Fate/Crimson Star (Fate/Grand Order)

"We can chat about such things when we are safe." He declared. "I presume you all heard it
He knows.
"Bella Arkesis was a member of the support staff." Roman spoke up, kneeling by the broken tube and tracing his hands over it. "Therapist and personal trainer. She had abilities that were valuable to such a thing."
Can't really guess what this means, were we the entirety of the support staff, was she not really a member there, maybe our prior job was classified for now.
The records provided by Darnic indicate he was the second casualty of the war, and the first casualty not self-inflicted." Roman spoke up. "We can safely presume that at current, we are probably safe."
He is Solomon, so he didn't die.
Welcome to my grand hall. We receive you earnestly
I had a feeling this might be bad when he said.
"Come. It would be better if you asked that question of Ruler." He answered. "She has a better idea then I do."
I think he was preparing to dog pile us with his team, but the situation was diffused (for now) when Jeanne confirmed our words.
Holy crap, so much red text to contend with. Okay...

Not all of this is gonna be relevant, so I'm just gonna grab the interesting stuff.

"Bella Arkesis was a member of the support staff."

She was support staff, but not 'A Member' A servant? Not Capital-S but the regular kind?

"The records provided by Darnic indicate he was the second casualty of the war, and the first casualty not self-inflicted."
So there were multiple self-inflicted casualties before Darnic?

Then again, given there are armies of homunculi involved, I imagine that you could say there have been dozens of casualties...

"... I'm afraid my Master is no longer available."
Not his Master, is that a swerve? He's supposed to be his Master... I'm guess that's because he's become a homunculus or something? Assuming I'm reading all this right...

"Come. It would be better if you asked that question of Ruler." He answered. "She has a better idea then I do."
Ruler almost certainly has some idea, but definitely has a less complete picture than Vlad, possibly less complete than all other Yggdmillenia servants.

"Two factions of seven servants summoned to claim the Holy Grail.
I assume they're talking about Amakusa here?

"Welcome to my grand hall. We receive you earnestly."
Earnest is basically a derivative of 'Honest' so... They're all hiding stuff from us, no surprises there.

"Our method of travel is imprecise."
Very precise, but we chose to arrive now. Why?

If Saber is Mordred, then the Faceless Knight would keep us from telling her faction. So that's probably not something to worry about. The alternative is that she genuinely believes herself to be of the Red faction -thus fooling Discernment of the Poor- but somehow isn't without knowing. Not sure how that could be the case, though I wonder where Kairi is...

"A cross of a snake, bird and man. I find it strange that a being from another world would pick a form we somewhat comprehend." Vlad answered.

"It isn't the first time it has descended. Maybe it recalls a previous shape from it's battles." The woman who was likely Chiron's master spoke up. I blinked as a giggle erupted from behind the pillars.

I want to say Quetz, or someone adjacent to him. Not the Grand Order Servant but the actual divinity. But something tells me that guess has to be off-base.

[X] Ask questions about the situation.
-[X] How do they know this isn't the first time though? Surely it hasn't descended multiple times within this grail war...

Afterwards, you have the chance to approach someone. Who?
[ ] Saber? of Red.
[ ] Karna.
[ ] Roman.
[ ] Chiron.
[ ] Vlad.

Jeanne isn't an option to talk to, but we've established that she knows less than Vlad. Though I doubt Vlad will tell us much... Mordred is generally straightforward, but I suspect she likely doesn't actually know much and is simply rolling with things as they go. Roman we could confer with, but I don't know how much we'd really learn.

I'm inclined to say Chiron, but I'm a little curious. Isn't Karna basically us? How are we meant to talk with him?

Temporary vote is:

[X] Chiron.

But may change...
[X] Karna.
[X] Ask questions about the situation.
-[X] How do they know this isn't the first time though? Surely it hasn't descended multiple times within this grail war...
Uh... I'm not sure how you drew this conclusion?
Romani is Solomon, I am doubtful what servant he is changed considering his page says caster of sorcery, we know it from canon.
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Romani is Solomon, I am doubtful what servant he is changed considering his page says caster of sorcery, we know it from canon.
In this context it's talking about Darnic though.

Two factions of seven servants summoned to claim the Holy Grail.

A Ruler?" Leonardo blinked. "There's two? Dammit Darnic! That's information we needed! Where is the bastard! I'm going to punch him in the face!"
I wonder what Leo is lying about here. You would think that it's talking about Shirou but Leo seems genuinely surprised here. It's possible that this is talking about Sieg, but he's not an actual servant so.

[X] Karna.
I want to say Quetz, or someone adjacent to him. Not the Grand Order Servant but the actual divinity. But something tells me that guess has to be off-base.
Maybe it is a member of his species, drawing power from the divinity.

They came to earth on a meteorite, they could come again.

The problem with that theory is that time is normal to them (I think).
But we're not talking about Romani in that part, we're talking about Darnic?
The whole passage talk about Solomon being dead by Darnic's records, his records don't include himself being dead, as it wouldn't make sense, unless you are talking about the transference to an homunculi, but we discover it was done during the war only later, which is why Da Vinci was surprised and than said that this explain why Darnic has so little information about the wat.
"The actual technique? No, it is modern. The methodology? It reminds me of the kabbalic method. I suspect it has been repurposed, the method and the technique seem a poor fit." Leonardo answered. "If I were to guess, the style of production is probably that of… Solomon ibn Gabirol."

"The golem creator of the Great War? You are sure?" Mashu spoke up. Leonardo nodded.

"Did it trigger anything?"

"No. Which means… either this isn't his handiwork, or he is already deceased."

"The records provided by Darnic indicate he was the second casualty of the war, and the first casualty not self-inflicted." Roman spoke up. "We can safely presume that at current, we are probably safe."
I think we can presume it isn't Solomon's work, but the methodology was inspired by him, he faked his death shortly after Siegfried killed himself to give Sieg his heart, he was summoned as a servant in this continuity.
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Solomon ibn Gabirol is one of Avicebron's aliases, guys.
My bad, didn't really watch Apocrypha (barely have some vague knowledge about it), it seems to fit because in the canonical grand order continuity Solomon was summoned in the fyuuki war which didn't happen in the fate continuity.

Looking it again from this perspective, maybe the reader guessing it was because of homunculus deaths was right, I can't read much more into it right now.
My bad, didn't really watch Apocrypha (barely have some vague knowledge about it), it seems to fit because in the canonical grand order continuity Solomon was summoned in the fyuuki war which didn't happen in the fate continuity.

Looking it again from this perspective, maybe the reader guessing it was because of homunculus deaths was right, I can't read much more into it right now.
I'll make this unambiguous for your information, just to ensure no major confusion on the subject, since it could send you in wildly the wrong direction. Servant Romani Archaman was summoned by Chaldea in between 2003 and 2021. The lie in question does not relate to him, but does relate to information that Leonardo clearly has and isn't sharing.

Not sure how that could be the case, though I wonder where Kairi is...
Shark face is there, just not mentioned by name.

Jeanne isn't an option to talk to, but we've established that she knows less than Vlad.
Write ins are allowed. Just in this case, you'd need to supply a conversation starter. As a point of note, her True Name Discernment is stronger then Mashu's.
[X] Ask questions about the situation.
-[X] How do they know this isn't the first time though? Surely it hasn't descended multiple times within this grail war...

Not sure who I want to pick for who to talk to.

[X] Karna.
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I feel like it's worth noting that nothing's been said about Assassin of Black yet. So Jack's probably still running around. (Or possibly is already dead, ig)

Siegfried being absent is notable but not unexpected if Sieg is still running around with his heart.
[X] Ask questions about the situation.
-[X] How do they know this isn't the first time though? Surely it hasn't descended multiple times within this grail war...

[X] Karna.
Discernment of the Poor, then.
That they made them in the shape of humans speaks of either an inefficient method or a level of depravity that I don't really understand.
Whether you like it or not, you understand it damn well. What exactly went into the production of your Vitruvian Man?
The actual technique? No, it is modern.
A methodology not in use during da Vinci's life, but with which he became familiar after being summoned.

The family's exile is not the harshest punishment in years, but whether that's just because it's the harshest public punishment or Roman considers things the Clocktower might call an honor to be even worse is beyond me.
I wonder what Leo is lying about here. You would think that it's talking about Shirou but Leo seems genuinely surprised here. It's possible that this is talking about Sieg, but he's not an actual servant so.
Off baseline Apocrypha, seven Servants of each faction is wrong in too many ways to track, among them being the stray Servant acting as a Master of Red, Saber of Red failing to integrate with her faction, Assassin of Black running rogue with a rando, and Saber of Black feeding himself to a homunculus that also went rogue. It's not even necessarily a lie on da Vinci's part, just Discernment of the Poor proccing on an oversimplification of the Great Grail War that he knows doesn't reflect the actual event.

If Saber isn't proccing as a Servant of Red for Mashu, I see two obvious possibilities other than the assumption that she's a threat. The first is that her summoning was a direct response to the calamity, overriding a summoning conducted for the Great War. Alternatively, Mashu's True Name Discernment is just too weak to pick up on an affiliation. Her sheet says outright that it gives her random fragments and will struggle against concealment abilities.

[X] Ask questions about the situation.
-[X] How do they know this isn't the first time though? Surely it hasn't descended multiple times within this grail war...

I'm torn between questioning Saber and Karna, but one has the momentum to carry through.

[X] Karna.
[X] Ask questions about the situation.
-[X] How do they know this isn't the first time though? Surely it hasn't descended multiple times within this grail war...

[X] Karna.
well then, this is a ride and I have a general idea of what's going on. That said

[X] Ask questions about the situation.
-[X] How do they know this isn't the first time though? Surely it hasn't descended multiple times within this grail war...

[X] Chiron.

lets see where this goes and what the hell is going on.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by BlackHadou on Dec 18, 2021 at 2:05 AM, finished with 21 posts and 12 votes.
Minor note, but Flamboyant Caster doesn't have ranks in two of his Personal Skills. Not sure if it's just not showing up for me or what.
Minor note, but Flamboyant Caster doesn't have ranks in two of his Personal Skills. Not sure if it's just not showing up for me or what.
Much like the skill Tsubame Gaeshi, there is no practical purpose to ranking Universal Man or Pioneer of the Stars (indeed, the idea that Pioneer of the Stars has ranks is a FGOism, prior to FGO it was unranked). Its not like the effect would meaningfully change between levels (oh no, I'm only slightly less a genius beyond words and describing, woe is me!).