Reach the Stars, Explore the Void : A Stellaris inspired quest of research and exploration

Voting is open
[X] United Earth New Hopes Initiative
[X] The Sins of the Past
[X] A Chronicle
[X] United Earth New Hopes Initiative
[X] The Sins of the Past
[X] A Chronicle

Vote closed.
But it would have made a tie...
Okay, since the vote was quite close, do the voters want to solve this with a roll, or do people respect the sanctity of the vote ?
Either way, I am actually writing for the quest, so whatever choice is taken, expect the next vote, unless unforeseen circumstances, at the latest Friday.
Okay, since the vote was quite close, do the voters want to solve this with a roll, or do people respect the sanctity of the vote ?

Since I won't be interested in a United Earth quest, I vote to respect the sanctity of the vote.

Seriously, we had the vote, now we're voting again on the vote. How many times will we vote for the same thing?

Side note, my favorite is Rogue Servitors. All shall be pampered, by force! Organics are not fit to rule themselves but they deserve to life in comfort generating interesting story ideas!
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Vote closed.
But it would have made a tie...
Okay, since the vote was quite close, do the voters want to solve this with a roll, or do people respect the sanctity of the vote ?
Either way, I am actually writing for the quest, so whatever choice is taken, expect the next vote, unless unforeseen circumstances, at the latest Friday.
Or how about this early on the empire was struck by a series of revolts, the empire won in the end and the rebels were forced to flee on a fleet of transport ship with they descendants forming the United Earth New Hopes Initiative (or in this case just the New Hopes Initiative).

The Chronicles would determine which side of the war Academy ended up on.
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I'd say respect the sanctity of the vote. As much As I would like a united earth quest, the Imperial Academy won fair and square.
Vote closed.
But it would have made a tie...
Okay, since the vote was quite close, do the voters want to solve this with a roll, or do people respect the sanctity of the vote ?
Either way, I am actually writing for the quest, so whatever choice is taken, expect the next vote, unless unforeseen circumstances, at the latest Friday.
Pls don't, since that would delay the quest already so please respect the sanctity of the vote.
The public will as spoken !
No Roll !
This shall be precedent for thread policies.
Expect the next update tonight.
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Birth of an Empire
This Earth has seen countless empires , rising from the mist of history only to fall back into darkness, they might forgotten, and their claim to rule the world nothing but bluster.

For there is only one true Empire. The Imperial flag flutters over every continents, and all mankind bow before the Imperial Throne.

The Empire has done the impossible, and succeeded where all others failed.What allowed such success ?.

It is time to choose the Empire Origin , the reason for it's birth and its ascension :

This vote determines the starting scenario, from where the Empire came and how it rose to power. The next post will describe the success and failings of the empire on its path to conquer the world with a point buy system.
(Choose one origin and one option in the chosen origin)

[] Human Precursor

Long, Long before the current era was a time of civilization upon the Earth, a time of technology and progress. It was broken with the advent of the great ice age, our bright future buried forever under the snow.

But where most died or were reduced to barely more than apes, we survived. And when the time was right, we came back, to reclaim our lands and show the truth to our misguided, lesser cousins.

- [] Our people were but a few survivors in old research bases under the seas, forced to go into artificial hibernation to preserve what was left. When we emerged from stasis, we did not have the manpower or resources to claim back the Earth. But we had all the time to manipulate our cousins, shape their beliefs and guide their evolution from the shadows, until, at last, our work was done, and we emerged from obscurity, claimed our rightful place and crushed all who opposed us !

-[] When, after generations, we emerged from our last surviving bunker, deep under the Earth, up into the changed earth, our cousins had built empires on sails and gunpowder. But as badly outnumbered as we were, we still had advanced firearms and armored vehicles. And so we rode, weapons in hand, to topple all those petty kings, and claimed back the Earth !

-[] We were the survivors of an early colony on the red planet that our cousins call Mars. It took us thousands of years, but we built a life upon this harsh, desolate land, and learned the hard way the value of a strong leadership and hierarchies. When we finally had the technologies to go back on Earth, we learned that our cousins were likely to ruin our old home, through war, nuclear weapons and pollution. And so we stroke, our walkers crushing their feeble armies. They will learn, as we have...

[] Back from the Ashes

The Empire rose as a rejection of the madness of the past, to destroy the horors of old and build back a new, better world. For our foolish ancestors...

- [] Unleashed the might of the Atom upon the Earth, turning lush fields into radioactive ashes, and leaving the earth to be ruled by warlords and raiders. We strove upon the irradiated land, and brought what was left of humanity to its knees.

-[] Waged an unending war, until the very rivers were blood, and it looked like every human achievement would be another casualty of war. At the head of the greatest mutiny in human history, we brought down the old order, and built our own. The soldiers shall bleed, but they shall bleed for themselves.

-[] Created a mad god of steel and circuits. Where old leaders fell, we gathered under the Chosen One, stole the secrets of the lord of steel, and broke its army of bots. Glory to our leader, savior of Mankind !

[] The End of History, Broken

History had stopped, the world forever ruled by corporate overlords. An eternity with no alternative opened up before mankind, one of ever rising profits for the powerful, ever worsening conditions for the weak, and an ever more ruined Earth.
As our ever richer lords sought to satisfy their ever expanding greed with the riches of Luna, a few struck, and broke forever the rule of greed. They were...

-[] The preachers of a new faith, spreading a creed of humility and submissions, and stroking the fire of faith into their flocks. The blood of the martyrs can turn hell into a garden of Eden !

-[] Learned scientists and technicians, bound to satisfy the selfish whim of their employers. Disgusted by mankind's unlimited greed, they turned the automated systems of their overlords against them. Down with the rule of greed ! Steel and Reason !

-[] Heirs to wealth and power, who found that greed cannot be satisfied, and freedom is a lie. Even with the entire world at their fingertips, their existence has no purpose. They turned against their progenitors, ready to build a world without the lure of private propriety and personal freedom. From duty, purpose !

Unlocked by Sins of the Past !

[] A Gift from Heavens

We were falling, our glory decaying , our foes ready to strike and feast upon our remains. But then, a gift came from the Heavens, a favor from the sky. We found something wrought by no human hand, beyond our understanding, and with it, we vanquished all that stood against us. In the stars, we seek to find the origin of this gift.

-[] The gift is an orb of floating metal, invulnerable to every human weapon. When touched by one found worthy, the orb whispers into its mind secrets. Predictions beyond the greatest oracle, the secrets of nature and metals, how to build weapons, the way to turn even the greatest foes into allies. With it, our leaders became as demigods, crushing their enemies before they were even born.

-[] The gifts were the secrets of life and death. How to change a man, turning him into a being immune to age and illness. How to turn the dead into obedient, untiring servants. How to twist and shape life as gods. With this, we claimed Earth.

-[] The gift is a shining ship of metal, fallen from above. In it, we found metal that could block all attacks, weapons able to massacre entire armies,halls where the power of the sun can be invoked and tamed. Enough power to conquer all.

The Empire rose against all rules of history, and against the will of most of humanity. What would the people living under the Empire's shadow say of its leaders, if they had any freedoms to do so ?

(Choose the morality of the empire)

[] That they are the worst monsters to ever be (Totalitarian empire, next turn will use Atrocities as a point buy system, war crimes will happen, but I will not describe them)

[] That they are cruel and pitiless (Evil Empire, next turn will use Failings as a point buy system, the empire will do bad things, but is not a walking crime against humanity)

[] That they are distant and uncaring (You're an empire in a more realist fashion, horrors will come from corruption and mismanagement, not fanaticism and vile intent. Next turn will use Divergence as a point buy system)

No matter what, the Empire will continue one, and its soldiers triumph on every battlefield, on their lips our battle cry cry !

Esthetic vote ! choose what the Empire looks and sounds like.

[] Victory ! (USA)

[] Roma regina! (Romain)

[] Banzai ! (Japanese)

[] Pour l'Empereur ! (French)

[] atl tlachinolli'(Aztec)

[] Deus Vult ! (Crusader/Catholic Church)

[] 01010110 01101001 01100011 01110100 01101111 01110010 01111001 00001010 (Cyborg/Synthetic/Adeptus Mechanicus)

[] Write In (any inspiration from fiction or history you can think off)
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[X] Eternal Rome
[X] A Gift from Heavens
-[X] The gifts were the secrets of life and death. How to change a man, turning him into a being immune to age and illness. How to turn the dead into obedient, untiring servants. How to twist and shape life as gods. With this, we claimed earth.
[X] That they are distant and uncaring (You're an empire in a more realist fashion, horrors will come from corruption and mismanagement, not fanaticism and vile intent. Next turn will use Divergence as a point buy system)
[X] Roma regina! (Roman)

The orb of floating metal seems to be a device with accurate prediction abilities(Psionic???) and general advanced tech knowledge.

So if I am not wrong for the 3 sins of the past origin the 1st one gives us psionics, the 2nd gives us biological manipulation tech, the 3rd one gives us energy source tech which isnt much.
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[x] The End of History, Broken
-[x] Heirs to wealth and power
[x] That they are distant and uncaring
[x] Write-in - High Bureaucracy ( Imperial China )

I picture High Bureaucracy as an extremely formal authoritarian meritocracy with state-run eugenics program. Social status, wealth and responsibilities of a person are determined by their achievements in the eyes of the system. Faiths and freedom of speech are tolerated as long as they fit Confucian values and Imperial Law.
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[X] Eternal Rome
[X] A Gift from Heavens
-[X] The gifts were the secrets of life and death. How to change a man, turning him into a being immune to age and illness. How to turn the dead into obedient, untiring servants. How to twist and shape life as gods. With this, we claimed earth.
[X] That they are distant and uncaring (You're an empire in a more realist fashion, horrors will come from corruption and mismanagement, not fanaticism and vile intent. Next turn will use Divergence as a point buy system)
[X] Roma regina! (Roman)
Rome is an autochoice, and unlike sciencey stuff, the secrets of life etc sounds more esclusive+zombie army/industry is a win
Have you noticed that Rome is an option?

Yeah, and that a Plan should be like this:

[X] Eternal Rome
-[X] A Gift from Heavens
--[X] The gifts were the secrets of life and death. How to change a man, turning him into a being immune to age and illness. How to turn the dead into obedient, untiring servants. How to twist and shape life as gods. With this, we claimed earth.
-[X] That they are distant and uncaring (You're an empire in a more realist fashion, horrors will come from corruption and mismanagement, not fanaticism and vile intent. Next turn will use Divergence as a point buy system)
-[X] Roma regina! (Roman)

I like this plan, but i also like war crimes and Cyborg and AI stuff.

[X] Back from the Ashes
-[X] Created a mad god of steel and circuits. Where old leaders fell, we gathered under the Chosen One, stole the secrets of the lord of steel, and broke its army of bots. Glory to our leader, savior of Mankind !
[X] The End of History, Broken
-[X] Learned scientists and technicians, bound to satisfy the selfish whim of their employers. Disgusted by mankind's unlimited greed, they turned the automated systems of their overlords against them. Down with the rule of greed ! Steel and Reason !
[X] That they are the worst monsters to ever be (Totalitarian empire, next turn will use Atrocities as a point buy system, war crimes will happen, but I will not describe them)
[X] 01010110 01101001 01100011 01110100 01101111 01110010 01111001 00001010 (Cyborg/Synthetic/Adeptus Mechanicus)
[x] Plan Cruel Space French
-[x] A Gift from Heavens
--[x] The gift is an orb of floating metal
-[x] That they are cruel and pitiless
(Evil Empire, next turn will use Failings as a point buy system, the empire will doe bad things, but is not a walking crime against humanity)
-[x] Pour l'Empereur ! (French)

I enjoy this idea. Evil enough for war crime time, but not totally ridiculous.
Oh yeah I forgot that in stellaris there is a necromancer origin in one of the DLC's which basically turns enemy armies into your own army.
There are quite a lot of dead-related features in Stellaris.

See this option as my way to express my frustration over how...limiting Stellaris can be.
For example, why can't you just breed modified amoeba for your fleet, and not care about boring metal ships ?
Quest are not limited by things like tech trees or engines restrictions.
Oh I just can't decide between cold and calculating robo faction, or fanatical necromancer romans.

[X] Eternal Rome
[X] Back from the Ashes

Therefore I'll vote both!
Voting is open