All Level, No Experience (Worm/Pathfinder Amnesia Quest)

But Sairazul would know how to make more vault builders. She was their original creator. (Though I don't see illuontar asking for help really.)

Also puts context on how impressive the ritual actually is.
Oh yeah, also, originally Sairazul made exactly, I think it was 65,536 or so, not sure, but some exact number of Xiomorns after seeing a very pretty rock and being inspired, to dumb it down a lot, with the intent that that would be the number of them forever.

The ritual gives absolutely zero shits. Doesn't matter if you've got one, one-hundred, or one million Xiomorns already around, the ritual works all the same.

Heck, the ritual partially works as insurance, since even if there's no Xiomorns left, it can still fully convert people into offspring-viable Xiomorns. Just outright un-extinction, so long as the ritual exists somewhere.
A ring of wishes is a nice emergency backup. (Though we should be very careful to make sure it isn't stolen. Perhaps add a clever curse?)

Besides that I would like to start looking into the mechanics behind powers. We already got a lead on tinkertech. We should examine more tinkertech, and maybe watch a tinker work too.
... Hey Dragon just suggested Armsmaster. Why don't we pay him a visit to talk shop. With Dragon's introduction/support it should be easy enough.
With that, the call ends, and you take not so much as a quarter-second of hesitation in casting a Time Stop, above average but not maximum duration but that was fine. It was well enough to wrench the tattoo of Ascalon off of yourself, promptly and cathartically crush it in your bare hands, then proceed to Disintegrate it, and still with enough time to stomp the dust into the ground where it lay while shouting the most visceral Infernal curses you knew from across two worlds' Hells at the name of Andrew Richter, and enough time to quickly regain your previous composure before the Time Stop ended.
I would also like to say I loved this scene in particular. The sheer burst of emotion from the usually stoic elemental.
the man found a way to create manufactured myth.

So, you've still got it, that's a freebie, since all 3 of his ranks Are from the ritual.
wouldn't such an achievement have qualified him to at least gain a mythic rank all on its own , like I don't know much about pathfinder but I think if you do bad ass epic deeds or mythic proportion you get mythic ranks , uncovering and out right inventing a way to manufacture mythics is certainly the kind of stuff that counts
[X] Plan Tinker Talk
-[X] Ask Dragon about reaching out to Armsmaster. Maybe in introduction? You were curious about usual tinkertech so this should prove educational. Look to arrange something in the near future.
-[X] You still have some of Dragon's money to spend, and a lab you spent some of said money on improving available, back to crafting!
-[X] Craft Ring of Three Wishes. (Maybe include some clever curse to discourage theft of it?)
-[X] If you have time:
--[X] Enhance your staff with various relevant combat spells of your choice, or create a entire new staff(i.e. Disintegrate, (Greater) Teleport, Wall of Force, (Greater) Invisibility, Baleful Polymorph etc.)
--[X] Craft number of useful spell scrolls of your choice

Modified plan. How long should the Ring of Three Wishes take? Should I add anything (maybe the various buffing spells discussed?)
Ah, that is a bit of an incorrect impression, I'm afraid. I can see how you'd get it from the Ambrosia component, but all that means is that you know someone, somewhere, that can allow you to get your hands on some is all. It doesn't have to be made by yourself at all.

Since that was a bit of a misconception, I'm not going to count it against you at all.

Funny enough, that is a part of what makes the ritual such a massive thing as to skyrocket him to an (offered) high leadership position in an entire species of immortals. In addition to it generally being tailored to solving much of the problems they hadn't been able to, the man found a way to create manufactured myth.

So, you've still got it, that's a freebie, since all 3 of his ranks Are from the ritual.

Edit: P.S. The ring of continuation is clever, nice. Freedom of Movement- eh, I'm not entirely certain either. I think that just because it's also touch, doesn't negate that it is still personal, so for now, I'm gonna say it would work with the ring.
Edit 2: Rifht, lemme clarify, 3 spells, from your spellbook of spells y'all actually know.

Welp yeah I misread 2.7's "it required one already had some source of mythic powers available" as the target needed the mythic juice vs someone around has it.

Hrrrrmm for question then could I get Update 1's "[Major Memory] Why am I here? (Reveals the reasoning behind your coming to Earth Bet" I think this paired with the goal of "Rule the World" would be interesting. Was Earth Bet really a random choice? Somehow I doubt it.

Finally regarding spellbook. Awww well it also kiboshes my meme/mad science idea to have Blood Transcription prepped and yolo to see if there's any weird intersections between shard fuckery and anything parsing as "magic." But it'd probably return NaN due to likely psionic fuckery that doesn't translate at all. Or blow up something in the MC.

I suppose for now 1x Eagle Splendor in case we have some CHA moments coming up, 1x Make Whole in case we come across something that needs fixing/construct maintenance and 1x Touch of Idiocy since sometimes I must indulge in the potential for hilarity and I'm not seriously fussed about optimizing our Level 2 loadout tbh.
ALNE - 4.4 - .5
Hrrrrmm for question then could I get Update 1's "[Major Memory] Why am I here? (Reveals the reasoning behind your coming to Earth Bet" I think this paired with the goal of "Rule the World" would be interesting. Was Earth Bet really a random choice? Somehow I doubt it.
Why yes, yes you can.

There is an odd moment, in this instant, as something ever so subtly slides into place, the moment so utterly underlying that you yourself are uncertain if it is even real or merely imagined. Yet, it must be real, as this odd sense of something almost retroactively being fixed causes some impossibly small chain reaction that you never become aware of, as suddenly, memories return.

Why are you here? Here, on Earth Bet, in particular?

Your previous memories help it all make more sense, as knowledge begets understanding, here. The explanation begins with the end of your people, wiped out to the last by something where the minutia still elude you, bar that it must have been some act of fate still lingering from before the death of Aroden. The presence of norns in the distance of the whole affair, those fae who are enforcers of the impossible whims of fate, and when five such norns had fought you, aiming to end you after merely observing the then-recent battle where Iluchtewhar had died, served as proof enough.

However, you had survived that battle. Then the next and next, as the norns attempted to force what fate could not. It seemed as though every favor the norns could call was used to send more and more agents against you. To finally secure the will of fate. That when a tower of emerald was uprooted, when he who built the key and roads returned home, only to be destroyed by the invaders he sought to remove, and when they would cast off the shackles of both master and maker, then, the Xiomorns would be made history, and history alone, none to inhabit the same world as Golarion again.

So, even though a part of you longed to spite them, you elected that, fine, you would allow fate this one, for now. With nothing left in Golarion or its cosmology that you had grown attached to- nothing left of what you had, rather- you had decided that if you had done so once, on accident, while evading the sight of the horrendously restrictive Mystra, you could flee a cosmology once again, deliberately, with the far more preferable Nethys as the chief deity of magic- and even then, Nethys did not hold the audacity to claim himself as the source, or caretaker, or some other tripe, of Magic unlike Mystra- but you have digressed.

It had even been, in the end, the aid of Nethys that had enabled you to leave.

Once, while you had been horridly stumped, the Arcanotheign, Herald of Nethys she was, in the form of a humanoid grey woman, had arrived to you, in a dress of countless colors, carrying a book bag. Knowing the lore of the Arcanotheign, you offered her a trade- the tastes of your last vials of Faerunian poisons, which you had kept out of a mixture of sentimentality and inability to effectively use to that point, in exchange for the sights of the inside of the books in her bag. She agreed, and eagerly sampled the poisons as you read the books- ones that just barely pointed you in the right directions to track down not only an even rarer book, but more importantly what you would only learn later would be required, Perfection's Key.

It had been the work of years, to figure it all out, and quite the execution. Still, you had evaded one last set of adventurers, discreetly and indirectly informed the Sarkorian authorities of the activities of one Areelu Vorlesh on the advice of a possibly rogue, almost certainly recursive Aeon Oracle, and made your way to the Maelstrom, to wait. To steadily, constantly drift and keep your heart at the exact middle point between Ahkanefti, Jandelay, and the Labyrinth of Light and Loss.

Then, in a moment between moments, you felt the planes lurch, and off that breach you rode your own plans; a Time Stop, two contradictory Wishes, to surrender everything you had but did not carry to both the Maelstrom and Axis the instant the Time Stop ended, that moment where your Chaos Cutter being split between your feet in two directions, numerous confluences of chaos and law linked together in that moment. You took Perfection's Key, now adorned with a long ribbon made from 109 Wells of Many Worlds threaded together like rope, and let fell while moving it in tightening circles in front of yourself, thrusting it forward when the black spiral was complete, and the Key and Gate were linked.

In that instant, you stepped forwards into a place where metaphor was far more real than matter (and so the act of transcribing it would become particularly difficult), beyond the reach of anything you had invoked, where before you lay an endless hallway of countless doors, each with their own unique doorman, doorwoman, doorperson, or doorthing, who's appreances you could neither remember nor were permitted to attempt to imagine, all standing in front of their charges.

You took one step forward with but a few goals in mind. To rebuild a new coming of your people, in another cosmology where they were and would forever remain uncondemned by fate. To build an empire that will well and truly last forever, one that should you do things well, you could rule forever, lead them where you had shied away before. A place that perhaps, at least some part of it, would be better, for you ruling it.

The doors, while reduced, remained infinite. The doorpeople did not budge. You took a second step.

To make a suitable home, as a personal recompense for your previous failure. To once day, eventually, build yourself and your people up, and come back to Golarion, and to declare war upon the very cosmology itself, to fight until you had your people back. To fight and struggle against reality, on the side of what seemed fundamentally impossible, until eventually, eventually, reality flinched.

There were only finite doors left, at that point. The doorpeople adjusted themselves, and no longer blocked their doors. You took a third step.

You had hoped that, perhaps, you might find a people who also knew- who understood what it was, to fight for the impossible and still try to win. That perhaps, there might be some minuscule way to get them to join you. That perhaps understood what it meant, to lose who you expected to share forever with. Maybe a people who were somewhat similar, in some ways, to the Xiomorn; explorers and scientists and experimenters and, please, please, you had called to the world, immortal.

There had been a door in front of you, held open. You'd paid the doorman with some of the order in your mind, that you knew you would recover from eventually, stepped through, and woke up in a small clearing, suddenly conscious and unusually aware of that fact.

Finally and in summation, you know why you came to Earth Bet in particular. You're here, because it is where you could rule forever. Because it, in part, would be better if you ruled. Because here, you can build yourself up endlessly, in preparation to return to the cosmology of Golarion one day, and take back your people.

You are here, because somewhere in this cosmology, there are a people kindred to those you lost.

AN: Right, I hope y'all enjoyed that, basically impromptu pseudo-chapter. If it were most any other question I would've just answered normally, but for this? I felt it deserved at least something more, and so, before I knew it, was at 800 words and kept going.
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That perhaps understood what it meant, to lose who you expected to share forever with. Maybe a people who were somewhat similar, in some ways, to the Xiomorn; explorers and scientists and experimenters and, please, please, you had called to the world immortal.

....are we gonna be able to diplomance the entities???

Also hot damn that's a really cool scene. And lol yes I do think Earth Bet can be improved by nearly anyone.
Holy motherfucking shit, we want to resurrect the Thinker and recruit her and the Warrior. Would she settle for just Queen Administrator, and maybe Negotiator?
....are we gonna be able to diplomance the entities???
I dunno. Are you?

Also hot damn that's a really cool scene. And lol yes I do think Earth Bet can be improved by nearly anyone.
Ah, love to hear it! And yeah, Earth Bet especially, but a whole lot of setting might actually be improved by being taken over by even just a not-explicitly-hostile outside force. Like, 'not malicious' alone is already a major step up for a lot of places.
Ah, love to hear it! And yeah, Earth Bet especially, but a whole lot of setting might actually be improved by being taken over by even just a not-explicitly-hostile outside force. Like, 'not malicious' alone is already a major step up for a lot of places.
Bleach, Naruto, One Piece, Harry Potter (Wizarding Governments only), Psyren (future), FATE (all Magi everywhere), Highschool DxD, solid chunks of Marvel and DC up to and including multiple planets, various Star Wars planets depending on the era, Game of Thrones, My Hero Academia, certain parts of Tamriel (era dependent), Toaru-verse, Riordanverse, SCP, RWBY, Elden Ring, Fallout, Cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher, Warhammer Fantasy, Fullmetal Alchemist, Halo, and more would all benefit from Iluontar's benevolent rule, for reasons of corruption, incompetence, or malice.

Really, that was mostly off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more.
Given this info about our motives for being here, why not try to arrange a meeting with Contessa or something?
Kinda worried about us getting Scion'ed if we power level too much too
We're unlikely to need to worry about Scion. With Mind Blank up constantly, nothing can use precognition on us, and he will probably fail to acknowledge our existence at all unless we blatantly walk up to him.

Cauldron similarly is probably panicking about us but has no real ability to take us out; Ilunotar is well familiar with the scry-and-die and packed full of a barrel of counters to it, and they don't really have any plans B.

Attempting to recruit the Entities as they are now is probably not feasible. But not all of their bits and pieces are quite as dim and pointless if freed from their doomed quest...
Mmm, does Simulacrum retain memories? We could theoretically just make Simulacrum of someone from our past to have them tell us stuff.
What's the most efficent way to use Shapechange to get to that? Ring of Continuation means it's all day baby! It helps we're already so busted that a lot of the other stuff you'd normally like to "continue" aren't as necessary. See Invis or Echolocation? With our perception and tremorsense? Not urgent. Foresight? We got Mythic Improved Initiative. Freedom of Movement? Needs ruling to see if it counts (since its voth personal and touch range) and also doesn't seem necessary considering we have free still and silent spell plus any number of GTFO spells. Technically the 24 hour breaks if we cast another personal spell after, putting on shapechange and I think loosing the cool Xiomorn form is alas a downside.
I think that the most str we can get is by emulating Dragon Form III, at which point we might as well just use Dragon Form III.
We're unlikely to need to worry about Scion. With Mind Blank up constantly, nothing can use precognition on us, and he will probably fail to acknowledge our existence at all unless we blatantly walk up to him.
Note that Mind Blank specifically protects against Divination spells, so it might or might not work against precog in general. But whether it works or not should become obvious once we go through with Simurgh fight.
Mmm, does Simulacrum retain memories?
After reading through the spell, and for the purposes of this quest in general, I'm going to rule a solid nope, a Simulacrum does not have the memories of the original.

As for how that works with still retaining feats and skill ranks and such, it's pretty much like how you know something, but you can't remember/don't know where you first learned about it. Like, I'm sure most people know that electric eels are a thing that exist, but for many of us who do, we can't point to a concrete moment and say 'This, this is exactly when and how I discovered what electric eels were'.
Figured it was something like that.

Regarding our goal, Dragon is basically the only being that fits what we want. Funny how we already got to her anyway. I'm not sure what other immortal inventor fighting against impossible is there tbh. The closest we could get is GU I suppose.
Figured it was something like that.

Regarding our goal, Dragon is basically the only being that fits what we want. Funny how we already got to her anyway. I'm not sure what other immortal inventor fighting against impossible is there tbh. The closest we could get is GU I suppose.
The Entities themselves. They're evil, but they fit the bill.
I mean I was already thinking of using Rainment of Command (we can LW a scroll of it right?) as part of a scheme to somehow impersonate/jack command line authority from Eden and/or QA and start ordering around the shards or Scion so...choochoo ahead?
By the by, we should have a talk we Dragon about her new found freedom.

I think she is getting overwhelmed by it, we should tell her to start slow, otherwise she would start to blame herself for not being able to do something (again) if sonething bad happens.

Cuz sudden freedom like that seems to be overwhelming her already.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Sckribe on Jan 9, 2024 at 3:22 AM, finished with 52 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan Tinker Talk
    -[X] Ask Dragon about reaching out to Armsmaster. Maybe in introduction? You were curious about usual tinkertech so this should prove educational. Look to arrange something in the near future.
    -[X] You still have some of Dragon's money to spend, and a lab you spent some of said money on improving available, back to crafting!
    -[X] Craft Ring of Three Wishes. (Maybe include some clever curse to discourage theft of it?)
    -[X] If you have time:
    --[X] Enhance your staff with various relevant combat spells of your choice, or create a entire new staff(i.e. Disintegrate, (Greater) Teleport, Wall of Force, (Greater) Invisibility, Baleful Polymorph etc.)
    --[X] Craft number of useful spell scrolls of your choice
    [X] You still have some of Dragon's money to spend, and a lab you spent some of said money on improving available, back to crafting!
    -[X] Craft Ring of Three Wishes
    -[X] Enhance your staff with various relevant combat spells of your choice, or create a entire new staff(i.e. Disintegrate, (Greater) Teleport, Wall of Force, (Greater) Invisibility, Baleful Polymorph etc.)
    -[X] Craft number of useful spell scrolls of your choice
    [X] Call Dragon and ask her to organize separate small imprisonment facility for Bonesaw, as otherwise it might result in terrible consequences and likely death of everyone in Birdcage
    -[X] Imply we can probably find way to erase her traumatic memories, also that her power is the key to understand true nature of powers, which is objectively incredible valuable for humanity