Money In the Backline (A GFL Quest)

So this turn we have +6 Profit from our results and our refit of Independence will consume 1 profit for a net gain of 5 profit so far. The options presented to us will consume at most 2 more profit which will leave us with 3 profit net afterwards. Will post my vote later but we can go for the extra mainframe and intensive rebuild for Six without going negative.
Hmm, keeping Six as an A-Doll for now has it's subterfuge advantages, so it's perhaps worth it and we might still be able to upgrade her to T-Doll later so I'm thinking that's a good option. Other than that... a HG/AR/SMG team seems good.
An HG SMG squad could be decent for any situation where a more inconspicuous approach is needed, with any heavier power being maybe a single AR and grenade backup.
An HG SMG squad could be decent for any situation where a more inconspicuous approach is needed, with any heavier power being maybe a single AR and grenade backup.
We're lacking in an SMG/AR/MG department atm though. We've got SG's, HG's and RF's. Like LMG's are kinda nice but right now I think we need some bread+butter AR/SMG/HG's. Maybe through in an RF for them as well?

HG+RF+SMG+SMG+AR+AR is a possible mix right now with their team + ??? + ??? for the last two. That gives us a good flex team I think. Either HG/HG or HG/RF is what I recommend though to go with them.
[x] Plan Fireteam
-[x] DARCY: HG (Beretta 92)
--[x] Expanded sensory package
-[x] MARIE: HG (SIG P228)
--[x] Electronic Warfare package
-[x] CHANG: SMG (FN P90)
-[x] SEBASTIAN: AR (M16A4)
-[x] TWINS: Why… not give them a second Mainframe? (vote twice for the Lada/Lado weapons, -1 Profit, ?? Results, Independence +1 team member(?))
--[x] Lada: LMG (RPK-74)
--[x] Lado: RF (Dragunov SVU)
-[x] Perform a full refit, and attempt digimind upgrades with parts from Lorraine
[X] Variety Pack
-[X] DARCY: HG (PSS-2 silent pistol)
--[X] Electronic Warfare package
-[X] MARIE: HG (QSW-06)
- [X] Expanded sensory package
-[X] CHANG: AR (QBZ-95)
-[X] TWINS: Why… not give them a second Mainframe? (vote twice for the Lada/Lado weapons, -1 Profit, ?? Results, Independence +1 team member(?))
--[X] Lada: LMG (RPK-74)
--[X] Lado: SMG (MAT 49) for Lado
-[X] Perform a full refit, and attempt digimind upgrades with parts from Lorraine (-1 Profit)

I know, we've got a full team of shotguns, don't need another one, but dammit a maid with a shotgun is the only thing I want in the game it hasn't given me, I'll take it here. No one else wants a shotgun maido. She's got a pistol and sensory package now. Darcy get's an E-warfare package because it's something we lack, Chang and Sebastian get ARs because we don't have any of them either. Split Lada and Lado into two dolls, then match them with an SMG and an LMG because wow look at all these things we don't have.

[ ] Perform an experimental refit with Lorraine: taking advantage of their shared base model and the Dummy Link system to distribute both digiminds across the pair of them.

This would be my preference, but I don't understand what this means.
They will always have to act as a pair and their emissions will always be 'loud' unless using a physical wire.
What does their emissions being loud mean? Them always having to be together is also problematic, but that's nothing new so I don't expect it to be much of a problem. @Guessmyname could you clarify?
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Problem is I don't like blowing through so much cash this early. We still haven't seen other stuff we could buy here.

(Sorry for hijacking your vote a little here haha)
[X] Plan: Semi-Fullcrew
-[X] DARCY: HG (PSS-2 silent pistol)
- [X] Electronic Warfare package
-[X] MARIE: HG (QSW-06)
- [X] Expanded sensory package
-[X] CHANG: AR (QBZ-95)
-[X] TWINS: Why… not give them a second Mainframe? (vote twice for the Lada/Lado weapons, -1 Profit, ?? Results, Independence +1 team member(?))
--[X] SMG (Sterling S11) for Lada
--[X] SMG (MAT 49) for Lado
-[x] Don't convert Six into a G&K T-Doll.

Six being an A-doll plays to the strengths of team independent.
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IMO I would prefer to have the option of a good casualty production weapon in the form of a LMG which looks like it will be the rarest of all our options right now. SMGs are relatively easier to come by both in imprints and actual material and the ballistics of said weapons are not quite as desirable against targets harder than unarmored humans. LMGs would end fights a lot quicker and punch through material that SMGs have a hard time against.
Problem is I don't like blowing through so much cash this early. We still haven't seen other stuff we could buy here.
I can understand not wanting a shotgun because we've got so many of them, but there's no point in saving cash. Anything left over goes to our parent company at the end of the turn.

I also disagree with keeping Six an A doll. We're not going to be doing much subterfuge, and any work of that type we have Foxtrot for.
I can understand not wanting a shotgun because we've got so many of them, but there's no point in saving cash. Anything left over goes to our parent company at the end of the turn.

I also disagree with keeping Six an A doll. We're not going to be doing much subterfuge, and any work of that type we have Foxtrot for.

An A-Doll's different from a T-Doll and people will notice that (I assume), and having two rather different squads for stuff like that makes sense IMO. Especially if one's a HG/RF focused and the other is AR/SMG focused (with or without LMG too).
Also SMG's are really good. They got some insane reflexes and whatever the hell is up with the twins would only benefit that quick and dangerous style. Ingram was running around gutting Sangivs with a big ol' knife in the manga.

If we get a MG I want a doll that got some insane strength modifications like M2HB. Like holy shit she just fucking running with that thing.
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What does their emissions being loud mean? Them always having to be together is also problematic, but that's nothing new so I don't expect it to be much of a problem. @Guessmyname could you clarify?

It means they always have to have a zener protocol connection, which depending on circumstances can mean an unidirectional broadcast someone else can detect, similar to a radio or a wifi hotspot. There's an escalating grade of 'loud' to Dolls communicating on the zener protocol; a physical wire (undetectable), laser communications (mostly undetectable, but requires direct line of sight) and going full wifi, which is the 'loud' part; it'll clue in to anyone who spots it that there are multiple Dolls around. Whether this gets lost in the background noise depends on the environment; in a city with lots of doll signals you'd probably get away with it.

More relevant is that with the linked option, they have to maintain that zener protocol connection in some way or form, or one or both will enter a failsafe mode until the connection is re-established.

And yeah A-Dolls and T-Dolls are fairly easy to tell apart by anyone familiar with them, and very easy to tell apart for other Dolls. It's mostly a matter of chassis; an A-Doll chassis is generally a lot cheaper and lighter and typically possesses about human-level strength and reflexes. T-Dolls are much denser and also regulate their heat a lot better to avoid being visible on thermal cameras.

With MGs, don't get too tied up in GFL mechanics; you have vehicles, you can mount them on them. You can even get Doll-Technicals if you wire a mainframe into a self-driving car and boot it up correctly. If you'd captured the hackers and impressed the KCCO more, you'd have gotten a Kamaz Typhoon for your ride home with the option to upgrade it with a Generation 1 doll mainframe hooking into its driver controls and remote-controlled turret
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An A-Doll's different from a T-Doll and people will notice that (I assume), and having two rather different squads for stuff like that makes sense IMO. Especially if one's a HG/RF focused and the other is AR/SMG focused (with or without LMG too).
That's a very bad assumption to be working from, and we've only got three teams in the first place. We don't need more then one team capable of that kinda work, and Foxtrot is much better at it. Better to have Independence fill in a more general slot we've very much missing right now.

Edit: Ninja GM's man

It means they always have to have a zener protocol connection, which depending on circumstances can mean a unidirectional broadcast someone else can detect, similar to a radio or a wifi hotspot. There's an escalating grade of 'loud' to Dolls communicating on the zener protocol; a physical wire (undetectable), laser communications (mostly undetectable, but requires direct line of sight) and going full wifi, which is the 'loud' part; it'll clue in to anyone who spots it that there are multiple Dolls around. Whether this gets lost in the background noise depends on the environment; in a city with lots of doll signals you'd probably mostly get away with it.

More relevant is that with the linked option, they have to maintain that zener protocol connection in some way or form, or one or both will enter a failsafe mode until the connection is re-established.

And yeah A-Dolls and T-Dolls are fairly easy to tell apart by anyone familiar with them, and very easy to tell apart for other Dolls. It's mostly a matter of chassis; an A-Doll chassis is generally a lot cheaper and lighter and typically possesses about human-level strength and reflexes. T-Dolls also regulate their heat a lot better to avoid being visible on thermal cameras.

With MGs, don't get too tied up in GFL mechanics; you have vehicles, you can mount them on them. You can even get Doll-Technicals if you wire a mainframe into a self-driving car and boot it up correctly. If you'd captured the hackers and impressed the KCCO more, you'd have gotten a Kamaz Typhoon for your ride home with the option to upgrade it with a Generation 1 doll mainframe hooking into its driver controls and remote-controlled turret
Okay, so pretty much anyone can tell an A-doll from a T-doll, but my other point still stands.

As for the experimental option... uh, I guess it isn't a problem if we don't mind being loud about being around, but still, need to think on it some more.
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We should still save some money, if only to upgrade the base. Also, we should still send some money, if only to get the "greatest subsidiary of the year" plaque.
I also disagree with keeping Six an A doll. We're not going to be doing much subterfuge, and any work of that type we have Foxtrot for.

Okay, so pretty much anyone can tell an A-doll from a T-doll, but my other point still stands.
But didn't we have multiple missions this turn that would be good to have Foxtrot for? We don't know what missions we'll get ahead of time so having multiple squads and/or flexible squads for 'archtypes' seems like a good idea to me. We don't HAVE to deploy our A-Doll but it helps to have her as an ace up their sleeve on certain missions and having Independent up for more 'simple' and 'intrigue' missions seems like a good idea because more coverage is good.

Heck maybe we can allow a few of Independent to work with Foxtrot for certain missions, having a second team could be useful at times especially if that includes an A-Doll for dealing with these people.
But didn't we have multiple missions this turn that would be good to have Foxtrot for? We don't know what missions we'll get ahead of time so having multiple squads and/or flexible squads for 'archtypes' seems like a good idea to me. We don't HAVE to deploy our A-Doll but it helps to have her as an ace up their sleeve on certain missions and having Independent up for more 'simple' and 'intrigue' missions seems like a good idea because more coverage is good.

Heck maybe we can allow a few of Independent to work with Foxtrot for certain missions, having a second team could be useful at times especially if that includes an A-Doll for dealing with these people.
By that same token, we had multiple missions that would've been been good for more traditional team. We got a lot of different offers in our area, and we need a variety of dolls to take them on. I'd much rather have a generalist and a specialist team working two jobs then two specialists teams working the same job.
By that same token, we had multiple missions that would've been been good for more traditional team. We got a lot of different offers in our area, and we need a variety of dolls to take them on. I'd much rather have a generalist and a specialist team working two jobs then two specialists teams working the same job.
And there's no reason they can't do both? That's why I want the AR/SMG/HG mix, the A-Doll just means she can be useful on certain intrigue missions when we have two intrigue jobs or a big single one.
[X] Plan: Semi-Fullcrew
AR/SMG are the Bread and Butter of GFL
Now the question is, beyond the HG suites, will any of the rest have an interesting ability?
[X] Variety Pack

What I want most are the second digimind for twins and retrofit and full digimind upgrade for Six.
Barring any sudden upsets edit: like a vote tie dangit, voting will close in 24 hours.
Adhoc vote count started by Guessmyname on Jul 6, 2019 at 2:59 PM, finished with 324 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Semi-Fullcrew
    -[X] DARCY: HG (PSS-2 silent pistol)
    --[x] Electronic Warfare package
    -[X] MARIE: HG (QSW-06)
    --[x] Expanded sensory package
    -[X] CHANG: AR (QBZ-95)
    -[x] TWINS: Why… not give them a second Mainframe? (vote twice for the Lada/Lado weapons, -1 Profit, ?? Results, Independence +1 team member(?))
    --[X] SMG (Sterling S11) for Lada
    --[X] SMG (MAT 49) for Lado
    -[x] Don't convert Six into a G&K T-Doll.
    [X] Variety Pack
    -[X] DARCY: HG (PSS-2 silent pistol)
    --[x] Electronic Warfare package
    -[X] MARIE: HG (QSW-06)
    --[x] Expanded sensory package
    -[X] CHANG: AR (QBZ-95)
    -[x] TWINS: Why… not give them a second Mainframe? (vote twice for the Lada/Lado weapons, -1 Profit, ?? Results, Independence +1 team member(?))
    --[x] Lada: LMG (RPK-74)
    --[X] Lado: SMG (MAT 49) for Lado
    -[X] Perform a full refit, and attempt digimind upgrades with parts from Lorraine (-1 Profit)
    [x] Plan Fireteam
    -[x] DARCY: HG (Beretta 92)
    --[x] Expanded sensory package
    -[x] MARIE: HG (SIG P228)
    --[x] Electronic Warfare package
    -[x] CHANG: SMG (FN P90)
    -[x] SEBASTIAN: AR (M16A4)
    -[x] TWINS: Why… not give them a second Mainframe? (vote twice for the Lada/Lado weapons, -1 Profit, ?? Results, Independence +1 team member(?))
    --[x] Lada: LMG (RPK-74)
    --[x] Lado: RF (Dragunov SVU)
    -[x] Perform a full refit, and attempt digimind upgrades with parts from Lorraine
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