In Fine, Solum Est Tibi (A Quest in Rome, During The Fall of the Republic)

While I fully agree that the culture is tied to war in the pursuit of greater glories, the problem is that if we were to go down the path of General and Soldier we're going to have a much harder time not only navigating the almost labyrinthinean nexus of laws and customs that is the city of Rome but also maintaining the soft political power within it and the loyalties of those held closest to us. There's many routes to power, but in this case I'd rather not be a Ned Stark in King's Landing Caesar on the Ides of March.

Besides, what matter is it to us how our enemies grovel and rave when we control the streets of New York Rome? When every beggar on every corner, the servii in every home, the veteran in every den, the police gangs by the shore, and all the other forgotten answer to us?
There is one problem with that.

Now I'm no expert on rome, but women can't be lawyers. Give legal counsel? Yes.

Be actual practicing lawyers that can actually go to court?

Not so likely chief?
Besides, what matter is it to us how our enemies grovel and rave when we control the streets of New York Rome? When every beggar on every corner, the servii in every home, the veteran in every den, the police gangs by the shore, and all the other forgotten answer to us?
It will matter to us when a General marches a massive Army on Rome and we don't have the Loyalty of the Soldiers on our side.
There is one problem with that.

Now I'm no expert on rome, but women can't be lawyers. Give legal counsel? Yes.

Be actual practicing lawyers that can actually go to court?

Not so likely chief?
Yeah, I feel like I'm 180ing myself considering how much I went bat about having a Female character but we don't have a lot of avenues to actual hard power without breaking through and grabbing some military position, since being in the military was basically how you got anywhere in politics. we break through there and a lot of avenues open up to us
[X] Minerva's Disciple
[X] The Designated Protagonist
[X] Hot girl Shit
[X] Plan: Roman Swords, Roman Gifts
[X] Aphrodite Areia
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@Magoose sorry to bug you again but something's really funky with the tally since votes for both The Designated Protagonist and Minerva's Disciple seem disconnected from the original plan.
It's because people edited in the single-line plan-name for a vote earlier than the proper plan, so it reads their one line as being the vote.
@Alexander Sturnn @Teen Spirit
You need to either edit out your one-line votes for Minerva's Disciple and The Designated Protagonist, then make new posts with all of your votes, or you need to edit in all of the content of those plans into your vote posts.

EDIT: Nevermind, apparently that didn't work. What the fuck.
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[X] Minerva's Disciple
[X] Plan: Roman Swords, Roman Gifts
[X] The Designated Protagonist
Don't really want to go down the military route, so I'm going with these two.

[X] Plan Orator Oblitus [Speaker of the Forgotten]
[X] Plan Words are Wind and we are the Storm
[X] Plan Rome Reborn
-[X] Law: Roman law is a complicated, tangled morass of bylaws and codas, less a legal system and more an inscrutable maze, the byproduct of three hundred years of plodding bureaucracy. Ever since you could walk, and talk, you found yourself in front of Roman Law books, looking through the loopholes and intricacies that are commonplace. How to find strengths and weaknesses in any argument involving the laws, including the peculiar situation that you find yourself in. The noblii see knowledge of the law as nothing short of essential, and the right case in the eyes of the Common man can make or break a political career.
-[X]Architecture: You came to Rome a city as a city of Brick, and you will leave it a city of Marble. You have only one desire for your life. To build something, to see it conducted, and see it last a thousand years. That is what it meanest to give life to Rome.
-[X] The Gift of Apollo: Words are like a hurricane, they can destroy you, or save you. That is what your father said to you before he died. To speak and to listen is something that you do obsessively. You are nothing short of a rabble-rouser, a loose cannon a fire that will light the great fire that is within Rome and cause it to burn to the ground, where you will be the master of it's ashes. The Senate views you, not only as a threat but as a truly dangerous voice to tradition and Roman Virtue. The Downtrodden, the Plebeians who have been lost and forgotten, even the slaves, who view you as the greatest master one could have. You are the future, some say. And everyone takes notice of the future.
-[X]The Gift Of Hera: If there is one thing your mother gave you, it was her grace, her beauty, and above all else her patience. She reminded you that her homeland's gods were not. Hera was a cruel goddess, whose marriage was loveless and heartbroken. But it seems her curse would not follow you, as it seems in all your relations, you will find happiness. Bonds with the Family you chose to have around you.

So, rebuilding Rome, both bureaucracy and the city itself, with Apollo for the support of the common people and Hera for positive relations and the patience to act when the time is right rather than acting impulsively. with those we choose to befriend. Rather than double down on war/speech or accept luck at the cost of agency or to waste effort on looks when the greatest leaders in history were rarely pleasant to look at. eliminate the class separation and rebuild the city to convert the pretentious oversized homes of the nobility into efficient housing and work space for the equal citizens of rome.
[X] Plan: Hot Girl Shit
-[X]Combat: War did not suit you. But in the end, you did prefer one thing that suited you in a way that would make the Gods themselves be thinking of their combative Sisters. With a Bow, a Javelin, a sword, a shield. You may not be a man, nor a gladiator, but what you desire, what you wish to do, is kill. And as much as you hate to admit it to anyone, most especially to yourself, you enjoy it a little.
-[X] Speech: Words are Wind. That was what your father said when you were a child after you lied to him about stealing a sweet treat. That was when you learned the power of words, how they can shape perspective, they can shape everything from opinion to the will of men. You may not ever set foot in the Senate, but nothing matters. Words… Oratory is the most valuable skill that any man, any person can have in Rome. A speech said to the right people, given the right motivation, can shape a nation. Even a nation as rigid as Rome.
-[X] The Gift of Venus: You are beautiful, a thing sculpted as if from massy stone. Your skin is as pale and alluring as marble, free from all crack or blemish, like the very flesh of Venus herself. Your nose is as aquiline as the eagle's beak, your lips as wide and fair as his wings, and your eyes as proud and mighty as his own. Men and women alike look upon you with lust and envy, and your striking features have won you the hearts of many throughout the Roman countryside, and will surely do the same in Rome itself.
-[X] The Gift of Fortuna: You are lucky. The Will of the world, fortune itself seems to fall upon you like tumblers in a lock, being opened by a key. Men who have tried to kill you fall in misfortune. Or treachery, turning on themselves before dying to your guards. Snakes that should have bitten you miss, or hit your clothes or sandals, their venomous bites. Games of Chance or merely games to win money. The Bets at the colosseum and the Circus Maximus are merely ways to get money to invest. And even the debts you owe, what little you do owe to your slaves and comrades, are nothing. It is as if a force you cannot control, but you feel as if you are a plaything, a whim to a much higher power.

This plan exists for a single reason: The idea of being EXTREMELY Hot and EXTREMELY lucky is amusing to me.

Either we're so hot that everyone around us keeps acting unwise and out of their usual character or the gods really want us to keep doing Hot Girl Shit.

The skills are basically chosen to support being Hot As Fuck and able to dominate a room in person.

Do I expect this plan to win? No. I just want to articulate a fun idea.
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[X] Plan: Hot Girl Shit
[X]Combat: War did not suit you. But in the end, you did prefer one thing that suited you in a way that would make the Gods themselves be thinking of their combative Sisters. With a Bow, a Javelin, a sword, a shield. You may not be a man, nor a gladiator, but what you desire, what you wish to do, is kill. And as much as you hate to admit it to anyone, most especially to yourself, you enjoy it a little.
[X] Speech: Words are Wind. That was what your father said when you were a child after you lied to him about stealing a sweet treat. That was when you learned the power of words, how they can shape perspective, they can shape everything from opinion to the will of men. You may not ever set foot in the Senate, but nothing matters. Words… Oratory is the most valuable skill that any man, any person can have in Rome. A speech said to the right people, given the right motivation, can shape a nation. Even a nation as rigid as Rome.
-[X] The Gift of Venus: You are beautiful, a thing sculpted as if from massy stone. Your skin is as pale and alluring as marble, free from all crack or blemish, like the very flesh of Venus herself. Your nose is as aquiline as the eagle's beak, your lips as wide and fair as his wings, and your eyes as proud and mighty as his own. Men and women alike look upon you with lust and envy, and your striking features have won you the hearts of many throughout the Roman countryside, and will surely do the same in Rome itself.
-[X] The Gift of Fortuna: You are lucky. The Will of the world, fortune itself seems to fall upon you like tumblers in a lock, being opened by a key. Men who have tried to kill you fall in misfortune. Or treachery, turning on themselves before dying to your guards. Snakes that should have bitten you miss, or hit your clothes or sandals, their venomous bites. Games of Chance or merely games to win money. The Bets at the colosseum and the Circus Maximus are merely ways to get money to invest. And even the debts you owe, what little you do owe to your slaves and comrades, are nothing. It is as if a force you cannot control, but you feel as if you are a plaything, a whim to a much higher power.

This plan exists for a single reason: The idea of being EXTREMELY Hot and EXTREMELY lucky is amusing to me.

Either we're so hot that everyone around us keeps acting unwise and out of their usual character or the gods really want us to keep doing Hot Girl Shit.

The skills are basically chosen to support being Hot As Fuck and able to dominate a room in person.

Do I expect this plan to win? No. I just want to articulate a fun idea.
If you still want to vote for other Plans on top of this one, you need to add them to this Post, or else it won't be counted.
I was too busy with IRL stuff to vote in initial character generation, but seeing the Gift of Bellona I'm bitterly regretting not offering a plan for a plebeian woman and making her a gladiatrix.