empire Creator Part I
From the beginning, when the first species that achieved control of their instincts looked up to the sky, they were filled with wonder, from the great suns gracing their worlds with their light to the thousands of glittering lights of distant stars. This wonder would continue to haunt them, from bows and arrows to firearms and vehicles moved by electricity instead of animals as they advanced through the ages.

This shall be a tale of one such species, who rose from the bounds of their homeworld and achieved the final frontier. What will be their fate? Will they rise, as so many others did, or will they fall into nothingness destroyed by the cosmic phenomenon, beasts, or rivals that sought to tear down everything they had built? Or perhaps they will walk the path of the Destroyers, who knows?

But this is their tale, the one that only they shall write, in victory or defeat. No matter what.

Species Creator

[] Humanoid

[] Mammalian

[] Reptialian

[] Avian

[] Arthropoid

[] Molluscoid

[] Fungoid

[] Plantoid

[] Lithoid
- Special Effect: This species has an silicon-based biology, and consumes minerals rather than food. They are tougher than traditional organics and have slower metabolisms, making them long-lived but slow to reproduce.

[] Necroid
- Special Effect: This species of near-immortals procreates by consuming pops of other species. However, the process takes a long time slowing the births of new members of this species.

[] Aquatic
- Special Effect: This species exclusively prefers ocean or ocean present worlds. This has an interesting effect of more housing in their ocean homes as well as more efficient workers.

[] Toxoid
- Special Effect: This species not only can colonize toxic worlds, but every breath they take emits a noxious gas that is toxic to any other species that is not able to handle such toxicity.

[] Machine
- Special Effect: This species consumes energy, instead of organic, they are capable of colonizing any world. No matter how far-fetched it seems these tireless machines can do it.

2 Points (must be at 0, not positive or negative)

[] Common Traits:
- [] Adaptive (-2)
- [] Extremely Adaptive (-4)
- [] Agrarian (-2)
- [] Charismatic (-2)
- [] Communal (-1)
- [] Conformists (-2)
- [] Conservaniost (-1)
- [] Decadent (+1)
- [] Docile (-2)
- [] Deviants (+1)
- [] Enduring (-1)
- [] Existential Iteropathy (-2)
- [] Fleeting (+1)
- [] Incubators (-2)
- [] Industrious (-2)
- [] Ingenious (-2)
- [] Intelligent (-2)
- [] Jinxed (+1)
- [] Natural Engineers (-1)
- [] Natural Physciest (-1)
- [] Natural Sociologists (-1)
- [] Nomadic (-1)
- [] Non-Adaptive (+2)
- [] Psychological Infertility (+2)
- [] Quick Learners (-1)
- [] Quarrelsome (+1)
- [] Rapid Breeders (-2)
- [] Resilient (-1)
- [] Repugnant (+2)
- [] Sedentary (+1)
- [] Solitary (+1)
- [] Slow Breeders (+2)
- [] Slow Learners (+1)
- [] Strong (-1)
- [] Very Strong (-3)
- [] Talented (-1)
- [] Thrifty (-2)
- [] Traditional (-1)

[] Botanical Traits (only available to species with the Fungoid or Plantoid archetype)
- [] Phototropic (-1)
- [] Radiotropic (-2)
- [] Budding (-2)
- [] Invasive Especies (-2)

[] Silicate Traits (only available to species with the Lithoid archetype)
- [] Gaseous Byproducts (-2)
- [] Scintillating Skin (-2)
- [] Volatile Excretions (-2)
- [] Crystallization (-2)

[] Machine Traits (only available to species with the Machine archetype)
- [] Bulky (+1)
- [] Custom-Made (+1)
- [] Delicate Chassis (+1)
- [] Domestic Protocols (-2)
- [] Double Jointed (-1)
- [] Durable (-1)
- [] Efficient Processors (-3)
- [] Emotion Emulators (-1)
- [] Enchanted Memory (-2)
- [] Engineering Core (-1)
- [] Eternal Machine (-4)
- [] Exotic Fuel Consumption (-2)
- [] Harvesters (-2)
- [] High Bandwith (+2)
- [] High Maintenance (+1)
- [] Integrated Weaponry (-2)
- [] Learning Algorithms (-1)
- [] Luxurious (+2)
- [] Logic Engines (-2)
- [] Loyalty Circuits (-2)
- [] Mass Produced (-2)
- [] Physics Core (-1)
- [] Power Drills (-2)
- [] Propaganda Machines (-1)
- [] Rare Crystal Exterior (-1)
- [] Recycled (-2)
- [] Scarcity Subroutines (-1)
- [] Sociology Core (-1)
- [] Streamlined Protocols (-1)
- [] Superconductive (-2)
- [] Trading Algorithms (+2)
- [] Uncanny (+1)
- [] Volatile Mote Reactor (-1)
- [] Waterproof (-2)

Q/M: Plan format, please. This is a brand new quest made by me, utilizing the Stellaris system, in which I made some changes to events, traits, and the like. As Toxoids can attest I gave them the Noxious trait from the start. If anyone has doubts about trait effectiveness you can go here or talk to me about any specific traits that I might have changed or other questions.

You can begin with your votes. The plan format goes like this:

[] Tutorial Race
-[] Mammalian
--Description or image
-[] Common Traits
--[] Agrarian
--[] Jinxed
--[] Fleeting
--[] Industrious
Empire Status
Empire Status

Empire Name: The Noctern Empire
Government Type: Imperial Authority
Symbol: A Red Moon over a Silver background
Species Name: The Nocturnians

Species Information: Descended from ancient parasites from their Homeworld of Noxus, the Nocturnians are a parasitic species that need other species to serve as living incubators for their young. They are notably resilient against any type of damage, with heavy weapons being the most common method of dealing with them, as well as strength above most normal species. Their most notable trait is their seeming immortality, being extremely long-lived in comparison with other species. They are Xenophobic towards other sapient and sentient species, seeing them as living incubators instead of fellows, they are also noticeably decadent liking increasingly extravagant parties and foods, the most infamous being collecting blood the rarer, the better.

However, they have a charisma that can convince even those who know better to trust them and be naturally talented in any field, be it militaristic, statal, medical, scientific, or other fields. But they are also known for having slower birth rates than other species, thanks to their incubation period lasting 20 months and an additional four months of maturing into their larval stage. Due to this, individual families place great importance on their young, and their development is closely watched so that no complications arise.

As they come from a continental world they have adapted to a variety of different climates, granting them the capability to colonize many worlds

Necroid Archetype
  • +80 years leader lifespan
  • −50% Pop upkeep
  • +5% Ruler and specialist pop resource output
  • −10% Worker pop resource output
  • −75% Pop growth speed
  • −50% Pop assembly speed

  • Imperial: +10% Resources from Jobs in Capital System, −1 Leader Pool Size, Ruler has the Imperial Ruler trait
    • Leader Effect Per Rank: +5 Edict Fund, +0.25 Max Influence from Power Projection.

Species Traits
  • Charismatic: +20% Amenities from jobs
  • Slow Breeders: −10% Pop Growth speed
  • Deviant: −15% Governing ethics attraction
  • Decadent: −10% Worker happiness, −10% Slave happiness
  • Enduring: +20 years leader lifespan
  • Strong: +20% to Defense and Assault Armies Damage, +2.5% Worker pop resource output.
  • Talented: −10% Leader upkeep, −1 Leader Maximum negative traits
  • Resilient: +20 to Defensive and Assault Armies

  • Materialist: −10% Robot upkeep, +5% Research Speed
  • Militarist: −10% Claim influence cost, +50% Fire Rate
  • Xenophobe: −20% Starbase influence cost, +10% Pop growth speed

  • Efficient Bureaucracy: −20% Administrator category jobs upkeep, Bureaucrat and Priest category jobs produce Edict Fund equal to their Unity output.
  • Technocracy: +1 Research to all categories, Capital Buildings replace some Politician jobs with Science Director jobs, Scientists start with a random Expertise trait, Expertise traits provide job research in their fields if governing a world or sector.
  • GDI: +33% Defense Army Damage, +2 Naval Capacity from soldiers.

Total Amount of Pops: 10 (5,000,000)
Total Amount of Incubator Pops: 10 (4.977.725)

Genetic Modification Points: 1

Systems Controlled: 1
Controlled Worlds: 1
Outposts Controlled: 1

  • Civilian
    • Science Ships: 1
    • Construction Ships: 1
Mining Outposts
  • Ludilles (Barren World): +110
Noxus (Capital World)
  • Classification: Capital World (+10% Resources from Jobs, +5 Stability, +10 Amenities, +10% Automatic Resettlement Destination Chance)
  • Stability: 7/10
  • Amenities: +18 (All needs are met)
  • Population (9.977.725/28.000.000)
  • Nocturnians: 10 Pops (5,000,000)
    • Pop Growth Per Turn: 22.275/250.000
  • Aenqid (The First Incubators): 10 Pops (4.977.725)
    • Pop Decline Per Turn: -8.167
  • Science: +7
    • Physics: +7
    • Society: +7
    • Engineering: +7
  • Districts (5/18 Used)
    • Mining: 1 (No other Buildings Present)
    • Agricultural: 1 (Hydroponic Farms)
    • Generator: 1 (No other Buildings Present)
    • Industrial: 1 (No other Buildings Present)
    • Housing: 1 (Research Labs)
  • Planetary Blockers: 8 (3 Dense Jungles; 2 Massive Glaciers, 1 Noxious Swamp, 2 Quicksand Basins)
  • Planetary Modifiers: None
  • Planetary Income
    • Basic Resources
      • Energy: +11
      • Minerals: +8,1
      • Food: +26,3
    • Advanced Resources
      • Alloys: +3,4
      • Consumer Goods: +13,8
    • Strategic Resources: None
    • Special Resources: None
    • Abstract Resources
      • Influence: +5,25
      • Unity: +22,7
  • Planetary Expenses
    • Basic Resources
      • Energy: -13
      • Minerals: -11
      • Food: -10
    • Advanced Resources
      • Alloys: None
      • Consumer Goods: -4,2
    • Strategic Resources: None
    • Special Resources: None
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[X]Space Vampires AKA Haemovores
-[X]Necroid (Humanoid Looking)
-[X] Charismatic (-2)
-[X] Slow Breeders (+2)
-[X] Deviants (+1)
-[X] Enduring (-1)
-[X] Strong (-1)
-[X] Decadent (+1)
-[X] Talented (-1)
-[X] Resilient (-1)
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[X]Space Vampires AKA Haemovores
-[X]Necroid (Humanoid Looking)
-[X] Charismatic (-2)
-[X] Slow Breeders (+2)
-[X] Deviants (+1)
-[X] Enduring (-1)
-[X] Strong (-1)
-[X] Decadent (+1)
-[X] Talented (-1)
-[X] Resilient (-1)

I do like vampires.
[X]Space Jellies
-[X] Aquatic

-[X] Non-Adaptive (+2)
-[X] Strong (-1)
-[X] Communal (-1)
-[X] Rapid Breeders (-2)

I'll toss my hat in this race
[X] Mechanical Precision

- [X] Machine
- [X] Bulky (+1)
- [X] High Bandwith (+2)
- [X] High Maintenance (+1)
- [X] Adaptive (-2)
- [X] Recycled (-2)
- [X] Learning Algorithms (-1)
- [X] Engineering Core (-1)
- [X] Trading Algorithms (+2)
- [X] Industrious (-2)
- [X] These machines are not concerned with aesthetics. Their frames are bulky and utilitarian often having multiple limbs tipped with a variety of tools or manipulators. Their forms are reminiscent of the large industrial machines used by other races. Calibrated to fulfill their desired role above all else with efficiency. To do so of course requires a high degree of intelligence or at least data necessitating their high bandwidth. Something like this.

I have always wanted to play as a machine race. None ever seemed to last though. Machines sidestep a lot of the issues facing a society and any limitations we pick can be adapted to and overcome.
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[X]Space Vampires AKA Haemovores
-[X]Necroid (Humanoid Looking)
-[X] Charismatic (-2)
-[X] Slow Breeders (+2)
-[X] Deviants (+1)
-[X] Enduring (-1)
-[X] Strong (-1)
-[X] Decadent (+1)
-[X] Talented (-1)
-[X] Resilient (-1)

I also like vampires, plus i am curious how it will look if it will win.
[X] Golia Race
-[X] Humanoid
-[X] Common Traits
--[X] Adaptive(-2)
--[X] Jinxed(+1)
--[X] Quarrelsome(+1)
--[X] Industrious(+2)
--[X] Deviants(+1)
--[X] Strong(-1)
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[X] Plan Radioactive
-[X] Toxoid
--[X] I Think Qm Said They Start With Noxious For Free?
-[X] Adaptive (-2)
-[X] Enduring (-1)
-[X] Nomadic (-1)
-[X] Resilient (-1)
-[X] Decadent (+1)
-[X] Repugnant (+2)

I wanted to make some slime people that are probably made out of radioactive/toxic sludge.
I don't really have any experience with Stellaris, but I tried to take the traits that would make them tough and able to spread.
For some reason the page needs to be refreshed 1 or 2 times for the pictures to load? No idea why that happens.
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[X] Mechanical Precision
Could you please put an image or a description?

- [X] These machines are not concerned with aesthetics. Their frames are bulky and utilitarian often having multiple limbs tipped with a variety of tools or manipulators. Their forms are reminiscent of the large industrial machines used by other races. Calibrated to fulfill their desired role above all else with efficiency. To do so of course requires a high degree of intelligence or at least data necessitating their high bandwidth. Something like this.
Thank you.
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