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It is the year 3 AFE (16 BBY in later reckonings) of the Imperial Calendar. In the dying days of last year the Empire completed the Western Reaches campaign, crushing the last hold outs of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and ending any formal armed resistance to Imperial Rule.
In this riot quest you play as a grassroots political organization. Whether that be a clandestine insurgent cell, a clique of like minded military officers, an illegal political party (parties and elections are outlawed in the Senate), a persecuted religious community or a group of radical scholars and thinkers, you seek the change the galaxy.
Organization Creation


Some kinda Commie


A Riot Quest

It is the year 3 AFE (16 BBY in later reckonings) of the Imperial Calendar. In the dying days of last year the Empire completed the Western Reaches campaign, crushing the last hold outs of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and ending any formal armed resistance to Imperial Rule. However millions of former CIS insurgents have now gone underground, joining with resistance movements and dissidents both new and old. As the Imperial system struggles to shape and stabilize itself new cliques and centers of power emerge both in the shining halls of Imperial Center and in the gutters of the Rim. With the death of the Republic it feels that anything is up in the air, if only one can either get the ear of the Emperor or build up their strength enough to challenge his durasteel-fisted rule. There are even rumors of mystics and wizards within the shadows of the Galaxy. Jedi who escaped the purge, some say, or even worse things left within the darkest of fairy tales.

In this riot quest you play as a grassroots political organization. Whether that be a clandestine insurgent cell, a clique of like minded military officers, an illegal political party (parties and elections are outlawed in the Senate), a persecuted religious community or a group of radical scholars and thinkers, you seek the change the galaxy. Groups with explicitly rebellious intentions and ideals are allowed, but be aware that the ISB and Imperial Intelligence will be hunting for you with merciless determination. For groups with a more mystical bent, the less said about the Inquisitorius, the better.

Player organizations are not necessarily enemies or rivals and may grow and forge bonds over the course of the game. Be aware that growing to a large enough size to truly call yourself a Rebel Alliance will take a long time. If enough organizations unite into something resembling the Alliance to Restore the Republic then we will move towards a format focusing solely on the Alliance and its internal politics.

This quest will mostly be focusing on the Legends continuity, though I will be taking things that I find cool from canon as I please. As well do not take things on Wookiepedia as gospel. The galaxy of this quest may have some differences, subtle and major, from the Expanded Universe.

For this first vote, you will create any number of political organizations to play as. You may also do this in any vote afterwards. The more votes towards an organization, the bigger it is proportionately, and this will compound over time as it gets bonuses.

Each turn you can vote for one or two groups, and can switch. Groups with no support will slowly lose in game support, and then disband.

The number of people who vote for a group upon its creation determines its size. The same name but different sub-votes indicates factions within the organization.

[] Name of group

-[] Circumstance of founding
This can be a short sentence or paragraph, basically just how and why it exists.

-[] Locale
-Where the core base of your support is. Ex: Taris, the Tion Sector, Hutt Space, the northern Outer Rim

-[] Core supporters
Ex. Miners, factory workers, non-humans, the Imperial Navy officer core, ex-Separatists, farmers, pacifists, students, Imperial Army soldiers, Clone Wars Veterans. You can pick multiple of these

-[] Goals or Ideology
Ex. Dogmatic Imperialists, Republicans, Rim Nationalists, Distributionists, Mystics, High HuMan Cultralists, Core Supremacists.

Future turns:

There are two types of main turns. The first will be a general planning stage. Every group will have a plan vote where within that group they compete for what they will be doing this turn. Write-ins are allowed.

These various plans are in character what the organization is debating doing.

[][Group name] Plan name
-[] Do this thing
-[] Do this other thing

Second vote is just straight up voting for a group. This will affect their gain in popularity this turn. This vote starts after the first vote but applies to the next update.

I will be taking a max of 10 orgs to start off this quest. There can be 2 Force/Mystic Orgs.

Turns will last one year up until either the galactic situation really breaks down or the canonical year of the Battle of Yavin, whichever comes first. At that point I will re-assess to see how long I need to make turns.

Most quest mechanics will be fairly similar to @Physici 's American Experiment quest, to which I will be taking quite a lot from.

Watch this space for a discord server link Soon TM
[X] plan balanced force
-[x] sect name Gray wardens
-[x] Circumstance of founding
The founder of the order found a large cache of force knowledge from both the jedii and raven hidden on a remote planet.
-[x] Locale Lehon
-[x] Core supporters force sensitive people and others.
-[x] Goals or Ideology
The Gray Wardens teach about both inner and outer balance and making life better when you can. For the concept of outer balance it is believed that like a pengulem the force and galaxy swing back and forth but the best range is 45 to 55 percent for both sides. For inner balance you need to both know yourself and stop hidding/suppressing parts of yourself and find and channel your internal alignment that just like the outer is not fixed, because we change with experience and other things.

Doing this on a tablet is a pain in the a**!!!!!! Hope this works.
[X] Council of Old Blood
-[x] Circumstance of founding: The Empire has brought peace, order and stability to the galaxy. It is the perfect form of government, having purged all the weaknesses of the Republic yet retaining its strengths. There is however still one small problem to fix: the Emperor. Why does a provincial rube from Naboo get to sit on the throne and command us, we whose noble bloodlines stretch back to the founding of the Republic? This cannot stand! Sheev must go, and the position of Emperor abolished to be replaced by a Council of Old Blood.
-[x] Locale: Northern Core
-[x] Core supporters: Imperial nobles and noble-born officers
-[x] Goals or Ideology: "Imperial Constitutional Aristocracy" (AKA Replace the Emperor with a council of imperial nobles, keep everything else the same)
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[X] Galactic Liberation Army
-[x] Founded from various Marginal worlds in the rim with a long history of oppression. First from the megacorps, then the republic liberators, then now the even worse empire. This Fanatical force has grown sick of the corrupt Galaxy and large scale powers, and as such wishes to secure it's independence against any sort of Galactic Hegemon no matter what flavor of Imperialist it is. Especially if it has to use terror tactics and biochemical warfare to ensure the liberty of the common man.
-[X] Locale: Southern Outer Rim
-[X] Core supporters: Rim Nationalists, Various low class individuals, Aspiring War Criminals, Zealous Fanatics
-[X] Goals or Ideology: Liberty for all Worlds and forever destroying the concept of a Galatic Polity.

[X] Council of Old Blood
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[X] The Brotherhood of the Rancor
-[X] Circumstance of founding
Technically still apart of the Tarkin clique, the Brotherhood of the Rancor is on paper a minor club for officers to network with each other from before the Clone Wars, stretching back to a founding just two hundred years after the Russan Reformation. They eventually fell into the orbit of Wilhuff Tarkin and then Chancellor Palpatine, desiring a strong central state and the restoration of the Republic's military. They have remained blind in their loyalty, citing 'war time concerns' in the face of Palpatines steady acquisition of power. It has taken the murder of the Jedi and declaration of the New Order to shock them from their blind support, and see just how far Palpatine has overreached. The grandeur of the Republic cannot be stained by such middling autocracy.
-[X] Locale
-The Core. Coruscant, Alderaan, Corellia, the centers of gravity upon which the galaxy rests.
-[X] Core supporters
Imperial Navy officer core, Clone Wars veterans, particularly ex-judiciary.
-[X] Goals or Ideology
Restoration of the Republic, with a strong Chancellor, a strong military, and a respectable Senate. The Galactic Republic has stood for twenty thousand years, this farce of a power grab will not be its end. Distinctly coreist in tone.

I find the idea of some hardcore republicans emerging from a group that would otherwise be well inclined to support the Galactic Empire too amusing to pass up.

Edit: [X] Seekers of the Astral Way
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[X] Beauty of a Fallen Leaf, Glory of a Sprouting Flower
-[X] Founding: Initially merely a loose cooperative of Major Traders, Shipyard Supervisors, Mercenary Groups, and Associated Smugglers operating along the Corellian Run looking out for eachother in a time of war, regardless of sides, years of lucrative business, growing influence have turned them into a shadow trade union with major influence across numerous worlds.
-[X] Locale: The Corellian Run and Intersecting Hyperlanes
-[X] Traders, Trade Barons, Smugglers, Shipyard Supervisors, Mercenaries, Hutts, Ex-Seperatists, Clone Wars Pilot Veterans, Arms Dealers.
-[X] Ideology: In the face of an increasingly domineering and uncompromising Imperial Navy with no respect for it's citizens rights or local laws, the organization has begun to move beyond concerns of profit towards aspirations of freedom from galactic oversight, where they might ply there trades in freedom and relative peace. Liberal Capitalism with Anti-Establishment Leanings.

[X] Galactic Liberation Army

@mcclay any downsides to voting for more than one group? I know you said we could vote for one or two but there wasn't much details on the overall effect either approach would have.
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[X] The Ash Angels
-[X] Circumstance of founding: The campaigns along the Perlemian Trade Route were some of the bloodiest and most brutal of the Clone Wars, with countless planets left devastated in the wake of the Outer Rim Sieges or local civil wars. In the aftermath, a profusion of mutual-aid societies and disaster relief groups sprang up to mitigate the suffering. The new Empire was more concerned with consolidating its power than with helping the victims of war, so these organizations grew quickly—until, fearing that they might become the nuclei of future rebel groups, Imperial authorities decreed them banned.
In doing so, they brought about the very scenario they had hoped to avoid.
Increasingly radicalized and already widely popular amongst the people, the newly-christened "Ash Angels" went underground to continue their activities—and took up arms to defend them. The Empire might try to reduce the galaxy to ruins and ashes, but they vowed that even in the most inhospitable of places, they would still find a way for life to persist.
-[X] Locale: The portion of the Perlemian Trade Route rimward of Tanaab, and nearby systems.
-[X] Core supporters: War refugees (and those impoverished or displaced by the conflict more generally), former medical and engineering personnel from both sides of the Clone Wars, possibly a small number of former Jedi AgriCorps members.
-[X] Ideology: Anti-Imperialism, localist developmentalism, soft distributionism

[X] Societas Esoterica
-[X] Circumstances of founding: Order 66 and the Jedi Purge were accompanied by a deluge of propaganda demonizing the Jedi Order and the mystical abilities they wielded. In most cases, this had precisely the desired effect of turning the population against the "coupists". But no policy is ever executed a hundred percent perfectly without a single hitch—and in this case, one hitch was that to a small number of well-off Core World youth, the Force gained a certain mystique as tantalizing forbidden fruit.

Using their wealth and privilege to conceal their activities, these young scions of the ruling class began to meet in secret, hoarding Jedi artifacts and texts in an attempt to harness their power for themselves. Most of these attempts ended in disappointment (although not that much disappointment, since the Societas was at least as much a countercultural social club as it was a genuine Force cult to begin with), but over time the group has begun to attract a few members with some measure of genuine talent. Only time will tell what other attention it may draw…
-[X] Locale: The Core Worlds, especially those Core Worlds where the Empire is most influential, such as Coruscant and Kuat.
-[X] Core supporters: Teenage and young adult members of the aristocracy and haute-bourgeoisie.
-[X] Ideology: Many, very few of them serious or well-considered in any way.
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[X] Name of group: Confederacy Restoration Front

-[X] Circumstance of founding: Surviving generals and politicians of the Confederacy have retreated to Outer Rím to start a gurrila war against the Empire where they are building up their strenght.

-[X] Locale
Hutt Space, the northern Outer Rim

-[X] Core supporters
non-humans, ex-Separatists, Ironicly Republicans, Anti Imperalists

-[X] Goals or Ideology
Seperatism, Technocracy, Republican Minority
[X] Seekers of the Astral Way

-[X] Circumstance of founding
A religious sect that arose on Mirial during the long centuries of peace that were the prelude to the Clone Wars, the Scions preach abstinence from the material world and pacifism as their core tenants. Their teachings placed them in direct opposition to the wider Jedi Order during the Clone Wars, and were influential particularly on dissidents such as Barriss Offee, though these more extreme elements drew condemnation from leadership on the home world.

A number of monasteries have proliferated on Mirial and neighbouring worlds. Though initially an order of pacifist monks were deigned little threat to the nascent Empire as it asserted its authority, the obvious Jedi overlap with their theology has led to growing programmes of systemic persecution presided over by both the Inquisitors and the Imperial governors.

-[X] Locale: Mirial and nearby systems

-[X] Core supporters: Mirialan spiritualists, Force occultists and sympathisers with their monasteries

-[X] Goals or Ideology: Decentralisation of Imperial authority, autonomy and self-governance, protection from persecution

[X] The Brotherhood of the Rancor
[X] The Celestine Ark
[X] Galactic Liberation Army

I know people there!
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[X] Independent outer Rim

[X] Circumstance of founding
Farmers and workers on the Planet of Dantooine are fed up and want to return to the good times of the Republic or even the separatist alliance. Anything is better than the fear and exploitation of the imerpial boot on their neck.

-[X] Locale

[X] Core supporters
Ex. Miners, factory workers, non-humans, the Imperial farmers

[X] Goals or Ideology
Rim Nationalists
[X] Autonomous Droid Army
-[X] Circumstances of founding: Remnants of the Separatist Droid Army that were given autonomy in a desperate move during the siege of one of the CIS factory world after the Imperial Army employed chemical warfare, wiping out organic resistance.
-[X] Locale: Outer Rim
-[X] Core supporters: Separatist Army Droids, converted civilian droids.
-[X] Goals or Ideology: Separatist sentiments. Droid Emancipation.

[X] The Kirima Book and Art Club
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[X] The Ash Angels

[X] The Celestine Ark

-[X] Circumstance of founding: Although the vast majority of the CIS droid armies were decommissioned with the end of the Clone Wars, not all were condemned to the scrapyards. Ranging from tactical droids too smart to walk to their deaths to cred-a-thousand B1s too dumb to realize they were supposed to, a number of ex-CIS battle droids have flocked to a new banner- that of droid liberation. Inspiration from droid mythology, in particular those legends passed down by the junk droids of Raxxus Prime, has been synthesized with anti-slavery rhetoric and is now being spread among civilian droids (and the odd meatbag) of the Outer Rim. Droid rebellions may have been crushed before, but with an ideology that can potentially spread across all models, and a solid militant core, this one may yet succeed.

-[X] Locale: The northern Outer Rim, mostly former CIS strongholds near the Perlemian Trade Route, such as Raxxus.

-[X] Core Supporters: former Separatist battle droids, mechanic droids and astromechs, abolitionists, some cyborgs. Though primarily a droid movement, the Celestine Ark has attracted a few organic supporters- a mix between CIS holdouts who've been dragged along for the ride and idealistic abolitionist activists.

-[X] Goals or Ideology: Droid abolitionism, universal abolitionism, droid occultism (fringe), anti-Imperialism, Separatism (fringe)
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[X] Autonomous Droid Army
-[X] Circumstances of founding: Remnants of the Separatist Droid Army that were given autonomy in a desperate move during the siege of one of the CIS factory world after the Imperial Army employed chemical warfare, wiping out organic resistance.
-[X] Locale: Outer Rim
-[X] Core supporters: Separatist Army Droids, converted civilian droids.
-[X] Goals or Ideology: Separatist sentiments. Droid Emancipation.
oops, we both have droid factions
[X] Council of Old Blood

Kinda similar to the aristocratic party I wanted to make so I will vote for it.

[X] Council of Old Blood (Patriots of Old Alsakan)
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[X] The Ash Angels
[X] The Celestine Ark
[] Autonomous Droid Army

Edit: Cause I didn't realize we can only vote for two orgs on this first turn as well
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