In Fine, Solum Est Tibi (A Quest in Rome, During The Fall of the Republic)

Question for y'all:

Have you ever played: A Legionary life.

I love that game and while we are not in the time period of the game it did inspire me…

So we might meet some legionary legend trying to live up to the rep of his family.
Was a fun game but I got so irritated with the RNG I quit playing. But if we make it to a point where we meet a successful run character, more power to you.
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Apr 14, 2022 at 3:59 PM, finished with 85 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X]Plan: Western Affairs and Eastern Wars
    -[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
    -[X]Academic: You have 25 scribe slaves, who are well versed in Latin and Greek. You have thousands upon thousands of stories that can be transcribed to text, send out to the highest bidder, and even work for certain… individuals in Rome. Unfortunately, with your myths not fitting Rome's official canon (or the Priest's ideas that keep them in power) you may find yourself into a blasted war with the priests.
    -[X]The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
    -[X]Paying Debts: You owe a Talent to your Father's man, who built the Stable, and since it was in your father's will, you were going to do what was needed. Cost 1 Talent DC: 5
    -[X]Father's Last Gift: You know for a blasted fact that there is something more your father has hidden away. Hopefully, it is not just a hope that a daughter can have, to find one last gift. DC: ???
    -[X]Kiss the Ring: You will Pay your Respect to Sulla, and perhaps, see how he views you as a woman, an ally, and the daughter of one of his staunchest supporters. DC: 25
    -[X]Cassius and Child: Your lady friend and companion have taken to motherhood nicely, but you really need to know who the father of her child is, and if that father may decide that you housing her will be a threat to him. DC: 45
    -[X]A Legionary's Life: You are going to get into the Legion. You will try and convince Sulla to give you a legion, and set out on the campaign, not only to defeat Rome's enemies but to gain glory, and honor. And so much more. Reward: Begin An Adventure in the East, with the 5th Legion.
    [X]Plan: Off to Conquer the East
    -[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
    -[X]Industrial: You will convert this cursed land into something extraordinary. You will build your villa into a producer of Roman Steel. The problem is, you need lots of money to even try to do this. Money you do not have.
    -[X]The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
    -[X]Paying Debts: You owe a Talent to your Father's man, who built the Stable, and since it was in your father's will, you were going to do what was needed. Cost 1 Talent DC: 5
    -[X]Father's Last Gift: You know for a blasted fact that there is something more your father has hidden away. Hopefully, it is not just a hope that a daughter can have, to find one last gift. DC: ???
    -[X]Kiss the Ring: You will Pay your Respect to Sulla, and perhaps, see how he views you as a woman, an ally, and the daughter of one of his staunchest supporters. DC: 25
    -[X]A Legion's Promise: You are going to get Metellus his legion, and perhaps once things are prepared, he can assist you as well. You may not have connections, but you do have one thing. A very convincing smile. DC: ???
    -[X]A Legionary's Life: You are going to get into the Legion. You will try and convince Sulla to give you a legion, and set out on the campaign, not only to defeat Rome's enemies but to gain glory, and honor. And so much more. Reward: Begin An Adventure in the East, with the 5th Legion.
    [X] Plan: First Steps
    -[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
    -[X]Industrial: You will convert this cursed land into something extraordinary. You will build your villa into a producer of Roman Steel. The problem is, you need lots of money to even try to do this. Money you do not have.
    -[X]The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
    -[X]The Legionary's Lifer: Metellus is back in Rome, and once again, stirring up trouble. He is once again petitioning the Senate for promotion to Legate, to be any Legate in the Roman Legion, as long as he gets his promotion. You need to remind him that his patron has been replaced. And he needs to calm down… You'll handle this. DC: 35
    -[X]The Plans for Substance: You need to make plans to get your supplies to Roman Market, or beyond. You just need to find a way to do it. DC:35
    -[X]Kiss the Ring: You will Pay your Respect to Sulla, and perhaps, see how he views you as a woman, an ally, and the daughter of one of his staunchest supporters. DC: 25
    -[X]The Senate: You want to know what the Senate thinks of you, now at this very moment. DC: 30.
    [X]Plan Pirate Hunting
    -[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
    -[X]Academic: You have 25 scribe slaves, who are well versed in Latin and Greek. You have thousands upon thousands of stories that can be transcribed to text, send out to the highest bidder, and even work for certain… individuals in Rome. Unfortunately, with your myths not fitting Rome's official canon (or the Priest's ideas that keep them in power) you may find yourself into a blasted war with the priests.
    -[X]The Legionary's Lifer: Metellus is back in Rome, and once again, stirring up trouble. He is once again petitioning the Senate for promotion to Legate, to be any Legate in the Roman Legion, as long as he gets his promotion. You need to remind him that his patron has been replaced. And he needs to calm down… You'll handle this. DC: 35
    -[X]Cassius and Child: Your lady friend and companion have taken to motherhood nicely, but you really need to know who the father of her child is, and if that father may decide that you housing her will be a threat to him. DC: 45
    -[X]Father's Last Gift: You know for a blasted fact that there is something more your father has hidden away. Hopefully, it is not just a hope that a daughter can have, to find one last gift. DC: ???
    -[X]Kiss the Ring: You will Pay your Respect to Sulla, and perhaps, see how he views you as a woman, an ally, and the daughter of one of his staunchest supporters. DC: 25
    -[X]A Legion's Promise: You are going to get Metellus his legion, and perhaps once things are prepared, he can assist you as well. You may not have connections, but you do have one thing. A very convincing smile. DC: ???
    -[X]And By the Sea, They Come: The Pirates came and left as quickly came. There are bounties out on ships that sail and are pirates. There are so many things that are broken, but you have a ship, and you know damn well that the money is good. 500 Talents for every captured ship. Reward: You take your ship and sail the Mediterranean, hunting down pirates.
    [X] Plan PQR [Populusque Rōmānus]
    -[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
    -[X] Agricultural: You will continue your father's work in keeping the place productive, and food-producing. You will be popular with the People, but not make more money, and will be needing to be afraid of tax collectors.
    -[X]The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
    -[X]The Legionary's Lifer: Metellus is back in Rome, and once again, stirring up trouble. He is once again petitioning the Senate for promotion to Legate, to be any Legate in the Roman Legion, as long as he gets his promotion. You need to remind him that his patron has been replaced. And he needs to calm down… You'll handle this. DC: 35
    -[X]Paying Debts: You owe a Talent to your Father's man, who built the Stable, and since it was in your father's will, you were going to do what was needed. Cost 1 Talent DC: 5
    -[X] Taxes and Tax exemptions, and Write-offs: So you have been looking at the ledgers of the villa, and realized something very important. Your father has been paying far too much to the state in taxes. You need to adjust that accordingly… hopefully without screwing everything up/ DC: 55
    -[X]A Legion's Promise: You are going to get Metellus his legion, and perhaps once things are prepared, he can assist you as well. You may not have connections, but you do have one thing. A very convincing smile. DC: ???
    -[X]A Legionary's Life: You are going to get into the Legion. You will try and convince Sulla to give you a legion, and set out on the campaign, not only to defeat Rome's enemies but to gain glory, and honor. And so much more. Reward: Begin An Adventure in the East, with the 5th Legion.
    [X] Plan: Molten Roman Gold
    -[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
    -[X]Industrial: You will convert this cursed land into something extraordinary. You will build your villa into a producer of Roman Steel. The problem is, you need lots of money to even try to do this. Money you do not have.
    -[X]The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
    -[X]Cassius and Child: Your lady friend and companion have taken to motherhood nicely, but you really need to know who the father of her child is, and if that father may decide that you housing her will be a threat to him. DC: 45
    -[X]The Plans for Substance: You need to make plans to get your supplies to Roman Market, or beyond. You just need to find a way to do it. DC:35
    -[X] Taxes and Tax exemptions, and Write-offs: So you have been looking at the ledgers of the villa, and realized something very important. Your father has been paying far too much to the state in taxes. You need to adjust that accordingly… hopefully without screwing everything up/ DC: 55
    -[X]Into the Belly of the Beast: You will meet with the Marian supporters in Rome. And perhaps, if you are lucky, can curry favor with them, with promises, favors, and much more. DC: 45
    -[X]The Fates Spurned: There is a man, named Crassus who needs a diplomat to serve his and Rome's interests in the East, in the Kingdom of Judea, to not only secure rights for trade for roman merchants, but also, to serve as his spy. He wants to see how strong they are, or in the favor, how weak they are. Reward: You travel to Judea, as a merchant, a spy, and a diplomat.
So everyone I need a signature for the quest, if someone does that they will get a bonus of +5 to all the rolls.
So everyone I need a signature for the quest, if someone does that they will get a bonus of +5 to all the rolls.
On the model of your current signatures?

"In Fine, Solum Est Tibi: See your Republic fall, and the great birth of something more. Suffer a thousand deaths from life and love until the four are three, the three are two, and the two are one."

Adapted from our prophecy.
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So everyone I need a signature for the quest, if someone does that they will get a bonus of +5 to all the rolls.
"In Fine, Solum Est Tibi: In which our Roman character was blessed by the dice roll gods, make choses that either ascend us to greatness or fall to cringeness, btw this take place during the eve of the Roman Republic's collapse"

a proper Magoose description of its quest
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Question for y'all:

Have you ever played: A Legionary life.

I love that game and while we are not in the time period of the game it did inspire me…

So we might meet some legionary legend trying to live up to the rep of his family.
Legionary Life is a blast, one of the few games I have hundred percented before, if you get a great character going by the end you are single handily breaking pike formations and winning the consulship just by how badass you were in your prime.
"In Fine, Solum Est Tibi: See your Republic fall, and the great birth of something more. Suffer a thousand deaths from life and love until the four are three, the three are two, and the two are one."
I don't want to use the prophecy due to.. reasons.
"In Fine, Solum Est Tibi: In which our Roman character was blessed by the dice roll gods, make choses that either ascend us to greatness or fall to cringeness, btw this take place during the eve of the Roman Republic's collapse"
A little less memey, but I'll take it.

+5 to the rolls this turn.
So... Any questions?


Wishes for things to happen?
What are the stated nature of Gods anyways? Are they bound by worship and myth?
They gain power from worship, but they are more...

Primordial. ancient and far more then just beings that do not understand hummanity.

But they are not the most powerful beings in the universe.
[X]Plan Pirate Hunting

My main draw is the Academic direction for our estate, but boats seems fun, also lets us travel the state more, and likely makes it much more simple to make it back to our estate and Rome proper than joining the legion in the East (not that that is bad). I think having a ship at our command gives us the most flexibility and means our accomplishments will be seen as our own and not potentially taken by someone above us.

Edit: Also, clearly the highest being in this universe is the ALMIGHTY DIE!
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Apr 15, 2022 at 12:19 AM, finished with 106 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X]Plan: Western Affairs and Eastern Wars
    -[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
    -[X]Academic: You have 25 scribe slaves, who are well versed in Latin and Greek. You have thousands upon thousands of stories that can be transcribed to text, send out to the highest bidder, and even work for certain… individuals in Rome. Unfortunately, with your myths not fitting Rome's official canon (or the Priest's ideas that keep them in power) you may find yourself into a blasted war with the priests.
    -[X]The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
    -[X]Paying Debts: You owe a Talent to your Father's man, who built the Stable, and since it was in your father's will, you were going to do what was needed. Cost 1 Talent DC: 5
    -[X]Father's Last Gift: You know for a blasted fact that there is something more your father has hidden away. Hopefully, it is not just a hope that a daughter can have, to find one last gift. DC: ???
    -[X]Kiss the Ring: You will Pay your Respect to Sulla, and perhaps, see how he views you as a woman, an ally, and the daughter of one of his staunchest supporters. DC: 25
    -[X]Cassius and Child: Your lady friend and companion have taken to motherhood nicely, but you really need to know who the father of her child is, and if that father may decide that you housing her will be a threat to him. DC: 45
    -[X]A Legionary's Life: You are going to get into the Legion. You will try and convince Sulla to give you a legion, and set out on the campaign, not only to defeat Rome's enemies but to gain glory, and honor. And so much more. Reward: Begin An Adventure in the East, with the 5th Legion.
    [X]Plan: Off to Conquer the East
    -[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
    -[X]Industrial: You will convert this cursed land into something extraordinary. You will build your villa into a producer of Roman Steel. The problem is, you need lots of money to even try to do this. Money you do not have.
    -[X]The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
    -[X]Paying Debts: You owe a Talent to your Father's man, who built the Stable, and since it was in your father's will, you were going to do what was needed. Cost 1 Talent DC: 5
    -[X]Father's Last Gift: You know for a blasted fact that there is something more your father has hidden away. Hopefully, it is not just a hope that a daughter can have, to find one last gift. DC: ???
    -[X]Kiss the Ring: You will Pay your Respect to Sulla, and perhaps, see how he views you as a woman, an ally, and the daughter of one of his staunchest supporters. DC: 25
    -[X]A Legion's Promise: You are going to get Metellus his legion, and perhaps once things are prepared, he can assist you as well. You may not have connections, but you do have one thing. A very convincing smile. DC: ???
    -[X]A Legionary's Life: You are going to get into the Legion. You will try and convince Sulla to give you a legion, and set out on the campaign, not only to defeat Rome's enemies but to gain glory, and honor. And so much more. Reward: Begin An Adventure in the East, with the 5th Legion.
    [X] Plan: First Steps
    -[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
    -[X]Industrial: You will convert this cursed land into something extraordinary. You will build your villa into a producer of Roman Steel. The problem is, you need lots of money to even try to do this. Money you do not have.
    -[X]The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
    -[X]The Legionary's Lifer: Metellus is back in Rome, and once again, stirring up trouble. He is once again petitioning the Senate for promotion to Legate, to be any Legate in the Roman Legion, as long as he gets his promotion. You need to remind him that his patron has been replaced. And he needs to calm down… You'll handle this. DC: 35
    -[X]The Plans for Substance: You need to make plans to get your supplies to Roman Market, or beyond. You just need to find a way to do it. DC:35
    -[X]Kiss the Ring: You will Pay your Respect to Sulla, and perhaps, see how he views you as a woman, an ally, and the daughter of one of his staunchest supporters. DC: 25
    -[X]The Senate: You want to know what the Senate thinks of you, now at this very moment. DC: 30.
    [X]Plan Pirate Hunting
    -[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
    -[X]Academic: You have 25 scribe slaves, who are well versed in Latin and Greek. You have thousands upon thousands of stories that can be transcribed to text, send out to the highest bidder, and even work for certain… individuals in Rome. Unfortunately, with your myths not fitting Rome's official canon (or the Priest's ideas that keep them in power) you may find yourself into a blasted war with the priests.
    -[X]The Legionary's Lifer: Metellus is back in Rome, and once again, stirring up trouble. He is once again petitioning the Senate for promotion to Legate, to be any Legate in the Roman Legion, as long as he gets his promotion. You need to remind him that his patron has been replaced. And he needs to calm down… You'll handle this. DC: 35
    -[X]Cassius and Child: Your lady friend and companion have taken to motherhood nicely, but you really need to know who the father of her child is, and if that father may decide that you housing her will be a threat to him. DC: 45
    -[X]Father's Last Gift: You know for a blasted fact that there is something more your father has hidden away. Hopefully, it is not just a hope that a daughter can have, to find one last gift. DC: ???
    -[X]Kiss the Ring: You will Pay your Respect to Sulla, and perhaps, see how he views you as a woman, an ally, and the daughter of one of his staunchest supporters. DC: 25
    -[X]A Legion's Promise: You are going to get Metellus his legion, and perhaps once things are prepared, he can assist you as well. You may not have connections, but you do have one thing. A very convincing smile. DC: ???
    -[X]And By the Sea, They Come: The Pirates came and left as quickly came. There are bounties out on ships that sail and are pirates. There are so many things that are broken, but you have a ship, and you know damn well that the money is good. 500 Talents for every captured ship. Reward: You take your ship and sail the Mediterranean, hunting down pirates.
    [X] Plan PQR [Populusque Rōmānus]
    -[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
    -[X] Agricultural: You will continue your father's work in keeping the place productive, and food-producing. You will be popular with the People, but not make more money, and will be needing to be afraid of tax collectors.
    -[X]The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
    -[X]The Legionary's Lifer: Metellus is back in Rome, and once again, stirring up trouble. He is once again petitioning the Senate for promotion to Legate, to be any Legate in the Roman Legion, as long as he gets his promotion. You need to remind him that his patron has been replaced. And he needs to calm down… You'll handle this. DC: 35
    -[X]Paying Debts: You owe a Talent to your Father's man, who built the Stable, and since it was in your father's will, you were going to do what was needed. Cost 1 Talent DC: 5
    -[X] Taxes and Tax exemptions, and Write-offs: So you have been looking at the ledgers of the villa, and realized something very important. Your father has been paying far too much to the state in taxes. You need to adjust that accordingly… hopefully without screwing everything up/ DC: 55
    -[X]A Legion's Promise: You are going to get Metellus his legion, and perhaps once things are prepared, he can assist you as well. You may not have connections, but you do have one thing. A very convincing smile. DC: ???
    -[X]A Legionary's Life: You are going to get into the Legion. You will try and convince Sulla to give you a legion, and set out on the campaign, not only to defeat Rome's enemies but to gain glory, and honor. And so much more. Reward: Begin An Adventure in the East, with the 5th Legion.
    [X] Plan: Molten Roman Gold
    -[X]Yes: He is your uncle, he will be a free man.
    -[X]Industrial: You will convert this cursed land into something extraordinary. You will build your villa into a producer of Roman Steel. The problem is, you need lots of money to even try to do this. Money you do not have.
    -[X]The Vulcan's Hammer Furia was not at the funeral, which was not very important. |It was a private affair after all. But there were many things that you need to discuss. Like the future of this relationship that you wish to cultivate. DC: 20
    -[X]Cassius and Child: Your lady friend and companion have taken to motherhood nicely, but you really need to know who the father of her child is, and if that father may decide that you housing her will be a threat to him. DC: 45
    -[X]The Plans for Substance: You need to make plans to get your supplies to Roman Market, or beyond. You just need to find a way to do it. DC:35
    -[X] Taxes and Tax exemptions, and Write-offs: So you have been looking at the ledgers of the villa, and realized something very important. Your father has been paying far too much to the state in taxes. You need to adjust that accordingly… hopefully without screwing everything up/ DC: 55
    -[X]Into the Belly of the Beast: You will meet with the Marian supporters in Rome. And perhaps, if you are lucky, can curry favor with them, with promises, favors, and much more. DC: 45
    -[X]The Fates Spurned: There is a man, named Crassus who needs a diplomat to serve his and Rome's interests in the East, in the Kingdom of Judea, to not only secure rights for trade for roman merchants, but also, to serve as his spy. He wants to see how strong they are, or in the favor, how weak they are. Reward: You travel to Judea, as a merchant, a spy, and a diplomat.
One thing I like about this quest so far, is that every vote has been competive. Sure I want the plans I support to win but it's neat seeing things be up in the air for basically every vote so far.