All Level, No Experience (Worm/Pathfinder Amnesia Quest)

Nobody has yet attacked you. You have not had even one attack rolled against you, this entire time. I don't even mean swing and miss, I mean nobody has even gotten as far as the swing part yet. It's downright incredible, frankly.
We have insane stealth, insane senses, mostly move underground and/or fly, can OTK basically anyone undetected, always have initiative and we can stop time at will. And yet people argued that randos from BB is something to be concerned about. smh

As an aside, since we almost certainly have Mythic Craft Wondrous Items, is there any chance to test whole "spend Mythic point to get 8 hour of craft" thing?
Huh, right, I had forgotten you thought you had that. Third Party, and if you did have it, it would've already been revealed, actually. So, you conclusively do not have it. Although, I would allow y'all to take it if that's what the vote goes to, should the time come when y'all go up a mythic rank.

Edit: Actually, I'm realizing that one of your Path Abilities has been hinted since as early as 1.4, and I think maybe one or two more times since.
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[] Something Else.
-[] Use Time Stop and thoroughly destroy Ascalon, then save whatever remains. There is every chance that someone's power could allow them to find out that it is still with you. There's no point in risking your only friendship in this world over an item you don't really need, even if the worst happens.

Ah, it's been settled.
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Huh, right, I had forgotten you thought you had that. Third Party, and if you did have it, it would've already been revealed, actually. So, you conclusively do not have it. Although, I would allow y'all to take it if that's what the vote goes to, should the time come when y'all go up a mythic rank.
Interesting. I thought for sure that our Bracers implied we had access to that feat. Huh.

Well, that does rise the question of what our second feat is. Ascendant spell is always a powerful one, Weapon Finesse would be great for our weapons, and we might have some crit bonuses as well. I expect us to have a secondary combat class, although I am still unsure which class would that be.

Man, I wish I wasn't so paranoid about our ritual, both Mythic upgrades and Xiomorn upgrades are quite sweet.
[] Something Else.
-[] Use Time Stop and thoroughly destroy Ascalon, then save whatever remains. There is every chance that someone's power could allow them to find out that it is still with you. There's no point in risking your only friendship in this world over an item you don't really need, even if the worst happens.

Or has this been settled already?
we did that already. very beginning of the chapter.
now we should check back with Tattletale and handle Coil.
What happened to Bonesaw? Did Iluontar hand Riley over to Dragon, or is she still with him? She kind of just disappeared from the story.

AN: I caught a mistake I had made in your inventory, namely that I forgot to actually include the Type 6 Bag of Holding y'all are currently using as part of your inventory and equipped weight, as well as I actually get how much a Type 6 could actually hold; I had accidentally written it as holding 1,500 lbs., which was incorrect, as it actually holds 6,000 lbs., which thankfully hadn't come up yet. Also, man, this chapter is actually what made me end up reading part of Worm (Interlude 14.y). Y'all actually ended up making me, a Wormfic Author, actually read Worm.

That just, isn't done, you know.

I can understand. Personally, I stopped reading the story after the battle with Lung, which seemed extremely unconvincing to me. And after I found out about Alexandria, I realized that I had made the right choice. Wildbow created a very interesting world, but people have many complaints about his work.
So regarding bounty money, lets just give Dragon mandate to do everything in our name, we trust her enough. My current preference would be something like:

[X] You still have some of Dragon's money to spend, and a lab you spent some of said money on improving available, back to crafting!
-[X] Craft Ring of Three Wishes
-[X] Enhance your staff with various relevant combat spells of your choice, or create a entire new staff(i.e. Disintegrate, (Greater) Teleport, Wall of Force, (Greater) Invisibility, Baleful Polymorph etc.)
-[X] Craft number of useful spell scrolls of your choice

This should shore up our main glaring weakness of combat stamina. We can burst people easily, but we would struggle in scenario where we are forced to fight against durable opponent, or fight multiple combats one after another without being able to teleport and reset. While this won't do much to improve our overall power, it would help a lot with removing potential state where we lose due to low amount of spells.

Perhaps this is playing it too passive and safe, but imo this is more of a due diligence on our part. If you guys can think of any additional gear we could add, please let me know.
I can understand. Personally, I stopped reading the story after the battle with Lung, which seemed extremely unconvincing to me. And after I found out about Alexandria, I realized that I had made the right choice. Wildbow created a very interesting world, but people have many complaints about his work.
I am particularly frustrated by the decision that the "Master" category includes both dominate person (Heartbreaker) and animate object (Parian) powers.
Every system has some weird edge cases and lumping/splitting, but whether or not there's dominate person going around is highly relevant information both tactically and morally for anyone dealing with such a cape!
[X] You still have some of Dragon's money to spend, and a lab you spent some of said money on improving available, back to crafting!
-[X] Craft Ring of Three Wishes
-[X] Enhance your staff with various relevant combat spells of your choice, or create a entire new staff(i.e. Disintegrate, (Greater) Teleport, Wall of Force, (Greater) Invisibility, Baleful Polymorph etc.)
-[X] Craft number of useful spell scrolls of your choice

Agree with removing our weaknesses first, doesn't cost us much. After that, might as well resolve Coil and get Tattletale as a reliable minion? His power won't do shit if we just randomly decide to scry+fry him immediately as we did with the Dragonslayers and S9, we kinda counter him laughably hard.
What happened to Bonesaw? Did Iluontar hand Riley over to Dragon, or is she still with him?
Handed over, I could've sworn I had put in at least a line or two saying he had Spice hand over Bonesaw.

Edit: Just the one/part of one but I found it.
the only incidents before the Dragon fleet arrived, and you promptly had Spice both deposit Bonesaw and sit still for a brief scouring afterwards.
Admittedly, yeah, that's pretty missable.
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I am particularly frustrated by the decision that the "Master" category includes both dominate person (Heartbreaker) and animate object (Parian) powers.
Every system has some weird edge cases and lumping/splitting, but whether or not there's dominate person going around is highly relevant information both tactically and morally for anyone dealing with such a cape!
I get the complaint, but you should keep in mind that power classification is not actually related to what the power does or appears to do, but to the breadth of appropriate responses and strategies that should be employed against the Parahuman, and in both cases you mentioned the response is "Ignore the minions, take out the master first and then..."
Edit 1:
And for the record, the number next to the classification doesn't represent the power level of the parahuman but the severity of the response that should be employed against them.
Edit 2:
I.E. Brute 2 can mean something like "You can Tase this individual no problem..." and Brute 4 is "You should probably skip straight to firearms..."
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Ah, I thought I had implied that better, my B; Currently with Dragon, on her direct flight to the Birdcage.
Edit: I have slightly edited the chapter to add "with Bonesaw securely in tow" to where Dragon is flying off to make it more clear.
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Although, what do we want to do with the Wishes from Ring of Wishes? We could just keep them on hand as ultimate "get out of the jail free" card, of course, but we could also try and advance our state a bit. Using Clone to create backup body is very powerful, as is using Simulacrum to do any number of things - getting Wizard with Cooperative Crafting and Valet familiar would double our craft yet again, and there is a number of powerful capes we could potentially copy. We could also just use it to scribe higher level spells we currently don't have into our spell book. Form of Dragon III is the one we talked about a lot due to str gain, Polymorph Any Object is just plain fun and Maze is a great save or die that should work against just about anything.
and Maze is a great save or die that should work against just about anything.
Maze 1) does not have a saving throw, and 2) does not kill.
Maze doesn't even permanently incapacitate.
"Each round on its turn, it may attempt a DC 20 Intelligence check to escape the labyrinth as a full-round action. If the subject doesn't escape, the maze disappears after 10 minutes, freeing the subject."

It's useful as an esoteric remove-from-combat effect that has no saving throw and most common protections (speed, toughness) don't apply, so I still like it for working against just about anything. But it's literally not a save or die. :p
Guys, I think you don't realized yet, but you screwed Bonesaw in a very cruel and unusual way 😓
1) She's 12-13 year old girl
2) She's going into prison of super-powered adult criminal psychos
3) Prison is practically unregulated, Dragon dumps them and don't let them out, everything else - their own business
4) Men can easily enter female part of the prison
5) Tinkers notable helpless there, they have no access to materials, remember Bakuda, she was offed in like, first day?
6) But Bonesaw is also a biotinker, visualize the implications
Honest opinion: holy mother of god! 😱
Guys, I think you don't realized yet, but you screwed Bonesaw in a very cruel and unusual way 😓

I'm pretty sure Cauldron is just using Doormaker to immediately take Bonesaw and recruit her like they did in canon. There is no benefit to keeping her in a place where she could be killed, and she is a very useful recruit.
But I assumed you want for MC to recruit her eventually, how about that:

[X] Call Dragon and ask her to organize separate small imprisonment facility for Bonesaw, as otherwise it might result in terrible consequences and likely death of everyone in Birdcage
-[X] Imply we can probably find way to erase her traumatic memories, also that her power is the key to understand true nature of powers, which is objectively incredible valuable for humanity

I would like if you just attach it to any other plan, as it would take only few minutes to make call for Iluontar
Oh mean reading this quest is a blast but also reminds me why my most common GM tends to bail on campaigns once we start hitting double digit levels.

We have captured Jack, or rather his soul. This might be useful going forward, to say the least, as ability to actually communicate with other Shards, Endbringers and even Scion could open doors to host of strategies that were unavailable so far. Certainly something to consider. We also have Bonesaw - I expect Dragon to be taking care of Bonesaw for most part, and at some point we can talk with Bonesaw regarding parahuman biology and such. Depending on how much she hates us, of course.
Would his soul have a connection to the Power/Shard? I'm under the impression they're running purely on wetware and the body with the brain-mod interface is gone.

So regarding bounty money, lets just give Dragon mandate to do everything in our name, we trust her enough. My current preference would be something like:

[X] You still have some of Dragon's money to spend, and a lab you spent some of said money on improving available, back to crafting!
-[X] Craft Ring of Three Wishes
-[X] Enhance your staff with various relevant combat spells of your choice, or create a entire new staff(i.e. Disintegrate, (Greater) Teleport, Wall of Force, (Greater) Invisibility, Baleful Polymorph etc.)
-[X] Craft number of useful spell scrolls of your choice

This should shore up our main glaring weakness of combat stamina. We can burst people easily, but we would struggle in scenario where we are forced to fight against durable opponent, or fight multiple combats one after another without being able to teleport and reset. While this won't do much to improve our overall power, it would help a lot with removing potential state where we lose due to low amount of spells.

Perhaps this is playing it too passive and safe, but imo this is more of a due diligence on our part. If you guys can think of any additional gear we could add, please let me know.
Honestly why not just go for as many Level 6 (or 9 if you're spicy, Limited Wish seems like the most reliable go to though imo) Pearls of Power as we can cram into our remaining budget? I genuinely think there are very few things that surpass "just more bog standard spell slots" for utility, combat prowess, pretty much anything.

We might also want to look into getting Tears to Wine up and running for +10 to all those pesky Wisdom checks, and I guess Int too if we really need it. I have no idea if our current skill bonuses include Enhancement, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to Sense Motive? Also Sacred Geometry means metamagic yes lmao so we can extend for free.

The length is 10/min per level but what are we unironically using our Level 2 spell slots for..wait how the fuck is Haste Level 2? @Sckribe I'm not aware of any version of Haste in DnD or PF that's less than Level 3.
I just realized that Mythic Form of the Dragon III would give +14(+10 for us) str. Quite relevant. And man, some of those spells are hilarious. 700 feet wide tsunami sure is something.
Would his soul have a connection to the Power/Shard? I'm under the impression they're running purely on wetware and the body with the brain-mod interface is gone.
Who knows? To be honestly, fact that he does have soul is very interesting in of itself. Besides, we can resurrect him ourselves later on - ability to communicate with shard will become increasingly more potent as we start dwelling into shard lore. At some point we will turn to Jack, that's for sure. In the meanwhile, just keep him next to Overlord Robot.
Honestly why not just go for as many Level 6 (or 9 if you're spicy, Limited Wish seems like the most reliable go to though imo) Pearls of Power as we can cram into our remaining budget? I genuinely think there are very few things that surpass "just more bog standard spell slots" for utility, combat prowess, pretty much anything.
Mostly because they are expensive. 18k(1.8m $) per pop is not that cheap especially when it is something we can't just produce via TT. They are superior to staff in so far that you can use metamagic with them, however staff is there to provide baseline and not every spell has to have metamagic out of its ass to be useful.
We might also want to look into getting Tears to Wine up and running for +10 to all those pesky Wisdom checks, and I guess Int too if we really need it. I have no idea if our current skill bonuses include Enhancement, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to Sense Motive? Also Sacred Geometry means metamagic yes lmao so we can extend for free.
Damn that's nice. +10 to wis/int checks for ten hours, for free. No reason not to do this.

By the way, we need to get to +29 str. We are at +8 enchantment(Belt), +6 size(Dragon 3, +10 per above if we have Ascendant Spell) and +5 inherent(Wish or Manual). We could use Blood Rage or Succubus or Eaglesoul, but I would prefer to have buffs that are not awkward to use. Once we get there we have enough str to use Blood Money to just spam Wish on demand.
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.wait how the fuck is Haste Level 2? @Sckribe I'm not aware of any version of Haste in DnD or PF that's less than Level 3.
I have no idea either, it isn't supposed to be there. That appears to be a typo, or otherise something somewhere in my steps of Character Sheet -> Aggregates the spells I prepped onto one cell via copius use of TEXTJOIN and CHAR(10),-> Copy to a whitespace/tab remover -> copy to sheet here after cleaning excess commas-

Found it! Right, it was an error where all the way back in the spellcasting section of the sheet I had accidentally put in Haste as 2nd level rather than third, because the spells are organized across 3 Columns, except they begin with 0th Level Spells, which caused my mixup at some point that I haven't since caught. Here,
That's where the issue was coming from there- which means it messes up the number of other 2nd level spells prepped this time by three, dang it. Right, for now, I'm reducing the number of Battering Blasts by 3, and not only am I going to leave it to you @A_Somebody to pick what those three extra 2nd levels are if you'd like, as a thanks for catching a genuine slip-up of that kind; Feel free to pick, I dunno, something about equivalent to an Omake reward or the like possibly?

Yeah, y'know what? You can pick a part of the character sheet or any question you'd like relating to Iluontar, and I'll reveal/answer it. How you use it is up to you.
I have no idea either, it isn't supposed to be there. That appears to be a typo, or otherise something somewhere in my steps of Character Sheet -> Aggregates the spells I prepped onto one cell via copius use of TEXTJOIN and CHAR(10),-> Copy to a whitespace/tab remover -> copy to sheet here after cleaning excess commas-

Found it! Right, it was an error where all the way back in the spellcasting section of the sheet I had accidentally put in Haste as 2nd level rather than third, because the spells are organized across 3 Columns, except they begin with 0th Level Spells, which caused my mixup at some point that I haven't since caught. Here,
That's where the issue was coming from there- which means it messes up the number of other 2nd level spells prepped this time by three, dang it. Right, for now, I'm reducing the number of Battering Blasts by 3, and not only am I going to leave it to you @A_Somebody to pick what those three extra 2nd levels are if you'd like, as a thanks for catching a genuine slip-up of that kind; Feel free to pick, I dunno, something about equivalent to an Omake reward or the like possibly?

Yeah, y'know what? You can pick a part of the character sheet or any question you'd like relating to Iluontar, and I'll reveal/answer it. How you use it is up to you.

Ahhh, the good old "starting from 0" counting error. So for new spells part of me knows I should be boring and go for Blur, but as mentioned no one has actually managed to get a swing at us yet so...
  1. Tears to Wine: Just one only gets us approximately ~5 hours of +10 to Int and Wisdom checks bbuuutttt...
  2. Visualization of the Mind: +5 to Wisdom, Int or Charisma skills baby! All day! Unless we want to burn it for some fairly cool effects. AHAHA WHAT DO YOU MEAN CHARISMA AND WISDOM ARE WEAK POINTS.
  3. Rainment of Command: Aren't we here to conquer? BEHOLD YOUR OVERLORD PEONS. But yeah +5 no type given to intimidation and diplomacy, any INT 3 or more person takes -2 on checks vs us. Also functionally all day plus some at our 30+ CL due to 1 hr/CL
As for my question...ohhhh thats a toughy. How exactly did Iluontar gain each of his mythic ranks? I'm under the impression the Xiomorn ritual needs the target to already have some, so it cant just be that. I know the backstory reveals a buncha stuff that could've been the trigger, but narratively I would've expected some prose that specifically pointed to "this action suddenly started your pseudo apotheosis as you gained new powers breaking what few rules existed."

By the way, we need to get to +29 str. We are at +8 enchantment(Belt), +6 size(Dragon 3, +10 per above if we have Ascendant Spell) and +5 inherent(Wish or Manual). We could use Blood Rage or Succubus or Eaglesoul, but I would prefer to have buffs that are not awkward to use. Once we get there we have enough str to use Blood Money to just spam Wish on demand.

What's the most efficent way to use Shapechange to get to that? Ring of Continuation means it's all day baby! It helps we're already so busted that a lot of the other stuff you'd normally like to "continue" aren't as necessary. See Invis or Echolocation? With our perception and tremorsense? Not urgent. Foresight? We got Mythic Improved Initiative. Freedom of Movement? Needs ruling to see if it counts (since its voth personal and touch range) and also doesn't seem necessary considering we have free still and silent spell plus any number of GTFO spells. Technically the 24 hour breaks if we cast another personal spell after, putting on shapechange and I think loosing the cool Xiomorn form is alas a downside.
I'm under the impression the Xiomorn ritual needs the target to already have some, so it cant just be that.
Ah, that is a bit of an incorrect impression, I'm afraid. I can see how you'd get it from the Ambrosia component, but all that means is that you know someone, somewhere, that can allow you to get your hands on some is all. It doesn't have to be made by yourself at all.

Since that was a bit of a misconception, I'm not going to count it against you at all.

Funny enough, that is a part of what makes the ritual such a massive thing as to skyrocket him to an (offered) high leadership position in an entire species of immortals. In addition to it generally being tailored to solving much of the problems they hadn't been able to, the man found a way to create manufactured myth.

So, you've still got it, that's a freebie, since all 3 of his ranks Are from the ritual.

Edit: P.S. The ring of continuation is clever, nice. Freedom of Movement- eh, I'm not entirely certain either. I think that just because it's also touch, doesn't negate that it is still personal, so for now, I'm gonna say it would work with the ring.
Edit 2: Rifht, lemme clarify, 3 spells, from your spellbook of spells y'all actually know.
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Don't know how things shook out with Ayzrul and Sairazul.

But Sairazul would know how to make more vault builders. She was their original creator. (Though I don't see illuontar asking for help really.)

Also puts context on how impressive the ritual actually is.