In Fine, Solum Est Tibi (A Quest in Rome, During The Fall of the Republic)

Wishes for things to happen?
I'd like us to have the opportunity to explore the world in both a tourist capacity, such as maybe getting leave to visit the Library of Alexandria (maybe even create our own version in Rome that's a little more...fortified), and in a day to day capacity, like we've been in an area for a while and just take a left turn we usually avoid and stumble across a small festival that's basically a block party in the middle of "downtown" Rome.

The chance to steal lost and secret arts of blacksmithing used by foreign powers and allies, like I've mentioned before, with the opportunity to accidentally stumble into the more advanced methodologies utilized in the late/post Medieval period and potentially have our legions outfitted with "Ulfberht" Gladii.

The chance to codify Legionary fighting techniques into a formal martial arts school [with a proper lineage of grandmasters that has the potential of linking to the present day] and, not only archive them into our collection, but to distribute them among the legions, creating something akin to the MCMAP and Systema programs used in modern militaries; maybe even extending those same practices into being headed by the Cult of Mars.

The potential for accidentally having Judaism and/or Zoroastrianism reconcile with Greco-Roman Polytheism by our own actions (though not necessarily by our direct intervention), such as adopting the ideology that YHWH and Chaos are fundamentally the same being and that the gods are literally his angels or that Zoroaster and Moses come from the same prophetic lineage, if not the same person altogether. Admittedly this is a tricky one, so I won't fault its avoidance or neglect.

While I would like this to be a thing, this is so far down the line I can't even justify asking for it other than by having it be part of an epilogue in the present day, but one where we see what kind of impact our presence had on the new timeline, but assuming that something like Percy Jackson and the events that take place thereof are something that always kinda/sorta happens and how our works have impacted their...character, I guess, in that present and how that effects how they interact with the demigods; like is Mr. D far more terrifying to be around, given his ties to being the God of Madness being stronger, or is Ares somewhere between being a redneck farmer and a professional soldier all of the time, just as ready willing and able to plow his fields as he is strapped with an M4A1 and Berretta as he walks down the street looking for groceries, so he's not the god that got tricked by Cronus?
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I'd like us to have the opportunity to explore the world in both a tourist capacity, such as maybe getting leave to visit the Library of Alexandria (maybe even create our own version in Rome that's a little more...fortified), and in a day to day capacity, like we've been in an area for a while and just take a left turn we usually avoid and stumble across a small festival that's basically a block party in the middle of "downtown" Rome.
Well, you have a lot of time to actually do something like that.

After all, you are rich, you are potentially politically connected, and you are also not entirely needed to be everywhere at once in terms of military campaigns.
The chance to steal lost and secret arts of blacksmithing used by foreign powers and allies, like I've mentioned before, with the opportunity to accidentally stumble into the more advanced methodologies utilized in the late/post Medieval period and potentially have our legions outfitted with "Ulfberht" Gladii.
Furia maybe can do that, but not you.

After all, you have your own adventures.
The chance to codify Legionary fighting techniques into a formal martial arts school [with a proper lineage of grandmasters that has the potential of linking to the present day] and, not only archive them into our collection, but to distribute them among the legions, creating something akin to the MCMAP and Systema programs used in modern militaries; maybe even extending those same practices into being headed by the Cult of Mars.
THat is actually not only possible, but they are entirely able to do due to your ability as a bladeswoman.
The potential for accidentally having Judaism and/or Zoroastrianism reconcile with Greco-Roman Polytheism by our own actions (though not necessarily by our direct intervention), such as adopting the ideology that YHWH and Chaos are fundamentally the same being and that the gods are literally his angels or that Zoroaster and Moses come from the same prophetic lineage, if not the same person altogether. Admittedly this is a tricky one, so I won't fault its avoidance or neglect.

That will not happen.
While I would like this to be a thing, this is so far down the line I can't even justify asking for it other than by having it be part of an epilogue in the present day, but one where we see what kind of impact our presence had on the new timeline, but assuming that something like Percy Jackson and the events that take place thereof are something that always kinda/sorta happens and how our works have impacted their...character, I guess, in that present and how that effects how they interact with the demigods; like is Mr. D far more terrifying to be around, given his ties to being the God of Madness being stronger, or is Ares somewhere between being a redneck farmer and a professional soldier all of the time, just as ready willing and able to plow his fields as he is strapped with an M4A1 and Berretta as he walks down the street looking for groceries, so he's not the god that got tricked by Cronus?
Mars is just a humble Good old boy, who just wants to farm in peace, but everyone just keeps on fucking up his lawn.
So random thought. We have roughly four years I think before we have to marry to keep our land. I think ideally we should hold off on marriage until the worst of the civil war is over since uh, Sulla did a lot of proscriptions and the less possibly awkward ties we have the better. Also Ideally by then we'll have established ourselves so any prospects will know what we're about.

That said I don't think we should close the door to marriage entirely until then, For all we know we may need or really want a marriage later on.
We have roughly four years I think before we have to marry to keep our land. I think ideally we should hold off on marriage until the worst of the civil war is over since uh, Sulla did a lot of proscriptions and the less possibly awkward ties we have the better.
The proscription do not happen until 81 bc, so we have 3 years. Maybe we manage to convince Sulla to dial down on the murder.

My people were dying.

It was a slow death certainly but an undeniable one all the same. Everyday there were less people who spoke our tongue, another day without the prayers to our Gods or thanks given to the Numina.

Our cities were shrinking, it was easier to just move your family to a Latin city than stay in a Samnite village that was more and more filled with the old and sickly.

My village in particular was dead, a population of two soon to be just one, everyone else that had once lived here was now dead or Roman. Grandmother tells me that once our village had been quite important, in the old days before even Hannibal had come asking for assistance, when the Samnite bull was strong enough to challenge the Latin wolf on its own terms.

She says that back in those days our village had been on an important hill that denied access to an army of Tarantine Greeks thinking the hills of Samnium easy prey. It is said that every man and woman of the village had gathered arms and repelled the invaders; it's hard to imagine that ever being possible, I only have memories of at most 2 families living here.

Now it was just me and Grandmother, my parents had gone missing while outside the village when I was only ten, our neighbors had fled two winters ago towards Rome.

As I sit next to my dying Grandmother inside a dead village I can't help but ask, why?

Why were the Latins allowed to prosper?

Why did their cities always grow when ours shrunk?

Why did their armies always prevail in the end?

Why did the gods love the Latin but hate the samnite?

"Why indeed." The weak but familiar voice drew my thoughts from my peoples woe to the frail form of my Grandmother. My cheeks reddened as I realized I had spoken aloud my thoughts.

"Apologies Grandmother, I did not mean to wake you." My apology felt hollow, it hurt to speak to her when she was like this, with her sunken cheeks and shaking hands.

"Yet waken me you did," Grandmother tried to sit up before with a sudden cough she was forced back to the bed, she waved off my worries with a single hand.

"It won't be long now, Gellius I can feel it coming." She eyed me from her bed with half lidded eyes, " You're so big now Gellius, fourteen summ-"

"Fifteen." I interrupted proudly, my chest puffing out as I did so. "Fifteen summers old and still interrupting your old Grandmother hmm?" I shrank down in embarrassment again, my slightly too long hair moving in front of my eyes as I did so.

She was racked with coughs again before waving towards her old chest in the corner, I wasn't allowed to look inside it normally.

"Inside there you should find a book, please fetch it for me Gellius." I got up slowly before opening the chest slowly and indeed within lay an old book bound in linen, I couldn't help but to gaze at it wide eyed. "Is… is thi-"

"Quickly now Gellius I don't have all day." I mumbled a quick apology as I rushed back to her bed with the book in hand.

She took the book from me before asking me to lay my hand upon it, as I did so I heard her mumble something about not being a priest before she sighed and looked me in the eyes.

"Gellius Minatius, you want to find the answer to that question of yours?"
"I do." my response was quick, my eyes were wide, my hand not on the book shaking at my side.

"Then swear an oath that you will find one, swear an oath that at the end of your days you will come back to this old hill to tell the Numina why the Gods favor the latins over the Samnite."

"I swear it, I swear that at the end no matter what, I, Gellius Minatius will tell the Numina my answer." For a moment the world seemed quiet and still, not even the sound of my heart intruded upon the world, before with the howl of a wolf in the distance the world was brought back to motion once again.

"hmm, That will have to do, now let this old woman sleep Gellius, I will still be here come morning."


In the end she wasn't still with me in the morning, she had left to join mother and father in the afterlife. Part of me had wanted to stay and bury her as was the tradition for our people, yet once again the Latin way would win out as I did not have the strength to dig a grave in the old and unused graveyard our village had once kept, so she was burned before I left the old village.

After having dealt with Grandmother as best I could I readied myself for the journey to Rome, it wasn't a particularly long journey, only a few days at most if I followed their roads.

Before I left I made sure to say my final thanks to the Numina of our old village, before beginning my travels towards rome.

On the first night of my journey I heard the howl of a distant wolf ring through the night, I could barely sleep.

The next morning after I had packed my bedding and stamped out the small fire I had built, I noticed a wolf watching me from a nearby hill silhouetted by the morning sun. I took it as a sign from mighty Mamers and decided that my choice was the correct path towards the answer I sought.

That day I had to wait and watch for hours as a Roman legion passed me, it was a wonder my people had once been strong enough to fight armies even larger than this one. As a consequence of that, I unfortunately made little progress towards Rome.

I stayed up later that night then perhaps I should have, I ended up making a camp near a grove of myrtle and roses, it was a beautiful sight in the dusk light. Perhaps this too was a sign from the gods, though what heavenly Herentas would have to say about the Romans eluded me.

The next morning found me crossing some invisible line where the wild stopped and civilization began.

Near mid day after crossing the path of many travelers and traders I had finally made it into the city of Rome proper. I was lost as to where to go from here, so naturally I decided to go where any traveler would go when new to Rome, the Market.

It was crowed with men and women in every direction I looked, some were merchants advertising loudly their myriad wares from myriad places to any that who would listen, some were slaves both those already purchased and those being sold, some were lowly with poorer clothes and no slaves following them to carry their goods, and a few were proud with straight backs and flowing robes those had many slaves carrying their purchased goods and all stood aside when they crossed their path.

But even with the crowd taking up both space and interest, one person stood out above the rest. A women with only one slave following her, a one eyed gaul, she was walking through the crowd with nary a misstep, as she conversed with her lowly companion the sea of people in front of her seemed to part completely.

She was beautiful that much was obvious, with a straight face and fair skin, I had never seen someone who could take my breath away with nary a word before. I could not help but compare her to the second most beautiful thing I had seen in my life, that grove of flowers from the previous night that had haunted me so.

Yet, it wasn't her looks that attracted my attention so, it was her eyes, bright and almost golden, they seemed to prowl around the crowd daring any to stand in her path. It brought to mind the wolf sent from Mamers in that early morning after I had left my village, majestic and threatening all in one moment.

As she passed me I could not help but to glance into her eyes, when contact was made I swear it was as if I had sworn that oath once more in my Grandmothers old home, the world stood still and my heart stopped beating; I felt the firm hand of Mamers upon my throat stop me from breathing or speaking and a gentle brush from Herentas that kept the hair from my eyes so that I could neither blink or look away.

In only a moment, she had passed with her gaulish servant, both not even giving me the barest of thought.

My people were dying, and perhaps now I could find out why.

I turned around to say something only to find naught but crowd, I believe some would have been disheartened, yet not I, for I was Gellius Minatius of the Samnites, and I had sworn to answer a question.
So... Anyone want to see some rolls for our Retinue while we're out and about? Doing their own things that is?

As you know, the Slaves are kind of our level of control.

Plus it may give me more things to do when the vote is still going on, and there are no discussions happening.
So... Anyone want to see some rolls for our Retinue while we're out and about? Doing their own things that is?

As you know, the Slaves are kind of our level of control.

Plus it may give me more things to do when the vote is still going on, and
Sure. Sounds fun, and it'll pass the time. I could use some fresh content after a long day of debating with brick walls.
Sure. Sounds fun, and it'll pass the time. I could use some fresh content after a long day of debating with brick walls.
I mean, not every day will have brick walls.

There may be fascinating conversations you lads/Lasses/Everyone else because I can't keep up with everything... that you all can have.

It just requires some imagination.
A vote for pirate busting is a vote for undeniable glory that can not be claimed or co-opted by another, that also most directly brings wealth to our coffers for use, and maintains the most amount of autonomy. Also BOATS!

Also yes, let us look in awe and terror at the rolls of Magoose Dice, our sometimes magnanimous sometimes spiteful master.
Also yes, let us look in awe and terror at the rolls of Magoose Dice, our sometimes magnanimous sometimes spiteful master.
Let it be known that There are no gods or masters in this quest.

Save for the Magoose dice.

Did you all know that apparently I have a reputation of my dice becoming Bipolar as hell, and that most of the questers on SV know about it.

Hell when I went onto @HeroCooky quest just to see the mecha, he made me roll dice immediately to bring things off the rails.
I mean, not every day will have brick walls.

There may be fascinating conversations you lads/Lasses/Everyone else because I can't keep up with everything... that you all can have.

It just requires some imagination.
No complaints about discussions here. Just some weird situation where I'm looking back at another quest, and learning from early mistakes, and learning the exact opposite lesson as some other people in the quest. I'm taking a break, and something fresh to get my mind off it would be appreciated.
A vote for pirate busting is a vote for undeniable glory that can not be claimed or co-opted by another, that also most directly brings wealth to our coffers for use, and maintains the most amount of autonomy. Also BOATS!
While I am by no means trying to bring the vote further one way or another:

I do however would like to say that I would love to try out naval combat if given the chance.

i loved reading Horatio Hornblower, and I feel like I want to give it a go... only in roman times.
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Apr 16, 2022 at 12:52 AM, finished with 126 posts and 29 votes.

  • [X]Plan: Western Affairs and Eastern Wars
    -[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
    -[X]Academic: You have 25 scribe slaves, who are well versed in Latin and Greek. You have thousands upon thousands of stories that can be transcribed to text, send out to the highest bidder, and even work for certain… individuals in Rome. Unfortunately, with your myths not fitting Rome's official canon (or the Priest's ideas that keep them in power) you may find yourself into a blasted war with the priests.
    -[X]The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
    -[X]Paying Debts: You owe a Talent to your Father's man, who built the Stable, and since it was in your father's will, you were going to do what was needed. Cost 1 Talent DC: 5
    -[X]Father's Last Gift: You know for a blasted fact that there is something more your father has hidden away. Hopefully, it is not just a hope that a daughter can have, to find one last gift. DC: ???
    -[X]Kiss the Ring: You will Pay your Respect to Sulla, and perhaps, see how he views you as a woman, an ally, and the daughter of one of his staunchest supporters. DC: 25
    -[X]Cassius and Child: Your lady friend and companion have taken to motherhood nicely, but you really need to know who the father of her child is, and if that father may decide that you housing her will be a threat to him. DC: 45
    -[X]A Legionary's Life: You are going to get into the Legion. You will try and convince Sulla to give you a legion, and set out on the campaign, not only to defeat Rome's enemies but to gain glory, and honor. And so much more. Reward: Begin An Adventure in the East, with the 5th Legion.
    [X]Plan: Off to Conquer the East
    -[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
    -[X]Industrial: You will convert this cursed land into something extraordinary. You will build your villa into a producer of Roman Steel. The problem is, you need lots of money to even try to do this. Money you do not have.
    -[X]The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
    -[X]Paying Debts: You owe a Talent to your Father's man, who built the Stable, and since it was in your father's will, you were going to do what was needed. Cost 1 Talent DC: 5
    -[X]Father's Last Gift: You know for a blasted fact that there is something more your father has hidden away. Hopefully, it is not just a hope that a daughter can have, to find one last gift. DC: ???
    -[X]Kiss the Ring: You will Pay your Respect to Sulla, and perhaps, see how he views you as a woman, an ally, and the daughter of one of his staunchest supporters. DC: 25
    -[X]A Legion's Promise: You are going to get Metellus his legion, and perhaps once things are prepared, he can assist you as well. You may not have connections, but you do have one thing. A very convincing smile. DC: ???
    -[X]A Legionary's Life: You are going to get into the Legion. You will try and convince Sulla to give you a legion, and set out on the campaign, not only to defeat Rome's enemies but to gain glory, and honor. And so much more. Reward: Begin An Adventure in the East, with the 5th Legion.
    [X] Plan: First Steps
    -[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
    -[X]Industrial: You will convert this cursed land into something extraordinary. You will build your villa into a producer of Roman Steel. The problem is, you need lots of money to even try to do this. Money you do not have.
    -[X]The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
    -[X]The Legionary's Lifer: Metellus is back in Rome, and once again, stirring up trouble. He is once again petitioning the Senate for promotion to Legate, to be any Legate in the Roman Legion, as long as he gets his promotion. You need to remind him that his patron has been replaced. And he needs to calm down… You'll handle this. DC: 35
    -[X]The Plans for Substance: You need to make plans to get your supplies to Roman Market, or beyond. You just need to find a way to do it. DC:35
    -[X]Kiss the Ring: You will Pay your Respect to Sulla, and perhaps, see how he views you as a woman, an ally, and the daughter of one of his staunchest supporters. DC: 25
    -[X]The Senate: You want to know what the Senate thinks of you, now at this very moment. DC: 30.
    [X]Plan Pirate Hunting
    -[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
    -[X]Academic: You have 25 scribe slaves, who are well versed in Latin and Greek. You have thousands upon thousands of stories that can be transcribed to text, send out to the highest bidder, and even work for certain… individuals in Rome. Unfortunately, with your myths not fitting Rome's official canon (or the Priest's ideas that keep them in power) you may find yourself into a blasted war with the priests.
    -[X]The Legionary's Lifer: Metellus is back in Rome, and once again, stirring up trouble. He is once again petitioning the Senate for promotion to Legate, to be any Legate in the Roman Legion, as long as he gets his promotion. You need to remind him that his patron has been replaced. And he needs to calm down… You'll handle this. DC: 35
    -[X]Cassius and Child: Your lady friend and companion have taken to motherhood nicely, but you really need to know who the father of her child is, and if that father may decide that you housing her will be a threat to him. DC: 45
    -[X]Father's Last Gift: You know for a blasted fact that there is something more your father has hidden away. Hopefully, it is not just a hope that a daughter can have, to find one last gift. DC: ???
    -[X]Kiss the Ring: You will Pay your Respect to Sulla, and perhaps, see how he views you as a woman, an ally, and the daughter of one of his staunchest supporters. DC: 25
    -[X]A Legion's Promise: You are going to get Metellus his legion, and perhaps once things are prepared, he can assist you as well. You may not have connections, but you do have one thing. A very convincing smile. DC: ???
    -[X]And By the Sea, They Come: The Pirates came and left as quickly came. There are bounties out on ships that sail and are pirates. There are so many things that are broken, but you have a ship, and you know damn well that the money is good. 500 Talents for every captured ship. Reward: You take your ship and sail the Mediterranean, hunting down pirates.
    [X] Plan PQR [Populusque Rōmānus]
    -[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
    -[X] Agricultural: You will continue your father's work in keeping the place productive, and food-producing. You will be popular with the People, but not make more money, and will be needing to be afraid of tax collectors.
    -[X]The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
    -[X]The Legionary's Lifer: Metellus is back in Rome, and once again, stirring up trouble. He is once again petitioning the Senate for promotion to Legate, to be any Legate in the Roman Legion, as long as he gets his promotion. You need to remind him that his patron has been replaced. And he needs to calm down… You'll handle this. DC: 35
    -[X]Paying Debts: You owe a Talent to your Father's man, who built the Stable, and since it was in your father's will, you were going to do what was needed. Cost 1 Talent DC: 5
    -[X] Taxes and Tax exemptions, and Write-offs: So you have been looking at the ledgers of the villa, and realized something very important. Your father has been paying far too much to the state in taxes. You need to adjust that accordingly… hopefully without screwing everything up/ DC: 55
    -[X]A Legion's Promise: You are going to get Metellus his legion, and perhaps once things are prepared, he can assist you as well. You may not have connections, but you do have one thing. A very convincing smile. DC: ???
    -[X]A Legionary's Life: You are going to get into the Legion. You will try and convince Sulla to give you a legion, and set out on the campaign, not only to defeat Rome's enemies but to gain glory, and honor. And so much more. Reward: Begin An Adventure in the East, with the 5th Legion.
    [X] Plan: Molten Roman Gold
    -[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
    -[X]Industrial: You will convert this cursed land into something extraordinary. You will build your villa into a producer of Roman Steel. The problem is, you need lots of money to even try to do this. Money you do not have.
    -[X]The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
    -[X]Cassius and Child: Your lady friend and companion have taken to motherhood nicely, but you really need to know who the father of her child is, and if that father may decide that you housing her will be a threat to him. DC: 45
    -[X]The Plans for Substance: You need to make plans to get your supplies to Roman Market, or beyond. You just need to find a way to do it. DC:35
    -[X] Taxes and Tax exemptions, and Write-offs: So you have been looking at the ledgers of the villa, and realized something very important. Your father has been paying far too much to the state in taxes. You need to adjust that accordingly… hopefully without screwing everything up/ DC: 55
    -[X]Into the Belly of the Beast: You will meet with the Marian supporters in Rome. And perhaps, if you are lucky, can curry favor with them, with promises, favors, and much more. DC: 45
    -[X]The Fates Spurned: There is a man, named Crassus who needs a diplomat to serve his and Rome's interests in the East, in the Kingdom of Judea, to not only secure rights for trade for roman merchants, but also, to serve as his spy. He wants to see how strong they are, or in the favor, how weak they are. Reward: You travel to Judea, as a merchant, a spy, and a diplomat.
[X]Plan Pirate Hunting

I implore you, my fellow Magoose enthusiast to vote a good "Pirate Hunting", think of the glory (a glory that no Marian can strip from us), think of the glorious fleet (that can get us out of Rome reach in case of Marian zealotry), think of the gold (that sweet gold that we will lose if we don't get a trustworthy intendant ^^), think of the sweet naval fight in all its glory ( and the fact that we will be far away from the viper pit, and with our subterfuge score it a very good thing.)
The Pirate adventure does come with the benefit of having to bring our captured ships to roman held ports, where it would be easier to send and receive messages, allowing us to keep in touch with the villa and learn if it comes under attack in our absense. Unlike a diplomatic post or the leadership of a legion we can put aside a personal pirate hunting adventure to save our villa without severe repercussion if the need arises, and still claim the rewards so long as we capture a single ship(we'll probably capture a lot more)
And if I remember well, some of the readers wanted a tour of the library of Alexandria, pirate hunting may offer plenty of opportunities to visit historical landmarks like Itaqua or the Lion Gate of Mycenae.

(why do I fell like a used car salesman)
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