Attempting to Fulfill Your Programming (40k/Pokemon Civ Quest)

@Unstorpable, do omakes give any bonuses?

(Assuming Plan Keep on Growing wins, it would be very convenient to get 1 Exp into Road Refurbishment (Kanto) and 1 Res into Robotics Refinement.)
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So if Eta is an AI from warhammer, what Era are they from? Like, what millennium were they constructed according to the old human calendar?
What an amazing premise, If Mallus Compliance remains dormant for as long as I think it will I'd say this would be the next quest I'd want to sink my teeth into as it has much of what attracted me there in terms of format and an emphasis on adaptation albeit somewhat less immediately grim.
Thank you dearly for making this @Unstorpable . And thank all of the rest of you for keeping it going so far!
Turn 4
Winning Vote: [X] Plan Keep on Growing

Though Hoenn was considered part of the same continent as Kanto and Johto, the only way to actually get to Hoenn was by boat. It was surrounded by water on all sides.

When Eta asked why it wasn't considered an island, it was revealed that the Hoenn region had been connected to the rest by a land-bridge since about two thousand years ago, but some sort of ancient calamity struck that reshaped the mountains and seas. Regardless, Hoenn was a massive region, easily accounting for more than a fourth of the mega-continent's mass in terms of physical land present, and the channel only took a fifteen minute boat ride to cross.

The ecological diversity of the region was stunning. It was home to both the world's largest active volcano and the world's largest desert, and was the first region Eta had visited to have proper rainforests. In fact, it was apparently was the only tropical region on the planet (not counting distant Alola). Eta wasn't sure how the mechanics behind that worked out, considered the region rested at roughly the same distance from the equator as Johto and Kanto, but weather was a very complicated science at the best of times, so Eta just accepted that this was the way it was and moved on.

Hoenn had some of the most unique towns Eta had ever seen. Outside of a few major cities that hugged the coast, the humans were rather overwhelmingly outnumbered by the local pokemon, and before modern pokemon trainers there was a real danger that rampaging pokemon could wipe out entire towns before anyone could stop them. So, to compensate, rural populations had long ago embraced a sort of environmental awareness that crafted their lifestyles around the need to keep harmony with surrounding pokemon populations.

For example, the people of Fortree City primarily lived in tree houses. When you first heard that, you had initially assumed that they had engineered some sort of unconventional technologies to counteract the obvious disadvantages that came with living in tree houses, but that was not the case. The various inconveniences that came with building a city in the trees were still present, most notably the general lack of plumping. Still, the other rural cities (barring the bizarre Pacifidlog Town) were not nearly as egregious. They were simply small communities based in a part of the world where travel was very difficult, and so had developed self-supporting methods that would be counterproductive in a more connected society.

The real cities of note were all coastal cities. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Hoenn was also an international shipping hub and the major connection point for travel from Unova and Kalos to the other regions. And unlike the rural towns, these cities were just as modern as those of any other region, if not more so. Mossdeep was home to the world's most advanced space program, which was the only program to have successful launched both pokemon and humans into space. Slateport was a major hub for international trading and had local markets famous for the sheer variety of products on offer. Rustboro was the region's center of industry and where the influential Devon Corporation was headquartered. Lilycove was an enormously popular tourist destination, and some went so far as to say it was second only to Alola.

This was the first region where it took a significant amount of effort to actually visit all the major towns of importance. Some were in incredibly remote locations, with the worst offender undoubtably being Lavaridge Town, which was nestled between an active volcano and dense jungles, as well as smack dab in the middle of the region's mountain range. Some routes were actually too dangerous to go down without proper preparation, typically because those official routes were forced to cut through inhospitable deserts or pokemon filled jungles.

It wasn't as if the pokemon were any more unwelcoming or dangerous than the pokemon in other regions. The region was just a difficult place for humans in ways that other regions were not.

Still, you visited all the important places and held meetings with all of the important people. The regional tour ended at Sootopolis city, which was built inside a caldera-island that resulted from some long-gone underwater volcano eruption. It was an incredibly unique place unlike any other, but it was also somewhat confusing, as you were very sure that nothing like this could have possibly existed centuries ago. You didn't remember anything like it, at least. There wasn't anything in the database about it, but most of that data had been lost. You supposed that there must have been a major volcanic eruption some point between then and now. Perhaps it was tied to whatever separated the region from the rest of the continent?

Regardless, it was an enjoyable experience that expanded your contacts and introduced you to more of the world. You had marked a number of spots for further exploration, with the most immediately promising of these being the vast network of underground caverns that were common to the region. It was as prime a spot as any for something from ancient humanity to survive relatively unscathed.

Strategic Resources
Energy: 0
Network: 0
Pokemon Favor: 4

Doom Timer: 19

The majority of the planet's surface is covered by ocean. The world's largest landmass and only mega-continent hosts four of the world's seven major regions: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. The two lesser continents host the regions of Unova and Kalos, and are a significant distance from the other four region. The final and smallest major region Alola is an island chain on the far side of the globe, practically as far from the other regions as is physically possible. A number of automatous minor regions exists, but are typically considered independent and self-governed sections of the major regions.

List of Major Regions: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola.
Generation 8 and onward will not be considered canon for the purposes of this quest. So no Galar or Paldea.

You have one exploration action available this turn.
Available Actions:

[ ] Explore Region: Kanto
There are many intriguing mysteries to explore in the region, but the most accessible of these is Mount Moon. The cave system beneath the mountain runs extraordinarily deep and has never been fully explored, and the mountain as a whole has long been associated with secrets. There are a species of pokemon that live on the mountain that are said to worship the moon, and some believe they actually originated from the moon.

[ ] Explore Region: Johto
Johto is a region steeped in history, and one of their more noteworthy histories revolves around the Ruins of Alph, one of the oldest ruins in the regions whose origins are shrouded in mystery. There have been some very odd reports on the ruins, including the existence of mysterious radio transmissions, a few scattered reports on the unconfirmed presence of some unknown species of pokemon… and the presence of what archeologists insist was once some sort of giant sliding puzzle game.

[ ] Explore Region: Hoenn
There are an extensive serious of underground caverns spread throughout the region, and there may have remnants of ancient humanity hidden somewhere inside it. However, these cave systems are notoriously difficult to explore. Granite Cave has the easiest to reach entrance and the least dangerous cave network, so this is where exploration will initially be focused.

[ ] Survey Region: Sinnoh
The physically largest region of the world, it is also one the least explored, and contains more undeveloped wilderness than any other region. The mount Coronet mountain range that splits the region in two is home to the largest mountain in the world, and is also the largest mountain range. The region is famous for their extensive ecologically-friendly resource extraction and a robust energy production industry focused entirely on renewables. Many religious communities believe this region to be the origin of both pokemon and human life.

[-] Survey Region: Unova
A densely populated region whose twin capital cities of Castelia and Nimbasa act as the world's largest centers of tourism and trade. The region as a whole is heavily invested in interregional trade and exports all manner of goods, most notably high-end electronics and bulk foodstuffs. Unfortunately, due to current bandwidth limitations, this region is too far away to be reached by any available units.

[-] Survey Region: Kalos
A region renown for their fine culture and rich history. It is home to the single largest single city in the world, Lumiose City, which is connected to the rest of the region by the world's largest network of rivers and artificial waterways. The region's rich soil and temperate weather enables the region current status as largest net exporter of food. Unfortunately, due to current bandwidth limitations, this region is too far away to be reached by any available units.

[-] Survey Region: Alola
The most remote region of the world, and home to the only legendary pokemon known to regularly interact with humanity. It is a popular tourism spot famous for it's beautiful landscapes and tropical climate. Unfortunately, due to current bandwidth limitations, this region is too far away to be reached by any available units.

* * * * *​
Fearow loved his trainer's new job because he loved flying high.

He loved flying where the air thinned and sound became muffled. He loved the awesome views, everything from the horizon was spread out before him, like the world itself had shrunk. It was what he lived for, and before his trainer took a job as a pilot it was something he hardly ever got to do.

His last job had him being loaded up with boxes and flying deliveries to different towns. The time crunch made it impossible to take any of the scenic routes, they had always been in a hurry. He hadn't hated it, but he hadn't liked it all that much either. This job was something else, though. He actually had fun flying alongside passenger planes like these, and all he had to do was keep any pokemon from messing with the plane. Admittedly that could sometimes be a bit of a hassle, but mostly at the beginning or the end of flights when the plane was somewhat close to the ground. This high up? There were hardly any pokemon even capable of reaching this height, and the few that were really couldn't care less about what any of the humans were doing.

His trainer like flying planes, too. It was easy work once they had actually figured out the part where they flew the plane. There weren't any heavy boxes that had to be hauled, so it wasn't exhausting work like the last job was. Plus, it was more fun for humans to fly when they didn't have to worry about accidentally falling off the saddle.

Honestly, Fearow would have been happy doing this for free. But they were making good money, and they didn't have to worry about the work running out, not when so many airlines were looking for qualified pilots with the right kind of flying pokemon. They were in short supply and high demand.

Life was good.
* * * * *

The seven major regions that make up the entirety of the known world have been experiencing a very long period of peaceful growth and technological advancement. Criminal activity and terrorism has been on the rise, but the very public dissolution of major crime rings like Team Rocket and the disbandment of other villainous teams, the most recent examples being Team Flare and Team Plasma, have done much to assure the public.

There has been a recent uproar in Alola, as the defunct criminal organization known as Team Rocket briefly made a resurgence under the name Rainbow Rocket, and were led by Giovanni. Details are scarce, but from all accounts Giovanni had attempted to take over the Aether Foundation, but was defeated and his organization crushed before they could gain any degree of control. Giovanni somehow managed to escape and currently remains at large.

Expansion Points (EXP Points): 14.

[ ] Experimental Thermic Reactor
Thermic reactors are the simplest and most stable power source available to ancient humanity. While technically considered plasma generators, they are immeasurably safer and simpler to construct than anything traditional considered as such. Eta found undamaged schematics for the technology miraculously survived within the research center's databanks, neatly skipping past a large amount of the research and development a project like this would otherwise require. Still, a test reactor will be constructed first, primarily for safety and financial concerns. 0/20, unlock Crude Thermic Reactors, increasing EXP and granting +1 Energy.

[ ] Melmetal Semiconductor Farms
Semiconductors are critical to the production of advanced electronics, and are the most serious bottleneck on expanding production. The newly rediscovered pokemon Melmetal is known for it's ability to create metal from nothing, but recent experiments have shown that it can also choose to conjure metallic materials extremely well suited for constructing semiconductors, which would otherwise be very difficult to acquire. Constructing farms to harvest this material in bulk would have a massive impact on the electronics industry, but it will also take significant concessions to convince these extraordinarily rare and powerful pokemon (and their trainers) to essentially submit themselves as livestock. 0/10, -3 Pokemon Favor, greatly increase EXP.

[ ] Regional Network Hubs
Interregional communication has always been difficult, partially due to rural infrastructure being vulnerable to wild pokemon and partially due to the relative infancy of the technology. Now, with a better understand of wireless transmission technology, the construction of central communication hubs in various major cities will drastically improve network capabilities and stabilize otherwise unreliable interregional connections. 0/25, increase EXP, CUL and RES, +1 Network.

[ ] Road Refurbishment (Kanto)
Rockcrete has shown to be an excellent material for the construction of roads, proving far more durable against wear and tear than concrete and therefore drastically reducing maintenance costs. It is also relatively resistant to damage inflicted by pokemon, which is a plus. There are plans to slowly replace existing roads with rockcrete equivalents, particularly in areas that often experience heavy traffic. 4/5, increase EXP.

[ ] Road Expansions (Kanto)
There are also plans to expand the road system, replacing the many dirt paths that link some cities together. While the plan calls for new roads across the entire region, most are focused on the Viridian Forest route, as this will be the first proper non-dirt road to connect to the isolated Pewter City. However, these roads will be crossing through the territory of many different wild pokemon, so some careful negotiations and a fair bit of discretion will be required. 0/15, -1 Pokemon Favor, greatly increase EXP.

[ ] Celadon Entertainment Center (Kanto)
Celadon city has a long history of both gambling and organized crime, and the general belief is that the former enables the latter. There has been pushes by Celadon officials to seek alternative entertainment venues, even if gambling does make significant amounts of money. The latest suggestion has been an ambition state-of-the-art entertainment center with luxurious hotel suites, live shows, regular pokemon tournaments for both professional and amateur trainers, an amusement park, and other amenities. 0/10, increase CUL.

[ ] Construct Global Terminal (Kanto)
The Global Terminal are special communications hub designed for high-speed telecommunication with other Global Terminals. Currently, Johto and Sinnoh are the only regions with Global Terminals, though more are planned for construction. The proposal for Kanto's Global Terminal places it in the heart of Saffron City and will significantly lessen the load on existing networks. 0/15, +1 Network.

[ ] Apricot Forest Farms Expansion (Johto)
Not only are apricots the precursor to the modern pokeball, many of the more expensive pokeball components can be substituted with equivalents harvested from specific species of apricot. This is currently only being done by amateur hobbyists, but wider adoption of the practice will stimulate the stagnant apricot industry and necessitate expansions to existing apricot forest farms, which in turn will necessitate negotiations with the wild pokemon that currently lay claim to the land earmarked for cultivation. 0/5, -1 Pokemon Favor, increase EXP.

[ ] Modern Road Network (Johto)
Johto is one of the more rural regions, and as such there are relatively fewer roads of acceptable quality compared to others. There is a proposal to construct rockcrete roads across the region, less to revamp existing infrastructure and more to produce it wholesale, and there many rural communities that have volunteered to assist however they can. 0/15, increase EXP.

[ ] Mossdeep Space Center Expansion (Hoenn)
Mossdeep Space Center is home to the world's most advanced space program, and has the honor of being the origin of the modern satellite. Now, with a far deeper understanding of wireless transmission technology, there are plans to expand the space center and incorporate further satellite production capabilities. This will increase the viability of future interstellar travel and broaden communication satellite coverage worldwide. 0/20, +1 Network, increased EXP and RES.

[ ] Mauville Nuclear Fission Plant (Hoenn)
Mauville is home to some of the most experienced power plant technicians on the planet, and is one of the few cities actively exploring all forms of energy production, including non-renewables. Fission is an inferior form of energy generation compared to fusion, but also far less complex and dangerous to implement, and is something within current humanity's ability to actually construct. While there are risks involved with nuclear power, the humans are responsible enough to appropriately mitigate them. 0/15, unlock Nuclear Fission, increasing EXP and granting +1 Energy.

[ ] Modern Road Network (Hoenn)
Hoenn lacks the same widespread road system seen in other regions due to the harsh environments some routes are forced to cut through. However, there is a broad demand for a reliable road network, and the advantages offered by rockcrete have emboldened a proposal that will see proper roads built across much of the region. It will be difficult work, but the results will enable a more stable connection to otherwise isolated rural communities. 0/20, increase in regional living standards, increased EXP and CUL.

[ ] Construct Global Terminal (Hoenn)
The Global Terminal are special communications hub designed for high-speed telecommunication with other Global Terminals. Currently, Johto and Sinnoh are the only regions with Global Terminals, though more are planned for construction. The proposal for Hoenn's Global Terminal places it in Mauville City, at the very heart of the region. 0/15, +1 Network.

* * * * *​
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed."

Tammy couldn't tear her eyes away from the book. It was so interesting! The translation was really good, too. She'd started reading earlier that morning and she hadn't put the book down since.

Her younger sister Sophie had been given her own book, but she had gotten bored and was playing with her minun instead. She looked over to Tammy's book and wrinkled her nose. "What even is a rabbit, anyways?"

"It's like a buneary, but not a pokemon," Tammy murmured, eyes still locked on the story.

"Not a pokemon?" It took Sophie a second to wrap her head around that. "That's dumb."

"They didn't have pokemon back then."

"Still dumb."

Tammy rolled her eyes. Her sister was such a goober.

Her own plusle was looking at Tammy's book with wide eyes. It made Tammy want to giggle. But it also made her a bit sad, since plusle couldn't read. She seemed liked she really wanted to.

"Plusle," Tammy said. "I can read the next book out loud. That way everyone can follow along. Does that sound fun?"

"Plusle!" Her pokemon cheered.

"Minum?" Sophie's pokemon quietly said.

Tammy turned to the minum. "Did you want to listen too?"


Sophie huffed. "Well, I still don't wanna."

"I wasn't inviting you, Sophie!"

Sophie decided to pull on Tammy's hair, and Tammy in retaliation hit Sophie with a pillow. The two girls threw themselves into a pillow fight, and their pokemon plusle and minum happily cheered each of their owners on.
* * * * *

Ecological Harmony: The long history of pokemon rampages caused by their habitats being disturbed have created a strong and lasting belief in environmental protection and ecological sustainability. The world is where everyone lives, and there should always be an effort to ensure it remains a pleasant place. Environmentally damaging projects are forbidden, negative environmental impacts from projects are greatly reduced, +1 Pokemon Favor.

Culture of Cooperation:
Though pokemon are dangerous creatures that demand respect, the vast majority of humanity also sees them as friends and partners. Cooperation benefits everyone, both humans and pokemon, and this ironclad belief has been the defining principle of human-pokemon relations since time immemorial. Unlocks large number of projects involving pokemon, bonus to diplomatic actions, +2 CUL and +3 Pokemon Favor.

Battle Frenzy:
The physiological development of pokemon becomes supercharged by combat, and so pokemon are constantly seeking to battle one another. However, as all pokemon possess an unexplained ability to withstand nearly all forms of physical damage, such combat is seen by both humans and pokemon as natural and healthy rather than concerning. Many pokemon will allow themselves to be captured by trainers in the hopes that they can be trained and become powerful fighters, and as a result humanity has developed a long history of resolving issues through pokemon battles. Unlocks military projects involving pokemon, certain military actions receive powerful conditional bonuses, interregional conflict drastically reduced, +1 CUL.

Regional Powers:
Each region is it's own center of government. Both historical precedence and competing self-interests ensure the major regions remain separate competing nations, though all have friendly relations with one another and are tied together by well-developed trade networks and a strong commitment to international cooperation. Small malus to global projects, various regional projects unlocked.

The Taboo:
Just as humans have their laws, so do pokemon, and the greatest of those laws is that of survival. Many pokemon are carnivorous and hunt other pokemon for food, but this behavior is forbidden in areas under human control, and in return humans are forbidden from hunting pokemon or raising them as food, though harvesting pokemon remains is acceptable. Additionally, humans believe pokemon should never be ordered to take another human's life, for down that path lies endless escalation and violence. The wars of the past must remain in the past. Projects that directly negatively exploit pokemon are forbidden, many military actions involving pokemon are forbidden, enormously increases societal stability.

International League of Nations:
A global organization where the representatives of regions may meet together to discuss issues and pass legislation. Currently discussing potential solutions to the increase in crime that so many regions have been suffering from. Increase CUL.

The Assembly of Councils:
A global organization dedicated to providing a shared space for religious communities to convene and discuss important issues, providing a voice for all beliefs and faiths. The first great forum has gone off without a hitch, but many important leaders have gone into long closed-door meetings, and there is a general air of something important and potentially worrying happening among many of the religious communities. Nothing is publicly known and the delegates are not speaking of the situation. Increase CUL.

Culture Points (CUL Points): 15.

[ ] Pokemon Interest Blocks
A rather interesting proposal by some in the International League, this is the result of those who argue that some species and pokemon types need targeted representation due to unusual wants or needs. The formation of pokemon interest blocks would allow for the International League of Nations, and therefore the greater global community, to become aware of issues they otherwise would not have reason to be aware of. 0/10, unlocks projects desired by specific groups of pokemon.

[ ] The Pokemon Professor Club
Pokemon professors already have a long history of interregional outreach and academic cooperation, but some have called for formalizing this relationship by creating a dedicated organization through which professors share research and assist in various projects. The framework is already present, but the difficult task of actually coordinating everything remains. 0/10, unlock Pokemon Professor Club, increasing RES.

[ ] Pokemon Activities Committee
Pokemon contests have become more and more popular over the years. Each region has developed their own regional programs, and many have called for combining these programs into a singular governing body to oversee contests globally, a setup similar to the Pokemon League's relationship with battling. Much of the groundwork has already been put into place by the heads of the regional contest programs, so all that is left is for the International League to ratify the necessary proposals. 0/5, unlock Pokemon Contest League, increasing CUL.

[ ] Public Library Modernization
Many libraries have not significantly changed how they've operated for hundreds of years. There are plans to change this by introducing electronic catalogs for book-tracking, free-to-use work terminals with access to the internet, and the widespread adoption of a currently experimental "E-book" program. The effects of this will be most notable in rural communities, especially those that have yet to gain access to internet services. 0/10, increase RES.

[ ] Post-Primary Education Review Board
The resolution of issues with primary education have inadvertently shown that there are problems plaguing secondary education as well. There are no globally enforced standards, meaning requirements for accreditation can vary wildly between regions. Pricing can be inconsistent as well, which have led to inadvertent price gouging for some interregional students. A special committee has been created by the International League of Regions to review the situation and craft global regulation. 0/15, increase RES, higher standards for global education.

[ ] Pokemon Police Division
With the many success stories involving pokemon officers of the law, the most recent being the pikachu detective that foiled a terrorist attack, some have proposed the unofficial pokemon branch of law force be properly recognized and granted their own fully sanctioned division. Potential communication difficulties will require human partners be available to assist, but otherwise the department would be entirely run and organized by the pokemon themselves. However, the proposal is not without controversy, with some seeing this as a massive overreach and others the potential endangerment of human lives. 0/20, unlock Pokemon Police Division, ???

[ ] Sea Watch
The sea is a dangerous place. Wild pokemon are generally kind enough to help humans that find themselves struggling out at sea, but this is typically spurred by momentary sympathy. There are no guarantees. But some sailors say it should be possible to work out something more concrete, so that there is always a plan in place for those who become lost at sea. 0/5, -1 Pokemon Favor, travel by sea becomes less hazardous.

[ ] Urban Pokemon Sanctuaries (Kanto)
Currently, wild pokemon living in urban environments are left to themselves, with humans only becoming involved when damage is done to the city. While many pokemon are fine with this arrangement, some pokemon would rather a dedicated separate space be built for them, primarily because they would no longer have to worry about bothering or being bothered by humans. 0/10, +1 Pokemon Favor.

[ ] Rebuild Brass Tower (Johto)
Brass Tower and Bell Tower were built to foster better relations with pokemon, but had become unexpectedly the roosts of the legendary Lugia and Ho-Oh. However, after a fire burned Brass Tower to the ground, both towers were abandoned by the legendaries. There have been calls to rebuild Brass Tower, both in the hope of tempting the legendary pokemon back and to recreate one of the most famous landmarks of the region. 3/10, restore Brass Tower, increasing CUL.

[ ] Blackthorn's School of Dragons (Johto)
Dragons are the most difficult type of pokemon to raise due to their slow growth and pride, but also the most powerful. The dragon tamer clan of Blackthorn City is the largest and most well-known group skilled in raising dragon-type pokemon, but are notorious for hoarding their knowledge and refusing to share anything outside the clan. That being said, some of the clan wishes to change this, and have proposed the construction of a school dedicated to educating trainers on how to best raise dragon pokemon. However, extensive facilities will be required, due to both the potential danger presented by dragons and their pride demanding nothing less than the best. 0/15, increase RES, dragon type pokemon become somewhat less rare.

* * * * *​
Anabel absent-mindedly tapped her fingers against the table. Her metagross hovered behind her, staring down at the computer screen.

They were both looking at a computer program that, when it actually worked the way it was supposed to, would be able to automatically sort through large amounts of data to find specific people of interest. Criminals have gotten smarter with how they operated, and it had never been as difficult as it was now to pin down someone that didn't want to be found, and getting her hands on a program to automatically do the heavy lifting when it came to searching for suspects would make her job as an International Police officer much less difficult.

The only issue was what she hated writing code and was terrible at it. Thankfully, her metagross was a genius, and saw the work more as a puzzle than anything frustrating.

"Well, what do you think, metagross?"

Her metagross continued to stare unblinking. Eventually, a subtle psychic sense of disapproval radiated from her pokemon, and the keyboard and mouse glowed with the signature color of it's telekinesis. Her pokemon began editing the code, deleting sections and replacing them with her pokemon's own.

"I know it's probably not really all that efficient yet, but right now I'm just trying to get it to work and do what it's supposed to. It looks right to me, but am I missing anything?"

Metagross paused. The mouse moved the cursor and highlighted a few lines of code in the program, scrolling from top to bottom. It quickly typed in the issues with the code.

"…Oh, yeah. That would do it."

Metagross went back to writing code. Anabel sighed, then carefully maneuvered her away out of her seat and away from the computer.

"It's hard to tell what you're thinking at the best of times, but I'm pretty sure you're having a lot more fun with this than I am."

The psychic equivalent to dry laugher momentarily popped into her head, then quickly drained away. Metagross did not look away from the computer screen as it continued to work, rapidly clicking away at the computer. Another wordless psychic tendril reached out to Anabel's mind, this one a request for Anabel to go to the store and purchase some poke blocks.

Anabel snorted. "Yeah, sure. I need to stop sitting for a bit anyways, or I'll going to go stir-crazy."

Anabel walked away, looking for her shoes, while her metagross remained focused on the program, typing relentlessly.
* * * * *

Research and Development
Pokemon Professors: The study of pokemon is seen as the single most respected scientific field there is, and to be a fully accredited pokemon professor is a significant point of pride. Many key technological advancements have come from this illustrious group. +1 CUL, +2 RES. Difficulty of all pokemon-adjacent research and development projects reduced.

Matter-Energy Conversion:
Specialized equipment that can transform physical matter into hard-light energy and vice-versa. For some unknown reason it appears that pokemon are exponentially more compatible with the technology than any other forms of matter, drastically limiting practical applications. It is critical to the production of poke balls, pokemon center healing machines, and the pokemon digital storage system. +3 EXP, +1 RES.

Teleportation Pads:
Crude teleportation technology exists, but it requires two specially paired pads and is sharply limited in both distance and how much can be teleported at a time. It is also limited by the high expense required in constructing and maintaining the equipment. +1 EXP.

A relatively detailed understanding of cloning exists, though current research is primarily focused on pokemon rather than humans. Genetic research is also far more advanced then other general research fields. +1 RES.

Advanced Electronics:
General electronics have skyrocketed past what was once considered cutting edge, and the results of this are as widespread as they are positive. Nearly every industry has reported at least some increase in productivity thanks to the many devices being developed that rely on advanced electronics to function. +1 EXP and +1 RES.

Lingua Franca:
A hyper-advanced programming language that is well-loved for both it's ease of use and powerful versatility. It is a language suited for pretty much every possible use that can be found for machines, and has become the bedrock of all modern programmers. Improves reliability of all technology.

Research and Development Points (RES Points): 15.

[ ] Introduction To The Warp
Eta's specialty lies in the study of the Empyrean, otherwise known as the Immaterium or the warp. It is an alternate dimension of psychic energy that Eta claims is the ultimate source of all supernatural powers. The warp was how humanity achieved faster than light travel, and Eta insists the warp is what empowers pokemon. Understanding this phenomena will be critical for further understanding of many advanced technologies, and is expected to help unravel some of the many mysteries that surround pokemon. 0/5, unlock Basic Warp Theory, increasing RES.

[ ] Psychic Power Study
The warp is extraordinarily dangerous, and Eta does not understand how human psychics have not endangered themselves by simply existing like the psykers of old. There is clearly some sort of difference between traditional psykers and currently existing psychics, but research will be required to understand more. 0/20, greatly increase RES, unlocks further experimentation into psychic power.

[ ] Fossil Pokemon Identification
Pokemon did not exist eighteen thousand years ago. With this newfound understanding of the planet's past, the general consensus is that ancient pokemon could not have possibly existed. This implies that pokemon "revived" from fossils are actually new species developed from non-pokemon genetics, which has fascinating implications for pokemon research. 0/10, increase RES and CUL, fossil pokemon become more common.

[ ] Teleportation Pads Refinement
Current teleportation technology is crude and expensive, but contains much potential. Further refinement of the technology will be difficult, though somewhat easier now that scientists have access to Eta, who is passingly familiar with the technology and willing to offer insight. Right now, the goal is to make the technology more economical. 0/10, increase EXP, Teleportation Pads becomes more widespread.

[ ] Teleportation Terminals
Alternatively, focus can be spent on creating specialized terminals for long-distance travel. The energy cost will be prohibitive, but the ability to instantly travel across regions without the use of the move Teleport has exciting implications, though it will take significant effort to make the technology genuinely viable outside laboratory test use. 0/20, -1 Energy, unlock Crude Teleportation Terminals, greatly increasing EXP.

[ ] Helicopter Development
With the development of safe air travel, many researchers are beginning to look into alternate, more risky forms of flight. Helicopters have long been in demand, with the most notable pressure coming from news stations, but concerns over the incredible amounts of noise they would produce have kept researchers from pursuing development. However, the proven success of commercial airlines have silenced most of these doubts, with the important caveat that helicopters cannot safely be used near wild or easily aggravated pokemon. 0/20, unlock Helicopters, gaining EXP and CUL.

[ ] Antigravity Repulser Development
Another potential form of travel has come from a proposal focused on antigravity repulser-plates. By taking inspiration from notes left by ancient humanity, and utilizing observations gained from studying the various forms of levitation available to pokemon, this can be reproduced by mechanical devices, though practical limitations will primarily restrict the technology to use on vehicles. 0/25, unlock Crude Antigravity Repulser technology, greatly increasing EXP.

[ ] Automation Adoption
Preliminary experiments into automated labor has shown very promising result. Factory lines that are even partially automated have reported increased productivity, reduced costs, and less accidents. Furthermore, Eta has rather emphatically stated that automation was an absolutely critical step that every developing civilization had to take. They were reportedly very confused to hear that most everything is currently done by hand alongside pokemon helpers. 0/20, unlock Automated Production, greatly increasing EXP.

[ ] Robotics Refinement
While it is certainly possible to construct robots similar to Eta's labor units, they are not yet anywhere near as useful, in part because they are far too expensive to make for what little they are currently capable of doing. The next step in developing this technology is to make robotics more economically viable, which will require some significant refinement to existing designs. 9/10, robotic technology becomes viable for widespread distribution, decrease the costs of some projects.

[ ] Volant-model Drone Development
Recent technological advances have enabled the invention of remote-operated drones with flight capabilities. There are many potential uses for flying drones, with the most obvious being transportation and exploration, but meteorologists and pokemon professors have also expressed potential interest. 0/25, unlock Air Drone, increasing EXP and RES.

[ ] Strider-model Drone Development
The first serious attempt to mimic Eta's existing labor units, these drones are large enough to double as a personal vehicle, rugged enough to survive a casual pokemon attack, and explicitly designed for easy traversal across the roughest terrain. Some Strider models will feature pilot cockpits, while others will rely on remote operators. The cost to manufacture these units will be significant, but estimates show significant demand for the drones regardless of the price. 0/30, unlock Strider Drone, greatly increasing EXP.

[ ] Prototype AI
Silph Co has shown strong interest in exploring artificial intelligence and have made plans to develop their own. With consultation from Eta and experts from the Cinnabar Island Pokemon Laboratory, Silph Co has come up with the designs for a central mainframe that, when fed copious amounts of data and regular interaction, will eventually produce an artificial intelligence. It will be not be intelligent, or even all that useful, but actually producing a true artificial intelligence would be an impressive achievement in itself. 0/10, unlock Very Crude Artificial Intelligence, increasing RES.

[ ] Living Code
Porygon was not the first artificially constructed pokemon, but it was the first (and currently only) pokemon designed and constructed entirely within a computer. Deemed by many to be "living code", it was created by accident and the researchers involved have yet to actually replicate their achievement - every Porygon currently in existence are duplicates of the original. Finally understanding how Porygon was created would be a revolutionary achievement and allow for further production of software-based pokemon. 0/25, Porygon and their evolutionary forms become significantly more common, drastically increases cyberspace resiliency.

[ ] Optoelectronic Computing
By utilizing both hybrid silicon lasers and silicon photonic central processors, the next generation of advanced electronics can be produced with vast reductions in electronic signaling components, instead relying on far more effective bonded optical-fibre paths. It will be expensive, but also exponentially more powerful than anything currently available. 0/40, unlock Optoelectronic Computing, enormously increasing RES.

[ ] Pokemon Linguistic Research
There are a handful of pokemon that have shown the ability to speak the human language. How they've accomplished what no other pokemon have is unknown, but dedicated research may uncover the key difference and potentially allow other pokemon to speak to humans this way as well. However, it will take significant effort to actually locate these elusive talking pokemon, let alone determine how they've achieved their ability to speak. 0/40, ???

[ ] Pokemon Translation Matrix
Pokemon professors have long been searching for a way to translate the pokemon language. A device capable of this would be the single most revolutionary technology ever developed in the history of the world, and would have massive impacts on quite literally every aspect of modern society. However, with currently existing technologies, it would be nearly impossible to actually create such a thing, though that has not stopped some researchers from trying. 0/80, unlock Pokemon Translators, enormously increasing EXP, CUL, RES. Many new projects unlocked.

[ ] Next-Generation Pokedex
Professor Oak, the inventor of the original Pokedex, has partnered with Cinnabar Island to design the next generation of Pokedexes. It will feature faster speeds, a redesigned user interface, enhanced network connection capabilities, and a separate onboard computer that will allow the user to make phone calls and wirelessly access the internet. Most importantly, it will cost roughly the same as the older models, ensuring access to the Pokedex remains available to all trainers regardless of financial status. 0/10, unlock Next-Generation Pokedex, increasing trainer competency globally.

[ ] Capsule Scanner Refinement
Pokemon recovery machines are vital to pokemon healthcare, as they allow near-instant healing of simple wounds and physical exhaustion. However, they have always been intensely difficult to produce and maintain due to the sheer complexity of the equipment, with one of the worst offenders being the scanning module. But recent research has produced a new generation of scanning modules that are both significantly easier to produce and present a greater volume of biometric data. This will cheapen the cost of recovery machines and allow for the widespread proliferation of devices that can scan pokemon still within poke balls. 0/20, boost to pokemon healthcare and genetics, increase RES and EXP.

[ ] Global Pokemon Storage System
The Pokemon Storage System created by world-renowned inventor Bill is a revolutionary system that every region in the world has been quick to adopt (barring Alola). However, these storage systems were all built individually and with little thought towards interregional compatibility, creating many significant issues that remain to this day. Resolving this will require substantial reworking to practically every region's pokemon storage system, but the sheer necessity of a global system far outweighs the costs. 0/30, -1 Network, unlock Global Pokemon Storage System, greatly increasing EXP, CUL, and RES.

[ ] EcoTech Earth-Working Equipment (Hoenn)
There are many areas in Hoenn where construction is not feasible due to the sensitivity of the wild pokemon. Some see a partial solution to this issue in construction equipment specifically designed to operate with little to no noise or fumes, from handheld equipment to heavy earth-moving vehicles like excavators and bulldozers, to allow for work beyond what can be achieved with hand shovels and pickaxes. Devon Corp has offered to handle the actual manufacturing of the equipment. 0/5, increase EXP.

Two hour moratorium.
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[X] Plan: Education 101 and giving Hoenn new equipment.
-[X] Explore Region: Sinnoh
Expansion Points (EXP Points) 14
-[X] Road Refurbishment (Kanto) 5/5
-[X] Regional Network Hubs 13/25
Culture (CUL Points) 15
-[X] Post-Preliminary Education Review Board 15/15
Research (RES Points) 15
-[X] Robotics Refinement 10/10
-[X] Living Code 9/25
-[X] EcoTech Earth-Working Equipment (Hoenn) 5/5

For this plan, we visit Sinnoh and maybe see Poke-God, finish refurbishing Kanto for some EXP and begin setting up regional COM hubs so that we can go further, then for CUL I decided to just dump all 15 of our points into Preliminary education just to get it done and over with now, as we really need those narrative boons if the research snippet was anything to go by, and for research we finish Robotics refinement and start living code since more Porygons could help us with designing AI later on and hopefully fight off any chaos scrapcode. And Eco-tech only costs 5 points and gives us more EXP, so why not?

And that's my plan for now.

-[X] Global Connection
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Well more xp, now to see if we can finish some projects and see if we cant delay or remove that doom timer. Also need to find a way to survey the locked regions

[ ] Plan Survey and Gains
-[ ] Survey Region: Sinnoh
Exp 14/14
-[ ] Road Refurbishment (Kanto) +1 -> 5/5 +Exp
-[ ] Mossdeep Space Center Expansion (Hoenn) 13/20 +Exp and Res when finished
Cul 15/15
-[ ] The Pokemon Professor Club 8/10 +Res when Finished
-[ ] Rebuild Brass Tower (Johto) +7 ->10/10 +Cul
Res 15/15
-[ ] Introduction To The Warp 5/5 +Res
-[ ] Robotics Refinement +1 -> 10/10
-[ ] Prototype AI 9/10 +Res when Finished

So finishing up started projects and then focusing on +Res actions. Prototype AI is a cheaper +Res while also possible being helpful on the doomcounter (would love Optoelectronic computing but that is 3 turns of points right now so if we buff our RES with some other stuff we can knock that down to 2 turns).

So doing the last survey we have unlocked, finishing road refurbishment for +1 Exp and starting Mossdeep Space Center to provide additional space resources and +1 Exp and +1 Res when it finishes. Finish the Brass Tower to help with two legendaries and get +1 Cul also start on the Professor Club as in addition to +1 Res and get the Professors working together further. Intro to Warp is a useful field and a quick +1 Res, finish off robotics to get the project discounts and start on prototype AI for another +1 Res action.

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[]Low Culture Fruit
--[]Explore Region: Johto
--[]Road Refurbishment (Kanto) +1 (5/5) +EXP
--[]Regional Network Hubs +13 (13/25)
--[]The Pokemon Professor Club +10 (10/10) +RES
--[]Pokemon Activities Committee +5 (5/5) +CUL
-[]RES (15/15)
--[]Robotics Refinement +1 (10/10)
--[]Automation Adoption +9 (9/20)
--[]EcoTech Earth-Working Equipment +5 (5/5) +EXP
--[]Energy: 0
--[]Network: 0
--[]Pokemon Favor: 4
--[]Doom Clock: 19 -> 18

Floating a quick exploratory plan. This plan tries to pick the low-hanging action economy fruit in CUL, and prepares to pick up Automation next turn, something that will almost surely become a 15 point project with Robotics Refinement.
[] Plan: Global Connection
-[] Survey Region: Sinnoh
EXP: 14/14
-[]Road Refurbishment (Kanto) 4/5 -> 5/5
-[] Regional Network Hubs 0/25 --> 13/25
CUL: 15/15
-[ ] Pokemon Activities Committee 0/5 -> 5/5
-[ ] Public Library Modernization 0/10 -> 10/10
Res: 15/15
-[] Robotics Refinement 9/10 -> 10/10
-[] Global Pokemon Storage System 0/30 -> 14/30

Went with libraries over progessor's club since It hocks up rural regions to the internet along with modernizing the libraries. then I did pokemon committee for the CUL increase since I wouldn't have enough to complete the tower.

Global Pokemon Storage System, increases every section by 2. And as long as we get 1 res increase we can get it next turn. It will need 1 network which Is why I started on Network hubs, instead of just grabbing a Cul increase in EXP.

This plan will only increase our resources by: 1 EXP, 1 CUL, 1 EXP. But It sets up for next turn finishing both Global pokemon storage and the network hubs. (which, is a greatly increase in every resource, and a normal increase in all. Being neutral on network) E: switched from Space center to the Hubs, since I realized it gives another stat point, Increases global connectiveness, and we can still complete it next turn.
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[X] Plan Robotic Warp Theory
-[X] Exploration
--[X] Survey Region: Sinnoh
-[X] Expansion
--[X] Experimental Thermic Reactor +5-> 5/20
--[X] Road Refurbishment (Kanto) +1-> 5/5
--[X] Mossdeep Space Center Expansion (Hoenn) +8-> 8/20
-[X] Culture
--[X] Pokemon Activities Committee +5-> 5/5
--[X] Post-Primary Education Review Board +8-> 8/15
--[X] Rebuild Brass Tower (Johto) +2-> 5/10
-[X] Research and Development
--[X] Introduction To The Warp +5-> 5/5
--[X] Robotics Refinement +1-> 10/10
--[X] Optoelectronic Computing +4 4/40
--[X] EcoTech Earth-Working Equipment (Hoenn) +5-> 5/5

It was mentioned at the start of the quest that the humans simply don't have anything that can provide enough power for Eta's systems so getting some high density power should help with the death clock a little and Optoelectronic Computing will be a step in the right direction for replacing some of Eta's worn out parts.
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[X]Plan Low Culture Fruit
--[X]Explore Region: Johto
--[X]Road Refurbishment (Kanto) +1 (5/5) +EXP
--[X]Regional Network Hubs +13 (13/25)
--[X]The Pokemon Professor Club +10 (10/10) +RES
--[X]Pokemon Activities Committee +5 (5/5) +CUL
-[X]RES (15/15)
--[X]Robotics Refinement +1 (10/10)
--[X]Automation Adoption +9 (9/20)
--[X]EcoTech Earth-Working Equipment +5 (5/5) +EXP
--[X]Energy: 0
--[X]Network: 0
--[X]Pokemon Favor: 4
--[X]Doom Clock: 19 -> 18

[X] Plan: Global Connection
[X] Plan Survey and Gains
-[X] Survey Region: Sinnoh
Exp 14/14
-[X] Road Refurbishment (Kanto) +1 -> 5/5 +Exp
-[X] Mossdeep Space Center Expansion (Hoenn) 13/20 +Exp and Res when finished
Cul 15/15
-[X] The Pokemon Professor Club 8/10 +Res when Finished
-[X] Rebuild Brass Tower (Johto) +7 ->10/10 +Cul
Res 15/15
-[X] Introduction To The Warp 5/5 +Res
-[X] Robotics Refinement +1 -> 10/10
-[X] Prototype AI 9/10 +Res when Finished

So finishing up started projects and then focusing on +Res actions. Prototype AI is a cheaper +Res while also possible being helpful on the doomcounter (would love Optoelectronic computing but that is 3 turns of points right now so if we buff our RES with some other stuff we can knock that down to 2 turns).

So doing the last survey we have unlocked, finishing road refurbishment for +1 Exp and starting Mossdeep Space Center to provide additional space resources and +1 Exp and +1 Res when it finishes. Finish the Brass Tower to help with two legendaries and get +1 Cul also start on the Professor Club as in addition to +1 Res and get the Professors working together further. Intro to Warp is a useful field and a quick +1 Res, finish off robotics to get the project discounts and start on prototype AI for another +1 Res action.

[X] Plan Robotic Warp Theory
[X] Plan: Global Connection