In Fine, Solum Est Tibi (A Quest in Rome, During The Fall of the Republic) you're saying is, you've just handed over another option to the "nOt CaEsAR!" people?

Isn't a bit early to start a shipping war?
Problem, he is married, with children might I add, to a wife he loves dearly, and he wants to make sure he cements his legacy with successful service.
Problem, he is married, with children might I add, to a wife he loves dearly, and he wants to make sure he cements his legacy with successful service.
Good for him, knows his priorities...and let me guess, the kids have come by the house every once in a while when he couldn't have someone else watch them, with the youngest being almost as fast as he is and a complete hellion besides?

Do we have enough aspirin? I don't think we had enough aspirin.
Good for him, knows his priorities...and let me guess, the kids have come by the house every once in a while when he couldn't have someone else watch them, with the youngest being almost as fast as he is and a complete hellion besides?
Try all of them.

I rolled for the kids stats.

The Eldest has 22.
[X] Plan: Roman Swords, Roman Gifts
[X] The Designated Protagonist
[X] Aphrodite Areia
Question: there don't appear to be ship-handling or captaincy stats for our retinue members, or sea-facing options for ourselves (except maybe training as a merchant could be applicable). Will these become relevant at some point?
Question: there don't appear to be ship-handling of captaincy stats for our retinue members, or sea-facing options for ourselves (except maybe training as a merchant could be applicable). Will these become relevant at some point?

While the Naval World and its powers are important, I just did not want to make a stat for it, instead making it a trait that develops over time.
While the Naval World and its powers are important, I just did not want to make a stat for it, instead making it a trait that develops over time.
Rome was notoriously bad at sailing. Their extent of naval warfare was to carry troops from one place to another and ramming their ship so their soldiers could kill the enemy sailors.

So there's not much pull for a Roman to go to the navy.
[X] Plan Words are Wind and we are the Storm
[X] Plan Orator Oblitus

Personally, I would love to see Hortensia times Protagonist but breaking the glass celing on Sullas Legbreaking corp will also be fun
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Rome was notoriously bad at sailing. Their extent of naval warfare was to carry troops from one place to another and ramming their ship so their soldiers could kill the enemy sailors.

So there's not much pull for a Roman to go to the navy.
Like I said, not worth the Effort.

But don't worry, if you desire it, you will... can, take up the sail and become a captain of your own ship if you want.
Another Sheet, this time of the Keeper of Chickens!

Caius Spurius Polybius

Titles: Priest of Jupiter, Auger of the Republic, Seerer of Destiny

Age: 36

Height: 5'6

Hometown: Rome

Birthday: 1 January

Religion: Roman Pantheon. Patron God: Jupiter

Nicknames: None

Allies: Claudia Nerva, and her associates, The Temple of Jupiter, Gaius Julius Caeser

Enemies: Sulla Many others whom you do not know.

Public Reputation: 6 (A Famous Auger, a man who is respected by all of Rome, a man devoted to the Gods, and nothing more.)

Composure: 25
Military: 6
Charisma: 21
Decorum: 7
Stewardship: 10
Intelligence: 21
Subterfuge: 20

Command Skills
Command: 1
Calvary Command: 2
Infantry Command: 3
Artillery Command: 4
Grand Strategy: 2

Civil Skills:
Engineering: 2
Education: 18
Logistic: 3
Manual Labor: 3
Law: 10
Administration: 3
Ortation: 17

Combat Skills:
Marksmanship: 6
Swordsmanship: 4
Athletics: 6
Hand to Hand: 16
Equestrian: 19

Auger (Master)
You are a man who can see the future. Or interpret the signs of the gods so that Rome may survive, and so you can survive yourself! (You can see the future, in a sense, or perhaps you don't and just get lucky.)

Blessing of Jupiter (Weak); Jupiter has blessed you with your sight. But it is weak, and you know that soon it will fail. And in the end, another will replace you. (Your visions are far more divine. Do you think it is real, or are they just voices in your head?)

Near-Sighted (Near Blind): You are near blind, and cannot see well, the accident in your youth with that horse was a near thing. (You require an assistant to assist you in traveling, and you cannot read without proper light.)

The Keeper of the Chickens: You know where your chickens are, no matter the place, distance or consciousness. (You know where your chickens are)
Blessing of Jupiter (Weak); Jupiter has blessed you with your sight. But it is weak, and you know that soon it will fail. And in the end, another will replace you. (Your visions are far more divine. Do you think it is real, or are they just voices in your head?)
I assume the Question of 'Is the Roman/Greek Pantheon real?' will in this Quest never definitely be answered and treated as more a 'maybe, maybe not' kinda deal?
[X] Plan Words are Wind and we are the Storm

Personally, I would love to see Hortensia times Protagonist
So personal idea if we do this: Play political games behind the scenes with the military while becoming the best damn orator in this city, then talk to the mob and get them on our side. When the time is right go full revolution with our committed mob and ascend as First Mother of Roma, Protector of the Roman People blessed of the Gods
So personal idea if we do this: Play political games behind the scenes with the military while becoming the best damn orator in this city, then talk to the mob and get them on our side. When the time is right go full revolution with our committed mob and ascend as First Mother of Roma, Protector of the Roman People blessed of the Gods
It's not a bad idea I just worry we'll be turned into a puppet or quietly removed from power by the military, being part of it gives us definite hard powe.
It's not a bad idea I just worry we'll be turned into a puppet or quietly removed from power by the military, being part of it gives us definite hard powe.
Fair. The way I want to go to is that we become so beloved by the Plebs we cant be removed unless whoever is doing it wants to burn down the city along with us. Also play up personal loyalty to the max in our associates.


Wondering, could we grab a nice priesthood job? Making an attack on us utter blasphemy? Would help just that much more.
It's not a bad idea I just worry we'll be turned into a puppet or quietly removed from power by the military, being part of it gives us definite hard powe.
That is a danger yes, but being powerful in the military wouldn't make us immune to that either, it didn't save Caesar from his assassins.
My idea with a Law focus is that we run a city incredibly well, people generally just want a safe home, food on the table and a stable economy, we provide that while the rest of Rome is burning and they won't just not care that we're a woman, they'll love us for it. With a high speech we can verbally tear apart our detractors during arguments and debates while also swaying crowds to our side with our words.
As for gaining the loyalty of the military, that's where Venus and speech come in, a lot of men don't think clearly when a beautiful woman showers them with attention. We get a powerful man wrapped around our finger and we have some protection.